CONTAC T INF ORMATION K ATHERINE M. LEISE 1838 Anderson Avenue Apt. 16 Manhattan, Kansas 66502 402. 889. 6241 kleise@k-state.edu
Site Scale Design; Wichita, Kansas
willard arts terrace
Plaza Scale Design; Manhattan, Kansas
complex catalysts.
Community Scale Design: Kansas City, Missouri
construction documents
Site Scale Planning; Lincoln, Nebraska
epa design competition Site Scale Design; Manhattan, Kansas
I find myself called many things: sister, daughter and friend to others; learner, problem solver, and leader to myself. Experiences shape me, and I strive to find opportunities that expand my knowledge as a curious person, and more importantly as a landscape architect. Reading, drawing, and travelling: all provide a strong foundation. My experiences inspire me to respond creatively to complex problems, think critically about issues, and design boldly to create spaces that serve the environment and others positively. Design, and more specifically landscape architecture, presents an outlet to connect people with nature, to educate and surprise. What excites me about the profession and its future is the breadth of fields, and therefore people, landscape architecture touches. I aim to be a part of that progression. I strive to contribute quality design services that create a ecologically, socially, and economically sustainable world.
10 0 W I C H I T A American Planning Association Kansas City Chapter 2013 New Horizon Award
SITE PL ANNING AND DESIGN STUDIO SPRING 2013 GROUP MEMBERS: katie leise and ashley brewster Planners and designers of downtown Wichita, Kansas seek to create a dense mixed-use downtown to improve current conditions. The Wichita Downtown Development Corporation and Project Downtown Master Plan identify a need and desire to adapt the development patterns, starting with nine catalyst sites identified throughout downtown. 100Wichita addresses one of the nine catalyst sites. The proposal outlines objectives that create a destination for both sides of a major downtown road. The concept revolves around transforming Wichita Street into a pedestrian corridor with first floor retail that provides amenities and entertainment for downtown residents, visitors, and shoppers alike. The design integrates community gardens, a feature found nowhere else in the vicinity. The combination of the pedestrian corridor, community gardens, and mixed-use development creates an attractive urban block for potential investors, shoppers, and residents.
[left] A view into the 100Wichita Community Gardens. The gardens provide an opportunity to foster community relationships. The photomontage was created using Adobe Photoshop.
Plaza Schematic Design Process Hand sketch & marker render
[above] Hand drawn diagrammatic sketches, SketchUp massings, study models, on-site observation, and conversations with professionals influenced design. Various media types and modes of study led to a stronger design solution.
[right] 100Wichita integrates a pedestrian corridor, community gardens, and bike rental/storage plaza. Courtyards provide additional civic space for the public and private residents. Ashley Brewster created the plan using AutoCAD Civil 3D, Google SketchUp, and Adobe Photoshop.
Service Drive
Cargill Innovation Center
a c
b d
a b c d e
Proposed mixed-use development Material area & overhead structure Secondary Pedestrian Corridor 100Wichita Community Gardens Seating area and edible garden
f g h i j
100Wichita Pedestrian Corridor Private interior courtyard Proposed residential & mixed-use development Bike rental, bike storage, & bust stop Bike lane
W IL L A R D A R T S T ER R A CE SITE DESIGN STUDIO II SPRING 2012 The Willard Arts Terrace proposal presents a solution for the Kansas State University Quad at the heart of campus. Ground cover and grass covered berms define sinuous walkways that respond to the highest traffic routes. On-site observation examining people’s walking patterns through the space determine the paths. Berms create intimate spaces, outdoor class space, and a multi-use amphitheater. The amphitheater is located adjacent to Willard Hall to provide the art department with outdoor exhibition space in a highly visible area. The Willard Arts Terrace design strives to answer issues with the existing Quad, provide space for students, and define a character for Kansas State University.
[left] The design provides a series of creatively formed multi-use spaces that cater to students, faculty, and staff of Kansas State University and local community members. Sculptural elements juxtapose softscape features. The aerial image was created with graphite on trace paper.
[below] Site surveying, clay modeling and hand grading drove site design.
[below] The amphitheater creates an iconic gathering space for Kansas State’s Quad and exhibit space for fine arts students in Willard Hall. Changeable sculptural elements bring visibility to those students’ work. The perspective was created using graphite on trace paper.
[right] The model illustrates a preliminary study into how the design fits topographically into the existing context of the Quad. The model was created using a laser cutter, chipboard, and wire.
C O M P L E X C A T A LY S T S COMMUNIT Y PL ANNING DESIGN STUDIO SUMMER 2013 GROUP MEMBERS: katie leise, glen jarrett and michelle mcelroy Complex Catalysts studies high-density, mixed-use development as a solution to mitigate urban sprawl in Kansas City, Missouri. ArcGIS mapping identifies opportune nodes within the 10,0000 acre focus area for community-scale development. Land between Highway US-40 and I-70 contains large parcels and close proximity to both the Blue River and Truman Spots Complex. This was the selected node for our group’s study and design scope, resulting in the Interchange District. The Interchange District plan proposes mixed-use, high-density development addressing suburban sprawl and lack of community amenities through strategies of up zoning existing parcels and implementing new construction. The design integrates a rapid bus and light rail transit line along a pedestrian only corridor. The district lies entirely within a half-mile radius and therefore walkable. The Interchange District can be a catalyst for development in and around Kansas City as the city moves toward an urban future.
Light rail or rapid bus transit riders’ views culminate with iconic structures for the Interchange District. The perspective was created using a combination of Adobe Photoshop and SketchUp.
Walkability within half-mile
Land use
AutoCAD Civil 3D and Adobe Illustrator
AutoCAD Civil 3D and Adobe Illustrator
Schematic Road Layouts
Green network and pedestrian corridor
Hand sketch
AutoCAD Civil 3D and Adobe Illustrator
[right] The Interchange District program complements the Truman Sports Complex and other proposed development. The light rail and rapid bus stop routes provide accessibility to the fringes of Kansas City. The aerial graphic was created using SketchUp and Adobe Photoshop.
C ONS T R UC T ION D OCUME N T S DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION I AND II FALL 2012 AND SPRING 2013 A construction document set for the Wyuka Pavilion Cemetery in Lincoln, Nebraska presents the technical information needed to illustrate details for conceptual design proposals. The set includes a site master plan, grading plan, earthwork plan, layout and dimensioning plan, planting plan, lighting plan, irrigation plan, and design details section. The documents justified the feasibility of the conceptual design. The document set was created using AutoCAD Civil 3D after initial conceptual design on trace paper. The lighting plan utilized software to create isolux diagrams. Land F/X aided in producing the planting and irrigation plans and schedules.
[left] The dimensioning plan outlines a the master plan and delineates sizes for major elements within the Wyuka Pavilion. Detail call outs on the plan relate to the construction detail set. The dimensioning plan was created within AutoCAD Civil 3D.
Grading Plan
Earthwork Estimate
Created in AutoCAD Civil 3D
Created in AutoCAD Civil 3D
Wyuka Park Pavilion FFE=1199.00
Planting Plan
Irrigation Plan
Created in AutoCAD Civil 3D
Created in AutoCAD Civil 3D
[above, left] Construction details call out materials and dimensions for elements at the Wyuka Pavilion Cemetery. A series of site features including an entry sign, street with curbs, retaining wall, modular paving, and others were outlined within the set. Construction details were created within AutoCAD Civil 3D.
EPA Design Compe tition PL ANTING DESIGN STUDIO FALL 2012 GROUP MEMBERS: katie leise, rachel fox and nick mercado The Environmental Protection Agency sponsored Rainworks design competition presented an opportunity for an interdisciplinary collaborative effort between landscape architecture and bio-agriculture engineering students. My team examined sustainable solutions for the lack of raintwater mitigation at Kansas State’s Campus Creek. Severe erosion, little rainwater infiltration, and limited community knowledge about Campus Creek were obstacles impeding full ecological and aesthetic performance. 3 Issues, 3 Acres, 3 Solutions studies an area close to the largest dorm complex on campus, high traffic walkways, and the only LEED certified building on campus. The project presents three solutions to mitigate rainwater: a rain garden, dry creekbed, and tiered rain gardens filtering into a wet prairie. Each resolution contains an educational and interactive element on stormwater management. Additionally, the proposal integrates a “Sustainability Walk” connecting the project proposals, the LEED certified building, and existing rain garden on campus.
[left] The meandering dry creekbed provides gathering spaces for students and community members and the overall aesthetics of campus are enhanced. The realistic photomontage was created using a photograph and Adobe Photoshop.
[right] Water management is a high priority. Plants along the dry creekbed filter water as it runs to the dry creekbed. The diagram was created using a combination of AutoCAD Civil 3D and Adobe Photoshop.
[right] 3 Issues, 3 Acres, 3 Solutions proposes three intervention areas. Sustainability tours, educational signage, and gathering spaces near the design core establish community connections. The graphic was created through AutoCAD Civil 3D and Adobe Photoshop. [left] Several days of site analysis informed design decisions for the final solution. Understanding natural processes, particularly the hydrology, highlighted areas in most need for intervention.
Derby Housing & Dining Complex
Tiered Rain Garden Wet Meadow
Dry Creekbed
Van Zile Dining Center LEED Certified Leadership Studies Building