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Strength Upgrade is a spotlight on some of the most powerful, tested and unbiased insights in the world of physical fitness along with empowerment towards life skills and personal development. There is always a “Mental Component” involved to whatever you do in life. All these elements align together, to give you a real Strength Upgrade.
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the ego RealIt
“The Ego has been the biggest source of misery.” What do we mean by Ego here? Well if we just bypass the definitions of what psychology teaches us about The Ego, I would describe it as – Anything which has to do with “I” is directly or indirectly being directed towards The Ego or in other words, the apparent “SELF”.
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the game of PeRfeCtIon anD PRoCRastInatIon
Realize that perfection as it is does not exist….. You can only try to make things perfect only when you have completed them. And for completing it you need to take that first step. Moving towards perfection never ends because perfection does not exist. You can keep perfecting but never make something perfect.
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skIll vs talent The most disempowering thing that can occur to me and you is that we have a set destiny or we are constrained in the life by the amount of gifts or talent provided to us by GOD or our heritage. That’s the weakling and cowardice way of thinking. We are always surrounded by all these generalists whether it be our parents, or friends or teachers or anyone we are connected to, who actually make us forget that “Life is not about the situation in which you find yourself.”
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What sUCks aboUt beIng YoURself?
Being Yourself’ is the big Mantra being preached around today by anyone who calls himself a Guru or a Motivational Speaker. It is the best advice being passed around in today’s world to anyone who is feeling Lost or Depressed in this fast paced world, finding it difficult to catch up with. Now I am not implying here that ‘Being Yourself’ is an evil phenomenon or something which is not useful.
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RealItY of gooD anD evIl How many times have you questioned your ability to decide between things which might be good or evil for you or how many times have you actually wondered that why so many bad things happen even to good people? Whenever there is a moment of loss or failure or any undesired circumstance that comes our way we are often overwhelmed by the situation and the question arises almost spontaneously “Why me GOD? Why are all these bad things happening with me. I’ve been your Good child. So why am I facing this suffering?”
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fInD oUt: shoUlD YoU QUIt oR not? These ideas are not based on rationalization. Only those who are willing to put best of their efforts, commit to develop the skills and engagement needed to start a new career, a relationship, health goals or anything new – should proceed ahead. If you are looking for another motivational stuff just because you can’t get your asses moving and committing to the efforts needed, you should better stop right here.
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keY PRInCIPles to bUIlD a stRong ChaRaCteR Life is not all smooth sailing. Some days it will be up and other days it will be down. That’s the Dichotomy of nature. Nothing is permanent on this Good God’s Green Earth. If today you are enjoying good times, it’s inevitable that someday in future the tables will turn and you will have to face the other side of the coin. Tough times, hardships, failures, these all are part and parcel of life.
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thank YoU foR vIsIt High on life and strategic motivation, a die hard Internationally Certified fitness maniac and nutrition expert. The perfect blend of Bodybuilding and Functional Training is what he stands for.