Composite Chart 2

Page 1

Aries Rising Aries Moon Aquarius Sun

10 J de Placidus













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Chart Patterns Type: none Ruler Asc: Mars Elements/Modes Fire 6 Earth 4 Air 4 Water 2



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Composite Planets Sun 21° Aqu 27' 00" Q Moon 26° Ari 05' 02" R Mercury 6° Aqu 59' S Venus 2° Ari 25' T Mars 4° Tau 47' U Jupiter 16° Vir 32'R V Saturn 7° Can 02'R W Uranus 2° Pis 09' X Neptune 13° Aqu 11' Y Pluto 21° Sag 42' Z Chiron 22° Cap 11' t N Node 15° Tau 06'R < Asc. 20° Ari 18' > MC 10° Cap 34' ? P. Fort. 24° Gem 56' @

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-1.4 -1.9 #



5.8 -6.0 3.5


Prepared by: Lady Jazmine

Relationship Report

Interpretation text by Henry Seltzer Copyright 1999 - 2021 Astrograph Software, Inc. Astrograph Software 251 Dufour St. (831) 425-6548 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 The composite chart represents the fusion of energy that two people create when they come together. It is a third being. Like a child, it inherits qualities of both parents, though it has a life all its own and exists independently of either of them. The following interpretations should be regarded as being for the relationship itself, taken as an independent entity, as this relates to the meaning for each individual within it.

Introduction The Relationship Report for two individuals applies to any type of relationship. It focuses on the relationship itself, rather than on the individuals who make it up. First a composite chart (mid-point chart) is created. The composite chart represents the fusion of energy that two people create when they come together in relationship. It is a third being. Like a child, it inherits qualities of both parents, though it has a life all its own and exists independently of either of them. The following interpretations should be regarded as being for the relationship itself, taken as an independent entity. In the following report, each planetary placement and aspect is examined to reveal the basic qualities of your relationship, with the most important factors described first. Please keep in mind that these descriptions are not meant to put limitations on the relationship, but merely to describe its inherent tendencies. Challenging aspects can become the greatest strength of a

relationship if you can both learn how to successfully navigate those issues, with good communication between you playing a vital role. For definitions of astrological terms, please refer to the glossary at the end of this report. Chart Patterns Important Features Composite Mars in Taurus (4° Tau 47') Composite Mars in the First House Ruler of Rising Sign The placement of Mars in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared activity in pursuit of partnership goals, and where ego needs may be identified. Mars in the First House (or sign) brings out an independent and positive expression of energy within your relationship. As a partnership you are outwardly directed and ambitious, and possess great strength of will and an inordinate degree of self-assertion You can act in extremely courageous and enthusiastic ways as a duo, and you can also act impulsively. You tend to respond first, and ask questions later, and may run into conflicts. In a romantic relationship, you are likely to share a fast and furious passion with each other as well. You may need to work on your tendency to get angry or competitive with each other, or as a partnership with those around you . You can make the best of your mutual strengths if you can learn to take turns steering and to wisely mitigate your big, brief bursts of energy. You benefit by taking the powerful fire that your relationship exudes and burning it in controlled, creative and compassionate ways. Composite Mars in Taurus (or the second house) brings out a persistent and patient drive in your relationship and gives it an endurance that may outlast many others. Your shared energy may not burst from the gate and it may take one or the other of you working individually to get things started, but once you do get things going, they will tend to keep going. Since money and security are important shared concerns this is a good placement for business partnerships. Taken to an extreme, your relationship can also bring out inflexibility in each of you or possessive attitudes. In romantic relationships, you may go out of your way to experience sensual pleasures and luxury. If there are challenging

aspects to Mars, you could find that you need to work through a tendency for acquisitiveness, or resentment toward each other. As a partnership you are likely to have an artistic flair and you function well in the realm of the material and tangible world. You benefit when you cultivate an attitude of sharing and a more relaxed approach toward money matters. Composite Moon in Aries (26° Ari 05' 02") Composite Moon in the First House Angular planet - conjunct Ascendant The placement of the composite Moon defines the core emotional focus of your relationship. It indicates the most sensitive area between you. The following paragraph emphasized: With composite Moon in the First House, your relationship has a strong emotional basis. You and your partner may feel an almost fated sense of connection. You keenly feel each other's emotions and simultaneously enjoy the freedom to speak very directly and spontaneously in each other's company. In a romantic involvement, you likely experience a high degree of mutual contentment and emotional fulfillment. You may each feel that an evening in with this person can be as exciting and enriching as an electric evening out on the town with most other people. The shared emotional world that you create and journey through together becomes a universe of all to itself. With this degree of energizing communion and shared mutual enhancement, you may only need to make sure that you two don't forget about the rest of the world altogether. With such a high degree of emotional connection with your partner, it may be difficult to maintain objectivity. You benefit when you make time to enjoy this special and wondrous connection, and also learn to make the most of your independence from it as well. Composite Saturn in Cancer (7° Can 02'R) Composite Saturn in the Third House Angular planet - conjunct Nadir Saturn in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will encounter limitations and build long-lasting success through trials of accomplishment. Saturn in the Third House (or sign) brings out in this relationship a deepening

and concentrating of your mental powers and your facility with issues of speech and communication. You may jointly feel a sense of limitation in this area. The success of your connection may well depend on how much focus you can muster for your shared communication systems. In a romantic context, you can trigger, and help heal each other, around subconscious fears of intellectual inadequacy and patterns of isolation and loneliness. You benefit when you work to develop your capacity to listen deeply and intently to each other, and to hold space for each other when the situation calls for it. Don't be afraid to write things down. These skills bring increased intimacy to your companionship and shrewdness to your business ventures. As a partnership, you may become adaptable to a variety of roles and professions, or long hours of concentration may produce brilliant scholarly co-creations. Your shared lesson is to learn faith in your mental powers and to cultivate a positive attitude regarding your capacity for mutual understanding. Composite Saturn in Cancer (or the fourth house) symbolizes a blockage or a deepening and concentration between you regarding your sense of safety and security in your relationship and also your capacity to express feelings. One or both of you may seem to be rigid and unemotional to the other, and this behavior might stem from problems with the parental care and guidance received in your early years, so that these issues are up for healing. You may also feel limitations around the creation and maintenance of any shared space that you might establish. Security is very important to your relationship and may take the form of a joint striving for material rewards. The more that each of you can accept and integrate the personal and intimate world of your own and each other's feelings, the more you will break through barriers of fear and isolation and experience true intimacy and love with each other. You are also quite likely to have a focus on your home environment. If you share a home or plan to, there will be a strong mutual interest in making it a good one, and also difficulties to overcome in this regard. You may put a tremendous amount of work into this project, but the eventual result creates a powerful bond between you. Another major lesson in this relationship is to more fully and deeply understand and value your partner's true origins, as different as they may be from your own. This will bring about greater understanding and acceptance between you, and eventually build a sense of security within the relationship. Composite Uranus in Pisces (2° Pis 09') Composite Uranus in the Twelfth House Uranus in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience

where you will encounter unusual and unexpected circumstances and where the relationship benefits from lack of structure. The following paragraph emphasized: Composite Uranus in Pisces (or the twelfth house) gives an understanding and helpful quality to your relationship, although perhaps with the potential to react to each other and the world in an impulsive, and at times confused, way. With this placement, there are powerful undercurrents of emotional connection between you that do not always find their way to the surface. You have as a partnership a tremendous compassion and sensitivity to the plight of others, and you are dedicated to the service of humanity, or at least social ideals will strongly affect the expression of your activity. You may also have a shared interest in mysticism or the occult. In a romantic relationship, you may find that you are somewhat out of touch with important emotions, especially during times of stress. Although you have a strong psychic link with each other, you may find that you cannot always be sure of your own feelings or your partner's and you benefit from bringing greater clarity to your emotional process with each other. A slow and steady and consistent exploration of your feelings works wonders, instead of keeping quiet regarding an assessment and then bursting out with it. You may also feel some confinement or restriction together in your freedom to be who you want to be. Inner goals may be more important for you than you acknowledge. Together, you may have a need to confront the past in order to outgrow its effects on your own life, and will likely have the good fortune of being forced to transform these unconscious patterns. As you get more conscious about what is really driving each of you at a deeper level, you will develop an improved capacity to bring the gifts of this sensitive placement to bear on each other and on the world around you. Composite Pluto in Sagittarius (21° Sag 42') Composite Pluto in the Ninth House Pluto in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will encounter your mutual drive for power and which will be transformative for the relationship. The following paragraph emphasized: Composite Pluto in Sagittarius (or the ninth house) correlates with a relationship that is focused on higher-mind understanding and moral or ethical

belief systems, perhaps excessively. You two have a heightened capacity for objective introspection and deep truth telling. Together you may have a strong drive to express your ideas to each other and to others in your sphere of influence. You may need to combat potentially dogmatic responses to the ideas of others, or a tendency to regard your particular philosophy or cause as the only one. In a romantic connection, you are likely to try to influence each other regarding your philosophy of life or shared belief system. If you agree on your basic beliefs, then this area may represent a powerful focus for you, with a life-changing quality to it, but if you disagree there may be trouble in settling down into a common grove. You benefit when you learn to let your partner's ideas coexist with your own, without needing to fix the situation, and when you speak to each other absolutely honestly in order to allow for a free and easy expression of ideas between you. Your personal understanding of the dynamic between you regarding your shared beliefs and conversational goals may need to undergo a radical transformation in the course of your life together, ideally toward developing a unique shared ideology based on a more conscious understanding of each other and of the world around you. Composite Sun in Aquarius (21° Aqu 27' 00") Composite Sun in the Eleventh House The placement of the composite Sun defines the core identity of your relationship, and the place where it finds its greatest vitality. It gives you a sense of the predominant flavor of the relationship. The following paragraph emphasized: The composite Sun in the Eleventh House indicates a relationship where you get along well with each other and have commonly held goals. Your relationship is therefore likely to be a very comfortable and productive one. You easily accept each other, and have a strong friendship orientation. In a romantic relationship this is a great placement, since a good feeling of friendship is very important for long term connection, and since you are likely to be tolerant of each other's weaknesses. Your partner's reactivity can be seen for what it is rather than being rejected out of hand and may at times even appear entertaining. You find that together you transcend, and have the capacity to laugh at, the frustrations of the outer world. As a partnership you have a terrific capacity for networking with others and for sharing yourselves with the social setting that you find yourselves in. You may be drawn to a collective awareness that has a specific social, humanitarian, religious, or

political purpose. Composite Chiron in Capricorn (22° Cap 11') Composite Chiron in the Tenth House Chiron in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will encounter patterns of wounds and deep connection and where eventual healing and empathy will occur. The following paragraph emphasized: Composite Chiron in Capricorn (or the Tenth House) indicates a relationship that provides an opportunity to face and heal deeply held wounds regarding your vital force to act with authority and make a responsible contribution to society. In this relationship, you may find yourself somewhat rebellious of authority, while compulsively drawn to it at the same time. You may begin to be aware of experiences in your life where you had to knuckle under against your will or, conversely, where felt you had to over-exert your authority with others in a way that left them feeling oppressed. Perhaps the compulsion to be in authority that you are feeling in this relationship arose in your childhood, from a time when you were too forcefully controlled. Everyone has a basic need to be in control, and if we develop a distrust of authority as a result of early experiences, we tend to strike first rather than wait to be pushed around. These unconscious patterns can also manifest in the relationship as a penchant to achieve, only to feel ambivalent about subsequent success. This relationship may mirror ways that you felt pushed to success by the important parental figures of your childhood, without getting a chance to find your own true destiny. You may experience low self-esteem, seeking notoriety as a way of making up for feelings of worthlessness that live somewhere below your conscious level of reasoning. In order to avoid these traps, it is good to take advantage of this relationship to get in conscious touch with your hidden feelings, and bring them into the light to explore them in detail. Once you have begun this process, it will continue as a natural part of your shared growth, allowing you both to wield a more conscious and integrated form of personal power as you move through the world together. Composite Neptune in Aquarius (13° Aqu 11') Composite Neptune in the Eleventh House Neptune in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience

where you will encounter idealization and nebulous spiritual feelings that will lead you to self-discovery. The following paragraph emphasized: Composite Neptune in Aquarius (or the eleventh house) brings a visionary quality to your relationship. You make a popular duo, and may have a wide circle of friends. You are likely to highly value the friendships that you have, and to find a source of joy and inspiration in each other. Your abiding sense of comradeship will carry you far, although the idealism that you share regarding social connection can also lead to confusion or illusion of what is really going on in these settings. You may need to work through issues of deception within the relationship, or in friendships that you share, or feel confusion regarding a group that you are jointly associated with. You may also together encounter issues of using social interaction to escape other responsibilities. In a romantic context, you share a highly developed social sense, and a great capacity to forgive each other and those around you. This can however distract you from a true bond with each other, which must come from a deeper place of commitment. You have before your eyes a constant vision for where society could go if it tapped into its most beneficial destiny, so that your shared ideals are lofty, and you may have difficulties to work through regarding the practical fulfillment of your dreams. When you are actualizing your potential as a partnership, you are compassionate toward your fellow beings and ready to sign up as helpers in the emerging worldview that celebrates universal brotherhood. Composite Mercury in Aquarius (6° Aqu 59') Composite Mercury in the Eleventh House Mercury in the composite chart reveals the quality of the communication process in your relationship, and an area of your shared experience where intellectual compatibility is to be found. The following paragraph emphasized: The composite Mercury in the Eleventh House indicates a relationship with good communication around the areas of group settings, social values and shared goals. Your relationship has a good basis in friendship and you are easy-going with each other. You enjoy intellectual discussions with each other, especially ones regarding society's possible future direction. In a romantic

context, this placement is good in that it amplifies the element of friendship between you, and also makes it much easier for you to articulate your feelings and hopes and to come up with joint plans. You may find that your communication is not blurred by romanticism, sexual aspirations or rosy lenses, so that you are able to find common ground realistically. As a partnership, you have similar concerns and goals, and when you differ you are able to discuss your differences openly, which is a great blessing for any type of relationship. Group associations come naturally to you, and you enjoy learning together and in the company of others who share your interests. You may find yourselves a natural conduit for networking and getting friends together. Your social motivation is strong and you strive in your communication and contact with others to advance the cause of humanitarian ideals. Composite Venus in Aries (2° Ari 25') Composite Venus in the Twelfth House The placement of Venus in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared emotional focus and love and where mutual enjoyment and benefit lies. Venus in the Twelfth House (or sign) indicates that your relationship has a mystical component and a concealed side to it along with appreciation for the subtle and otherworldly. With this placement there are likely to be veiled or perhaps secret undercurrents of emotion that form the basis of your feelings for each other. This is not likely to be a straightforward and openly affectionate relationship that you share, but rather one with some hidden component that you may not even consciously be aware of. In a romantic relationship, you may have a world of your own where you like to hang out together. You are more subject than most couples to the force of your unconscious drives and this relationship can therefore be an excellent one for self-discovery. It is also possible that there may be some element of escapism, or that one of the two of you may be deceived in some way, whether intentionally or not. You can also be very selfsacrificing with each other, which can help preserve the relationship, but which you must be careful does not turn into martyrdom of any kind. It is important to become as conscious as you can of the underlying motivation for your connection with each other and for your own behavior. As a partnership you have the ability to go to subtle realms and secret depths with each other, and are naturally tuned to higher planes of reality than the physical. This relationship can provide a deep and satisfying glimpse into the depths of your being, once you navigate the potential drawbacks of the situation.

With composite Venus in Aries (or the first house) your relationship has a strong emotional support with plenty of warmth between you. One important focus of this connection is the good feeling that you share. You are comfortable with each other and naturally affectionate. In a romantic relationship, this is a very good placement and ensures that abiding feelings of love will be present and that whatever disagreements may arise, they will be ameliorated by a solid foundation of mutual admiration between you. You may only have to be careful not to take this relationship for granted. As a partnership you appear charming and gracious, and may be known by others as a cheerful, generous and diplomatic pairing. If you go into business with each other, public relations will be a strong suit of whatever joint venture you decide to tackle. You will generally speaking have much success with financial matters and an easy harmony of interaction that makes for an excellent partnership in whatever form it takes. Composite Jupiter in Virgo (16° Vir 32'R) Composite Jupiter in the Sixth House Jupiter in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will find mutual good fortune and faith in positive outcomes. The following paragraph emphasized: Composite Jupiter in Virgo (or the sixth house) gives a relationship that has an unusually optimistic outlook on everyday life, such as the mundane details of the daily workweek. You two are capable of enormous output when you get inspired, and approach the practical necessities of daily existence with a quiet joy and a gentle humility. Together you have a love of service to the greater good, whether that is a cause, a work environment or each other. Working as a team, you are an inspiration to your coworkers, although you may tend to get caught up in details at times. When you set your sights on a long-term goal, this placement will see you through to the end, as long as you remember to tend to your saplings step by step all along the way. In a romantic connection, your relationship grows through small increases, in a very practical and concerned way. It also grows through a regular emphasis on health and well being. Like finding the perfect fitness regime, you two do not need to go to extremes. You benefit when you can discover the balance between abundance and abstinence. Together you have the gift of being able to turn small advantages into success over time. You excel in the natural religion of the ordinary, and take a practical and responsible view of life.

Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Features Aries Rising The composite Rising Sign is the image that this partnership presents to others and characterizes the nature of the relationship. With Aries rising in your composite chart, your relationship is likely to be energetic, forceful and outgoing. Things flow easily for the two of you. You are good at getting things done, although you may make better starters than finishers. This relationship tends to bring out in each of you the headstrong and pioneering energy of Mars, your ruling planet, and you are likely to rush into things before reflecting. You trigger great vitality in each other and are likely to be more physically active together than apart. In a love relationship, your feelings are impulsive, direct and passionate. You probably came together quickly, as soon as you met, having recognized something important in each other. You also likely share an acute need for love and affection. With your ego needs involved, you do better the more that you can come to understand how each of your individual needs can be met in the relationship context without sacrificing the other's. As a partnership, you exhibit a strong will, and you may try to dominate each other or those around you. As you grow more conscious in the use of your powers of persuasion, you may learn to be subtler at getting your way. You benefit from incorporating self-discipline into your relationship, in order to channel your shared abundant energy in the most constructive way possible, for yourselves and for others that you interact with in the larger world around you. Composite Sun in strong sextile (fading, 1.2 degrees) with Ascendant The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.​​ This aspect between the Composite Sun and Ascendant signifies a relationship that is strong-willed and generous in regard to the impact that it makes in the world. As a partnership, you are likely to be dramatic and assertive, also creative, self-confident and perhaps a bit self-indulgent. You are a mutual fan club for each other. When you entertain or make a social impact as a couple, you expect to be the center of attention, and often are. Your

relationship has great energy and staying power that goes a long way to ameliorating any other deficits that might exist. The prospects are excellent for your partnership, since you are open to new experiences and to the world around you, while staying centered as a unit. Composite Pluto in strong trine (fading, 1.4 degrees) with Ascendant The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect between Composite Pluto and Ascendant signifies a transformative and depth-oriented relationship. Your connection has its dark moments, but is fundamental in energizing your lives and allowing you to move through some very significant issues together. You are likely to be engaged in some form of power struggle with each other in this relationship, which can be difficult to handle gracefully, but which can also be a blessing in bringing up the hidden places within each of you and exposing them to the light of conscious awareness. As a partnership you have strong desires, and are intent on pursuing them. Whether a personal or professional one, your relationship will likely go through many changes as you evolve in your understanding of yourselves and each other. There may be boundary concerns that come up between you, or questions of who is calling the shots at any one moment, and these may cause conflict as you work them out together. You benefit from paying close attention to how you respond with your inner voice to each of these situations, preferring to deal with your own needs and reactivity first and foremost rather than playing the blame game, which is essentially a cop out from handling your own issues. By witnessing your feelings and respecting your partner you may achieve much in the way of evolving the relationship between you, and to advance your own personal evolution as well. Composite Chiron in strong square (fading, 1.9 degrees) with Ascendant The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect between Composite Chiron and Ascendant signifies a relationship with a great deal of healing potential. One or both of you are likely to experience painful realizations through the agency of this relationship that will enable you to recognize and eventually heal important issues that you face.

There may be difficulties that come up between you for greater understanding and eventual acceptance and healing, and you will also encounter sympathy from your partner for your own process, enabling you to move forward into wholeness more fully. Chiron is called "the wounded healer" because it represents the archetype of imperfection and loss which when integrated leads to compassion and understanding of your own and others' suffering. In the past, one or both of you have probably experienced pain and frustration related to your self-concept, or there could have been trauma in your early years concerning parental protection which may have been withdrawn too suddenly or misapplied, or perhaps similar issues that arose with peers. These types of early traumas often lie buried behind walls of denial, and only when they are accepted and brought to conscious awareness can true healing begin to take place. There are long-buried issues that may come up for you with this particular partner where you can make enormous progress as you work through them realistically and honestly. The empathy and the understanding of your own and your partner's issues that emerge from such a deep relationship will serve you well later in life. Since you have come through the fires of difficulty you are likely as a partnership to be interested in the helping professions, and may eventually assist others in reaching better levels of acceptance and integration of their own dark places. Composite Moon in conjunction (fading, 5.8 degrees) with Ascendant The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. This conjunction between the Composite Moon and Ascendant signifies a nurturing and protective relationship. As a partnership you are subtle in your actions, rather than direct, and are likely to reflect the moods of those around you. You have possibly come together around issues of security and your home and family, for these are important to both of you. Others see you very clearly, and the connection between you, since when you are together you show your emotions readily. You also may experience some emotional ups and downs in your connection with each other, and one or both of you alternately could tend to be passive, preferring to immerse yourself in your feelings, while the other takes the lead in being cheery. Whether you find yourselves a romantic relationship or a friendship, you tend to act from an almost instinctual basis, and are truly protective of one another. Since you feel so cared for, there is a tendency for individuality and consciousness to get lost in the shuffle, and you benefit from shedding the light of conscious reason on your habitual

patterns, and working toward greater focus on your individual goals. Composite Mercury in quintile (forming, 1.3 degrees) with Ascendant The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.​​ This aspect between Composite Mercury and Ascendant signifies a relationship that is intellectually sharing. As a partnership you value mental pursuits and clear messages. You are likely to be fond of talking with each other, and your clear communication is a tremendous asset, especially in any form of romantic interaction, since it allows you to keep current with one another. You enjoy exchanging information and forging communicative bridges with others as well, although you may sometimes have trouble hearing opposing viewpoints to your own. Together you have your own way of looking at things, and you may inspire each other toward a truly visionary outlook. Composite Sun in strong sextile (forming, 0.3 degrees) with Pluto The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.​​ This aspect between composite Sun and Pluto signifies a powerful intensity of connection between you. This relationship is likely to change your whole life. Pluto's presence may express itself as an almost compulsive joint urge for selftransformation in each of you, and the relationship may itself go through many changes, as you transform both individually and in the way that you express yourselves as a unit. This may be a large part of the reason that you have come together, and together you have tremendous capacity for regeneration and rebirth. There is a strong force magnetizing your involvement with each other and an inclination to stay absorbed in the relationship as long as it lasts. You may have experienced a fated quality when you first met, a feeling of recognition that you perhaps belong to the same tribe, or come from the same far away place. If this is a romantic relationship, you may find that you use your sexuality to play with and work through power issues. In a business partnership, you tend to drive hard, and can work single-mindedly as a team to pursue joint goals and to easily establish your place in the market. Whatever the basis for your relationship, it benefits you to train your considerable energy on the cultivation of the yin qualities of vulnerability, surrender and cooperation.

As you learn how to get out of your own way and to treat each other with kindness, you surrender control while maintaining your powerful focus in a more conscious manner. Then your relationship can become a focal point for the transformation of society itself. Composite Sun in sextile (fading, 4.6 degrees) with Moon The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.​​ This aspect between composite Sun and Moon gives your relationship a stable and highly supportive foundation where your basic action and reaction impulses fit together like hand and glove. Because you understand the other's feelings and motivations in an intuitive way, you tend to proceed together with confidence and a sense of well being to accomplish whatever it is you set out to do. Together, you tend to shine a warm, healthy and optimistic light on your shared path, looking upon life's problems as challenges you can overcome rather than as obstacles that will get in your way. You likely experience sound communication and mutual understanding between you. You mutually support each other and thus maintain a poised and cheerful attitude toward life, so that your creativity flows freely. With a blending this harmonious, you might only need to beware of getting complacent or lazy about tackling problem areas. Taking some risks at times creates opportunities for further growth and expansion. Composite Sun in quintile (forming, 1.3 degrees) with Mars Ruler of Rising Sign The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.​​ With Sun and Mars working in harmony in your composite chart, your relationship runs on a full tank of gas that moves it along in enduring and creative ways. As a partnership, you are out-going and like to exercise your mental and physical powers to the fullest. Right and constructive action seems to come naturally to you. Your relationship feels like more than the sum of the parts and has a built-in sense of vitality, initiative and enterprise. Composite Sun in semi-sextile

(forming, 0.7 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information. With this aspect between your composite Sun and Chiron you have a relationship with healing potential. You are likely to experience some degree of painful realizations through this partnership, and you also may be able to heal important issues of your own as a result. Chiron is called "the wounded healer" because it represents the archetype of imperfection and loss which when integrated leads to compassion and understanding of your own and others' suffering. There could for example have been trauma in your early years concerning your parenting or parental protection may have been withdrawn too suddenly or misapplied, and this is the type of issue that you and your partner are striving to bring to conscious understanding in the context of this relationship. Since you have had some experience with these fires of difficulty you are likely as a partnership to be interested in the helping professions, and may eventually assist others, as well as yourselves, in reaching better levels of acceptance and integration of their dark places. Composite Moon in quintile (fading, 1.1 degrees) with Saturn The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.​​ With this aspect between composite Moon and Saturn, your relationship has a responsible, centered and hard-working basis. With this aspect, you may provide each other with the right blend of encouragement and stability to make each of your own lives happen. When you feel a tendency to slow down or stop in your expression with each other, it benefits you both to push forward. You will likely be surprised at just how much more you get out of the relationship, and of life, in the process. Composite Moon in sextile (forming, 6.1 degrees) with Uranus The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.​​ With this aspect between composite Moon and Uranus, your relationship has

an eccentric and unique home base. Your connection is likely to be an unusual one, with a strong intuitive link between you. In a business partnership, you may have come together around the concept of new ways of living. Novelty excites you both. In a romantic connection, you are likely to be extremely honest with each other, and this is a high virtue. You don't do well with anything resembling boredom. You may change your residence frequently, or be always starting new projects and adventures. You may find that you need to take space emotionally from each other at times, and this is actually healthy for you in the context of this particular relationship. You benefit when you take advantage of what this relationship brings, learn to trust in its ebb and flow, and balance your need for security with your urge for freedom and experimentation. Composite Moon in quintile (fading, 0.9 degrees) with Neptune The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.​​ With this aspect between composite Moon and Neptune, your relationship has a powerful emotional basis stemming from a high degree of sensitivity between you. This aspect primarily indicates an emotionally sensitive, idealistic and loving relationship, although there could also be illusions or even deceptions between you. Together you possess an ethereal quality, noticeable to others, and a strong imagination with a propensity for withdrawing from the world from time to time into internal fantasies of your own making. You benefit by clearly applying your joint high ideals and from striving to ground the emotional sensitivity that you share into the world of logic and fact that must be negotiated as an important part of living here. Composite Moon in trine (fading, 4.4 degrees) with Pluto The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect between composite Moon and Pluto signifies a powerful emotional intensity in the connection between you. You are likely to be very sensitive and emotionally extreme with each other, and you may each exhibit something of a power drive, especially in domestic areas or in how you give to and nurture each other. If you can put your fear aside, you are likely to experience an unusually clear insight into each other's emotional depths that can border on

the psychic. In a romantic relationship especially there are likely to be boundary issues, or issues of codependence, that come up between you. These emotional issues can lead to stormy weather between you from time to time. Actually, these issues may lie in wait for weeks and even months before showing themselves, but whether acknowledged or not they are part and parcel of your relationship just the same. The purpose of such a focus on these powerfully constellated emotions that come up between you is to help to bring them to the surface for eventual healing. These may be symptoms that reflect hidden insecurities that rule your behavior from largely unconscious levels of your personality. Together, you can help each other break through to higher states of safety and autonomy. As you bring these deeply held emotions to greater consciousness you help not only your own behavior but your partner's also and by extension, the world around you as well. Composite Moon in square (fading, 3.9 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect in your composite chart symbolizes a relationship in which there is difficulty with the feminine and nurturing side of life, and also great potential for healing these areas as you work together. Of course the important early model for the feminine is mother, and it is likely that one or both of you experienced some degree of painful episodes there. If there were such traumas in your early relationship with your own mother or significant female parental figure, in the course of this relationship these may be helped toward resolution. In a marriage partnership, there may also be issues to be healed with your children, and the mothering and nurturing that they require. Role models may also come into play here, as you expand your understanding of who you really are in the context of this relationship. Issues with mother are of course endemic in both modern and ancient culture, as typified in mythology. Perhaps you had a close relationship, but yet your needs were somehow not met, resulting in unconscious resentments which only surfaced later in your adult life. Or there may have been emotional or physical abuse. These experiences are so painful that they are often suppressed from consciousness, and buried deep in the psyche. It is important as you progress through life to move past the resentment caused by early wounding into a more conscious and compassionate reconciliation with the walled off parts of your own nature. In order to make progress here, deep psychological process of some variety is

strongly indicated, perhaps through therapy, and the issues that come up in close interpersonal relationship often represent a catalyst and provide guideposts for constructive change. Of course it does take work. If you shrink from the task, you may take heart in the fact that these issues will remain, and eventually you will find the way to deal with them. The effort is enormous, but the rewards are just as great. Once you have begun to make conscious the pain and alienation surrounding events from the long buried past, through the agency of this relationship, you can begin to truly be of help others as well as yourselves. Composite Mercury in square (fading, 2.2 degrees) with Mars The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect between composite Mercury and Mars greatly increases your shared mental energies, and gives the relationship an intelligent and ambitious edge. You may want to watch out for a tendency to jump to conclusions. Together, you can be opinionated, even argumentative, or share a tendency toward nervous overreaction. You are apt to be rash in speech with each other, even argumentative, exhibiting a strong drive to succeed. You work well together when you take this directive energy and channel it out into the world rather than into infighting over trifles. You share a sharp tongue and a ready wit, and it benefits you to focus on creative and humorous expression rather than on finding fault with each other or being unnecessarily outspoken. As a partnership you are determined and intelligent, and this combination of qualities allows your communication to take you far in life, especially if you develop receptivity and learn to value the opinions of others. Composite Mars in sextile (forming, 2.3 degrees) with Saturn The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.​​ With this aspect between composite Mars and Saturn, your relationship has a responsible, centered and hard-working quality that also might be experienced as a blockage of activity. You tend to be reserved in your actions , and if this is a sexual relationship, you will tend to move along slowly and carefully . In

business, your methodic and thorough ways help projects grow in a sound, step-by-step way. Together you have unusually good reasoning powers, and your shared will is controlled and well organized. The purposeful expression of your shared will may be inhibited by subconscious fears, but this can be overcome. It benefits you to strive to overcome your fears of self-expression, and thus come to a better understanding of yourself and others. Composite Mars in sextile (fading, 2.6 degrees) with Uranus The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.​​ This aspect between composite Mars and Uranus brings to your relationship an unconventional eccentricity, with an original and eclectic mindset and a keen intuition. You two are a strong-willed and nonconformist team, with an aptitude for taking your original thoughts and visions and acting them out in full Technicolor. Probably you came together suddenly, perhaps for some unusual purpose that you were not completely aware of at the time. Together you are energetic and futuristic in your outlook, and your natural talent for inspiring others through your example makes this partnership a strong asset in the business world as well as in society at large. Your basis for action derives from a sense of high ideals, and you have the ability to inspire others to embrace your innovative creations. Your shared goals may also change unexpectedly and dramatically as time goes on, and resist all efforts to define them. If you keep your eyes open, really try to learn what makes your partner tick, and accept what you see, you can make the most of unconventional attitudes and bold behavior. Change and variety excite you both, and your mutability and urge for constant breakthrough may be a strong bonding point in this relationship. Other Natal Planets Composite N Node in Taurus (15° Tau 06'R) Composite N Node in the First House Lunar North Node in the First House (or sign). South Node in the seventh house or sign. This placement in a composite chart signifies that within this relationship you each have a focus on advancing into your own individual self-

hood. You are getting your own act together, at this time. Throughout your life you may have been aware of issues with depending other people, and perhaps too much, and now the two of you are each entering into a greater selfreliance. You may encounter places within the relationship where you find that you are overly depending on each other, leaning rather than standing up tall, and where you are forced to acknowledge this factor if you want to move ahead with your lives. This signature refers also to the impact that your partnership has on those around you. Together, you are perceived by others to potentially have a lot going on, to be doers rather than passive followers. In fact there is a way that you are summoned to be active as a team, and to be helpful in bringing new ideas into being, and this contributes to your evolutionary path in the context of this relationship. You are being called to depend on no one but yourselves. Events may seem to drive you into this direction, but it is good to remember that outer events can be another facet of the voice of your inner Self. Composite Lunar North Node in Taurus (or the second house). South Node in the eighth house or sign. This placement in a composite chart signifies that within this relationship you each are somewhat focused around the issues of money and material possessions. In a previous period, or past lifetime, you were concerned with the utilization of other people's resources rather than your own. You also may have gotten involved with occult practices, or engaged in deep and even taboo relations with others, factors that shaped your past, and the residue of which still colors your present life experience. Now, in this lifetime, and in the context of this relationship, you must learn to marshall your own forces and be a resource unto yourself. You are in the process of clarifying your values, based on a new feeling of independence, having come through the fires of hell, as it were, in order to establish a more stable and lasting sense of your own self-worth. Other Aspects Composite Mercury in inconjunct (exact) with Saturn The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed. With this aspect between composite Mercury and Saturn, your relationship has

a responsible, centered and hard-working ideation process that also might be experienced as a blockage of communication between you. This aspect also gives your relationship a profound mentality, with a deepening and concentrating of your shared powers of thought, speech and communication. Your shared lesson is to learn faith and to cultivate a positive attitude toward each other and your shared mental process, restructuring that process along more heartfelt and productive lines. Composite Venus in semi-sextile (fading, 0.3 degrees) with Uranus The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information. This aspect between composite Venus and Uranus brings to your relationship an eccentric and unconventional method of relating to each other, with a unique ability to come together in new ways. There is something very immediate about the connection between the two of you. You benefit when you can bring a more consistent focus to your many interests and activities together, and when you allow space for your shared need for freedom. Composite Venus in quintile (forming, 1.8 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.​​ This aspect in your composite chart symbolizes a relationship in which there is difficulty and also great healing potential. One or both of you is likely to be someone who in the past has experienced issues with marriage and intimate partnerships, perhaps with painful experiences in relationships before you came into your current situation. There are correspondingly great rewards to be gained as you begin to work things out with each other and more fully engage your own inherent strengths and weaknesses in these areas. Relationship is the caldron where your true self may begin to emerge, when the cooking temperature becomes great enough. By becoming more conscious regarding your reactivity with each other, you may start to connect with your own childhood wounds, acknowledging painful events from the past. Once you have begun to integrate these painful feelings, and start to shed the baggage of earlier frustrations, you can be a more fully participating partner, and be more available to others in your life as well.

Composite Saturn in opposition (fading, 3.5 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect between composite Saturn and the Midheaven brings solid recognition of the direction your relationship might take and a sense of mission regarding its purpose, although you may feel a sense of limitations to be overcome in reaching that goal. You also may be overly careful or calculating in your dealings with others. With this placement you also may have issues regarding your own authority and your authority within the partnership. There may be feelings of "not good enough" that you are each compensating for by your mutual emphasis on success. In a romantic context, you may find that the issue of who is really in charge keeps cropping up, and that there may be overexertion of control tending to subordination of the other partner. It is important to try to see the underlying motivation for your actions with regard to each other, and to strive for a better understanding of your partner's point of view. You may each have a deep urge for mastery and achievement which comes out even more so in connection with this partnership. As you seek to modify your behavior toward a better understanding of the total point of view, you can come to a better balance of achievement and just being, without needing to achieve. Composite Uranus in quintile (forming, 1.6 degrees) with Pluto The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.​​ This combination in your composite chart serves as a divining rod in your relationship, connecting your relationship to the forces at work on a collective scale. It indicates that you are tuned in to the energy of the larger whole, with a special focus on its ultimate evolution and transformation. Together, you have a keen joint intuition and great power to transform yourselves and your relationship as you evolve. As a partnership working at your best, you are compassionate toward your fellow beings, and you are apt to be helpers in the creation of a new world, based on humanitarian ideals of universal interconnectedness. Composite Pluto in semi-sextile

(fading, 0.5 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information. With this aspect in your composite chart you are likely to be engaged in a relationship in which there is difficulty and also great healing potential around issues of power and control. There may also be compulsive behavior on the part of one or both partners that comes up for greater acceptance and eventual healing during the course of this relationship. As a result of your life experiences before coming together, one or both of you may exhibit signs of a compulsive desire nature. Potent healing abilities are ultimately indicated with this placement, but you must first work through some tough issues, and this relationship can be life changing in that regard. The relationship may be an important testing ground where power and control issues emerge, and where the safety zone of a mutually agreed conscious relationship can be an invaluable asset in pursuing such rewards. There are great depths of passion within each one of you, likely the result of painful experiences from early childhood, and there is tremendous benefit to be gained when these experiences become better integrated. When you become more conscious of these patterns you have a better capacity to heal yourself and even others in your circle. As a partnership you have great power to transform not only yourselves and your relationship but the larger collective surrounding you as well. Composite Sun in weak conjunction (forming, 10.7 degrees) with Uranus The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. With this aspect between composite Sun and Uranus, your relationship has an eccentric and uniquely idealistic quality. This is likely to be an electric and inventive relationship that moves along an erratic course of starts and stops but is always interesting. Together you rebel against the norm, and generally do so with style. You have the capacity to support each other in inventing new approaches and developing original thinking. This way you help each other to push the envelope of conventionality, and perhaps at times stretching beyond the breaking point. In a romantic context, you may also have a propensity to give each other little jolts just where you know it will evoke the biggest buzz, creating tension that keeps things exciting, and can also be occasionally

irritating. Your relationship may need lots of space. Give each other a long leash, and you are likely to find a rhythm that includes regular time both together and apart, allowing fruitful continuity. Your penchant for the new, the unusual, and the downright quirky will add much adventure to your life together. You benefit as a partnership from channeling your energetic and visionary impulses into concrete forms for the benefit of yourselves and the community around you. Composite Sun in weak conjunction (fading, 8.3 degrees) with Neptune The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. With this conjunction between composite Sun and Neptune, your relationship has vision and creativity, with a high degree of sensitivity between you. You will find that your connection has an unworldly, ethereal side. There is an important spiritual connection that you share, and that may even be the reason that you have come together. You two bring out a softhearted quality in each other, and you may have to be careful that you don't sacrifice too much of yourselves in helping others. Your relationship thrives in its subtle body, but you may begin to suffer if you expect it to bear fruit in the material plane. There could be issues of idealism or fantasy, perhaps even outright deception that you will mutually work through in the course of this partnership. In a romantic relationship, you are likely to share an interest in art or music. You may find that you daydream together easily and well, and that you enjoy sharing fantasies. Just try to be sure you remember the difference between sharing your fantasies and living inside of one. The otherworldly energy of Neptune must be used in ways consistent with its visionary possibilities, or it will turn against itself. When you do find expression for the mystical force you share between you, tremendous creativity is possible, perhaps manifested through artistic channels: music, drama, or poetry. Composite Moon in weak conjunction (forming, 8.7 degrees) with Mars The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. This conjunction between composite Moon and Mars brings a powerful emotional and potentially argumentative presence to your connection with each other. You two tend to experience a sometimes difficult and at other times

harmonious give and take, meeting each other in profound and penetrating ways. Although kind and benevolent in your intentions, you may behave with a great deal of intensity toward one another , and in a romantic relationship there can be extremes of anger and love, as well as physical pleasure . You can be fierce and fiery with each other in one moment, and passionate and poetic in the next. You tend to think deeply together, but you may find yourselves intolerant if you suspect that the other partner is somehow not taking your feelings into account. You may as a unit experience a restless, nervous tension, and it benefits you to engage in constructive activity together as an outlet. If you find yourselves saying things before you think them through, it may be best to remember to exercise a modicum of control over emotional outbursts. It's never a good idea to completely hold back your feelings however, since they will eventually find an outlet with even greater extremity. In this relationship, it bodes well to cultivate a regular practice of forgiveness so you can easily move through impulsive disagreement and back into passionate playfulness. Composite Mercury in weak conjunction (forming, 6.2 degrees) with Neptune The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. This conjunction between composite Mercury and Neptune indicates a clever and imaginative relationship that exudes a subtle charm. You tend to communicate with each other in visionary and poetic ways, and together you can express the normally inexpressible. Your conversations are likely to be inspired, with a deep appreciation of the arts, the imagination and the mystery, although there is also at least the potential for deceptive illusion between you. In a romantic relationship the danger is also that with such a strong connection between your conscious and unconscious minds, your shared sensitivity runs so high that engaging in other activities, even sexuality, can feel like coming down. You also might need to take care to more clearly discriminate between fantasy and reality, in order to avoid overly glamorizing each other or another focus of your shared idealizing. You can mutually profit from learning to clearly channel the truth that arises out of your joint thought process, being careful to discriminate the ideal and the sensible in day-to-day mundane issues. Then you can allow yourselves to reap the full benefit and inspiration of this placement without suffering unnecessarily from bumping up against the reality of practical concerns.

Composite Venus in weak square (forming, 4.6 degrees) with Saturn The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect between composite Venus and Saturn brings a potential blockage to your relationship, as well as a deepening and a concentration of your powers. With this placement you may notice you don't get what you want from your partner. You may feel as though you were working at cross-purposes with each other. Especially in a romantic relationship, obstacles to do with distance, age, lack of availability or the like, tend to crop up on your joint path, making it difficult for you get to where you want to go with each other. Even in a business-oriented partnership, these types of issues may present problems and keep you from ever feeling as though you were truly on the same page with each other. You may seem cold or uncaring to each other at times, or express jealousy or other feelings of inferiority, which may also manifest as a nagging discontent with life in general, and this of course causes difficulty in the relationship. Together, you have an opportunity to rise above these circumstances with concentrated effort over time toward inner integration and balance, building a relationship more fully explored and felt. Composite Mars in weak trine (forming, 5.8 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. With this aspect between composite Mars and the Midheaven, your relationship has a passionate intensity for joint activity. You two are naturally competitive, or at least you are with each other, and your relationship seems to bring out the aggressive edge in each of you. Achievement and activity may be one hallmark of your connection with each other, and you may even have come together around the issue of physical activity. In a romantic relationship you are likely to be seen by others as extremely active and athletic partnership. You have tons of energy for each other and for all kinds of active pursuits, such as hiking and sports. It may be that playing hard with each other is something that not only comes naturally but is necessary for your continued happiness as a couple. As a team your go-getter nature gives you an excellent ability to get things done, and also great drive to succeed. You only need to look out for ego assertion taking up too much of your abundant energy. Mutual

career issues are very important for your partnership, and you may achieve much together as you harness your powerful drive in the pursuit of social goals. Composite Jupiter in weak square (fading, 5.2 degrees) with Pluto The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This combination brings a fatefully determined quality to your relationship and an intense mandate to develop your powers to the fullest. You might feel as if you are reflecting a change-or-die mentality that can create a powerful intensity between you that turns small disagreements into major battles. Your relationship brings out an intuitive, penetrating capacity for insight that helps to make the workings of your dynamic easier to understand, as long as you can avoid the obvious power struggle and begin to truly work together rather and apart from each other. In a romantic relationship, it may help to sort out your conflicting aspirations and sit down together to prioritize them. It may also benefit you to take time to carefully check what drives are motivating you at any given moment. You may see that the inclination to control or to convince the other of your point of view is based on old fears, or the belief that some unseen force out there has it in for you. Once you can work together to uncover the fears that drive your need to control, you may find that this relationship ushers you both into a deep level of surrender and transformation . If you use the gifts of your connection wisely, you can become a model for demonstrating the transformation of a power-over dynamic into a mutually empowered and co-creative process for growth. Composite Jupiter in weak trine (fading, 5.7 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. With this aspect in your composite chart you are likely to be engaged in a relationship that has a strong connection with it's own unique brand of spirituality. One or both of you may have been wounded in your inherited beliefs in some way; perhaps in your early life you may have been forced into relationship with some sort of spiritual community to which you did not feel a deep bond. If so, this issue remains to haunt you to a greater or lesser extent

in your adult life, and it is likely that this relationship will have a positive affect on the situation. Through conversations and activities with your partner, you may well feel your way into a different and more fulfilling connection with the divine, as manifesting in each of your hearts and minds, although not necessarily from the standpoint of any other societal group. Together you have an abiding interest in matters of religion and philosophy, although this is likely to represent your own style of spiritual involvement rather than any form of spiritual institution. Composite Jupiter in weak trine (forming, 6.0 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect between composite Jupiter and the Midheaven brings a joyful recognition between you and good luck with the direction your relationship will take. It may feel like you can move mountains together, and a good attitude is half the battle, although you may tend to gloss over the drawbacks along the way to a proposed outcome. It is best to temper your joyful expectations with a healthy dose of pessimism and reality checking before final launch. You also may have a joint urge for taking in the broader point of view that comes with extended travel, while teaching and learning together are also likely to be a strong part of your relationship experience. All in all, this aspect is a most favorable one for success in reaching your goals. Composite Saturn in weak trine (forming, 4.9 degrees) with Uranus The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect gives a practical, future-oriented relationship that places a high value on truth. You two are likely to rebel against conformity, especially if you sense it lacks integrity. You share a strong imagination and good conceptual level. When you function at your best you have the capability to bring a concrete and real-world practicality to the intangible and visionary Uranian energy. Together you share a talent for any tasks that require a scientific and exacting approach, and you can excel in a research lab or at the head of a classroom. In a personal relationship, you will likely experience a shared commitment to honesty and truth telling, however, you may need to look to other aspects for more heart-based connection. It benefits you to move away

from knee-jerk reactions either for or against established authority toward establishing your own personal authority, in your own way, in order to make your shared brilliant visionary impulses available to society at large. Glossary Ascendant: The point in the sky of the Eastern horizon. In the chart, the Ascendant is represented by the horizontal line at the left hand side of the chart which crosses between the Twelfth and First Houses. The sign on the Ascendant is also referred to as the Rising Sign. Aspects: When the relative positions of two planets in the horoscope form a significant angle with each other, they are said to be in aspect with one another. The type and quality of the aspect is determined by the number of degrees between the two planets and is only considered significant if it is within a narrow range of degrees, or orb. A list of the aspects used in this report is given below. Conjunction — 0° ± 8 degrees Opposition — 180° ± 8 degrees Trine — 120° ± 8 degrees

Square — 90° ± 8 degrees Sextile — 60° ± 6 degrees Inconjunct — 150° ± 4 degrees

Chart Comparison: An astrological technique in which the planets of two individuals are shown in a bi-wheel chart, one within the other. This allows the inter-aspects between the two charts to be examined. Composite Chart: An astrological technique in which the midpoints of two individuals' planetary positions are used to create a third chart, the composite chart, which is then interpreted as the chart of the relationship itself as an independent entity. Horoscope: Originally horoscope referred to the astrological chart itself, but is now popularly used to refer to the description of how current planetary positions are affecting you personally, as in "your monthly horoscope." Midheaven: The point in the sky directly overhead relative to the position on Earth. In the chart, the Midheaven is represented by the vertical line at the top of the chart between the Ninth and Tenth Houses. Natal: From Latin, meaning of or pertaining to birth; therefore your birth chart,

or planetary positions at birth. Nodes: The Lunar Nodes are the two points where the Moon's orbital path crosses the plane of the ecliptic (the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun). Symbolically they represent talents and life path, or destiny. Planets: In astrology, the word planets is used to describe astrologically significant points in the sky which includes the Sun and Moon, as well as many objects that are not currently astronomically defined as planets such as Chiron and Pluto. Transits: Aspects formed between the current positions of the planets and the positions of your natal planets at the time and place you were born.

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