Infor PM Business Process Applications
Infor PM BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
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Publication Information Release: Infor Performance Management (PM) Business Process Applications (BPA) Version 10.1 Publication Date: July 2008
Chapter 1 Preparing for Installation ............................................................................ 6 Basic Architecture of BPA........................................................................................................................6 Security Overview ....................................................................................................................................7 BPA Application Security ....................................................................................................................... 7 Database Security.................................................................................................................................. 7 Web Security.......................................................................................................................................... 7 Authentication vs. Authorization ............................................................................................................ 7 Integrating Windows Authentication with Database and Application Security ...................................... 8 Intranet vs. Internet................................................................................................................................ 8 Configuration of Server Components ......................................................................................................9 Configuration Scenario 1: One Server................................................................................................... 9 Configuration Scenario 2: Two Servers, Option A............................................................................... 10 Configuration Scenario 3: Two Servers, Option B............................................................................... 10 Configuration Scenario 4: Three Servers, Option A ............................................................................ 11 Configuration Scenario 5: Three Servers, Option B ............................................................................ 12 Configurations for Larger Applications...................................................................................................12 Setting Up Database Server and Database Client Software .................................................................13 SQL Server .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Oracle .................................................................................................................................................. 13 Server Settings ......................................................................................................................................14 Reconfiguring Servers as Network Application Servers ...................................................................... 14 Memory Utilization ............................................................................................................................... 14 Checklist of Requirements for Servers ..................................................................................................15 Database Server .................................................................................................................................. 15 Application Server................................................................................................................................ 16 Web Server .......................................................................................................................................... 16 Checklist of Requirements for Client Machines .....................................................................................17 Administrator's PC ............................................................................................................................... 17 End User's PC ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 2 Installing BPA Software ............................................................................ 18 Prerequisites for Installing BPA Software ..............................................................................................18 Installing Server Components................................................................................................................18 Application Server................................................................................................................................ 18 Decision ............................................................................................................................................... 20 BPA Workstation.................................................................................................................................. 21 Installing Administrative Components....................................................................................................21 Install BPA Documentation .................................................................................................................. 21 Application Server Administrator ......................................................................................................... 22 Administration ...................................................................................................................................... 22 View Manager ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Run BPA Client Configuration ............................................................................................................. 22
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Excel Services ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 3 Connecting and Verifying the BPA Installation....................................... 24 Testing Application Server Administrator...............................................................................................24 Creating a Sample Database.................................................................................................................24 Editing and Running .SQL Scripts ....................................................................................................... 24 Creating a New Database.................................................................................................................... 25 Test Opening and Releasing Sample Database ................................................................................. 27 Testing View Manager ...........................................................................................................................27 Testing BPA Workstation .......................................................................................................................28 Adding CTRAIN or FASTPB as Local User on Web Server................................................................ 28 Testing Worksheet Lines Prerequisites (if applicable)......................................................................... 28 Testing BPA Web Application.............................................................................................................. 28 Supporting Non-Translated Versions of a BPA Application ................................................................ 29
Chapter 4 Upgrading a BPA Application................................................................... 30 Checking Support Changes and Prerequisites......................................................................................30 Backing up Current BPA Application .....................................................................................................30 Before You Begin:................................................................................................................................ 30 Steps for Backing up your Current BPA Application............................................................................ 31 Upgrading Server Components .............................................................................................................31 Immediately Prior to Upgrading BPA Software:................................................................................... 31 Application Server................................................................................................................................ 31 Decision ............................................................................................................................................... 31 BPA Workstation.................................................................................................................................. 32 Upgrading Administrative Components .................................................................................................32 Install BPA Documentation .................................................................................................................. 32 Application Server Administrator ......................................................................................................... 33 Administration ...................................................................................................................................... 33 View Manager ...................................................................................................................................... 33 Run BPA Client Configuration ............................................................................................................. 33 Excel Services ..................................................................................................................................... 34 Upgrading Schema for the BPA Database ............................................................................................34 Releasing Upgraded Database (required)........................................................................................... 35 Applying Important Updates...................................................................................................................36 Re-Applying Any Prior Changes to your BPA Database Tables (if applicable)................................... 36 Applying Updates to .Asp Pages in the Deciweb\mpc\Templates Folder ........................................... 36 Applying Updates to Approval Process .Asp Pages (if applicable) ..................................................... 36 Supporting Non-Translated Versions of a BPA Application ................................................................ 36 Upgrading Multiple Web Views (Cdweb) Databases (if applicable) .................................................... 37 Verifying the Application Upgrade .........................................................................................................37 Leveraging New Features with an Upgraded Application......................................................................37 Routine Back-ups Recommended .........................................................................................................37 Uninstalling Software .............................................................................................................................38
Chapter 5 Installing Both BPA/SQL and BPA/AS ..................................................... 39 New Installation......................................................................................................................................39 Upgrade .................................................................................................................................................40
Chapter 6 Porting a BPA Application ........................................................................ 41 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................41 Overview of Steps..................................................................................................................................41 Check System, Hardware and Software Requirements ........................................................................43
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Key Connection Information ................................................................................................................ 43 Back Up BPA Application.......................................................................................................................43 Set Up Application Server......................................................................................................................43 Install Application Server ..................................................................................................................... 44 Export/Import Application Server Parameters ..................................................................................... 44 Set Up Web Server ................................................................................................................................45 Install Decision..................................................................................................................................... 45 Install BPA Workstation ....................................................................................................................... 45 Copy Source Deciweb Folder on Top of Destination Folder ............................................................... 45 Update Styles File................................................................................................................................ 45 Update Eqlsrvr.ini Channel Lines ........................................................................................................ 45 Virtual Directory Authentication Method Settings ................................................................................ 46 Deciweb and System Temp Folder Permissions................................................................................. 46 Port BPA Production and Authorized Databases ..................................................................................46 SQL Server .......................................................................................................................................... 47 Oracle .................................................................................................................................................. 47 Port BPA Web Views (Cdweb) Database ..............................................................................................48 SQL...................................................................................................................................................... 48 Oracle .................................................................................................................................................. 49 Access (not recommended)................................................................................................................. 49 Update Administrative Client Connections ............................................................................................50 Architect ............................................................................................................................................... 50 View Manager ...................................................................................................................................... 50 Run BPA Client Configuration for Destination BPA Web Server......................................................... 51 Reset BPA Web Application URL ........................................................................................................ 51
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Preparing for Installation
Basic Architecture of BPA BPA encompasses planning, budgeting, forecasting, financial consolidation, management reporting and analysis. This application suite is web based and operates on top of mainstream relational database technology. BPA includes web-based client components supported by server components and administrative components. The server components are the foundation of the BPA application. The administrative components provide tools for BPA administrators to set up, design, administer and maintain the centralized BPA database and application. End users can access the appropriate BPA data entry, reporting and consolidation pages via Internet Explorer and Excel Services.
Architecture of BPA on SQL Server or Oracle
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Security Overview
There are three main server components involved in running a BPA application:
Database Server: stores the metadata (accounts, structures, etc), data, and user security for the application database.
Application Server: submits and manages requests to the database server, performs calculations with built-in financial intelligence, and returns data.
Web Server: manages the presentation of the BPA application via the user's browser in coordination with the BPA web components, Decision and BPA Workstation.
Security Overview BPA Application Security The administrator for a BPA application can define what parts of the data specific users can access. For example, a BPA administrator can restrict groups of users to particular functions based on their user roles. Users can be set up with access for a particular product line or access only to units within a certain region.
Database Security BPA takes advantage of database technology to enforce application security as defined by the BPA administrator. Each BPA user must have a database login. Database roles, triggers and views protect the data from unauthorized access. In this manner, database technology protects sensitive financial data from unauthorized users who may be using third party database tools.
Web Security Web security can provide an extra layer of protection for a BPA application if desired, preventing unauthorized access to web server views and pages. The BPA web components work in conjunction with Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). BPA can leverage IIS security or support other approaches. The security settings in IIS control the connection between the browser and the web server. Microsoft IIS provides three security options:
Allow Anonymous – Browser allows unauthenticated access to web server pages.
Basic authentication – Browser prompts the user to enter a user name and password.
Integrated Windows authentication (also known as Windows NT Challenge/Response) - Browser does not prompt for user name and password. The user's network login credentials are negotiated by the operating system.
Authentication vs. Authorization Authentication means verifying that the user is who he says he is, typically through password validation. Authorization involves controlling rights or access to secured resources. The distinction between the two can be summarized as: Authentication: "Who are you?" Authorization: "What can you do?"
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Security Overview
IIS security authenticates the user's access to the web server for a BPA application. The authorization for a user's access to particular financial records and tables is always handled by the database and application security. Unless the application is set up to leverage Windows authentication, the database server needs to validate the user's password as well as the user's name against the user records stored in the database.
Integrating Windows Authentication with Database and Application Security A BPA on SQL Server application can be set up to leverage Windows authentication. With Windows authentication, the BPA application relies on the Windows operating system to authenticate the user, thus user passwords do not need to be stored in the SQL Server database. Windows authentication support for BPA on SQL Server has some limitations depending on the server configuration used. As a general rule of thumb, the end user's authenticated credentials can only be passed to one physical machine. The machine on which the user's credentials are authenticated depends on the type of Windows authentication used: Windows authentication type
Machine on which the end user's credentials are authenticated
Basic Windows authentication Integrated Windows authentication
Web server End user's machine
The different locations where user credentials are authenticated result in differences in support for Windows authentication methods in accordance with the configuration of servers. However, as of version 7.0, BPA security has been extended to support the Kerberos network authentication protocol for BPA on SQL Server. Kerberos authentication eliminates the sever configuration limitations with Windows authentication due to the restriction with regard to passing user credentials between machines. BPA does not support leveraging Windows authentication for applications on the Oracle platform yet. Unless anonymous access to the web server is allowed or the BPA application is set up to leverage Windows authentication, passwords must be synchronized between the web server and the database server. BPA has its own proprietary options to facilitate integrating web security with the database and application security. For information, consult customer support.
Intranet vs. Internet BPA web applications can be implemented using an intranet over a LAN or WAN, or via an internet. Web security is often of greater concern with an internet than an intranet. Integrated Windows authentication is the most secure because no passwords are exchanged. However, Integrated Windows authentication is only viable within an integrated network domain, which generally limits its implementation to LAN-based intranet environments. Basic authentication is easier to set up initially than Windows Integrated security and suits a much wider range of implementations. Basic authentication has the disadvantage that the user name and password are passed in clear text with no encryption. If this is a concern, using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is an option. BPA works in an SSL environment. SSL provides encryption for all data passed to and from the web server and client. With SSL, browser connections are handled by an https request. Be aware that the SSL encryption/decryption process can impact response time to the browser. Because the communication between the end user's browser and the web server is handled via standard http requests, BPA can operate in internet environments that are secured via a firewall or DMZ. In this environment, the firewall must allow communication between server components.
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Configuration of Server Components
Configuration of Server Components Before you begin installing any software, you need to decide where the server components will be installed, and whether they will be installed on one machine or multiple machines. The hardware requirements for a given server machine depend on the configuration. Basic configurations suited for applications of different sizes and characteristics are presented in ascending order in this section. As the number of concurrent users increases, other scenarios may need to be considered. There is an overview of configuration considerations for larger applications following this section. For large or complex implementations, consultation with customer support is recommended.
Configuration Scenario 1: One Server
Used for small implementations and test environments.
Works best if the number of concurrent users does not exceed 25. Not recommended for larger numbers of users. Configuration Scenario 1 for BPA on SQL Server
Basic Windows authentication
Integrated Windows authentication
Kerberos network authentication
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Configuration of Server Components
Configuration Scenario 2: Two Servers, Option A
One of the most common configurations for small to medium size applications.
Keeping the Application Server and Database Server on the same machine helps prevent network traffic bottlenecks. Configuration Scenario 2 for BPA on SQL Server
Basic Windows authentication
Integrated Windows authentication
Kerberos network authentication
Configuration Scenario 3: Two Servers, Option B
Configuration that works well for many medium-sized applications.
Often used where Oracle is running on UNIX.
Used when the SQL Server instance is shared by several applications.
Used by companies with a policy of having a dedicated Database server with no other applications allowed on that machine.
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Configuration of Server Components
Configuration Scenario 3 for BPA on SQL Server Basic Windows authentication
Integrated Windows authentication
Kerberos network authentication
Configuration Scenario 4: Three Servers, Option A
Provides flexibility and scalability. Possible configuration when Oracle runs on UNIX.
Used by companies that have policies of using dedicated Web Servers and dedicated Database Servers. Configuration Scenario 4 for BPA on SQL Server
Basic Windows authentication
Integrated Windows authentication
Kerberos network authentication
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Configurations for Larger Applications
Configuration Scenario 5: Three Servers, Option B
Possible configuration for application with large number of concurrent users.
This option provides a scalable architecture.
Running Application Server software on the Web Servers can improve end-user responsiveness. Configuration Scenario 5 for BPA on SQL Server
Basic Windows authentication
Integrated Windows authentication
Kerberos network authentication
Configurations for Larger Applications As the size of your application grows, either in terms of number of users, application complexity, or database size, it is a good practice to monitor the resource utilization of your servers. Use the Windows Performance Monitor during peak usage times and during large consolidations to observe resources such as processor and memory utilization. Such periodic monitoring helps ensure that your end users obtain reliable performance as the environment and application change. Should you find that the application begins to require additional resources, a number of options is available to help scale the application. One option is upgrading the hardware of the current configuration, such as adding memory or using servers with additional processors or faster processors. If you have a one or two server configuration, review the previous configuration scenarios to determine if a different configuration would better suit the needs of your application. BPA can also scale beyond these basic configurations in the following ways.
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Setting Up Database Server and Database Client Software
BPA can be configured to have multiple Application Servers. This configuration is especially useful for applications with large and complex calculation requirements. With multiple Application Servers, the workload can be balanced either by user group or by function. –
To balance workload by user group, set up the web server with a new channel line to the second Application Server, and then direct some portion of the views and users to this additional Application Server.
To balance workload by function, one might reserve a second Application Server for resource intensive processes such as consolidations.
BPA can be configured to use multiple web servers. This configuration could improve performance for applications with large or complex views and high volumes of users. There are three methods for distributing users among multiple web servers: –
Manually direct groups of users to different web servers through distinct URLs.
Leverage the Microsoft Network Load Balancing service available with Windows 2000 Advanced Server and Windows 2003 Server.
Use third-party load balancing software that supports non-stateless web applications. BPA's web server maintains state information as it services each user's requests.
A combination of multiple Application Server and web server pairs can be used. For example, various groups of users may have their own dedicated web and Application Server pair.
Database clustering can be used to provide failover and improve scalability.
Contact customer support if you would like further assistance.
Setting Up Database Server and Database Client Software The BPA software relies on robust connections between the Database Server, the Application Server and the Web Server. Setting up the database server and client software properly is essential for a successful BPA installation. Note:
Make sure to refer to the Configuration Support Document for information about supported and recommended versions of database software.
SQL Server The SQL Server instance must be case insensitive. SQL Client SQL Client tools are very useful and recommended on administrative client machines. If using SQL 2005, one specific client tool, the SQL 2005 Native Client driver, is required on the Application Server, Web Server and administrative client machines.
Oracle An Oracle Compatibility mode of 8i or higher is required as the database initialization parameter and the Oracle server instance must be case insensitive.
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Server Settings
Oracle Client The Application Server and Web Server machines need to have the Oracle network client installed. Administrators using BPA Administration or View Manager need Oracle client software also, and the Oracle Administrator client installation is recommended. Note that you may need assistance from the Oracle DBA to get the Oracle client installed and configured to connect to the appropriate Oracle server instance. Each of these machines needs a Net Service name connecting to the Oracle server host. Host Oracle Server Net Service Name: _____________________________________ You need to enter the Oracle Net Service name during installation of BPA software to provide ODBC connection information.
Server Settings Reconfiguring Servers as Network Application Servers The servers need to be reconfigured as network application servers. By default, a Windows server is optimized for use as a file server. The IIS web server, Application Server, and database server should be optimized for efficient memory utilization as network application servers. 1.
On each BPA server, go to Network properties for the Local Area Connection.
Access properties for File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks.
Set the Server Optimization to "Maximize data throughput for network applications."
Memory Utilization The memory specifications that accompany the checklist of requirements for servers are general recommendations that should be sufficient for most applications. As with any Windows application, however, it is very important to observe memory utilization. In particular, check this during global consolidation times and/or during periods of heavy user loads. When observing the Windows Task Manager Performance tab, the Commit Charge Total should not exceed Total Physical Memory. This significantly degrades Windows performance and must be avoided. SQL Server Memory Usage On a machine that is running both SQL Server and the Application Server, be sure to observe and plan for memory usage. In particular, a default SQL Server instance allocates all the physical memory. There is a "Maximum Memory" setting that needs to be lowered in SQL Server. The Microsoft formula for the "Maximum Memory" setting is: (total physical memory) – (memory required by all other applications combined) = (maximum memory for SQL Server) In general, when Application Server and SQL Server are on the same machine, configure SQL Server to use about 25% of physical memory. For example, for a 2 GB machine, lower the SQL Server maximum memory setting to 500 MB. Later, if you find that Application Server's peak memory use is less than 1.25 GB, you can increase the SQL Server memory.
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Checklist of Requirements for Servers
Oracle Server Memory Usage When running Application Server and Oracle on the same machine, be sure to observe and plan for physical memory usage. If you find that Oracle is using most of the physical memory, then its memory usage needs to be lowered. Setting memory parameters in Oracle is fairly complex and is best left to the Oracle DBA. In general, when Application Server and Oracle Server are on the same machine, configure Oracle Server to use 25% of physical memory. For example, on a 2 GB machine, lower the SGA and PGA memory parameters to use no more than 500 MB. Later, if you find that Application Server's peak memory use is less than 1.25 GB you can increase your Oracle memory parameters.
Checklist of Requirements for Servers The system and hardware requirements for a given server machine depend on how the server components of BPA are distributed, as well as on the size and design of your application. The recommendations included here represent a good faith effort to identify recommended hardware configuration for the use of BPA software. There are a number of factors that may impact the suitability of these recommendations, including, but not limited to, amount or level of data, number of dimensions, number of members in dimensions, formulas, number of databases and applications and number of users. You should monitor and select the hardware configuration that best suits your needs. You should also be aware that your configuration may not be adequate in the future and you may need to purchase new hardware to accommodate your requirements over time. Note:
Review the Configuration Support Document before you start the installation process. The Configuration Support Document details the supported operating systems as well as other specific software requirements.
Database Server Database Server Machine Name:
Checklist for Database Server Dual 3.0 GHz processors or faster CPU In applications with >250 concurrent users, quad processors may be substituted for the dual processors Memory 4 GB or higher 40 - 160 GB suggested (Database size varies widely with Disk Space application size/complexity) High-speed disk subsystem (RAID or SAN) Gigabit connection to other servers Network Network Properties set to "Maximize Throughput for Network Applications" SQL Server DB Software Oracle
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Checklist of Requirements for Servers
Application Server Application Server Machine Name:
Checklist for Application Server Machine CPU Dual 3.0 GHz processors or faster Memory 4 GB per machine Disk Space <1 GB required; No special disk needs Gigabit connection to other servers Network Network Properties set to "Maximize Throughput for Network Applications" For SQL: the SQL 2005 Native Client driver is required if DB Client using SQL 2005 Software For Oracle: the Oracle Network Client and Oracle ODBC driver are required
Web Server Web Server Machine Name:
Checklist for Web Server Machine CPU Dual 3.0 GHz processors or faster Memory 4 GB per machine Disk Space <1 GB required; No special disk needs Gigabit connection to other servers 100 Megabit connection to end-user machines Network Network Properties set to "Maximize Throughput for Network Applications" Internet IIS with World Wide Publishing Service Information Active Server Pages (ASP) and ASP.Net enabled Services For SQL: the SQL 2005 Native Client driver is required if DB Client using SQL 2005 Software For Oracle: the Oracle Network Client and Oracle ODBC driver are required
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Checklist of Requirements for Client Machines
Checklist of Requirements for Client Machines Note:
The Configuration Support Document details the supported operating systems as well as other specific software requirements.
Administrator's PC Checklist for BPA Administrator's PC Supported Recommended CPU Pentium 800 MHz Pentium 1.6 GHz or higher Memory 512 MB RAM 1 GB RAM or higher For SQL: the SQL 2005 Native Client driver is required if using SQL 2005. SQL Client tools are recommended. DB Client software For Oracle: Oracle Network Client, Oracle ODBC driver and OLEDB provider required Web Browser Internet Explorer BPA requires .NET framework 2.0 and full trust to the BPA BPA .NET client web server. These requirements can be installed by deploying the BPA Client Configuration program. Microsoft Excel For Excel Services Excel Services administrators need View Manager View-Based mode installed and configured on their machine Microsoft Excel. Additional prerequisites can be installed For Excel Services by deploying the BPA Client Configuration with Excel Cell-Based mode Services cell-based support program. For Worksheet Lines Office Web Component (OWC) from Microsoft Office with and enhanced Detail appropriate licensing Budgeting Reports:
End User's PC Checklist for BPA Workstation End User's PC Supported Recommended CPU Pentium 800 MHz Pentium 1.2 GHz or higher Memory 256 MB RAM 512 MB RAM or higher Web Browser Internet Explorer BPA requires .NET framework 2.0 and full trust to the BPA BPA .NET client web server. These requirements can be installed by deploying the BPA Client Configuration program. For Excel Services Microsoft Excel View-Based mode Microsoft Excel. Additional prerequisites can be installed For Excel Services by deploying the BPA Client Configuration with Excel Cell-Based mode Services cell-based support program. For Worksheet Lines Office Web Component (OWC) from Microsoft Office with and enhanced Detail appropriate licensing Budgeting Reports:
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Chapter 2 Installing BPA Software
Prerequisites for Installing BPA Software
Decide on which machine(s) to install server and administrative components of BPA
Check system, hardware and software requirements on server and client machines using the checklists in the previous chapter
Read the BPA Release Notes
Installing Server Components Immediately prior to installing BPA software:
Ensure that you can sign in as a user with administrative rights on each machine targeted for software installation
Close out of all other applications
Application Server 1.
Sign in to the targeted Application Server machine as a user with administrative rights. Note the name of this server for future reference: _________________________
Insert the BPA software installation DVD into the appropriate drive. The autorun menu opens. Install Application Server.
The Application Server setup may need to install Windows Installer 3.x. If so, click Next and allow the program to reboot the computer when prompted. Afterwards, resume installing Application Server.
Install Application Server as a New Installation (default). Accept the default destination directory or change the drive or folder location if desired.
Enter the security key provided after purchasing BPA, a long string of letters and numbers. Spaces and case are not important when you type in the security key. If you are able to proceed to the next screen, the security key has been validated.
In the Installation Options dialog, accept the default instance name, AppServ1 or type in a unique instance name that contains no dots, spaces, or slashes. Instance Name is an identifier that only Application Server recognizes; it is not known to client applications. Since you can have multiple instances of Application Server installed, you must enter a unique name for each instance.
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Installing Server Components
Leave the Installation Type set to Windows service (default) unless you need to monitor the application at the console. Windows Service: If you install Application Server as a Windows Service, the installation is configured so that the operating system starts up Application Server automatically when the system starts up. Console Application: If you install Application Server as a Console Application, you must start up the Application Server program manually.
Accept the default Port number, 3013, or enter an alternative four-digit Port number. To be sure that the Port number is available, check with your Network Administrator. Using the same Port number for multiple Application Server instances prevents them from running concurrently. Note the Application Server Port number for future reference: _______
Select the level of information you want output to the screen and log file. The default setting, which leaves the detail messages for monitor and log file unchecked, is recommended. If "Log File:Detail Messages" is selected, the log file's size increases quickly and slows performance. The setting can be adjusted later as needed.
10. Accept the default directory locations for Log Files, Work, Program Folder, and Shared Files, or change the default C:\ drive location with the hard drive location of your choice. Similarly, accept the default program folder name or specify another folder name. 11. On the "Configure ODBC DSN" dialog, select "Set up an Oracle DSN" or "Set up a SQL Server DSN." The ODBC data source name (DSN) allows Application Server to connect to the Oracle or SQL Server. DSN: Accept the default DSN name (BPOra1 or BPSQL1) or enter the name of your choice (limit is 8 characters). Note the DSN name for future reference. ________ Database Server: For SQL, enter the machine name of the Database server. For Oracle, enter the Net Service name of the host Oracle server. 12. (For SQL DSN creation only) You may be prompted to select the appropriate driver for the version of SQL Server you will use for your BPA application. If you are using SQL 2005 be sure to select the SQL Native Client Driver. 13. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Note: If you installed Application Server as a Windows service, you must reboot before starting Application Server for the first time.
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Installing Server Components
Decision 1.
Sign in to the targeted Web Server machine as a user with administrative rights. To ensure that your Internet connection is working properly, use Internet Explorer to access public pages located on your server.
Insert the BPA software installation DVD into the appropriate drive. From the autorun menu, install Decision.
The Decision setup may need to install Windows Installer 3.x. If so, click Next and allow the program to reboot the computer when prompted. Afterwards, resume installing Decision.
For a first time install, setup prompts for information needed to connect the Decision (Web) server to the Application Server and the Database server. This information is stored in a channel line called DWCHANNEL in the EQLSRVR.INI file. Datasource: BPA BPA Type: BPA on SQL Server, or BPA on Oracle Channel Settings:
AppServer: Enter the machine name of the server on which Application Server was installed. (This is different from the Application Server instance name).
Port: Enter the TCP/IP port number for the Application Server. 3013 is the default.
DB DSN: Enter the DSN created during the Application Server installation. The default DSN for SQL Server is BPSQL1, the default DSN for Oracle is BPOra1.
5. The Decision setup creates a views database. Select SQL Server or Oracle database type. (An MSAccess views database is not recommended and would be accessible to only one View Manager user.) For a SQL views database you may be prompted to select the appropriate driver for the version of SQL Server you will use for your BPA views database. If you are using SQL 2005 be sure to select the SQL Native Client Driver. 6. To facilitate the initial verification of the BPA installation, choose to create a Sample Views Database for BPA/SQL or BPA/Oracle. There are sample views databases available for two sample database options: a BPA Training Database (Ctrain) and a Business Edition for Budgeting and Planning Database (FASTPB). Follow the on-screen directions to enter views database setup information. Note: Enter a name such as SampleViews for the views database and the views database owner. Do NOT use the name Ctrain or FASTPB (the default names of the BPA sample databases). 7. You can elect to have Decision install the Excel Services cell-based component or not. If you select No, the Excel Services cell-based component can be installed later by rerunning the Decision install and selecting yes at the prompt. 8.
Continue to follow the on-screen directions. If prompted, restart the computer.
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Installing Administrative Components
BPA Workstation 1.
From the autorun menu, install BPA Workstation.
Database Type: Select SQL Server or Oracle
Configure ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) ? If Application Server is installed on this machine and the DSN is already set up, select NO and skip to step 5. Otherwise, select YES. Caution: The connection information you enter in the following steps must match the information entered while installing Application Server and Decision.
ODBC DSN Configuration screen: DSN: same as DSN set up during Application Server installation (BPSQL1 is the default for SQL Server, BPOra1 is the default for Oracle). Server: Enter machine name of the SQL Database Server or the Net Service name of the host Oracle server.
MPCStyles.txt configuration screen: DSN: same as DSN set up during Application Server installation (BPSQL1 is the default for SQL Server; BPOra1 is the default for Oracle). Channel: DWCHANNEL (same as that created during Decision installation) Schema: CTrain or FASTPB (depending on whether you plan to start with the sample BPA Training database, Ctrain, or the sample Business Edition for Budgeting and Planning database, FASTPB.) Sample database creation is documented in Chapter 3.
Database Server Name screen: For SQL, enter the machine name of the Database server. For Oracle, enter the Net Service name of the host Oracle server.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. If prompted, reboot the web server.
Installing Administrative Components Before installing the administrative components, make sure to: Â&#x192;
Sign in as a user with administrative rights on the BPA administrator's computer
Close out of all other applications
Install BPA Documentation 1.
Insert the BPA software installation DVD into the appropriate drive. From the autorun menu, install Documentation.
Infor PM
BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Installing Administrative Components
Follow the on-screen instructions to unzip the BPA documentation files to the desired location.
You may wish to make the documentation available to all BPA users.
Application Server Administrator From the autorun menu, install Application Server Administrator and follow the on-screen instructions.
Administration From the autorun menu, install Administration – Relational and follow the on-screen instructions.
View Manager 1.
From the autorun menu, install View Manager.
Follow the on-screen instructions. Accept the default destination directory or change the drive or folder location if desired.
If Decision was installed on this machine, skip to step 5. Otherwise, setup prompts for connection information. First it requests information needed to create a channel line in a local EQLSRVR.INI file. This allows View Manager to connect with the Application Server and Database Server. Caution: The connection information you enter for the channel line must match the information entered while installing Application Server, Decision and BPA Workstation. Datasource: BPA BPA Type: BPA on SQL Server, or BPA on Oracle Channel Settings:
AppServer: Enter the machine name of the server on which Application Server was installed. (This is different from the Application Server instance name).
Port: Enter the TCP/IP port number for the Application Server. 3013 is the default.
DB DSN: Enter the DSN created during the Application Server installation. The default DSN for SQL Server is BPSQL1; the default DSN for Oracle is BPOra1.
Next, setup prompts for information View Manager needs to connect to the views database.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Run BPA Client Configuration All BPA client machines must have:
.NET framework 2.0
Security policy set to establish trust to the BPA web server(s)
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Installing Administrative Components
BPA provides a client configuration program to install the .NET framework and establish trust to the BPA web server. Before verifying the BPA installation, you must run the BPA client configuration program on your administrative client machine. 1.
From the autorun menu, install the basic BPA Client Configuration.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Note: Refer to the Client Configuration Guide for information on how to deploy this program to all your BPA end users.
Excel Services Excel Services files, including client installation files, are installed on the web server during the Decision installation. Installing Excel Services for administrative clients and end users is documented in the Excel Services Guide (view-based mode) and the Planning Guide (cell-based mode).
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Chapter 3 Connecting and Verifying the BPA Installation
Testing Application Server Administrator Successfully registering your Application Server program with the Application Server Administrator program indicates that both programs are running and communicating well with each other. 1.
Make sure the Application Server program is running as follows. Application Server as a Service: On the Application Server machine, navigate to Administrative Tools | Services. Application Server should be started automatically and listed under the name, Application Server <instance name>. You must reboot before starting Application Server as a service for the first time after the installation. Application Server as a Console Application: On the Application Server machine, manually start Application Server if needed.
On the BPA administrator's machine, start Application Server Administrator.
In the left pane, select "Application Server Administrator" and right-click. Click "Register Server."
To administer an Application Server instance installed on your local server machine, enter the server name: localhost and leave the Connect with Current User box checked. Click OK. To administer an Application Server instance installed on a remote server machine, enter the server machine name and clear the Connect with Current User checkbox. Enter the user name and password for an authorized user on the Application Server machine. Click OK.
If connected successfully, the Application Server machine name appears in the left pane. When you expand the server name, the program retrieves the Application Server instance(s) on that computer.
Creating a Sample Database Editing and Running .SQL Scripts The Administration installation provides several template SQL scripts for creating the tablespace, filegroup name(s), users and roles for a sample database. Follow the steps corresponding to your database platform. You may need assistance from your Database Administrator. Script for SQL Server 1.
On the machine on which you installed Administration, navigate to the AdminPLUS directory. For SQL 2000, find the Mssqldb.sql file. For SQL 2005, find the Mssql2005db.sql file.
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Creating a Sample Database
Open the .sql file with a text editor. Select File | Save As "SampleDb.sql" and make it available on your SQL Server machine.
On your SQL Server machine, select an existing directory for storing the sample database or create a new directory such as C:\SampleDbs.
Edit the newly renamed SampleDb.sql script file as needed to set the desired schema name (for instance globally replace “Ctrain” with “FASTPB”) and specify the directory location for storing the sample database. Save your changes.
Start SQL Server Query Analyzer or SQL Server Management Studio and connect using the dba account (typically the SA account).
Open the edited SQL script file, SampleDb.sql, saved in step 4.
Execute the SQL script file and check the results. If there are errors, correct the problems in the file and execute the script again. If there are no errors, then the sample database has been successfully created.
Script for Oracle 1.
On the machine on which you installed Administration, navigate to the AdminPLUS directory.
Open the Oracledb.sql file with a text editor. File | Save As "SampleDbOra.sql" and make it available on your Oracle server machine.
On your Oracle server machine, select an existing directory for storing the sample database or create a new directory such as C:\SampleDbs.
Edit the newly renamed SampleDbOra.sql script file as needed to set the desired schema name (for instance globally replace “Ctrain” with “FASTPB”) and specify the desired directory location for storing the .DAT data file. Save your changes.
Open the SQLPlus Worksheet application and sign in as the System User.
In SQLPlus Worksheet, select File | Open and browse to the "SampleDbOra.sql" file saved in step 4.
Select Worksheet | Execute to run the script. After the script stops, check for any errors and correct as necessary. If there are no errors, then the sample database has been successfully created.
Creating a New Database Create a new BPA database on the BPA administrator's desktop machine. 1.
Make sure that the Application Server program and your DB software are running.
Start Architect. When Architect opens, the What do you want to do? dialog box opens. Select the Create or Upgrade a Database option. This starts the DBSetup Wizard, which is used to create new databases. You can also start the DBSetup Wizard by choosing File | Create or Upgrade Database.
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Creating a Sample Database
The DBSetup Wizard - Select an option dialog box opens. Select the Create a new database option and click Next.
The Select a Database dialog box opens. Sample is selected by default. Choose which type of sample database to create. Training Database. This option creates a functional database that you can use to get familiar with setting up and using the applications. Business Edition for Budgeting and Planning. This option creates a functional database for the sample Business Edition application.
The Specify Database Alias dialog box opens. Type a name for your sample database (the standard names are CTRAIN or FASTPB) and click Next.
The Step 1 of 5 dialog box opens. Enter the database information requested by the DBSetup Wizard. Click in each text box for detailed information about what is required. The standard inputs are: SQL Server Database Name: CTRAIN or FASTPB Oracle Schema/User Name: CTRAIN or FASTPB Login Password: sample ODBC Data Source Name: Enter the DSN created during the Application Server installation. The default DSN for SQL Server is BPSQL1, the default DSN for Oracle is BPOra1. Database Server: SQL Server: Enter machine(\instance) name of your SQL server Oracle: Enter the Net Service name of the host Oracle server When you click Next, the DBSetup Wizard validates the information that you entered by testing the connect string. If any of the information is incorrect, the DBSetup Wizard notifies you.
The Step 2 of 5 dialog box opens. Accept the default directories for auxiliary database files and userspecific files or modify them if desired. Click Next.
The Step 3 of 5 dialog box opens. Enter the client configuration information requested by the dialog box and click Next.
The Step 4 of 5 dialog box opens. Enter the database filegroup name information requested and click Next. The DBSetup Wizard verifies the existence of the filegroup names that you entered.
10. The Configuration Options dialog box opens if you are creating a Business Edition database. If you are creating a Ctrain database, skip to the next step. Dimensions. You can change the descriptions for the dimensions. You cannot add, delete, or rename the dimensions. Start Month. Select the start month for a non-calendar fiscal year. Enable Version dimension security. Select this option to turn on security for the Version dimension. 11. The Step 5 of 5 dialog box opens. Optionally, you can load sample financial and exchange data. If you are creating a CTrain database, you can also load sample Detail Budgeting data. Click Finish. The DBSetup Wizard creates the database. This procedure can take several minutes to complete.
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Testing View Manager
12. After the successful creation of the application database, click Exit to close the Database Setup Wizard.
Test Opening and Releasing Sample Database It is a good practice to test opening and releasing your newly created database in Architect. 1.
From the BPA Administration Architect program, select File | Open Database. Open the corresponding .adb file in the AdminPLUS directory.
Sign in with user name (CTRAIN or FASTPB) and password (sample).If prompted, load structure.
Select Activity | Release and click Yes.
Allow the release to complete. Exit Architect.
If there are errors opening or releasing the database, contact customer support for assistance.
Testing View Manager 1.
Make sure that SQL or Oracle server and Application Server programs are running. On the Web Server, IIS Admin Services and World Wide Publishing services must be running as well.
Start View Manager.
Check to see that there are views listed under Existing Views in the left pane. The existence of views after a first-time installation confirms that the CSDWViews DSN is connected to one of the BPA sample views databases. If the views database is empty but you would like to start with sample views as recommended: a.
Close View Manager.
On your web server, navigate to Administrative Tools | Data Sources (ODBC). On the System DSN tab, find the CSDWViews DSN.
Rename or delete your current CSDWViews DSN.
Rerun the Decision installation and choose to have the install create the desired Sample Views Database for BPA/SQL or BPA/Oracle.
Reopen View Manager and check for the list of sample views.
In the left pane of View Manager, scroll down and expand "Library" and then expand "Datasources." Click on each datasource, enter the CTRAIN or FASTPB user name and password and click Update. Check that the appropriate Application\Database information is associated with each View Manager Datasource.
As a final check, click on one of the views, enter the appropriate user name and password and check that the view opens within View Manager. Exit View Manager.
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Testing BPA Workstation
Testing BPA Workstation Adding CTRAIN or FASTPB as Local User on Web Server BPA Workstation is set to use Windows Basic authentication by default. Depending on which sample database you created, either the CTRAIN or FASTPB login must be set up as a local user on the Web Server. 1.
On the Web Server, use Computer Management and navigate to Local Users and Groups.
Right-click on the Users directory and select "New User"
Add the user name, CTRAIN or FASTPB, and enter and confirm the password (the default is sample) that matches that of the database login.
Uncheck the box, "User must change password at next logon."
Click Create, then close the New User screen and exit Computer Management.
Testing Worksheet Lines Prerequisites (if applicable) 1.
Make sure that SQL or Oracle server and Application Server programs are running. On the Web Server, IIS Admin Services and World Wide Publishing services must be running as well.
To test client operation of the Microsoft Office Web Components necessary for using worksheet lines and enhanced Detail Budgeting reports, bring up Internet Explorer and enter this URL: http://<WebServerName>/deciweb/mpc/owctest.asp Sign in as: User: CTRAIN or FASTPB Password: sample
If the prerequisites are met, the Office Web Component Spreadsheet will be displayed in at least one place on the owctest web page.
Office Web Component Spreadsheet 4.
If the Office Web Component spreadsheet is not displayed, refer to the Configuration Support Document or contact customer support for information about deploying supported versions of the Microsoft Office Web Component.
Testing BPA Web Application Note: You must run the BPA client configuration program on your administrative client machine before testing the BPA web application.
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Testing BPA Workstation
Make sure that SQL or Oracle server and Application Server programs are running. On the Web Server, IIS Admin Services and World Wide Publishing services must be running as well.
Bring up Internet Explorer and enter this URL to test proper functioning of Decision: http://<WebServerName>/deciweb/test.asp? Sign in as: User: CTRAIN or FASTPB Password: sample
Information on Deciweb\Test.asp Page 3.
Check for the "Security is correctly configured" message. If the URL and sign-in information were typed correctly but the page contains security configuration errors, refer to the security information in the Decision documentation or contact customer support.
Check for the "Client machine is configured correctly" message. If the client machine is not configured correctly (.Net trust level has not been granted) or the client machine does not have the required version of the .NET framework, run the BPA Client Configuration program as documented on page 23 . Afterwards, check the deciweb\test.asp page from the client again. Refer to the troubleshooting section of the BPA Client Configuration Guide or contact customer support for further assistance if needed.
To test the connection between Decision and BPA Workstation, For the BPA training application, Ctrain, enter this URL: http://<WebServerName>/deciweb/tr/trmain2.asp?app=BudgetWeb For the Business Edition for Budgeting and Planning application, FASTPB, enter this URL: http://<WebServerName>/deciweb/tr/trmain2.asp?app=Admin Wait a moment, and observe the BPA Workstation main page appearing.
Navigate the sample web application to check that the web views load correctly. There will be a delay while the .NET controls are downloaded for the first time. If you encounter errors you cannot resolve, contact customer support.
Supporting Non-Translated Versions of a BPA Application If you use a non-United States (English) version of Windows with a non-translated version of our applications, you may see some degradation in performance. Further information and details on how to address this issue are documented in the InternationalSupport.pdf file which is located in the ResourceFiles directory on the BPA software installation DVD.
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Chapter 4 Upgrading a BPA Application
This chapter outlines the recommended method for upgrading from BPA version 7.x to BPA version 10.1. Here is an overview of the steps involved: 1.
Check support changes and system and software prerequisites.
Check in and release current databases in Architect. Back up current BPA application.
Upgrade server components.
Upgrade the BPA administrative components and run BPA client configuration.
Upgrade schema for the application and apply the appropriate updates.
Test the upgraded application and leverage new features.
Deploy BPA client configuration and roll out application to end users.
Checking Support Changes and Prerequisites
To check general system and software requirements for BPA, refer to the checklists at the end of Chapter 1.
Refer to the Configuration Support Document for detailed and up-to-date environmental support information.
Read the “Must Read” section of the BPA Release Notes.
Backing up Current BPA Application We recommend backing up your current BPA application thoroughly as a prerequisite to upgrading the software and the application.
Before You Begin: 1.
Set aside storage space for backup files such as Application Server settings, a copy of your DeciWeb directory, and full database backups.
Important: Verify that all structural changes are released and all dimensions are checked in. a.
From the BPA administrator's computer, sign in to Architect.
Check in or undo pending changes.
Release changes. Exit Architect program.
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Upgrading Server Components
Make sure that all BPA users remain logged out throughout the backup and upgrade process.
Steps for Backing up your Current BPA Application Copy the DeciWeb folder with all its contents on your BPA Web Server to your backup location as an extra precaution. If your views database is in Access format (not recommended), it will generally be stored within the DeciWeb folder. Your current .asp pages, which may contain customizations, are usually stored within the DeciWeb folder as well. Make sure that your active views database and .asp pages are backed up before upgrading your application. Make a complete back-up of your BPA application database(s). •
Check the production database using native database tools to determine if any BPA tables have been changed from the standard configuration (such as index customizations for performance). If there are customized settings, generate SQL scripts or other backup methods to recreate your settings after the upgrade.
Make a complete, not just incremental, backup of both the production and authorized databases using the database tools in SQL Server or Oracle.
If your views database is stored in SQL or Oracle, back that up as well.
Upgrading Server Components Immediately Prior to Upgrading BPA Software:
Ensure that you can sign in as a user with administrative rights on each machine targeted for software installation.
Stop Application Server and exit all BPA programs.
Make sure that all BPA users remain logged out throughout the upgrade process.
Close all other applications.
Read the applicable sections of the BPA Release Notes.
Application Server We recommend installing the current version of Application Server over the existing Application Server instance. BPA can support multiple Application Server instances, however, so you may install Application Server as a new installation to a different location. If you create an instance of Application Server with a different port number, be sure to update the port number for your BPA application in the eqlsrvr.ini and .adb files.
Decision Before installing Decision, make sure to have a full backup of your current Deciweb directory in a completely separate directory. SQL Server or Oracle needs to be running for the SQL or Oracle views database upgrade to be successful.
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Upgrading Administrative Components
On the web server, install Decision over the previous version. The active views database (the one that the CSDWViews DSN is pointing to) will automatically be upgraded. Guidelines for the over install are listed below: 1.
The Decision setup may need to install Windows Installer 3.x. If so, click Next and allow the program to reboot the computer when prompted. Afterwards, resume the Decision over install.
The Decision installation will automatically check for and update existing Excel Services cell-based components. You can elect to have Decision install the Excel Services cell-based component if it was not previously installed.
Continue to follow the on-screen directions. If prompted, restart the computer.
BPA Workstation Install BPA Workstation over the previous version. The over install creates a backup copy of your existing styles and options files and then updates the original file with any new styles or settings. Existing styles are not updated. In addition, BPA Workstation installs the mpcstylessource.css and mpcstylesource.txt files which contain the current default styles and options as a reference tool. You can copy/paste settings from these files to your customized files to manually update your settings. Subsequent installations of BPA Workstation overwrite the mpcstylessource.txt without creating a backup. Note: The files referenced in Deciweb\TR\CustTR.txt should be located in the Deciweb\mpc folder. Otherwise the BPA Workstation over install will not upgrade them with any new styles or settings. Guidelines for answering prompts during the over install are listed below: 1.
You may be asked if you want to create a backup Deciweb\mpc folder. As a best practice, select Yes.
"Select a Topic and Report Application for Install Defaults and Updates" Select one of the applications listed to supply the default database connection information.
"Select Additional Topic and Report Applications for Updates" Select any other application(s) you plan to use with BPA Workstation. Click an item to select it, and click again to clear the selection.
Follow the on-screen directions for the "Database Type," "Configure ODBC Data Source Name (DSN)?" "BPAStyles.txt Configuration," and "Database Server Name" dialogs. For an upgrade, the DSN is almost certainly already in place.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. If prompted, reboot the web server.
Upgrading Administrative Components Install BPA Documentation A complete documentation folder for BPA is available on the BPA software installation DVD and may be installed from the opening autorun menu. 1.
Insert the BPA software installation DVD into the appropriate drive. The autorun menu opens. Install Documentation.
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Upgrading Administrative Components
Follow the on-screen instructions to unzip the BPA documentation files to the desired location.
You may wish to make the documentation available to all BPA users.
Application Server Administrator Install Application Server Administrator over any previous version, following the on-screen instructions.
Administration Make sure you have checked in and released all structure changes before upgrading the Administration software. Install Administration - Relational over the previous version.
View Manager Install View Manager over any previous version, following the on-screen instructions.
Run BPA Client Configuration All BPA client machines must have:
.NET framework 2.0
Security policy set to establish trust to the BPA web server(s)
Customers upgrading from 10.0 to 10.1 do NOT need to re-deploy the BPA client configuration program to existing BPA users. The BPA client configuration program would only need to be deployed to new BPA client machines or to Excel Services cell-based users with a new version of Excel. In many cases, customers upgrading from 7.2 to 10.1 will NOT need to re-deploy the BPA client configuration program to existing BPA users. •
The 7.2 version of the BPA client configuration program supports BPA 10.1 clients who are NOT using Excel Services cell-based functionality
The 7.2 version of the BPA client configuration with Excel Services cell-based support program supports BPA 10.1 clients using Office 2003.
The 10.1 or 10.0 version of the BPA client configuration with Excel Services cell-based support program is required for BPA clients using Office 2007.
Before verifying the BPA installation, you must have a supported version of the BPA client configuration program on your administrative client machine. 1.
From the BPA software installation autorun menu, install the basic BPA Client Configuration.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Note: Refer to the Client Configuration Guide for information on how to deploy this program to all your BPA end users.
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Upgrading Schema for the BPA Database
Excel Services Excel Services files, including an updated Excel Services view-based client installation program, are installed on the web server during the Decision installation. The updated Excel Services view-based client install program needs to be run by each Excel Services administrator and end user to upgrade the previous version of BPA Excel add-in files to the new version level. Installing view-based Excel Services for administrative clients and end users is documented in the Excel Services Guide. Excel Services Cell-Based Mode Optionally, Decision can install Excel Services cell-based server components to support a cell-based mode of operation in addition to the structured view-based mode. There are additional requirements and a special workbook template needed to employ this feature. Instructions for implementing Excel Services cell-based mode for administrative clients and end users are documented in the Planning Guide.
Upgrading Schema for the BPA Database Before proceeding, make certain that you have full backups of both the production and authorized BPA database schemas. Upgrade your BPA database on the BPA administrator's desktop machine. 1.
Make sure that the Application Server program and your DB software are running.
Start Architect.
Select File | Create or Upgrade a database, or click the button with the Database Setup Wizard icon: "Create or Upgrade a database..."
Select the "Perform one or more of the following tasks" option. Click Next.
Select the alias of the database to be upgraded from the drop-down list or select <Upgrade a database not listed> and manually enter the alias name. Click Next.
Upgrade Database Schema: Follow the on-screen instructions to enter information such as database name and sign-in information, data and user directory paths (accepting the defaults is standard), and client configuration information.
An Upgrade Database Schema screen displays the existing security settings for the dimensions in the database. The Unit dimension is secured by default. You may adjust the dimension security options for Version, Category, and Other dimensions by changing the value in the "Secure" column. Be aware that each additional secured dimension could impact application performance. Make your dimension security setting choices and click Next. Click Yes to accept the listed settings.
Select whether to enable or disable the ownership process to support financial consolidation methods required by International Accounting Standards (IAS). The ownership process setting (enabled/disabled) can be changed later using the Database Setup Wizard.
Select whether to enable or disable the Consolidation Status Monitor, a feature that tracks data changes with respect to consolidation status. If you choose to enable this option, you must also select the dimension on which to perform detailed reporting. The consolidation status monitor setting (enabled/disabled) can be changed later using the Database Setup Wizard.
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Upgrading Schema for the BPA Database
10. Similarly, select whether to enable or disable Process Activity Reporting and Period-to-Date Reporting features. These options can be changed later using the Database Setup Wizard. 11. Click "Create SQL" and then "Execute SQL" and wait for the "Database schema has been updated successfully" message. The length of time it takes to convert the database is approximately proportional to the size of the security and structural tables. During the "Execute SQL" portion of the upgrade, database transactions will be applied to both the production and authorized database schemas. The two user ids associated with the production tables and the authorized tables must be valid database users, and the passwords for these two users must be identical, or else the upgrade will fail. After the database structures are adjusted, a series of SQL statements will execute and populate your security tables. These SQL statements are generated dynamically during the upgrade. They are not logged in any upgrade files. 12. Follow steps 1-11 above to upgrade any other BPA database schema(s) you plan to use. Even after upgrading the BPA database schema, you can follow the steps above to change the schema's secured dimensions and enable/disable the Ownership process, Consolidation status monitor, Process Activity Reporting and Period-to-Date Reporting features. If There Are Any Errors When upgrading a BPA schema, it is possible to get "table in use" errors even when no users seem to be using the system. If you get the error "attempt to create, alter or drop an index on a temporary table already in use," try the following steps: 1. Stop IIS. 2. Stop and restart Application Server. 3. Re-run the upgrade schema process with the DB Setup Wizard. 4. Restart IIS. If you receive any other errors during the upgrade process you should contact customer support for problem determination and support before you attempt any corrective actions on your own. Some types of errors may result in database corruption. In such cases the only alternative is to restore the production and authorized databases to their original condition and repeat the upgrade process.
Releasing Upgraded Database (required) To prevent future problems, you must release your database in Architect after running DBSetup Wizard to upgrade your schema or update feature settings. User security may be updated and unreleased. 1.
From the Administration Architect program, select File | Open Database. Open the .adb file for your upgraded database.
Sign in with the appropriate user name and password. If prompted, load structure.
Select Activity | Release and click Yes to begin the release process.
Allow the release to complete. Exit Architect.
If there are errors opening or releasing the database, contact customer support for assistance.
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Applying Important Updates
Applying Important Updates Re-Applying Any Prior Changes to your BPA Database Tables (if applicable) The "Upgrade Schema" process in the Database Setup Wizard, required for the application upgrade, leaves the BPA tables in the standard configuration. If you made changes to the standard configuration of BPA tables and backed them up before the upgrade, use these resources to recreate the customized settings in your database.
Applying Updates to .Asp Pages in the Deciweb\mpc\Templates Folder There may be cosmetic or functional changes to standard .asp pages with each new release of BPA. BPA Workstation installs the latest versions of standard templates such as TPL_DisplayView.asp in the Deciweb\mpc\TemplateSource directory, but does NOT update or overwrite existing .asp pages in the Deciweb\mpc\Templates folder. Whether you customized the templates in the \Templates folder or not, future installs of BPA will not update those files. Please note that there are extensive updates and enhancements to TPL_DisplayView.asp for the 10.1 release. If you did NOT customize the .asp pages in the \Templates folder: Copy the files in the \TemplateSource folder and paste them into the \Templates folder, overwriting the previous files. If you previously customized the .asp pages in the \Templates folder, we recommend that you apply your customizations to the updated templates as follows: 1.
Rename the existing customized .asp, perhaps adding _OLD to its filename.
Copy the corresponding updated template from \TemplateSource into \Templates and give it the same name as your original customized .asp.
Apply the necessary customizations to the .asp page.
Applying Updates to Approval Process .Asp Pages (if applicable) There may be updates to Approval Process .asp pages with each new release of BPA. These updated .asp pages are installed in the Deciweb\mpc\APSource directory and will NOT overwrite existing .templates in the Deciweb\mpc\AP folder. To use the latest Approval Process templates, copy the files in the \APSource folder and paste them into the \AP folder, overwriting the previous files. Then, follow the instructions in the BPA Workstation Administrator's Guide to set values for constants in the Approval Variable asp pages.
Supporting Non-Translated Versions of a BPA Application If you use a non-United States (English) version of Windows with a non-translated version of our applications, you may see a degradation in performance. Further information and details on how to address this issue are documented in the InternationalSupport.pdf file which is located in the ResourceFiles directory on the DVD.
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Verifying the Application Upgrade
Upgrading Multiple Web Views (Cdweb) Databases (if applicable) The Decision, BPA Workstation, and View Manager installations automatically upgrade the views database and view paths for the active views database only. The active views database is the database to which the ODBC System DSN, CSDWViews, is pointing. If you have multiple views databases, you need to manually run UpgradeDB.exe for each views database you want to use in the future. 1.
Select Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Data Sources (ODBC) to access the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
Click on the "System DSN" tab. Select the DSN named CSDWViews. Click the "Configure" button on the right.
Click "Select" under Database, and enter the path to the views database you would like to update. Click OK.
Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the UpgradeDB.exe utility. On the Web server, UpgradeDB.exe is found in the \Deciweb\Comshare folder. On the View Manager client machine, UpgradeDB.exe is found in the \View Manager\Comshare folder.
Double-click on UpgradeDB.exe to run the utility. This upgrades the active views database to work with the upgraded version of BPA.
Repeat steps 1-5 for each views database which needs to be upgraded to work with the new version of BPA. When you have completed this process, remember to leave the CSDWViews DSN pointing to the desired views database.
Verifying the Application Upgrade We recommend following the progressive installation verification steps outlined in Chapter 3 Connecting and Verifying the BPA Installation. There is no need to create a new sample database unless you would like to use it to get familiar with new features in BPA.
Leveraging New Features with an Upgraded Application You can make adjustments to your database and web application to take advantage of new features available in BPA or newly purchased modules. For information about new features provided in the current release refer to the “What’s New” section of the BPA Release Notes.
Routine Back-ups Recommended Once your newly upgraded application is configured correctly and in production, we recommend that you routinely back up your application.
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Uninstalling Software
Uninstalling Software To uninstall BPA software, use the "Add/Remove Programs" function in the Control Panel to remove each BPA component on each machine on which it was installed. The components do not need to be uninstalled in any particular order. The Remove Program process removes the files associated with a BPA component if the AutoRun.exe or application setup.exe initially installed the files, and the files are not in use or being shared.
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Chapter 5 Installing Both BPA/SQL and BPA/AS
Businesses may implement BPA software using both SQL Server relational databases and Analysis Services multidimensional databases within a combined BPA web application. This chapter provides an overview of the steps for a new installation or an upgrade with mixed database platforms.
New Installation Here is an outline of the steps involved in installing BPA for an application that uses both BPA/SQL and BPA/AS components:
Install Application Server. (See page 18.)
Install Decision selecting a BPA datasource - either BPA on SQL Server or BPA on Analysis Services would be fine. We recommend having the Decision installation create a Sample Views Database for BPA/SQL. (See page 20.)
Install BPA Workstation twice, the first time selecting the Analysis Services database type, and the second time selecting SQL Server. Two installs are required in order to get all the files needed for both database platforms. The BPA Workstation install creates a styles file based on your latest selections. (See page 21.)
Install Application Server Administrator. (See page 22.)
Install Administration. (See page 22.)
Install View Manager. (See page 22.)
Run BPA Client Configuration. (See page 22.)
Use Administration Architect DB Setup Wizard to create sample Ctrain database. (See page 24.)
Test BPA Workstation. (See page 28.)
Install BPA/AS Administrator. (Refer to the BPA using Analysis Services Installation Guide.)
Use BPA/AS Administrator to create sample CtrainAS application. (Refer to the BPA using Analysis Services Installation Guide.)
Add CtrainAS datasource in View Manager. (You may need to create a channel line in eqlsrvr.ini.) Create views using the CtrainAS datasource with topics in your web application. (Refer to the BPA Workstation Administrator's Guide.)
Test BPA Workstation and test using the newly added CtrainAS topics.
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Upgrade Here is an outline of the steps involved in upgrading a BPA application that uses both BPA/SQL and BPA/AS components:
Upgrade Application Server. (See page 31.)
Upgrade Decision. (See page 31.)
Upgrade BPA Workstation twice, the first time selecting the Analysis Services database type, and the second time selecting SQL Server. Two installs of BPA Workstation are required in order to get all the upgraded files needed for both database platforms. The BPA Workstation install upgrades your styles file(s) based on your latest selections. (See page 32.)
Upgrade Application Server Administrator (see page 33.)
Upgrade Administration (see page 33.)
Upgrade View Manager (see page 33.)
Run BPA Client Configuration if needed (see page 33.)
Upgrade schema for the BPA/SQL database (see page 34.)
Upgrade BPA/AS Administrator. (Refer to the BPA using Analysis Services Installation Guide)
Upgrade BPA/AS application. (Refer to the BPA using Analysis Services Installation Guide)
Apply updates to .ASP pages in Deciweb\mpc\Templates folder and the Approval Process .ASP pages in the Deciweb\mpc\AP folder. (See page 36.)
Verify the application upgrade. Leverage new features with upgraded application. (Refer to the “What’s New” section of the BPA Release Notes.)
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Chapter 6 Porting a BPA Application
Introduction Porting a BPA application means to move a BPA application from one server or set of servers to another. There are various circumstances for which this is very useful. For example:
Moving a BPA application from a test environment to production
Porting an application from existing servers to newer, more powerful machines
Moving a BPA application from production to development, upgrading the application to new version and implementing new features, and then moving the updated application back to the production environment
This chapter documents how to move a fully functional BPA application from one server or set of servers to another – from the source server set to the destination server set. The BPA administrative client software generally resides on the administrator’s desktop machine(s) and would not need to be moved. Before porting the BPA application the administrative client software connects to the BPA application on the source server set. After porting the BPA application, the administrative client software needs to be connected to the destination server set. The instructions in this chapter serve to guide you through this process.
Overview of Steps Here is a summary of the steps involved in porting a BPA application:
Check system, hardware and software requirements –
Review the hardware and system recommendations for your BPA server configuration scenario
Review the checklist of requirements for servers
Make sure that the database server and database client software are at the same version and patch level on the destination servers as on the source servers
Back up BPA application –
Export Application Server parameters
Copy Deciweb folder and all its contents
Back up BPA production and authorized databases
Back up BPA web views (cdweb) database
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Overview of Steps
Set up Application Server –
Install Application Server
Import Application Server parameters from source
Set up Web Server –
Install Decision
Install BPA Workstation
Copy source Deciweb folder on top of destination Deciweb folder
Update styles file
Update Eqlsrvr.ini channel lines
Clone virtual directory authentication method settings
Set permissions on Deciweb and System temp folders
Port BPA production and authorized databases –
Create tablespace and SQL logins or Oracle users on destination server
Use Backup/Restore (SQL), Detach/Attach (SQL), or Export/Import (Oracle) procedures to move production and authorized databases
(SQL only) Use stored procedure sp_change_users_login to associate database user names with SQL logins
Synchronize the user_ids in the BPA user and user security tables with the system user ids in sysusers (SQL) or all_users (Oracle)
Port BPA web views (cdweb) database –
Move the web views database from source server to destination server
Update CSDWViews DSN to point to desired database
Add appropriate user/password for web views database in registry
Update Administrative Client connections –
Edit the .ADB file for Architect
Update channel lines in local eqlsrvr.ini file
Point CSDWViews DSN to correct web views database
Run BPA client configuration program to set trust with destination BPA Web server
Update Web Server name in BPA Web application URL
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Check System, Hardware and Software Requirements
Check System, Hardware and Software Requirements
Review the hardware and system recommendations in the Checklist of Requirements for Servers on page 15. The hardware on the destination servers should be comparable or better than that of the source servers.
Refer to the Configuration Support Document for more detailed and up-to-date information about supported software versions and patch levels. The destination servers should meet all the prerequisites and be at the same service pack level as the source servers.
Make sure that the database server and database client software are at the same version and patch level on the destination servers as on the source servers.
Key Connection Information A BPA application relies on robust connections between the Database Server, Application Server and Web Server. The following table lists key information needed to make those connections. You may wish to fill out the table below to have the information handy for installing the BPA software and configuring the styles file, eqlsrvr.ini, and .adb files. Source
Application Server machine name Application Server Port # Database Server machine name BPA schema name DSN to Database Server
Notes The machine names will differ The port numbers may be the same The machine names will differ The schema name must be the same It is easier if the DSNs are the same
Back Up BPA Application It is important to back up your current BPA application before porting it to the destination server(s). Here is a summary of the steps involved in backing up a BPA application:
Export Application Server parameters
Copy Deciweb folder and all its contents
Back up BPA production and authorized databases
Back up BPA web views (cdweb) database
For more detailed instructions, refer to the Backing up Current BPA Application section on page 32.
Set Up Application Server Refer to Chapter 2 Installing BPA Software for more detailed installation instructions.
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Set Up Application Server
Install Application Server On the destination Application Server machine, install the same version of Application Server with the same security key as the source server. As a best practice, use the same Application Server instance name (such as AppServ1) and the same port number on the destination server as those used on the source server. Apply any patches or hot fixes needed to fully synchronize the new Application Server installation with that on the source server.
Export/Import Application Server Parameters 1.
Launch the Application Server Administrator program and register the source and destination Application Server machines. Once you are connected to both the source and destination Application Server instances you can bring over your customized parameter settings from one to the other.
In the left pane of Application Server Administrator, expand your source Application Server machine name and the source Application Server instance.
Right-click on Properties and click Export Properties on the shortcut menu. Export the source Application Server properties to an identifiable text file.
In the left pane, navigate to the destination Application Server machine name and instance.
Click on Engines to retrieve a list of the destination Application Server engines. Right-click on EQL and click "Load" if the EQL engine is not already loaded.
Right-click on Properties and uncheck Filter Parameters to get a full listing of the destination Application Server parameters. Make note of the values for the following 2 parameters: Server Name (Application Server instance name specified during install) Server Parm (TCP/IP port # specified during install)
From the destination Application Server instance, right-click on Properties and click Import Properties on the shortcut menu. Import the text file you exported from the source Application Server instance in step 3.
There are a few properties that must include valid paths to the installation directory on the destination Application Server machine, which might differ from the source machine path. Review these properties on your destination Application Server machine to verify that they are correct after the import: Document Root Log File Log File Backup Working Directory
Make sure that the Server Name (AppServ instance name) and Server Parm (port #) parameters match the values specified when you installed Application Server on the destination server. If these values are not correct you may not be able to restart Application Server after importing the parameter file.
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Set Up Web Server
10. You may compare the full listing of the remaining properties for both Application Server instances to verify that they match.
Set Up Web Server Refer to Chapter 2 Installing BPA Software for more detailed installation instructions.
Install Decision On the destination Web Server, install the same version of Decision as the source server. Apply any patches or hot fixes needed to match the patch level of the source installation.
Install BPA Workstation On the destination Web Server, install BPA Workstation to exactly the same version and patch level as that of the source server.
Copy Source Deciweb Folder on Top of Destination Folder The DeciWeb folder and its subfolders on the source Web Server contain files specific to your BPA web application such as custtr.txt, mpcstyles.css, mpcstyles.txt, image files, customized templates, asp and html pages. These files need to be brought over to the destination Web Server. 1.
Again, make sure that Decision and BPA Workstation have been installed to exactly the same version and patch level on the destination Web Server as on the source Web Server.
Copy DeciWeb folder, including all subfolders, from source machine over DeciWeb folder on destination machine, replacing all files.
On the destination machine, delete the contents of the Logs and Shapes subfolders.
Update Styles File The styles file for your customized application was brought over to the destination Web Server with the DeciWeb folder copy (see previous section). 1.
Modify the styles.txt file - found in the Deciweb\mpc folder - with the correct Database Server machine name: DBServer=<Destination Database Server Machine Name>
Make sure the DSN listed in the styles file exists on the Web Server and Application Server machines and connects to the correct Database Server machine.
Save file changes and close.
Update Eqlsrvr.ini Channel Lines The channel lines in the eqlsrvr.ini file in the Windows directory on the Web Server set the information needed to establish connections with the Application Server and Database Server. Channel lines for your application must be set up on the destination Web Server and configured appropriately.
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Port BPA Production and Authorized Databases
Copy the channel lines from eqlsrvr.ini on the source Web Server and paste into the [CHANNELS] section of eqlsrvr.ini on destination server.
Edit the Application Server machine name, port #, and DSN for each channel line as needed. Channel line parameters are documented within the eqlsrvr.ini file itself.
Make sure that each DSN specified in an active channel line exists on the Web Server and Application Server machines and connects to the correct Database Server machine.
Save file changes and close.
Virtual Directory Authentication Method Settings 1.
On the source Web Server machine, access the IIS Service Manager. Expand the "Default Web Site" in the left pane, right-click on the DeciWeb folder, and then select Properties.
Go to the "Directory Security" tab and click on the Edit box in the top part of the screen, under "Anonymous access and authentication control."
Note the authentication method settings for the DeciWeb virtual directory on the source Web Server and duplicate them on the destination Web Server.
Check the authentication method settings for the virtual directories of services listed under ComshareWeb\services (such as CBRService and DWebService) on the source Web Server and duplicate them on the destination Web Server.
Deciweb and System Temp Folder Permissions 1.
On the source Web Server machine, navigate to the (physical) DeciWeb directory and open its properties.
Click on the Sharing tab. If the DeciWeb directory is being shared over the network (typical), click on the Permissions button. Note the users or groups and their assigned permissions.
Click on the Security tab. Make note of the users or groups that have access to this directory and their corresponding access rights.
On the source Web Server machine, navigate to the system temp directory (generally, C:\\WINNT\Temp) and open its properties. Note the security permissions for the folder. As a general rule, all BPA users should be granted modify access to the system temp folder.
On the destination Web Server, recreate the desired user groups as needed. Grant these user groups the same DeciWeb folder sharing and file security permissions they have on the source server.
Similarly, duplicate the system temp folder security settings from the source Web Server on the destination Web Server.
Port BPA Production and Authorized Databases The following sections outline the BPA production, authorized and web views database porting process, but do not provide detailed instructions. We recommend that you coordinate with your system database administrator as needed.
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Port BPA Production and Authorized Databases
SQL Server 1.
Make sure that the source BPA database has been “checked in” and “released” in Architect. This ensures that the production and authorized databases are synchronized.
Create a complete backup of the source BPA production and authorized databases (e.g, Ctrain and Ctrain_A).
On the destination Database Server, add SQL logins for all the BPA database users.
Use SQL database Detach/Attach or Backup/Restore procedures to move the BPA production and authorized databases, copying the files for the source BPA production and authorized databases to the destination Database Server.
Synchronize the database users for the ported BPA production and authorized databases using the stored procedure, sp_change_users_login.
Each SQL Server login must be assigned to a default database to which the user can validly connect. You can verify this in Enterprise Manager or SQL Server Management Studio.
(Optional) It is a good practice to specify the BPA production database as the default database for each BPA user login.
If you have problems with user security after following the steps above, it could be that running the stored procedure, sp_change_users_login, did not fully synchronize the user_ids for the BPA users with the uids in the sysusers table in the database. This can be a complex process, as the user_ids need to be synchronized in a number of tables. We recommend that you contact customer support for a general script to provide you with a starting point that can be customized as needed. The following BPA user and user security tables are involved: BPR_USERS BPR_USER_SECURITY NOTE_DETAIL_BASE UNIT_SECURITY_ACCESS UNIT_SECURITY_RW <SecuredDimension*>_SECURITY_ACCESS <SecuredDimension*>_SECURITY_RW *If your BPA application has security assigned to multiple dimensions, note that you must synchronize the user_ids in the SECURITY_ACCESS and SECURITY_RW tables associated with EACH secured dimension. The Unit dimension is always a secured dimension.
Oracle 1.
Make sure that the source BPA database has been “checked in” and “released” in Architect. This ensures that the production and authorized schemas are synchronized.
Create a complete backup of the source BPA production and authorized schemas (e.g, Ctrain and Ctrain_A).
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Port BPA Web Views (Cdweb) Database
On the destination Database Server, create tablespaces for the schemas you will import and Oracle users for all the BPA database users. Also create all of the BPA roles such as BPAdmin or BPHolder if they do not already exist.
Grant the appropriate privileges and roles for all the Oracle users that will access the ported BPA application. You may use the sample OracleDb.sql script in the AdminPlus folder as a starting point.
Use Oracle export/import commands to move the BPA production and authorized schemas.
For both the imported production schema and the imported authorized schema, the user_ids for all BPA users need to be synchronized with the user_ids generated internally by Oracle and stored in the system view, ALL_USERS. This can be a complex process, as the user_ids need to be synchronized in a number of tables. We recommend that you contact customer support for a general script to provide you with a starting point that can be customized as needed. The following BPA user and user security tables are involved: BPR_USERS BPR_USER_SECURITY NOTE_DETAIL_BASE UNIT_SECURITY_ACCESS UNIT_SECURITY_RW <SecuredDimension*>_SECURITY_ACCESS <SecuredDimension*>_SECURITY_RW *If your BPA application has security assigned to multiple dimensions, note that you must synchronize the user_ids in the SECURITY_ACCESS and SECURITY_RW tables associated with EACH secured dimension. The Unit dimension is always a secured dimension
Grant each user the correct BPA role.
Port BPA Web Views (Cdweb) Database SQL 1.
Make sure you have a complete backup of the BPA web views (cdweb) database.
On the destination Database Server, add the SQL logins needed (generally just one) for the BPA web views database.
Use SQL database Detach/Attach or Backup/Restore procedures to move the BPA web views database from one server to another, copying the files for the source BPA web views database to the destination Database Server.
Synchronize the database user(s) with the stored procedure, sp_change_users_login.
Ensure that the default database for the user(s) is the BPA web views database. You can verify this in Enterprise Manager or SQL Server Management Studio.
On the destination Web Server, launch the BPA Decision View Database Utility, ViewAndPrDbSetup.exe, located in the \Deciweb\Comshare directory.
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Port BPA Web Views (Cdweb) Database
Select “Configure local machine to use pre-existing Views Database.” Click Next.
Select the database type, SQL, and check the creation steps "Create DSN" and "Add user/password into registry." Click Next.
Follow the prompts to create a CSDWViews DSN.
10. Follow the prompts to set the BPA web views database username / password in the registry.
Oracle 1.
Make sure you have a complete backup of the BPA web views (cdweb) database.
On the destination Database Server, create tablespaces and Oracle users needed (generally just one) for the BPA web views database.
Use Oracle export/import commands to move the BPA web views database from one server to another.
On the destination Web Server, launch the BPA Decision Views Database Utility, ViewAndPrDbSetup.exe, located in the \Deciweb\Comshare directory.
Select “Configure local machine to use pre-existing Views Database.” Click Next.
Select the database type, Oracle, and check the creation steps "Create DSN" and "Add user/password into registry." Click Next.
Follow the prompts to create the CSDWViews DSN.
Follow the prompts to add the appropriate user/password for the BPA web views database in the registry.
Follow the prompts to set the BPA web views database username / password in the registry.
Access (not recommended) If your BPA web views database is in Access format (.mdb) it will generally be stored within the DeciWeb folder on the Web Server. The Access web views database was probably brought over to the destination web server by copying the source DeciWeb folder. If not, copy the .mdb files from one machine to the other. Using the ODBC Data Source Administrator, configure the Microsoft Access Driver System DSN named CSDWViews. Select the BPA web views database you wish to point to and click OK as needed to confirm the selection.
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Update Administrative Client Connections
Update Administrative Client Connections At this point, the BPA application has been ported to the destination servers, but the administrative client machine is still connecting to the BPA application on the source servers. The following steps point the client components to the new BPA servers.
Architect 1.
Navigate to the desired <BPA schema>.ADB file and open it with a text editor. The Architect channel lines in this file were set previously to connect to the BPA databases on the source servers.
Update the first three parameters in the Data Loader channel with the new connection information. (<Application Server machine name>, <AppServ port #>, <DSN>.<SCHEMA>, , , DATALOADER) Note: Make sure the DSN specified in the Data Loader channel exists with the same name on both the Architect machine and the Application Server machine.
Configure the ODBC datasource name <DSN> on the administrative client machine to connect to the destination database.
Update the first three parameters in the Architect channel with the new connection information. (<Application Server machine name>, <AppServ port #>, <Database Server Name>.<SCHEMA>, , , ARCHITECT)
Run the Architect program and test opening the database with the newly edited .ADB file.
Be sure to launch all functions from Architect that connect independently to the database: Detail Budgeting Administrator Formula Builder Keyword Builder User Security
Launch Data Loader and open the newly edited .ADB file to verify the Data Loader channel line.
View Manager 1.
On the View Manager client machine, open the eqlsrvr.ini file found in the Windows directory. The channel lines were set previously to connect to the BPA application on the source servers.
Edit the Application Server machine name, port #, and DSN for each channel line as needed to connect to the destination servers. Channel line parameters are documented within the eqlsrvr.ini file itself.
Make sure each DSN specified in an active channel line exists with the same name on the local, Web Server and Application Server machines and connects to the correct Database Server machine. Save eqlsrvr.ini file changes.
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BPA on SQL Server or Oracle Installation Guide
Update Administrative Client Connections
If your BPA web views database is in Access format (.mdb), use the ODBC Data Source Administrator to configure the Microsoft Access Driver System DSN named CSDWViews to point to it. Skip to the last step. If you have a SQL or Oracle BPA web views database, launch the BPA Decision Views Database Utility, ViewAndPrDbSetup.exe, located on the administrative client machine in the \View Manager\Comshare directory.
Select â&#x20AC;&#x153;Configure local machine to use pre-existing Views Database.â&#x20AC;? Click Next.
Select the database type, and check the creation steps "Create DSN" and "Add user/password into registry." Click Next.
Follow the prompts to create a CSDWViews DSN.
Follow the prompts to set the BPA web views database username / password in the registry.
Start View Manager. Verify the Datasource channel connections and test opening views.
Run BPA Client Configuration for Destination BPA Web Server Starting with BPA 7.0, all BPA client machines must have the appropriate version of the .NET framework and establish trust to the BPA web server(s). BPA provides a client configuration program to install the .NET framework and establish trust to the BPA web server. Before verifying the BPA installation, you must run the BPA client configuration program on your administrative client machine. 1.
From the BPA software installation autorun menu, install the basic BPA Client Configuration.
Follow the on-screen instructions to establish trust to the destination BPA web server.
Note: Refer to the Client Configuration Guide for information on how to deploy this program to all your BPA end users.
Reset BPA Web Application URL Replace the source Web Server Name in the source BPA Web application URL with the new destination Web Server Name and test logging in. Navigate throughout the application to make sure that it is working as expected.
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