Tips to Make Delicious Momos at Home with Momo Maker Just thinking of momos can make your mouth water, so imagine how irresistible they can be when they are in front of you? If you have been wanting to go out to get a plate of this delectable dish or maybe even order in, hold your horses. You can very well use a momo maker to make them at home and relish the taste. The best part about this is you can have as many as you want, not to forget the variety that you can prepare.
The recipe has two parts: the dough and the filling. While the filling can be of your choice and can be prepared to suit your taste-buds, the dough is the same for all varieties. This is an all-important component because if this is not prepared well your momos would end up tearing and spilling their insides. With a ​momo maker​, you can prepare the perfect dough if you keep the following tips in mind: 1. Follow the instructions that come with your kitchen appliance. 2. Ensure that all parts are assembled correctly. 3. Use exact measurements as specified in the manual. 4. Do not exceed the maximum capacity of the container.
5. Add adequate water only after turning the appliance on. 6. Use the correct shaping die to extrude the dough. 7. Add the filling only after placing the dough in the shaping die. 8. Do not forget to add water to the edges of the dough. 9. Close the die and wait for a few seconds to allow it to seal properly. If you take care of the above, you will have the perfectly shaped momos, ready to steam or deep fry. To steam, grease the steamer pan lightly before placing the momos. Make sure to space them out to avoid them sticking to each other and steam for 5-6 minutes. When they are done, they will not be sticky. For frying, place the prepared momo in hot oil and fry on medium heat till they turn golden brown. Place them on an absorbent paper to remove excess oil. Your momos are ready now.You can serve it hot with a spicy chutney.