LOX magazine

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Issue 3 - Winter 2015

Profiling Inspiring Kiwi’s

inside I Am Giant Sundaise Festival Regan Perry

Inspiring Kiwi Creatives Founder, Editor, Interviewer, Photographer: Tracie Heasman www.tracieheasmanphotographer.co.nz tracie.heasman@gmail.com

Welcome to LOX - formerly known as Indie Magazine, still profiling inspiring Kiwi creatives, just doing so with a different name! LOX is the abbreviation for liquid oxygen, a chemical that makes objects on fire burn more vigorously when placed into it, which I consider to be a great metaphor for the ambitious fire these creatives' have within them. In this issue of LOX, as well as the usual inspiring creatives, we’ve included a few photo essays - one of Slash when he came to play in Hamilton, and the other of the amazing 3 day Waihi festival, Sundaise. Although this is a Kiwi based magazine, I see Slash as an incredibly inspiring creative, someone who had the burning desire to succeed and has accomplished so much. Definitely someone to aspire to... www.facebook.com/TracieHeasmanPhotographer

CopyrightŠ2015 LOX Magazine All contents and images cannot be reproduced without written permission from Tracie Heasman

Contents Page 3

Knights of the Dubtable

Page 5

Simply Wrought Iron

Page 7

Regan Perry

Page 9

Peter Hohenberger - Handmade Glass Art & Jewellery

Page 11

I Am Giant

Page 12

Tessa Skerman

Page 13

Sundaise Festival 2015

Page 15


Page 17

Sweet Sarcasm

Page 20

LOX Loves‌.

Page 21

Famous last words - SLASH

Knights of the Dubtable Waikato band Knights of The Dubtable keep going from strength to strength, with their new single out “It’s The Feeling” the future looks bright for them

Give us a rundown of how you got where you are today musically? We are still experimenting with our sound although I am hearing from other musicians that our sound is a lot more matured and that we are pushing Bass music to its limits. Which is humbling to hear. What are your major music influences? Music, in all its beautiful genres

Where did your name come from? I suggested it as a name for our first E.P but then it became our band name. Who would you most like to tour with? Personally Salmonella DUB, as they have been a huge influence for me for a very long time.

What are your fondest musical memories? Looking the physical manifestations of our 1st album was a great feeling… What was the first tape/record you bought? Dangerous minds - Coolio

How would you describe your perfect day? What song gets the best reaction Driving 10 hours to Wellington or any town in Aotearoa to find people when you play live? What are you up to right now, Hey You (Un-released) and Sing it to who want to listen music-wise? We are currently trying to complete a me (Released on our 1st E.P) What is your most valued E.P that will be 1 of 3 E.P's This E.P possession? will be called Dedication

The DUB Table of course, this ever evolving part of the band has dictated the outcome of every gig. Best advice ever given? "Be Unique" Warren Maxwell If you could blink your eyes and be in a favourite place right now, where would that be? Vietnam, eating Pho on the banks of the Meakong Delta

Where would you like to find yourself in 10 years? On stage with a line up consisting of DUB heads who want to punish people with their version of DUB. What four famous people, dead or alive, would you invite for dinner? Jimmi Hendrix, Charlie Parker, Led Bellie, Mozart, Nina Simone, Andrew Penman, Hongi Hika‌ I know thats not four but ye

www.knightsofthedubtable.com www.facebook.com/knightsofthedubtable

Simply Wrought Iron Wanganui Wrought Iron Artist combines his skills with glass blower Katy Brown

Simply Wrought Iron in Wanganui was started by Graeme Kiff to fulfil his creative side as well as attempt to work more flexible hours around his young family. He met his English wife Hannah while living in London, she followed him back to New Zealand around 7 years ago and they now have two beautiful little boys together – Cooper, 6 and Oakley, 3. As well as wrought iron gates and balustrade’s, Graeme’s talent is making beautiful bespoke handmade products for clients including unique gates with flowers and intertwining branches and leaves, beautiful bar stools, garden furniture and uniquely versatile firewood/kindling holders. They also frequent the Wanganui markets where they do a roaring trade and enjoy some family time with other marketeers. His beautiful chandeliers are hugely popular, having just started combing his skills with fellow artist Katie Brown – a skilled glass blower. Together they turn out some stunning pieces which they sell at Katie’s Otaki studio.

www.facebook.com/pages/Simply-Wrought-Iron-Ltd www.katiebrownglass.co.nz/otaki-gallery

Regan Perry Based in Mt Maunganui, Regan Perry has been playing music for as long as he can remember. Growing up in a musical family it was always a bit of a given. His latest single “Tell Your Friends” has received a whopping 7 million views on Youtube! Like Regan says, it’s gonna be a busy 2015…

Give us a quick rundown of how you got where you are today musically? No quick answer. Musical family, brass band father, bass playing mother, first gigs at 13, jammed everyday for 20 yrs, travelled Australia, Japan and USA learning more, played lead guitar in Cornerstone Roots, released my solo album wiser with Mike Neilsen (uk producer, discovered & produced Jamiroquai), second album with 8 guest USA artists including Junior Marvin, lead guitarist of Bob Marley & the wailers. Still jamming everyday. Still growing musically. What are your major music influences? My brothers, Daniel, Sasha and Darcy. My cousin Aaron Tokona and Ahoribuzz. Tigerhour, lee scratch perry, bob marley, Peter tosh, Rex Heke, dub architect, Coltrane, Hendrix, miles, Willie Nelson, Dry & Heavy, Outcast, Midnite.. Too many and still being influenced.. What are you up to right now, music-wise? Working with my brother Sasha, Tommy Nathan, Richie Roma and the FTW Band of Te Kuiti. Break beat acid roots experiment with Nathan Jackson & Whetu. Remix album coming up featuring, Ara Tamatea (Katchafire, Majic,rebel Souljahs), Thomas (Rhombus), Michael Barker (swamp thing, John butler trio), Johnny Mud (Brazil), Cas Haley (USA), Squidly Cole (Jamaica) and more.. Sundaise festival Ft. Trinity Roots in March, planning Kansas and east coast USA plus west coast for the first time, release the album 'Maui' in Japan, Release the single 'Tell your friends' from the album 'Wiser' in the UK, The 'Tell your friends' video has received over 7 million views on YouTube, Gonna be a busy 2015.. Who would you most like to tour with? Family Friends Great musos Interesting people

What song gets the best reaction when you play live? Depends on the crowd and the gig. Mostly people digging Chill, Flow, Tell your Friends, in Vain and revolution.. But it's good to hear people's favs they are pretty random.. What are your fondest musical memories? In your house? Musical instruments everywhere. Artists and musicians visiting. In your neighbourhood or town? Musical people everywhere, no Internet just make your own fun. Jamming everyday. What was the first tape/record you bought? Beastie boys Pauls boutique , the sex pistols , clash , public enemy , SRV, iron maiden .. How would you describe your perfect day? Music family and life, mixed with surfing and hangi.. What is your most valued possession? My son, Maui Best advice ever given? Stop hanging around Muppets, & it's easier to raise strong children than to fix broken men. If you could blink your eyes and be in a favourite place right now, where would that be? Still looking for my favourite place Where would you like to find yourself in 10 years? Alive and healthy, mentally and physically, still doing music in some form, our Dad only lived to 55 so I don't take the years for granted. What four famous people, dead or alive, would you invite for dinner? Hendrix, bob marley, but if I was raising the dead then I'd bring Dad back to meet Maui

www.reganperrylive.com www.facebook.com/Reganperrymusic

Peter Hohenberger - Handmade Glass Art & Jewellery Amazing glass artist Peter Hohengerger creates glass art and jewellery from has his own silversmithing studio Give us a quick rundown of how you got where you are today with your art? I have over 30 years of experience in working with glass and a lifelong interest in stained glass: already as a child I was always deeply impressed by church windows. My work experience with the medium glass for all this years went from leadlighting (too clumsy, too heavy, too awkward) to Tiffany style work e.g. lamps, mirrors, windows (too much replicating of already existing Tiffany work, always made from sheet glass and thus only two dimensional) and finally to hot glass: three dimensional, my very own designs, subtle and inspiring shapes and colours, demanding techniques.

September in the medieval town of Wertheim in Germany. There are only 25 tables available - well, lucky me got one of those... More: Symposium Wertheim Further projects? I bought myself a sous vide cooker. Now, that's pretty exciting... Best and worst thing about being an artist? Best: Feedback from happy customers. Worst: Having to compete with cheap fakes.

How would you describe your perfect day? Waking to the sound of our private tui named "Charly", living behind the house. Cup of coffee on the veranda (preferrably while the orcas come by). Breakfast with my wife, fresh croissants, watching the boats on the sparkling harbour. Who are you influenced by? The "spark of intuition" came to me - totally unexpected - Checking emails and reading news from our family, looking at photos from the grandkids. on the island of Murano (Venice, Italy), watching an old Italian gentleman working Going shopping at a farmers market. Preparing and enjoying lunch together. the torch and making Firing up torch and kiln for some serious work with hot heartshaped beads. The implementation of that glass. experience into my own work with hot Cooling off from that with a nice glass of Pinot gris on the glass was caused mainly by the famous American veranda. beadmaker Corina Tettinger and her Preparing, cooking and enjoying dinner with my wife. book "Passing The Flame". Anything else still comes While doing so listening to music, have another glass of from pragmatic, autodidactic self wine. teaching by the way of trial and error. Watching the sun go down and promise a beautiful day tomorrow. What inspires your creativity? It could be anything: a jester's cap, a rainbow, a book, a Sitting in the lounge, reading an interesting book with the cats beside us. sculpture, a painting, a look out of the window, colours and shapes of nature, clouds, What is your most valued possession? rocks, the sea - anything really. My wedding band. What are you working on at the moment? Any And everything affiliated with it. exhibitions or exciting projects If you could blink your eyes and be in a favourite coming up? place right now, where would I have just finished the series "Rainbow Dots" and that be? "Tonda Rotonda". Right now I'm busy with "Jester's Cap" (left to right). Why should I do that? I'm already there. Where would you like to find yourself in 10 years? In my house here on Moonlight Bay. And preferrably still alive... What four famous people, dead or alive, would you invite for dinner? George Frideric Handel Meryl Streep This year again I'm travelling to Europe for the "Wertheim Glasperlen Symposium", which is the foremost event for European beadmakers, taking place once a year in late

Antonio Vivaldi Judy Dench www.angelfire.com/de/nz/heartbeads/www.awww


I Am Giant Hardly needing an introduction, I Am Giant are one of New Zealands favourite rock bands. Based in London, they make sure they pop home on a regular basis to keep us Kiwi’s and our rock needs satisfied. A few changes have been made since I met up with I Am Giant; front man Ed Martin has left the band to pursue a solo career and has been replaced with fellow Brit, Ryan Redman. Shelton Woolright has been gracing our screens lately on X-Factor so things for the band have been postponed until after the show ends. Bassist Paul Matthews was kind enough o answer a few questions for me… Give us a quick rundown of how you got where you are today musically? I started playing bass and writing basic songs and riffs when I was a teenager and played in a High School Rockquest band. When I finished school I kept playing in bands and studied audio engineering and also contemporary performance which led to me recording other bands as a Producer/Engineer. I’ve been doing this, alongside being in

What song gets the best reaction when you play live? It’s actually fairly even but I’d say City Limits and Purple Heart always go down well What are your fondest musical memories? In your house? In your neighbourhood or town? I have a good one from last year… we played a great show at the Powerstation.. I’d say it was a landmark for me in terms of shows I’ve done in my own band in my home town. What was the first tape/record you bought? Hmm its pretty out there and was before I’d really hit in.. It was actually an LP.. a 45 .. Principals Office – Young MC How would you describe your perfect day? Perfect.. Well I’d really have to attempt selfless then.. so I’l say a fantasy ideal day would be solving a myriad of serious global concerns like climate change, 3rd world debt etc with the click of a finger. Then going for dinner to celebrate.

a band ever since. I’ve really enjoyed working with some really great artists and it’s all been a great learning experience.

What is your most valued possession? It would have been my Bass up until recently.. I think my laptop has surpassed it now though. It’s just too essential in day to day life.

What are your major music influences? They change over time.. but to keep it simple I’d say some longtime mainstays would be Faith No More, Pink Floyd and Tom Petty.

Best advice ever given? Stop talking

What are you up to right now, music-wise? About to release our latest album ‘Science & Survival’ in the UK followed by a UK tour, and then finishing up the year doing the Shihad FVEY tour over New Years which will be a lot of fun. Musically I’m working on new material for I Am Giant as well as a few other bands I’m recording over the coming months. Where did your name come from? It came from a long period of deliberation and discussion in which we explored options and narrowed it down to something that was a) not already taken b) seemed to fit the sound of what we were writing. Who would you most like to tour with? Red Hot Chili Peppers because I was such a fan growing up and I think Flea is just awesome on the bass and as an individual.

If you could blink your eyes and be in a favourite place right now, where would that be? On the summit of Mt Rhune in Basque country. It’s too good. Where would you like to find yourself in 10 years? Still making and playing music and working with good people enjoying what I love doing most. What four famous people, dead or alive, would you invite for dinner? Einstein, Jesus Christ, Socrates, Darwin just to see how human they are, what they have to say for themselves and see if they’re smart enough not to eat my rudimentary cuisine.

www.iamgiant.com www.facebook.com/iamgiantband

Tessa Skerman Give us a rundown of how you got where you are today with your art: From an early age I have always loved creating and being busy with my hands. In secondary school I spent most of my time in the art room and then went on to study Graphic Design at Uni. After travelling for 4 years I realised that my heart was in the visual Arts, and I had more of an interest in that field, so I studied to teach and became a Secondary School Visual Arts teacher. I am currently at home with my 3 year old and 1 year old sons, and when I get a chance I paint!! I would love to be able to paint full time but at the moment I paint by commission. Who are you influenced by? I have a variety of influences. It depends on my idea and what I want to achieve in a painting. I have always been an artist who sifts thru imagery, artist models and travel photos before I start a new piece. I sift thru and fling imagery thru my sketch book and all over the floor. I am also influenced by what I see on my travels (Gaudi in Barcelona was a memorable influence for a long time) and what I observe in my own environment. What inspires you creatively? Having an idea in my head and having this huge urge to bring it out on a canvas or (wood) panels. Its an indescribable excitement of wondering what the result will be. Once I start a new piece I become almost obsessed with it, everything else around me gets put on hold. That is why I struggle to start anything with my young family. I am an intuitive painter, so the outcome o my original idea is always so different to what I set out to do. I have taught myself to just paint without thinking too much.

Best and worst thing about being an artist? The worst thing at this stage of my life is having the creative energy to paint but not having the time. The best thing about being an artist is experiencing that indescribable feeling of creative excitement while painting in the ‘zone’, and the satisfaction of producing something original and unique. How would you describe your perfect day? My perfect day starts with lovely warm summer weather. I wake up in a quiet house after a nice sleep in (which doesn’t exist in

Amazing artist and mother of two boys, tessa talks to me from her raglan home

my life at the moment!), enjoy a strong coffee while looking out at the view of the ocean, letting my mind wander. I get myself out in the ocean for a paddleboard or swim. Then an afternoon of creating/painting with my favourite music playing in the background. And a perfect end to my day would be having dinner (which is already made, preferably by someone else) with my family while enjoying a large glass of red wine. What is your most valued possession? And an amazing contemporary quilt like no other that my clever mum made me. It took her 10 years to complete. It really is a masterpiece. If you could blink your eyes and be in a favourite place right now, where would that be? Arambol Beach, Goa, in India. Where would you like to find yourself in 10 years? In a spacious sanctuary of land and trees where my kids can roam and explore to their hearts content, while my husband and I create (my husband Matt makes lovely rustic furniture). I would like to produce Art to sell and even teach again, either in a school or run my own adult/kids classes. And I hope to have had an exhibition or two in the next 10 years! What four famous people, dead or alive, would you invite for dinner? A very random mix that would include Nelson Mandela, Johnny Cash, Miranda Hart and Salvador Dali.

www.facebook.com/TmsArtspace Tessaskerman1@gmail.com

SUNDAISE FESTIVAL March 6-8 2015 www.sundaise.co.nz Located in Waihi, Sundaise Festival is a family friendly bi-annual event. A feast for the senses, Sundaise is a place where music, arts, family and nature all converge for a glorious three-day event.

Tali I was first introduced to Tali at the Sundaise Festival in March. She absolutely blew me away with her onstage presence and incredible rapping and singing. I popped backstage to ask if she’d be kind enough to be interviewed for my magazine, she was super gracious, friendly and humble. Watch this space - I can definitley see Tali and her talent going places. Give us a rundown of how you got where you are today musically? I started performing from a really young age. I always loved music and I was especially enamored by Hip Hop and the way rappers used their platform to express themselves emotionally and politically. I found it very inspiring that you could reach such a wide audience in this way. However it wasn't sure I wanted to be a rapper specifically as there were certain aspects of the scene that didn't gel with me. When I discovered rave music back in Christchurch in the 90s I was hooked. I loved the way people of all types came together for the love of this music and when I saw my first Drum n Bass MC I felt that was it for me. It was smiliar to rapping but over a music and in a scene where I felt a connection. After Christchurch I moved to Melbourne where I caught the attention of visiting UK producer Roni Size who coincidently was one of my biggest inspirations. I MCd for him and got invited to the UK to work with them. Three months later I moved there, signed a record deal and began touring the world with him and his crew. From there it has been non stop collaborations, album releases, (Lyric On My Lip - Full Cycle, Dark Days High Nights Audioporn Records) touring and performing. I moved back to NZ in 2012 and released another album but this time in a more cinematic soul vein. (Of things To Come..) I now also mentor up and coming musicians, as well as continuing to MC both here and abroad. I have just finished writing my first self produced effort 'Wolves' which comes out April 17th. What are your major music influences? I am inspired by the rough, raw rhythms of a lot of 90s Hip hop but I also love the dreamy layering of contemporary electronic music. Im really into cinematic vibes, soaring strings, moody bass, things that evoke emotion. I listened to a lot of Wu Tang and Little Dragon for this latest

album. Probably not two names in music you'd usually put together!

What are you up to right now, music-wise? I just finished 'Wolves' which is coming out in April and as I write this am also approving artwork, and organising release parties in Auckland,Welly and Chch. I am also finishing Soulside Sessions 7 which is a free DnB mix I do with fellow kiwi (now living in London) DJ Emma G who curates the mix and then sends to me to record vocals over. Each one is an hour long so I'm effectively writing an albums worth of lyrics and melodies each time! Where did your name come from? My full name is Natalia. I grew up getting called Natalie, Nats, Nat - all nick names I actually hated! When I moved to Christchurch, I only knew a couple of people and so I felt it was a chance to start anew. I said to my room mate that I wanted a new nickname and she said what about 'Talie'? I liked this a lot and it stuck. Then when I moved to the UK Roni said I should lose the 'e' as four letters was easier. And Tali it has been since!

am so knackered from all the work I've been doing this summer, I could really do with just kicking back on a sun lounger and sleeping. What is your most valued possession? My song books, a ring I inherited from my Nana and my two beautiful cats. Best advice ever given? I have been given some excellent advice over the years, but I think the ideas I cherish most now are that your thoughts can become things. That what you put out in this world energy wise - you get back, and if you can learn to step back and disassociate yourself from your ego, you can and will have much more honest, open communication with others and with yourself. If you could blink your eyes and be in a favourite place right now, where would that be? I would just be happy lying on a sunbed somewhere warm right now, sleeping, with no thought of work. But some of my fav places I have been are Central Otago, Waiheke Island, Santorini, Berlin, Paris and Tokyo.

Who would you most like to tour with? I love Little Dragon so would love to tour with them. Here in NZ I don't really have a crew or ever get asked to tour with other artists, so I often feel like I'm on a bit of a solo mish. It's Where would you like to find yourself in 10 years? okay though - I'm sure one day someone will ask me! In a place where I feel content, creative and still motivated to learn, travel and experience new things. What song gets the best reaction when you play live? Each song touches people in different ways and as people What famous people, dead or alive, would you invite for are starting to get to know my tracks and see me live, they are developing favorites. Some people love the messages of dinner? Sir David Attenborough, Russell Brand, tracks like 'Free to be' or 'Ego' and others love the more Hip Ben Stiller, Harry Connick Jr, Chris Rock, and Bob Marley. hop orientated vibes of tracks like 'Telepathy' and 'Bobby Digital'. I am fond of all of them and enjoy performing each track as its own story.

www.facebook.com/taliofficial What are your fondest musical memories? In your house, in your neighbourhood or town? We lived on a farm near Mount Taranaki. My parents used to have crazy house parties with all the local community and people would get properly wasted! I remember seeing a conga line that went out the front door and all the way round the house - and in through the back. I would get put to bed but then get up and be found dancing around in my nightie or asleep with my head against the speakers. I went to loads of house parties as a teen, Some where people had the worst taste in music. I would often make mix tapes and take them with me to sneak onto the sound system. Most of my initial musical curiosity was sparked from staying with my brother in Oakura. He and his flatmates had a massive CD collection that I would pour over, just playing whatever caught my eye. I discovered a lot of good music this way. What was the first tape/record you bought? I think it was something rubbish like Bon Jovi when I was 11. I saved my birthday money to buy it. How would you describe your perfect day? Waking up in a warm tropical place with a healthy breakfast waiting for me. Going for a run or swim followed by yoga. Having my favorite people come join me, Then us doing absolutely nothing all day but swim, listen to music and eat. I

Sweet Sarcasm With their incredible debut single “sweet tease� recently released, Hamilton three piece band Sweet Sarcasm are definitely a band to keep an eye on. With some familiar faces from the Hamilton music scene, these guys have what it takes to produce some seriously good music.

Give us a quick rundown of how you got where you are today musically? We are nowhere at the moment lol What are your major music influences? Hunger What are you up to right now, music wise? Currently pushing our debut single to radio, while making connections with other local bands to work towards setting u a few shows around the north island. Where did your name come from? It just came to me in a vision about 6 years ago and I

always knew I would have a band called Sweet Sarcasm (Scotty) Who would you most like to tour with? Nitro Circus What song gets the best reaction when you play live? Our cover of 'Smoke Two Joints' by Sublime, it's a very relatable track to alot of people I guess. What are your fondest musical memories? When I was 14 I watched Vegas perform in his band 'Mama Said' at the Xtreme Air festival, and I smile at that because now he plays drums in my band. :) (Scotty Stone) What was the first tape/record you bought? * Scotty: Michael Jackson's 'History' * Vegas: 'Throwing Copper' by Live * TJ: Eat My P**sy by Lil Kim How would you describe your perfect day? Raglan, Family, Fresh fish and live music. What is your most valued possession? Do possessions really matter in this world? Best advice ever given? Shut up, listen and learn If you could blink your eyes and be in a favourite place right now, where would that be? Raglan Where would you like to find yourself in 10 years? With a house in Raglan, a nice little boat and a home recording studio. What four famous people, dead or alive, would you invite for dinner? Michael Jackson, Russel Brand, Billy T James, Bob Marley

www.facebook.com/sweetsarcam www.youtube.com/user/sweetsarcasmmusic

Photo: Tracie Heasman

Lox Loves… Surrounded by water, this 100 year old Milllie Elder Holmes (daughter of the late Love camping? If you love comfort as wool shed has it all... Paul Holmes) has bought out a stunning much as nature, check out Lotus Belle’s Taste,Surf,Sounds jewellery line that oozes style and range of spacious glamping tents to elegance with a slight rock edge discover how to get the best of both Situated 1km from the Raglan main worlds - the coolest, comfiest, most beach, Rock-It not only has amazing spacious tents around! food, coffee and plenty of tasty beverages, it also has a huge area for the kids to run around plus an onsite local radio station and surf shop!

“All my pieces are designed with the idea of protecting its wearer, based off the idea of the evil eye from my Greek heritage “


www.lotusbelle.co.nz www.millieelderholmes.co.nz


Established in 1996, Trees Please! are the pioneers of unique tree gifts in New A true pioneer of creative lifestyle wear in Zealand. New Zealand. They remain committed to Trees Please! is quality-driven. Their NZ manufacture, using beautiful tree gifts are all checked sustainable practices thoroughly and and materials as prepared with love. much as they can. Their eco-friendly gifts are ideal for any They love to tell their occasion, including stories of what it birthdays, baby's means to be a kiwi arrival, living in paradise. bereavements, or as They do this by a simple thank you. designing creative, They are also perfect high quality wearable art as corporate gifts for that is inspired by and reflective of our companies that want to show they care unique culture and land for the environment.

With modest beginnings in the back of a Raglan Kit Surfing shop, Raglan Roast has been brewing now for over 14 years, and is arguably some of the best coffee this side of the Arctic. With cafes located in Raglan, Te Uku, Nelson and Wellington, Raglan Roast is slowly taking over the world. You can now enjoy their famous brew in the comfort of your own home. Online you can buy one of their three great blends, with overnight delivery nationwide.




PHD Juice Cleanses

Cortez Boot by Soul Shoes in Raglan

Stolen Rum

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Check them out online: www.phd.co.nz



“Once you’ve lived a little you will find that whatever you send out into the world comes back to you in one way or another. It may be today, tomorrow, or years from now, but it happens; usually when you least expect it, usually in a form that’s pretty different from the original. Those coincidental moments that change your life seem random at the time but I don’t think they are. At least that’s how it’s worked out in my life. And I know I’m not the only one.”

“If it had been any different, if I had been born just one minute later, or been in the wrong place at the right time or vice versa, the life that I've lived and come to love would not exist. And that is a situation that I would not want to consider in the slightest.”

“I don't think there's anything better than hearing your favorite band live.”

Famous Last Words

SLASH LOX went along to Claudelands Arena on 17th of Feb, to photograph the legend that is Slash - performing with Myles Kennedy and the conspirators. Arguably one of the best guitarists in the world, Slash did not disappoint. from the moment he walked out on stage he was larger than life, an inspiration to any artist…

“Restlessness is a fickle catalyst; it can drive you to achieve or it can coax your demise, and sometimes the choice isn't yours”

“You can't wait around for destiny to give you what you think you deserve, you have to earn it, even if you think you've paid your dues.”

“No one expects the rug to be yanked out from underneath them; lifechanging events usually don’t announce themselves. While instinct and intuition can help provide some warning signs, they can do little to prepare you for the feeling of rootlessness that follows when fate flips your world upside down. Anger, confusion, sadness, and frustration are shaken up together inside you like a snow globe. It takes years for the emotional dust to settle as you do your best to see through the storm.”

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