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All about Me Hello parents and guardians! Welcome to another exciting year of school! I would like to start off by saying THANK-YOU for the opportunity to teach your children, I am looking forward to getting to know each student. I am a mother of four young boys, which keeps me very busy at home! My hobbies include singing, snowboarding, swimming and waterskiing. My favorite colour is green but I am starting to like purple! One of my passions is coffee! I have worked in the coffee industry as a barista for over 13 years, and enjoy making beautiful creations for family and friends. One day I would like to own my very own coffee shop.

House boating this summer!

The World of Four Boys!

4 Silly boys at the playground!

Having four boys can be challenging, tiring, exciting, a blessing, and wonderful all at the same time. The time that I spend with them is what I love! Their names are Liam, Ethan, Eamon, and Elijah. Liam and Ethan are twins and are ten years old in grade five. Eamon is in grade 2 and Elijah is four years old and is in preschool this year. It seems like they are growing up too fast, I told them to stop growing but they didn’t listen!

Contact Me Would love to hear from you! If you would like to talk with me feel free to meet me after class or email me at mullin.k@shaw.ca. I will also be postposting updates of our class activities, assignments, and projects on our class website so that if I forget to send a letter home with your child you can check on line. There is also the good old telephone, you can the school office directly or call or text my cell. 403-391-0903 181822

Me and my hubby in our new truck!

September and October ANIMALS! For the first two months we are going to be researching animals. Each student will be able to choose whatever animal they would like to research and will be presenting to the class (and for parents ) at the end of October. Most of the work will be done in class but we may need extra time at home to finish up. We are going to be learning how to use the computer as a helpful tool for research as well as presenting with power point. Parents are encouraged to help with research at home and also in the classroom. If you would like to help please send me an email of when you are available.

Karen Mullin

September newsletter

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