Crisis and opportunity in the
age of obama
March 11-13, 2010 Hyatt on capitol square – Columbus, OH
Racial Dynamics and Systems Thinking Race, Recession and Recovery Race Talk
Table of Contents Keynote Speakers..........................3-4 Entertainment...................................5 Panels and Workshops:* Thursday, March 11...............................6 Friday, March 12...............................6-19 Saturday, March 13........................20-25 Speakers........................................26-31 Meeting room schedule..........32-33 HOTEL MAPS.........................................34 logistics.............................................35 sponsors.......................................36-43
*Panels are larger, and may follow a traditional lecture format. Workshops are smaller in size and more interactive in nature.
Welcome! We’re so glad to welcome you to Transforming Race: Crisis and Opportunity in the Age of Obama. We look forward to an informative and energizing few days as we gather with fellow advocates, activists, scholars, students, spoken word artists and other performers and practitioners of all stripes. Our 50-some plenary sessions and panels, workshops and performances are certain to elicit plenty of challenging questions and provocative insights. It’s a landmark era for the subject of race. Some thought the election of Barack Obama confirmed the end of race as an issue worthy of national discussion, much less policy debate. Subsequent events -Henry Louis Gates, Sonia Sotomayor, the “Birthers” phenomenon, Joe Wilson (“You lie!”), Van Jones, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh – have proven that conclusion premature. Of course, the challenges race presents in this moment go well beyond the high-profile incidents involving these individuals and even beyond its implication in crucial developments such as the economic recession and the debate over health care. Sadly, the old standbys of concern – residential and school racial segregation, criminal injustice, wealth inequities, immigration, and more – have hardly passed us by. At the same time, we have a still-new administration and a new day. With crisis comes opportunity, if only we can recognize it and muster the insight and will to see our way forward.
At the Kirwan Institute, we recognize our efforts as part of a much larger fabric of transformative work that extends to, and beyond, the borders of the United States. Please join us over the coming days and years in actively exploring ways to link your own work to ours and that of others here. As the Sponsorship pages of this program booklet confirm, this conference is made possible by the support of a large and growing group of colleagues and partners. We are deeply grateful for their support, which has taken many forms. We also thank The Ohio State University for its generous and unfailing support of the Institute’s work. Finally, special appreciation to all of our colleagues at the Kirwan Institute who, with their passion for social justice, their diligence, and their great good humor, have helped shape a conference we believe will be well worth the time you have chosen to devote to it. Sincere thanks to all of you for sharing your time, your insights, and your work. Enjoy the next few days!
The Transforming Race 2010 Team
This year’s conference is part of our Transforming Race conference series - a biennial conference designed to shine a spotlight on many of the insights, tools and networks that will be critical to the task of transforming the landscape of racial discourse, policy and practice in and beyond the United States. 1
Why Transforming Race?
Race is not the only edge along which we divide in the United States and around the world, but it remains perhaps the sharpest. The Kirwan Institute, and this conference, are dedicated to the proposition that we can transform the meanings and operations of race through informed dialogue, practices, and policies that create and expand opportunity for all. We invite you to contribute your ideas and your insights.
Why Crisis and Opportunity?
Racially marginalized groups too often bear the brunt of the impact during times of crisis. The pattern repeats itself in the present economic downturn in the United States and the world. However, times of crisis also bear the seeds of opportunity if only we can find them and nurture them. Transforming Race will feature the work and ideas of researchers, advocates, scholars, and practitioners from diverse arenas working to do just that.
Three Tracks, by Theme:
The Transforming Race conference features three thematic tracks: Racial Dynamics and Systems Thinking: Systems dynamics are very much at work with respect to the interplay of race and social opportunity. Sessions in this track consider the value of systems thinking as a mode of analysis and a guide to advocacy strategizing and policymaking in the pursuit of racial equity and social justice. ST
Race Talk: With the election of the first African American president the challenge of communicating effectively about race and ethnicity has grown greater. Sessions engaging this theme will report the best thinking, research and practices on constructive race talk. In so doing, we hope to continue to sow the seeds of a productive and inclusive dialogue in the service of racial justice. RT
Race, Recession and Recovery: In the United States and abroad, marginalized groups, including people of color, immigrants, and women, have borne the brunt of the devastation wrought by the economic recession. Sessions in this track will focus on what happened and why, and on the institutional and policy reforms needed to ensure a more equitable distribution of benefits and burdens in the future. R3
Keynote speakers Maria Echaveste, Senior Fellow, The Center for American Progress. The Racial Landscape in 2042. Maria Echaveste is a Senior Fellow at American Progress. She is also co-founder of the Nueva Vista Group, a policy and legislative strategy and advocacy group working with non-profit and corporate clients. She previously served as assistant to the president and deputy chief of staff for President Bill Clinton, overseeing many of President Clinton’s domestic policy initiatives, including education, civil rights, immigration, and bankruptcy reform. Working with a team of core advisors, Echaveste developed communications, legislative, and public outreach strategies for the White House. She also focused on international issues relating to Latin America. Glenda Eoyang, Executive Director, Human Systems Dynamics Institute. Seeing and Influencing Systems to Transform Racialization. Glenda H. Eoyang is a master teacher with deep insights into the art and science of self-organizing systems. Since 1988, she has provided training, consulting, coaching, and facilitation support in both the public and private sectors. As the founder of the field of human systems dynamics, she brings a strong and cogent voice to public discussions about the field. She currently serves as founding Executive Director of the Human Systems Dynamics Institute, a network of professionals working at the intersection of complexity and social sciences. A master teacher and facilitator, Eoyang supports change for individuals, organizations, and communities around the world. Her experiences as teacher, leader, entrepreneur, author, and public speaker provide a wealth of resources.
MAYA HARRIS, Vice President, Peace and Social Justice Program, The Ford Foundation. The Racial Landscape in 2042. Maya Harris is vice president for the Ford Foundation’s Peace and Social Justice program, which addresses human rights, democratic participation and good governance issues around the world. Before assuming that position in 2008, Harris served as executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, the largest ACLU affiliate in the country. During five years with the ACLU, Harris directed campaigns to eliminate racial biases in the criminal justice system and in California’s public schools. She also led the organization’s policy work in areas of racial justice, police practices and the death penalty. Celinda Lake, President, Lake Research. Assessing and Challenging Subconscious Racial Bias. Celinda Lake, one of the Democratic Party’s leading political strategists, serves as tactician and senior advisor to the national party committees and dozens of Democratic incumbents. Her firm is known for cuttingedge research on issues including the economy, health care, the environment and education, and has worked for a number of institutions including the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Governor’s Association (DGA), The White House Project, AFL-CIO, SEIU, CWA, IAFF, Sierra Club, NARAL, Human Rights Campaign, EMILY’s List and the Kaiser Family Foundation. Her work has also taken her to advise fledgling democratic parties in several post-war Eastern European countries, including Bosnia, and South Africa. In 2008, Lake worked as pollster for Vice President Biden. 3
EunSook Lee, Executive Director, The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) EunSook Lee oversees all NAKASEC programs and policy work and is responsible for program planning, development and evaluation, fundraising and grant writing, media and publicity, board communications and financial management. Lee was previously the executive director of Korean American Women In Need, a bilingual domestic violence service agency in Chicago, and Station Manager at CKLN Radio, Inc. in Toronto. Lee is currently vice-chair of the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans and a board member of the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development and the Korean Resource Center. RON SIMS, Deputy Secretary, The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Racial Landscape in 2042. As the second most senior official at HUD, Sims is responsible for managing the Department’s day-to-day operations, a nearly $40 billion annual operating budget, and the agency’s 8,500 employees. Sims previously served as the Executive for King County, Washington, the 13th largest county in the nation in a metropolitan area of 1.8 million residents and 39 cities including the cities of Seattle, Bellevue and Redmond. While serving three terms, Sims was nationally recognized for his work on transportation, homelessness, climate change, health care reform, urban development and affordable housing. His leadership in affordable housing and multiple community and housing partnerships has funded 5,632 units of housing during his 12 years.
Drew Westen, Professor in the Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry, Emory University. Assessing and Challenging Subconscious Racial Bias. Drew Westen is a professor in the Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Westen received his B.A. at Harvard University, an M.A. in Social and Political Thought at the University of Sussex (England), and his Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the University of Michigan, where he subsequently taught for six years. For several years he was Chief Psychologist at Cambridge Hospital and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. His major areas of research are personality disorders, eating disorders, psychotherapy effectiveness, adolescent psychopathology, political psychology, and the interface of psychodynamics and neuroscience. John A. Powell, Executive Director, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, The Ohio State University. The Racial Landscape in 2042. Professor john. a. powell is an internationally recognized authority in the areas of civil rights, civil liberties, and issues relating to race, ethnicity, poverty and the law. He is the Executive Director of the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at The Ohio State University. He also holds the Williams Chair in Civil Rights & Civil Liberties at the Moritz College of Law. Previously, Professor powell founded and directed the Institute on Race and Poverty at the University of Minnesota. He has also served as Director of Legal Services in Miami, Florida and was National Legal Director of the American Civil Liberties Union, where he was instrumental in developing educational adequacy theory. He is one of the co-founders of the Poverty & Race Research Action Council and serves on the boards of several national organizations. Professor powell has taught at numerous law schools including Harvard and Columbia University.
Entertainment Performer sarah jones
Friday Evening Entertainment Option Performer Sarah Jones Friday night’s entertainment feature, developed specifically for this conference audience by playwright and performer Sarah Jones, will be showcased at the historic Lincoln Theatre, recently renovated in authentic historic detail. For those electing to join this optional event, bus transportation will be arranged. For more information, including how to purchase tickets, please see page 19. Sarah Jones is a Tony Award® winning playwright and performer. Her multi-character solo show Bridge & Tunnel was originally produced Off-Broadway by Oscar-winner Meryl Streep, and went on to become a critically acclaimed, long running hit on Broadway. Winner of the 2007 Brendan Gill Prize, Jones has also received grants and commissions from The Ford Foundation, NYSCA, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation,
and others, and theater honors including an Obie Award, a Helen Hayes Award, two Drama Desk nominations, and HBO’s US Comedy Arts Festival’s Best One Person Show Award, as well as an NYCLU Calloway Award in recognition of Jones as the first artist in history to sue the Federal Communications Commission for censorship. The lawsuit resulted in reversal of the censorship ruling, which had targeted her hip-hop poem recording, “Your Revolution.” Educated at Bryn Mawr College and the United Nations International School, Jones recently returned to her UN School roots by becoming a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, traveling as a spokesperson on violence against children, and performing for audiences from Indonesia to Ethiopia, the Middle East and Japan.
Panels and Workshops Schedule Thursday, March 11
Friday, March 12
12:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Registration Room: Governor’s Foyer A & B
7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Registration Room: Governor’s Foyer A & B
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Preconference Workshops
7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast Room: Governor’s Foyer A & B
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Welcome Reception/Buffet Room: Governor’s Ballroom E. Gordon Gee, President, The Ohio State University
8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
opening plenary 7:15 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Hosted by the Multicultural Center, The Ohio State University. This session will get conference participants engaged in dynamic exchanges with each other on critical issues of racial equity and social justice. Participants will choose among several topics at the heart of our work and concerns as race-aware people. We hope that through this process of interaction and connection attendees will begin to forge collegial relationships that grow throughout the conference and perhaps endure even after the conference has adjourned. We look forward to joining you in what are sure to be spirited conversations that leave us “jazzed” for the rest of the conference experience!
Plenary Session: Seeing and Influencing Systems to Transform Racialization. Room: Governor’s Ballroom
Glenda H. Eoyang; Executive Director, Human Systems Dynamics Institute. Patterns of systemic racism lock us into thought and action that perpetuate inequity and injustice. We see these patterns in individual perspectives, personal interactions, institutional policies and procedures, and community-wide cultures, where each level reinforces and justifies all the others. If we are going to transform race, then we must think, talk, and act differently. We must understand the nature of systems and take action to shift their essential patterns. Human systems dynamics presents a radical approach that draws from traditional wisdom, cutting edge science, practical experience, and theoretical breakthroughs to reimagine change in complex systems. Through the lens of housing segregation, food security, ethnic diaspora, we will explore creative ways to see and influence systemic patterns of bias, inequity, and racial conflict.
The Racial Politics of Genetic Technologies.
Room: Executive Sujatha Jesudason; Executive Director, Generations Ahead. Osagie Obasogie; Associate Professor of Law, University of California Hastings College of the Law.
Racial hierarchy has historically been rooted in biological notions of race. This approach has been thoroughly debunked, yet race-as-biology is making a comeback in both scholarly and public discourse under the guise of human genetics in several ways: race based medicines, genetic ancestry tests, DNA forensics, and genetic trait selection in reproductive decision-making. Aside from racial justice scholars and activists, other actors are seeking to claim the racial justice high ground in this area. The pharmaceutical industry purports to be a sponsor of African American health through BiDil; the criminal justice system claims to use DNA forensics to avoid wrongful convictions; and the Right professes to defend the human rights of Asian and Black women through banning race- and sexselective abortions.
Framing and Messaging Around Race in America. Room: Congressional Julie Rowe; Framing and Message Coordinator, The Opportunity Agenda. Juhu Thukral; Director of Law and Advocacy, The Opportunity Agenda.
Experience from around the country shows that discussing racial inequity and promoting racial justice are particularly challenging today. Some Americans have long been skeptical about the continued existence of racial discrimination and unequal opportunity. But with the historic election of an African American president, that skepticism is more widespread and more vocal than ever. In the meantime, the current economic crisis has highlighted once again our interconnectedness as a nation and as a people—the fact that we’re all in this together seeking economic security and opportunity. Economic recovery policies offer a chance to ensure that our most vulnerable and historically overlooked groups and communities are included in any recovery plans. This workshop will cover framing and messaging around strategies on race in America, with a focus on the economic recovery, and will be applicable to public policy strategies.
This panel presentation will provide both a critique of these technologies’ claims about the genetic basis of race and discuss the complex politics that are emerging about racial justice and genetic technologies.
9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Friday Session 1
9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Session 1
9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Friday Session 1
R3 The Color of Wealth. Room: Legislative A Meizhu Lui; Director, Closing the Wealth Gap Initiative at the Insight Center for Community Economic Development. Victor Corral; Program Associate, Insight Center for Community Economic Development. An old taunt first heard in the 1800’s went: “Ching chong Chinaman, sitting on a fence/trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents.” In the 21st century, the typical family of color still has only fifteen cents to the white family’s dollar. While we are a nation obsessed with wealth and the wealthy, most do not know the difference between wealth, income, and “stuff.” What is the real significance of wealth? How is wealth created? What accounts for the enormous racial wealth gap? Why does it matter? In this workshop, you’ll answer these questions. You’ll also be able to design policies that can bring about economic mobility and security for all. ST
Incarceration: Preventing recidivism and providing effective re-entry.
Room: Legislative B Sheriff John H. Rutherford; Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, Jacksonville, FL. Cathy Chadeayne; Re-Entry Coordinator, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, Jacksonville, FL.
Join these two speakers as they present their agency’s models for addressing the critical issues of habitual misdemeanor offenders, and effective community reentry for non violent and violent, felony offenders. Learn how statewide legislation was enacted to help ensure that effective drug and alcohol treatment programs are delivered to those who historically cycled in and out of 8
the system. Breaking the cycle of recidivism has also been addressed in Jacksonville through the coordinated efforts of the City, the Sheriff’s Office, and the state corrections system, to make sure that an inmate in either Jacksonville’s correctional facilities or violent, felony offenders housed by the state can return home and assimilate successfully into the community. R3 Rebuilding Blocks Part I: Treating What Ails Neighborhoods in Cleveland. Room: Judicial Courtnee Carrigan; Director of Program Development, Community Advocacy and Partnerships, YWCA of Columbus. Ashley Evans; Program Coordinator, Policy Bridge. Randell McShepard; Board Chairman, Policy Bridge. In this two part workshop, Policy Bridge’s report, “Rebuilding Blocks: Efforts to Revive Cleveland Must Start by Treating What Ails Neighborhoods,” explains the importance of economic recovery in neighborhoods and the role that race plays in the process. Engaging in a structured dialogue that will outline strategies to promote innovation in times of crisis and opportunity, participants will identify achievable equity-based policy making and address the necessary leadership strategies to realize sustained change. The facilitated resource sharing, community revisiting and skill building will explore the connections between the lived experience and expectation for equity in the age of Obama.
R3 Greenlining: Leveraging the Community Reinvestment Act to Increase Investment in Underserved Communities. Room: House
Samuel Kang; Managing Attorney, The Greenlining Institute. Stephanie Chen; Legal Counsel, The Greenlining Institute.
The civil rights advocacy tool known as “Greenlining” was created in the 1970s to combat the illegal practice of “redlining” by financial institutions. Greenlining leverages the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977 to motivate financial institutions and other major corporations to invest in racial and ethnic minority communities. The Greenlining method organizes a multiethnic coalition to exert pressure on corporations that might be vulnerable to concessions. Greenlining has resulted in $2.7 trillion in community investments for California’s underserved communities. This workshop seeks to inform and train social justice advocates and policy makers on how to replicate the Greenlining model. ST
Generative Engagement: Understanding the Dynamics of Difference.
Room: Senate Royce Holladay; Director of the Network, Human Systems Dynamics Institute. Mary Nations; Consultant, Nations Alliance LLC.
Human Systems Dynamics, Generative Engagement provides a lens for seeing what’s possible in the moment-by-moment choices we all make as we reconcile the many differences (both large and small) we encounter as we interact with people in all facets of our lives. Learning about these patterns of choice allows us to generate new options for action that address the specific challenges we face in our own families, teams, communities, and organizations. ST
Challenging Structural Racism on the Ground: Successful Strategies.
Room: State C Melanie Cervantes; Program Officer, Akonadi Foundation. María Poblet; Executive Director, Causa Justa: Just Cause. Connie Galambagos Malloy; Director of Programs, Urban Habitat.
Structural Racism may be an interesting theoretical tool for analyzing our societal configuration, but how does it apply to organizations working in communities? Organizational leaders have developed strategies to be successful at their work by participating in and building a larger movement which incorporates a racial justice framework and is connected to communities of color. Organizations carry on their work in this context, focusing on a narrower set of issues, but always with the bigger picture in mind. Join us for a discussion on the state of racial justice movement building and how activists are leading the way.
In this workshop we’ll share and explore the Generative Engagement model as a new way to see and understand the dynamics of difference. Based in 9
9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Friday Session 1
11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Session 2
Can Popular culture Transform the Way we Understand Race?
Room: Legislative A
Keith Kamisugi; Director of Communications, Equal Justice Society. Bakari Kitwana; Senior Media Fellow, The Jamestown Project. Alexis McGill Johnson; Executive Director, Americans for American Values.
This panel will bring together perspectives and research from pollsters, neuroscientists, sociologists and filmmakers of both the fictional and documentary genres to provide attendees with new ways to engage popular culture and develop content to educate audiences about race and race issues. Topics will include: Unconscious bias and how advertising has tapped into such biases in attack ads against Barack Obama, strategic approaches for increasing support from audiences for equal opportunity through priming values, and challenging traditional notions of communicating issues through film and television. R3 The Ohio Organizing Collaborative: Strategic Alliance-building on Behalf of Low-Income and Working-Class People. Room: Legislative B Kirk Noden; Executive Director, Mahoning Valley Organizing Collaborative. Led by community, religious, and labor leaders in Ohio, this workshop will examine the principles of
collaboration through a discussion of a statewide effort to move beyond transactional coalitions and create permanent transformational alliances. Leaders will share their motivations, struggles, and efforts to create such an alliance in Ohio that is composed of ten organizing groups bringing together faith, neighborhood, and labor organizing. The workshop will be a mix of presentation, discussion, and interaction with community leaders from Ohio who will be sharing their work and aspirations. R3
Building Inclusive communities in the wake of the foreclosure crisis.
Room: Congressional
Lisa Rice; Vice President, National Fair Housing Alliance. Robert Strupp; Director of Research and Policy, Community Law Center. Janis Bowdler; Deputy Director of the Wealth Building Project, National Council of La Raza. Michael Sarbanes; Executive Director, Partnerships, Communications and Community Engagement at Baltimore City Schools.
Speakers and the audience will discuss how foreclosures and the economic recession are affecting policy goals of sustainable, diverse, healthy communities. Although the Obama Administration overall is working on many equity issues including financial regulation, administrative agencies and interest groups often remain separated by subject matter. Using the City of Baltimore as a case study, panelists will discuss the local and national impact of the mortgage and economic crises, including the effects on housing and transportation opportunities. Panelists and session participants will then discuss what policy steps are needed to move us toward a collaborative agenda to promote regional geographic opportunity and equity, especially with regard to fair housing and fair credit.
Improving Opportunity for healthy child development.
Room: Judicial
Dolores Acevedo Garcia; Adjunct Associate Professor of Society, Human Development, and Health at Harvard University. Philip Tegeler; Executive Director, Poverty and Race Research Action Council.
The present administration has proposed various place-based initiatives to address the needs of disadvantaged families and children, e.g. promise and choice neighborhoods. Yet, these initiatives do not address the pattern of high neighborhood/school racial/ ethnic segregation, which is a root cause of unequal opportunity for healthy development among children. We will examine the pros and cons of initiatives that do not address racial/ethnic segregation. Can we achieve child equity without addressing segregation? If place-based initiatives (e.g. promise/choice neighborhoods) are part of the solution, where is the other part, i.e. initiatives to reduce segregation and increase children’s equal access to opportunity neighborhoods and schools? ST
Rethinking crime and punishment for the 21st century.
Room: Executive
Keith Lawrence; Project Manager, The Aspen Institute. Nicole Porter; State Advocacy Coordinator, The Sentencing Project.
This panel uses the conclusions of the recent OSI/ Aspen Roundtable “Rethinking Crime and Punishment for the 21st Century” project as a backdrop for reflecting on current justice reform initiatives. The panel focuses on three themes: reframing criminal justice to end the historical criminalization of race; recent developments on the justice reform front and their promise for justice transformation and equitable community development: and prospects for leveraging and mobilizing new
movement opportunities for accelerating justice transformation and social equity. Recognizing the historical use of the criminal justice system and other institutions in limiting racial inclusion and opportunity, this discussion assesses prospects for true justice transformation in the Obama era. Do today’s reforms promise to break the old habit of regulating race through mass incarceration and crime-centered governance? And, are there unprecedented new political and economic opportunities to mobilize new movements against persistent local inequities that feed the prison pipeline?
WORKSHOPS: Transforming Race Dialogue, RT Addressing Structural Racism.
Room: State C Fran Frazier; Senior Associate, Everyday Democracy. Martha McCoy; Executive Director, Everyday Democracy.
Transforming race talk and linking it to community change is the focus of this session. Participants will experience key elements of a constructive dialogue on structural racism and racial equity. The structure comes from a guide developed by Everyday Democracy, and is being used as a framework in communities that are part of a national learning network on creating racial equity. After the dialogue, participants will compare it to the typical community and national discourse on race, especially the discourse that has arisen since President Obama’s campaign and election. Finally, participants will hear from community-based leaders who are mobilizing people to take part in transformative “race talk,” and who are linking it to community-level impacts.
11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Friday Session 2
11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Friday Session 2
Strong People Don’t Need Strong Leaders: Applying the Finest Examples of Historical Grassroots Leadership Training in the Age of Obama.
promote innovation in times of crisis and opportunity, participants will identify achievable equity-based policy making and address the necessary leadership strategies to realize sustained change. The facilitated resource sharing, community revisiting and skill building will explore Room: House the connections between the lived experience and Patricia Cunningham II; Graduate Associate, Office expectations for equity in the Age of Obama. of Minority Affairs, The Ohio State University. William Sturkey; Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of History, The Ohio State University.
During the Civil Rights Movement, hundreds of institutions emerged that sought to train community leaders. These establishments, often called Freedom or Citizenship Schools, focused on producing leaders, rather than encouraging locals to follow well known icons such as Martin Luther King, Jr. Largely based on movement veteran Ella Baker’s notion that “Strong People Don’t Need Strong Leaders,” Freedom and Citizenship Schools empowered local people and provided them with the tools to organize and agitate independently from mainstream organizations. This workshop uses historical research to recover important movement lessons and apply them to community organizing initiatives in the Age of Obama. R3
Rebuilding Blocks Part II: Treating What Ails Neighborhoods in Cleveland.
Room: Senate Courtnee Carrigan; Director of Program Development, Community Advocacy and Partnerships, YWCA of Columbus. Ashley Evans; Program Coordinator, Policy Bridge. Randell McShepard; Board Chairman, Policy Bridge. In this two part workshop, Policy Bridge’s report, “Rebuilding Blocks: Efforts to Revive Cleveland Must Start by Treating What Ails Neighborhoods,” explains the importance of economic recovery in neighborhoods and the role that race plays in the process. Engaging in a structured dialogue that will outline strategies to 12
Lunch & Plenary Session: 12:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Assessing and Challenging Subconscious Racial Bias.
Room: Governor’s Ballroom Drew Westen; Professor in the Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry, Emory University. Celinda Lake; President, Lake Research. The topic of race remains potent and volatile; voters are reluctant to reveal their conscious biases, and more troubling, often unable to reveal their unconscious biases. As a result, researchers have pioneered new methodologies for assessing public opinion on these matters. Celinda Lake and Drew Westen will discuss their groundbreaking work on the impact of race in elections, including methods for uncovering, challenging, and overcoming subconscious racial biases.
2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Session 3
PANELS: Routes to Effective Talk and RT (Hopefully Far More Walk): Race Talk in Public Administration and Policy. Room: Executive Susan Gooden; Executive Director, Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute at Virginia Commonwealth University. Nakeina Douglas; Director, Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute at Virginia Commonwealth University. Pamela Lewis; Managed Care Program Analyst, Department of Medical Assistance Services (Virginia Medicaid). Kasey Martin; Research Associate, Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute at Virginia Commonwealth University. This session offers concrete, practical illustrations designed to promote more effective race talk in public sector programs and agencies. These strategies include elevating the voice of racial minorities who are affected by specific public policies and initiatives; advancing the economic case for engaging in racial equity discussions; developing an approach to incorporate racial equity analysis into public sector program evaluation; identifying policy innovation to advance the conversation about race; and learning to and using the “Race Matters” toolkit to structure effective conversations regarding service delivery. Each of the presentations advances a “real world” perspective on strengthening race talk in governmental agencies, with an explicit goal of producing more “race walk” as well.
New Media: Unexpected Pathways to Empowerment.
Room: State C Stephen Caliendo; Blogger of This Week in Race and Associate Professor of Political Science, North Central College. Charlton McIlwain; Blogger of This Week in Race and Assistant Professor of Culture and Communication, New York University. Joaquin Ramon-Herrera; Blogger of The Unapologetic Mexican. New Media means many things to many people. Blogging itself is a blend of diary, journalism, activism, and community-building. This session will focus on discussing the origins of, reactions to, and impact of our blogs on the lay public, educators, students, and news media. The shifting faces of journalism and media and technology now allow points of view previously marginalized to reach the forefront. All panelists share the vision of new media as interconnected communication strategies to instigate sophisticated discourse about race among a wider audience. Caliendo and McIlwain will share how they reach readers with the RaceProject Facebook Page, YouTube channels, and the RaceProject Twitter feed. RamonHerrera has been able to channel a reactive frustration to the anti-Mexican sentiment in the media into a positive proactive expression online, and connect with many people who engage the same challenges in our society.
2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Friday Session 3
Expanding Affirmative Action Advocacy in the Age of Obama.
Room: Legislative A Anjali Thakur-Mittal; Deputy Director for Field Operations/Director of Americans for a Fair Chance Project, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund. Julie Rowe; Framing and Messaging Coordinator, Opportunity Agenda. Linda Meric; Executive Director, 9to5, National Association of Working Women. Sara Jackson; Staff Attorney and National Equal Opportunity Coordinator, Equal Justice Society. Recent work on affirmative action has been, by definition, defensive. This work has taken place at a time when simply asserting the existence of racial discrimination is considered controversial, much less proposing government solutions to address it. Against this backdrop, however, the latest wave of attacks on state affirmative action laws was broken. For the first time in many years, a ripple of momentum exists around the possibility not only of protecting affirmative action, but of expanding public support policies that address race and gender inequities. In March 2008, a working group of national and regional organizations committed to preserving and expanding affirmative action intensified their collaboration. This working group called the “Race Conscious Framing Working Group” was simply dedicated to sharing information, research, strategies, and framing tools to support affirmative action/equal opportunity policies and programs that address structural exclusions and reduce disparities based on race and gender.
In the spring of 2008, the Fulfilling the Dream Fund contracted the Movement Strategy Center to engage with the Race Conscious Framing Work Group to develop a field analysis that captured lessons learned in 2008 and developed an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Proactive Strategy Plan for Equal Opportunity Advocacy in the Age of Obama. This session will provide participants with key information identified in this field analysis as well as engage participants to provide feedback to the Equal Opportunity Proactive Strategy.
Property Tax Equity for Minority Communities Impacted by Foreclosure.
Room: Legislative B John O’Callaghan; President and CEO, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership. George Burgan; Senior Manager for Marketing and Communications, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership. Dorthea Reed; Administrative Coordinator, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership. Minority families living in Atlanta’s high foreclosure neighborhoods are overpaying their property taxes by an average of $1,200 per year. This session will explore the link between foreclosures and inflated property taxes in low-income, high minority neighborhoods and present advocacy strategies to address systemic inequities in property tax valuation. We will examine research conducted by a national real estate advisory firm, in partnership with housing nonprofit – Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership (ANDP) – that quantified the growing gap between current market values and tax assessed values in Atlanta’s highest foreclosure communities in 2008-2009. ANDP led an effort to raise awareness about risks for unfair and inaccurate property taxes in Atlanta’s most vulnerable neighborhoods. The issue received heavy media coverage ultimately resulting in a change to Georgia law that mandates inclusion of foreclosed and bankowned real estate sales in the property tax valuation process.
Women of the World Poetry Slam: Poetry as a Medium for “Race Talk” in America.
Room: Judicial Louise Robertson; Marketing Director, Women of the World Poetry Slam. Vernell Bristow; Poet, Women of the World Poetry Slam. Rose Smith; Poet, Women of the World Poetry Slam. Jonida Beqo Vogli; Poet, Women of the World Poetry Slam. This presentation provides the opportunity to hear nationally-known poets and spoken word artists present work about race and/or race and politics in the United States. Following the presentation of their work, poets will provide critical reflection on poetry as a medium for “Race Talk” in America. The performances and reflections offer the opportunity for artists and audience members to engage creatively with these rich topics. Poets include participants from the concurrently-running national event, the Women of the World Poetry Slam – also taking place in Columbus, OH, March 10-13, 2010. (For more, see
2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Friday Session 3
2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Friday Session 3
Evaluating Progress: Effective Movement Toward Reducing Systemic Racism.
Room: Congressional Lori Villarosa; Executive Director, The Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity. Sally Leiderman; President, Center for Assessment and Policy Development. Rinku Sen; President and Executive Director, Applied Research Center. Todd Cox; Program Officer, Racial Justice and Minority Rights, The Ford Foundation. While practitioners, advocates and funders increasingly understand the importance of using a structural racism lens or systemic approach, we have had less conversation about how to determine whether such work is generating the impacts we desire – particularly before equity or social justice are achieved. What is both meaningful and realistic when evaluating work to change complex, cumulative and deeply entrenched outcomes and conditions? How do we assess progress toward transformation when so many of our indicators are transactional? How do issues of power and privilege affect evaluation and how can we address them in establishing useful indicators of progress? In spite of the conceptual and practical challenges, we all want to know if our short-term gains are leading to longer term, sustainable and important changes. This panel will frame challenges, offer examples of current evaluative efforts, and share suggestions to help us ask the right questions. We will reflect a variety of perspectives from community-based activists, national advocates, evaluators and funders, and develop an interactive session to engage everyone with a stake in this growing discussion.
From Cosmetic Diversity to Structural Reform in Criminal Justice.
Room: Senate
Michelle Alexander; Associate Professor of Law, Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University. Shakyra Diaz; Education Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio.
While we celebrate the election of the nation’s first black President, commentators around the world are heralding our “triumph over race;” but the majority of young black men in urban areas across the United States are locked behind bars or labeled felons for life – relegated to a permanent second-class status. Our nation’s typical approach to addressing these inequities has been to work toward cosmetic diversity without the needed structural reform – reform that is essential to dismantling systems of racial inequality. Michelle Alexander will explore the harm of these approaches, presenting portions of her book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. Shakyra Diaz will then lead the group through a number of strategies at various levels of government that can achieve the structural reform needed in criminal justice in Ohio.
Harnessing Systems Thinking for ST Racial justice. Room: House Peter Hovmand; Director, Social Systems Dynamics Lab, Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in Saint Louis. Systems thinking/system dynamics is a way to understand systems and how they change. This workshop introduces participants to the basic concepts of systems thinking/system dynamics, and how these can be used to develop models with community stakeholders. Participants will learn how to draw their own models of specific situations related to racial justice, and how to harness systems thinking to work collaboratively in organizations and communities for racial justice.
4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Session 4
Recession or Not: Confronting the Racial Structure of the U.S. Food System.
Room: Legislative B Garat Ibrahim; Organizer, Center for New Community (Minnesota). Axel Fuentes; Organizer, Center for New Community (Missouri). Dave Ostendorf; Executive Director, Center for New Community. From the ground to the grocer to the restaurant, the industrialized food system in the U.S. rests largely on the backs, the labor, of workers of color. Producing, picking, packing, and processing are hard, dangerous, low-wage jobs that feed a nation built on cheap food, cheap labor, and rampant exploitation of workers within a toxic framework of abiding racial structures and strictures spanning rural and urban America alike. The meat packing and poultry processing sectors have especially perfected these racial structures of employment—structures that defy recessions and recoveries, and compel creative and strategic approaches to crafting a food system rooted in racial justice.
4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Friday Session 4
RT Talking Effectively about Race and Policy in an Obama Era. Room: Legislative A Jacob Faber; Senior Researcher, Center for Social Inclusion. Lynda Turet; Advocacy Coordinator, Center for Social Inclusion. Maya Wiley; Director, Center for Social Inclusion. The Center for Social Inclusion (CSI) has been developing empirically-tested public communications strategies to increase support for race-conscious policies (e.g. affirmative action, school integration) and social safety net policies in general (e.g. healthcare reform, welfare) by improving the conversation on race, policy, and opportunity. In this workshop, CSI will share lessons learned through their testing on how to develop public will for race-conscious policies and help attendees develop messages specific to their own policy advocacy efforts. Race and Religion: Still the “Most RT Segregated Hour”? The Politics of Race, Faith, and Nation in America. Room: Judicial Kasa Bayisin; Israel Fellow, Hillel at The Ohio State University. Michael Emerson; Allyn & Gladys Cline Professor of Sociology and Co-Director, Institute for Urban Research, Rice University. Don Wallick; Pastor, Good Shepherd Church. Martin Luther King, Jr. famously observed that “the most segregated hour of Christian America is eleven o’clock on Sunday morning.” With 40 years of immigration and the consequent reshaping of religious tradition and practice in the United States as a backdrop, panelists will consider the extent to which King’s 18
observation still holds and the interactions between our growing religious diversity, on one hand, and our increasing racial diversity, on the other. Does the weight of evidence from our civic and political life suggest that religion has become “the new race, “ often dividing communities sharply into “us” and “them”? Or does the growth of interfaith and interracial worship suggest the value of faith for interracial healing and equity?
Understanding the Subprime Crisis: how financial exploitation turned into a global meltdown
Room: Congressional Gary Dymski; Professor of Economics, University of California, Riverside. Today, the term ‘subprime crisis’ is synonymous with the global financial meltdown. So the media’s focus on ‘fixing’ the financial system tends to forget that this crisis began with the exploitation of minority borrowers in marginalized neighborhoods, and that a disproportionate number of those harmed by this crisis are African American and Latino. This session provides some needed balance by analyzing the political economy of the subprime crisis. We trace the history of this crisis to several economic dynamics: crisis-driven shifts in banking strategy, the US economy’s global imbalances, the increasing supply of and demand for securitized credit, and the growth of lower-income financial-services markets. These dynamics shifted many minority communities from financial exclusion to exploitative and sometimes predatory financial inclusion, including subprime mortgage lending. We then trace out the path from the emergence of subprime lending in the 1990s to the contemporary global financial crisis.
That Lion made a Monkey out of Me: Taking Implicit Bias by the Tail.
R3 Race, Recession and the Green Recovery.
Room: State C David Harris; Managing Director, The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute. Johanna Wald; Director of Strategic Planning & Development, The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute. Rachel Godsil; Eleanor Bontecou Professor of Law, Seton Hall.
Room: House Dominique Apollon; Research Director, Applied Research Center. Terry Keleher; Director, Midwest Office, Applied Research Center. Yvonne Liu; Senior Research Associate, Applied Research Center.
In recent years we have seen remarkable advances in our understanding of human attitudes, perhaps nowhere as much as in the research on what is known as implicit bias. The field is quickly being established and accepted for unlocking the attitudinal reality of racism. As empirically based as the work is and extensive as its potential application promises to be, to date we have very few actual applications. This workshop is designed to give a brief review of what we know, to summarize some of the most provocative and compelling findings from the literature, and then shift quickly to consideration of application. The workshop will concentrate particularly on the role implicit bias plays in creating the stark racial disparities that characterize our current criminal justice system at every phase, from police profiling to juvenile justice, from jury selection to sentencing decisions, and on identifying how we can design, implement and measure efforts to reduce its impact. The goal is to make participants more aware of the operation of implicit bias in various realms and begin to generate possible corrective actions.
“Black and Brown in the Green Economy:” How can we ensure that those hardest hit by the recession – people of color and women – can benefit from recovery plans? How can racially equitable policy help pull the entire country out of recession and build a sustainable economy? Using the Applied Research Center’s report “Race and Recession: How Inequity Rigged the Economy and How to Change the Rules,”as a starting point, we will then explore new tools and strategies for advancing racial justice, including a toolkit for advocating for race and gender equity in green job creation.
4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Friday Session 4
9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Session 5
6:00 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. Opening Comments by Alan Michaels; Dean and Edwin M. Cooperman Professor of Law, Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University. Remarks by William E. “Brit” Kirwan; Former President, The Ohio State University; Chancellor, University System of Maryland.
Optional Event 8:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Performance by Sarah Jones Tony Award® winning playwright and performer, Lincoln Theatre. (See full description on pg 5.) Tickets sold separately. For more information on how to purchase tickets please visit the registration desk. Buses run continually from 7:15 to 7:55. Please meet in the lobby.
Saturday, March 13 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Registration Room: Governor’s Foyer A & B 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast Room: Governor’s Foyer A & B
Talking Race: How Intergroup Dialogue Addresses the Difficulties.
Room: Legislative A Pat Gurin; Professor Emerita of Psychology and Women’s Studies, University of Michigan. This presentation will present the positive impact of sustained race dialogues on: structural understanding of inequality, intergroup empathy and motivation to bridge differences, and action to foster social justice. Results come from a field experiment in which students applying for race dialogue courses at nine universities were assigned randomly either to a dialogue course or a control group – a total of 26 race experiments. This study demonstrates that dialogue about race across race has broad, positive, and important effects, and that diversity is not simply coexisting in the same space but using diversity to understand and work across differences. ST
What is a “Suburban School”?
Room: Legislative B Erica Frankenberg; Research and Policy Director, The Initiative on School Integration at The Civil Rights Project / Proyecto Derechos Civiles. Suburban school enrollment is growing rapidly – to the point where it is considerably larger than in the cities of our largest metropolitan areas. It is also rapidly diversifying by race and social class. With these changes, the notion of “suburb” has come to refer not to one type of school district, but to many different kinds. There are differences both within
a fair economic recovery. The panelists will highlight national and state advocacy efforts, and successes and challenges, from data collection to contracting.
White students are declining in each metro’s suburban districts while Latinos have surpassed black students as the second largest group in suburban schools.
Dadaab: A New Documentary about the RT Somali Struggle.
This panel will present major findings, including the continuing differentiation by race and SES within suburbia, the different ways whites, blacks and Latinos experience this differentiation, the growing minority and poverty concentration for suburban students, and the slow increase in integration for white suburban students (who are in more advantaged schools than city white students.) Suburban diversity is helping to substantially reduce white segregation. This panel will include discussion of new analysis of suburban enrollment, including reflection from practitioners about how these trends affect district policies aimed at promoting integration. R3 Fair Recovery: From Crisis to Opportunity. Room: Judicial
Jason Reece; Senior Researcher, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Stephen Menendian; Senior Legal Research Associate, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Christy Rogers; Senior Research Associate, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity.
Room: Executive Tariq Tarey; Project Manager, Somali Documentary Project. The mission of the Somali Documentary Project (SDP) is to provide an archival history through photography and writing of the worldwide Somali Diaspora, to educate the hosting communities about Somali culture and to advocate for the rights of Somali refugees and forced migrants. For the past six years, SDP has documented Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya; it has followed a family from the refugee camp to its resettlement in Anaheim, CA, and its secondary migration in Portland, ME. Moreover, it has documented the largest and the second largest Somali communities in the United States; Minneapolis, MN, and Columbus, OH, respectively. Finally, SDP has documented the trouble spots for Somalis in Europe, which are Germany, Greece and Malta. SDP’s work has been exhibited at the Columbus Museum of Art, Bates Museum in Lewiston, ME, The Weisman Museum in Minneapolis, MN, and will soon appear at the Plains Art Museum in Fargo, ND. SDP’s book, The Somali Diaspora: A Journey Away was recently published by the University of Minnesota Press.
This panel will explore racial equity advocacy around the economic recovery, with an emphasis on American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) spending. With $1.2 trillion pledged, ARRA marks a significant point in our nation’s recent history and provides a tremendous opportunity for reforming national policy. This panel will emphasize the need for targeted programs and racial equity advocacy in order to ensure 21
9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Saturday Session 5
a metropolitan’s suburban areas and between metro areas’ suburban districts, particularly between suburbs in the Rust Belt and those in the Sun Belt.
9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Saturday Session 5
Black, Brown and Green: Building Green Business Models for Communities of Color.
Room: Senate Denis Rhoden; Researcher, The Center for Social Inclusion. Black, Brown and Green, a program of the Center for Social Inclusion, explores the economic opportunities and hurdles facing green business models serving communities of color. The program seeks to assist communities and businesses to identify pathways for increasing access to the renewable energy sector with framing policy, research and tools to build and bring infrastructure, policy and capital capacity to communities. Promoting control and ownership of the green energy supply by communities of color enables these communities to share in the tremendous economic potential of the green energy market and adds depth to the broader economy. Essential Facilitation: Core Skills for ST Agreement Building. Room: House Cynthia Parker; Senior Associate, Interaction Institute for Social Change. Melinda Weekes; Senior Associate, Interaction Institute for Social Change. Facilitating discussion and dialogue about race can be tough. Lack of information and knowledge, different lived experiences, unspoken assumptions, varying definitions of key concepts and differing interpretations 22
of problems and solutions are just a few of the things that can get in the way of groups communicating authentically and building solid agreements. This session will explore a few key concepts to help you play the role of facilitator with grace, guiding meaningful conversations that stay on track and using effective techniques for intervening when conversations stray. R3
Race, Housing, Truth & Justice: The Journey Towards Equity.
Room: State C Freda Sampson; Housing Project Manager, Michigan Roundtable for Diversity & Inclusion. Stacey Stevens; Community Organizer, Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion.
Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion developed the Housing Project to advance regional equity. This work began with a Mock Trial of the discriminatory policies/practices of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) from the 1930’s through the Fair Housing Act of 1968. The group is now moving towards a Regional Truth Commission with efforts culminating with regional action towards equity. This workshop will review the history of housing, and its effects on the current climate and one way chosen to address those challenges and create equitable change in this region.
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Session 6
Toward a New Language of Race: Conflict and Contradictions in the Age of Obama.
Room: Legislative A Sam Fulwood; Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress. Patterned after PBS’s “Fred Friendly Seminars,” this interactive discussion will present a panel of “conscious” individuals grappling with what “race” means in the age of Obama. Five people will have specific roles or characters to play as they answer and/or debate a series of hypothetical situations with the language of race at the core. R3
Race, the Job Crisis and Recovery.
Room: Congressional Lawrence Mishel; President, Economic Policy Institute. The United States is experiencing its worst jobs crisis since the Great Depression, and people of color are particularly hard hit, experiencing higher unemployment and poverty rates overall. Lawrence Mishel, president of the Economic Policy Institute, will discuss the breadth and depth of the job crisis, with particular attention paid to the effects on people of color. He will explore predictions of employment trends, the reverberating effects of high levels of unemployment on families, communities and the economy, and what can be done to move us forward. He will discuss a five-part strategy for creating and preserving jobs in order to stem the U.S. jobs crisis.
Race and Equity in Philanthropy: Increasing Investments in Communities of Color.
Room: Executive Cynthia Jones; Chief Executive Officer, Marga Incorporated. Delia Carmen; Associate Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, The Annie E. Casey Foundation. Gail Christopher; Vice President for Programs, W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Rahsaan Harris; Programme Executive, The Atlantic Philanthropies. James Head; Director of Programs, The San Francisco Foundation. The Race and Equity in Philanthropy Group is a membership organization of representatives acting as change agents within their foundations, to improve internal systems in a manner that increases investments (via grantees, vendors, staff, and organizational peers) in communities of color. They will share their experiences in transforming foundation systems and practices in the pursuit of racial equity and discuss the evolution of their foundations since they, as individuals, have made explicit commitments to transform their relationships. They will also discuss the changes taking place at their foundations, with a focus on the impact of Obama’s election. RT
Transforming Community: The Intergroup Relations Program (IGR) at The Ohio State University.
Room: Judicial
Nicole K. Nieto; Intercultural Specialist, the Multicultural Center, The Ohio State University. Rebecca R. Nelson; Assistant Vice President of Student Life and Director of the Multicultural Center, The Ohio State University. 23
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Saturday Session 6
Kerra S. Carson; Graduate Administrative Associate; the Multicultural Center,the Kirwan Institute and The Ohio State University. This session details the Multicultural Center at The Ohio State University’s (OSU) recent paradigm shift to interculturalism as a guiding principle in all the work it does. Understanding interculturalism as knowledge, awareness, celebration, interrogation of – and advocacy around – issues of oppression, the Center has adopted this principle in all of its programming and initiatives. This panel will inform audience members of those programs and the associated marketing efforts for those initiatives. Participants will have the opportunity to be actively involved in two intercultural exercises that are used in the IGR program to illuminate privilege and oppression. Attendees will walk away with both a philosophical and a practical appreciation of interculturalism as manifested on OSU’s campus as a goal to transform the campus community. RT Fair Game? Room: Legislative B Reverend John H. Vaughn; Program Director, Twenty-First Century Foundation. The election of America’s first black president has given many people the impression that the black man’s struggle for equality has been achieved. Black men can strive to be anything they choose, and opportunity and the pathway to it has been made free and clear of obstruction. Sounds great, right? However, is it the truth? Twenty-First Century Foundation (21CF) asks this question and more of a number of prominent black males from diverse fields in its innovative
documentary film, FAIR GAME? Produced in partnership with actor-director Mario Van Peebles and producer Karen Williams, FAIR GAME? is a new tool in the work of 21CF’s Black Men and Boys Initiative aimed at shining a national spotlight on the issues affecting this segment of the population.
WORKSHOPS: Closing the Loop: Eliminating Chronic ST Gaps in Instructional Effectiveness for Low-income Students of Color. Room: House Paul Zavitkovsky; Instructor and Leadership Coach, Urban School Leadership Program, University of Illinois-Chicago. NCLB has failed to close chronic gaps in instructional effectiveness for low-income children of color because its feedback loops do not report information in ways that increase thoughtfulness about common problems of teaching and learning. If anything, current reporting reinforces existing strategies in ways that systematically disadvantage the children they are designed to serve. This workshop illustrates how current reporting systems are squandering opportunities to provide better feedback to teachers and parents, engages participants in alternative approaches, and challenges participants to see how alternative ways of representing data from existing systems can exert strong leverage on long-standing problems.
Key Elements of Social Systemic Change.
Room: Senate Cynthia Parker; Senior Associate, Interaction Institute for Social Change. Melinda Weekes; Senior Associate, Interaction Institute for Social Change. This workshop explores key elements of practical approaches to systemic social change. Collaboration and diversity (of thought, place in the system, background) are key considerations to build into the design and planning of social change efforts – whether from the grassroots, or from the grasstops. Deeply rooted in David Chrislip’s Collaborative Premise (“If you bring the appropriate people together in constructive ways with good information, they will create authentic visions and strategies to address the shared concerns of their organization or community”), the workshop offers methods, tools and strategies to put legs to systemic theory in practical, relevant, flexible and authentic ways for the people engaged in the work of racial and social justice. the earth, the city, and the hidden ST narrative of race: building breakthrough communities in an age of global warming. Room: State C
Carl Anthony; Founder, Breakthrough Communities. Paloma Pavel; Founder, Breakthrough Communities.
The crisis of global warming is stimulating a deeper understanding of the intersection of human evolution and the natural history of the planet. We will develop insights for promoting justice in communities of color and marginalized populations that offer opportunities to transform race and build healthy neighborhoods, cities, suburbs, and regions.
Closing Plenary: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Closing Plenary / Luncheon R3 The Racial Landscape in 2042. Room: Governor’s Ballroom Moderated by: Andrew Grant-Thomas; Deputy Director, The Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. john powell; Executive Director, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Maria Echaveste; Senior Fellow, The Center for American Progress. Maya Harris; Vice President Peace and Social Justice, The Ford Foundation. EunSook Lee; Executive Director, The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC). Ron Sims; Deputy Secretary, United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The year is 2042 and surely, dramatically, and transformatively, the racial landscape of the United States has changed over the course of this century. The long-forecast end of the United States as a white-majority country is only part of the story. Race still matters, certainly, but operates now much more often to unify rather than divide in our social, political, economic and cultural life. Both popular and expert wisdom trace the change to the Obama era that ended a quarter-century ago; not simply, or necessarily primarily, because of the significant policy changes implemented during that president’s terms in office, but also because of other social and institutional developments that took seed then. Social justice oldtimers will tell you that they wept when Obama, our first nonwhite president, first assumed the office. Little did they know that even more meaningful changes were around the corner. 25
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Saturday Session 6
Conference Speakers Detailed bios available at
Dolores Acevedo Garcia; Adjunct Associate Professor of Society, Human Development, and Health at Harvard University. Improving Opportunity for Healthy Child Development, SESSION 2.
Stephen Caliendo; Blogger of This Week in Race and Associate Professor of Political Science, North Central College. New Media: Unexpected Pathways to Empowerment, SESSION 3.
Michelle Alexander; Associate Professor of Law, Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University. From Cosmetic Diversity to Structural Reform in Criminal Justice, SESSION 3.
Delia Carmen; Associate Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, The Annie E. Casey Foundation. Race & Equity in Philanthropy: Increasing Investments in Communities of Color, SESSION 6.
CARL ANTHONY; Founder, Breakthrough Communities. The Earth, the City, and the Hidden Narrative of Race: Building Breakthrough Communities in an Age of Global Warming, SESSION 6.
Courtnee Carrigan; Director of Program Development, Community Advocacy and Partnerships, YWCA of Columbus. Rebuilding Blocks: Treating What Ails Neighborhoods in Cleveland, SESSIONS 1 & 2.
Dominique Apollon; Research Director, Applied Research Center. Race, Recession and the Green Recovery, SESSION 4.
Kerra S. Carson; Graduate Administrative Associate; the Multicultural Center and the Kirwan Institute, The Ohio State University. Transforming Community: The Intergroup Relations Program (IGR) at The Ohio State University, SESSION 6.
Kasa Bayisin; Israel Fellow, Hillel at The Ohio State University. Race and Religion: Still the “Most Segregated Hour”? The Politics of Race, Faith, and Nation in America, SESSION 4. Janis Bowdler; Deputy Director of the Wealth Building Project, National Council of La Raza. Building Inclusive Communities in the Wake of the Foreclosure Crisis, SESSION 2. Vernell Bristow; Poet, Women of the World Poetry Slam. Women of the World Poetry Slam: Poetry as a Medium for “Race Talk” in America, SESSION 3. George Burgan; Senior Manager for Marketing & Communications, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership. Property Tax Equity for Minority Communities Impacted by Foreclosure, SESSION 3. 26
Alex Cartagena; Transforming Race Dialogue, Addressing Structural Racism. Session 2. Melanie Cervantes; Program Officer, Akonadi Foundation. Challenging Structural Racism on the Ground: Successful Strategies, SESSION 1. CATHY CHADEAYNE; Re-Entry Coordinator, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, Jacksonville, FL. Preventing Recidivism and Providing Effective Re-Entry, SESSION 1. Camille Charles; Can Popular Culture Transform the Way we Understand Race? Session 2. Stephanie Chen; Legal Counsel, The Greenlining Institute. Greenlining: Leveraging the Community Reinvestment Act to Increase Investment in Underserved Communities, SESSION 1.
Gail Christopher; Vice President for Programs, W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Race & Equity in Philanthropy: Increasing Investments in Communities of Color, SESSION 6. Victor Corral; Program Associate, Insight Center for Community Economic Development. The Color of Wealth, SESSION 1. Todd Cox; Program Officer, Racial Justice and Minority Rights, The Ford Foundation. Evaluating Progress: Effective Movement Toward Reducing Systemic Racism, SESSION 3. Patricia Cunningham II; Graduate Associate, Office of Minority Affairs, The Ohio State University. Strong People Don’t Need Strong Leaders: Applying the Finest Examples of Historical Grassroots Leadership Training in the Age of Obama, SESSION 2. Shakyra Diaz; Education Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio. From Cosmetic Diversity to Structural Reform in Criminal Justice, SESSION 3. Nakeina Douglas; Director, Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute at Virginia Commonwealth University. Routes to Effective Talk and (Hopefully Far More Walk): Race Talk in Public Administration & Policy, SESSION 3. Gary Dymski; Professor of Economics, University of California, Riverside. Understanding the Subprime Crisis: How Financial Exploitation turned into a Global Meltdown, SESSION 4. Maria Echaveste; Senior Fellow, The Center for American Progress. The Racial Landscape in 2042, Closing Plenary. Michael Emerson; Allyn & Gladys Cline Professor of Sociology and Co-Director, Institute for Urban Research, Rice University. Race and Religion: Still the “Most Segregated Hour”? The Politics of Race, Faith, and Nation in America, SESSION 4.
glenda eoyang; Executive Director, Human Systems Dynamics Institute. Seeing and Influencing Systems to Transform Racialization, OPENING PLENARY SESSION. Ashley Evans; Program Coordinator, Policy Bridge. Rebuilding Blocks: Treating What Ails Neighborhoods in Cleveland, SESSIONS 1 & 2. Jacob Faber; Senior Researcher, Center for Social Inclusion. Talking Effectively About Race and Policy in an Obama Era, SESSION 4. Erica Frankenberg; Research and Policy Director, The Initiative on School Integration at The Civil Rights Project / Proyecto Derechos Civiles. What is a “Suburban School”?, SESSION 5. Fran Frazier; Senior Associate, Everyday Democracy. Transforming Race Dialogue, Addressing Structural Racism, Session 2. Axel Fuentes; Organizer, Center for New Community (Missouri). Recession or Not: Confronting the Racial Structure of the U.S. Food System. Sam Fulwood; Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress. Toward a New Language of Race: Conflict and Contradictions in the Age of Obama, SESSION 6. Susan Gooden; Executive Director, Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute at Virginia Commonwealth University. Routes to Effective Talk and (Hopefully Far More Walk): Race Talk in Public Administration & Policy, SESSION 3. Connie Galambagos Malloy; Director of Programs, Urban Habitat. Challenging Structural Racism on the Ground: Successful Strategies, SESSION 1. RACHEL GODSIL; Eleanor Bontecou Professor of Law, Seton Hall. That Lion Made a Monkey Out of Me: Taking Implicit Bias by the Tail, SESSION 4. 27
Pat Gurin; Professor Emerita of Psychology and Women’s Studies, University of Michigan. Talking Race: How Intergroup Dialogue Addresses the Difficulties., SESSION 5. DAVID HARRIS; Managing Director, The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute. That Lion Made a Monkey Out of Me: Taking Implicit Bias by the Tail, SESSION 4. Maya Harris; Vice President, Peace and Social Justice Program, The Ford Foundation. The Racial Landscape in 2042, CLOSING PLENARY SESSION. Rahsaan Harris; Programme Executive, The Atlantic Philanthropies. Race & Equity in Philanthropy: Increasing Investments in Communities of Color, SESSION 6. James Head; Director of Programs, The San Francisco Foundation. Race & Equity in Philanthropy: Increasing Investments in Communities of Color, SESSION 6. Royce Holladay; Director of the Network, Human Systems Dynamics Institute. Generative Engagement: Understanding the Dynamics of Difference, SESSION 1. Peter Hovmand; Director, Social Systems Dynamics Lab, Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in Saint Louis. Harnessing Systems Thinking for Racial Justice, SESSION 3. Garat ibrahim; Organizer, Center for New Community (Minnesota). Recession or Not: Confronting the Racial Structure of the U.S. Food System. Sara Jackson; Staff Attorney and National Equal Opportunity Coordinator, Equal Justice Society. Expanding Affirmative Action Advocacy in the Age of Obama, SESSION 3.
Sujatha Jesudason; Executive Director, Generations Ahead. The Racial Politics of Genetic Technologies, SESSION 1. Alexis McGill Johnson; Executive Director, Americans for American Values. Can Popular Culture Transform the Way We Understand Race?, SESSION 2. Cynthia Jones; Chief Executive Officer, Marga Incorporated. Race & Equity in Philanthropy: Increasing Investments in Communities of Color, SESSION 6. Keith Kamisugi; Director of Communications, Equal Justice Society. Can Popular Culture Transform the Way We Understand Race?, SESSION 2. Samuel Kang; Managing Attorney, the Greenlining Institute. Greenlining: Leveraging the Community Reinvestment Act to Increase Investment in Underserved Communities, SESSION 1. Terry Keleher; Director, Midwest Office, Applied Research Center. Race, Recession and the Green Recovery, Session 4. Bakari Kitwana; Senior Media Fellow, The Jamestown Project. Can Popular Culture Transform the Way we Understand Race?, Session 2. Keith Lawrence; Project Manager, The Aspen Institute. Rethinking Crime and Punishment for the 21st Century, SESSION 2. Celinda Lake; President, Lake Research. Evaluating Structural Racism: Meaningful Indicators of True Progress, FRIDAY LUNCHEON PLENARY. EunSook Lee; Executive Director, The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC). The Racial Landscape in 2042, Closing Plenary.
Sally Leiderman; President, Center for Assessment and Policy Development. Evaluating Progress: Effective Movement toward Reducing Systemic Racism, SESSION 3. Pamela Lewis; Managed Care Program Analyst, Department of Medical Assistance Services (Virginia Medicaid). Routes to Effective Talk and (Hopefully Far More Walk): Race Talk in Public Administration and Policy, SESSION 3. Yvonne Liu; Senior Research Associate, Applied Research Center. Race, Recession and the Green Recovery, SESSION 4. Meizhu Lui; Director, Closing the Wealth Gap Initiative at the Insight Center for Community Economic Development. The Color of Wealth, SESSION 1. Kasey Martin; Research Associate, Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute at Virginia Commonwealth University. Routes to Effective Talk and (Hopefully Far More Walk): Race Talk in Public Administration & Policy, SESSION 3.
Linda Meric; Executive Director, 9to5, National Association of Working Women. Expanding Affirmative Action Advocacy in the Age of Obama, SESSION 3. Lawrence Mishel; President, Economic Policy Institute. Race, the Job Crisis and Recovery, SESSION 6. Mary Nations; Consultant, Nations Alliance LLC. Generative Engagement: Understanding the Dynamics of Difference, SESSION 1. Rebecca R. Nelson; Assistant Vice President of Student Life and Director of the Multicultural Center, The Ohio State University. Transforming Community: The Intergroup Relations Program (IGR) at The Ohio State University, SESSION 5. Nicole K. Nieto; Intercultural Specialist, the Multicultural Center, The Ohio State University. Transforming Community: The Intergroup Relations Program (IGR) at The Ohio State University, SESSION 5.
Martha McCoy; Executive Director, Everyday Democracy. Transforming Race Dialogue, Addressing Structural Racism, SESSION 2.
Kirk Noden; Executive Director, Mahoning Valley Organizing Collaborative. The Ohio Organizing Collaborative: Strategic Alliance-Building on Behalf of Low-Income and Working-Class People, SESSION 2.
Charlton McLlwain; Blogger of This Week in Race and Assistant Professor of Culture & Communication, New York University. New Media: Unexpected Pathways to Empowerment, SESSION 3.
John O’Callaghan; President and CEO, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership. Property Tax Equity for Minority Communities Impacted by Foreclosure, SESSION 3.
Randell McShepard; Board Chairman, Policy Bridge. Rebuilding Blocks: Treating What Ails Neighborhoods in Cleveland, SESSIONS 1 & 2.
Osagie Obasogie; Associate Professor of Law, University of California Hastings College of the Law. The Racial Politics of Genetic Technologies, SESSION 1.
Stephen Menendian; Senior Legal Research Associate, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Fair Recovery: From Crisis to Opportunity, SESSION 5.
Dave Ostendorf; Executive Director, Center for New Community. Recession or Not: Confronting the Racial Structure of the U.S. Food System, SESSION 4. 29
Cynthia Parker; Senior Associate, Interaction Institute. Essential Facilitation: Core Skills for Agreement Building, SESSION 5. Key Elements of Social Systemic Change, SESSION 6. Paloma pavel; Founder, Breakthrough Communities. The Earth, The City, and The Hidden Narrative of Race: Building Breakthrough Communities in an Age of Global Warming, SESSION 6. María Poblet; Executive Director, Causa Justa: Just Cause. Challenging Structural Racism on the Ground: Successful Strategies, SESSION 1. Nicole Porter; State Advocacy Coordinator, The Sentencing Project. Rethinking Crime and Punishment for the 21st Century, Session 2. john powell; Executive Director, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. The Racial Landscape in 2042, CLOSING PLENARY. Joaquin Ramon-Herrera; Blogger of The Unapologetic Mexican. New Media: Unexpected Pathways to Empowerment, SESSION 3.
Foreclosure Crisis, SESSION 2. Louise Robertson; Marketing Director and Website Administrator, Women of the World Poetry Slam. Women of the World Poetry Slam: Poetry as a Medium for “Race Talk” in America, SESSION 3. Christy Rogers; Senior Research Associate, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Fair Recovery: From Crisis to Opportunity, SESSION 5. Julie Rowe; Framing and Messaging Coordinator, The Opportunity Agenda. Framing and Messaging Around Race in America, SESSION 1; Expanding Affirmative Action Advocacy in the Age of Obama, SESSION 3. Sheriff John Rutherford; Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, Jacksonville, FL. Incarceration: Preventing Recidivism and Providing Effective Re-Entry, SESSION 1. Freda Sampson; Housing Project Manager, Michigan Roundtable for Diversity & Inclusion. Race, Housing, Truth & Justice: The Journey Towards Equity, SESSION 5.
Jason Reece; Senior Researcher, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Fair Recovery: From Crisis to Opportunity, SESSION 5.
Michael Sarbanes; Executive Director, Partnerships, Communications, and Community Engagement at Baltimore City Schools. Building Inclusive Communities in the Wake of the Foreclosure Crisis, SESSION 2.
Dorthea Reed; Administrative Coordinator, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership. Subprime Lending, The Foreclosure Crisis, and the U.S. Property Tax System, SESSION 3.
Rinku Sen; President and Executive Director, Applied Research Center. Evaluating Progress: Effective Movement Toward Reducing Systemic Racism, SESSION 3.
Denis Rhoden; Researcher, The Center for Social Inclusion. Black, Brown & Green: Building Green Business Models for Communities of Color, SESSION 5.
ron sims; Deputy Secretary, United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Racial Landscape in 2042, CLOSING PLENARY.
Lisa Rice; Vice President, National Fair Housing Alliance. Building Inclusive Communities in the Wake of the 30
Rose Smith; Poet, Women of the World Poetry Slam. Women of the World Poetry Slam: Poetry as a Medium for “Race Talk” in America, SESSION 3.
stacy stevens; Community Organizer, Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion. Race, Housing, Truth and Justice: The Journey Towards Equality, SESSION 5.
Lori Villarosa; Executive Director, the Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity. Evaluating Progress: Effective Movement toward Reducing Systemic Racism, SESSION 3.
Robert Strupp; Director of Research & Policy, Community Law Center. Building Inclusive Communities in the Wake of the Foreclosure Crisis, SESSION 2.
Jonida Beqo Vogli; Poet, Women of the World Poetry Slam. Women of the World Poetry Slam: Poetry as a Medium for “Race Talk” in America, SESSION 3.
William Sturkey; Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of History, The Ohio State University. Strong People Don’t Need Strong Leaders: Applying the Finest Examples of Historical Grassroots Leadership Training in the Age of Obama, SESSION 2. Tariq Tarey; Project Manager, Somali Documentary Project. Dadaab: A New Documentary about the Somali Struggle, SESSION 5. Philip Tegeler; Executive Director, Poverty and Race Research Action Council. Improving Opportunity for Healthy Child Development, SESSION 2. Anjali Thakur-Mittal; Deputy Director for Field Operations /Director of Americans for a Fair Chance Project, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund. Expanding Affirmative Action Advocacy in the Age of Obama, SESSION 3. Juhu Thukral; Director of Law and Advocacy, The Opportunity Agenda. Framing and Messaging Around Race in America, SESSION 1. Lynda Turet; Advocacy Coordinator, Center for Social Inclusion. Talking Effectively About Race and Policy in an Obama Era, SESSION 4. Reverend John H. Vaughn; Program Director, Twenty-First Century Foundation. Fair Game?, SESSION 6.
JOHANNA WALD; Director of Strategic Planning & Development, The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute. That Lion Made a Monkey Out of Me: Taking Implicit Bias by the Tail, SESSION 4. Don Wallick; Pastor, Good Shepherd Church. Race and Religion: Still the “Most Segregated Hour”? The Politics of Race, Faith, and Nation in America, SESSION 4. MELINDA WEEKES; Senior Associate, Interaction Institute for Social Change. Essential Facilitation: Core Skills for Agreement Building, SESSION 5; Key Elements of Social Systemic Change, SESSION 6. drew westEn; Professor in the Department of Psychology and Psychiatry, Emory University. Assessing and Challenging Subconscious Racial Bias, LUNCHEON PLENARY. maya wiley; Director, Center for Social Inclusion. Talking Effectively about Race and Policy in an Obama Era, SESSION 4. Paul Zavitkovsky; Instructor & Leadership Coach. Urban School Leadership Program, University of Illinois-Chicago. Closing the Loop: Eliminating Chronic Gaps in Instructional Effectiveness for Low-income Students of Color, SESSION 6.
Meeting at a Glance
Congressional (200)
Executive (100)
Judicial (100)
Legislative A (120)
Legisla (12
9:30-10:45 AM Session 1
Framing And Messaging Around Race In America
The Racial Politics Of Genetic Technologies
Rebuilding Blocks Part 1:
The Color Of Wealth
Incarceration Recidivism a Effective
11:00 -12:15 PM Session 2
Building Inclusive Communities in the Wake of the Foreclosure Crisis
Rethinking Crime and Punishment for the 21st Century
Improving Opportunity for Healthy Child Development
Can Popular Culture Transform The Way We Understand Race?
Ohio Org Collaborativ Alliance-B
2:30-3:45 PM Session 3
Evaluating Progress: Effective Movement Toward...
Routes to Effective Talk (and Hopefully Far More Walk:
Women Of The World Poetry Slam: Poetry As a Medium For...
Expanding Affirmative Action Advocacy In The Age Of Obama
Property Tax Minority Co Impacted By
4:00-5:15 PM Session 4
Understanding the Subprime Crisis
Race And Religion: Still The “Most Segregated Hour”?...
Talking Effectively About Race And Policy In An Obama Era
Recession Confronting Structu
Dadaab: A New Documentary About The Somali Struggle
Fair Recovery: From Crisis to Opportunity
Talking Race: How Intergroup Dialogue Addresses...
What Is A “ Scho
Race and Equity in Philanthropy
Transforming Community: The Intergroup...
Toward A New Language Of Race: Conflict And Contradictions...
Governor’s Ballroom (500)
For information on registration and continental breakfast, see pages 6 and 20.
6:00-7:00 PM
Welcome Reception/ Buffet; Opening Plenary
8:00-9:15 AM
Seeing and Influencing Systems to Transform Racialization
12:30-2:00 PM
Assessing and Challenging Subconscious Racial Bias. Plenary, Luncheon
6:00-7:30 PM
7:15-7:55 PM
Buses run every 20 minutes to Sarah Jones Performance
8:00-10:00 PM
Sarah Jones Perfomance (Lincoln Theater)
9:00-10:30 AM Session 5 10:45 -12:15 PM Session 6 12:30-2:00 PM 32
Race, The Job Crisis and Recovery The Racial Landscape in 2042. Plenary Panel Luncheon
ative B 20)
Racial Dynamics and Systems Thinking
RT Race Talk
Race, Recession and Recovery
State C (40)
Senate (25)
House (25)
Capitol BDRM
State A
Directors BDRM (20+)
n: Preventing and Providing Re-Entry
Challenging Structural Racism on the Ground: Successful Strategies
Generative Engagement: Understanding The Dynamics Of Difference
Greenlining: Leveraging The Community Reinvestment Act ...
Book Store
Media Room
Movie Room
ganizing ve: Strategic Building...
Transforming Race Dialogue, Addressing Structural Racism
Rebuilding Blocks Part II:Treating What Ails
Strong People Don’t Need Strong Leaders:
Book Store
Media Room
Movie Room
x Equity For ommunities Foreclosure.
New Media: Unexpected Pathways to Empowerment
From Cosmetic Diversity To Structural Reform In Criminal Justice
Harnessing Systems Thinking For Racial Equality
Book Store
Media Room
Movie Room
Race, Recession and the Green Recovery
Book Store
Media Room
Movie Room
n Or Not: g The Racial ure Of...
That Lion Made a Monkey out of Me: Taking Implicit Bias...
“Suburban ool”?
Race, Housing, Truth & Justice: The Journey Towards Equity
Black, Brown And Green: Building Green Business Models...
Essential Facilitation: Core Skills For Agreement Building
Book Store
Media Room
Movie Room
The Earth, the City and the Hidden Narrative of Race
Key Elements Of Social Systemic Change
Closing The Loop: Eliminating Chronic Gaps In Instructional....
Book Store
Media Room
Movie Room
SR 315
From Port Columbus International Airport (8 miles): Take I-670 West toward Directions downtown to 3rd St. exit. Follow 3rd St. approximately 7 traffic lights to State St. From Port Columbus International Airport (8 miles): TO I-7 Hotel is on right at 3rd St. and State St. Take I-670 West towardWHdowntown to 3rd St. exit. 0 PIT EELI GERMAN VILLAGE TSB NG7 traffic lights to Follow 3rd St. approximately UR & H HYATT ON� State St. Hotel is on right at G3rd St. and State St. Hyatt on Capitol S CAPITOL SQUARE NATIONWIDE BLVD.
Hyatt on Capitol Square
From Port Columbus International Airpo
downtown to 3rd St. exit. Follow 3rd St
Hotel is on right at 3rd St. and State St
logistics Parking Valet parking is currently available for overnight hotel guests at a charge of $23.00 per day. This includes in and out privileges on a 24-hour basis. Self-parking is available on a daily basis adjacent to the hotel, at meters, lots and the attached City Center Mall. Food The welcome reception on March 11 will include a buffet of heavy appetizers. Continental Breakfast and lunch will be served March 12 and March 13 and dinner will be served on March 12 with paid registration. Tickets to attend will be inside your registration packet. Please indicate whether you will need a vegetarian meal at the registration table. Dress Code Casual business attire is appropriate for the programs. Some classrooms may be cooler or warmer than others. A small sweater or jacket may be desired. Registration On-site registration will be available on March 11 from noon - 9 p.m., March 12 from 7 a.m. - 4 p.m., and March 13 from 8 a.m. - noon. Payment for individual courses is not available. A separate fee for Sarah Jones tickets will be applied. All payments can be made to the Kirwan Institute at the registration desk.
Cancellation Policy All cancellation requests must be sent to registration@ by February 19, 2010. No refunds will be processed after that date. A participant who cancels his or her registration by February 19 will be issued a full refund minus a $50.00 processing fee. Please allow up to 3 weeks processing for all refunds. Prepaid registrants unable to attend may send someone in their place without penalty. Sarah Jones tickets can not be refunded at any time. CEU’s Social Work CEU’s will be offered for most programs at the rate of 1.25-1.75 CEU’s per program depending on length of the program. Please ask for your CEU’s prior to the program to ensure that they are being offered for the program you are attending. All CEU’s provided in Social Work are provided by The Ohio State University College of Social Work. These credits will be recognized by other fields of study. Check with your governing board to see if they apply to your field. The Ohio State University College of Social Work is an approved provider of the State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board. Social Worker approval number RSXX038706; Counselor approval number: RCX100503. Most Sessions have been submitted for review for AICP Certification Maintenance credit. AICP Certification Maintenance credit is offered by The Ohio State University College of Architecture. Number of credits offered will depend on approved session.
SPonsors Transforming Race: Crisis and Opportunity in the Age of Obama is made possible with the generous intellectual, logistical, and financial support of many individuals, groups, and organizations. We gratefully acknowledge the following sponsors. Platinum Sponsor:
• Annie E. Casey Foundation • Marguerite Casey Foundation
Gold Sponsor: • Akonadi Foundation
• Kellogg Foundation
Silver Sponsors: • The Ohio State University Alumni Association
• The Ohio State University College of Law/Center for Interdisciplinary Law and Policy Studies • The Ohio State University Office of Minority Affairs • The Ohio State University Office of the President
Supporting Sponsors:
• Applied Research Center • Falk Foundation • Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District • The Ohio State University: Criminal Justice Research Center • The Ohio State University Multicultural Center, Office of Student Life • The Ohio State University School of Public Health • Poverty & Race Research Action Council • Public Interest Projects • The Ohio State University College of Social Work* • The Ohio State University School of Architecture • The Opportunity Agenda • The San Francisco Foundation • Twenty-First Century Foundation
Other Sponsors:
• The Ohio State University College of Education & Human Ecology • The Ohio State University School of Architecture - City and Regional Planning • The Ohio State University Wexner Center for the Arts
Special Thanks to the Following Sponsors Providing Ongoing Operating Support to the Kirwan Institute:
• Ford Foundation • Open Society Institute • Linked Fate Fund for Justice of Tides Foundation • The Tides Foundation
*All conference Social Work CEU’s are provided by The Ohio State University College of Social Work.
African American Alumni Reunion of The Ohio State University Reunion of reunions – “Embracing our past, and celebrating our future.”
April 30 – May 2, 2010 at the new Ohio Union on the campus of The Ohio State University This “Reunion of reunions” will represent African American alumni from each decade. The success of the reunion for your decade depends on your participation! See you in Columbus! For more information, please send an email to:; or call Nadine Holmes, the Alumni Association contact, at (614) 292-2371
38 38
THE OFFICE OF MINORITY AFFAIRS (OMA) was created in 1970 to provide leadership for The Ohio State University in supporting the success of minority students, faculty and staff. The office emphasizes the recruitment, retention, and timely graduation of undergraduate, graduate and professional students. OMA promotes a welcoming climate and serves in an advocacy role for minority individuals both at Ohio State and in the larger community.
Office of Minority Affairs
Mac A. Stewart Chief Diversity Officer
Applied Research Center is proud to support the Kirwan Institute and Transforming Race 2010.
We have more than 200 different jobs and more than 600 different faces working for clean water.
Committed to diversity and empowerment, we at the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District support Transforming Race 2010. | |
:48:05 PM
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11:10 AM
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Public Interest Projects (PIP) brings together and strengthens the work of philanthropic institutions, nonprofit groups and other public interest organizations sharing a vision of a society that ensures justice, dignity and opportunity for all people.
PIP salutes the Kirwan Institute and the 2010 Transforming Race Conference!
connecting research to advocacy
C atalyst for change
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We partner with diverse community organizations throughout the Bay Area t o m o b i l i z e r e s o u r c e s a n d ac t as a catalyst for change. • (212) 378-2800
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Ohio State’s College of Social Work is the oldest continuously accredited social work program in a public university.
College of Law/Center for Interdisciplinary Law and Policy Studies
College of Education and human ecology
[preferred reversal]
Need Strategies for Advancing Racial Equity? Use our Race Matters Toolkit
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
433 Mendenhall Laboratory 125 S. Oval Mall Columbus, OH 43210