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A Screen-Free, Simple Summer
A Screen-Free, Simple Summer by Maureen Frost

Slipping your sandals off and walking barefoot through the grass, catching fireflies at dusk, running wild through the sprinklers on a hot day, playing capture the flag till it’s too dark to see—these are just a few of the magical moments a carefree summer can offer. My best childhood memories all revolve around long summer days—the tastes, the sounds, the adventures. Biting into juicy watermelon that drips down your arms, falling asleep to the cool breeze lightly blowing the curtains in and out, selling lemonade at the top of my driveaway, the list could go on. The memories and traditions madein those early days have stayed with me decades later.
Growing up in the ‘90s, screentime wasn’t as big of an issue. I watched TV, but other than occasionally powering up the family desktop, I lived mainly untethered to technology. Today, technology is omnipresent in all we do and it has changed how kids grow up. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, American children spend an estimated seven hours a day in front of screens. This can negatively affect their cognitive development, social skills, creative play abilities, and academic performance. Research also shows that too much screen time for young children can pose a risk for childhood obesity, irregular sleep patterns, and behavioral problems.
So this year, it’s time to take back the simple joys of summer vacation and instill in your kiddos a love of adventure, outdoors, and spontaneous play without the screens. Here are a few helpful tips to inspire your family’s unforgettable summer.
Head outdoors together and often The best way to teach your kids is through example. What better way to show them the true joys of warmer temperatures and longer days than by enjoying them yourself? Whether it be a family walk after work, weekend adventures at the beach, or simply playing in the backyard, everyone will benefit from the added bonding and fresh air.
Create family traditions Your family is unique, so celebrate the passage of time and the best parts of the seasons in your own special way. Thesewill be the memories that your kids will hold onto from year to year and possibly even pass on to their own children. Whether you plant a garden together, pick your own berries to make jam, or create your own backyard Olympics, the opportunities are endless.
Let your kids be bored When your kids are bored, they’ll be forced to think up fun things to fill their time—and that’s when the magic starts. The simple act of slowing down leads to a greater awareness of your surroundings and lets your brain wander to all the best places. Just be sure to encourage your kiddos towards creative projects or outdoor fun and away from the tablets and TVs.
Ditch the toys for more imaginative play So while toys are great, having less stuff can lead your kids to use their imagination more. Keeping a few engaging toys in the rotation and letting go of the rest may inspire your littles to spend more time playing pretend, putting on impromptu shows, or exploring.

To get your family started on your path to summer fun, we’ve featured four fantastic activities to kickstart the good times from Screen-Free Fun: 400 Activities for the Whole Family by Shannon Philpott-Sanders.
TIE-DYE A T-SHIRT ages 8-12
Brighten up a dreary day with a project that enhances your child’s wardrobe. All you need is an old white T-shirt, acrylic paint, rubber bands, and a squirt bottle to unleash your kids’ inner artists. Prepare your art station by mixing one part water with one part acrylic paint in a squirt bottle. You can also use a tie-dye paint kit. You can mix and match colors or make several bottles with various colors of paint for a colorful result. Dip the T-shirts in water and wring out excess water so each one is lightly damp. Set up a workstation outside and help your children tie chunks of the shirt in rubber bands in various patterns on the T-shirts. Once the T-shirt is tied and ready to go, place it on a tarp and start squirting the paint onto the shirt using the squirt bottles. Allow the paint to dry for one hour before removing the rubber bands. The T-shirt should be almost dry at this point, but hanging it in the sun or putting it in the dryer for fifteen minutes will help set the colors.
BUILD A FORT ages 8-12
Building forts doesn’t have to be reserved for indoor play on rainy days. Your children can build an outdoor fort that provides them with a place to play while roaming your yard. Start this activity by brainstorming items that would help construct an outdoor fort. From boxes or pieces of cardboard to old sheets and blankets draped over tent stakes to using a fence as a builtin wall, your children have lots of options. Once the materials are gathered, you may need some duct tape to secure cardboard boxes or blankets to line the floor of the fort. Personalize the fort by giving it a name and adding a sign with fort rules. When the fort is ready to go, the options for play are endless. Your children can host a secret meeting with their friends or read books in the comfort of their newfound hideout while enjoying the fresh air.
Make good use of large moving boxes by crafting cardboard cars with your kids. This activity requires the help of an adult, but it’s well worth the effort! To get started, seal a large box on all but one side with packing tape. Using a box cutter or sharp scissors, cut a space for a car door on each side of the box, leaving the top flap free. Trim down the top flap to make a windshield for the vehicle that your little one can decorate. Next, attach paper plates to the bottom four sides of the cardboard box car with glue to serve as the wheels. You can even glue on plastic cups to the front of the box for the headlights. Once the structure is set, have your kids decorate their cardboard cars with paint, markers, or crayons. The only thing left to do is host a drive-in movie night in the garage or driveway.
If the kids need some exercise and you have a woody area full of trees readily available perfect for hiding flags, get them ready to run for this exciting outdoor game. The object of the game is to hide your team’s flag and then search for the other team’s flag. Begin by grabbing a few scarves, handkerchiefs, or even an old, colorful T-shirt to serve as the flag for both teams. Then, divide the children equally into teams and send them off to hide their team’s flags without letting the other players see their special hiding spot. If playing in a park, make sure you designate specific areas for play. Then, with players from both teams guarding their territory, the children can run and try to find the flag without getting caught or tagged by a team member from the opposing group. If caught, the player is taken to a designated spot, known as the “jail.” However, if one of your team members tags you while you are in jail, you are freed. The game is over once the first flag is found.
Excerpted from Screen-Free Fun: 400 Activities for the Whole Family by Shannon Philpott-Sanders. Copyright © 2018 Adams Media, a division of Simon and Schuster. Used by permission of the publisher. All rights reserved.