lian Council of P limbatore - 641 007
Co 99004 named as 'DAMODAR' was evolved through hybridization and selection involving two proven parents, Co 62175 and Co 86250. This clone was under Initial Evaluation Trial in 14 locations along with 10 more entries and three standard varieties during 2002-2003 under Midlate group. It proved its superiority over all the clones tested and was among top three at nine locations for cane and sugar yields. It was tested under Advanced Varietal Trials in two plant and one ratoon crops during 2004-2005 and 2005-2006.A total of 35 trials were conducted at twelve AlCRP centres of Peninsular zone. The mean performance of the clone in comparison with the zonal midlate standards is presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Mean performance of the clone
Co 99004 recorded an average sugar yield of 16.09 tlha from three crops against the standard Co 7219 (13.46 t/ha) and Co 86032 (15.00 t/ha). For cane yield also the trend was similar. Co 99004 recorded a mean cane yield of 116.82 t/ha compared to 102.43 t/ha by Co 7219 and 113.66 t/ha by Co 86032. The quality of Co 99004 was better than the standards. It recorded 13.61 % CCS and 19.21 % sucrose. It was among top three in 14 trials for CCS tlha, in 12 trials for cane yield, in -13 trials for CCS% and in 14 trials for sucrose % out of 33 trials, thus proving its potential for yield and superiorityfor quality. The variety has additional merits, viz. resistance to red rot (R by plug and R by nodal methods), tolerance to drought and salinity, tolerancedo internode borer, golden yellow A1
quality jaggery and shy flowering. The variety has excellent field habits like erectness, early vigorous growth, dark green foliage, tall canes without spines or splits and 14% fibre. Detailed morphologicaldescription is given in Table 2. The clone had performed well at Coimbatore, Mandya, Navsari, Padegaon, Pune, Rudrur and Thiruvalla centres of Peninsular zone. The variety will help to improve the cane and sugar productivity in normal conditions. It is also suitable to drought and salinity prone areas and red rot affected areas of Gujarat, Maharashtra, interior Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnatakaand Kerala. Scientists responsiblefor the development of variety: K.V Bhagyalakshmi, S. Alarmelu, G.Hemaprabha, K.G. Somarajan, R.M. Shanthi, R. Nagarajan, P.Padmanaban, D. Mohan Raj, S. Vasantha, S.Asokan and N. Vijayan Nair.
Table 2. Morphological description of Co 99004
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Root zone colour (Unexposed) No. of root eye rows Arrangement Bud size Bud shape Bwd cushion Germpore position
Light green Two Irregular Small, slightly pr~truding H with prominent bud wings Absent Apical
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Bud groove Growth rina colour Leaf length Leaf width Lamina colour Leaf carriage Leaf sheath colour Leaf sheath waxiness Leaf sheath mines Leaf sheath clasping Dewlap colour Ligular process Shape of ligule Flowering Salient characteristics
Extension Publication No. 118
Indicated Green 1.25 m 5 cm Green Closed, tip drooping Purplish green Light Absent Loose Green Present, F Linear crescent 5% Tall, erect, medium thick yellowish green canes with closed canopy; green sheath without spines or splits or ligular process
Script by Prepared by
: Dr.T.Rajula Shanthy Dr.R.Thiagarajan Dr.D.Puthira Prathap
Published by
: Dr. N. Vijayan Nair, Director, Sugarcane Coimbatore 641 007
CPiinfed by
Print-Rite, Coimbatore
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