Little Book ! of Leadership! ! Compiled by K Watson
! ! ! ! ! ! Little Book of Leadership!
Compiled and designed by Kevin Watson! Š 2012 My Own Coach Ltd!
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Introduction! The Little Book of Leadership is a short collection of ideas, advice and quotes gathered from people on various forums around the world.! as as as
Its intention is to inspire & delight. I trust you will like what you read and share with others.!
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Above all, I love the idea that this small collection might just help someone, somewhere to be an even better leader! Kevin!
le how p o e p hows s r e d show a e s l r e d d o A go eat lea r g , e ld be! r u a o c y e th h w they o zilbas h e nis Qi l A p o pe
! ! ! ! A good leader creates followers, a great leader creates leaders! John Rice
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There are always three leadership choices: 1) Lead, 2) Follow, or 3) Get out of the way - all valid depending on context! Philip Flynn
Great leaders are good listeners! Andreas Bruns
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, u love o y t g wha n i o d ! Lead e r w ' o l u l o y ! t to fo n When a ently w u l r l g i n w ly, co nt i people s a e alipha , y ah M l r l a S a r natu
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Becomin g a leade r is syn becomin onymou g yourse s with l f . It is prec simple, a i s ely that nd it is also that difficult ! Hilary C ooke
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Three tips: Tip 1 - Listen. Tip 2 - Listen. Tip 3 - forgotten it, but remember to listen! Chris Markiewicz
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sand words.... !
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lities = C Leadership Abi M + IQ + EI = 1. LA nce Quotient gence + Intellige lli te In al n io ot Em pabilities! + Management Ca e like the oil d management ar an ip sh er ad Le 2. ng: good salad dressi and vinegar in a d have quite separate an n ai m re ey th gh althou en alities, when shak qu ct in st di n ow r thei fect can be their combined ef together properly sing your Just don't try dres quite stunning. another alone!'! salad with one or IPD,
Cunningham, FC Taken from Peter ).! (September, 2004
Andonella Thomso
You d o not lead b people y hitt over t ing h e head assau - that lt, no 's t lead ership ! Mike
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Kerri gan
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My to p tip f or lead goal. N ership ot proc : focu e s on t d u perfor res, pr he manc o t ocols, e m anage - those ment are m indica erely m in ma tors, e eans t ny ca tc o a ses, ob n e n d. ...O stacle r, s to an end .!
This set of principles came from a leadership course for Youth leaders based around "pro-social" modelling, as opposed to anti social behaviour.! 1. set out rules and roles! 2. lead by example, i.e display the behaviours that you want to see! 3. reward the behaviours that you want to encourage! 4. challenge the behaviours that you want to stop! 5. believe that people can achieve their maximum, and help them! 6. build good relationships with people because only then can you hope to influence them! Of course, these are broad headings. But if you can't place a specific topic under one of them perhaps you're talking about something other than leadership!! John!
o and d y a s o at you h t eam t t g r n u i o h t y Every on for i gs! s n s i i h t m r e pe he sam n gives t o Cotto d d n David a y sa
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A tangential approach to leadership, but one I find very powerful, is the Ancient Greeks approach towards Rhetoric - the art of influencing. Leadership is all about influence. Influence is determined by Ethos + Pathos + Logos.! Ethos reflects integrity, values, character, conduct. Foundational, in the sense that if someone we think lacks these wants us do do something for him / her (influence), we are highly unlikely to do so, without some form of coercion.! Pathos reflects sympathy, empathy, care, concern - i.e the leader must have the best interests of his followers at heart, and this must be evident to them. Many times, we have people who are ok on ethos, but we believe they act exclusively in their own self interest, and we resist on this count.! Finally Logos - the proposed plan or action must appeal to our sense of logic and reasoning.! If a leader gets Ethos, Pathos and Logos right, there is very little resistance to people following. What i find fascinating is the sequence - Ethos first, then Pathos, then Logos. Very often we seek to convince on logical grounds, and find people resisting - question to ponder - something missing on the Pathos front? On the other hand, with close friends and people we trust, relationships etc. - we sometimes go along with what they ask, even if we are not fully convinced in our minds.! Sriram Subramanian!
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Sometimes people try to identify the elements of a good leader, with a view to emulating those characteristics and thus becoming a good leader. They usually come unstuck. I believe that this is due to believing that leaders share key characteristics.! But they don't. Great leaders are like great comedians: they all get results, but in very different ways and with radically different styles. What works for Bill Cosby won't work for Joan Rivers. Likewise for leaders: Gandhi's passive resistance wouldn't have been a good move for Churchill in WWII.! Resli Costabell!
! ! ! A great leader is someone you don't even realise is there... until you need them.! Nicholas Gallagher-Hughes
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About the Author! Kevin Watson supports personal, team and organisational development by pushing beyond those self imposed boundaries and inspiring a call to action, helping them become stronger and measurably more successful.! His professional experience spans over 30 years in business & retail, most notably as part of the senior team at Selfridges responsible for the transformation from the tired old department store in the nineties to the shopping experience it is today.! He is an accredited coach with the CIPD and Oxford School of Coaching & Mentoring and Master Practitioner in NLP.!
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Little Book of Leadership!
! ! ! ! ! ! ! © 2012 My Own Coach Ltd!