A big, voluminous blowout is a really fun, classic style. Not only that, but it’s super on trend right now with ’90s fashion being in again. It’s super reminiscent of all the supermodels. Cindy Crawford, anyone?
Ithink a lot of people get intimidated when they hear blowout and think it’s something only a hairdresser can do, but that’s just not true. It’s so much easier than you think. But I won’t lie, it does take patience because there’s definitely trial and error with learning what works for your hair and what doesn’t.
Here’s the thing, having healthy hair is a really important step. Because if your hair is dry, broken, and dull it’s not going to look as good as it would if it were healthy, no matter how you style it. Don’t wash your hair too often (a lot of hair types can get away with washing their hair once a week if they work up to it.) Go a little longer between each wash if you can until your hair gets used to it, and you’ll find it won’t get as greasy as it once did.
Now that you’ve got clean hair, you’re going to want to add in product. Everyone should be using heat protectant when they style their hair. The Dae Cactus Flower Leave In Conditioner works great if you have fine hair. If your hair is really wavy or curly though, I recommend killing two birds with one stone and getting something like the ProStyle Brazillian Blowout Açai Thermal Straightening Balm that will help you smooth out the texture and provide heat protectant at the same time.
To create the kind of volume you want for a ‘90s blowout, you need to start by rough drying the hair. But you can’t just do this in any way. You want to make sure you’re brushing the hair upwards as you’re rough drying the roots so they dry with volume there. Hair tends to stay how it is when it dries, so this is a really important step!
Once the roots are dry, you’ll want to separate the hair into four sections. This will give you the most amount of control when you’re styling. You’re going to want to break out your round brush now!
So just like you did when you rough dried the roots, you’re going to pull each section of hair up, not out and down. Pulling it out and down will help to smooth it, but it’s also going to flatten out the volume you worked so hard to create before. So if you have very wavy or curly hair, try pulling out to smooth it first (but not down) and then go up.
Once you’ve allowed the hair to cool completely, you’re going to carefully take out the clips and let the loose curls you set fall. If you still need more texture, you can add in a dry texturizing spray. I love the one from Oribe. Or you could skip ahead to hairspray.
When it comes to a ‘90s blowout, you also can’t just use your blow dryer any old way. Make sure that the concentrator nozzle that came with the dryer is on it. (You should really be using this all the time anyway!) It helps to concentrate the air so you can direct it in certain directions and will help you smooth the hair, which is super important if you have wavy, curly, or frizzy hair.
The golden key is all in the art of pin curling. Take a small section of hair and begin to roll it upward like a pin wheel until you reach your scalp. Take the clip and pin it down. It should take 1 to 2 clips per curl and the clips shouldn’t hurt your head while sleeping because they are flat. Once you’ve pinned each section, pop your bon net on and sweet dreams.
Agood blowout will change your life hunny! I get my hair straightened maybe 3-4 times a year when I go in for my color touch up. Sometimes less. I’ve pretty much mastered the process of not adding any additional heat to my hair after the initial styling by my stylist, while still maintaining a silky result. Keep reading to find out how I maintain my straight look for over a week with no added heat or heat damage!
First things first, be prepared to make a few sacri fices. Here are some key tips:
1.I do not work out at all when my hair is straight. It’s simple, sweat WILL make my edges and roots puff up (even if I wrap it during the workout), therefore forcing me to add heat and shortening the length of my flowy blowout. The whole point here is to not add a lick of heat to your hair after it’s straightened the first time. If you absolute ly must work out, stick to light exercises for the week.
2. Before showering, I take a silk scarf and tie it around my edges, but on my bonnet, then put my shower cap on and get in. Sometimes I will wrap or pin curl my hair entirely, but either way your edges will be protected. Again, this is a preventa tive measure to stop the steam caused by hot water from puffing your roots up.
3. IF your edges do start to swell, you can use a firm gel or light oil and a stiff bristle brush to tame them. I like to apply a little gel by the area above my ear by my temple, brush it down, and tuck it behind my ear for control.
-Pin curl clips or bobby pins
-Satin bonnet
–Silk Pillowcase
–Wide tooth comb
–Hard bristled brush
-Hair serum-Baby toothbrush
If you feel able to apply make-up, Pycroft recom mends a dab of concealer under the eyes and to cover any blemishes, followed by a sweep of blush er or bronzer to lend a hint of colour – it’s possibly the most efficacious technique she’s come across. When you’re feeling more able again, add mascara and a swipe of bright lip colour for a well-defined face and to boost glow. Light your favorite scented candle, grab an easy-read book, dim the lights and create your perfect at-home sanctuary for a relaxing bath. Drizzle royal-ap proved Olverum’s Bath Oil or Bath Salts for a restorative soak – their carefully selected formulas contain relaxing and rejuvenating lavender, juniper, eucalyptus, and citrus.
In our busy lives, chronic stress has become the norm, and it’s affecting our phys ical and mental health. While we know a face mask and bubble bath can’t solve all our problems, dedicating an indulgent evening just for you to relax, unwind and beautify can make a huge difference to your state of mind (and skin health). Whether you’re a beauty routine devotee or new to self-care, try including these self-careideas, from a nour ishing skincare routine to a sumptuous hair care routine and mindfulness, into your next evening-in for the ulti mate “me-night”. No one is claiming beauty is a panacea for depression. But these tiny, tangible acts of selfcare can help lift us, slightly, out of the doldrums and help us love ourselves a little more. Sometimes, beauty
Your beautifying skincare routine should always contain the basics: a cleanser to wash away the day’s make-up, dirt, and grime; a tonic to further clean away any im purities left on the skin and deliver nutrients to skin; a face serum to treat any skin problems like dryness, aging, breakouts or hyperpigmentation, and a moisturizer to hydrate. Depending on your skin type and concerns, you could also opt for a face oil, night cream, or retinol as part of your evening skincare routine to further hy drate, nourish and tackle anti-aging.
As the easiest route to instant glow and deep hydration, nothing says self-care quite like a face mask. Discover fresh, brighter, dewy skin with Mauli’s Radiance Mask. It soothes dry skin, diminishes scars, reduces fine lines, and creates a natural glow. To restore lost nutrients, turn to Cashmere Skincare’s Vitamin Blast that’s suitable for all skin types to even-out skin tone, and promote collagen synthesis for younger-looking skin.
We all know that the scalp massage is often the best part of our hair salon appoint ment, so why do none of us indulge in it at home? Many hair experts and tricholo gists claim that scalp care is the new skincare, and the secret to long, glossy, healthy hair. In Ayurveda (an ancient healing way of life) people have been using scalp massage for centuries as part of their self-care ritual. It’s thought that massage pro motes blood circulation to hair follicles, and the oil locks in moisture to prevent hair from becoming damaged. Indulge in some scalp massage at home withMauli’s
Seyfried has been a certified A-list movie star for nearly 20 years. But she’s somehow managed to stay just under the radar. That is somewhat by chance—she’s been in blockbuster movies, but alongside the kind of megastars who overshadow everyone else on the call sheet. Meryl Streep. Hugh Jackman. Cher. But a lot of it is by choice—she’s remained out of the tabloids and put down roots not in Los Angeles, but in a tiny town in upstate New York, where she owns nearly 30 acres of land and a farm, complete with chick ens and goats. Even though she has this new apartment in Manhattan, the farm is still her homebase—where her kids will go to school. It seems certain her name will be in the list of Best Actress Emmy nominees when they’re announced in July. Plus, it’s TV, not a movie, placing her in our homes week after week. So, it’s not just the doormen; everyone wants to talk to her about the show, about Elizabeth Holmes, about that voice. Thanks to The Dropout, the fame Seyfried has managed to outrun for nearly two decades is finally catching up with her. And you know what? She’s not running anymore.
1. How do you feel about the offer from David Fincher to reintroduce the world to Marion Da vies, the real-life starlet who had a relationship with media magnate William Randolph Hearst?
“I got the call about The Dropout the day I got nominated,” Seyfried says. “Not a coincidence. I knew where that was com ing from and I was fucking grateful.” Kate McKinnon had initially been cast in the role but ended up dropping out when the pandemic delayed the project. For Sey fried, the chance to play Holmes was too good to pass up. The next day, she called back to say she’d take it.
2. Do you voice for The Dropouts and how are you able to voice Elizabeth Holmes so perfectly?
“Yeah,” she says in the voice, low and deep, her mouth curled into a circle just the way Holmes’s does, her whole body shifting with a single word. Seyfried has been a certified A-list movie star for nearly 20 years. But she’s somehow managed to stay just under the radar. That is somewhat by chance—she’s been in blockbuster mov ies, but alongside the kind of megastars who overshadow everyone else on the call sheet. Meryl Streep. Hugh Jackman. Cher. But a lot of it is by choice—she’s remained out of the tabloids and put down roots in a tiny town in upstate New York, where she owns nearly 30 acres of land and a farm, complete with chickens and goats.
“Fame is weird,” she says, her feet curled up underneath her in a booth, comfortable as can be as two couples in a table by the window sneak glances in our direction. “I’ve never been super famous. I’ve always been somewhat recognizable. It’s been the healthiest trajectory. [It’s] not a scary spike. I have my priorities. I know who I am. I know where I’m going. I know what it means. It means that I’m getting to do what I love.
“Oh, playdates!” she says as she takes off her black puffy coat and brushes back her hair. One of her kids has a playdate tomor row with a kid from the building. “But then it’s like … getting to know the parents,” Seyfried says. Her pale eyes widen. She met the parents in the elevator when one rec ognized her from The Dropout. “They have so much information about me. And I don’t know anything, which is good—it’s like the old days. It’s just so one-sided. I never have a TV show out. It’s changed things. People suddenly come up to me. My daughter’s like,
3. How has nearly two decades of fame caught up to you?
“I’m actually not afraid of it now.”
4. Do your kids know about your fame?
“I was like, This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever been a part of. I have to be there for women; childbirth is amazing,” she says. “I was talking to my doula a lot about what she did. I was like, That sounds like the best thing, and I just wanted to be there when people have a baby.”
“It feels so good to do stuff com pletely out of my comfort zone. I can’t wait to start a company,” she says. Then she quickly adds, “I also don’t want to fuck it up for us. I’m not going to be the face of it. I’m not a brand person. I’m an actor.”
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To begin, go on YouTube or another music app and look up a guided meditation you can follow.
Sit down in a comfortable position. You can place your feet flat on the floor, or sit criss-cross. Fold your fingers together, and take a deep breathe.
Focus on your breathing. Count your breathes and let your brain roam. It’s normal to not have a quite brain when you first start, as you keep meditating you will get used to it. Follow your guided meditation and just take note of where your brain and emotions take you.
Imagine a light forming over your chakras. Imagine each chakra opening up one by one, and as they open their colors are glowing bright. Imagine every chakra opening so bright the light and energy consumes your body.
Now sit in that state, sit in the highest state of consciousness for as long as you can. Take note of how you feel, the frequency, & emotions you felt.
The root chakra. base of the spine. Feelings of being stable & secure in life
The sacral chakra. located at the pubis region. Feelings of food, sex, and pleasure
The solar plexus chakra. located in the abdomen. Feelings of confidence and self worth The heart chakra. located in the chest. Feelings of friendship, love, & forgiveness
The throat chakra located in the mid throat. Being able to speak clearly
The third eye chakra. between the eyes. Feelings of wisdon and universal one-ness
The crown chakra. at the top of the head. Sense of purpose and reason for life.
is simply focusing your mind to notice your thoughts and not engage with them, calming the mind in the process.
The 7 Chakras symbolize energy centres and correspond to a bundle of nerves, major organs, and areas of our spiritual body that impact our physical and emotional well-being. Quantum physicists have been researching how meditation has been changing the physical structure of the brain. For more information on how meditation improves mental function and how quantum mind power is not a hoax, but is scientifically proven.
It’s almost impossible to have escaped the mania around the Revlon blow-dry brush over the past few years. If you don’t use one, odds are someone you know does. The hair tool has raked in over hundreds of thousands of Amazon reviews and made athome blowouts easier and more accessible for all. In response to shoppers’ feedback, the brand came out with an upgraded version of the original blow-dry brush: the Revlon One-Step Volumizer Plus. You get the same functionality of the original—a hair dryer and brush combined—but with a few new tweaks that help create a better user experi ence that’s also healthier for your hair.
After towel-drying freshly shampooed hair, apply a heat protectant to create a barrier between your hair and the Revlon hair styling tool. Next, section your hair and use alligator clips to pin up the sections of hair that you’re not working on at the moment. Turn on the One-Step by rotating the base and select either the low or high heat setting. If you want pin-straight hair, hold the device horizontally and glide it through the top and bottom layers of each section to ensure your hair is fully dry and straightened. For a bouncy blowout, also hold the Revlon One-Step horizontally and roll it up and down your hair a few times to help create movement. Once you’re done styling a section, you can use duckbill clips to pin the hair up so it’s out of your way and it helps the blowout last longer.
Pilates is a mind-body exercise that challenges your core and sculpts lean muscle,” says fitness instructor Cassey Ho, founder of Blogilates and author of protein-based cookbook Sculpt. Developed by Joseph Pilates, the exercise combines core stabilization, strength, flexibility, balance and proper alignment with concepts like mindfulness, breath ing techniques and fluidity of movement. The workout was ini tially designed to help injured athletes and dancers return to ex ercise in a safe man ner and also maintain fitness moving for ward.
Pilates is perfect for beginners, or even someone coming back into fitness after some time off,” Ho says. “Literally every move has a modification, so you can take what you need and then level up as you grow stronger.” She adds that since Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise, it’s also easy on the joints.
Lay on your back, bend your knees and lift your feet off the ground, stacking your knees over your hips and keeping your shins parallel to the floor. Lift your head and shoulders off of the ground making sure to lift using abdominal muscles by pushing your ribs up and shifting them toward your hips to keep pressure off your head and neck and to keep abs engaged. Extend arms by your sides and pump them up and down, inhaling on a count of four and exhaling for a count of four.
Pilates stance: This movement involves heels together and toes apart.
Midline: An imaginary line from your head to your toes that your instructor will cue you to “hug” to help with balance and engage your core.
Tabletop: You begin a few core exercises in tabletop, laying on your back with your legs up in a 90° angle
Tuck: This just means a slight round in the low back to en courage good alignment and core engagement. Booty in, core engaged.
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 &4
Ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5&6
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 & 8
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 & 14
Hair Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 & 16
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 & 18