SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING & DESIGN Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia Foundation of Natural and Built Environments CULTURE & CIVILIZATION Prerequisite: None Lecturer : Ida Marlina Mazlan & Sufina Abu Bakar
Project 3 (Individual Assignment) : Art + Architecture + Culture 40 % marks Submission date: 4th June 2015 Introduction "What travel teaches us is that we are all essentially the same. There is not a 'them' and an 'us'; there is really only 'us.'" The stunning photographs capture the theme of places of visit. A good coffee table books serve a number of purposes: they're decorative, informative, and attractive.
Objectives of Project 1. To introduce the Western and Eastern culture and civilization through an overview of archeological discoveries, ancient monuments, artworks, philosophy and achievement of great leaders from prehistoric to present. 2. To show basic skills on enquiry, investigation, application and presentation of relevant information. Learning Outcome 1. Able to describe the historical development of human civilization. 2. Able to recall the development of Eastern and Western human civilizations in the past as well as present. 3. Able to demonstrate good documentation and presentation skills.
Part I: You are required to do a literature research on places of interest of your site visit. From the literature review, you are to study the theme given and its connection between the historical, architectural and social aspects of the place. Documenting the right building, spaces and places with the right content is important in this project. You are advised to work closely with your tutor to ensure you are on the right track. Theme: Malaysian Architecture Fusion Architecture Religious Places Spaces and People Part II: You are to design a graphical expression of your findings in a graphical coffee table book. The book will create awareness and educate your audience on the subject matter or focus of the study. This includes design & layout, purpose, content, writing style, colours and etc. You are strongly encouraged to meet with us regularly for further assistance. Submission Requirement Part I: Literature research on the places of interest, theme and connection between historical, architecture and social aspects. Part II: Coffee Table Book ( A5 format size / 20 pages). Progress and compilation of weekly journal via E-Portfolio. (*special tab for Project 3) Part III : 1 minute video montage of 10 best photos. (Complete information of designer, lecturer, module and university’s information)
Assessment Criteria – Individual General Understanding Quality of form and level of execution of understanding the project brief.
Describes introduction leads to excellent justification and execution of the project 8.0 - 10
Content Thorough research, study, depth and the effectiveness way to communicate findings
Evidence of extensive research and study translated into the postcard 8.0 - 10
Creativity Creativity in preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.
The works presented with a strong quality of preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.
8.0 - 10
Describes thoroughly with a good justification and execution of the project
Fair introduction and execution of the project with acceptable facts being discussed
Minimal discussion on the important facts
No basic facts were discussed
6.5 – 7.9
5.0 – 6.4
2.5 – 4.9
0 – 2.5
Evidence of very good research and study translated into postcard
Evidence of good research and study translated into postcard
Evidence of minimal research and study translated into postcard
Evidence of lack of research and study translated into postcard
6.5 – 7.9
5.0 – 6.4
2.5 – 4.9
0 – 2.5
The works presented with a good quality of preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.
The works presented a fair creativity of preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.
The works presented with minimal creativity of preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.
No evidence of creativity in preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.
6.5 – 7.9
5.0 – 6.4
2.5 – 4.9
0 – 2.5
Originality Demonstrated critical thinking through the theme/concept and appropriateness of the theme/concept intended.
Portray excellent critical thinking through the theme and appropriatenes s of the theme intended. 8.0 - 10
Portray very good critical thinking through the theme and appropriatene ss of the theme intended.
Portray good critical thinking through the theme and appropriatene ss of the theme intended.
Moderate critical thinking through the theme and appropriaten ess of the theme intended.
Insufficient critical thinking through the theme and appropriatene ss of the theme intended
6.5 – 7.9
5.0 – 6.4
2.5 – 4.9
0 – 2.5
10 40
CULTURE & CIVILIZATION (FDES 0815) Lecturer : Normah Sulaiman . Delliya Mohd Zain
FINAL PROJECT: Art + Architecture + Culture
NAME ___________________________________ ID No ____________________________________
Review / Comments
My Progress :
02.05.2014 *Online Submission due to Public Holiday Lecturer’s Review :
Progress to date: By this tutorial session, you should show your lecturer all literature findings related to your theme and concept and places of interest. These literature findings must be printed out with your own reflection of understanding. Library research on layout, graphics, colors or photography is a good start. You must at least have 5 places that MUST BE related to your theme and map out your findings. DO NOT PRINT BLINDLY CONTENT FROM INTERNET.
Review / Comments
My Progress :
08.05.2014 Lecturer’s Review :
Progress to date: By this tutorial session, you progress based from the previous comments. You should FINALIZE findings related to your theme and concept and places of interest. You can start taking pictures, once your proposal is approved by your tutors.
Review / Comments
: :
Progress to date: By this date, you should start going to the places of your interest and start taking photos. Please take all personal safety considerations before going out to take photos. Once completed, you need to create an album on PICASA/Google/Dropbox and share the link with your respective tutor at the ALBUM (not individual pictures). Please screen, itemize in folders and include related pictures only. There’s no specific numbers of photos, it may vary from 200 – 400 with the right content.
Review / Comments
My Progress :
22.05.2014 Lecturer’s Review :
Progress to date: By this tutorial session, you progress based from previous comment from your lecturer. Retake photos and finalize the concept photos to be used. On the other hand, prepare the content for the postcard. Content can be in a form of journal / review / diary / findings – most importantly – IT CANNOT BE COPIED FROM THE INTERNET ESPECIALLY WIKIPEDIA and OTHER FORMS OF WIKIS’.
Review / Comments
My Progress :
29.05.2014 Lecturer’s Review :
Progress to date: By this tutorial session, you must finalize the design of your postcard and its packaging. You are advised to have a mock print of your postcard using the right paper and printed in color. Artworks must reach printers at least a week before to avoid any miscommunication and mistakes on the printing output. Please consider time management and business pattern of the selected shops.
Submission Date: 3rd June 2014 Time: 2.00- 3.00 pm Venue : Academic Suite, Block C – Level 9