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Dancing on the Darling- Greg Champion

Greg Champion's song, Dancing on the Darling was written to bring attention to the plight of Australia’s second largest river.

The Darling River has not flowed for some time. Australia’s second largest river (by most measurement) is now just a series of waterholes. Drought – but also water allocation for farming –are the reasons. It’s a situation we Aussies just cannot allow to happen.

In May of this year the town of Menindee staged the Dancing On The Darling Festival. Its mission was to draw attention to the plight of their sacred river. A number of artists came to perform, among them Greg Champion, who thought the name of the festival could be turned into song.

Champs finished off Dancing On The Darling on the journey to Menindee via Mildura and Pooncarie, and aired it first for the locals that weekend. Top Broken Hill indigenous singer Nyirey Kickett was also performing that weekend, and joined Greg on stage for the new song. Now Dancing On The Darling is ready for release, on Roody Doody Records. Recorded in Montmorency, suburban Melbourne.

Which takes us back to the mission of Dancing On The Darling: The Darling River is entirely too vital to be allowed to die. It’s too vital to the many communities for whom The Darling is lifeblood: Brewarrina, Bourke, Wilcannia, Menindee, Pooncarie and others. And, its survival is equally critical to Australians everywhere – not just to those living along it. It’s our heritage – and it has to be there for future generations.

Stand on the banks of the mighty Darling and admire the grandeur of massive red gums, and pelicans standing on half-submerged logs. See where a paddle steamer has been abandoned in the middle of a dry river bed, having once run aground. Save The Darling.

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