Social-Ecological Diversity and Traditional Food Systems
Social-Ecological Diversity and Traditional Food Systems Opportunities from the Biocultural World
Edited by
Ranjay Kumar Singh Central Soil Salinity Research Institute Karnal, Haryana, India
Nancy J. Turner School of Environmental Studies University of Victoria, Victoria B.C., Canada V8W 2Y2
Victoria Reyes-Garcia ICREA and Institut de Ciencia i Technologia Ambientals Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain and
Jules Pretty Essex Sustainability Institute and Department of Biological Sciences University of Essex, Colchester CO4 3SQ, UK
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Dedicated to Indigenous People and Native Communities of the World
Contributors ................................................................................................... ix Preface ............................................................................................................ xi Acknowledgements ......................................................................................... xv Introduction Social-Ecological Diversity and Traditional Food Systems: Opportunities from the Biocultural World .................................................. xvii Ranjay K. Singh, Nancy J Turner, Victoria Reyes-GarcĂa and Jules Pretty
1. The Food/Medicine/Poison Triangle: Implications for Traditional Ecological Knowledge Systems of Indigenous Peoples of British Columbia, Canada ............................................. 1 Nancy J. Turner
2. Integration into the Market Economy and Dietary Change: An Empirical Study of Dietary Transition in the Amazon ........... 33 Elizabeth Byron and Victoria Reyes-GarcĂa
3. The Loss of Local Livelihoods and Local Knowledge: Implications for Local Food Systems ............................................ 65 Sarah Pilgrim-Morrison and Jules Pretty
4. The Seasonal Migration of Thai Berry Pickers in Finland: Non-wood Forest Products for Poverty Alleviation or Source of Imminent Conflict? ...................................................................... 91 Celeste Lacuna-Richman
5. Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Biocultural Diversity for Subsistence Livelihoods: A Cross Cultural Study .................................................................. 107 Ranjay K. Singh, Anamika Singh, Anshuman Singh and B.S. Dwivedi
6. Status and Contribution of Non-cultivated Food Plants Used by Dawro People in Loma District, South Ethiopia ................... 137 Kebu Balemie
7. Biocultural Resources and Traditional Food Systems of Nyishi Tribe of Arunachal Pradesh (India): An Empirical Learning on the Role of Mythology and Folklore in Conservation .................................................................................. 155 Hui Tag, P. Kalita, Ranjay, K. Singh and A.K. Das
8. New Shoots, Old Roots — the Incorporation of Alien Weeds into Traditional Food Systems ...................................................... 199 Michelle Cocks, Tony Dold and Madeleen Husselman
9. Edible Fungi in Mesoamerican Lowlands: A Barely Studied Resource ........................................................... 217 Felipe Ruan-Soto and Joaquín Cifuentes
10. Menu for Survival: Plants, Architecture, and Stories of the Nisga’a Oolichan Fishery .............................................................. 237 Nancy Mackin and Deanna Nyce
11. Salmon Food Webs: SAANICH First Nation Peoples’ Intrinsic Interconnectedness to Salmon Fishing and Conservation on Southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ........... 261 Roxanne Paul
12. Tsampa of Ladakh: Adaptation of a Traditional Food at Higher Altitude and Emergent Changes ................................................. 293 Konchok Targais, Dorjey Angchok, Tsering Stobdan, R.B. Srivastava and Ranjay Singh
13. Bioculturally Important Indigenous Fruit Tree Mahua (Madhuca spp.; Sapotaceae): It’s’ Role in Community -Based Adaptive Management ..................................................... 307 Anshuman Singh, Ranjay K. Singh, Sarvesh Tripathy and BS Dwivedi
Fi r s tf e wp a g e so ft h i sb o o ka r ep u b l i s h e d o nk i s a n . c o mb yi t sp u b l i s h e r . I fy o uwi s ht op u r c h a s eah a r d c o p y o ft h i sb o o k , p l e a s ec o n t a c tt h ep u b l i s h e r .
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