Conference Speakers Detailed bios available at
Dolores Acevedo Garcia; Adjunct Associate Professor of Society, Human Development, and Health at Harvard University. Improving Opportunity for Healthy Child Development, SESSION 2.
Stephen Caliendo; Blogger of This Week in Race and Associate Professor of Political Science, North Central College. New Media: Unexpected Pathways to Empowerment, SESSION 3.
Michelle Alexander; Associate Professor of Law, Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University. From Cosmetic Diversity to Structural Reform in Criminal Justice, SESSION 3.
Delia Carmen; Associate Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, The Annie E. Casey Foundation. Race & Equity in Philanthropy: Increasing Investments in Communities of Color, SESSION 6.
CARL ANTHONY; Founder, Breakthrough Communities. The Earth, the City, and the Hidden Narrative of Race: Building Breakthrough Communities in an Age of Global Warming, SESSION 6.
Courtnee Carrigan; Director of Program Development, Community Advocacy and Partnerships, YWCA of Columbus. Rebuilding Blocks: Treating What Ails Neighborhoods in Cleveland, SESSIONS 1 & 2.
Dominique Apollon; Research Director, Applied Research Center. Race, Recession and the Green Recovery, SESSION 4.
Kerra S. Carson; Graduate Administrative Associate; the Multicultural Center and the Kirwan Institute, The Ohio State University. Transforming Community: The Intergroup Relations Program (IGR) at The Ohio State University, SESSION 6.
Kasa Bayisin; Israel Fellow, Hillel at The Ohio State University. Race and Religion: Still the “Most Segregated Hour”? The Politics of Race, Faith, and Nation in America, SESSION 4. Janis Bowdler; Deputy Director of the Wealth Building Project, National Council of La Raza. Building Inclusive Communities in the Wake of the Foreclosure Crisis, SESSION 2. Vernell Bristow; Poet, Women of the World Poetry Slam. Women of the World Poetry Slam: Poetry as a Medium for “Race Talk” in America, SESSION 3. George Burgan; Senior Manager for Marketing & Communications, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership. Property Tax Equity for Minority Communities Impacted by Foreclosure, SESSION 3. 26
Alex Cartagena; Transforming Race Dialogue, Addressing Structural Racism. Session 2. Melanie Cervantes; Program Officer, Akonadi Foundation. Challenging Structural Racism on the Ground: Successful Strategies, SESSION 1. CATHY CHADEAYNE; Re-Entry Coordinator, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, Jacksonville, FL. Preventing Recidivism and Providing Effective Re-Entry, SESSION 1. Camille Charles; Can Popular Culture Transform the Way we Understand Race? Session 2. Stephanie Chen; Legal Counsel, The Greenlining Institute. Greenlining: Leveraging the Community Reinvestment Act to Increase Investment in Underserved Communities, SESSION 1.
Gail Christopher; Vice President for Programs, W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Race & Equity in Philanthropy: Increasing Investments in Communities of Color, SESSION 6. Victor Corral; Program Associate, Insight Center for Community Economic Development. The Color of Wealth, SESSION 1. Todd Cox; Program Officer, Racial Justice and Minority Rights, The Ford Foundation. Evaluating Progress: Effective Movement Toward Reducing Systemic Racism, SESSION 3. Patricia Cunningham II; Graduate Associate, Office of Minority Affairs, The Ohio State University. Strong People Don’t Need Strong Leaders: Applying the Finest Examples of Historical Grassroots Leadership Training in the Age of Obama, SESSION 2. Shakyra Diaz; Education Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio. From Cosmetic Diversity to Structural Reform in Criminal Justice, SESSION 3. Nakeina Douglas; Director, Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute at Virginia Commonwealth University. Routes to Effective Talk and (Hopefully Far More Walk): Race Talk in Public Administration & Policy, SESSION 3. Gary Dymski; Professor of Economics, University of California, Riverside. Understanding the Subprime Crisis: How Financial Exploitation turned into a Global Meltdown, SESSION 4. Maria Echaveste; Senior Fellow, The Center for American Progress. The Racial Landscape in 2042, Closing Plenary. Michael Emerson; Allyn & Gladys Cline Professor of Sociology and Co-Director, Institute for Urban Research, Rice University. Race and Religion: Still the “Most Segregated Hour”? The Politics of Race, Faith, and Nation in America, SESSION 4.
glenda eoyang; Executive Director, Human Systems Dynamics Institute. Seeing and Influencing Systems to Transform Racialization, OPENING PLENARY SESSION. Ashley Evans; Program Coordinator, Policy Bridge. Rebuilding Blocks: Treating What Ails Neighborhoods in Cleveland, SESSIONS 1 & 2. Jacob Faber; Senior Researcher, Center for Social Inclusion. Talking Effectively About Race and Policy in an Obama Era, SESSION 4. Erica Frankenberg; Research and Policy Director, The Initiative on School Integration at The Civil Rights Project / Proyecto Derechos Civiles. What is a “Suburban School”?, SESSION 5. Fran Frazier; Senior Associate, Everyday Democracy. Transforming Race Dialogue, Addressing Structural Racism, Session 2. Axel Fuentes; Organizer, Center for New Community (Missouri). Recession or Not: Confronting the Racial Structure of the U.S. Food System. Sam Fulwood; Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress. Toward a New Language of Race: Conflict and Contradictions in the Age of Obama, SESSION 6. Susan Gooden; Executive Director, Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute at Virginia Commonwealth University. Routes to Effective Talk and (Hopefully Far More Walk): Race Talk in Public Administration & Policy, SESSION 3. Connie Galambagos Malloy; Director of Programs, Urban Habitat. Challenging Structural Racism on the Ground: Successful Strategies, SESSION 1. RACHEL GODSIL; Eleanor Bontecou Professor of Law, Seton Hall. That Lion Made a Monkey Out of Me: Taking Implicit Bias by the Tail, SESSION 4. 27
Sally Leiderman; President, Center for Assessment and Policy Development. Evaluating Progress: Effective Movement toward Reducing Systemic Racism, SESSION 3. Pamela Lewis; Managed Care Program Analyst, Department of Medical Assistance Services (Virginia Medicaid). Routes to Effective Talk and (Hopefully Far More Walk): Race Talk in Public Administration and Policy, SESSION 3. Yvonne Liu; Senior Research Associate, Applied Research Center. Race, Recession and the Green Recovery, SESSION 4. Meizhu Lui; Director, Closing the Wealth Gap Initiative at the Insight Center for Community Economic Development. The Color of Wealth, SESSION 1. Kasey Martin; Research Associate, Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute at Virginia Commonwealth University. Routes to Effective Talk and (Hopefully Far More Walk): Race Talk in Public Administration & Policy, SESSION 3.
Linda Meric; Executive Director, 9to5, National Association of Working Women. Expanding Affirmative Action Advocacy in the Age of Obama, SESSION 3. Lawrence Mishel; President, Economic Policy Institute. Race, the Job Crisis and Recovery, SESSION 6. Mary Nations; Consultant, Nations Alliance LLC. Generative Engagement: Understanding the Dynamics of Difference, SESSION 1. Rebecca R. Nelson; Assistant Vice President of Student Life and Director of the Multicultural Center, The Ohio State University. Transforming Community: The Intergroup Relations Program (IGR) at The Ohio State University, SESSION 5. Nicole K. Nieto; Intercultural Specialist, the Multicultural Center, The Ohio State University. Transforming Community: The Intergroup Relations Program (IGR) at The Ohio State University, SESSION 5.
Martha McCoy; Executive Director, Everyday Democracy. Transforming Race Dialogue, Addressing Structural Racism, SESSION 2.
Kirk Noden; Executive Director, Mahoning Valley Organizing Collaborative. The Ohio Organizing Collaborative: Strategic Alliance-Building on Behalf of Low-Income and Working-Class People, SESSION 2.
Charlton McLlwain; Blogger of This Week in Race and Assistant Professor of Culture & Communication, New York University. New Media: Unexpected Pathways to Empowerment, SESSION 3.
John O’Callaghan; President and CEO, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership. Property Tax Equity for Minority Communities Impacted by Foreclosure, SESSION 3.
Randell McShepard; Board Chairman, Policy Bridge. Rebuilding Blocks: Treating What Ails Neighborhoods in Cleveland, SESSIONS 1 & 2.
Osagie Obasogie; Associate Professor of Law, University of California Hastings College of the Law. The Racial Politics of Genetic Technologies, SESSION 1.
Stephen Menendian; Senior Legal Research Associate, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Fair Recovery: From Crisis to Opportunity, SESSION 5.
Dave Ostendorf; Executive Director, Center for New Community. Recession or Not: Confronting the Racial Structure of the U.S. Food System, SESSION 4. 29
Cynthia Parker; Senior Associate, Interaction Institute. Essential Facilitation: Core Skills for Agreement Building, SESSION 5. Key Elements of Social Systemic Change, SESSION 6. Paloma pavel; Founder, Breakthrough Communities. The Earth, The City, and The Hidden Narrative of Race: Building Breakthrough Communities in an Age of Global Warming, SESSION 6. María Poblet; Executive Director, Causa Justa: Just Cause. Challenging Structural Racism on the Ground: Successful Strategies, SESSION 1. Nicole Porter; State Advocacy Coordinator, The Sentencing Project. Rethinking Crime and Punishment for the 21st Century, Session 2. john powell; Executive Director, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. The Racial Landscape in 2042, CLOSING PLENARY. Joaquin Ramon-Herrera; Blogger of The Unapologetic Mexican. New Media: Unexpected Pathways to Empowerment, SESSION 3.
Foreclosure Crisis, SESSION 2. Louise Robertson; Marketing Director and Website Administrator, Women of the World Poetry Slam. Women of the World Poetry Slam: Poetry as a Medium for “Race Talk” in America, SESSION 3. Christy Rogers; Senior Research Associate, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Fair Recovery: From Crisis to Opportunity, SESSION 5. Julie Rowe; Framing and Messaging Coordinator, The Opportunity Agenda. Framing and Messaging Around Race in America, SESSION 1; Expanding Affirmative Action Advocacy in the Age of Obama, SESSION 3. Sheriff John Rutherford; Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, Jacksonville, FL. Incarceration: Preventing Recidivism and Providing Effective Re-Entry, SESSION 1. Freda Sampson; Housing Project Manager, Michigan Roundtable for Diversity & Inclusion. Race, Housing, Truth & Justice: The Journey Towards Equity, SESSION 5.
Jason Reece; Senior Researcher, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Fair Recovery: From Crisis to Opportunity, SESSION 5.
Michael Sarbanes; Executive Director, Partnerships, Communications, and Community Engagement at Baltimore City Schools. Building Inclusive Communities in the Wake of the Foreclosure Crisis, SESSION 2.
Dorthea Reed; Administrative Coordinator, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership. Subprime Lending, The Foreclosure Crisis, and the U.S. Property Tax System, SESSION 3.
Rinku Sen; President and Executive Director, Applied Research Center. Evaluating Progress: Effective Movement Toward Reducing Systemic Racism, SESSION 3.
Denis Rhoden; Researcher, The Center for Social Inclusion. Black, Brown & Green: Building Green Business Models for Communities of Color, SESSION 5.
ron sims; Deputy Secretary, United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Racial Landscape in 2042, CLOSING PLENARY.
Lisa Rice; Vice President, National Fair Housing Alliance. Building Inclusive Communities in the Wake of the 30
Rose Smith; Poet, Women of the World Poetry Slam. Women of the World Poetry Slam: Poetry as a Medium for “Race Talk” in America, SESSION 3.
stacy stevens; Community Organizer, Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion. Race, Housing, Truth and Justice: The Journey Towards Equality, SESSION 5.
Lori Villarosa; Executive Director, the Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity. Evaluating Progress: Effective Movement toward Reducing Systemic Racism, SESSION 3.
Robert Strupp; Director of Research & Policy, Community Law Center. Building Inclusive Communities in the Wake of the Foreclosure Crisis, SESSION 2.
Jonida Beqo Vogli; Poet, Women of the World Poetry Slam. Women of the World Poetry Slam: Poetry as a Medium for “Race Talk” in America, SESSION 3.
William Sturkey; Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of History, The Ohio State University. Strong People Don’t Need Strong Leaders: Applying the Finest Examples of Historical Grassroots Leadership Training in the Age of Obama, SESSION 2. Tariq Tarey; Project Manager, Somali Documentary Project. Dadaab: A New Documentary about the Somali Struggle, SESSION 5. Philip Tegeler; Executive Director, Poverty and Race Research Action Council. Improving Opportunity for Healthy Child Development, SESSION 2. Anjali Thakur-Mittal; Deputy Director for Field Operations /Director of Americans for a Fair Chance Project, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund. Expanding Affirmative Action Advocacy in the Age of Obama, SESSION 3. Juhu Thukral; Director of Law and Advocacy, The Opportunity Agenda. Framing and Messaging Around Race in America, SESSION 1. Lynda Turet; Advocacy Coordinator, Center for Social Inclusion. Talking Effectively About Race and Policy in an Obama Era, SESSION 4. Reverend John H. Vaughn; Program Director, Twenty-First Century Foundation. Fair Game?, SESSION 6.
JOHANNA WALD; Director of Strategic Planning & Development, The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute. That Lion Made a Monkey Out of Me: Taking Implicit Bias by the Tail, SESSION 4. Don Wallick; Pastor, Good Shepherd Church. Race and Religion: Still the “Most Segregated Hour”? The Politics of Race, Faith, and Nation in America, SESSION 4. MELINDA WEEKES; Senior Associate, Interaction Institute for Social Change. Essential Facilitation: Core Skills for Agreement Building, SESSION 5; Key Elements of Social Systemic Change, SESSION 6. drew westEn; Professor in the Department of Psychology and Psychiatry, Emory University. Assessing and Challenging Subconscious Racial Bias, LUNCHEON PLENARY. maya wiley; Director, Center for Social Inclusion. Talking Effectively about Race and Policy in an Obama Era, SESSION 4. Paul Zavitkovsky; Instructor & Leadership Coach. Urban School Leadership Program, University of Illinois-Chicago. Closing the Loop: Eliminating Chronic Gaps in Instructional Effectiveness for Low-income Students of Color, SESSION 6.