Sportivate year 4 process and priorities document

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SPORTIVATE YEAR 4 - Process and Priorities BACKGROUND Sportivate is a six year national programme which forms part of Sport England’s 2012 legacy plan. It targets semi sporty teenagers and young adults (aged 11- 25) and aims to inspire them into regular sporting activity within their local community. Wiltshire & Swindon Sport (WASP) is responsible for the strategic implementation of the programme across Wiltshire & Swindon and reports directly to Sport England against set targets. This document provides a summary of the Wiltshire and Swindon priorities for Year 4, the involvement of the 11-13 age range and Innovation funding. It also provides details on the process and deadlines. SPORTIVATE CRITERIA All projects will need to be in line with the criteria detailed on the Project Plan Guidance sheet found on the excel spreadsheet. As an overview each project will need to;       

Take place in Wiltshire or Swindon Target semi sporty young people (see definition below) Target the 11 – 25 age group Take place for 6 weeks with each session lasting 1 hr Have taken into consideration the sustainability of the project and have clear exit routes Undertaken local consultation with a clear need identified Support NGB whole sport plan targets and local priorities

YEAR 4 PRIORITIES Any project will need to be in line with the Sportivate criteria. However we are specifically encouraging and will be giving priority to projects which target one or more of the following     

The 19-25 age group Delivery of female focused projects Projects developed around supporting NGB whole sport plan participation objectives, Products / services and have support from NGB officers Sports where there have been few or no or few projects in Years 1, 2 & 3 which include swimming/aquatics, golf, netball, gymnastics & triathlon Projects which take place in community or club settings & maintain the momentum from London 2012

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Projects taking place in geographical areas which have not received a ‘fair share’ in Years 1, 2 & 3 based on population statistics for these age groups. These areas being Wiltshire (south & East) and Swindon. The Sport England market segmentation tool should be used to target specific geographical locations Projects which have been successful in years 1, 2 & 3 which target a new cohort or geographical area Engage, retain and sustain hard-to-reach groups e.g. disabled or black and minority ethnic young people

Inclusion of 11-13 age range: From September 2013, Sport England decided to extend the age range for participation within the Sportivate programme so 11-13 year-olds can also take part. This coincided with the announcement of the primary School premium award and we are hoping that off the back of these developments an increase in participation will be seen from younger participants as well. WASP are keen to see delivery within 11-13 age range link into community sport initiatives, clubs, satellite clubs and the School Games and not for the funding to be perceived as independent from these programmes. Sportivate focuses on trying to change habits and attitudes towards sport/physical activity by getting more young people participating in activity regularly, and the inclusion of the increased age range should benefit from this. Although WASP are supportive of projects including this new age range, it’s important delivers are aware that this will be a competitive market and only limited funding will be distributed for participants within this age range. Projects will be expected to have factored sustainability and strong community/club links into their applications.

Innovation Funding: Sport England have developed an innovation fund for Sportivate which provides additional surplus’s from the statutory funding County Sports Partnerships (CSP) are allocated to distribute. £0.521M is being made available for CSP's to apply for to develop innovative projects. The minimum funding that can be applied for to deliver such projects is £5k and there is no upper limit within the £0.521M. WASP are looking to work with partners that are able to engage with the following targeted groups:          

Contribute significantly to delivery via recognised partners for Sportivate for example but not limited to Job Centre Plus, YMCA and Housing Associations Create delivery to potential, new recognised partners that can be shared and replicated across the country Specialise delivery to females or 19-25 year olds Engage, retain and sustain hard-to-reach groups e.g. disabled or black and minority ethnic young people Breaking down social barriers to participation by young people i.e. cultural, economic or faith Tackle exit routes and sustainability in innovative ways especially for multi-sport or gym/fitness projects Provide exit routes and sustainability in youth club venues Stimulate partnership working with public or private leisure operators on a larger scale Provide an innovative approach to connect other programmes to Sportivate Provide an innovative approach to measuring sustainability

Please be aware that the deadline for the innovation funding is the same as standard Sportivate applications (Friday 24th January 2014). Partners interested in applying for innovation funding should contact Rich Ayling (Email - or call 07917 030950).

APPLICATION PROCESS AND DEADLINES The Year 4 period runs from April 2014 to March 2015 and there are two deadlines for submission. The first allows partners to submit projects for the whole year and the second for additional projects taking place after September 2012. The deadlines for submission area; Phase 1 deadline: Friday 24th January 2014 for projects taking place between April 2014 and March 2015. Phase 2 deadline: Friday 12th September 2014 for projects taking place between October 2014 and March 2015. Partners wanting support in strengthening their projects are encouraged to contact the WASP team no later than 2 weeks before the submission dates. All projects need to be submitted on the Sport England Sportivate project template document by the deadline.

Definition of semi sporty: Question on registration form: In the past 4 weeks, on how many days have you done 30 minutes of sport and/or recreational physical activity? Do not count any curriculum activities at school/college. Do not include cycling or walking unless it was for sport or recreation. Gardening, DIY and housework should not be included. The table below shows how Sport England categorise each group (sporty, semi sporty and non sporty) across the 14-25 year old age range, and therefore the categorisation that is used for the data collected on the registration forms. The semi sporty group is widely defined to include anyone who does sport at a frequency between once a month and 2 days per week.


Frequency of sport/recreational physical activity in last 28 days

Equivalent no. of sessions per week


0 days in the last 4 weeks

Less than once per month


1-11 days in the last 4 weeks

1 per month to 2 days per week


12+ days in the last 4 weeks

3 or more days per week

Helpful hints on how to effectively Recruit, Retain and Sustain Participants The following provides a brief overview of some of the successes from YR1 projects and incentives used to recruit, retain and sustain participants. You may wish to apply these to your projects

Recruit: How can we get people there?       

Ensure participants pre book and complete registration forms before start. This enables the project to be delayed until minimum numbers are achieved. Ensure that the marketing of project happens well in advance of any proposed start date. Advertise utilising free local media opportunities Advertise in local work places and public areas i.e. hospitals/large employers including by posters or sending emails. Use existing club members/players to promote project through their networks Offer incentives ie reduced cost of membership for current members who recruit participants. Offer taster/open session to raise awareness of the project and identify new participants.

Retain: How can we support participants in attending a minimum of 5/6 sessions?  

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Offer a range of sessions and flexibility to help them attend the minimum number. Incentivise attendance for minimum no of weeks. For example by the participant paying for all sessions in advance (by cheque) and if they then attend 5 sessions or more they receive back their unbanked cheque. Keep the sessions friendly, fun and relaxed and focused on raising participants confidence around playing. Run additional sessions to help build up numbers of retained participants and develop a greater rapport.

Sustain: How can we keep them participating for at least 3 months after the Project?      

Provide the exit route sessions at same time and place as the Sportivate Project. Provide incentives for continued participation ie free/half price sessions/reduced annual membership or tickets to sporting events. Identify and provide the participant with details on local exit routes at the last session Encourage participants to meet regularly to play/participate and develop own groups. This is more likely for running/swimming/badminton sports where large numbers are not needed. Ensure that the coach speaks individually to participants before the end of the project to discuss their continued participation and offer support and guidance. Where possible ensure the project coach also delivers within the exit route opportunity.

Contact Rich Ayling - Sports Consultant, WASP (CIC), 48 New Park Street, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 1DS, Tel 07917 030950, Email

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