In order to achieve greatness for your association,
you need…
Multi-Dimensional Growth
Growth in membership, meeting attendance, non-dues revenue and a strong public presence leads to meaningful outcomes and a strong presence in your industry or professional community.
Engaged and Disciplined Leadership
Passionate board members and volunteer leaders who engage in disciplined and deliberate leadership create a focus on the strategic level. They take actions which turn mediocrity into greatness. An organization’s success stems from the power of collaborative action and a commitment to build and maintain a strong leadership.
Intelligent Use of Technology
Determining what technology to invest in, how to use it, and how to customize the system requires a thorough analysis of your mission, vision, strategic plan, and internal processes. Embracing technology means investing in it as the core for creating positive member experiences and efficiency in operations and communications.
An Adherence to Mission
Unwavering commitment to your organization’s core values and mission statement is the framework for your culture, as well as a guide for prioritizing and evaluating critical decisions. Eliminating distractions because operations and communications are optimized allows the mission to remain a clear and present priority. When you partner with Association Headquarters (AH), you’re never alone. Everyone has a place at the table, and we value and respect the view from everybody’s seat. Whether you are the Executive Director evaluating technology to enhance the member experience, or the volunteer President focused on driving your association’s mission, rather than the operational details, AH listens and develops strategies that serve your purpose. Through more than three decades of association management experience, we have learned that individual organizations have distinctive needs. By adding value and results, we offer a wide array of services to meet your needs. As you navigate through the brochure, imagine the possibilities and let’s achieve greatness together. We saved you a seat.
Access some or all of these valuable services:
Executive management Membership services Financial management Web/technology services Event/meeting management Data management Strategic planning Marketing Public relations Creative services 1 • association headquarters, INC.
Content development Publishing Website design Sponsorship sales Fundraising New product development Government relations Certification management Accreditation management Digital media • 2
Choose the seat you need‌ Tailored services for your organization based on your strategic goals and initiatives.
You are coming from an Association Management Company and need full management support
AH will develop a team of association and industry experts to help your organization excel
You are a self-managed organization and need a team for full management support
Work with AH to integrate your staff into our community to help your organization excel
A client-partner team is born. Collaborate and engage with AH for all of your needs, including, but not limited to, governance, accounting, technology, database, event, marketing, PR, web, editorial and/or creative
AH knows how important the transition to new management is for our clients, so we have a dedicated transition team with more than 10 years of transition experience to help our new partners settle into a chair at our table. 3 • association headquarters, INC.
he ft
In or outside
You are a self-managed organization with staff you’d like to keep on board and need additional management support
Work with AH experts in various industry specialties - e.g. marketing, meeting management, editorial services and creative design AH collaborates with the appropriate staff and volunteer leaders to help make your organization stand out
You are looking for project support
You are looking for something “outside the box.” Bring it on! We love creating customized solutions for our client-partners
Now that you have identified your seat, what do you need? • 4
5 • association headquarters, INC.
To ensure we offer the best solutions for your challenges, we invest heavily in the training and development of our staff. An Executive Management Services (EMS) team, comprised of Executive Directors, Assistant Executive Directors, Certification Directors and Membership Specialists, will be built based on your organization’s needs. Knowledgeable about association management best practices, our EMS teams are ready to move your organization forward.
We help
• Focus your attention on the direction of your organization rather than time-consuming operational issues. • Complete projects efficiently by taking advantage of our investment in technology and project management solutions. • Save on expenses by sharing office space, equipment and supply costs.
• Develop line by line reporting to show where revenue is coming from and where expenses are allocated. • Ensure your organization adheres to its bylaws and policies.
• You understand your organization’s finances by working with a dedicated staff accountant who will walk you through financial reports to make sure you are 100% confident in your financial health.
• Maintain a voice in government affairs by working with the AH Washington, D.C. office. • Deepen relationships with chapters and regional, local and special interest groups.
• Establish and enhance global and national affiliates, chapters and special interest groups. • Improve negotiations through our buying power with U.S. and global vendors and distributors, such as hotels, conference centers, printers, mail houses and legal counsel. • Support and grow certification programs.
• Manage member databases and revenue streams.
• Support general communications and announcements.
We are • Leaders
• Focused
• Visionary
Scan this Qr code to learn more about our management team.
We want
To propel your organization. • 6
7 • association headquarters, INC.
The relationship between volunteer leaders such as board members, committees, task forces and staff as well as the dynamic between your organization’s governance structure and its volunteers determines greatness.
We help
• Recruit, reward and retain the volunteers you want and need to drive your organization.
• Create and foster an environment that will attract and keep volunteers. • Ensure communication is effective and proactive among your leaders.
• Educate volunteers through strategic planning and board orientation sessions.
• Connect your leaders with other volunteers to foster collaboration and forwardthinking through AH-hosted events and online opportunities.
We are
• Relationship experts • Strategic • Genuine
We want
To create engaged and effective volunteer leaders for your organization.
Scan this Qr code to learn more about our volunteer leadership experience. • 8
9 • association headquarters, INC.
Every organization needs a strong membership development plan that builds momentum and helps the organization remain relevant. Attracting new members and keeping current ones active can be a challenge. Our team builds a relationship with your existing members and communicates the value of your organization to potential members. As a result of effective communication skills… things just seem to click.
We help
• Incorporate a robust and dynamic association management technology to manage your membership. • Create programs to recruit and retain members.
• Showcase the value of membership.
• Support and promote member educational and networking opportunities. • Research and recommend valuable new products and services.
• Review, evaluate and develop membership benefits with volunteer committees and leaders. • Serve as a liaison to chapters, promoting member benefits. • Monitor membership trends.
• Develop membership brochures or other promotions.
• Ensure that the process of becoming a member is quick and easy.
• Review procedures for the collection of annual dues.
We are
• Resourceful
• Results-driven • Efficient
We want
To help you cultivate and grow your membership.
Scan this Qr code to learn more about membership development opportunities. • 10
11 • association headquarters, INC.
Managing the logistics of an event can be time-consuming and stressful. Equipped to handle all event-related tasks and coordinate memorable events for your organization, our expert planners develop, organize and fully manage meetings, conventions, exhibits and seminars of all sizes.
We help
• Plan a logistically seamless meeting.
• Lead discussions with volunteers to brainstorm and plan.
• Save money through our influential buying power with U.S. and global hotel chains, audio-visual providers, printing companies, decorators and other suppliers.
• Organize and manage special programs such as certifications, awards and fundraising. • Expand into new territories by hosting international meetings. • Develop relevant programming, entertainment and speakers.
• Coordinate travel arrangements, registration and reservations.
We are
• Certified professionals • Connected
• Front line customer service experts
We want
To plan your next innovative event.
Scan this Qr code to learn more about our dedicated meetings team. • 12
13 • association headquarters, INC.
AH brings together leading experts in marketing, design, communications and multimedia to offer a broad range of communication and marketing solutions. Our team collaborates with your organization to execute phases of the innovation cycle from discovery, to development, to delivery. Our team takes pride in developing successful strategic communication solutions that meet your needs and fit within your budget.
We help
• Create a marketing and communications strategy that serves as a foundation for your organization, based on analysis and industry best practices. • Develop an online presence through creative websites and social media. • Develop and communicate your message. • Prepare and deliver presentations. • Conduct market research.
• Create microsites that make your members come back.
• Deliver quality, attention-getting visual communications across print and multimedia platforms. • Develop partnerships with media and third-party organizations to further spread the word about your organization. • Engage with your members through traditional and non-traditional outlets.
• Develop metrics and measurements to ensure you are spending money and time on the right things. • Increase search engine rankings through search engine optimization techniques. • Create, edit and publish engaging content.
We are • Progressive • Analytical
• Trend setters
We want
To create your dynamic, integrated marketing and communications strategy.
Scan this Qr code to learn more about our MarCom department. • 14
15 • association headquarters, INC.
Understanding that most organizations can not sustain on membership dues alone, we know you need to grow your non-dues revenue by formalizing and expanding your development program. Our expert Sponsorship, Exhibit and Advertising team provides dedicated industry relationship professionals responsible for driving revenue through the identification of new marketplaces, opportunities and industry supporters who would greatly benefit by aligning with your organization.
We help
• Assess your organization’s services and make recommendations regarding pricing and offerings. • Lead idea sessions that create new “sellable” opportunities for your conferences and events, print and electronic publications, and the organization at large • Develop robust development strategies that are flexible enough to respond to the demands of the market
• Work with volunteer committees to leverage relationships and grow your universe.
• Move your organization from basic benefits to well integrated, custom sponsorship packages • Drive ROI and perceived value.
• Give your supporters a voice and advocate on their behalf
• Build, maintain and grow an in-depth client relationship management (CRM) database through the most up-to-date CRM technology. • Write grants.
• Support your fundraising efforts.
• Connect with key decision makers and influencers to develop and sustain long-term relationships.
We are
• Ambassadors • Relevant
• Growth Engines
Scan this QR code to learn more about our sales professionals.
We want
To expand your non-dues revenue opportunities and foster long-term industry relationships on your behalf. • 16
We understand the view from where you sit.
Association Headquarters
Contact us today. Association Headquarters, Inc. • 15000 Commerce Pkwy. Suite C • Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 • • 877.777.6753 17 • association headquarters, INC.