Easy and Effective Ways to Purify Water: Must Follow Water is the most basic need of any living being. Without water, lif e would never be possible. Our earth is 70% covered with water, but still, not all of it is drinkable. Even the little amount of water available f or drinking is contaminated and hence not saf e f or drinking. The pathogens, viruses, bacteria, and other dissolved impurities present can lead to waterborne diseases like cholera, dysentery etc. Considering this, it’s important to purif y water bef ore drinking. Here are a f ew easy and ef f ective ways to purif y water. 1.
Boiling is the most common and traditional method of water purification. It is the method where you need to boil the water so that all the germs and bacteria inside it die under high temperature. Even if you use tap water f or cooking purposes, don’t forget to boil it. It will kill all the microorganisms present in it. If you are boiling water f or drinking, make sure you let it cool f or some time and then consume. 2.
Water Purifier
An electric water purifier is the most trusted method to purif y water these days. The latest purif iers come with dif f erent purif ication technologies like RO (Reverse Osmosis), UV (Ultra-Violet), and Ultra-Filtration (UF). Af ter testing the quality of water you get at home, you can choose a purif ier with one of these purif ication technologies. However, an RO purifier is commonly seen in many homes If you are the kind of person, who of ten relocates f rom one locality to another, the water quality is also likely to change f rom place to place. In such cases, a purif ier that works based on a single water purification technology is not likely to be ef f ective. During these situations, it’s better to invest in a water purif ier with multi-stage purif ication technologies. Such purif iers generally come with RO, UV, and UF purif iers – all in a single purif ying appliance. The most advanced models also have a TDS controller and in-tank purif ication technology. Such purif iers are suitable f or purif ying all kinds of water, thus giving you 100% saf e drinking water. 3.
Chlorination is a process in which mild bleach is added to the water to purif y it. It gets its name due to the addition of chlorine to the water, which works as an oxidant and quickly kills microorganisms making it saf e to consume. Municipal water is treated with chlorine, but by the time it reaches your home tap through the various pipeline, it is likely to get contaminated again. This is why purif ication is needed bef ore consuming this water. 4.
Iodine Addition
Iodine is a chemical that is extremely powerf ul as it kills bacteria and viruses. It is available in the f orm of a tablet or liquid at any chemical store. The main disadvantage of this process is it adds an unpleasant taste to the water. You have to be caref ul with the amount of iodine you add because high doses can be f atal. While these are the most common ways, the most ef f ective of all these is to opt f or a water purifier. With regular maintenance and service, this appliance can serve you ef f iciently f or several years to come.