DD_M2 Journal_K.Leeson

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Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Katherine Leeson 915576 Joel Collins, Studio 19

Week Three

Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age

Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling.

Fundamental types of fabrication techniques 1. Generative/ Additive Manufacturing - Software breaks geometry into layers to build up a surface - Assembled by robot - Includes: Stereolithography (SLA), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Multi-jet Manufacturing (MJM) 2. Subtractive Manufacturing - Software removes geometry from a material, layers or panels are then put together to construct item - Can be constrained by volumes, surface or axiality of cutting tool - Includes: Laser cutting, Computer Numerical Controlled Fabrication (CNC) and Water-jet cutting 3. Transformative Manufacturing - Reforming material, shape or volume, manipulation usually through heat or steam. Computer Numerical Controlled Technology or CNC is a fabrication procedure that has a more direct design to production workflow and result. Architects design constraints adjust from designing for human skill and technique to design within the constraints of the machinery, materials and logistics. It does however allow for more complex cuts and forms to be achieved as parametric modelling allows architects to design objects or forms beyond what can be drawn and to customise quickly and easily by adjusting appropriate data.


Week Three

Surface Creation

The goal during the surface creation process was to create two surfaces with a dynamic relationship of push and pull like that of like that of two dancers in motion. To begin the grasshopper definition a box was created before deconstructing the box to extract and manipulate the data points which the box, this process allowed for three variables for each point. Two points were then joined to make a polyline, two polylines were then lofted together to create each surface. Numerous options were discovered however the selected four were the ones that related best to the original design intention. Images 1 - 4 are the iterations on task 1 matrix


Week Four Panels & Waffle

The design concept of the panels was to build on the relationship of the surfaces with a twisting motion and to create a textural effect of a scale like creature. To achieve this a base geometry of a spike was referenced from Rhino into Grasshopper as a Brep (Boundary Representation) Each side of the panelling was then manipulated as varying levels to and from a point attractor using the sine curve graph mapper component. This function was included to drive the design concept further. One of the panels was then opened using the weaverbird picture frame component to create a sense of lightness.

The waffle structure was the most technical part of the grasshopper scripting process. It required close attention to the data structure to generate each of the contours. At each stage a panel was used to check for matching data, if the data did not match the functions used to align it were, graft, simplify and flatten. Rectangles for notches were generated as separate items at the intersections on both the x contours and the z contours before they were trimmed from each. The waffle connects the two panels together and has a twisting and warping shape that complements the rest of the design.


Week Four

Laser Cutting

To create the laser cutting file the panels were unrolled in Rhino before adding tabs, whereas the waffle structure was laid out using the grasshopper definition before baking it into Rhino. Each panel was then laid out following the guide lines of the fablab template. For laser cutting the waffle and paneling it was essential to systematically label each piece, lay it out closely, ensure the layers were used for cutting and etching and finally all according to the fablab criteria to ensure a seamless submission and result. DupEdge command in Rhino proved to be a great help cleaning the file ready for submission.




Week Five

The boolean scripting process was a lot more straightforward than the waffle and panelling scripting, primarily as it was about the manipulation of solids rather than generating forms from points and secondly due to more constrained parameters. The grasshopper script generated a solid, created a grid of points from the solid, manipulated the grid using various attractors, inserted objects into the 3D cells, and finally altered the shapes prior to the boolean command. Parameters change we the grid, using point attractiors, scale of the object volumes and rotation of the volumes using the graph mapper component. Images 1- 4 are variations of slicing the final iteration of the boolean, item 3.1 from the matrix.


Week Five


This iteration was selected due to the spatial qualities, the cambers connect to form a journey through a series of spaces that open and contract as a result of the tetrahedron shapes which have been removed. The chosen isometric is looking up underneath the model to reveal this path. To select this iteration many variations were made using the clipping plane commands in Rhino. This was helpful in being able to assess the overall form, voids and thresholds of each. The final option was also selected as its qualities were suitable for 3D printing, these being overhangs, thickness and minimal support. There is a sense of continuity and symmetry in the voids. Where the chambers connect it generates a clear circulation path through the model. However due to the varying degrees of light and shadow, created by the slits and spherical like voids there are still blurred boundaries which initiate a friction of public and private spaces. The volume added back in adds tension, asymmetry and an element of surprise that also alters the overall form and circulation around the exterior. There is also a greater sense of permeability as it add further variation to the in between spaces. Sound as well as light is altered in the two spherical like voids.


Week Six Task 01










{150,150,150} {150,120,150} {107,150,150}













{150,0,0} {150,150,0}


{75,0,0} {75,0,0} {100,0,0}

{150,150,0} {Index Selection}

{Index Selection}

Paneling Grid & Attractor Point




{Index Selection}

{Index Selection}









(0.500) (-0.550)



{Attractor Point Location}

{Attractor Point Location}

(Curve Attractor Distance)

(Curve Attractor Distance)







Key {0,0,0}

Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points

Task 01 Matrix The iterations selected were 1.2 was selected as it showed a clear push/ pull dynamic between the two surfaces, the right wraps as the left pulls away. Following on, 2.2 was selected to create a central contraction point between the surfaces for the paneling. Lastly 3.4 was selected as showed a contrast of heavy and light and had showed movement and texture.


Week Six Task 02

Grid Manipulation




1.4 {-130,91}


{218,-148} {218,-148}

{Point Attractor}



{Opposing Point Attractors}


Object Transformation

{Random Attractors}

Object Variation

{Curve Attractor}





{Scale and Rotate Sine Curve}

{Scale, Rotate and Centroid Curve Attractor}

{Scale and Rotate Sine Curve}

{Scale, Rotate and Centroid Curve Attractor}

2.4 {65,77}

Key {0,0,0}

Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points

Task 02 Matrix 1.4 was selected as it created the most variation overall in the 3D grid cells and would allow for an interesting result once the boolean operation was completed. Geometry in 2.1 and 2.3 developed interesting positive and negative space. The curve attractor as a tool for scale and rotation was effective however there result of the boolean was not so 3.1 was selected for the best solid and void combination.


Week Six

Final Isometric Views

Task 01 Isometric

Task 02 Isometric



Task 1 Process

Grasshopper and Rhino interface working together to

Grasshopper definition showing graph mapper off set

generate surfaces

grid component for 3D panelling

Grasshopper definition waffle showing data matching

Grasshopper definition waffle showing data tree



Model Making Process

1. Laying our the waffle pieces

2. Constructed waffle

3. Laying out the first side of panels

4. Panels side one constructed

5. Panels side two constructed

6. Panel side one attached to waffle



Task 2 Process

Grasshopper definition inserting objects and remap numbers to scale

Boolean result from matrix 3.3, shards, solids too fragile for 3D print, did not explore further

Top view of clipping planes used for analysis of appropriate sections

Grasshopper definition rotate and scale graph mapper, boolean function performed in grasshopper prior to bake in Rhino

Makerbot Rep+ 3D printing model


Potential scale for model on site as a monumental form

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