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Booklet design and Layout

Klaudio Ruci



Description of the project area Concept note Ways to intervene Architecture structure, Farmers Bazaar volumetric view plans elevation, section ilustrations cost estimate





Bajram Curri

Deçan Tropojë Junik



Gjakovë Pukë



Tiranë Shkodër Durrës

Krusha e vogël


LEGJENDË Rrugë kryesore


Rrugë dytësore Shtigje ekzistuese


Liqene Lumej Vendbanime


Gjelbërim Agrikulturë Zona të mbrojtura Aeroport


Hidrocentrali i Fierzës





km 6.5

Description of the Project Area

The area of the project is situated along the border between Albania and Kosovo.From the Albanian side, the area is defined by the Alps and the valley of Drini.Haveing the main settlements, like Bajram Curri, Tropoja and Kukes.On the Kosovo side is limited from cities of Gjakova and Prizren. This wide stretch of the territory provides for a great diversity from the territorial, natural, and cultural point of view. Its morphology is developed from the heights of Albanian Alps to the valleys created by the hydric basin of Drin River (White Drin – Black Drin- Valbona.) In order to facilitate the study the terrain is divided in three smaller areas: 1. North area_sub- Albanian Alps (Nen Aplet Shqiptare) 2. The intermediate area of Valbona and Drini valley_ hilly lowland area 3. The area of Drin River_ Cities Kukes-Prizren The main settlements of the area are located along the valleys. Bajram Curr- Tropojë- Junik, Tropojë- Kukës, Kukës- Prizren- Gjakovë axes cross the area transversely and longitudinally. The morphology passes from the high mountainous area, the hilly- lowland area (amongst the valleys), to the valley of White Drin. The terrain is fertile and rich in forest and hydric systems, which provides for a diverse flora and fauna. The creation of an area with a wide-ranging biodiversity is connected to the national parks system of Albania & Kosovo, which is further developed through the Balkan Parks plan – part of the European parks of the Wild- Europe project.


For a structural understanding of the area we consulted three different systems. These three systems point out the characteristics and the supporting structure of the area, which shapes its identity as we know it. These are: • Anthropic-Cultural System • Rural- Agricultural System • Sistemi Hydric System Anthropic-Cultural System of the area is vastly spread along all valleys and hydric network. We can manage to trace the dwelling configuration and identify some period elements such as old bridges of the area, although now extinct. Most of the bridges, central-arch types, were built during Ottoman occupation, and served to connect the Shkoder and Prizren Vilayets, and beyond. Besides bridges, the monuments also include the local dwellings of architecture tower style, which demonstrate not only the then constructing capabilities with local material, but also the local lifestyle and its daily challenges. The other major system we focused on for reading (understanding of the area) is the Rural-Agricultural System that includes significant amount of information of the area in question, including but not limited to the terrain morphology expanding from the Alps to the mountains and the valley and the rich echo system of the flora and fauna that grows in this territory; The various kinds of vegetation and forests growing in the area make it invaluable and form its character. The main emphasis is laid on the alpine (mountainous) zone between Albania and Kosovo. The terrain morphology is inevitably connected to the lifestyle. It has most often served as an barrier/support for the dwellings and also as a passage way among natural crossings enabling people to transfer from one country to the other during war time. The presence of these crossings was crucial for a number of Kosovo citizens to escape war and be hosted in Albania. The Koshara Memorial is built right here, to commemorate the 77 day Koshara Battle, from April 9 till June 19, 1999. This is also a significant threading element for the project development. The Hydric System is the last one we have taken into consideration. It very well demonstrates not only how rich the region is from the point of view of hydric resources, but also the high degree this wealth is connected to the development of the two former systems. The hydric wealth has enabled (stimulated) the natural wealth (flora and fauna) as wealth as the human one, with most of the habitats located near the water vessels. A number of water streams have also served the inhabitants as guiding paths during the dry season, facilitating their mobility in this area. As a result of this combination of the natural resources with the human spiritual wealth, several rituals and festivities were established throughout the year, to celebrate the close realationship between man and nature. Some of them are: Dive Day from the Sacred Bridge, Potato Fiesta, Chestnut Fiesta, Honey Fiesta, etc. All these days confirm the long, historic, and reciprocal relation between man and nature which grows stringer with the challenges. It is highlighted by the preserved old rituals to date. The pilgrim rituals to the Sun Peak are indications of the ancient relations between nature and humans, impossible to separate for it rises with the life instinct connected to the earth, the water, and the sky.


Ecje me kalë Vrojtim i kafshëve Ecje Pikat kufitare



Pika panoramike

Hidrocentrali i Fierzës


Kufiri Shqipëri- Kosovë

Monumente Kulturore


Maja të larta


Lundrim me kanoe

Rrugë kryesore


Zona te minuara

Hedhje me litar

Rrugë dytësore


Shpella e Dragobisë


Shtigje ekzistuese


Ura Historike

Hedhje nga Ura e Shenjtë


Flora and Fauna analysis

Concept Note

It is often a challenge to identify a single development concept for an area so vastly spread. However, developing a concept is easier in spite of the vast area, stretching on both sides of the border, because we have the same people with the same culture. Residents adjusted to the difficult landscape. Traces of their adjustment and survival are evident in the culture, old songs, and their resistance to grave pain. Today, this energy is guided towards developing potentials to introduce others to the great ealth of the region (area/country). Reviewing the development trends and potentials yet to be discovered, we concluded that the area needs to highlight its valuable aspects such as greenness and utilization of high pikes for an amazing view. Diversity and wealth of the area do not call for big interventions; rather it needs projects that boost (enhance) its beauty. We can state that the core of the project is in fact the essence of the area itself: natural elements, simple and minimal in presentation but highly appeal to the soul. A trip that uncovers different places, people, and activities, step by step, mount after mount, not simply by transferring also spiritually. The idea to complete the valleys/bypasses with activities, info points or belvedere is a drive that comes from the area.




Deçan Bajram Curri

Tropojë Junik



LEGJENDA Rrugë kryesore Rrugë dytësore

Tiranë, Shkodër, Durrës

Shtigje/ Pathe për këmbësorë Pathe për bicikleta Domaj



Lumej Qytet/Fshat Gjelbërim Agrikulturë Prishtina Prizren

Zonë e mbrojtur Nënkalime/Mbikalime Mol në liqen Pikë panoramike

Funksions located to the area



Location of the Bazaar in the area

Ways to Intervene

The ways to intervene in the area vary with the bypass/pathway plan and arrangement, creating landmark elements like: • Farmers’ Market • Pavilion • Panoramic Point • Mountain House • Road Signs • Imporving pathway and opening new ones • Agriculture product collection spots • Performing Space (summer/outdoor theater, vallo???) • Information Boards • Camping space, etc. As a result, a nework that connects points of interest and draws the interest of the dwellers and visitors to see the area, by organizing activities and festivals. The organization of various festive and sports events boosts the number of visitors while the infrastructure continues to improve and facilitates their access to the area. The use of existing pathways not simply for connecting purposes rather than itineraries that offer stops at important locations and emphasize the mountain hiking experience, constitute the core of this intervention. Spontaneously people have created pathways to cross through to different significant locations of the territory to connect other essential elements. This is exactly what we aim to achieve: to have them return to or multiply the reasons to walk through these pathways. It is also important to highlight the natural elements located along the pathways, a naturally green area either modeled like a chestnut forest or a sage filed. The more elements of the kind we keep on the itinerary, the stronger and lasting the impact of hiking in the nature. The nature experience merges with the human aspect of monuments, celebrations, food, hospitality, markets and everyday life of the area. Unlike many other morphologically landscape similar locations in Europe and the Balkans, this area is special because it is underutilized and non-commercialized. It still bears authentic values and same traditions as described in songs and dances. On the other hand, festivities and monuments relate to create unique events, like Diving from the Sacred Bridge. The value is not in the Bridge in itself. It is the conservation of the tradition that draws a lot of visitors. One can reach the monument by taking the existing road. However, using the pathways to the destination adds value to the excitement of the arrival moment. In addition to the activities organized in the area, there are also light sustainable structures made of local materials like information/reference points, perfrming spaces, belvedere and pavilions, mountain houses, agriculture product collection spots.


Architecture structure, Farmers Bazaar

From interventions we may highlight the Farmers Bazaar as the most important one. This project is very important as it incorporates in a single building the natural base (organic products of the area), the culture of the native inhabitants (hospitality, story telling by the elder of the village, etc.), and the desire for economic growth and development (trade products). This bazaar will serve as a reference point along the paths of tourists. At the beginning this project is thought to be implemented in the vicinity of the border points Has- Tropojë- Gjakova Gjakova. It is easier to implement these bazar structures in these roads that have a constant traffic (although not as large as Kukës- Prizren). One of these structures will be on the Albanian side of the border, and the other one on the side of Kosovo. The reason for using these areas is because they are nearby the fertile fields of the area. Here there are many small settlements in the form of a village, which have difficulty delivering products to remote markets, and therefore this will bring the market closer to them. Addittionally, this Farmers Bazaar, as a new shooping point will generate more interest for this area for both domestic and foreign visitors, generating also the interes for the qualitative local producst, and later on for visiting the entire area as a series of chain events The interest for this new structure will bring with it the interest in quality products for the home and then drawing the entire area as a series of chain events. Baazar architectural project itself will be based on a simple and light wood structure, integrating other elements of construction as local stone slabs. The shape structure in the blue print is a square with an inner courtyard. This shape is easy to be adapted and repeated in several sites of this area. The structure will consists in pillars holding the sloping roof on the side of the inner courtyard. This facility will house not only the market benches, but also service and storage spaces, in order to provide good conditions for both merchants and visitors. However the most interesting part of this baazar will be the inner courtyard space, which will serve as a public space that can be used by all different age groups of the inhabitants of the area. This blue print describes the planting of some high local trees and some deescalating (ules) elements. This does not only provide service space for the residents, but also presents a new perspective for the visitor. S/He can choose to stand in the middle of this market looking at the daily life of the residents and their harvest produced with a lot of effort. This moment reflects the core of the market project and the work done for “Step past the Mount,” use of minute architectonic interventions for a new perspective of the life and value of this area and its residents


Masterplan of the Bazaar


Volumetric View


izometric view

explode of the main elements




top view plan

structural plan


function plan


Elevation, Section


Section A-A




Ilustration 1

Ilustration 2



MINISTRIA E ZHVILLIMIT URBAN Rr. Abdi Toptani Godina për Mbikëqyrjen e Shërbimit Civil, k.3 Tirane, Albania website /


MINISTRIA E MJEDISIT DHE PLANIFIKIMIT HAPESINOR Ish pallati i mediave "Rilindja"10 000, Prishtinë, Kosovë website /




Zamira Abazi, Ada Lushi, Rilind Papraniku,Klaudio Ruci Booklet design and Layout

Klaudio Ruci

Graphic Vizualization

Klaudio Ruci Text

Klaudio Ruci, Andi Pistoli TIRANE 2017

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