Composite Chart 1

Page 1

Aquarius Rising Aries Moon Taurus Sun

12 I fh Placidus












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Chart Patterns Type: none Ruler Asc: Uranus Asp Pat: Grand Trine Elements/Modes Fire 6 Earth 3 Air 5 Water 2




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Composite Planets Sun 7° Tau 36' 50" Q Moon 23° Ari 56' 09" R Mercury 1° Sco 58' S Venus 19° Sag 15' T Mars 18° Gem 35' U Jupiter 23° Leo 46' V Saturn 1° Can 12' W Uranus 29° Aqu 31' X Neptune 11° Aqu 10' Y Pluto 18° Sag 14' Z Chiron 12° Cap 38' t N Node 1° Gem 32'R < Asc. 20° Aqu 33' > MC 12° Sag 57' ? P. Fort. 4° Pis 14' @







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Prepared by: Lady Jazmine

Relationship Report

Interpretation text by Henry Seltzer Copyright 1999 - 2021 Astrograph Software, Inc. Astrograph Software 251 Dufour St. (831) 425-6548 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 The composite chart represents the fusion of energy that two people create when they come together. It is a third being. Like a child, it inherits qualities of both parents, though it has a life all its own and exists independently of either of them. The following interpretations should be regarded as being for the relationship itself, taken as an independent entity, as this relates to the meaning for each individual within it.

Introduction The Relationship Report for two individuals applies to any type of relationship. It focuses on the relationship itself, rather than on the individuals who make it up. First a composite chart (mid-point chart) is created. The composite chart represents the fusion of energy that two people create when they come together in relationship. It is a third being. Like a child, it inherits qualities of both parents, though it has a life all its own and exists independently of either of them. The following interpretations should be regarded as being for the relationship itself, taken as an independent entity. In the following report, each planetary placement and aspect is examined to reveal the basic qualities of your relationship, with the most important factors described first. Please keep in mind that these descriptions are not meant to put limitations on the relationship, but merely to describe its inherent tendencies. Challenging aspects can become the greatest strength of a

relationship if you can both learn how to successfully navigate those issues, with good communication between you playing a vital role. For definitions of astrological terms, please refer to the glossary at the end of this report. Chart Patterns Grand Trine You have a Grand Trine in your chart. When three or more of your planets form a Grand Trine with each other, you will have an exceptional area of talent represented by the element in the trine, either Fire, Earth, Air or Water (usually these planets are in just one element). You will display a marked selfsufficiency and also will have good success in your endeavors in this area of life. You must also beware, however, of being lazy or complacent. Important Features Composite Mars in Gemini (18° Gem 35') Composite Mars in the Fourth House Angular planet - conjunct Nadir The placement of Mars in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared activity in pursuit of partnership goals, and where ego needs may be identified. Mars in the Fourth House (or sign) brings out a sensitive, sensuous and emotional drive between you. You have a strong mutual energy for creating a shared environment, or possibly for real estate investment together, but it might be hard to see your partner's point of view. You have a family-like concern for each other, but may not have the best sense of where to put your energy to create a mutual advantage or it may be difficult to get clear on priorities. In a romantic connection, family will be important, and the work of home-making. You will also likely spend a lot of your shared energy within the safety and privacy of your own space. You can appear timid with each other, but you both are actually quite strong and may be surprisingly determined when you act from an instinctual level rather than from your conscious will. Tension can arise between you if security needs are not being met, or if you disagree over family matters or turf issues. Your relationship benefits when you consciously find common ground and find ways to regularly let off steam. You

also benefit from relaxing more and from diverting your inwardly turned energies outwardly toward the world around you. Mars in Gemini (or the third house) brings an alert, witty and energetic drive to your relationship. You two are adventurous and physically active together, with a gift for quickly adapting to changing circumstances. Your connection brings out the talkative and communicative side of each of you. Glib in speech, you get your ideas across very well with each other and with those around you, although you may be better talkers than listeners. You bring life to new ideas. If the relationship has any weaknesses in this area, it is in a tendency for you to be somewhat sharp with each other, or possibly indulge in gossip together. In a romantic relationship you find that talking is almost as good as physical interaction and that sex is boring without it. On the positive side, you will find you can communicate together regarding just about anything, and also make good facilitators when working with others. Together, you possess a natural mechanical ability and do many things well. You might benefit by learning to apply more focus and better concentration to your shared energies. Composite Jupiter in Leo (23° Leo 46') Composite Jupiter in the Seventh House Angular planet - conjunct Descendant Jupiter in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will find mutual good fortune and faith in positive outcomes. Jupiter in the Seventh House (or sign) emphasizes the refined and idealistic aspects of your relationship. You two tend to experience the relationship itself as the true source of your shared happiness and this placement is one of the very best for romantic relationships . Together, you work well with other people, and may become known for your fairness. You each grow when you engage in these kinds of activities. You may form the type of partnership that will make a habit of championing both sides of a dispute and making sure that the underdog has his say. You may also be outwardly-directed as a partnership, and concerned with what others might think. Ina romantic relationship, you are likely to find enjoyment everywhere together. Your relationship grows through exploring art and beauty wherever you may find it. You benefit when you develop your shared capacity to stop and smell the flowers and follow your energy to serve each other and the relationship, so that rather than pursuing the socially derived mandate to steam ahead, you allow your focus to be on simply getting your boat down the river.

Composite Jupiter in Leo (or the fifth house) magnifies the generosity and vitality within your relationship and brings out your love of pleasure. In this relationship, you grow through the practice of manifesting your dreams. You two like to show off your good side, and have a natural flair and sense of showmanship that carries you far in life. You make an excellent entertaining team. In a romantic relationship, it pays to remain as aware as you can of the effects of egotism on the part of each of you. You may struggle competitively unless you realize the greater power of a more transpersonal approach. You enjoy the limelight as a couple, and do well when you shine out and share your wealth with those around you. As a partnership, you can be extravagant at times. You benefit when you learn to keep track of your resources and to build a strong foundation under your dreams, as these practices are essential to your success. Together, you have a great sense of intuition, and make capable leaders. Your true leadership in social circles may come when you begin to trust your inner guidelines and look outward to see what you can give rather than what you can get. Composite Uranus in Aquarius (29° Aqu 31') Composite Uranus in the First House Ruler of Rising Sign Uranus in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will encounter unusual and unexpected circumstances and where the relationship benefits from lack of structure. Uranus in the First House (or sign) gives your relationship an original and eccentric nature. Working together, you move from a place of powerful and intuitive vision, perhaps more so than working separately. Change and variety excite you as a partnership and may in fact be essential. Your mutability and habit of constantly changing can frustrate or confuse those around you, but it represents a fresh approach and in the end they may thank you for it. In a romantic connection, you two are likely to be known as a couple for your nonconformity. This energy you share can be insensitive to others' needs, and you can appear to be cold at times, or you may seem to be more excited by ideas than by each other. You may each feel the need to constantly assert your independence, so that in this relationship you need space from each other as well as closeness, and it may prove difficult to balance these opposing factors. When you can accept your mutual desire for freedom as an important part of the relationship equation, you go a long way toward solving this basic dilemma. Your relationship celebrates free spiritedness, courage and

pioneering, and your mission on behalf of yourselves as well as the surrounding collective involves bringing innovative ideas into being along with new ways of acting in the world. Composite Uranus in Aquarius (or the eleventh house) brings an eclectic and forward-looking orientation to your shared goals and group affiliations. This is a natural placement for Uranus and brings out the most positive manifestation of this uniquely oriented energy, and your relationship is likely to be idealistic and unconventional. As a partnership, you tend to associate yourselves with friends and groups having as their goal the betterment of society. In a romantic connection, you have a solid basis of friendship, and you can spend a lot of time together without stagnating. Your relationship has high entertainment value and long standing durability based on the excitement of shared ideas. Your challenge may be to find an equally close emotional connection with each other. Because this is the most changeable of planetary energies, your relationship goals and group affiliations will constantly migrate into new patterns. You may also experience some ups and downs with group participation under stress, although you have a tendency to bounce back from any downside fairly quickly. Together you have a strong urge for personal freedom, and love to explore new horizons together. Your highest mission is to make available to others, through collective action, the progressive ideals for social reform that you cultivate as a partnership. Composite Pluto in Sagittarius (18° Sag 14') Composite Pluto in the Tenth House Angular planet - conjunct Midheaven Pluto in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will encounter your mutual drive for power and which will be transformative for the relationship. Pluto in the Tenth House (or sign) brings a survival instinct to the relationship with a focus on issues of authority, power and control. You may be very conscious of a sense of purpose that has brought you together, and there may be power dynamics at play between you so that one of you attempts, perhaps unconsciously, to control the other. This can manifest as one or both of you playing parent and/or rebel with the other at times. In a more conscious way of relating, this placement can manifest in an exploration of the nature of authority and judgment as it arises in your relationship. In a romantic context, you may need to balance your desire to be an important part of the social

world with your shared need for a deep, emotional private life. You may have the opportunity with this relationship to liberate yourselves from longstanding karmic power patterns that reside in each of you. It benefits you to create a container where you feel safe to open up and be vulnerable, and to explore and get at the very root of the fear or the hurt that drives you toward controlling behavior or dependency. When you feel safe with each other, you can use play or sexuality to work out your power issues in a more conscious way. This relationship is calling you both to transform your urge for power and control to a more conscious and socially responsible use of personal power. Composite Pluto in Sagittarius (or the ninth house) correlates with a relationship that is focused on higher-mind understanding and moral or ethical belief systems, perhaps excessively. You two have a heightened capacity for objective introspection and deep truth telling. Together you may have a strong drive to express your ideas to each other and to others in your sphere of influence. You may need to combat potentially dogmatic responses to the ideas of others, or a tendency to regard your particular philosophy or cause as the only one. In a romantic connection, you are likely to try to influence each other regarding your philosophy of life or shared belief system. If you agree on your basic beliefs, then this area may represent a powerful focus for you, with a life-changing quality to it, but if you disagree there may be trouble in settling down into a common grove. You benefit when you learn to let your partner's ideas coexist with your own, without needing to fix the situation, and when you speak to each other absolutely honestly in order to allow for a free and easy expression of ideas between you. Your personal understanding of the dynamic between you regarding your shared beliefs and conversational goals may need to undergo a radical transformation in the course of your life together, ideally toward developing a unique shared ideology based on a more conscious understanding of each other and of the world around you. Composite Moon in Aries (23° Ari 56' 09") Composite Moon in the Second House The placement of the composite Moon defines the core emotional focus of your relationship. It indicates the most sensitive area between you. The composite Moon in the Second House indicates a relationship that may be largely based on fulfilling security needs. The strongest emotional bond between you involves finances and the resources of the material world, which is likely to be an important focus of your connection. In a romantic context, the

need for emotional security may be very strong in one or both of you, and this relationship provides a safe harbor. The natural gift of this placement can also manifest in a shared emphasis on creating a nest, a sanctuary that provides physical security for the two of you, and for those you love. This placement is also especially good for customer-provider relationships of one kind or another. You may find that one partner takes a special interest helping the other materially, or that you naturally find yourselves taking on a joint financial project together. In any case, you will find few disagreements with each other when it comes to money or material things. The composite Moon in Aries indicates a relationship that provides a strong and solid base for a wide range of emotional expression between you. In your relationship, emotions are likely to be keenly felt, direct and spontaneous. You two tend to have an ardent feeling nature with inclinations toward quick bursts of passion, expressing your independence and impulsiveness. You may be the first ones to respond to a problem when it comes your way. Regardless of how you operate on your own, you tend to jointly react to situations with action rather than reflection. In a romantic relationship, you enjoy a shared capacity for fun and fireworks, although your passion may be variable. Allow the passion to come when it comes, and go when it goes; you can trust it will eventually return again, as enthusiastically as ever. In this relationship, you may find you can hold space for each other so you can each share pent up feelings from experiences in the outside world. You may find you also have a strong competitive streak when you are together, which, combined with an attack-first attitude, may reveal subtle feelings of insecurity if carefully examined. Your relationship will tend to evoke in each of you a strong sense of independence and great physical daring and courage. Composite Venus in Sagittarius (19° Sag 15') Composite Venus in the Tenth House Ruler of sun sign - Sun's ruler The placement of Venus in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared emotional focus and love and where mutual enjoyment and benefit lies. Venus in the Tenth House (or sign) indicates a relationship with admiration between you, and a strongly artistic orientation. You have a great deal of affection for each other and each of you may look up to the other in some way, or you may admire your partner for their ability to control a given situation. There could be a sense of status that is gained in association with this

relationship. In a romantic context, there is lots of love between you, which you let everyone see. You enjoy looking good together in public. You are likely to have a reputation as a very loving and affectionate couple, because you do not hide your light in this regard, although you seldom take emotional risks with each other. You may in fact want to become aware of the extent that the opinions of others influence you in your decision-making. As a partnership you may find that matters of prestige, authority or career matter a great deal, and may be the very qualities in each other that have brought you together. You function well as an artist team and may have some sort of artistic production as a goal such as painting, music or dance. In any case, your love of beauty sustains you, in the arts and also in terms of your surroundings. Composite Venus in Sagittarius (or the ninth house) indicates a powerful interest within your relationship in factors of higher mind, such as teaching and learning together. Each of you likely has a deep respect for knowledge, and you admire these traits in each other. Together you may well explore both the intellectually stimulating new horizons of philosophy and literature and also the myriad potential destinations of the world around you. You enjoy travel because you like to get the feeling of other perspectives than your own, and that may be one of the secrets of your affection for each other. In a romantic connection, this love of learning may make for a fun partnership, with never a dull moment. You may want to pay attention to and make a place for deeper feelings between you that may be supplanted by your love of learning. As a partnership, you value education in others as well as yourselves, and may be extremely interested of spreading light as a team. Your strong sense of the beauty of higher knowledge will always sustain you. Composite Neptune in Aquarius (11° Aqu 10') Composite Neptune in the Twelfth House Neptune in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will encounter idealization and nebulous spiritual feelings that will lead you to self-discovery. Neptune in the Twelfth House (or sign) brings to your partnership a sensitive, compassionate and loving energy. Your relationship is likely to bring out the idealistic and self-sacrificing side of each of you. You are very sensitive to each other's feelings and frames of mind, and are likely to connect in a multidimensional way. You may find in your connection an element of fantasy or perhaps escapism, because Neptune is more at home here than anywhere

else in the chart, since it rules Pisces and the twelfth house, the place where fantasies and dreams naturally live. In a romantic relationship, this placement indicates that you two have the capacity to evoke each other's secrets and fantasies and to fulfill each other's dreams. Your sensitivity to each other's moods and inclinations can go a long way towards building a strong attachment between you, where you dwell in your own secret garden, although there may be a hidden or even a deceptive side to the feelings of affection that naturally come up between you. As a partnership, you benefit from focusing your energies on being of true service to the world, and helping to move it closer to your shared vision of spiritual union for all sentient beings. Composite Neptune in Aquarius (or the eleventh house) brings a visionary quality to your relationship. You make a popular duo, and may have a wide circle of friends. You are likely to highly value the friendships that you have, and to find a source of joy and inspiration in each other. Your abiding sense of comradeship will carry you far, although the idealism that you share regarding social connection can also lead to confusion or illusion of what is really going on in these settings. You may need to work through issues of deception within the relationship, or in friendships that you share, or feel confusion regarding a group that you are jointly associated with. You may also together encounter issues of using social interaction to escape other responsibilities. In a romantic context, you share a highly developed social sense, and a great capacity to forgive each other and those around you. This can however distract you from a true bond with each other, which must come from a deeper place of commitment. You have before your eyes a constant vision for where society could go if it tapped into its most beneficial destiny, so that your shared ideals are lofty, and you may have difficulties to work through regarding the practical fulfillment of your dreams. When you are actualizing your potential as a partnership, you are compassionate toward your fellow beings and ready to sign up as helpers in the emerging worldview that celebrates universal brotherhood. Composite Sun in Taurus (7° Tau 36' 50") Composite Sun in the Second House The placement of the composite Sun defines the core identity of your relationship, and the place where it finds its greatest vitality. It gives you a sense of the predominant flavor of the relationship. The following paragraph emphasized:

With composite Sun in the Second House, you and your partner tend to share a high value with regard to material things. Your shared values are important to your partnership, and will be a major focus between you. In a romantic relationship, you may have a very strong sensual connection, or a shared desire to physically transform your home into an attractive expression of yourselves. You will likely want to consciously foster intellectual and emotional bonds to build other levels of mutual understanding. It may be just the thing for you to start a company together, or to seek another mutually financially beneficial field of activity. You partner well together, with a strong sense of teamwork, which will empower you in achieving real-world goals and handling resources. In sum, this position is excellent for material achievement, and tends to emphasize the pragmatic. The relationship works well for businesscentered partnerships, and asks those in more personal contexts to develop additional ways of connecting to ensure longevity. Composite Chiron in Capricorn (12° Cap 38') Composite Chiron in the Eleventh House Chiron in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will encounter patterns of wounds and deep connection and where eventual healing and empathy will occur. Chiron in the Eleventh House (or sign) indicates a relationship that provides an opportunity to face and heal deeply held wounds regarding your vital force around belonging to a group consciousness and integrating with the human family. In this relationship, you find yourself vulnerable to losing your personal identity to a group cause or belief system. You may find yourself attracted to membership in groups or social organizations and then have painful realizations while in the midst of the crowd. It may be that membership in a group or "in-crowd" was denied you in your youth. It may be that your partner reflects the influence of a parental-like authority figure who forced you in a particular direction that you had no real calling for. You may have had to make the tough decision between abandoning your parental guidepost or your own true self. In time you can heal these wounds as you create a partnership and other friendships that reflect your actual ideals rather than consensus reality. Though it takes time to develop deep self understanding, it may be one of the most worthwhile of undertakings, especially If you want to become truly selfdetermined and independent of the strictures of society. You may find you are truly called to become an exemplar of a particular group ideal that is just breaking into the awareness of the world at large. You may be called to go

where no (wo)man has gone before. Though it may take many trials and tribulations before you both begin to realize the extent of your true potential, the gold at the end of this particular rainbow is worth the effort. Composite Chiron in Capricorn (or the Tenth House) indicates a relationship that provides an opportunity to face and heal deeply held wounds regarding your vital force to act with authority and make a responsible contribution to society. In this relationship, you may find yourself somewhat rebellious of authority, while compulsively drawn to it at the same time. You may begin to be aware of experiences in your life where you had to knuckle under against your will or, conversely, where felt you had to over-exert your authority with others in a way that left them feeling oppressed. Perhaps the compulsion to be in authority that you are feeling in this relationship arose in your childhood, from a time when you were too forcefully controlled. Everyone has a basic need to be in control, and if we develop a distrust of authority as a result of early experiences, we tend to strike first rather than wait to be pushed around. These unconscious patterns can also manifest in the relationship as a penchant to achieve, only to feel ambivalent about subsequent success. This relationship may mirror ways that you felt pushed to success by the important parental figures of your childhood, without getting a chance to find your own true destiny. You may experience low self-esteem, seeking notoriety as a way of making up for feelings of worthlessness that live somewhere below your conscious level of reasoning. In order to avoid these traps, it is good to take advantage of this relationship to get in conscious touch with your hidden feelings, and bring them into the light to explore them in detail. Once you have begun this process, it will continue as a natural part of your shared growth, allowing you both to wield a more conscious and integrated form of personal power as you move through the world together. Composite Saturn in Cancer (1° Can 12') Composite Saturn in the Fifth House Saturn in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will encounter limitations and build long-lasting success through trials of accomplishment. Saturn in the Fifth House (or sign) indicates a blockage in the self-expression in your relationship. There may seem to be a barrier between you and your partner when it comes to your capacity creatively express yourselves, or there may be a sense that the relationship lacks sufficient love and

acknowledgement of each partner's contribution. In a romantic relationship, there is a feeling of heaviness between you that is hard to shake. You have come together for some very specific purpose, and it does not seem to be the joy of sharing yourselves with each other, or the laughter of new connection. If you have children, or plan to, this will become an important focus. There may be difficulties involved, but also a strong bond developed over the issues of either children or creative productions. There is a joint focus and perseverance on your creativity together that can slowly build into a lasting structure and commitment. Together you also have the capacity to take an initial propensity for heaviness and slowly develop it into a structure that supports ongoing joy between you, but this takes time and effort. Over time, and with patience and attention, this relationship will help you to develop each of your capacity to feel and express from your heart-center. Composite Saturn in Cancer (or the fourth house) symbolizes a blockage or a deepening and concentration between you regarding your sense of safety and security in your relationship and also your capacity to express feelings. One or both of you may seem to be rigid and unemotional to the other, and this behavior might stem from problems with the parental care and guidance received in your early years, so that these issues are up for healing. You may also feel limitations around the creation and maintenance of any shared space that you might establish. Security is very important to your relationship and may take the form of a joint striving for material rewards. The more that each of you can accept and integrate the personal and intimate world of your own and each other's feelings, the more you will break through barriers of fear and isolation and experience true intimacy and love with each other. You are also quite likely to have a focus on your home environment. If you share a home or plan to, there will be a strong mutual interest in making it a good one, and also difficulties to overcome in this regard. You may put a tremendous amount of work into this project, but the eventual result creates a powerful bond between you. Another major lesson in this relationship is to more fully and deeply understand and value your partner's true origins, as different as they may be from your own. This will bring about greater understanding and acceptance between you, and eventually build a sense of security within the relationship. Composite Mercury in Scorpio (1° Sco 58') Composite Mercury in the Eighth House Mercury in the composite chart reveals the quality of the communication process in your relationship, and an area of your shared experience where

intellectual compatibility is to be found. The following paragraph emphasized: The composite Mercury in the Eighth House indicates a relationship with good communication around issues of intimacy and deep sharing. You are likely to have an excellent rapport with each other, at both verbal and non-verbal levels, with an almost psychic understanding each other's emotions. In a romantic context, you have good communication in and out of the bedroom, especially regarding issues which are important and transformative for either one of you, so that this is an excellent placement in an important and life-changing relationship. You are likely to learn much from each other regarding the underlying motivations of your actions and the reasons that you might have come together in relationship. Your life together therefore has a great deal of healing potential. As a partnership you may find that ideas surrounding the occult or the deeper understanding of human motivation fascinate you and come up for discussion, although you probably won't make your profession in these areas unless other connections between you warrant it. You have a great deal of interest in smoothing the way for others as well as yourselves to come to a better understanding of their own unconscious processes. Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Features Aquarius Rising The composite Rising Sign is the image that this partnership presents to others and characterizes the nature of the relationship. With Aquarius rising in your composite chart, your relationship has its own unique approach to life. You may find that together, you have a rebellious nature, and appear to outsiders as an eccentric, spontaneous and original pairing. Thinking is your preferred mode of activity. The sign of Aquarius is forward looking and detached, and you are likely to relate to each other in ways that are very much ahead of their time. Your ruling planets are Uranus, and Saturn. In connection with this partnership, you are at the same time intuitive and rebellious and also strong willed and almost ruthless in your resolve. You share a scientific orientation and a logical, confident manner that you bring out in each other when you operate together. In a romantic connection, your relationship may focus more on analytic modalities and your

high ideals than on subjective realms. There is a good foundation of shared support for each other, but you may need to do more construction on the emotional bridge connecting you at the feeling level. As a partnership, you orient toward the intuitive, imaginative and inventive. You truly value society. Your determination is strong to achieve your aims in your own unique way, and you may be inclined to take chances in the service of these goals. The highest purpose that you share as a partnership is found in the advancement of social and humanitarian ideals. Composite Venus in strong sextile (forming, 1.3 degrees) with Ascendant Ruler of sun sign - Sun's ruler The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.​​ This aspect between Composite Venus and Ascendant signifies a relationship that is emotionally and aesthetically sharing. This is an excellent aspect for any relationship. For friends there will be acceptance and affection between you, whereas in a business connection a strong friendship component is indicated. In a romantic relationship there is a powerful feeling of warmth and companionship. You are likely to form a mutual admiration society of two and be quite contented with each other's company. You may jointly possess considerable talent for the arts, especially music and dance, which may be an important factor in your lives and perhaps the motivation that has brought you together. As a couple you are seen as attractive and with an ease and grace about you that assures that you will be well liked and socially accepted. You might find that as a partnership you are also inclined to reach out to others around you. The only drawback is that social relations between you might be almost too easy, so that you do not properly value the gift you have received. Composite Mars in strong trine (forming, 2.0 degrees) with Ascendant The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect between Composite Mars and Ascendant signifies a relationship that is energetic, active and outgoing. You may find that as a unit you are more confident and accomplishment oriented than as individuals. You have a strong sense of yourselves as a partnership, and are likely to make some waves

when you put your heads together. You may have an excess of out-going initiative that is obvious to others around you. Physical activity as a partnership might be an appealing way for you to find a useful and enjoyable outlet. When you channel your considerable energy into constructive directions you will go far operating as a team. Composite Moon in sextile (fading, 3.4 degrees) with Ascendant The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.​​ This aspect between the Composite Moon and Ascendant signifies a nurturing and protective relationship. As a partnership you are subtle in your actions, rather than direct, and are likely to reflect the moods of those around you. You have a strong basis of security in your home and family as a foundation. Others see you very clearly, and the connection between you, since when you are together you show your emotions readily. Whether you find yourselves a romantic relationship or a friendship, you tend to act from an almost instinctual basis, and are truly protective of one another. Since you feel so cared for, there is a tendency for individuality and consciousness to get lost in the shuffle, and you benefit from shedding the light of conscious reason on your habitual patterns, and working toward greater focus on your individual goals. Composite Jupiter in opposition (fading, 3.2 degrees) with Ascendant The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect between Composite Jupiter and Ascendant signifies an optimistic and growth oriented relationship, with high ideals and good vitality. As a partnership, you are spiritually motivated, and possess a quiet strength which is invariably helpful to others and which takes you far in the world. This is an excellent aspect for success especially in a business relationship, or in a romantic relationship or friendship that has an additional career orientation. As a partnership, you might only have to guard against being overly optimistic at times, for your enthusiasm for life takes you far. Honors and material success accompany your union. You are attracted to higher learning, and the fine arts, and you are courageous in your approach to shared goals. You do not

necessarily reach out to others, being content with your own society, although you will undoubtedly garner respect for your presence as a pair, and together you make loyal friends and few enemies. You are possessed of similar outlooks, and are likely to share a system of belief. Your philosophical common ground may prove to be a mainstay of your connection with each other. Composite Pluto in sextile (forming, 2.3 degrees) with Ascendant The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.​​ This aspect between Composite Pluto and Ascendant signifies a transformative and depth-oriented relationship. Your connection has its dark moments, but is fundamental in energizing your lives and allowing you to move through some very significant issues together. You are likely to be engaged in some form of power struggle with each other in this relationship, which can be difficult to handle gracefully, but which can also be a blessing in bringing up the hidden places within each of you and exposing them to the light of conscious awareness. As a partnership you have strong desires, and are intent on pursuing them. Whether a personal or professional one, your relationship will likely go through many changes as you evolve in your understanding of yourselves and each other. There may be boundary concerns that come up between you, or questions of who is calling the shots at any one moment, and these may cause conflict as you work them out together. You benefit from paying close attention to how you respond with your inner voice to each of these situations, preferring to deal with your own needs and reactivity first and foremost rather than playing the blame game, which is essentially a cop out from handling your own issues. By witnessing your feelings and respecting your partner you may achieve much in the way of evolving the relationship between you, and to advance your own personal evolution as well. Composite Sun in opposition (forming, 5.7 degrees) with Mercury The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect indicates that the two of you hold contrasting perspectives. As such, you tend to find each other extremely compelling, until the differences

between heart and mind start to challenge your sense of shared harmony and undermine your sense of safety and ease. Here, your challenge is to integrate your heads and your hearts and to develop strong mutual respect. Then, you can take the best of what both of you have to offer and work toward achieving mutual understanding and joyful and effective co-creations. Composite Sun in square (forming, 3.6 degrees) with Neptune The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. With this aspect between composite Sun and Neptune, your relationship has vision and creativity, with a high degree of sensitivity between you. You will find that your connection has an unworldly, ethereal side, a marked remoteness from the ordinary day to day. There could be issues of idealism or fantasy, perhaps even outright deception that you will mutually work through in the course of this partnership. In a romantic connection, your relationship may revolve around art, music or the healing modalities. You two have the propensity to provide an escape for each other, and you could make great drinking buddies. It benefits you to support each other's awakening rather than self-deceptive illusions. If you do, you may take advantage of the safe container this relationship provides to help each other to dive deeply into your emotional process, transforming fogginess into clarity, especially when you can form a sense of trust for the exchange of accurate and gently delivered feedback. If used wisely, the otherworldly energy of Neptune provides your relationship with a tremendous sensitivity and creativity that can manifest in both healing and artistic channels. Composite Sun in trine (forming, 5.0 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. With this aspect between your composite Sun and Chiron you have a relationship with a great degree of healing potential. You are likely to experience painful realizations through this partnership, and be able to heal important issues of your own as a result. Chiron is called "the wounded healer" because it represents the archetype of imperfection and loss which when integrated leads to compassion and understanding of your own and others'

suffering. Its aspects, such as this one, crop up with great regularity in deep and profound connections such as marriage. The empathy and the understanding of your and your partner's issues that emerge from such a deep relationship will serve you well later in life. There could have been trauma in your early years concerning your parenting or parental protection may have been withdrawn too suddenly or misapplied, and this is the type of issue that you and your partner are striving to bring to conscious understanding in the context of this relationship. There will perhaps be painful situations to work through, but if you have patience and stay the course the results will also be entirely rewarding. You have the chance, through this partnership, by telling the truth at all times and staying available for your own feelings, to begin to integrate your past experiences, no matter how painful they may have been, and no matter how painful these feelings continue to be for you at present. Since you have come through the fires of difficulty you are likely as a partnership to be interested in the helping professions, and may eventually assist others, as well as yourselves, in reaching better levels of acceptance and integration of their dark places. Composite Moon in strong trine (fading, 0.2 degrees) with Jupiter The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect between composite Moon and Jupiter gives your relationship an optimistic and emotionally nurturing quality, and brings out a large capacity for emotional response between you. Regardless of how you operate on your own, you tend to feel optimistic in each other's company and may count on this relationship to be a consistent source of joy and encouragement. Together, you assume an idealistic and humanitarian approach to life, and share your inherent spiritual warmth with those around you. In a romantic relationship, you possess a capacity to be loving and caring while still remaining strong in character. Thus, you can easily hold space for the diversity of emotional processes that unfold between you and around you. Fortunate in finance, you tend to attract material rewards without seeming to try for them, which makes this a good placement for business as well as personal connections. Together, you are honorable and dependable in your dealings with others, and work well with the public. Composite Moon in trine (fading, 4.7 degrees) with Venus

Ruler of sun sign - Sun's ruler The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect between composite Moon and Venus brings a loving, calm and steady presence to your relationship, with a refined and artistic sensibility. You two go out of your way to please and accommodate each other and tend to take special care of each other's feelings. You are habitually cheerful in each other's company and likely feel yourselves to be engaged in a spiritual romance, no matter what kind of relationship you share. You may make better dreamers than doers, but that shouldn't stand in your way; since you travel far on your good vibes alone. This is a wonderful aspect for a romantic connection, and also serves well for parents or for professional colleagues working in an artistic environment. The love between you makes it easy to forgive and forget, and can smooth out other difficulties. Together, you possess a great deal of personal charm, and also have a love for the arts, especially music and dance. You tend to be courteous and popular as a couple, and you go out of your way to be supportive to friends. Composite Moon in sextile (fading, 5.4 degrees) with Mars The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.​​ This aspect between composite Moon and Mars brings a powerful emotional presence to your connection with each other. As a partnership you tend to experience a sometimes difficult and at other times harmonious give and take, meeting each other in profound and penetrating ways. Although kind and benevolent in your intentions, you may behave with a great deal of intensity toward one another , and in a romantic relationship there can be extremes of anger and love . You can be fierce and fiery with each other in one moment, and passionate and poetic in the next. There is a vigorous and daring quality here. Your emotional responses and your physical responses interconnect so completely you may only learn what you feel after seeing yourselves in action. And when feelings start to arise between you, you may find yourselves acting on them immediately. This creates energy and passion, and in a love connection makes for a sizzling romance. You tend to think deeply together, but you may find yourselves intolerant if you suspect that the other partner is somehow not taking your feelings into account. You may as a unit experience

a restless, nervous tension, and it benefits you to engage in constructive activity together as an outlet for all that energy. All in all, you know how to balance well between getting close to each other and maintaining your own sense of individuality. Composite Moon in sextile (forming, 5.6 degrees) with Uranus Ruler of Rising Sign The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.​​ With this aspect between composite Moon and Uranus, your relationship has an eccentric and unique home base. Your connection is likely to be an unusual one, with a strong intuitive link between you. In a business partnership, you may have come together around the concept of new ways of living. Novelty excites you both. In a romantic connection, you are likely to be extremely honest with each other, and this is a high virtue. You don't do well with anything resembling boredom. You may change your residence frequently, or be always starting new projects and adventures. You may find that you need to take space emotionally from each other at times, and this is actually healthy for you in the context of this particular relationship. You benefit when you take advantage of what this relationship brings, learn to trust in its ebb and flow, and balance your need for security with your urge for freedom and experimentation. Composite Moon in quintile (fading, 0.8 degrees) with Neptune The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.​​ With this aspect between composite Moon and Neptune, your relationship has a powerful emotional basis stemming from a high degree of sensitivity between you. This aspect primarily indicates an emotionally sensitive, idealistic and loving relationship, although there could also be illusions or even deceptions between you. Together you possess an ethereal quality, noticeable to others, and a strong imagination with a propensity for withdrawing from the world from time to time into internal fantasies of your own making. You benefit by clearly applying your joint high ideals and from striving to ground the emotional sensitivity that you share into the world of logic and fact that must be

negotiated as an important part of living here. Composite Moon in trine (fading, 5.7 degrees) with Pluto The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect between composite Moon and Pluto signifies a powerful emotional intensity in the connection between you. You are likely to be very sensitive and emotionally extreme with each other, and you may each exhibit something of a power drive, especially in domestic areas or in how you give to and nurture each other. If you can put your fear aside, you are likely to experience an unusually clear insight into each other's emotional depths that can border on the psychic. In a romantic relationship especially there are likely to be boundary issues, or issues of codependence, that come up between you. These emotional issues can lead to stormy weather between you from time to time. Actually, these issues may lie in wait for weeks and even months before showing themselves, but whether acknowledged or not they are part and parcel of your relationship just the same. The purpose of such a focus on these powerfully constellated emotions that come up between you is to help to bring them to the surface for eventual healing. These may be symptoms that reflect hidden insecurities that rule your behavior from largely unconscious levels of your personality. Together, you can help each other break through to higher states of safety and autonomy. As you bring these deeply held emotions to greater consciousness you help not only your own behavior but your partner's also and by extension, the world around you as well. Composite Saturn in strong trine (fading, 1.7 degrees) with Uranus The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect gives a practical, future-oriented relationship that places a high value on truth. You two are likely to rebel against conformity, especially if you sense it lacks integrity. You share a strong imagination and good conceptual level. When you function at your best you have the capability to bring a concrete and real-world practicality to the intangible and visionary Uranian energy. Together you share a talent for any tasks that require a scientific and exacting approach, and you can excel in a research lab or at the head of a classroom. In a personal relationship, you will likely experience a shared

commitment to honesty and truth telling, however, you may need to look to other aspects for more heart-based connection. It benefits you to move away from knee-jerk reactions either for or against established authority toward establishing your own personal authority, in your own way, in order to make your shared brilliant visionary impulses available to society at large. Composite Mercury in trine (fading, 2.5 degrees) with Uranus The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect between composite Mercury and Uranus brings to your relationship an unusual communication style and mental acuteness, with a unique ability to grasp new concepts. As a partnership you enjoy the exploration of new ways of thinking and being, and are visionary in your shared outlook, intellectually straying far beyond conventional attitudes. This relationship undoubtedly provides mental acuity, giving you an ability to think outside the box freely and grasp new concepts quickly. In general you exhibit a skill for innovation and a strong mental acuity that lends itself to clear and original expression, and work very effectively in the classroom and in the professional sector as well as within more personal connections. In the best of your productions, you can share your ideas with others in a way that inspires rather than overwhelms. You may also gravitate toward inspired realms of thought, finding that you go further together than you do alone. Whether your relationship is personal or professional in nature, others value your ability to get to the core of an issue and find workable solutions quickly. You often communicate in flashes of insight, and are able to see things from a holistic perspective. You benefit from bringing discipline and persistence to the practical realization of your shared visions, which ultimately serve both the relationship and the larger world that surrounds you. Composite Venus in quintile (fading, 1.7 degrees) with Uranus The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.​​ This aspect between composite Venus and Uranus brings to your relationship an eccentric and unconventional method of relating to each other, with a unique ability to come together in new ways. There is something very immediate about the connection between the two of you. You benefit when you

can bring a more consistent focus to your many interests and activities together, and when you allow space for your shared need for freedom. Composite Uranus in quintile (forming, 0.7 degrees) with Pluto The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.​​ This combination in your composite chart serves as a divining rod in your relationship, connecting your relationship to the forces at work on a collective scale. It indicates that you are tuned in to the energy of the larger whole, with a special focus on its ultimate evolution and transformation. Together, you have a keen joint intuition and great power to transform yourselves and your relationship as you evolve. As a partnership working at your best, you are compassionate toward your fellow beings, and you are apt to be helpers in the creation of a new world, based on humanitarian ideals of universal interconnectedness. Other Natal Planets Composite N Node in Gemini (1° Gem 32'R) Composite N Node in the Third House The following paragraph emphasized: Composite Lunar North Node in Gemini (or the third house). South Node in the ninth house or sign. This placement in a composite chart signifies that within this relationship you have the desire for clear and direct communication skills. You are interested in the practical application of knowledge, rather than information simply for the sake of it. This speaks to an issue that one or both of you may feel as though from past lifetimes, that you sometimes get into solitary philosophical concerns in a way that is divorced from the more real world orientation of active one-on-one communication. You especially value being truthful within this relationship, and find that clearly expressing yourself to each other is an important partnership goal. Your mental abilities serve your purpose well. Perhaps religious values are quite important to you, but now, especially in the context of this relationship, your focus is on a more mundane or worldly view, where higher knowledge counts, but only in so far as it is useful in order to spread the word to others.

Other Aspects Composite Mercury in strong trine (fading, 0.8 degrees) with Saturn The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. With this aspect between composite Mercury and Saturn, your relationship has a responsible, centered and hard-working ideation process that also might be experienced as a blockage of communication between you. You share a profound mental connection. As a partnership, you may find that your thinking naturally deepens and concentrates when you are together. You have incredible perseverance in making your ideas known to each other and to the world around you, and could be just the team to take on an important writing project. You can be shrewd as business partners, capable of focusing your energies intently for long periods of time. In fact, this combination does well in scholarship or law, or any mental activity requiring effort. In a romantic context, you may feel a sense of isolation in the relationship from time to time. You don't waste words with each other, and tend to say what you mean and mean what you say. There is a very direct quality to your communication, and it makes for effective interacting, as long you don't remain so entirely terse with each other that you lose the thread of active sharing. The key here is to risk more. You benefit when you take chances and add flavor and color to your self-expression with each other, turning pessimism into faith and letting go of rigidity, and learning the joy of saying yes. Composite Venus in strong opposition (fading, 0.7 degrees) with Mars The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect between composite Mars and Venus indicates fireworks in your relationship that will inevitably show up, especially when there are other solid links in place between you. In a romantic relationship, you are likely to feel a strong animal magnetism toward each other. You tend to activate deeply held desires within each other and offer the means to fulfill them. If you are friends or colleagues rather than lovers, there still remains a noticeable air of charged chemistry around you. You may find that your desire energies complement

each other or there may perhaps be potential conflicts between you in gratifying the ego needs that you each have. No matter what the nature of your relationship may be, the lesson of this placement is to let go of future wants and instead to stay very present with what is happening between you right now. You benefit when you learn to enjoy that which quietly arises out of the present, and let the situation build from there. Composite Venus in strong conjunction (fading, 1.0 degrees) with Pluto The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. With this conjunction between composite Venus and Pluto, your relationship has a magnetic quality and a passionate intensity for shared interests. Your relationship is characterized by close emotional attachments, between you and when you relate as a partnership to others. Together, you seem to others to exude an intense charisma. You also share a deep intimacy with each other and you will put your energy into breaking through any barriers that get in the way. In spite of this, you may find it difficult to satisfy each other emotionally, and this placement can indicate unrequited love. You each may feel a conflicted form of desire to simultaneously get close while fearfully holding back. You may experience great challenge in marriage and romantic partnership, and yet also gain great rewards in terms of healing your mutual issues of closeness and dependency. You must also beware of power struggles with this placement. Your intense feelings for each other may lead to a subtle form of manipulation. When you learn to expose your vulnerabilities to each other in an honest way, there can be healing of any tendencies for one to control the other or the need you share to be liked by those around you. As you work through the complications of this placement, you may experience a painful re-examination of your relationship goals. With wisdom and love, you can transform the difficult issues that you are likely to encounter with each other into a growing and conscious act of sharing. Composite Mars in strong opposition (fading, 0.3 degrees) with Pluto The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. With this aspect between composite Mars and Pluto, your relationship has a

passionate intensity and also the potential for explosive conflict. There is a powerful connection between you based around the concept of self-assertion, either yours or your partner's, and one reason that you have come together at this time is to attempt to heal this issue in your lives. This aspect also signals a tremendous drive for power and transformation of self, forged in the combined energies of your partnership, although there may come a point at which you will be forced to decide if the gain is worth the pain in this situation. In a romantic connection, your sexual magnetism and activity is likely to be strong, as well as issues of power and control that constantly crop up between you. The pattern of your relationship may be such that one of you appears timid or unsure to the other partner much of the time, since the power urge when problematic commonly hides deep underground, but there is the potential for sudden bursts of anger when repressed emotion finally finds its way to the surface. One or both of you may compensate for feelings of insecurity by being forceful, compulsive or even obsessive about achieving their will, leading to confrontation. These issues will come up in the course of this relationship for the ultimate purpose of working them out and eventual healing. It is of course quite helpful when you both stay as conscious as you can regarding the underlying dynamic of your reactions. Trying to change the other person will prove impossible in this relationship. No matter how much will you bring to bear, and this relationship gives you plenty to work with, no amount of energy or endurance will help you achieve that particular aim. It profoundly benefits your relationship if you each can move away from blame or outbursts of resentment and rage, and instead tune into your inner process, or simply surrender to Spirit and the beyond. This simple act can make you feel a little more humble and a lot more whole. Composite Neptune in strong sextile (forming, 1.8 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.​​ This aspect between composite Neptune and the Midheaven brings to your relationship a strong idealistic streak and an almost psychic sensitivity to each other along with an inclination to mysticism and the arts. As a partnership you may have musical or poetical inclinations or achieve much together in the helping professions. The idealism and sensitivity that you share may be a large factor of commonality between you. In a romantic partnership, your joint intention for the relationship may be less than unclear, or there could be an

element of unintentional deception that enters into the situation. One or both of you may exhibit escapist tendencies in which this relationship participates. It benefits you to clarify your goals and where you are heading as a partnership. You will not be content with an ordinary relationship, but must seek out some compelling reason for being together that is a real calling, perhaps of a metaphysical or spiritual nature. Composite Mercury in quintile (fading, 1.3 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.​​ With this aspect in your composite chart you may find that there is difficulty, and also great healing potential within your relationship, in the way that you express your ideas to each other. It is likely that communication issues that you each have will come up in the context of this relationship for more conscious recognition and eventual healing. It may also be that you begin to detect difficult circumstances in the communication between the two of you as you get to know each other more completely. Of course it is always important to acknowledge your own feelings and possible wounding and reactivity first and foremost, rather than simply playing the "blame game" with each other. Gaining more conscious understanding of the ways in which you may have been wounded in your early experience, and also unconsciously hurt others, is the key to eventually healing these issues. When you begin the process of transforming your painful experiences in this regard into clear pictures with greater acceptance, you'll discover the potential healing energy in your communication within the partnership, and for the way that you connect with others around you as well. Composite Neptune in semi-sextile (fading, 1.5 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information. With this aspect in your composite chart you have in your relationship a strong spiritual connection and an almost psychic sympathy with each other, based on your own experiences in these sensitive areas. One or both of you may be extremely sensitive to the energy of others, and vicariously experience their pain, or allow yourself to be overly influenced by their opinion of you. If so,

there is a way that this relationship will be an important steppingstone for both of the partners in this regard. There may also be issues to work through regarding too much idealism or self-sacrifice by one of you. Once you have begun to work through these difficulties and establish a better sense of where you each stand vis a vis the remainder of society, the two of you are capable of tremendous spiritual powers. Together you may build bridges from this world to the visionary other, exhibiting great poetic or musical talent or the empathy of the born healer. Having come through a painful examination of your own psyche you are able to see more clearly and compassionately into the minds of others around you as well. Composite Chiron in semi-sextile (forming, 0.3 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information. This aspect between composite Chiron and the Midheaven brings to your relationship a sense of your own woundedness and also a great potential for healing these wounds as you continue to work through them together. With this placement, there are likely to be issues from early childhood that may be triggered in the context of this relationship, perhaps around exerting personal will versus knuckling under to authority. If so, the evolutionary intent of bringing up these facets of the long-dead past is for moving through them and the eventual healing of these issues in your lives. When conflicts arise you benefit when you are able to look quietly and closely into your underlying motivations, rather than either attempting to ignore the pain that might be coming up for you or to put the blame on your partner for triggering your own reactivity. As a partnership you might also be called to a sense of mission around healing these types of problems in the lives of others. Composite Moon in weak opposition (forming, 8.0 degrees) with Mercury The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect between composite Moon and Mercury brings a verbally expressive and creative quality to your relationship, and also may indicate that the thinking and feeling functions between you have a tendency to clash. You

two have a gift for expression, both with each other and as a partnership in your dealings with the larger world. Your powerful thinking and fertile imagination lend a witty and entertaining twist to your joint expression, and you share a knack for putting your ideas into words. It may also be the case that at times between you thoughts and emotions will not share the stage, but one or the other will predominate. When thoughts take over emotions, emotional mishaps could occur and attempts to clear things up end by taking much longer than it took for the mishap to occur in the first place. When emotions take over thoughts, you may find yourself saying things with an uncharacteristic intensity that surprises you both, or you may also find yourselves trying to reform each other. The key here is to stay on top of difficulties each time they arise, and to be careful to take responsibility for your own issues. There is a creative tension to the verbal and emotional realities of your relationship that can be a force for powerful expression, as long as you can find necessary common ground in your shared desire for love, understanding and acceptance between you. Composite Moon in weak trine (fading, 11.0 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. With this aspect between composite Moon and the Midheaven, your relationship has a strong emotional basis with the possibility of a domestic or parenting focus. You have a very soft appeal to each other, in friendship or a romantic connection. If the latter, this is one of the best indications for a shared vision of living together and starting a family. The Moon here indicates that the mothering and feminine side of each of you is a strong part of your relationship equation and that you have commonly held goals there. The sexual chemistry between you may not sizzle, but it is steady and sweet, and your union definitely percolates through your lives in many ways to enrich you both. This makes for a very nurturing relationship in general. You will be prone to take care of each other through the course of time, and of others around you that you connect with as a partnership. You may work together to develop a vehicle for your caring and socially oriented values such as a plan to feed large groups of people. In any case you will be supportive of such values as may be in the process of emerging on the world scene. Composite Venus in weak trine (forming, 4.5 degrees) with Jupiter

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect between composite Venus and Jupiter indicates a relationship with a warm feeling of affection between you and brings joy to your dealings with each other. There is a refined and idealistic nature to your relationship. You are likely to share a great love of art, beauty, and culture. You naturally support each other's health and well being and this connection tends to benefit each of you and your individual lives. In a romantic connection, you two tend to see life as a joyous game and play it well. Together, you generate both abundance and generosity. You two tend to be incredibly optimistic, and see opportunity in everything. Whatever you set your sights on growing, chances are, it will flourish. It benefits you to stay focused and in touch with what you really want. Your relationship may also bring out a cheerful restlessness in both of you that spurs you on change and adventure. Composite Venus in weak conjunction (fading, 6.3 degrees) with Midheaven The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. With this conjunction between composite Venus and the Midheaven, your relationship has a good focus for joint activity and perhaps a shared mission for beauty and the arts. You are both likely to be very wrapped up in the relationship, and have an essentially effortless time getting along together. You sense that you have the same set of priorities and easily combine your activities. In a romantic connection, this aspect is an excellent indicator of harmony between you and mutual goals that you have in common. You are gracefully present with each other and put the relationship first, even though you are each able to stand on your own two feet as well. If any danger exists, it may be that things are just too easy-going and some part of you yearns for more conflict and excitement. As a partnership you might become jointly involved in some artistic pursuit, or diplomatic endeavor, one that reaches out for harmony in human relations. Composite Mars in weak trine (fading, 7.4 degrees) with Neptune The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect between composite Mars and Neptune brings to your relationship

a strong idealism and psychic sensitivity together with an inclination to mysticism and the arts. As a duo you are drawn to the subtle and the ethereal. As a team, you have the capability of taking your dreams and visions and actually making them happen. In a romantic connection, there may be powerful ideals of attraction between you, and your action and goal orientation within the partnership may border at times on deception or illusion. When you put your full attention on it you may find that you really do know how to strike a balance between the practical and the ideal, although in developing this awareness you may initially experience a degree of confusion. You benefit from greater conscious awareness of your inner motivation. As a partnership you may display a personal magnetism that can strongly influence other people. You may also encounter a degree of illusion in attempting to arrive at your own understanding of yourselves and the nature of your relationship. You benefit when you take advantage of your imaginative synergy by focusing your power and becoming a channel of higher intention in your lives and the life of society around you. Composite Mars in weak opposition (fading, 5.6 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. With this aspect between composite Mars and the Midheaven, your relationship has a passionate intensity for joint activity and also the potential for conflict. You two are naturally competitive, or at least you are with each other, and your relationship seems to bring out the aggressive edge in each of you. Achievement and activity may be one hallmark of your connection with each other, and you may even have come together around the issue of physical activity. In a romantic relationship you are likely to be seen by others as extremely active and athletic partnership. You have tons of energy for each other and for all kinds of active pursuits, such as hiking and sports. It may be that playing hard with each other is something that not only comes naturally but is necessary for your continued happiness as a couple. As a team your gogetter nature gives you an excellent ability to get things done, and also great drive to succeed. You only need to look out for ego assertion taking up too much of your abundant energy. Mutual career issues are very important for your partnership, and you may achieve much together as you harness your powerful drive in the pursuit of social goals.

Composite Jupiter in weak opposition (forming, 5.8 degrees) with Uranus The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This combination brings a socially conscious, optimistic and intuitive quality to your relationship, and you two share a gift for working with groups. You have a strong sense of optimism, possess high ideals and motivate others through your inventive and original example. You enjoy exploring new horizons, either real or imagined, and tend not to value security as much as you value an everexpanding sense of freedom. You share a penchant for committing outlandish acts for the sheer heck of it, which provides you with tremendous entertainment, and occasionally tremendous stress. Together, you can be rebellious, restless and excitable, because you have the capacity to visualize new possibilities rather than accept an outmoded status quo. You are also likely to experience sudden and surprising opportunities throughout the lifetime of this relationship, which may take you into expansive states and distant places. Be aware of your capacity to envision possibilities too vast to achieve. You may resist this idea, but you actually increase your chances of benefiting yourselves and others with your innovative gifts by choosing the more conservative path and by cultivating a more practical approach. Composite Jupiter in weak trine (fading, 5.5 degrees) with Pluto The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This conjunction gives a positive and determined relationship with an ability to develop your joint powers to the fullest. A feeling of fated connection may be experienced, and you are inclined to transform yourselves completely throughout the course of the relationship. You have good judgment and a large amount of faith and confidence that allows you to work together in a total way with a change-the-world magical attitude. You share a strong joint focus to use your abilities to the maximum, and this, combined with your unshakable confidence, makes you a powerful leadership team, whether you are merely leading yourselves through a personal matter, or leading a business or a group in the greater world down the path of their evolution. With just a little tuning in, you two can tap into an innate sense of just what this relationship means to you and which of these roads you are best suited to travel. You have intuition,

endurance and insight with this placement and they help to make the vehicle of the relationship relatively easy to handle. Enjoy the ride, and keep the windows down, for you have much to share with the worlds you encounter along the way. Composite Pluto in weak conjunction (fading, 5.3 degrees) with Midheaven The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. This conjunction between composite Pluto and the Midheaven brings to your relationship a passionate intensity and also a great potential for personal evolution. There is a depth to your connection with each other that may not seem obvious on the surface, but which over time you find is there. Deep needs are triggered in each of you, and one or both of you will perhaps profoundly change as a result of your coming together. In a romantic connection, there is some fated purpose that has brought you together, and the possibility is also there for conflicts over who has the authority at any given moment. The sexual arena is one place that these control issues may manifest, or you may find that there is a potent exchange in this area. In any case, there is unconscious energy to be discovered and discharged as a result of your joint enterprise, and a profound sense of your mission together, which may go through many changes on the way to discovering what that mutual purpose truly is. As a partnership you make a dedicated and charismatic pairing, and can accomplish great things together once you figure out where and how far you want to go in order to make your strongest contribution to the society that surrounds you. Glossary Ascendant: The point in the sky of the Eastern horizon. In the chart, the Ascendant is represented by the horizontal line at the left hand side of the chart which crosses between the Twelfth and First Houses. The sign on the Ascendant is also referred to as the Rising Sign. Aspects: When the relative positions of two planets in the horoscope form a significant angle with each other, they are said to be in aspect with one another. The type and quality of the aspect is determined by the number of degrees between the two planets and is only considered significant if it

is within a narrow range of degrees, or orb. A list of the aspects used in this report is given below. Conjunction — 0° ± 8 degrees Opposition — 180° ± 8 degrees Trine — 120° ± 8 degrees

Square — 90° ± 8 degrees Sextile — 60° ± 6 degrees Inconjunct — 150° ± 4 degrees

Chart Comparison: An astrological technique in which the planets of two individuals are shown in a bi-wheel chart, one within the other. This allows the inter-aspects between the two charts to be examined. Composite Chart: An astrological technique in which the midpoints of two individuals' planetary positions are used to create a third chart, the composite chart, which is then interpreted as the chart of the relationship itself as an independent entity. Horoscope: Originally horoscope referred to the astrological chart itself, but is now popularly used to refer to the description of how current planetary positions are affecting you personally, as in "your monthly horoscope." Midheaven: The point in the sky directly overhead relative to the position on Earth. In the chart, the Midheaven is represented by the vertical line at the top of the chart between the Ninth and Tenth Houses. Natal: From Latin, meaning of or pertaining to birth; therefore your birth chart, or planetary positions at birth. Nodes: The Lunar Nodes are the two points where the Moon's orbital path crosses the plane of the ecliptic (the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun). Symbolically they represent talents and life path, or destiny. Planets: In astrology, the word planets is used to describe astrologically significant points in the sky which includes the Sun and Moon, as well as many objects that are not currently astronomically defined as planets such as Chiron and Pluto. Transits: Aspects formed between the current positions of the planets and the positions of your natal planets at the time and place you were born.

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