1 minute read
Pressure Extremes
02. Fluid Dynamics of the
Simulating high altitude wind flows and heat exchanges
the Upper Atmosphere
exchanges through high & low pressure systems
Modelling geometry to process in CFD to achieve The movement of air particles in the jet stream (1), the thermal exchange in a vertical column of air - as occurs
Solid geometry serves as volumes of air, their boundary surfaces used as inlets
achieve an illustrative output that demonstrates: occurs in a high or low pressure system (2) and the global scale thresholds of temperature in the mid-latitudes. inlets and outlets for velocity, pressure, volume flow rate, and heat exchange.
Temperature: High / Low Heat Exchanger Inlet / Outlet
Northern Hemisphere
representing cyclones and anticyclones, and heat exchange between the the cool northern and warmer southern latitudes.
bigger latitude range
Jet stream bifurcation due to blocking patterns temperature and heat exchange
Thermal threshold meshes
Thermal Flows of the Northern
Northern Hemisphere
Cyclonic & Anti-Cyclonic
Introducing the vertical column of air that transports thermal energy between the jet stream flow and thermal exchange between the cyclone and anticyclone allowed for two