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The area of interest is located in the center of Zlín, adjacent to the theater, currently it is grassy and unused. The area bisects by the brook,which is exposed and forms the basic idea of the division of objects. In the northern part there is a manufactory connected by two corridor tunnels above the stream, in the southern part there is an apartment building, which should serve as housing for the manufacturer’s employees and thus connect work and living in the city center.



The manufacturer produces gloves from the Holík company. On the 1st floor of the left building there are warehouses for materials and finished products. The material travels by elevator to the 2nd floor, where they are processed for printing. They are brought through the tunnel corridor to the right building where the sewing machines are, after making the gloves, they return through the second northern tunnel corridor, where they are ironed and wrapped. This creates a processing cycle. It is then stored in a warehouse on the mezzanine floor of the 1st floor and exported from there. In the administrative part, the layout is concentrated around a gallery with a staircase. The 3rd floor is the development headquarters with sewing, cutting workshops, a handy warehouse and a laboratory. The showroom is accessible only from the street side and at the level of the 1st floor. The stream is lined on one side by a wooden pier and on the other bank there are residential stairs.

Apartment building

There is underground parking for the apartment building, which also serves the manufactory. It is entered from Potoky Street under the right building of the manufactory, in which it also has a staircase core. You then drive out the building under the apartment building to Divadelní Street.

ATELIÉR: Průhledné město a továrna na sny / Manufaktura dnes

VEDOUCÍ PRÁCE: Ing. Arch. Nicol Gale, MgA. Svatopluk Sládeček


The surroundings of Provazníkova Street and Tomkova square have lost their urban character over time, and the existing transport solutions as well as the preparation for its modification have made the place a desurbanized space. The project deals with the question of whether it is possible to live near a large transport structure, which makes the place unattractive at first glance.

west view section A-A’


The assignment was a student chapel, so the building is located in a place surrounded by four other faculties.

Chapel as a treasure inside the garden. It arouses curiosity, but at the same time it does not draw attention to itself. The interior of the chapel is solved with residential stairs, which are shaped like parabolas. These form a common sitting in a circle, ie the principle of a round table, where everyone is equal. They agree, they unite. Circle as a symbol of the Earth, the universe. The most basic and at the same time the most perfect shape. The garden as liberation, breaking free from the noisy world. As reassurance and preparation for a meeting.

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