INTE 5660 Develop Online Course-ware “The Shipwreck E-learning Project” An E-learning Module For an Exhibit at the Downtown Denver Aquarium Kirk Lunsford ( 12/10/17
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Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
Introduction The Denver Aquarium would like to transform one of their exhibits, “The Shipwreck,” into an e-learning experience. The goal is to feature e-learning in this most popular section of the aquarium to promote additional education to the general public, ages 7+ to high school level would be an appropriate general audience target. However this does not mean the e-learning would be inaccessible or unappealing to younger audiences. Three kiosks will feature the e-learning module as a companion to the exhibit in addition to availability on mobile devices. The exhibit, at minimum, features moon jellyfish, sea nettles, brown sharks, sand tiger sharks, and green sawfish. Therefore, the e-learning material will cover material regarding these species of sea life. The Problem The Shipwreck exhibit is a popular and crowded exhibit. Some animals are hard to see and the exhibit materials about these creatures may be physically blocked by guests. The exhibit is poorly lit and some of the information may be hard to read because of the lighting. There is also a need for more educational materials for this exhibit to meet the needs of the programs offered at the aquarium such as “home school days.” If the aquarium is understaffed, the e-learning material can take the place of face to face presentations and discussion. The e-learning materials will provide opportunities for the general family oriented audience. Solution In summary the e-learning material will: • Educate visitors beyond the constraints of the physically crowded exhibit • Provide e-learning material in place of out of date presentations and material • Create opportunities for additional learning about the “Shipwreck” exhibit Methodology Although the creator of the e-learning is not affiliated or works for the aquarium, some analysis can be completed through observational analysis and research on aquariums and species of the exhibit. Obervational analyisis: • Observe guests at the exhibit during busy times and days as well as ‘slow’ days • Observe guests and aquarium employees at the exhibit and during presentations • Review current exhibit material and presentations Additional analysis: • Interview museum staff (should they be so generous) • Research aquarium exhibit species and history or the specific animals at the aquarium
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
Target Audience Denver Aquarium visitors may share some common characteristics that should be noted. Because the aquarium is a popular tourist attraction, attendees may be from various backgrounds, geographical locations, ages, and walks of life. Because of this, the e-learning material will be targeted to ages 7+ to high school education and reading level. However when we narrow the primary audience down further, According to the Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA), aquarium visitors are primarily women and mothers ages 25-35 and half of these adults will bring children. These visitors are also highly engaged in social media, giving some insight into the likelyhood of mobile devices being present during attendance (“Visitor Demographics,” 2017). The demographics of the aquarium visitors might present opportunities to make the e-learning material available in multiple languages. However this undertaking may be too challenging for the scope of work and time dedicated to the project. If there are sufficient resources available, the materials will also be available in spanish as that is the second most preferred language to english in this area. According to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Denver, “21% of the state population is Latino, over 1 million in Colorado,”(“Demographics: The importance,” 2012). Additionally, a majority of the tourism in Colorado comes from other areas with high hispanic populations, such as California, Texas, Florida, Arizona, and New Mexico with the Downtown Denver Aquarium being in the top ten places to visit (“Denver Tourism,” 2015). Objectives After completion of the e-learning module, the learner will be able to: • • • • •
Identify and distinguish between moon jellyfish and sea nettles Identify and distinguish between the sharks of the shipwreck exhibit Identify green sawfish and threats to green sawfish populations Identify the listed species in the “shipwreck” exhibit Identify East Pacific green sea turtles and plastic pollution threats to them
Content Source The primary source for most of the content will be derived from the educational material at the physical exhibit. Secondary information may be provided by interviewing aquarium staff who may be present at the shipwreck exhibit. By interviewing the staff, some specific details about each specimen at the exhibit may be revealed. In addition to these two resources, internet research will be sourced from credible sources.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
Tech Platform The e-learning module will be designed to be available on various platforms and resolutions. However the primary platform will be present at the exhibit. The kiosks at the exhibit will display Galaxy Tab S3 9.7”. Course materials must display well on the tablets optimized for viewing in Google Chrome. Visitors may also be able to access the e-learning module on their personal, flash supported devices. High speed internet connection is available through the wi-fi at the aquarium. The courseware will be developed in Adobe Captivate 2017, which features several ways to create materials for multiple devices without having to specifically target a single device.Adobe refers to some of these features as “multiscreen responsive eLearning authoring, and device-specific previews” (“Features,” 2017). Which means, the e-learning creator can preview content on all typically available devices. Development Plan
Design Docs
Create / Edit
Google, Adobe InDesign CC 2017
Google docs, sheets, and slides will be used for rough documentation, sharing, and proofreading. Adobe InDesign will be used for final documentation presentation.
Graphics: Photos
Create / Edit
Create: iphone 7s, Nikon N70 Edit: Adobe Photoshop CC 2017
Pictures will be taken with both cameras. However these images may not be reliable given the light situation and the glass. Some animals may not be available or in highly visible areas. Some photos may be edited in Photoshop to adjust image quality suitable for the module. Final photos will be stored on Google Drive.
Graphics: Illustrations
Create / Edit
Create: Adobe Illustrator CC 2017
Inferface layout, buttons, and framework will be created in Illustrator. Some other supporting elements for animations may be developed in Illustrator.
Graphics: Stock
Select-purchase / Edit
Select-purchase: istockphoto Edit: Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 or Adobe Illustrator CC 2017
High quality images of animals and habitats may be downloaded and manipulated in Photoshop or Illustrator depending on the needs and style of the images.
Audio: Original
Create / Edit
Create: Logitech headset Edit: Adobe Audition CC 2017
Any narration will be recorded on a logitech headset with Adobe Audition. Audio will be edited with Adobe Audition.
Audio: Stock
Select-purchase / Edit
Edit: Adobe Audition CC 2017
There may be a need for water sounds and light music. This can serve as background to set the stage for habitats. Other sounds for buttons or actions may be needed.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
Video: Original
Create / Edit
Create: iphone 7s Edit: Adobe Premiere CC 2017
Video will be captured of the exhibit and the animals within. These videos may not be reliable depending on lighting and availability of animals.
Video: Animation
Create / Edit
Create: iphone 7s, Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 Edit: Adobe After Effects CC 2017
Some animations to illustrate concepts may be created from video stills or from illustrations created in Adobe Illustrator.
Video: Stock
Select-purchase / Edit
Select-purchase: istockphoto Edit: Adobe Premiere CC 2017
Video of animals and habitat may be selected, edited, and purchased based on quality of video.
Courseware Dev
Create Courseware
Adobe Captivate 2017
Captivate will be used to create the course. All assets will be imported and assembled to create an interative process from rough to final.
Upload / Distribute
Upload: BlueHost Distribute: BlueHost
Bluehost has web capability to upload media without additional FTP software. The assets will be sorted into appropriate folders on the host storage. The link to the course will be provided on Canvas and on the web portfolio.
Design Plan The following represents a high level design plan based on the objectives stated in section V. Objectives. Objective 1.0 • Identify and distinguish between moon jellyfish and sea nettles
Identify Moon Jellyfish • How to distinguish moon jellyfish
• • •
3 photos of different types of jellyfish or seanettles - Learner picks the moon jellyfish from shown - Reveal correct / incorrect, try again or proceed if correct
Sea Nettle Characteristics • The size of sea nettles
• • •
Figure of sea nettle - Learner selects the max size of a mature sea nettle - Reveal correct / incorrect, try again or proceed if correct
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
Design Plan Objective 2.0 • Identify and distinguish between the sharks of the shipwreck exhibit
Identify Brown Sharks • How to distinguish brown sharks
• • •
3 photos of the different sharks in the exhibit - Learner picks the brown shark from shown - Reveal correct / incorrect, try again or proceed if correct
Brown Shark Characteristics • Shape • Size • Other ‘nuggets’ of info
• • •
Figure of brown shark - Learner successfully connects the dots - Display additional info about brown sharks characteristics
Sand Tiger Shark Characteristics • Shape • Size
• • •
Figure of sand tiger shark - Learner selects the max size of a mature sand tiger shark - Reveal correct / incorrect, try again or proceed if correct
Zebra Shark Characteristics • Shape • Size • Other ‘nuggets’ of info
• • •
Figure of zebra shark - Learner successfully connects the dots - Display additional info about zebrasharks characteristics
Objective 3.0 • Identify green sawfish and threats to green sawfish populations
Green Sawfish Threats • Bycatch
• • •
Figure of green sawfish in nets -Learner drags the nets to the pile of netting to remove them - Reveal if all nets are removed on submit / retry
Green Sawfish Habitat • Indo-Pacific region
• • •
Figure of green sawfish and world oceans - Learner drags the sawfish to the correct / incorrect region - Reveal correct / incorrect, try again or proceed if correct
Green Sawfish Hunting Technique • Rostrum movement
• • •
Figure of green sawfish and fish to hunt - Learner clicks on fish to stun / kill them - Reveal how sawfish hunt
Objective 4.0 • Identify the listed species in the “shipwreck” exhibit
Exhibit Video Montage Matching • Match the fish in the exhibit
• • •
Drag and drop the fish that can be seen in the video to the drop area -15 sec video of large tank -Learner selects from the list to the right of video
Exhibit Matching • Match the fish the exhibit
• • •
Drag and drop the fish that belong in the Shipwreck exhibit -Images of creatures on the left dragged to the drop area - Reveal if all nets are removed on submit / retry
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
Design Plan Objective 5.0 • Identify East Pacific green sea turtles and plastic pollution threats to them
Plastic and Food Sorting • Drag and drop plastic vs. food
• • •
Recycle bin and turtle displayed with plastic and food osurces -Learner sorts the plastic to the bin and the food to the turtle - Reveal correct / incorrect, try again or proceed if correct
East Pacific Green Sea Turtle Characteristics • Shape • Size • Other ‘nuggets’ of info
• • •
Figure of East Pacific green sea turtle - Learner successfully connects the dots - Display additional info about brown sharks characteristics
Interface Design Standards Graphic Standards Due to the poor lighting in the exhibit, the overall theme for the interface is dark. This is so the screen does not appear to bright, blinding users from being able to observe the dark exhibit. Additionally, the colors and theme coordinate with the brand. The overall aesthetic for the interface is ‘light weight’ with the combination of thin strokes and gradients that fade to the background. This will allow the learning content to be dominant in focus and the interface only becomes dominant when interaction is required. Section 508 Compliance Although section 508 compliance is not required for the course module, some features in the e-learning material may function to serve some requirements. • • •
Images may have captions which can be narrated as well as the prompts. Scripts may be available. Use of built in features in Adobe Captivate are explored to provide additional 508 compliance.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
Interface Design Standards The annotated image below demonstrates the interface standards for the course module.
ď ˜)) ON / OFF
Interface Elements The following table outlines the style for the interface elements:
1. Client Logo
Approved client logo
2. Lesson Title
Caption, transparent, Filson Soft, regular, 20 pt, # 01242C, left justified, align middle, all caps
3. Course Title
Caption, transparent, Filson Soft, regular, 30 pt, # 81CADC, middle justified, align middle, all caps
4. Screen Title
Caption, transparent, Filson Soft, regular, 20 pt, # FFFFFF, right justified, align middle, all caps
5. Back button
Back_up, over, down Return to previous slide. (Unavailable if no previous slide)
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
Interface Design Standards
6. Prompt (not shown)
Caption, transparent, Filson Soft, regular, 20 pt, # FFFFFF, center justified, align middle
7. Glossary
Glossary_up, over, down
Displays glossary of terms
8. Main Menu
Menu_up, over, down
Takes user to the main menu
9. On / Off sound
Sound_up, over, down
Turns sound for narration on or off
10. Instructional Area
Caption, transparent, Filson Soft, regular, 14 pt, # FFFFFF, center justified, align middle
11. Next button
Next_up, over, down Progress to next slide. (Unavailable if no following slide)
12 Submit (not shown)
Submit_up, over, down
Appears to submit final answer after selection(s) or interaction chosen
Color Pallete The following table outlines the style for the interface elements:
1 pt outlines, lesson title backer
#B7E81C #B7E81C
Text up and static states for buttons and course title
#01242C #01242C
Primary background
Navigation bar backer
#3F6973 #3F6973
Primary prompt text, instructional area, and screen title
Special interaction color, focus outline
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
Flow Chart Intro Slide From any topic slide, the user can return to select a tree
Choose Topic
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Topic 1: Moon Jelly Identify
Topic 2: Identify Brown Sharks
Topic 3: Green Sawfish Bycatch
Topic 4: Species Matching 1
Topic 5: Green Sea Turtle Char.
Topic 1: Sea Nettle Scale
Topic 2: Brown Shark Character
Topic 3: Green Sawfish Habitat
Topic 4: Species Matching 2
Topic 5: Green Sea Turtle Threat
Topic 2: Tiger Shark Size
Topic 3: Green Sawfish Hunting
Topic 2: Zebra Shark Character
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
SLIDE: 01/14
TITLE: Title & Objectives
TIME: 5 sec.
MEDIA NOTES: Montage footage from filming at the exhibit to include identifiable shots of each creatured in the objectives. Audio file of underwater sounds to create ambience. SCREEN TEXT: See story board image.
MEDIA: Content Video: Aquarium_montage_01.avi Interface Images: Aquarium_logo_01.png, Background_01.png Buttons: Sources, Glossary, Next INTERACTION: N/A
BRANCHING: Sources = slide 16, Glossary = slide 15, Next = slide 02
ADVANCE: By user clicking “next” button.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
SLIDE: 02/14
TITLE: Main Menu
TIME: 5 sec.
MEDIA NOTES: Collage of tank reconstructed with the creatures as buttons. On click of the creature button more information is shown to the right. User can choos to click “learn more” to jump to the slide for the selected creature. Or the user can explore and choose “next” to advance to slide 03. Or users can take the quiz to identify the creatures. SCREEN TEXT: See story board image.
MEDIA: Content Images: Tankreconstruction_01.png, creature_button_01.png through 06. Interface Images: Aquarium_ logo_01.png, Background_01.png Buttons: Sources, Glossary, Next, Back, Quiz, Learn More (for each creature). INTERACTION: N/A
BRANCHING: Sources = slide 16, Glossary = slide 15, Quiz= slide 12, Next = slide 03, Back= slide 01
ADVANCE: By user clicking “next” button, or “learn more,” or “quiz”
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
SLIDE: 03/14
TITLE: Green Sawfish 01
TIME: 5 sec.
MEDIA NOTES: Net images are drag and drop to the pile of nets. “Submit” to complete the activity once all of the nets are off. Feedback for submission based on success. Reset if failed. SCREEN TEXT: See story board image.
MEDIA: Content Images: Greensawfish_nets_01.png, net_01.png through 03. Interface Images: Aquarium_logo_01.png, Background_01.png Buttons: Sources, Main Menu, Glossary, Next, Back. INTERACTION: Drag and drop.
BRANCHING: Sources = slide 16, Glossary = slide 15, Main Menu= slide 02, Next = slide 04, Back= slide 02
ADVANCE: By user clicking “next” button.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
SLIDE: 04/14
TITLE: Green Sawfish 02
TIME: 5 sec.
MEDIA NOTES: Net images are drag and drop to the pile of nets. “Submit” to complete the activity once all of the nets are off. Feedback for submission based on success. Reset if failed. SCREEN TEXT: See story board image.
MEDIA: Content Images: Greensawfish_01.png, worldoceans_01.png, pacificocean_01.png, indo-pacificocean_01.png. Interface Images: Aquarium_logo_01.png, Background_01.png Buttons: Sources, Main Menu, Glossary, Submit, Next, Back. INTERACTION: Drag and drop.
BRANCHING: Sources = slide 16, Glossary = slide 15, Main Menu= slide 02, Next = slide 05, Back= slide 03
ADVANCE: By user clicking “next” button.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
SLIDE: 05/14
TITLE: Brown Shark 01
TIME: 5 sec.
MEDIA NOTES: The brown shark is selected from the three images of sharks. “Submit” to finalize choice with feedback to proceed or retry. SCREEN TEXT: See story board image.
MEDIA: Content Images: Brownshark_01.png, Tigershark_01.png, _01.png, Zebrashark_01.png. Interface Images: Aquarium_logo_01.png, Background_01.png Buttons: Sources, Main Menu, Glossary, Submit, Next, Back. INTERACTION: Image select multiple choice.
BRANCHING: Sources = slide 16, Glossary = slide 15, Main Menu= slide 02, Next = slide 06, Back= slide 04
ADVANCE: By user clicking “next” button.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
SLIDE: 06/14
TITLE: Brown Shark 02
TIME: 5 sec.
MEDIA NOTES: The image of the brown shark is traced by clicking the dots. This is to reinforce profile observation in order to effectively identify species. When each dot is clicked, more tid-bits of information is presented. SCREEN TEXT: See story board image.
MEDIA: Content Images: Brownshark_01.png, Brownshark_line_01.png through 05. Interface Images: Aquarium_logo_01. png, Background_01.png Buttons: Sources, Main Menu, Glossary, Next, Back. INTERACTION: On click show if var = 1.
BRANCHING: Sources = slide 16, Glossary = slide 15, Main Menu= slide 02, Next = slide 07, Back= slide 05
ADVANCE: By user clicking “next” button.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
SLIDE: 07/14
TITLE: Sand Tiger Shark 01
TIME: 5 sec.
MEDIA NOTES: The user chooses between 9’, 11’, and 13’. On click, the tigershark image is shown to match the size selected while others are hidden. “Submit” allows the user to make a choice and recieve feedback to proceed or retry. SCREEN TEXT: See story board image.
MEDIA: Content Images: Tigershark_9ft_01.png, Tigershark_11ft_01.png, Tigershark_13ft_01.png Interface Images: Aquarium_logo_01.png, Background_01.png Buttons: Sources, Main Menu, Glossary, Submit, Next, Back. INTERACTION: Image select multiple choice.
BRANCHING: Sources = slide 16, Glossary = slide 15, Main Menu= slide 02, Next = slide 08, Back= slide 06
ADVANCE: By user clicking “next” button.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
SLIDE: 08/14
TITLE: Zebra Shark 01
TIME: 5 sec.
MEDIA NOTES: The image of the zebra shark is traced by clicking the dots. This is to reinforce profile observation in order to effectively identify species. When each dot is clicked, more tid-bits of information is presented. SCREEN TEXT: See story board image.
MEDIA: Content Images: Zebrashark_01.png, Zebrashark_line_01.png through 04. Interface Images: Aquarium_logo_01. png, Background_01.png Buttons: Sources, Main Menu, Glossary, Next, Back. INTERACTION: On click show if var = 1.
BRANCHING: Sources = slide 16, Glossary = slide 15, Main Menu= slide 02, Next = slide 09, Back= slide 07
ADVANCE: By user clicking “next” button.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
SLIDE: 09/14
TITLE: East Pacific Green Sea Turtle 01
TIME: 5 sec.
MEDIA NOTES: The users sorts the food sources and the plastic trash / recycleables between the turtle and the bin. User clicks “submit” to recieve feedback to proceed, or reset, and try again. SCREEN TEXT: See story board image.
MEDIA: Content Images: Greenseaturtle_01.png, bin_01.png, plastic_01.png through 05. Food_01.png through 04. Interface Images: Aquarium_logo_01.png, Background_01.png Buttons: Sources, Main Menu, Glossary, Submit, Next, Back. INTERACTION: Drag and drop.
BRANCHING: Sources = slide 16, Glossary = slide 15, Main Menu= slide 02, Next = slide 10, Back= slide 08
ADVANCE: By user clicking “next” button.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
SLIDE: 10/14
TITLE: Moon Jellyfish 01
TIME: 5 sec.
MEDIA NOTES: The moon jellyfish is selected from the three images of jellyfish. “Submit” to finalize choice with feedback to proceed or retry. SCREEN TEXT: See story board image.
MEDIA: Content Images: seanettle_01.png, moonjellyfish_01.png, randomjellyfish_01.png. Interface Images: Aquarium_ logo_01.png, Background_01.png Buttons: Sources, Main Menu, Glossary, Submit, Next, Back. INTERACTION: Image select multiple choice.
BRANCHING: Sources = slide 16, Glossary = slide 15, Main Menu= slide 02, Next = slide 11, Back= slide 09
ADVANCE: By user clicking “next” button.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
SLIDE: 11/14
TITLE: Sea Nettle 01
TIME: 5 sec.
MEDIA NOTES: The user chooses between 9’, 11’, and 13’. On click, the sea nettle image is shown to match the size selected while others are hidden. “Submit” allows the user to make a choice and recieve feedback to proceed or retry. SCREEN TEXT: See story board image.
MEDIA: Content Images: seanettle_01.png Interface Images: Aquarium_logo_01.png, Background_01.png Buttons: Sources, Main Menu, Glossary, Submit, Next, Back. INTERACTION:
BRANCHING: Sources = slide 16, Glossary = slide 15, Main Menu= slide 02, Next = slide 12, Back= slide 10
ADVANCE: By user clicking “next” button.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
SLIDE: 12/14
TITLE: Creatures of the Shipwreck 01
TIME: 5 sec.
MEDIA NOTES: The user drags and drops only the names of the creatures shown in the video montage of the exhibit. “Submit,” or “reset” as options to choose the selections or reset the choices to the original location. SCREEN TEXT: See story board image.
MEDIA: Content Video: Aquarium_montage_01.avi Interface Images: Aquarium_logo_01.png, Background_01.png Buttons: Sources, Main Menu, Glossary, Submit, Reset, Next, Back. INTERACTION: Drag and drop.
BRANCHING: Sources = slide 16, Glossary = slide 15, Main Menu= slide 02, Next = slide 13, Back= slide 11
ADVANCE: By user clicking “next” button.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
SLIDE: 13/14
TITLE: Creatures of the Shipwreck 02
TIME: 5 sec.
MEDIA NOTES: The user drags and drops the images of the sharks and sawfish to their correct names. User may click “submit” to choose or “reset” to return the images to the original locations. SCREEN TEXT: See story board image.
MEDIA: Content Images: greensawfish_01.png, sandtigershark_01.png, brownshark_01.png, zebrashark_01.png. Interface Images: Aquarium_logo_01.png, Background_01.png Buttons: Sources, Main Menu, Glossary, Submit, Reset, Next, Back. INTERACTION: Drag and drop.
BRANCHING: Sources = slide 16, Glossary = slide 15, Main Menu= slide 02, Next = slide 14, Back= slide 12
ADVANCE: By user clicking “next” button.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
SLIDE: 14/14
TITLE: Survey
TIME: 5 sec.
MEDIA NOTES: The user selects a star to rate the e-learning module experience. When user selects, the other stars up to the star chosen are shown or hidden based on the selection. “Submit” will record the rating. SCREEN TEXT: See story board image.
MEDIA: Content Images: star_filled_01 (shape) through 05. star_01 (shape) through 05. Interface Images: Aquarium_ logo_01.png, Background_01.png Buttons: Sources, Main Menu, Glossary, Submit, Next, Back. INTERACTION: Image select multiple choice.
BRANCHING: Sources = slide 16, Glossary = slide 15, Main Menu= slide 02, Next = slide 15, Back= slide 13
ADVANCE: By user clicking “next” button.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
Assessment Strategy The nature of the e-learning module is ‘casual.’ Meaning, no one is expects assessment to play a significant role in the design or development of the module. The learners participate in the module to enhance their experience of the Shipwreck Exhibit and learn more about the creatures on display. The type of assessment that can be applied to the module can best be described as “reactionary, level one,” in reference to Kirkpatrick’s evaluation method (citation). This will be tracked by one simple question: “How would you rate your experience?” The learner can click on the “survey” button in the main menu, or the survey slide with this question and rating options will be shown as the last slide for the module. Five stars will be shown for the learner to select in order to rate the experience. This could be tracked as a method of general feedback on the experience of the module simply to measure whether the learners liked it, or not (“Kirkpatrick Evaluation Method,” 2017). Assessment Strategy: Peer Reviews In addition to self-assessment and grading of drafts, peer reviews were conducted of throughout the course. The most critical review being the “beta”. Two reviewers provided the following feedback regarding the beta experience. Below each point, a solution was provided to each potential problem: • No glossary was present. Glossary added in final version. •
Getting “lost,” not paying attention to the slide title change to know which creature is the topic of the slide. No solution provided. The learner must pay attention to the text on the slide. • No narrated audio. No solution provided. The exhibit may be a noisy if users have audio playing. Time constraints also affected this decision. • Some branching may not be explored. The user can determine how they would like to navigate in a very free way. This is suitable for users who prefer to move to parts of the physical exhibit less crowded or who prefer to learn only about specific species. No changes. • Button destinations need adjusted. Fixed per specific feedback. • No click sounds on buttons. Fixed per specific feedback. • Return to main menu with “back button” after clicking on a “learn more” option. Fixed per specific feedback. • Turtle drag and drop plastic sort was very challenging. A hint was added to the fail feedback on the slide. The user may return and try again. •
Learner may not understand to return to the main menu or use the glossary to find information to complete the quizzes. No changes. The user must explore the interface provided by the “glossary” button or “main menu button.”
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
Summary The e-learning module was a successful endeavor to update the material in a cost effective and experiential way. Additionally, the material provided in the e-learning module can be updated as species are added to the exhibit or their conservation status changes. The module also provided much more opportunities for learning about the creatures in the exhibit than by the static display plaques featured. Ultimately, the module allows more visitors the opportunity to expand upon their experience and knowledge of the species in the exhibit. With the success of this featured module, it will be exciting to explore the opportunity to build modules for other exhibits in the aquarium.
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017
Bibliography Demographics: The importance of the Hispanic community in the United States and Colorado. (2012). Retrieved from Denver Tourism Sets New Records in 2014. (2015, June 18). Retrieved from news/news-center/2015/06/denver-tourism-sets-new-records-in-2014/ Features. (2017) Retrieved from Visitor Demographics. (2017). Retrieved from Kirkpatrick Evaluation Method (2017). Retrieved from
Kirk Lunsford | E-learning Project | INTE 5660 FA 2017