OUGD301 Proposal

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Kirsty Hair





30 / 09 / 2011

Dissertation Title How effective is Political Propaganda

Richard Miles Dissertation Tutor Rationale (200 words) I have chosen these briefs because I want to work creating brand identity, and experimenting with type and layout. The subject are based around my current interest, designing promotional material for commercial products. I feel these briefs will allow me to explore creative concepts, but will also have boundaries for me to stick to, however this does not mean I will stay safe with my designs, and I aim to challenge these boundaries and see how far I can experiment. I would like to create deliverables for both on screen and print, including website designs, publications, stationary and promotional material. I want to have the opportunity to collaborate with students of other disciplines, and also with people from Graphic Design. I feel this will help me to push my ideas as sharing the project means a lot more work will be produced in a shorter amount of time, and it will also be a learning experience, and something I think I will enjoy. Statement of Intent (SOI) - (400 words) To fulfil my rationale I have selected briefs that will allow me to focus on branding. Understanding a brand is important in portraying the right message and style. I want to work on substantial briefs and also quick turnaround briefs to prove my capabilities of being able to make quick decisions and come up with design solutions quickly. I also intend on using old student competition briefs, and also submitting work from current competition briefs and live briefs. I will have to research my subject matters thoroughly, in order to understand them and to make informed design decisions. I will need to research the target audience and their lifestyles, as this will impact my designs and can lead me into different directions. I want to develop my software skills so that I am completely confident in using the Adobe Suite. I also want to use different printing processes and different print finishes, if the brief budget and timescales allow it. I will critically analyse, document, record and evaluate my work across my Design Practice and Design Context blogs. I will keep referring to my briefs, but if I feel I need to change them I will do, if it allows me to push my ideas further. I will use crits, tutorials and surgeries to gain informative feedback, and take it on board, to help me push my resolutions into reaching their full potentials.


Brief 1 (Title)

LCAD Graduation Ceremony Design


Brief 2 (Title)

Fedrigoni ‘A Place for Paper’


Brief 3 (Title)

The Dairy Farm ‘Ice Cream Parlour’


Brief 4 (Title)

YCN / ISTD / D&AD Competition Brief

ADDITIONAL BRIEFS Christmas Cards – Pop-Up Shop Branding for a Fashion Student Branding for a Dress maker The Brinsop Restaurant TUTOR’S Signature STUDENT’S Signature

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