Advances in protected cultivation

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Advances in Protected Cultivation

Edited by

Brahma Singh President, Indian Society for Protected Cultivation Former Director, Life Sciences, DRDO, New Delhi. Balraj Singh Director, National Research Centre on Seed Spices Ajmer-305 206 Rajasthan Naved Sabir Principal Scientist National Centre for Integrated Pest Management, New Delhi Murtaza Hasan Senior Scientist, Centre for Protected Cultivation Technology Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012


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Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

10, Rajaji Marg

Former President of India

New Delhi - 110011

Foreword I have experienced potential of protected cultivation in Ladakh in early 1990's. The sight of leafy vegetables grown during frozen winters under protected structures was very satisfying. By making possible cultivation of cucurbits and enhancing crop chapters in this book have highlighted all these innovations. In October 2009, I visited EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) located in the Disney land, Florida, USA. I saw the demonstration of soil less agriculture, hydroponics, aeroponics and drip irrigation technologies, high rise crops and vertical farms. This alternative farming would indeed shape future farming. I am happy to note that Indian scientists are not far behind in mastering such technologies. They are making them Indian farmer-friendly. Let us innovate to empower agriculture. Recommendations consisting of continuous research and development on appropriate protected structures for different crops, their suitable seeds for different geographical zones of the country, emphasis on water-use efficiency, starting a separate mission on protected cultivation incorporating cluster cultivation approach in model PURA(Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas) besides opening of school of protected cultivation on all agricultural universities in India, public private partnership, standardization and certification of inputs are appropriate and indeed very timely. I congratulate the organizers of the seminar and editors of the book for their good quality effort. I am sure, the translation of this book in regional languages would be further useful to all those connected v

Foreword/vi directly or indirectly with promotion of protected agriculture, particularly agricultural scientists, students, farmers and policy-makers.

8 July 2013

APJ Abdul Kalam

List of Contributors Brahma Singh President, Indian Society for Protected Cultivation and Former Director, Life Sciences, DRDO, New Delhi Email: Pitam Chandra Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering Director, Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal 462038 E-mail: P. R. Bhatnagar AICRP on Application of Plastics in AgricultureCIPHET, PO PAU, Ludhiana 141 004, Punjab A.S. Sidhu Director, IIHR, Bangalore. E-mail: Murtaza Hasan Senior Scientist, CPCT, IARI, New Delhi 110 012 Dilip Jain Central Arid Zone Research Institute Jodhpur 342 003 E-mail:


List of Contributors/xii R B Srivastava and Dorjey Angchok Defence Institute of High Altitude Research (DIHAR) Leh-Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir) India S.N.S. Chaurasia and P. S. Naik Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Post Bag. No.01, Shahanshahpur (Jakhini), Varanasi-221 305 (UP) India Raj Kumar Centre for Protected Cultivation Technology, Indian Agricultural Research InstituteNew Delhi 110 012 Balraj Singh Director, NRCSS,Ajmer-305 206 Email: S.S. Sindhu and Raj Kumar Centre for Protected Cultivation Technology, IARI, Pusa,New Delhi 110 012 E. mail: C. Narayanan Kutty, *U. Sreelatha, **M. L. Jyothi and ***T. R Gopalakrishnan * Agricultural Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Mannuthy 680 651 **Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pattambi and Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara D.K. Singh Department of Vegetable Science, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology,Pantnagar 263 145, (U.K.) India Email: B.S. Tomar and Balraj Singh* Seed Production Unit IARI, New Delhi 110 012 *Director NRCSS, Ajmer, Rajasthan Email: D. Barman, P. Mohanty and R.P. Medhi NRC for Orchids, Pakyong, Sikkim 737 106 M.R. Dhiman1, Chander Parkash1 and S.S. Sindhu2 1Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Regional Station, Katrain, KulluValleyHimachal Pradesh 175 129 2Centre for Protected Cultivation Technology, IARI, Pusa, New Delhi 110 012 E-mail:

List of Contributors/xiii T. Janakiram, Namita, P. Pavan Kumar and Sapna Panwar Division of Floriculture and LandscapingIndian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012 Naved Sabir National Centre for Integrated Pest Management, New Delhi S. Nakkeeran, P. Dhinesh, P. Renukadevi, M. Jawaharlal and E.I. Jonathan Department of Plant Pathology, Centre for Plant Protection Studies Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641 003 Y.C. Gupta1, Bhavya Bhargava2 and Priyanka Sharma2 Professor and Head1, PhD Scholar2 Department of Floriculture and Landscaping Dr Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan,Himachal Pradesh 173 230 E-mail: R. S. Paroda Former Secretary, DARE & DG, ICAR, and Chairman, Haryana Kisan Ayog Balraj Singh, Brahma Singh, Naved Sabir and Murtaza Hasan NASC Complex, DPS Marg, New Delhi on 21 March, 2013 Organized by Indian Society for Protected Cultivation, New Delhi



Foreword .........................................................................................


Preface .............................................................................................


Acronyms ........................................................................................


Strategies for Promoting Protected Cultivation in India .....


R. S. Paroda 2.

DRDO—Harbinger of Protected Cultivation of Vegetable Crops in India ...........................................................


Brahma Singh 3.

Automation for Climate Control in Protected Structures.......................................................................................


Pitam Chandra 4.

Design and Construction of Greenhouse in India ...............


P. R. Bhatnagar 5.

Protected Cultivation of Vegetables in Southern India.......


A.S. Sidhu 6.

Design of Protected Structures and Drip Fertigation System for Indian Conditions ...................................................


Murtaza Hasan 7.

Solar Thermal Modeling of Greenhouse Environment for Protected Cultivation ........................................................... Dilip Jain xiii


Contents/xiv 8.

Greenhouse Technology for Vegetable Cultivation in Cold Desert Environment: Learnings from Ladakh .............


R B Srivastava and Dorjey Angchok 9.

Vegetable Nursery Raising under Protected Environment .................................................................................


S.N.S. Chaurasia and P. S. Naik 10.

Breeding Solanaceous Vegetables for Protected Cultivation ....................................................................................


Raj Kumar 11.

Production Technology for Vegetables under Protected Conditions .................................................................................... 103 Balraj Singh


Advances in Research in Protected Cultivation of Cut Flowers........................................................................................... 119 S.S. Sindhu and Raj Kumar


Advances in Protected Cultivation of Vegetables in Kerala ............................................................................................. 133 C. Narayanan Kutty, U. Sreelatha, M. L. Jyothi and T. R Gopalakrishnan


Improved Vegetable Varieties/Hybrids for Protected Cultivation in India ................................................................... 143 D.K. Singh


Production of Quality Seed of Vegetables under Protected Conditions—Technological Advancements ........ 155 B.S. Tomar and Balraj Singh


Advances in Protected Production Technologies in Orchids ...................................................................................... 169 D. Barman, P. Mohanty and R.P. Medhi


Protected Cultivation of Flowers in India............................... 181 T. Janakiram, Namita, P. Pavan Kumar and Sapna Panwar

Contents/xv 18.

IPM in Vegetable Cultivation in Greenhouses...................... 193 Naved Sabir




Bacillus spp. for Management of Carnation wilt under Protected Cultivation................................................................... 209 S. Nakkeeran, P. Dhinesh, P. Renukadevi, M. Jawaharlal and E.I. Jonathan Problems and Prospects of Floriculture under Protected Cultivation in Hills...................................................................... 213 Y.C. Gupta, Bhavya Bhargava and Priyanka Sharma Proceedings and Recommendations of the National Seminar on Advances in Protected Cultivation ..................... 221 Balraj Singh, Brahma Singh, Naved Sabir and Murtaza Hasan List of Contributors ......................................................................... 233

Fi r s tf e wp a g e so ft h i sb o o ka r ep u b l i s h e d o nk i s a n . c o mb yi t sp u b l i s h e r . I fy o uwi s ht op u r c h a s eah a r d c o p y o ft h i sb o o k , p l e a s ec o n t a c tt h ep u b l i s h e r .

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