What Would Be A Good Water Purifier For Bangalore? The water quality in Bangalore is not good. In most of the areas, the water is high in TDS (Total Dissolved Solids – much higher than the permissible levels of 500 ppm. Thus, one needs to install the best water purifier to have access to safe and clean drinking water.
The best water purifier for home in Bangalore is the one that takes care of TDS and also the biological contaminants. The best option is a RO+UV purifier. No other purifier is capable of removing the salts of minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium etc. effectively from water as an RO purifier does. The UV filter will take care of the biological contaminants.
The best water purifier will be the one that makes use of genuine and high-quality filters as they are solely responsible for filtering out the contaminants. Thus, one should go with reputed and branded products like KENT. For more details, continue reading about best water purifiers for home.