Inbred Hybrid Technology In Maize, DMR

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Inbred-Hybrid Technology in Maize

Directorate of Maize Research (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110 012 (India)


Sain Dass Manivannan A J Kaul Avinash Singode JC Sekhar Chikkappa GK

Directorate of Maize Research (Indian Council of Agricultural Reserach) Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110 012, India Website:, Email: Phone: 011-25841805, 25842372; Fax:011-25848195

Correct citation: Sain Dass, Manivannan A, J Kaul, Avinash Singode, JC Sekhar and Chikkappa GK. 2010. Inbred-Hybrid Technology in Maize. DMR Technical Bulletin 2010. DIRECTORATE OF MAIZE RESEARCH, PUSA CAMPUS, NEW DELHI -110 012 (INDIA). Technical Bulletin No. 2010/1, pp.52.

Copy right: All rights reserved. Source of information has to be acknowledged. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Published in 2010


Frontpage cover : East and Shull (Photographs), Single Cross Hybrid

Backpage cover : Hybrid seed production plot, Single cross hybrid cob, Single cross hybrid

Printed by: Alpha Printographics (India) Mobile : 9811199620, 9999039940



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Introduction Maize Breeding Activities in India Impact of Single Cross Hybrid Maize Maize Research Network in India Inbred-Hybrid Technology – Historical Perspectives Strategies for the Development of Inbreds Isolation Seed Increase Inbred Line seed Production and Maintenance Crop Management Practices Roguing Diagnostic Traits Seed Production Characterization of good seed/pollen parent Crop Protection Crop Inspection Minimum seed standards in Maize Germplasm Public Private Partnership Seed Village Concept Single Cross Hybrids of Specialty Corn Annexure-I

Page No. 1 3 4 6 8 10 11 13 14 16 17 17 25 27 30 31 33 34 35 36 38 i - vi

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Introduction The concept of Hybrid vigour given by G.H.Shull in 1908; still considered one of the greatest achievements in the history of plant breeding. Maize breeding is the science of maize cultivar development. Heterosis has been successfully applied by maize breeders worldwide to adapt and improve germplasm sources for desirable traits. Single Cross Hybrid technology has been widely adopted because of its high yield, uniformity, easy production methods, ability to withstand biotic and abiotic stresses and food and nutritional security. In India a coordinated emphasis has been laid on various aspects of maize breeding activities viz., development of genetically diverse, productive, inbred lines with good per se performance and resistance / tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses; testing of large number of 2-parent crosses at different locations under multi location program; easy, economical and efficient commercial seed production technology and quality seed production, improved package practices and demonstrations especially on farmers field. Coupled with free exchange of germplasm including inbreds between the centres and reorientation programs of the breeders, the paradigm shift in breeding strategy has paid rich dividends in terms of vertical as well as horizontal expansion of maize witnessed over the years. Currently in India, the crop is grown on area of 8.17 million ha with production of 19.73 million tons having an average productivity of more than 2.4 tons/ ha, contributing about 9 % to the Indian food basket. The focused research in Single cross hybrids helped in addressing several issues of biotic and abiotic stresses viz., lowering water table, rising temperature, etc. The success story of single cross hybrid in US Corn belt is well known. Its impact has been realized in China, Brazil, Canada and many other countries too. Even in USA with cultivation of Open Pollinated Varieties the productivity remained less than 2 tons/ha. And further, the results were not encouraging with the coverage of 100% area under Double cross hybrids and the productivity was only 3.5 tons/ha over a period of 25 years (1936-1930). But with the adoption of Single cross hybrid technology in 1960s USA productivity increased 3.5 tons/ha (1960) to 9.68 tons/ha(2008). The annual increase in productivity with 100% coverage under Double cross hybrid was only 60kg/annum in 25 years and with Single cross hybrid cultivation the productivity per annum is more than double in a period of 50 years. Parallel to USA in India the productivity remained less than 1 ton/ha for many decades continued. After shifting to Single cross hybrid technology (2006-2008), in India has witnessed 30% increase in production and 27% increase in productivity within two years with the coverage of 20% area under Single cross hybrid. There is also 15% annual increase in production and more than 12% increase in productivity. India became net importer to potential exporter. This is the visible impact of single cross hybrid technology. Keeping the above points in view this manual has been prepared to popularize the Inbred-Hybrid technology among maize researchers, seed producers, manufacturers of maize products and farmers. This manual complies all historical perspectives occurred in maize breeding, Inbred-Hybrid technology, Seed production technologies, Seed village concepts and Public Private Partnership in Single cross hybrid seed production.

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize


Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most widely distributed crop of the world being grown in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions up to 500 and from sea level to more than 3000m under irrigated to semi-arid conditions. Being a versatile crop, it adapts easily to a wide range of production environments. In India, maize is the third most important cereal after rice and wheat that provides food, feed, fodder, and serves as a source of basic raw material for the number of industrial products viz., starch, protein ,oil, alcoholic beverages, food sweeteners, cosmetics, bio-fuel, etc. No other cereal can be used in as many ways as maize. Virtually every part of the plant has an economic worth. The grain can be consumed as human food, fermented to produce a wide range of foods and beverages, fed to livestock, and used as an industrial input in the production of starch, oil, sugar, protein, cellulose, ethyl alcohol, etc. The leaves, stalks, and tassels can be fed to livestock, either green (in the form of fodder or silage) or dried (in the form of Stover).The roots can be used for mulching, incorporated into the soil to improve the physical structure, or dried and burned as fuel. It occupies an important place as a source of human food (24%), animal feed (11%), and poultry feed (52%), starch (11%), brewery (1%) and seed 1% (Fig.1). In India, maize is cultivated over 8.17 million ha with a production of 19.73 million tons having an average productivity of more than 2.4 tons/ha, contributing about 9% to the Indian food basket. No other cereal crop has shown the high growth rate as of maize (Fig. 2).

Fig.1. Current utilization pattern of Maize in India


(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Fig.2. Area, Production and Productivity of Maize in India MAIZE BREEDING ACTIVITIES IN INDIA Maize breeding in India has gone through many phases since the inception of AICRP on maize in 1957. However, the year 1988-89 has been a threshold year with the launching of single Cross Hybrid (SCH) breeding program and adoption of New Seed Policy. SCH breeding activities witnessed many positive changes and accomplishments in generating vital scientific information as well as commercial products. Now research efforts have been focused on the development of high yielding single cross hybrids for different agro-ecological regions of the country seeing the strength of heterosis for high yield and tackling the problems posed by biotic and abiotic stresses. This has been duly supported by development of vigorous genetically diverse inbred lines that have good performance per se as well as in cross combinations. The major mandate therefore, is to evolve and disseminate inbred-hybrid technology. Now research efforts have been focussed mainly on the development of high yielding single cross hybrids for different agro-ecological regions of the country seeing the strength of heterosis for high yield and tackling the problems posed by biotic and abiotic stresses. This has been duly supported by development of vigorous inbred lines that have good performance per se and in cross combinations. The major mandate therefore, is to evolve and disseminate inbred-hybrid technology. A coordinated emphasis has been laid on various aspects of maize breeding activities in the country, viz., development of genetically diverse, productive, inbred lines with good per se performance and resistance / tolerance to biotic and (Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

abiotic stresses; testing of large number of 2-parent crosses at different locations under multilocation program; easy, economical and efficient commercial seed production technology, and demonstrations especially on farmers’ fields. IMPACT OF SINGLE CROSS HYBRID MAIZE Maize is being a versatile crop, in order to harness its yield potential several genetic and agro-technique improvement strategies have been suggested in the past and present viz., open pollinated varieties(OPVs), composites, double top cross, double cross, three way crosses, four way crosess etc., since none of these strategies were able to harness full heterotic potential finally, single cross hybrid technology have been advocated. The impact of single cross hybrid technology was clearly visible in USA, China, Canada and many other countries. In USA with the

Fig.3. USA Corn yield and cultivar types cultivation of land races/open pollinated varieties (OPVs) the productivity remained 1.98t/ha(Fig.3). Even the results were not encouraging with the coverage of 100% area under double cross hybrids. From 1936 to 1960 the productivity did not cross 3.5t/ha in period of 25 years. However, with the adoption of single cross hybrid technology in 1960s the USA productivity has gone from mere 3.5t/ ha (1960) to 9.68t/ha in (2008).


(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Parallel to USA in India the productivity stagnated under 1 t/ha for many decades. However, SCH technology impact is witnessed today. The present growth rate of area (2.6%), production (6.4%) and productivity (3.6%) of maize is among the highest in cereal food crops of India. By hardly covering 20% of maize area under single cross hybrid the productivity of maize has increased by 425kg/ha (2007-2008) this increase in a single year is a landmark in Indian maize scenario (Fig.4).

Fig.4. Impact of Single cross hybrid Maize in India. By covering 100% area under single cross hybrid the production and productivity can be doubled within no time. Therefore development of single cross hybrids and their adoption in farmers’ field should become the min strategy to ensure food and feed security of the developing World because of the following advantages the single cross hybrid technology possess Advantages of Single Cross Hybrids Ø Highest yield potential among cereals as per day productivity is more than many crops Ø Being C4 Plant has better adaptation under climate change as mild increase temperature in winter favors maize Ø Tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses and decreases the vulnerability to recurrent droughts and climate change Ø Tolerant to Water stress due to better root system and decreases need for irrigation water Ø Nutrient responsive (low/high) due to profuse root system (Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize


Less yield reduction under nutrient stress condition Quick and higher percentage of germination Faster growth and most uniform Being heterotic escape mechanism works Crop diversification Low cost of production Export potential Food, income and nutritional security for resource-poor farm families

More than 3 dozen single cross hybrids of normal, QPM and specialty corn from public and private have been released and are under cultivation in farmers’ fields (Annexure I). Under changing climatic scenario adoption of SCH technology in maize is most profitable as compared to rice and wheat due to scarcity of water and increase in temperature. Since, maize requires less water it is favoured over Rabi rice and also slight increase in temperature during winter favours it over wheat, as latter suffers due to terminal heat stress. MAIZE RESEARCH NETWORK IN INDIA Organized research on maize improvement started in 1957 under the auspices of the All India Coordinated Research Project on Maize (AICRP on maize) and this was the first in a series of coordinated projects under the ICAR system. The project has been located at the Pusa Campus, New Delhi and was upgraded into Directorate of Maize Research in January 1994 with mandate to organize, conduct, coordinate and generate technology for continuous enhancement in productivity and production for meeting the ever increasing demand of human food, animal feed and industrial utilization for starch, oil, and other value-added products. The directorate is entrusted with the overall responsibility of research, coordination and management of the multidisciplinary programmes at national level and maintaining linkages with International programmes on maize improvement as well. DMR has a Regional Maize Research Centre at Begusarai, Bihar and winter nursery centre at Hyderabad (Fig. 5.). All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Maize: There are 22 centres of AICRP on maize clubbed into to five zones (Table.1.) based on agro ecological systems of crop cultivation. Research on various aspects of Maize has been conducted during Kharif , Rabi, Spring and Summer seasons based on the zonal requirements. Zone I consisted of hilly areas of mainly Himachal Pradesh (Kangra and Bajura), Jammu and Kashmir (Jammu-Udhampur, Srinagar-Poonch), Uttarakhand (Almora) and North Eastern States ( Barapani


(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Fig.5. Maize Research Net Work in India and Jorhat). Zone II consists of North West Indian plains of Punjab (Ludhiana), Haryana (Karnal), Delhi, Western Uttar Pradesh (Kanpur) and Uttarakhand (Pantnagar). Zone III included of Northern and Eastern part of India of Bihar (Dholi), Jharkhand (Ranchi), Orissa (Bhuvaneshwar), Eastern Uttar Pradesh (Varanasi and Behraich) and West Bengal (Midinapur). Zone IV consisted of Deccan plateau and Southern India of Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad and Karimnagar), Tamil Nadu (Coimbatore and Vagarai), Karnataka (Arbhavi and Mandya) and Maharashtra (Kolhapur). Zone V included of Central and Western India of Madhya Pradesh (Chindwara and Jhabuva), Chhattisgarh (Ambikapur), Gujarat (Godhra) and Rajasthan (Udaipur and Banswara). (Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Table 1. Zones in AICRIP on Maize

Zone I

Zone II

Zone III

Zone IV

Zone V

State Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir

Centres CSK HPKV: Kangra, Bajaura SKUAS&T (J) Jammu- Udhampur SKUAS&T (K) Srinagar- Poonch Uttarakhand VPKAS, Almora North Eastern States ICAR Research Complex for NEH Regoin Barapani; AAU, Jorhat Punjab PAU, Ludhiana Haryana CCS HAU, Karnal Delhi DMR, IARI, Delhi Western Uttar Pradesh CSAU & T, Kanpur Uttarakhand GBPUA&T, Pantnagar Bihar RRS & SPC, Begusarai; RAU, Dholi Jharkhand BAU, Ranchi Orissa Bhubaneswar Eastern Uttar Pradesh BHU, Varnashi; NDUA &T, Behraich West Bengal BCKV, Midinapur Karnataka UAS, Bangalore: Mandya; UAS Dharwad: Arbhavi Andhra Pradesh WNC, DMR, ANGRAU: Hyderabad, Karimnagar Tamil Nadu TNAU: Coimbatore, Vagarai Maharashtra MPKV, Kolhapur Rajasthan MPUA&T: Udaipur, Banswara Gujarat AAU, Godhra Madhya Pradesh JNKVV: Chindwara, RVSKVV, Jhabuva Chhatisgarh IGVK, Ambikapur

INBRED – HYBRID TECHNOLOGY HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES Ø 1908- G. H. Shull : Inbrd lines of maize showed general deterioration of yield and vigor, but those hybrids between two inbred higher yield, vigor and uniform performance. He coined the term heterosis of the condition of performance of hybrids better than their both parents. Ø 1909- E. M. East: developed the world first hybrid maizes Female inbred line Leaming at Connecticut, USA. he corroborated the result of Shull


(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Fig.6. Pioneers of Inbred-hybrid technology in Maize






1920- D. F. Jones proposed a new method of hybrid production of performing four way cross or double cross. Jones suggested to East a procedure that would make hybrid corn a reality for industry and farmers, using the already developed Leaming lines as female parent and Burr’s White as male line. Testing of a large number of four way cross was tremendous job, since there were six possible single cross among four inbreds used to produce a double cross. M. T. Jenkins suggested a prediction of yield of double cross by the average performance of non parental single cross. It saved the testing and expenses of testing the double cross lines. 1924- H. A. Wallace: with his greater contribution, first commercial sale of hybrid seed started. The first pioneer hybrid for sale was ‘Copper Cross’ which had East’s Leaming lines on the female side. 1974-W.A. Russel growing (preserved hybrid seed produced during 1930-70) them under same environment. He found that uniform increase in yield from the newer strains and > 60 % of yield increase. This phenomenon is based on genetic performance of the hybrid. 1977-D.N.Duvick: he corroborated the results of Russel A.R.Hallauer: Significanty contributed in the field of Quantitative genetics for inbred development in Maize

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize



Hand detasseling: Initially Single cross hybrid production technology is full based on detasseling of three female lines and use of one tassel intact male lines. 1970- Cytoplasmic male sterile lines of Texas (cms-T) almost cover 85% of US corn belt. Simulatenously cms-T became suspectibel to Helminthosporium maydis. US suuferred >80% corn production during this year. It reverted to hand detasseling practice again. S.K.Vasal: awarded World Food Prize for the contribution of QPM hybrids for achieving the food and nutritional security 1990-2000 USA Corn Belt covered with 100% Single Cross Hybrid Maize technology.

STRATEGIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INBREDS 1. Short term strategy: Inbreeding in best single cross hybrids or Pedigree selection (Flow chart.1.)

Flowchart.1. Short term strategies of inbred development


(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

2. Long term strategy: Developing synthetic/ gene pool from the high per se and GCA (General Combining Ability) inbred lines for the extraction of productive inbred lines (Flow chart.2.)

Flowchart.2. Long term strategies of inbred development ISOLATION DISTANCE PROPER ISOLATION DISTANCE Out crossing Managing pollen drift in maize has received considerable attention in recent years largely as the result of the development and adoption of new seed technologies. Various practices viz., spatial and temporal are used to control pollination in maize fields. Proper isolation distance Proper isolation is accomplished in three ways including: a) distance b) time and c) good synchronization. Seed producers often say that the best isolation is a perfect nick, that is, when the pollen parent starts shedding just before silk emergence in the female parent. An additional option may be used when it is difficult to get suitable distance or time isolation. This includes planting a barrier of foundation or certified seed of the same variety on all sides about 50 m from the production block. v Depends upon wind velocity/ season (Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize


Minimum isolation distance required for Ø Inbreds - 500m Ø Hybrids – 400m

§ §

Select area/seasons where maize is not commercially cultivated to out crossing Through seed village concept- one Inbred/ Single cross hybrid seed production in one village

Seed Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø

Village Concept for maintaining the genetic purity Solves the isolation problem Maintaining genetic purity Easy monitoring Reduces the maintenance cost Reduces the cost of transportation Reduces the cost of hybrid seed Ensures availability of seed in time Solves the storage problem

Why to maintain plant population? Optimum plant population to be maintained for realizing maximum yield • • § § § §

Thinning after 10 days of germination to maintain proper plant population To avoid variation with respect to Plant height Cob length Test weight Maturity

Maintaining High level of yield in Inbred Ø High level of genetic uniformity requires (minimum roguing) Ø Technology (Package practice) Ø Appropriate season for sowing(Stress free season), maize being sensitive to drought and water logging Ø Maize is highly sensitive to brackish soil and water Ø Proper site selection for better monitoring Ø Fertile land – Sandy loam to Loamy soils Ø Good quality of irrigation water and drainage Ø Follow the Integrated Pest Management (IPM)/ Integrated Disease Management (IDM)/ Integrated Nutrient Management(INM)/ Integrated Weed Management (IWM) 12

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

SEED INCREASE Only off- type plants should be removed to minimize inbreeding depression. The number of plants to be used to advance generation is dependent on two factors: the number of plants required adequately representing the genotype and the quantity of the seed required to meet the future seed requirement. Mild selection during seed production and multiplication are inevitable. However, they should be minimized. Purity maintenance is normally done in isolation. SEED MULTIPLICATION RATE Parental seeds are multiplied by four stage of seed chain (Fig.7a & 7b) Nucleus Seed


Breeder Seed


Foundation Seed


Certified Seed Ø Breeder Seed and Foundation Seed should never used for commercial hybrid seed production.

Fig.7a. Area and Production of Different Seed classes under Seed Chain (Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Fig.7b. Area and Production of Different Seed classes under Seed Chain INBRED LINE SEED PRODUCTION AND MAINTENANCE Nucleus Seed Ø First phase in seed multiplication programme Ø Seeds of selected basic stocks are planted in isolation Ø Ear to Row planting Ø Selfing Ø Contaminated Ears are reomoved Ø Uniform Ears are bulked from Basic stocks Breeder Seed Ø Second phase in seed multiplication programme Ø Nucleus seeds are used for production of breeder seeds Ø Seeds are planted in isolation Ø Ear to Row planting Ø Selfing Ø Contaminated Ears are removed Ø Uniform Ears are bulked Ø Seed multiplication followed under strict observation of concern breeder only 14

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Foundation Seed Ø Third phase in seed multiplication programme Ø Breeder seeds are used for the multiplication of Foundation seed Ø Planted in isolation Ø Ear to Row planting Ø Selfing Ø Contaminated Ears are reomoved Ø Uniform Ears are bulked Ø Seed multiplication done by recognized seed producing agencies in public and private sector under the strict supervision of Seed Certification Agency Certified Seed Ø Fourth and Final phase in seed multiplication programme Ø Foundation seeds are used for multiplication of Certified seeds Ø Ear to Row planting Ø Selfing Ø Contaminated Ears are removed Ø Uniform Ears are bulked Ø Seed multiplication done by registered seed growers under the strict supervision of Seed Certification Agencies of concerned states Commercial hybrid seed production Ø Certified seeds of Parental inbreds are planted in appropriate Male : Female ratio for hybrid seed production Steps involved in maintenance of Genetic purity of Maize inbreds: A strategy has been worked out based on ear to row evaluation and selfing of desirable and uniform ears for maintaining the genetic purity in inbred lines. The selected ears of the inbred lines are planted in a 2m row of 18-25m/ bed separated by 50cm each. This planting method has been found to be an efficient, easy, quick and result –oriented method and facilitate the evaluation of ears and roguing of off-types between and within rows. The ears are evaluated for uniformity and only those ears (of an inbred) are retained that show 100% uniformity and the balance self seed of such ears is bulked and grown in isolation for seed increase (Flow Chart 3). The balance self seed of contaminated ears is removed from the lot. Based on the distinct and diagnostic traits, off-types, late germinated, weak, diseased, insect/ pest- infested and other undesirable types are rogued- off at appropriate growth stages, viz., 15-20 days after sowing (based on seedling (Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

traits), at knee high (based on leaf and stem traits ),before and at flowering (before anthesis, based on tassel and ear traits) . This approach has been found to be helpful in maintaining genetic purity of inbred lines as well as longevity of single cross hybrids of maize.

Flow Chart 3: Steps involved in maintenance of Genetic purity of Maize inbreds CROP MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Ø Selection of field: Easily accessible, Sandy loam to Loamy soils, Good drainage and irrigation facility Ø Proper season : Rabi season is risk-free season for seed production being disease – free, insect-pest –free, temperature in comfortable range Ø Irrigation schedule is as per the package of practice Fertilizer application The available quantity of the farmyard manure should be incorporated into the field before sowing. A combination of organic manure and chemical fertilizer is known to give better yield. A balanced application of 120-150kg N, 60-75 kg P,60-75kg K per hectare and 25 kg Zinc sulphate / 16

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

ha is recommended.10% of total quantity of nitrogen and the entire quantity of phosperous, potash and zinc should be applied in bands 5-7 cm deep before sowing. The rest of the nitrogen should be applied in four doses as mentioned below as top dressing . Plant stage Quantity

4 leaf 20%

6-8 leaf 30%

flowering 30%

Grain filling 10%


Based on distinct and diagnostic characters furnished by breeders, remove off-type plants Remove diseased, late and weak plants

1st roguing- At 15 to 20 days of crop (Figs.8 & 9) • Remove vigorous plants from inbreds • Remove other undesirable plants——late germinated, diseased, insect-pest affected, • Remove plants with variable leaf traits 2nd roguing - Before flowering (Fig.10) • Remove plants with variable stem colour • Remove weak plants, diseased 3rd rouging- At flowering before anthesis (Fig.11) • Remove late plants • Remove plants with variable height • Remove plants with variable tassel and husk traits IMPORTANCE OF THE DIAGNOSTIC TRAITS Lack of proper characterization of parental lines can be the cause of serious losses in seed production. As maize inbred lines typically have a large Genotype x Environment (G x E) interaction compared to other crops, it is essential to obtain sufficient performance information on inbreds in their planned production environments. Of special importance is to obtain information on leaf traits, attitude of plant growth, floral traits like silk emergence, anthesis, color of anthers, color of silk, floral synchronization (nicking), seed yields in female lines, pollen production capability of male lines, and responses of inbreds to fertility, pests, diseases, and pesticides. After harvest parameters like cob length, kernel arrangement, cob size, color of kernels and kernel type should (Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Pest infested – Dead heart Diseased plant Fig.8. Roguing of pest and disease infested plants

Fig.9. Removal of late germinated / vigorous plants


(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Fig.10. Maintenance of uniform Inbred blocks

Fig.11. Uniformity of Inbred blocks (Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

be observed critically. The lines showing any deviation from the diagnostic traits must be rogued out or removed at appropriate stages of crop growth. Verifying of these diagnostic traits (Table.2) continues at all stages of seed production as mentioned below: Table.2. Verifying diagnostic traits at different stages of seed production Stage code General description

Stage code

General description

61 65

Beginning of anthesis Anthesis halfway

85 92

71 75

Caryopsis watery ripe Medium milk


Soft dough Caryopsis hard (can no longer be dented by thumbnail) Caryopsis loosening

Given below is the list of traits which have to be recorded in respect of each parental line as well as the hybrids. Leaf traits: to be recorded at stages 61, 71 and 75, respectively.The off-types must be rogued out as shown in Fig.12.Different leaf traits and their expression are summarized as under: Ø Angle: small, wide Ø Attitude of blade: straight, drooping Ø Width of blade:narrow, medium, broad Ø Anthocyanin coloration of sheath: present, absent

Fig.12. Leaf traits 20

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Plant height: inbred and hybrid: The trait plant height is to be recorded at stage 75.The offtypes have to be removed at the appropriate stages. The inbreds and the hybrids are characterized as per the category given below (Fig13):

Fig.13. Plant length Tassel traits: to be recorded at stage 65.The off-types must be rogued out as shown (Fig. 14 & 15). Different tassel traits and their expression are summarized as under: Ø Anthocyanin coloration at base of glume : present, absent Ø Anthocyanin coloration of glumes excluding base present, absent Ø Anthocyanin coloration of anthers :present, absent Ø Density of spikelets: sparse, dense Ø Time of anthesis : very-early, early, medium, late Ø Angle between main axis and lateral branches :Narrow, Wide Ø Attitude of lateral branches:straight, curved, strongly curved Ear traits: to be recorded at stages 65, 92 and 93. The off-types must be rogued out as shown in Fig.16 & 17. .Different ear traits and their expression are summarized as under: Ø Anthocyanin coloration: present, absent Ø Length without husk: short, medium, long Ø Diameter without husk: small, medium, large Ø Shape : conical, cylindrical (Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Fig.14. Tassel traits

Fig.15. Tassel traits 22

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Fig.16. Ear traits

Fig.17. Ear traits (Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize


No. of rows of grains :few, medium, many Time of silk emergence:very early, early, medium,late Anthocyanin coloration of glumes of cob:present, absent

Kernel traits: to be recorded at stages 92 and 93, respectively. The off-types must be rogued out as shown in Fig. 18 & 19. Different kernel traits and their expression are summarized as under: Ø Row arrangement: straight, irregular Ø Poppiness : absent, present Ø Sweetness : absent, present

Fig.18.Kernel traits

Fig.19. Kernel traits 24

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize


Waxiness: absent, present Opaqueness : absent, present 1000 weight : small, medium, large Grain type: flint ,semi-flint, dent

SINGLE CROSS HYBRID (SCH) SEED PRODUCTION: Crossing between two desirable inbreds as a male and female parents and deriving F1 or hybrid from the cross is called as Single Cross Hybrid (Fig.20). Commercial hybrid maize seed producers employ various practices to control maize pollination including crop rotation to minimize volunteer maize plants and reduce the need for roguing; selection of parent seed of high purity; vigorous roguing of both male and female rows to insure only the desired parents remain; aggressive detasseling of the female parent to prevent self pollination; temporal isolation of the silking period so as not to coincide with corn in nearby fields; planting of pollen parent border rows around the seed production field to insure that the field is flooded with the appropriate pollen and to dilute adventious pollen; and adequate isolation distance to insure acceptable levels of protection from adventious pollen. Based on the descriptors, the inbred lines are categorized as female (Fig.21) and/or male (Fig.22).Good field management of maize seed production requires giving attention to adequate site selection including isolation, use of the best agronomic management practices, appropriate female : male ratios, achieving a good nick between parental lines, properly controlling pollen production in female rows through detasseling, effectively removing off-type plants, and harvesting the crop in a timely fashion(Flow chart .4). CRETERIA FOR SEED SETTING Ø Male should be taller than female Ø Longer duration of pollen shedding Ø Irrigation during dry spells to prolong pollen shedding Ø Nutrient + Irrigation together for − Increases pollen production − Pollination − Increased seed setting SYNCHRONIZATION OF MALE, FEMALE FLOWERING Ø Staggered planting Ø Manipulation in plant distance: Wider/narrow spacing planting Ø Irrigation along with fertilizer application Ø Application of FYM in either male or female to induce earliness and vigor Ø Chemicals: Growth regulators

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Flowchart.4. Maintenance and seed production programme (ear-to-row method)

Fig.20. Single Cross hybrid Seed production system 26

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Fig.21.Characteristics of Good seed parent

Fig.22.Characteristics of Good pollen parent (Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Fig.23. Seed production Layout 28

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Fig.24. Seed Production- North India

Fig.25. Seed Production- South India (Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

CROP PROTECTION DISEASE MANAGEMENT -Major diseases and their management 1. Turcicum Leaf Blight (TLB) o Spray with Zineb/Maneb @ 2.5-4.0g/l at 8-10 days interval 2. Polysora Rust: o Fungicide applications, should start when pustules first appears on the leaves o Three sprays of Dithane M-45 @2-2.5g/l of water beginning from first appearance of symptoms at 15 days interval can minimize the disease. 3. Banded leaf and sheath Blight (BLSB) o Stripping of 2 lower leaves along with leaf sheath o Foliar spray of Sheethmar( Validamycin) 2.7ml/l of water o Foliar spray (30-40 days old crop) of Rhizolex 50 WP @ 10g/10 l of water o Seed treatment of peat based formulation @13g/kg of Pseudomonas fluorescence or as soil application @7g/l of water. 4. Post Flowering Stalk Rots of Maize (PFSR) o Use crop rotation o Avoiding water stress at flowering and balance soil fertility specially increases the potash level up to 80kg/ha helps in minimizing the diseases o Use of biocontrol agents Trichoderma Formulations in furrows after mixing with FYM @10g/ kg FYM (1kg/100 Kg FYM/acre) 10 days before its use in the field in moist condition. 5. Downy Mildews o Rogue and destroy infected plants o Planting before rainy season begins, can minimize the occurrence of diseases. o Seed treatment with metalaxyl fungicided i.e. Ridomil 25 WP, Apron 35 SD, Apron 35 FN etc @ 2.5 g/kg seed.

INSECT PEST MANAGEMENT- Major pests and their management 1. Chilo partellus o Stem borer. Chilo partellus is a major pest of kharif throughout the country o Spray 0.1% Endosulfan at after 10 days of germination (DAG) (700 ml Endosulfan 35 EC in 250 litre water)


(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

2. Shoot fly o To avoid the pest damage, sowing must be completed before first week of February. o Treat seed with 5ml/kg seed with Imidacloprid 3. Termite o Clean cultivation delays termite attacks o Apply Fipronil granule followed by light irrigation. The application should be at the site of infestation. Harvesting Harvesting may begin as early as when developing kernels approach physiological maturity. Maize seed is commonly harvested with 15 to 25% moisture content. The male and female lines must be harvested separately to avoid mechanical mixture of seeds. Harvesting fully mature seed will result in maximum yield, improved appearance of seed, better seedling vigor in the subsequent crop, greater resistance to mechanical injury while handling in the conditioning plant, and reduced susceptibility to injury from high drying temperatures. Mechanical admixtures Maintaining genetic purity of a line is very tedious and lot of care should be taken for avoiding the mechanical admixtures especially in threshers and harvesters. Chances of mixing one genotype with other will be very high in case of mechanical handling of all harvest and post harvest operations. Before using any equipment, first make sure of it is free from any kind of biological and nonbiological admixture. Post-harvest operations Once the crop has been harvested it must be transported to the processing facility where it is dehusked, dried, sorted, cleaned, sized, treated, and packaged. Storage and then marketing and sale of the product follow. This long chain of activities requires intensive management, meticulous planning, and impeccable timing, a high level of technical expertise, and the cooperation of weather and other factors. STAGES OF CROP INSPECTION 1.

At the time of sowing Purpose: Land, isolation distance, proper sowing time


During pre-flowering/vegetative stage Purpose: Verify the roguing and removal of off type plants

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize


During flowering stage Purpose: To check disease and pest infestation and variable tassel/ ear husk traits


During post-flowering and pre-harvest stage Purpose: To remove the late plants


Harvesting time inspection Purpose: To decide the proper time of harvesting


Post Harvesting Purpose: To check the dissimilar cobs in inbreds, remove the diseased and pest infested cobs

Problems of continuous seed production at Specific Locations Ă˜ Ă˜ 32

Migration of new pests and diseases Increasing inoculums of pests and diseases (Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize


Restrict the acclimatization of lines Reduce the life of inbreds/parents of hybrids Threatening the stability of hybrid parents

MINIMUM SEED STANDARDS IN MAIZE Table. 3. Minimum Seed Standards in Maize

QUALITY ASSURANCE Seed production is always dependent on quality assurance (QA). Quality assurance begins in the field with field inspection. Initial field inspection must verify. • Was the field sown with an approved seed lot? • Whether Field meets the prospected land requirement and to the previous crop • Is it in compliance with prescribed isolation standard and number of border rows? • Proper rouging for the removal of contaminating factors • Proper harvesting to avoid mechanical ad- mixtures • Compliance of recommended package of practices

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

GERMPLASM EXCHANGE Exchange of Germplasms and Inter-Institutional Hybrid Breeding Program Each centre has developed their own hybrids in all categories of Normal Single Cross Hybrids, QPM Single Cross Hybrids, Sweetcorn Single Cross Hybrids and Popcorn Single Cross Hybrids. To evaluate their performance across the country, these hybrids are specially evaluated within their zonal centres called as Zonal trials. From that outstanding hybrids are promoted to check their performance across the country. These selected hybrids have been distributed all other centres of different zone in the name of Inter Institutional Single Cross Hybrids. Best hybrids have been selected and they have been included in the AICRIP Programme for proper release. The distribution of germplasm to users can be regarded as an ultimate goal of germplasm bank operations, especially as it is the step that links conservation and utilization. Similarly, it is important to the gene bank that new germplasm is received through collecting missions or, to avoid duplication, through exchange programmes with other gene banks. This is the main source of increasing the desirable breeding material and disseminating the best quality material across the world. Benefits of Germplasm exchange • Continuous development of new products (new maize varieties) for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses • Information Exchange among maize breeders • Germplasm catalogue: This will entail a published cataloguing of genetic materials present in each country to enable breeders to have knowledge of elite germplasm present in the region. In each country there will be a catalogue of released materials and their characteristics. • Germplasm Access and Exchange; which will have to operate in the context of an appropriate framework. The framework will outline logistics to access and exchange germplasm from another country. • Enhancing the accessibility of new varieties to farmers through a collaborative effort of Breeder Seed Production • Fingerprinting of breeders lines • Enhancing resistance to maize streak disease in the region by a collaborative effort of conventional and molecular breeding


(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

PUBLIC-PRIVATE SECTOR PARTNERSHIPS (PPP) The network will encourage public-private sector collaboration through joint collaborative activities and information on new hybrids available in participating partner. The network meetings will be forums for muting regional expansion and operation of seed companies across countries. Whenever a seed companies identify a need and would like the breeders to address that specific need then the network will target their research to meet the desired product. If seed companies want to initiate new operations in another country, the forum would assist to give information on opportunities for variety marketing in another country. Seed Production through PPP mode Several meeting and brainstorming had been conducted to establish a common protocol for active participation of PPP in maize single cross hybrids. Classical example is of Green Gold; a Maharashtra based private seed company singed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with CCS HAU, Hisar for using their public bred hybrids of HQPM 1(QPM Single Cross hybrid) and HM 4(Baby corn Single Cross Hybrid). Strengthening characterization, evaluation and the enhancement of Germplasm While germplasm collecting and preservation should continue, in the near future the emphasis should be shifted to characterization and evaluation, and in-depth research into germplasm resources. Biotechnology, including the use of molecular markers, cell engineering and genetic engineering, should be used in germplasm enhancement and more genotyping should be conducted. In particular, favorable genes existing in wild relatives of crops should be transferred to cultivars to obtain new types of germplasm. Germplasm researchers should provide not only elite germplasm but also information concerning its characteristics and genetic mechanism in order to improve the use of the material. Germplasm enhancement should target diverse ecological regions and diverse breeding objectives. For wild relatives especially, more trials and research is needed in order to exploit potential value. Germplasm researchers should understand the unique advantages and the accompanying disadvantages of the accessions, and form clear objectives to improve them. Promoting the exchange of Germplasm and associated information Germplasm researchers should increase and improve their contacts with breeders to exchange germplasm and associated information. To do this, various activities need to be organized such as eco geographical trials. These should include material from different ecological regions and provide opportunities for interaction between germplasm researchers and users as well as farmers.

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Formulating benefit-sharing policies Benefit-sharing policies for the use of germplasm should be drawn up in order to encourage cooperation between germplasm holders and users. On one hand, this should include the principle that germplasm providers would benefit from the use of their germplasm by breeders and other researchers, while on the other hand, encourage breeders to send their improved and enhanced elite materials to gene banks for preservation, exchange and use. Strengthening financial support Conservation efforts and use of germplasm resources must be strengthened. At the same time, each institution concerned with germplasm should must be provided funds, through the various channels available, to carry out research to identify, evaluate, enhance and ensure the provision of useful germplasm for crop improvement and other purposes. Establishing a national coordinating mechanism A national coordinating mechanism is essential for the promotion of the use of plant genetic resources and a national committee for plant genetic resources should be the coordinating and decision-making body in the country, composed of officials from various sectors, as well as experts on conservation and the use of plant genetic resources. This body would be responsible for formulating rules and management policies, and for making short- medium- and long-term plans for action. POPULARIZATION OF SCH SEED PRODUCTION (Joint effort of DMR, ICAR (Extension Division) and KVKs) Three partners viz., DMR, ICAR (Extension Department) and KVK of North Eastern states (Fig 26) together to popularize the Single Cross Hybrid Maize technology in extensive way. The directorate provided technical advice and inputs to the KVKs of the country through ICAR Extension division. Under this joint effort, each KVK has been classified to produce Single cross hybrids and multiply different male and female inbred lines to be distributed to the farmers of all KVK jurisdictions for cultivation. Adequate training also has been imparted to the farmers by these KVKs by means of Front Line Demonstrations (FLD) and other methods. Under this venture the farmers have been benefited by means of strengthening their economy and nutritional security. SEED VILLAGE CONCEPT Seed village concept has been actively implemented in Midnapur district of West Bengal. Under this concept space isolation has been achieved by means of planting single parent in a single 36

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

POPULARIZATION OF SCH SEED PRODUCTION (Joint effort of DMR, ICAR (Extension Division) and KVKs)

Fig.26. Hybrid Seed Production in North East states (Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Fig.27. Increasing trend of Hybrid seed production in West Bengal

village. By this approach, maintenance of purity of the inbreds has been achieved and single cross hybrids seed production also increased. Area under HQPM 1 hybrid increased tremendously (Fig. 27) after implementation and eventually it replaced water demanding paddy crop with maize and ensured higher remuneration than Paddy cultivation. SINGLE CROSS HYBRIDS OF SPECIALTY CORN Incase of specialty corns viz., sweet corn and pop corn, so far only varieties are available in India. These varieties don’t fetch premium price in the market because of heterogenous nature, non uniformity in yield, sweetness and popiness, respectively. However, demand for such corns is increasing day by day. These specialty corns are getting significance in peri-urban agriculture. Keeping this in view, public institutions are actively engaged in breeding of single cross hybrids of sweet corn and pop corn. HM 4 is a single cross hybrid baby corn has been released by CCS HAU, Karnal centre in 2005 (Annex. I). HM 4 hybrid seed production is taken up by Green Gold; a Maharashtra based seed company in signing memorandum of understanding with CCS HAU, Hisar under PPP mode. Given below are the Public bred single cross hybrids of specialty corn ready for release on framers field.


(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

Technologies ready to be delivered Sweet corn hybrid HSC 1 has been developed and may be released in near future.HSC 1 (HKI SCST -1 × HKI 1833) performed better than standard check Win Orange Sweet Corn (yield superiority of 40.13%) and Bajaura SC (yield superiority of 42.07%). HSC 1 has brix value of 29% in compare to the checks. In case of Pop corn, two single cross hybrids viz., DMR PC 1 × HKI PC 5-2 and HKI PC 5-1 × Win Pop 43-2 performed better than the standard check Ambar pop corn in terms of yield superiority of 28.8% and 17.1% respectively. SUMMARY Production of hybrid maize seed is a unique and dynamic industry worldwide. The foundation of the industry is productive inbred lines which are developed by research programs which must invest significant quantities of time and resources. These lines are then used in field production to produce hybrid seed. This is followed by proper conditioning and marketing of the seed. Many steps are involved in the production, processing, and marketing chain. Good field management of hybrid maize seed production requires giving attention to adequate site selection including isolation, use of the best agronomic management practices, using appropriate female : male ratios, achieving a good nick between parental lines, properly controlling pollen production in female rows through detasseling or other means, effectively removing off-type plants, and harvesting the crop in a timely fashion. This work is often done under contract with private farmers, thus the selection, training, and collaboration with the best farmers is essential. Once the seed crop has been harvested it must be transported to the processing facility where it is de-husked, dried, sorted, cleaned, sized, treated, and packaged. Storage and then marketing and sale of the product follow. This long chain of activities requires intensive management, meticulous planning, and impeccable timing, a high level of technical expertise, and the cooperation of weather and other factors. An effective quality control program should monitor and help coordinate all aspects of the maize seed program.

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize



(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)







Year of Area of adoption release



HKI-1128 X HKI-163

CCS HAU, Karnal




BML 6 X BML 15

ANGRAU, Hyderabad


Across the country except Himalayan belt (rabi) Andhra Pradesh




ANGRAU, Hyderabad


Andhra Pradesh




ANGRAU, Hyderabad


Andhra Pradesh



HKI 193-2 X HKI 1128

CCS HAU, pKarnal 2008

Late maturity, orange, flint, Responsive to higher doses of fertilizers, avg. yield 55 q/ha Medium maturity, Yellow, semi-dent, Nutrient responsive, tolerance to lodging & stay green, avg. yield 65 q/ha Late,orange, semi-dent, Nutrient responsive & tolerance to lodging, avg.yield 66 q/ha Medium,orange-yellow, flint, Nutrient responsive, tolerance to lodging & stay green,avg.yield 75q/ha Medium maturity, yellow, semi flint, highly responsive to inputs, resistance MLB & avg yield 72 q/ha


Delhi, Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh,Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujrat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Karnataka,

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)





LM 17 X LM 14

SKV-50 X NAI-105


UAS, Naganahalli



Delhi, Punjab, Haryana

Late maturity, orange, flint, highly

and Western Uttar

resposive to inputs & avg yield


75 q/ha

Karnataka (Kharif & rabi)

Late maturity,yellow-orange,





semi-dent, resistant to lodging & avg yield 80-90 q/ha



V 372 X CM 212

VPKAS, Almora


hybrid 33 10

Vivek 23

Jammu & Kashmir

Early maturity, yellow, dent

and Uttarakhand V 351 X V 341

VPKAS, Almora


Hills of Uttaranchal

Early maturity, yellow, flint, bold, moderate tolerance against TLB, tall & avg yield 45-50 q/ha.



LM 15 X CML 32

PAU, Ludhiana


Punjab, Haryana, Delhi.

PAU 352 12

HM 8

Early maturity, resistance to MLB, BSDM, ESR & avg yield 35-48 q/ha

HKI 1105 X HKI 161

CCS HAU,Karnal


Andhra Pradesh,

Medium maturity, orange, flint & avg

Tamil Nadu,, Maharastra, yield 50-68 q/ha Karnataka 13

HM 9

HKI 1105 X HKI1128

CCS HAU, Karnal


Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa

Medium maturity, orange, flint & avg yield 60 q/ha


HUZM 185 X HKI1105

BHU, Varanasi

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Makka 2


East UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Medium maturity , yellow, semi flint,

Chattisgarh, West Bengal, Orissa

responsive to higher doses of fertilizers, resistance to MLB & avg yield 54 q/ha


COH(M) 5

UMI 285 X UMI 61

TNAU,Coimbatore 2007

TN under irrigated &

Late maturity, semi flint, responsive

rainfed ecology

to high inputs, resistance to downy mildew, moderately resistance to stem borer, avg yield 42-55q/ha



LM 13 X LM 14

PAU, Ludhiana


Irrigated areas of Punjab

Late maturity, stem is zig-zag, resistance MLB, stalk rots, avg yield 52q/ha

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize


CM 212 X V 341

VPKAS, Almora


Uttaranchal, HP, J & K and NEH regions, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana & western UP, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharastra & Karnataka Uttarakhand, HP, J&K and NEH region


Vivek 25

V 341 X V 346

VPKAS, Almora



Vivek 27

V 335 X V 345

VPKAS, Almora




LM 15 X LM 16

PAU, Ludhiana




LM 11 X LM 12

PAU, Ludhiana



HM 5

HKI 1344 X HKI 1348-6-2

CCS HAU, Karnal


Punjab, UP, Haryana, Delhi, Tarai regions of Uttranchal. Haryana


HM 4

HKI 1105 X HKI 323

CCS HAU, Karnal




Vivek Hybrid Maize 15

CM 152 X CM 212

VPKAS, Almora


J & K (Himalayan region), Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharastra & Karnataka

Eastern UP & Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chattisgarh, & WB & Maharashtra, AP, Karnataka & TN Delhi, Haryana, Central & Western UP

Extra early maturity, yellow, semi flint, bold, , tolerance against TLB & avg yield 45-50 q/ha

Extra-early maturity, yellow, semi dent, bold, tolerance against TLB & avg yield 50-55 q/ha Extra early maturity, yellow, semident & avg yield 50-55 q/ha

Early maturity, short duration, resistance to MLB, BSDM, & PFSR Late maturity, resistance to TLB, Common rust, avg yield 85q/ha Medium maturity, white, dent responsive to high doses of fertilizers, medium tall, tolerance to frost & avg yield 68-72q/ha Grain purpose: medium maturity, orange, flint, medium tall, & avg. yield 60-68 q/ha Extra early maturity with moderate degree of tolerance against TLB & avg yield 45-50 q/ha


Vivek 21

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)



CM 153 X CM 212

VPKAS, Almora



Across the country,

Extra early maturity with moderate

except hill states.

degree of tolerance against TLB,

Maize 17 27


iv 26

MLB, avg yield 40-50 q/ha

Pusa Extra CM 150 X CM 151

IARI, Delhi


J&k, Uttarakhand, NE,

Extra early maturity, tolerance to


HP, Assam, Haryana,

TLB, MLB,ESR & avg yield 45-50 q/ha


Punjab, Andhra Pradesh,

Maize 5

Tamil Nadu, Maharastra & Karnataka



EI-116 X EI-364

MPUAT, Udaipur


Rajasthan, Gujarat, MP

Extra early maturity, white,


semi flint, moderately resistance to

Maize 1

C.partellus, & average yield of 38 q/ha



CI-4 X KDMI 10

UAS, Dharwad



Late maturity, yellow, semi flint, resistance to SDM & tall




CM 214 X CM 145

VPKAS, Almora


AP, Karnataka & TN

Extra early maturity ,


toleranceagainst TLB, MLB & avg

Maize 9

yield 45-50 q/ha


CM 212 X V 25

VPKAS, Almora



semi flint, bold Maize 5, against leaf blight & stem borer, average yield 45-50 q/ha


Pusa Early

CM 213 X CM 142

IARI, Delhi


Punjab, Haryana & Delhi

Hybrid 3

Early maturity, yellow, flint, bold tolerance to high temperature,avg yield 40-55q/ha


JH 3459

CM 143 X CM144

PAU, Ludhiana


Punjab, Haryana, UP

Early maturity, orange, flint & avg. yield 35-40 q/ha



LM9 X LM10

PAU, Ludhiana


Punjab (rabi)


Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Hybrid 5

Extra-early maturity, yellow,


HKI-536 X HKI- 295

CCS HAU, Karnal



Medium maturity, resistance to MLB, Common rust, tolerance to major insect-pests, frost,cold, & avg yield 50-60q/ha.



HKIW-1352 X

CCS HAU, Karnal



Haryana state under

Late maturity,

irrigated conditions

responsive to fertilizers, resistance to MLB in kharif & common rust in rabi tolerance to major insect-pests, tall & avg yield 50-60 q/ha



HKI-193-1 X HKI-161

CCS HAU, Karnal


Andhra Pradesh,

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)


Late maturity, Yellow, semi-flint,

Tamil Nadu, Karnataka , 2



VPKAS, Almora




Resistance to MLB, avg. yield 72q/ha

Jammu & Kashmir and

Extra early maturity, yellow, dent,

Uttarakhand, Himachal

performed better at low N2 & avg.

Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, yield 52-58 q/ha Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharastra 3


HKI 163 X HKI 161

CCS HAU, Karnal


Across the country

Late maturity, orange, flint, responsive to higher doses of fertilizers, resistance to MLB & chilo partellus & avg yield > 58 q/ha


Shaktiman 3 CML 161 X CML 163

RAU, Dholi



Late maturity, orange-yellow, semi flint, tall, QPM hybrid with 0.73% tryptophan in protein, fair tolerance against MLB, LSM


Shaktiman 4 CML 161 X CML 169

RAU, Dholi



Semi flint, QPM hybrid 0.930


vi 5

tryptophan in protein, , resistance against MLB. 6


HKI 193-1 X HKI 163

CCS HAU, Karnal


J&K, Uttarakhand, NE, HP, Assam

Late maturity, yellow, dent, responsive to higher doses of fertilizers, tolerance to frost/ cold, resistance to MLB and common rust & average yield 62 q/ha


Shaktiman 2 CML 176 X CML 186

RAU, Dholi



Late maturity, tall , resistance against MLB, QPM hybrid with 1.04% tryptophan in protein


HM 4

HKI 1105 X HKI 323

CCS HAU, Karnal


Across the country

Baby corn: medium maturity, regular ovule arrangement, light yellow to cream colour, sweet, 3-4 pincking/ plant, yield - depending upon duration 6-8 q/ha

Inbred Hybrid Technology in Maize

(Directorate of Maize Reserach)

Directorate of Maize Research (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110012 (India) Website : Email: Phone: 011-25841805, 25842372, 25849725 Fax: 011-25848195

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