Acid soils their chemistry and management

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Acid Soils Their Chemistry and Management

Acid Soils Their Chemistry and Management

Edited by

A.K. Sarkar

Formerly Professor & Head (Soil Science) and Dean, Faculty of Agriculture Birsa Agricultural University Ranchi – 834 006 Jharkhand


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Dr. M. VELAYUTHAM, Ph. D (U.K.) Former Director National Bureau of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning (ICAR) and Former Executive Director M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

Foreword Agriculture is the primary industry,source of livelihood and way of life for more than 60 per cent of the population in India.There is an increasing pressure on the land resource and good quality land available for Agriculture, due to alternate demands on the requirement for urbanization,industrialisation and infra-structure development. In addition, the “Productive potential” of the existing cultivable lands is decreasing due to its improper management and use (including its abuse and misuse), the impact of various man-induced land degradation processes and the lack of “Public awareness” on the effect of these actions and processes on the “Quality of Land”. Soil Acidity is one of the major intrinsic soil-related constraints limiting the production potential of these soils for crop growth. About 30 million hectares of cultivated land in the country is highly acidic with soil pH ranging from 4.5 to 5.5.Crop diversity, cropping intensity,crop productivity & profitability in these areas is very low, resulting in livelihood insecurity, poverty, and slow pace of development. Major part (about 80 per cent) of the Eastern and North-eastern India are of greater concern in this regard. The Chemistry of soil acidity has been one of the much researched domains in Soil Science. The investigations on “Clay acids or Acid clays” in the early decades of the last century and the publication of the paper in the mid-60’s by M.L.Jackson on “Soil Acidity-amerry-go-round” provides an interesting reading on the subject to the students of Soil Science. What has been lacking is the practical application of these principles into the Best Management Practices in the cultivation of these soils for diverse crops and cropping systems and plantation crops.



I congratulate Dr.A.K.Sarkar, Former Dean,College of Agriculture, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi and Former Project Co-ordinator, ICAR Network Project on Acid Soils (2000-2005), for his creative thinking and painstaking efforts in compiling and editing the recent advances made in the Management of acid soils by the National Agricultural Research system, in this book. Dr. Sarkar is a distinguished Scientist of national repute, who followed the school of thought on the studies on Acid Soils of Chotanagpur plateau, created by late Professor S.C. Mandal. This multi-authored book with contributions from several leading scientists provide valuable information for all stake-holders engaged in the management of Acid soils and sustainable development of these regions. This book, I hope,will serve as a milestone in Acid Soil Management Programme through a synergy between Science,technology and Policy support for addressing the Food and Livelihood concerns of the population inhabiting these areas and regions.

Chennai 31-05-2013

M. Velayutham

Preface The book on Acid Soils: Their Chemistry and Management is the result of a novel exercise to highlight the technological, management and policy issues involved in increasing the agricultural out put on low productive acid soils. During the last 10 to 15 years, excellent work has been done in this field after taking note of the pioneering research on liming acid soils by eminent scientists. It was thought proper to collate and consolidate the work for effective use by scientists, research scholars, postgraduate students, and extension personnels. Our knowledge on soil acidity and its effect on soil health and crop productivity has expanded in recent years. Management of knowledge and its fast dissemination for better life is of great value. Though basic chemistry of acid soils has remained similar, but the land use, cropping patterns, methodology and sources of lime application have changed over the years. This has made the planners to realize that the untapped potential of acid soil regions must be taken care of by a technology based development. The chapters for the book have been written by scientists, who are engaged in this work for the past two to three decades. I express sincere appreciation and gratitude to the authors for their hard work, cooperation and adherence to a time frame. I am grateful to NIPA, New Delhi for helping us immensely by accepting to publish this book, which, I am sure, will act as an important reference material on the subject. Farmers, in general, and of the eastern and north-east India in particular, ignoring all the hardships, distress, poverty, and un-sustainable lifestyles, are toiling hard to provide food to all of us. Let us pledge to help them in this gigantic task by empowering them with profitable and low cost technologies for mutual benefits.



To our readers, in the words of Swami Vivekananda,�Books are infinite in number and time is short. The secret of knowledge is to take what is essential. Take that and try to live up to it.�

A.K. Sarkar Editor Place: Gurgaon, Haryana Date: May, 2013

Contributors A.K. Sarkar Birsa Agricultural University Ranchi – 834 006 Jharkhand A.K. Ghosh Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Institute of Agricultural Sciences Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh – 221 005 A.K. Sahoo National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Regional Centre Kolkata West Bengal B. Mandal Bidhan Chandra Krishi ViswaVidyalaya Kalyani West Bengal Dipak Sarkar National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning Nagpur, Maharashtra India D. Jena Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology Bhubaneswar – 751 003 Odisha

Mausumi Raychaudhuri Directorate of Water Management Chandrasekharpur Bhubaneswar – 751 023 Odisha Patiram ICAR Complex for NEH Region Barapani Sushanta Kumar Pattanayak Professor (Soil Science) OdishaUniversity of Agriculture and Technology Bhubaneswar – 751 003 Odisha S.P. Sharma Himachal Pradesh Krishi Viswavidyalaya Palampur Himachal Pradesh S.C. Talashilkar Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth Dapoli Maharashtra S. Raychaudhuri Directorate of Water Management Chandrasekharpur Bhubaneswar –751 023, Odisha Surendra Singh Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Institute of Agricultural Sciences Banaras Hindu University Varanasi – 221 005, Uttar Pradesh

x Contributors

T. C.B aru ah Assam Agricultural University Jorhat Assam

V.K .Ve n u go pa l Kerala Agricutural University Vellayani Kerala

Contents Foreword .......................................................................................... v Preface ........................................................................................... vii Contributors ................................................................................... ix 1 . Introduction .............................................................................. 1 A.K. Sarkar 2 . Soil Acidity – Concepts and Applications ........................... 5 A.K. Sarkar 3 . Chemistry of Acid Soils ........................................................ 2 1 Sushanta Kumar Pattanayak 4 . Genesis and Classification of Acid Soils of India ........... 4 9 A.K.Sahoo and Dipak Sarkar 5 . Field Studies on Acid Soils of India ................................ 1 0 5 A.K. Sarkar, S.P. Sharma,T.C. Baruah, Patiram, B. Mandal, S.K. Pattanayak, V.K.Venugopal, and S.C. Talashilkar 6 . Acid Soils of North-Eastern India ................................... 1 3 3 Mausumi Raychaudhuri and S. Raychaudhuri 7 . Acid Soils of Jharkhand ..................................................... 1 6 5 A.K. Sarkar 8 . Acid Soils of Odisha ............................................................ 1 9 7 D. Jena 9 . Secondary and Micronutrients in Acid Soils ................. 2 5 7 Surendra Singh and A.K. Ghosh 1 0 . Paper Mill Sludge as an Acid Soil Ameliorant .............. 2 8 9 Sushanta Kumar Pattanayak 11 . Way Forward ........................................................................ 3 11 A.K. Sarkar

Fi r s tf e wp a g e so ft h i sb o o ka r ep u b l i s h e d o nk i s a n . c o mb yi t sp u b l i s h e r . I fy o uwi s ht op u r c h a s eah a r d c o p y o ft h i sb o o k , p l e a s ec o n t a c tt h ep u b l i s h e r .

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