Edited by
M.R. Dinesh
Principal Scientist Indian Institute of Horticultural Research Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bengaluru Karnataka – 500 089
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DEDICATION Dr. M.R. Dinesh dedicates this book FRUIT BREEDING to his sister Mrs. Y. Jayalakshmi N Sharma and brother-in-law Mr. Y.K.N. Sharma for their encouragement and support throughout. Dr. K.V. Peter dedicates this book FRUIT BREEDING to Prof. P.I. Peter Chairman NoniBiotech, Chennai who introduced the term “Fruit is the healthy food for wellness and welfare�. He brought to light Noni (Morinda citrifolia L) (Family-Rubiaceae) from the status of an uncommon and underexploited fruit to the status of a fruit for health care and wellness. Let his mission to validate therapeutic actions of Noni and create wellness awareness among people to provide health security by 2020 be materialized.
Foreword India is the second largest grower of fruits after China, with a production of 74.8 million tons from a area of 6.38 million ha. Mango, citrus, guava, banana, papaya, pomegranate, jackfruit, sapota, custard apple, ber and jamun are the common fruits grown in addition to a number of under-utilized and under-exploited fruit crops. Fruits yield larger quantities of food per unit area as compared to cereals. For instance, paddy yields 3 tons/ha, while it is 22 tons for banana; 45 tones for pineapple and 40 tones for grapes. Less area is required to obtain energy/adult/year (11,00,000 kcal) from banana (0.03 ha.) or mango (0.16 ha) than from growing wheat (0.44 ha). Given the present context, food security is complete only with nutritional security through consumption of fruits and vegetables. Micronutrients malnutrition, a threat to vulnerable India, can be minimized through consumption of fruits affordable to common man. Fruit consumption is as low as 10g/day/person in Nagaland and Manipur to 70g/day/person in Chandigarh. Per capita consumption of fruits in India is only 65g against a minimum of 120g. With the present level of consumption, the annual requirement of horticulture process will be 90 million tons in 2016-17 and 98 million tons 2020-21. Globally, fruit production in India is 11.7/ha compared to 16.1 tons in Brazil, 22.2 tons in USA, 22.4 tons in Indonesia and 12.8 tons in Turkey. Efforts are made to improve productivity of fruit crops through breeding. In spite of the perennial nature and high heterozygosity, work
carried out at different Institute and Universities have resulted in several new varieties in different fruit crops viz., Amrapali and Mallika in mango Lalith and Arka Kiran in guva, PKM varieties in sapota, Arka Prabhath, Pusa varieties and CO series in papaya and Arka Sahan in custard apple. Several Institute and Agricultural Universities viz., Island Central Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair; Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, Bikaner; Central Institute of Sub-Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow; Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture, Srinagar; Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessarghatta; National Research Centre for Banana, Tiruchirapalli; National Research Centre for Citrus, Nagpur; National Research Centre for Grape, Pune; National Research Center for Litchi, Muzzafarpur; National Research Centre for Pomegranate, Solapur; All India Co-ordinated Research Projects on Fruits, Arid Zone Fruits and Department of Fruit Science attached to the Faculty of Agriculture/Horticulture and Fruit Research Farms of State Governments are doing commendable work on improvement of fruit crops. Feeling the needs at national and international perspectives, the Education Division of ICAR has revised and updated the UG and PG syllabi in Horticulture and fruit breeding is offered as a compulsory/elective course. The present edited book on “Fruit Breeding� has 20 chapters, 9 chapters dealing the fundamentals and 11 chapters on individual fruit crops, as edited by Dr. M.R. Dinesh, Principal Scientist from IIHR, Bangalore and Dr KV Peter, Former Vice-chancellor, Kerala Agricultural University. I congratulate the editor for this useful compilation
Dated the 6th December, 2013, New Delhi
S. Ayyappan
The editor express profound gratitude to Dr S Ayyappan Director General and Dr N Krishna Kumar Deputy Director General(Horticulture), ICAR New Delhi for the academic guidance and FOREWORD to the book. Dr M R Dinesh acknowledges Dr. C.P.A. Iyer, Ex Director, CISH, Lucknow, his guide and teacher and Late Dr. M.D. Subramanyam, Sr. Scientist (Retd), Division of Fruit Crops, IIHR under whom he learnt the science and art of fruit breeding. He also acknowledges Dr. S.D. Shikhamany, Ex Director, IIHR and Dr. G.S. Prakash, Ex-Head, Division of Fruit Crops who encouraged him in undertaking the arduous work of fruit breeding by providing the right atmosphere for working and the facilities. He acknowledges the Director, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore and the eminent scientists who contributed valuable chapters to the edited book. He Acknowledges Miss Bhuvaneshwari for typing entire the manuscript. Dr. K.V. Peter places on record his gratitude to Prof. P.I. Peter Chairman Noni Biotech, Chennai for the facilities extended and permission to engage in this academic pursuit. He also acknowledges Dr. Kirti Singh, Chairperson, World Noni Research Foundation for the guidance and blessings. Dr. K.V. Peter acknowledges the smiles and handwaves of his grandson Master Antony Ajay Peter which enthuse him to be in this area of academic journalism. The editors express gratitude to the staff of New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi for the excellent printing of the book.
M.R. Dinesh General Editor (Series)
K.V. Peter
Contents Dedication ........................................................................................................ v Foreword ....................................................................................................... vii Acknowledgement ........................................................................................... ix Contributors ................................................................................................. xiii
1. History of Fruit Breeding ................................................................. 1 T. Radha and S. Simi
2. Biodiversity of Fruit Crops ............................................................. 17 M.R. Dinesh and G.L. Veena
3. Fruit Breeding-Challenges, Approaches and Prospects ............ 39 M.R. Dinesh and G.L. Veena
4. Apomixis and Fruit Breeding ......................................................... 53 G.L. Veena and M.R. Dinesh
5. Mutation Breeding in Fruit Crops ................................................ 59 M.R. Dinesh, G.L. Veena and Bharathi Nirujogi
6. Role of Insects in Fruit Crop Pollination ..................................... 67 P. V. Rami Reddy and K. Sreedevi
7. Molecular Markers in Fruit Breeding.......................................... 87 Kanupriya and K.V. Ravishankar
8. Statistical Techniques in Quantitative Genetics for Fruit Crop Improvement Research ...................................................... 103 R. Venugopalan
9. Rootstock Breeding ...................................................................... 127 M.R. Dinesh
10. Mango Breeding ............................................................................ 133 M.R. Dinesh
Citrus Breeding .............................................................................. 165 Awtar Singh
Banana Breeding ............................................................................ 207 A. Rekha
Pomegranate Breeding ................................................................. 223 S.S. Hiwale
Papaya Breeding ............................................................................ 241 M.R. Dinesh and G.L. Veena
Guava Breeding .............................................................................. 277 M.R. Dinesh and C. Vasugi
Sapota Breeding ............................................................................. 289 A. Rekha
17. Jackfruit Breeding ......................................................................... 297 Prakash Patil
18. Breeding Sugar Apple/Sweetsop ................................................. 319 T. Sakthivel
Breeding in Indian Jujube (Ber) .................................................. 333 S.S. Hiwale
20. Jamun Breeding ............................................................................. 349 A. Rekha
Fi r s tf e wp a g e so ft h i sb o o ka r ep u b l i s h e d o nk i s a n . c o mb yi t sp u b l i s h e r . I fy o uwi s ht op u r c h a s eah a r d c o p y o ft h i sb o o k , p l e a s ec o n t a c tt h ep u b l i s h e r .
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