Trust God And Watch your Greatest Dreams Come True

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Abundance – It’s Spiritual Abundance is an inherent spiritual resource. A resource we all draw upon. It is not outside of us nor is it a choice or a belief. It is energetic in nature. It is a knowing in consciousness. Similar to seeing the color of your eyes when you gaze into a mirror. No emotion, no fear, no doubt, no stress, you know the color of your eyes. This knowing of abundance is directed consciously or unconsciously into our lives. Most of us draw from abundance unconsciously at the moment. Abundance is neither good nor bad. It is within us. It is how abundance is understood that determines how this resource is directed. People are creative in terms of abundance, but it can show up in ways we do not expect if we are not thinking clearly or understanding it. To more fully understand and appreciate abundance it is helpful to define and examine. Why define? Defining describes a meaning; expands and increases understanding and clarity, which helps us evolve as spiritual beings or soul. Everything is connected to soul and this is just one very small example of disciplining the personality is service to soul. It serves to physically spend the time to look it up the definitions online or in a dictionary around the home at a later time. The universe recognizes this as an investment in healing and clearing. How do you define abundance? Take a few moments to do this for yourself. Abundance can be defined as an overflowing fullness; more than enough; ample sufficiency, plentiful; wealth; and free found its way into my efforts of defining abundance. Aren't those things in abundance free? Everyone is abundant in one area or arena of life. Where is it present for you? Do you have an abundance of friends, support, love, strength, courage? If you have trouble identifying where you are abundant in life we can view abundance from another perspective. Abundance can be turned in on itself. Constriction can seep into abundance if we fail to monitor our thoughts. Some of us, and I have experienced this, can turn abundance into the opposite. We can have an abundance of poverty or lack. We could have an abundance of misery or chaos. It has somehow been turned in on itself so that abundance feeds concepts of negativity, lack, separation or limitation. We can unconsciously channel abundance in the wrong direction, invested in negative places, which then feeds on itself. For example, if we attempt something and have a negative expectation, the energy of abundance feeds it and the experience can become an abundance of negativity, hurt or harm. Abundance is always there, like air, and our interpretation can be unconsciously negative. If so, it then moves into belief systems which the abundance feed. So it gets more and more created, whatever the belief system. People can be abundantly intelligent, but not supported. Some have an abundance of hard work, fed by the energy of abundance. It is possible to work hard, work successfully, but never quite have success, even though you wish it because of an unconscious belief that life is hard work. If

you unconsciously believe you have bad luck, you have an abundance of bad luck. It is possible to have a lot of relationships and have them all be unfulfilled relationships due to unexamined, unconscious beliefs around relationships. It could be anything, but understand that beliefs are fed by abundance. Additionally, we have almost decided what is permissible for us in terms of abundance even if it is all negative. What is permissible about abundance or true for you? As beliefs and expectations are examined the choice becomes, do you want to keep them? If you desire to change them one way to begin is by saying or intending "No, thank you" when you discover a belief or expectation no longer desired. Simple is not the same as ineffective. How can a beginning be made in examining beliefs? Begin with what is permissible about abundance, or true for you? Notice the tags at the end of statements. This is one example of why what we say is more important than what we think - at the moment. It is the little endings that change it, and that is different for each person. We will feed our deepest beliefs. So, how can we begin to consciously draw from this resource of abundance? The most readily available experience of abundance is through eternal qualities. All eternal qualities are part of abundance...Joy, Patience, Happiness, Compassion, Freedom, Truth, Beauty. Just to name a few. First keep in mind abundance is a knowing and a resource. Think about it, contemplate it, daydream about it. Align with the Highest Good for Self and others; harmless/compassion. Ask for all the help you need an more. Connect with the energy of abundance. Use the image of a river. Meditate on it, allow it to flow into your life. Abundance is everything. Not either/or. Be Thankful. Allow Abundance and Express Gratitude Have Abundance and let abundance take care of itself. When we are not thankful for goodness that is abundant, the universe does not respond with more as it does when we are thankful. What are you abundant in? Are you happy with this sort of abundance in your life? You can change it. **** In regards to alignment and "No, thank you." There is much discussion around the concept of right thinking or how we have to change our thoughts or beliefs. These suggestions are tools, a beginning "how-to" process and do not lose efficacy over time but instead expand in their healing potential and effectiveness. Application over time, time understood as years, will bear witness to the life changing power of these tools, though it takes only a handful of weeks to see a beginning.

What’s Holding You Back From Achieving What You Want Are you tired of your life being the same, day after day, year after year? Then you need to find the answer to this question. Most people have no real idea of what they want or how to get it. I've missed many opportunities in my life because I didn't know the answer or take steps to change my future. One of the biggest mistakes I made was turning down a full grant to attend college. Years later, when I had a similar opportunity to teach at a local business school. One of the perks was attending classes for free, and I again turned it down. I had been given a second chance to make up for the biggest mistake of my life, and I didn't take it. I was full of self-doubt and lack of confidence, but also something bigger, the fear of failure. Does this sound familiar? Have you ever been presented with that golden opportunity that you knew you wanted, but didn't take? What stopped you? Who were you afraid of letting down your family or yourself? Growing up, my Dad had two sayings. "Better the devil you know, than the one you don't," and "The grass is always greener on the other side, until you get there." What this said to me is don't take any chances. Like most baby boomers, our parents grew up during the depression. Their generation stayed in the same job until they retired and were grateful to have a job. They believed it was better to stay where you were, with what was safe and familiar than to risk the unknown. They put their hopes and dreams aside to support their families. This instilled in a lot of us the message that we shouldn't aspire for more. We should be satisfied that we had a roof over our heads, food on the table and our bills were paid. I wanted more. I had hopes, dreams, and a desire for a better life. I didn't want to teach my children to just accept mediocrity. I wanted them to reach for the stars and not let anything stand in their way? I couldn't do that unless I became an example and the change I wanted to see. How would I ever know what I was capable of if I never tried? I might fail, but what if I didn't? Still, it took me years to get past this. It wasn't until turning 50 that I discovered something. I wasn't afraid of failure, I was afraid of success. I got so used to the status quo, that I didn't know what I would do if I actually did succeed. How would my life change? Was I ready for it? Would I know what to do? I knew how to struggle, but if I reached success could I pull that off? Could I become a leader or would people see through me and realize I was a fake? I didn't know, but I suddenly knew I had to try. More than half my life was over and I hadn't really accomplished anything. I was no further ahead than when I graduated. My life had turned out nothing like I planned. I felt like I had been sleepwalking through it with no idea of where I was headed or why. It was a major turning point

for me. I finally discovered the person I was meant to be. I stopped worrying about what others thoughts or how they perceived me. It was what I thought that mattered. I had dreams and goals and I was determined to achieve them. I knew if my life was going to change, then I had to do it. If it's to be, then it's up to me, became my mantra. Life took on new meaning. I decided that fear would no longer keep me from experiencing joy in my life. I didn't want to just exist. I wanted a life filled with passion, happiness, success, and freedom. I wanted to try things I had never done before. I wanted to have fun! I had an opportunity to test this when my daughter took me out for dinner at a little pub. She asked if I had ever played pool. I told her no and I had no intention of starting now. She knew my fear of being in front of people and trying new things. Then I remembered the promise I made to myself. I would not let fear hold me back anymore. Feeling very subconscious, I walked to the pool table and let my daughter proceed to teach me how to play. I even let our waiter give me some pointers. And the most amazing thing happened. I beat her the first two games. I felt like I had hit the lottery. It wasn't because I had won, but because I had stepped out of my comfort zone and tried. I had also taught my daughter a valuable life lesson -"It's never too late to become what you might have been." ~~ George Eliot This new confidence inspired me to do something else I wouldn't have attempted before. I attended a convention by myself, where I knew I wouldn't know anyone. A little hesitant, I walked into the room, sat down and started a conversation with the person next to me. Later that evening, I introduced myself to a girl that was standing alone and we spent the rest of that evening and most of the convention together. I found myself approaching more people and starting conversations. My fears of being rejected were unfounded. People responded to my openness and honesty and I made new friends in the process. I was so excited. Each time I stepped out of my comfort zone, my confidence increased. I became aware of how thoughts or words, whether positive or negative, have on our lives when heard over and over again? They have the power to shape the person we become. Just like a song you've heard and can't get out of your mind for days after, negative thoughts can affect us the same way. Studies show what you focus on most, you'll move towards. If you focus on all the negatives in your life, then you'll attract more of the same. These thoughts eventually become habit. You start to believe them and your life becomes a self-fulfilled prophecy. That's why affirmations are so powerful. They work the same way. Focus on positive thoughts and you'll get positive results. People are attracted to those that believe in themselves. Here is one of my favorite quotes: Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. ~~ Frank Outlaw Decide now what it is you want. Where do you see yourself in 5, 10 or 20 years if you continue doing the same things? When presented with an opportunity or a challenge, ask yourself some questions. What will happen if I don't take any action? What will the outcome be? Well, most likely, nothing will change. You'll stay stuck in your job, struggle to pay your bills, or live in fear. Now, ask yourself what will happen if you take that risk? You could find a job you love, be earning more money, or have more time with your family. Which of these scenarios appeals to you most? You have a choice. What actions you take or don't take next will determine the course of your future. Deciding what you want is your first step. Once you know that, make a plan and know your WHY. Without having a clear focus as to what you want to achieve, it will just be a wish. Next, visualize it. See it, feel it, as though you have already achieved it. Visualization is very powerful. If you see it and believe it, your mind will find a way to make it happen. Now, put your thoughts into action. There is more I want to learn and experience and I'm ready for the challenge. I hope you are too. There's a saying, "the journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step." Are you ready to take it? If not, what's holding you back?

Problems People Have With Trusting God Should you trust God? Should you trust God totally? Should you trust that God takes special care of those who trust in Him? Most of us believe in God. You probably believe that God knows everything. You probably believe that God created everything. You believe that God controls everything. You believe that God cares about those who are close to him. Unfortunately, Believing in God is easy. Trusting God is not easy. Belief is easy; faith is difficult. If you place your Trust in God, then God will relate to you differently. God has a deal to offer you. If you place your trust in him, then he will make miracles happen for you. Miracles that would not otherwise happen. But, there are no guarantees. God decides each situation. Here's a simple way to think about it. Imagine a dad who loves his kids. If his kids ask for something, even something big; he will consider it. There is no certainty that he will say yes. A good dad has many considerations, not just his love. Have you ever wanted to trust God but just couldn't? You believe in God. You know that God can perform miracles at every moment. Yet, at the emotional level, you are still afraid. You still are not sure that God is directing every moment. Three things make it difficult to Trust God at Every Moment. 1. It seems that hardship attacks everybody equally or even unfairly. Good and bad people get sick; nice people and evil people get hurt or die in accidents. 2. Prayer does not always work. 3. It is difficult to trust God, when you are in the middle of fear.

Write Down Your Prayer Requests And Affirmations People have many different reasons to pray - to thank God for his mercies, to ask for protection, forgiveness for sins, a child, good health, a job, for loved ones, friends, etc. Very many people ALWAYS pray for wealth, especially financial. There are those whose lifestyles show that they are very devoted to serving God; however, their prayers for the good things of life, especially financial, do not get answered. Those who know them are at a loss and wonder why with all the devotion their prayers are not answered. There are even those who would mock them and say "they carry on as if they are the holiest people, yet they have very little to show for it. Maybe they are paying for their sins they commit when no one sees them and they then pretend in the public to be devoted." The situation could get so frustrating that the people in the midst of such challenges keep begging God to forgive their sins and at a time, they would start believing someone has likely cast a negative spell on them. At times when they look around, they see people who have very little devotion to the things of God doing very well financially, and that further baffles them. They cannot understand why blessings go to such people who are less committed to the things of God and not to them who have spent years and years serving God faithfully. Eventually, some resign themselves to fate and believe their situation cannot change. They accept their current situation as final, keep struggling financially and never hesitate to pour out their sorrow to anyone who cares to listen. So what really is the problem with such people? What "sin" have they committed that makes it look like they are under a curse in spite of their open devotion to God? Before I proceed, I want to state that if your situation is as one I just described above, please do not lose hope. If in the past you have been devoted to God without getting your prayers answered, please continue to remain devoted because that is what God wants. I also want you to know that no situation that is irredeemable. This particular article on my earlier ones and the ones to come provide all the details you need to achieve genuine wealth in life. It is just information you need that would make the difference for you. Pay particular attention to this article and read every other article I post here because it would open you to things that may baffle you initially, but as you read and apply the message, you would get your desired results. It may baffle you because what we humans need to do to achieve

in life is simple, but most of the time we expend ourselves chasing things that take us in the wrong direction. Ok, enough said. I guess the message is clear as crystal. Hebrews 11 verse 6 of the Good News Bible says, "No one can please God without faith, for whoever comes to God MUST have faith that God exists and REWARDS those who seek Him." From this revelation, you can see why I said earlier that if you have been devoted to God in the past, please continue to remain so. However, notice also that the word 'faith' is used. That is precisely the key word that makes all the difference between answered prayers and unanswered prayers. God's word says no one can please God without faith! I'm sure many who read the preceding sentence would claim to have faith and then insist that their prayers are still not being answered! If that is your case as you read, do not be in a hurry please. It is very easy to get emotional about the issue and then miss the valuable point here. I therefore advise and plead with you to leave whatever notions you have in mind and keep your mind open to get the message here. As soon as you fully understand it, nothing and no one except God Almighty can stop you from becoming an achiever. Let's look at what faith means. Legendary author Napoleon Hill gives several meanings to the word faith, and I quote: (1) "Faith is a state of mind that may be induced by self-suggestion." (2) "Faith is the 'external elixir' which gives life, power and action to the impulse of thought!" (3) "Faith is the starting point of all accumulation of riches!" (4) "Faith is the basis of all 'miracles,' and all mysteries, which cannot be analyzed by the rules of science!" (5) "Faith is the only known antidote for failure!" (6) "Faith is the element, the 'chemical' which, when mixed with prayer, gives one direct communication with Infinite Intelligence." (7) "Faith is the element, which transforms the ordinary vibration of thought, created by the finite mind of man, into the spiritual equivalent." (8) "Faith is the only agency through which the cosmic force of Infinite Intelligence can be harnessed and used by man." Do not be intimidated by the big words used by Napoleon Hill in his explanation of the word faith. The meanings contained in (4) and especially (6) buttress the point I want to explain in this article on the one secret behind answered prayers. The word of God in Hebrews 11 verse 1 states, "To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of things we cannot see." This statement gives a clue to the reason why even those who are not devoted to God still achieve in life! Recall Hebrews 11 verse 6 says, "No one can please God without faith, for whoever comes to God MUST have faith that God exists and REWARDS those who seek Him."

How do you come to God? Through prayer! Nevertheless, for the prayer to answered, you MUST have faith that God exists and rewards those who seek Him. Again Hebrews 11 verse 1 states, "To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of things we cannot see." This simply means any thing, and absolutely anything one wants in life and is convinced in his or her mind of getting, he will surely get it whether he or she prays for it or not! Notice that the emphasis is on the word 'convinced.' The reason for this is quite simple: God our Father created man us out of His infinite love and mercy. God made man like Himself in image and likeness. That is why man's spirit is said to be immortal (cannot perish), but physically in his body, man can die. When God was to create the world, He used words (Genesis 1). As stated in the one of my other articles, another of man's share in God's image and likeness is in man's ability to use words and then action to create anything he wants. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ confirms this point when he says in the gospel of St. Mark 11 verse 23, "I assure you that whoever tells this hill to get up and throw itself in the sea and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him." With all I've said so far, do you think it is important to pray since you can get whatever you want in life even if you do not pray but have faith (conviction) in what you want to achieve? It seems logical not to bother praying since there are obvious cases of those who achieve and never bother about prayer. Our Lord Jesus Christ says further in Mark 11 verse 24, "For this reason I tell you: When you pray and ask for something, believe that you have received it, and you will be given WHATEVER you ask for." Why does Jesus still ask us to pray when just in verse 23 he said, say what you want to achieve, believe it will be done and you will surely get it? Jesus said it because in prayer you communicate with God in your own words when making your request. He also said this because a hidden secret most people hardly ever use when praying is the word of God. Praying with faith using the word of God makes the results come faster. Again, I say your prayers are answered faster when you pray with faith using the word of God and not just your own words! For any avoidance of doubt, the word of God I refer to here is the Holy Bible. When you pray using the word of God in faith, you commit God's integrity to perform and God can never disappoint you. The reason God can never disappoint you when you use His word (the Holy Bible) to pray by faith is because His word is a covenant or promise or agreement or treaty or pledge or whatever else signifies the word covenant. God's word is His bond. The Book of Numbers 23 verse 19 says, "God is not like men, who lie; He is not a human who changes his mind. Whatever He promises, He does; He speaks, and it is done." In the book of Psalm 89 verses 33-35, God says, "But I will not stop loving David or fail to keep my promise to

him. I will not break my covenant with him or take back EVEN ONE promise I made him. Once and for all I have promised by my holy name: I will never lie to David." Psalm 146 verses 3-6 says "Don't put your trust in human leaders; no human being can save you. When they die, they return to the dust; on that day, all their plans come to an end. Happy is the man who has the God of Jacob to help him and who depends on the Lord his God, the Creator of heaven, earth, and sea, and all that is in them. He ALWAYS keeps his promises." In the book of Isaiah 55 verses 10-11, God says, "My word is like the snow and the rain that come down from the sky to water the earth. They make the crops grow and provide seed for sowing and food to eat. So also will be the word that I speak - it will not fail to do what I plan for it; it will do everything I send it to do." You can see all the bible verses (words of God) that point to how God values His word and is not like humans. That is why praying with faith using the word of God gives you faster results. The word of God, the Holy Bible, contains so many promises or covenants that can turn around one's life for good when used with faith in prayer! In buttressing the efficacy of using the word of God in faith to pray, David Oyedepo, Bishop of Faith Tabernacle (a.k.a. Winners' Chapel) Ministries said, "God is not moved by your needs. He is moved by His words." Now what does this preacher mean by what he says? The point David Oyedepo is making is the number one reason many people pray without getting results, and I will explain it in very clear, simple language with a hypothetical example. Someone who has been devoted to God for a long, long while has read and then claims he or she understands all that is said in this article. The person then prays to God for a job he or she has written a test for and awaits the results. The person prayed with faith using the word of God and believes he or she will get the job. Eventually, the job is given to a close friend of the religiously devoted person and this friend's attitude and lifestyle clearly shows no religious devotion to God. The devoted person then begins to lament his or her misfortune at the job opportunity loss and tells everyone about it. Let me bring out one very clear point here: is there a consistency in the devoted person's belief on getting the job? The answer is no. Recall, the bible's definition of faith is "to be sure of things we hope for, to be certain of things we cannot see." This religiously devoted person's attitude has been to treat the issue of getting a job as just that one opportunity! He or she, at that point of lamenting, cannot believe that there might be a better job out there for him or her with better terms of service. This is what the person cannot see and should believe. However, the person is concerned with what he or she saw, the lost job opportunity. Therefore, this inconsistency in the state of mind makes the prayer result unattainable. The person has earlier committed God's integrity to perform by faith in prayer; but by lamenting at the lost job opportunity, this person has doubted the ability of God to perform. This is despite having read on this article, several quoted scriptures of God's word saying that God cannot lie

and cannot break His covenant; and despite having claimed to have understood the message here! Again, in the words of David Oyedepo, "God is not moved by your needs. He is moved by His word." You can see that the lamenting person is focused on his or her needs (a job) and not on God's words; and God is only moved by His words and not your needs. Dear reader, it is incidents such as the one described above that makes many religiously devoted people pray and never get results. Faith is a state of mind achieved by consistency in spoken word and action. Any inconsistency in spoken word and action changes the person's state of mind from one of faith to one of doubt, and invalidates the desired result. If faith has earlier connected the person with God through prayer, doubt through lamentation and sorrow has broken that connection! It is important at this point to distinguish between faithfulness and faith since most people confuse the two in trying to get the desired results of their prayer. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of Christ Embassy Ministries said, "Faithfulness is for yesterday, faith is for now." What he means is that if you have been religiously devoted to God, then you have been faithful and as I said earlier, it is a good thing to do and please continue in your religious devotions to God. The reward for faithfulness is eternal life at the end of age. The bible makes it clear that nothing defiled shall enter the kingdom of God. The bible book of 1 Corinthians 6 verses 9-10 states, "Surely you know that the wicked will not possess God's Kingdom. Do not fool yourselves; people who are immoral or who worship idols or are adulterers or homosexual perverts or who steal or are greedy or are drunkards or who slander others or are thieves - none of these will possess God's Kingdom. The preceding bible verses show you the value of remaining devoted or faithful to God and the reward for doing it. So keep being devoted to God and never give up doing it no matter what happens. Faith, on the other hand, is what you need when you want results to achieve any thing you want in life. Without faith, you cannot achieve anything of significance in life and you will only keep struggling. If in prayer you confuse faithfulness as meaning the same thing as faith, you would also not be able to achieve your desired outcome in life. If you use faith in prayer and use the word of God to ask for what you want and you remain in that state of faith thereafter, the results are faster and staggering. You can never fail for the simple reason that you have committed God's integrity to perform and God, as sacred scriptures tells us, is ALWAYS faithful to His promises and can never disappoint you. So, how does one develop faith? Napoleon Hill provides a clue when he says, "Faith is a state of mind that may be induced by self-suggestion." If faith is a state of mind, then that state of mind must remain the same or positive, regardless of what the eyes see physically as the situation of the person concerned.

Self-suggestion is simply using words to state verbally what you are trying to achieve. For example, you can say to yourself, "I want a hundred million dollars from my business of telecommunications and I believe I will get it." In order to get the desired results, you MUST continue to say the words of your purpose in life and BELIEVE that you WILL get it. What I want you, dear reader, to know, is that the state of mind known as faith cannot be attained overnight. It must be nurtured CONTINUOUSLY to become a part of oneself. A popular Chinese proverb says, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." So it is with the journey to acquire the state of mind called faith. You must be patient in your efforts to acquire that state of mind known as faith. I need to emphasize this because many who desire that state of mind and are in a hurry to get it usually give up when they meet with difficulties. They give up because they assume it is achievable almost immediately. However, one way to know that you are almost there, in achieving the faith state of mind is contained in the words of Napoleon Hill, "Observe very closely, as soon as you master the principles of this philosophy, and begin to follow the instructions for applying those principles, your financial status will begin to improve, and everything you touch will begin to transmute itself into an asset for your benefit." The important principle Napoleon Hill was referring to in his comment above is acquiring the state of mind known as faith, and the instructions for applying those principles is simply stating in writing and continuously saying it verbally what your life's ambition is and believing in your heart that it would come to pass. I agree with the words of Napoleon Hill because I have put it to practice and it has worked for me and continues to work for me. This means it should and will work for anyone who is patient enough to nurture his or her mind to the level of faith! Another sign of faith 'consciousness' you would observe is that you will now feel an inner peace within your heart - nothing would be a source of worry to you. The reason for this is simple - you have come to the understanding that EVERY situation or problem in life has a solution and so you become focused on solutions and not the problems anymore. Regardless of whatever obstacle, challenge or problem may come between you and what you want to achieve in life, you MUST continue to believe that you will achieve it; you MUST continue to say your goals verbally with your own words and you MUST continue to take action in the direction of the one thing you want to achieve. That is precisely how you will come to achieve the state of mind known as faith. The person who has faith does not recognize any such thing as failure or impossibilities in what his or her intentions are. He or she keeps moving in the direction of the goal until it is achieved. People may tell you your goals are impossible and unachievable - family, friends, siblings, relatives, etc - it is when you accept, that what they say becomes true. If you refuse to accept and

keep believing that what you want is attainable, your mind develops to the level known as faith, and you are definitely on your way to achieving what you desire in life. When you then call God's word in prayer with the mind state of faith you have attained, nothing can come between you and your goal in life. With this process, you can achieve whatever it is that you set your mind on. Take note, again, that the one reason people fail to get their desired results is precisely their attitude and action. They cannot believe they can attain their objectives once they run into obstacles. They also doubt God's words and His ability to help them. They simply give up. Consistency in words and action in the direction of your desired goal will take you to the mind state called faith and even beyond until you attain that goal. If only people understood the secrets I have just given to you about faith, the world would be a better place because they would understand that their ability to achieve is within their grasp and they would utilize that ability accordingly. Dear reader, now that you know the greatest secret ever given to man by God, what will you do with it? If you want to achieve in life, then use it. I have to warn, however, that some people also know this secret and use it destructively. How unfortunate! Yes, it equally works when used destructively because the person knows and understands that he or she will surely get what he or she desires. I advise you to use it positively and teach others to do the same Write down your prayer requests and give praise to God and Keep positive faith words in your heart and God will answer.

Ways To Make Prayer Work In Your life If your prayers seem to go unanswered, you aren't alone. Unanswered prayer is a common complaint among most religions; and it is one of the things that actually turns people away from religion. But the problem of unanswered prayer isn't that prayer doesn't work; the problem is simply a lack of training, awareness, and understanding. If you needed to cross an ocean, an airplane or a ship would get the job done; but, if you didn't know how to operate the airplane or ship, you aren't likely to get where you're going. Prayer is very similar: If you don't know who you are, or how you operate, you aren't likely to render the most effective prayers. In order to make prayer work, you must first, "Know thyself." If you don't truly understand who you are, what you are, how you operate, or what you are capable of, then you're living life randomly and unconsciously - at the whim of those who tell you what to do and what to think. In order to take control of your life, end suffering, and create or attract the conditions you truly wish to experience in life, you need to learn some things about yourself. For starters, you are capable of anything; so dream big. All things are possible; but they are done to you according to your thoughts and beliefs. And, if you don't understand your own nature, and the nature of thoughts, thinking, and belief, then you may or may not be forming your thoughts and prayers effectively. Here is a list of things you need to know about yourself in order to truly own your birthright as a creator: -You are much more than you know. -You are much greater than you can imagine. -You are much more powerful than you've been told. -You and I are part of all we see. -There is no empty space - no space between us - only the essence of what we are made of. -All things are connected; all things are One. -We communicate with All by way of this connection; and the All communicates with us in the same way. -Your thoughts are important; they create. -Your thoughts generate emotion - which is attractive. -Your thoughts and emotions determine the nature and quality of your experience. -You can learn to think more clearly and effectively. -You can be more creative and make wiser choices. -You can focus your attention and intention more specifically and directly. Prayer is thought; specifically, most prayer is thought about how we want the future to be. Interestingly, all thought is creative; and we tend to think almost all of the time - essentially "praying always."Most of this thinking simply isn't focused or controlled, so our life reflects the chaos of our thoughts. Our prayers are answered; we just can't keep up with all the mundane

stuff we ask for by putting our attention on it! We can, however, learn more about thinking; and we can learn to think more effectively. Therefore, we can learn to pray more effectively. By coming to understand the nature of our mind and thoughts, we can learn to become creators of our own lives and masters of our own experience. Consider the greatness of all that is, and how you are connected to that greatness. Then, practice mastering your thoughts. When you have learned to shape and control your thoughts, you will have learned to shape and control your life.

Closing – No matter what state you find yourself in’ If you trust in God and spend time in prayer and thanksgiving. Your relationship with God will grow and you can watch your greatest dreams come true.


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