Catalog 2013

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Catalog 2013

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Labor Diagnostika Nord GmbH & Co KG - Am Eichenhain 1 - 48531 Nordhorn, Germany Tel: +49 5921 8197-101 Fax: +49 5921 8197-222 Web: e-mail:

Table of Contents Catecholamines ....................................................4

Research Assays ...............................................11

Catecholamines in Plasma ELISA...................... 4

Animal Research .............................................. 12

Catecholamines in Plasma RIA.......................... 5

Food Control ...................................................... 13

Catecholamines Fast Track ELISA..................... 5

HistaSure ......................................................... 13

Catecholamine Fast Track RIA........................... 6

Endocrinology ................................................... 14

Catecholamines in Urine Fast Track ELISA ....... 6

Androgen Assessment ..................................... 14

Catecholamines Urine Fast Track RIA ............... 7

Disease Markers .............................................. 15

Metanephrines ......................................................8

Fertility and Reproduction ................................ 15

Metanephrines in Plasma................................... 8

Metabolism ....................................................... 16

Metanephrines in Urine ...................................... 9

Mineral / Salt Balance ...................................... 17

Histamine .........................................................9

Thyroid Function .............................................. 17

Melatonin .......................................................10

Tumor Markers ................................................. 18

Serotonin .......................................................10

Saliva Assays ................................................... 19

5-HIAA ............................................................10

Saliva Collection............................................... 19


About Us ........................................................20

Glutamate.......................................................10 Tryptophan.....................................................10

Iodination IodinationSchedule: Schedule: In 2013 there will be 6 lot releases for isotopic assays: Monday

January 14, 2013


March 25, 2013


June 03, 2013


August 12, 2013


October 21, 2013


December 30, 2013

v1-2013 3 3

Catecholamines Advantages

Available Kits

• •

7000 Series for Urine

6000 Series for Plasma and Urine

4000 Series for High Sensitivity Plasma

5000 Series for Research (Refer to Research Assays for more information)

• • • • • • • •

Flexible test systems for plasma, urine and other biological fluids. Our catecholamine test kits can be used in research with almost any biological fluid, including tissue homogenates and micro-dialysates. New Fast Track formats reduce incubation times Freedom from drug interferences Elegant and efficient extraction method Lyphocheck controls available from BioRad® for epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine Excellent sensitivity / specificity 15 week shelf life on RIA’s (higher counts lead to better signals) Quality- produced according to DIN ISO EN 13485:2003 and 9001:2008 Excellent HPLC correlation!

Catecholamines CatecholaminesininPlasma PlasmaELISA ELISA Adrenaline Plasma ELISA High Sensitive

BA E-4100

Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the high-sensitive quantitative determination of Adrenaline (Epinephrine) in plasma Standard Range: 0 / 20 - 3200 pg/ml Sensitivity: 7 pg/ml Assay Time: Extraction, acylation and enzymatic conversion 4 hours and ELISA overnight



Sample Size: 100-600 µl plasma

2-CAT Plasma ELISA High Sensitive

Dopamine Plasma ELISA High Sensitive

BA E-4300

Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the high-sensitive quantitative determination of Dopamine in plasma


Sample Size: 100-600 µl plasma Standard Range: 0 / 20 - 3200 pg/ml



Standard Range: 0 / 80 - 12800 pg/ml Assay Time: Extraction, acylation and enzymatic conversion 4 hours and ELISA overnight

Standard Range: Adrenaline 0 / 20 - 3200 pg/ml;Noradrenaline 0 / 80 - 12800 pg/ml Sensitivity: Adrenaline: 7 pg/ml; Noradrenaline: 35 pg/ml

3-CAT Plasma ELISA High Sensitive

Sample Size: 100-600 µl plasma Sensitivity: 35 pg/ml

Sample Size: 100-600 µl plasma

Assay Time: Extraction, acylation and enzymatic conversion 4 hours and ELISA overnight

Noradrenaline Plasma ELISA High Sensitive BA E-4200

Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the high-sensitive quantitative determination of Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in plasma

BA E-4500

Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the high-sensitive quantitative determination of Adrenaline (Epinephrine) and Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in plasma

BA E-4600

Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the high-sensitive quantitative determination of of Adrenaline (Epinephrine), Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine), and Dopamine in plasma Sample Size: 100-600 µl plasma Standard Range: Adrenaline 0 / 20 - 3200 pg/ml; Noradrenaline 0 / 80 - 12800 pg/ml; Dopamine 0 / 20 - 3200 pg/ml Sensitivity: Adrenaline: 7 pg/ml; Noradrenaline: 35 pg/ml ; Dopamine: 7 pg/ml Assay Time: Extraction, acylation and enzymatic conversion 4 hours and ELISA overnight

Sensitivity: 7 pg/ml Assay Time: Extraction, acylation and enzymatic conversion 4 hours and ELISA overnight

Labor Diagnostika Nord GmbH & Co KG - Am Eichenhain 1 - 48531 Nordhorn, Germany Tel: +49 5921 8197-101 Fax: +49 5921 8197-222 Web: e-mail:

CatecholaminesininPlasma PlasmaRIA RIA Catecholamines Adrenaline Plasma RIA High Sensitive

BA R-4100

Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the high-sensitive quantitative determination of Adrenaline (Epinephrine) in plasma



Sample Size: 100-600 µl plasma

2-CAT Plasma RIA High Sensitive

Standard Range: 0 / 20 - 3200 pg/ml Sensitivity: 7 pg/ml Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 4h and RIA overnight

Noradrenaline Plasma RIA High Sensitive

3-CAT Plasma RIA High Sensitive

Dopamine Plasma RIA

High Sensitive



Standard Range: 0 / 80 - 12800 pg/ml Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 4h and RIA overnight

Standard Range: Adrenaline 0 / 20 - 3200 pg/ml;Noradrenaline 0 / 80 - 12800 pg/ml Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 4h and RIA overnight

Sample Size: 100-600 µl plasma Sensitivity: 35 pg/ml

Sample Size: 100-600 µl plasma

Sensitivity: Adrenaline: 7 pg/ml; Noradrenaline: 35 pg/ml

BA R-4200

Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the high-sensitive quantitative determination of Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in plasma

BA R-4500

Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the high-sensitive quantitative determination of Adrenaline (Epinephrine) and Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in plasma

BA R-4300

Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the high-sensitive quantitative determination of Dopamine in plasma

BA R-4600

Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the high-sensitive quantitative determination of of Adrenaline (Epinephrine), Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine), and Dopamine in plasma Sample Size: 100-600 µl plasma

Standard Range: Adrenaline 0 / 20 - 3200 pg/ml; Noradrenaline 0 / 80 - 12800 pg/ml; Dopamine 0 / 20 - 3200 pg/ml


Sensitivity: Adrenaline: 7 pg/ml; Noradrenaline: 35 pg/ml ; Dopamine: 7 pg/ml

Sample Size: 100-600 µl plasma

Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 4h and RIA overnight

Standard Range: 0 / 20 - 3200 pg/ml Sensitivity: 7 pg/ml Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 4h and RIA overnight

Catecholamines Fast Track ELISA CatecholaminesinFastrack ELISA Adrenaline ELISA Fast Track

BA E-6100

Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Adrenaline (Epinephrine) in plasma and urine Standard Range: 0 / 1 - 200 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.3ng/ml urine, 10 pg/ml plasma Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 65 min and ELISA 3 h

Noradrenaline ELISA Fast Track



Sample Size: 10 µl urine, 300 µl plasma

2-CAT ELISA Fast Track

BA E-6200

Standard Range: 0 / 5 - 1 000 ng/ml Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 65 min and ELISA 3 h

Dopamine ELISA Fast Track

BA E-6300

Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Dopamine in plasma and urine


Sample Size: 10 µl urine, 300 µl plasma Standard Range: 0 / 10 - 2 000 ng/ml

Standard Range: Adrenaline 0 / 1 - 200 ng/mlNoradrenaline 0 / 5 - 1 000 ng/ml Sensitivity: Adrenaline: 0.3ng/ml urine, 10 pg/ml plasmaNoradrenaline: 1.5 ng/ml urine, 50 pg/ml plasma

3-CAT ELISA Fast Track

Sample Size: 10 µl urine, 300 µl plasma Sensitivity: 1.5 ng/ml urine, 50 pg/ml plasma

Sample Size: 10 µl urine, 300 µl plasma

Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 65 min and ELISA 3 h



Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in plasma and urine

BA E-6500

Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Adrenaline (Epinephrine) and Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in plasma and urine

BA E-6600

Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of of Adrenaline (Epinephrine), Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine), and Dopamine in plasma and urine Sample Size: 10 µl urine, 300 µl plasma

Standard Range: Adrenaline 0 / 1 - 200 ng/mlNoradrenaline 0 / 5 - 1 000 ng/mlDopamine 0 / 10 - 2 000 ng/ml Sensitivity: Adrenaline: 0.3ng/ml urine, 10 pg/ml plasmaNoradrenaline: 1.5 ng/ml urine, 40 pg/ml plasma Dopamine: 4.5 ng/ml urine, 25 pg/ml plasma Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 65 min and ELISA 3 h

Sensitivity: 4.5 ng/ml urine, 25 pg/ml plasma Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 65 min and ELISA 3 h

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Catecholamine Fast Track RIA Catecholamines Adrenaline RIA Fast Track

BA R-6100

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of Adrenaline (Epinephrine) in plasma and urine



Sample Size: 10 µl urine, 300 µl plasma

2-CAT RIA Fast Track

Standard Range: 0 / 1 - 200 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.3ng/ml urine, 10 pg/ml plasma Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 65 min and RIA 1.5 h

Noradrenaline RIA Fast Track


3-CAT RIA Fast Track

Standard Range: 0 / 5 - 1 000 ng/ml

Dopamine RIA Fast Track


Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 65 min and RIA 1.5 h

Standard Range: Adrenaline 0 / 1 - 200 ng/mlNoradrenaline 0 / 5 - 1 000 ng/ml

Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 65 min and RIA 1.5 h

Sample Size: 10 µl urine, 300 µl plasma Sensitivity: 1.5 ng/ml urine, 50 pg/ml plasma

Sample Size: 10 µl urine, 300 µl plasma

Sensitivity: Adrenaline: 0.3ng/ml urine, 10 pg/ml plasmaNoradrenaline: 1.5 ng/ml urine, 50 pg/ml plasma

BA R-6200

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in plasma and urine

BA R-6500

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of Adrenaline (Epinephrine) and Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in plasma and urine

BA R-6300

BA R-6600

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of of Adrenaline (Epinephrine), Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine), and Dopamine in plasma and urine Sample Size: 10 µl urine, 300 µl plasma

Standard Range: Adrenaline 0 / 1 - 200 ng/mlNoradrenaline 0 / 5 - 1 000 ng/mlDopamine 0 / 10 - 2 000 ng/ml Sensitivity: Adrenaline: 0.3ng/ml urine, 10 pg/ml plasmaNoradrenaline: 1.5 ng/ml urine, 40 pg/ml plasma Dopamine: 4.5 ng/ml urine, 25 pg/ml plasma

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of Dopamine in plasma and urine


Sample Size: 10 µl urine, 300 µl plasma

Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 65 min and RIA 1.5 h

Standard Range: 0 / 10 - 2 000 ng/ml Sensitivity: 4.5 ng/ml urine, 25 pg/ml plasma Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 65 min and RIA 1.5 h

CatecholaminesininUrine UrineFast FastTrack TrackELISA ELISA Catecholamines Adrenaline Urine ELISA Fast Track

BA E-7100

Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Adrenaline (Epinephrine) in urine Standard Range: 0 / 1.5 - 240 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.5 ng/ml Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 60 min and ELISA 1 h

Noradrenaline Urine ELISA Fast Track

BA E-7200

Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in urine

BA E-7300

Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Dopamine in urine


Sample Size: 25 µl urine



Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 60 min and ELISA 1 h

Sample Size: 25 µl urine Standard Range: Adrenaline 0 / 1.5 - 240 ng/mlNoradrenaline 0 / 7.5 - 1,200 ng/ml Sensitivity: Adrenaline: 0.5 ng/mlNoradrenaline: 1.7 ng/ml

3-CAT Urine ELISA Fast Track

Standard Range: 0 / 7.5 - 1,200 ng/ml Sensitivity: 1.7 ng/ml

BA E-7500

Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Adrenaline (Epinephrine) and Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in urine

Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 60 min and ELISA 1 h

Sample Size: 25 µl urine

Dopamine Urine ELISA Fast Track




Sample Size: 25 µl urine

2-CAT Urine ELISA Fast Track

BA E-7600

Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of of Adrenaline (Epinephrine), Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine), and Dopamine in urine Sample Size: 25 µl urine

Standard Range: Adrenaline 0 / 1.5 - 240 ng/mlNoradrenaline 0 / 7.5 - 1,200 ng/mlDopamine 0 / 25 - 4,000 ng/ml Sensitivity: Adrenaline: 0.5 ng/mlNoradrenaline: 1.7 ng/ml Dopamine: 3 ng/ml urine Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 60 min and ELISA 1 h

Standard Range: 0 / 25 - 4,000 ng/ml Sensitivity: 3 ng/ml Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 60 min and ELISA 1 h

Labor Diagnostika Nord GmbH & Co KG - Am Eichenhain 1 - 48531 Nordhorn, Germany Tel: +49 5921 8197-101 Fax: +49 5921 8197-222 Web: e-mail:

CatecholaminesUrine UrineFast FastTrack TrackRIA RIA Catecholamines Adrenaline Urine RIA Fast Track

BA R-7100

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of Adrenaline (Epinephrine) in urine



Sample Size: 25 µl urine

2-CAT Urine RIA Fast Track

Standard Range: 0 / 1.5 - 240 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.5 ng/ml Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 65 min and RIA 1.5 h

Noradrenaline Urine RIA Fast Track

3-CAT Urine RIA Fast Track

Dopamine Urine RIA

Fast Track

BA R-7300

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of Dopamine in urine


Sample Size: 25 µl urine



Standard Range: 0 / 7.5 - 1 200 ng/ml Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 65 min and RIA 1.5 h

Standard Range: Adrenaline 0 / 1.5 - 240 ng/mlNoradrenaline 0 / 7.5 - 1 200 ng/ml Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 65 min and RIA 1.5 h

Sample Size: 25 µl urine Sensitivity: 1.7 ng/ml

Sample Size: 25 µl urine

Sensitivity: Adrenaline: 0.5 ng/mlNoradrenaline: 1.7 ng/ml

BA R-7200

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in urine

BA R-7500

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of Adrenaline (Epinephrine) and Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in urine

BA R-7600

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of of Adrenaline (Epinephrine), Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine), and Dopamine in urine Sample Size: 25 µl urine

Standard Range: Adrenaline 0 / 1.5 - 240 ng/mlNoradrenaline 0 / 7.5 - 1 200 ng/mlDopamine 0 / 25 - 4 000 ng/ml Sensitivity: Adrenaline: 0.5 ng/mlNoradrenaline: 1.7 ng/ml Dopamine: 3 ng/ml urine Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 65 min and RIA 1.5 h

Standard Range: 0 / 25 - 4 000 ng/ml Sensitivity: 3 ng/ml Assay Time: Extraction and acylation 65 min and RIA 1.5 h

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Metanephrines Advantages

XLC-MS/MS Comparison (Plasma)

• • • • • •

45 plasma samples were assayed and each Fast Track assay demonstrated an excellent correlation to the XLC-MS/MS methodology:

• • •

Speed and ease of use 48 duplicate determinations or 96 single Easy sample preparation No known interference by medical drugs High correlation with LC/MS (plasma) Wide standard ranges, convenient measurement of pathological samples without predilution Specific for the biologically relevant L-normetanephrine/ metanephrine High correlation with other methods ELISA is automatable

ELISA (x = XLC-MS/MS; y = ELISA): Metanephrine: Normetanephrine: y = 0.8x - 7.1

y = 0.9x + 18.6

R2 = 0.99

R2 = 0.97

Metanephrines MetanephrinesininPlasma Plasma Metanephrine Plasma ELISA Fast Track

BA E-8100

Metanephrine Plasma RIA Fast Track

BA R-8100

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of Free Metanephrine in plasma

Sample Size: 500 µl plasma

Sample Size: 500 µl plasma



Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Free Metanephrine in plasma Standard Range: 0 / 36-3.600pg/ml Sensitivity: 17 pg/ml

Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Free Normetanephrine in plasma

Normetanephrine Plasma RIA Fast Track

Assay Time: Sample preparation 15 min and ELISA overnight

2-MET Plasma ELISA Fast Track



Sensitivity: 23 pg/ml

Assay Time: Sample preparation 15 min and ELISA overnight



Sensitivity: Metanephrine: 17 pg/mlNormetanephrine: 23 pg/ml

Standard Range: 0 / 48 - 4 800 pg/ml Sensitivity: 24 pg/ml

2-MET Plasma RIA Fast Track

Sample Size: 500 µl plasma Standard Range: Metanephrine 0 / 36 - 3 600 pg/ mlNormetanephrine 0 / 48 - 4 800 pg/ml

Sample Size: 500 µl plasma

Assay Time: Sample preparation 15 min and RIA 3 h 45 min (or overnight)

BA E-8300

Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Free Metanephrine and Free Normetanephrine in plasma

BA R-8200

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of Free Normetanephrine in plasma

Sample Size: 500 µl plasma Standard Range: 0 / 48 - 4 800 pg/ml

Sensitivity: 19 pg/ml Assay Time: Sample preparation 15 min and RIA 3 h 45 min (or overnight)

Assay Time: Sample preparation 15 min and ELISA overnight

Normetanephrine Plasma ELISA Fast Track BA E-8200

Standard Range: 0 / 36 - 3 600pg/ml

BA R-8300

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of Free Metanephrine and Free Normetanephrine in plasma Sample Size: 500 µl plasma Standard Range: Metanephrine 0 / 36 - 3 600 pg/ mlNormetanephrine 0 / 48 - 4 800 pg/ml Sensitivity: Metanephrine: 19 pg/mlNormetanephrine: 24 pg/ml Assay Time: Sample preparation 15 min and RIA 3 h 45 min (or overnight)

8 8

Labor Diagnostika Nord GmbH & Co KG - Am Eichenhain 1 - 48531 Nordhorn, Germany Tel: +49 5921 8197-101 Fax: +49 5921 8197-222 Web: e-mail:

MetanephrinesininUrine Urine Metanephrines Metanephrine Urine ELISA Fast Track

BA E-8400

Metanephrine Urine RIA Fast Track

BA R-8400

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of Metanephrine in urine

Sample Size: 25 µl urine

Sample Size: 25 µl urine



Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Metanephrine in urine Standard Range: 0 / 20 - 2 000 ng/ml Sensitivity: 13 ng/ml

Normetanephrine Urine ELISA

BA E-8500

Sensitivity: 13 ng/ml Assay Time: Hydrolysis and acylation 45 min and RIA 1.5 h

Assay Time: Hydrolysis and acylation 45 min and ELISA 1 h Fast Track

Standard Range: 0 / 20 - 2 000 ng/ml

Normetanephrine Urine RIA Fast Track

BA R-8500

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of Normetanephrine in urine

Sample Size: 25 µl urine

Sample Size: 25 µl urine



Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Normetanephrine in urine Standard Range: 0 / 30 - 3 000 ng/ml Sensitivity: 23 ng/ml

BA E-8600

Sensitivity: 11 ng/ml Assay Time: Hydrolysis and acylation 45 min and RIA 1.5 h

Assay Time: Hydrolysis and acylation 45 min and ELISA 1 h

2-MET Urine ELISA Fast Track

Standard Range: 0 / 30 - 3 000 ng/ml

2-MET Urine RIA Fast Track

BA R-8600

Fast Track Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of Metanephrine and Normetanephrine in urine

Sample Size: 25 µl urine

Sample Size: 25 µl urine

Standard Range: Metanephrine 0 / 20 - 2 000 ng/ mlNormetanephrine 0 / 30 - 3 000 ng/ml



Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Metanephrine and Normetanephrine in urine

Standard Range: Metanephrine 0 / 20 - 2 000 ng/ mlNormetanephrine 0 / 30 - 3 000 ng/ml

Sensitivity: Metanephrine 13 ng/mlNormetanephrine 23 ng/ml

Sensitivity: Metanephrine 13 ng/mlNormetanephrine 11 ng/ml

Assay Time: Hydrolysis and acylation 45 min and ELISA 1 h

Assay Time: Hydrolysis and acylation 45 min and RIA 1.5 h

Histamine Histamine Histamine ELISA

BA E-1000

Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Histamine in plasma and urine Standard Range: 0 / 0.5 - 50 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.12 ng/ml plasma, 0.3 ng/ml urine Assay Time: Acylation 1.5 h and ELISA overnight

Histamine Release

BA E-1100

Supplementary kit for the quantitative determination of Histamine Release in heparinized whole blood. Standard Range: 0 / 0.5 - 50 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.2 ng/ml Assay Time: Sample preparation 1.5 h

Sample Size: Stool collection set Standard Range: 0 / 0.5 - 50 ng/ml Sensitivity: 75 ng/g stool Assay Time: 1 hour 10 min

Histamine ELISA Fast Track

BA E-1700

Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Histamine in Cell Cultures and urine



Sample Size: 500 µl whole blood

BA E-1200

Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Histamine in stool samples



Sample Size: 10 µl urine, 25 µl plasma

Histamine Stool ELISA

Sample Size: 20 µl cell culture or urine Standard Range: 0 / 0.5 - 50 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.2 ng/ml Assay Time: Sample preparation 15 min and ELISA 1 hour

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Melatonin Melatonin Melatonin Serum Direct RIA

BA R-3300

Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of of Melatonin in serum

Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of of Melatonin in saliva



Sample Size: 150 µl serum Standard Range: 0 / 3 - 1 000 pg/ml Sensitivity: 2,3 pg/ml Serum

BA R-3400

Melatonin Saliva Direct RIA

Assay Time: Sample preparation 1 hour and RIA 20-24 hours

Sample Size: 500 µl saliva Standard Range: 0 / 3 - 300 pg/ml Sensitivity: 1.4 pg/ml Assay Time: Sample preparation 1 hour and RIA 20-24 hours

Melatonin Research RIA

Please Inquire

BA R-3900

Serotonin Serotonin Serotonin ELISA Fast Track

BA E-8900

Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Serotonin Standard Range: 0 / 15 - 2 500 ng/ml Sensitivity: 5 ng/ml Assay Time: Acylation 15 min and ELISA 1 h

Standard Range: 0 / 15 - 2 500 ng/ml Sensitivity: 6.7 ng/ml serum, urine, platelets, 0.3 ng/ml CSF, PFP

Glutamate Glutamate BA E-1900


Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of 5-HIAA (5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid) Standard Range: 0 / 0.5 - 50 mg/l Sensitivity: 0.17 mg/l Assay Time: Sample preparation 20 min and ELISA 2.5 h

Glutamate ELISA

BA E-2400

Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Glutamate in urine, plasma, and serum



Sample Size: 50 µl urine

Sample Size: 100 µl urine; 20 µl serum or plasma Standard Range: 0 / 0.6 - 60 µg/ml Sensitivity: 0.3 µg/ml Assay Time: Extraction and derivatization 2.5 hours and ELISA overnight

Tryptophan Tryptophan



Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in urine, plasma, and serum Standard Range: Urine 0 / 75 - 7 500 ng/ml, serum and plasma 0 / 25 - 2 500 ng/ml Sensitivity: 25 ng/ml urine, 7.5 ng/ml plasma

Tryptophan ELISA

BA E-2700

Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Tryptophan in urine, plasma, and serum



Sample Size: 100 µl urine, 300 µl serum, 300 µl plasma

Assay Time: Extraction and derivatization 2.5 hours and ELISA overnight


Sample Size: 25 µl serum, urine, platelets

Assay Time: Acylation 30 min and RIA 2 h



BA R-8900

Radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantitative determination of Serotonin



Sample Size: 25 µl serum, urine, platelets

Serotonin RIA Fast Track

Sample Size: 20 µl urine, plasma or serum Standard Range: 0/2.5 - 250 µg/ml Sensitivity: 1.2µg/ml Assay Time: Sample preparation 2.5 hours and ELISA overnight

Labor Diagnostika Nord GmbH & Co KG - Am Eichenhain 1 - 48531 Nordhorn, Germany Tel: +49 5921 8197-101 Fax: +49 5921 8197-222 Web: e-mail:

Research Assays Glutamate Research ELISA

BA E-2300

Sample Size: 100 µl serum or plasma (1:5 diluted), cell cultures and tissue homogenates Standard Range: 0 / 0.6 - 60 µg/ml Sensitivity: 0.3 µg/ml

2-CAT (A-N) Research ELISA



Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Glutamate in urine, plasma, serum, cell cultures and tissue homogenates

Standard Range: serum, plasma 0 / 25 - 2 500 ng/ml Sensitivity: 25 ng/ml urine, 7.5 ng/ml plasma Assay Time: Extraction and derivatization 2.5 hours and ELISA overnight

Adrenaline Research ELISA

2-CAT (N-D) Research ELISA



Sample Size: 300 µl plasma, cell cultures and tissue homogenates

BA E-5100

Standard Range: 0 / 0.5 - 80 ng/ml Assay Time: Extraction, acylation and enzymatic conversion 4 hours and ELISA overnight

Noradrenaline Research ELISA;

BA E-5200


Dopamine Research ELISA

BA E-5300

Sample Size: 1 - 750 µl, all biological fluids

Assay Time: Extraction, acylation and enzymatic conversion 4 hours and ELISA overnight

Standard Range: Adrenaline, Dopamine: 0 / 0.5 - 80 ng/ml; Noradrenaline: 0 / 0.2 - 32 ng/ml

BA E-5800

Sample Size: 10 µl, all biological fluids Standard Range: 0 / 0.5 - 50 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.2 ng/ml Assay Time: Acylation 1.5 h and ELISA overnight

Serotonin Research ELISA

Standard Range: 0 / 0.5 - 80 ng/ml Sensitivity: 3.3 pg/ml (depending on sample volume)

Sample Size: 1 - 750 µl, all biological fluids

Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Histamine in any species and various biological samples



Research enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative and ultra sensitive determination of Dopamine in any species and various biological samples

BA E-5600

Research enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative and ultra sensitive determination of Adrenaline (Epinephrine), Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine), and Dopamine in any species and various biological samples

Histamine Research ELISA


Assay Time: Extraction, acylation and enzymatic conversion 4 hours and ELISA overnight

Sensitivity: Noradrenaline: 2.6 pg/ml; Dopamine 6.6 pg/ml (depending on sample volume)

Assay Time: Extraction, acylation and enzymatic conversion 4 hours and ELISA overnight

Sample Size: 1 - 750 µl, all biological fluids Sensitivity: 1.3 pg/ml (depending on sample volume)

Standard Range: Noradrenaline: 0 / 0.2 - 32 ng/ml; Dopamine: 0 / 0.5 - 80 ng/ml

Sensitivity: Adrenaline: 10 pg/ml; Noradrenaline: 4 pg/ml; Dopamine: 10 pg/ml (depending on sample volume)

Research enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative and ultra sensitive determination of Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in any species and various biological samples Standard Range: 0 / 0.2 - 32 ng/ml

Sample Size: 1 - 750 µl, all biological fluids

3-CAT Research ELISA

Sample Size: 1 - 750 µl, all biological fluids Sensitivity: 3.3 pg/ml (depending on sample volume)

BA E-5500

Research enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative and ultra sensitive determination of Dopamine and Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in any species and various biological samples

Assay Time: Extraction, acylation and enzymatic conversion 4 hours and ELISA overnight



Research enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative and ultra sensitive determination of Adrenaline (Epinephrine) in any species and various biological samples

Standard Range: Adrenaline: 0 / 0.5 - 80 ng/ml; Noradrenaline: 0 / 0.2 - 32 ng/ml

Assay Time: Extraction, acylation and enzymatic conversion 4 hours and ELISA overnight

BA E-2600

Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in urine, plasma, serum, cell cultures and tissue homogenates

Sample Size: 1 - 750 µl, all biological fluids

Sensitivity: Adrenaline: 6.6 pg/ml; Noradrenaline: 2.6 pg/ml (depending on sample volume)

Assay Time: Extraction and derivatization 2.5 hours and ELISA overnight


BA E-5400

Research enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative and ultra sensitive determination of Adrenaline (Epinephrine) and Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in any species and various biological samples

BA E-5900

Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative ultra sensitive determination of Serotonin in any species and various biological samples Sample Size: 1 - 100 µl, all biological fluids Standard Range: 0 / 0.015 - 2.5 ng/ml Sensitivity: 5 pg/ml (depending on sample volume) Assay Time: Sample preparation 30 min and ELISA overnight

11 11

AnimalResearch Research Animal Testosterone Mouse/Rat ELISA

AR E-8000

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Testosterone in rat or mouse serum and plasma samples Standard Range: 0/0.1 - 25 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.066 ng/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 30 min

Corticosterone Mouse/Rat ELISA

AR E-8100

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Corticosterone in rat or mouse serum and plasma samples Standard Range: 0/15 - 2250 ng/ml Sensitivity: 4.1 ng/ml Assay Time: 2 hours 30 min

AR E-8200

Prolactin Rat ELISA

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Prolactin in rat serum samples Standard Range: 0/5 - 80 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.6 ng/ml Assay Time: 3 hours 30 min

Estrone-3-Sulfate Equine ELISA

Standard Range: 0/2.5 - 80 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.4 ng/ml Assay Time: 3 hours 30 min

AR E-8500

ELISA for the quantitative determination of TSH in canine serum and plasma samples Sample Size: 100 µl Serum or Plasma Standard Range: 0/0.2 - 5.2 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.01 ng/ml Assay Time: 2 hours 30 min


AR E-8700

ELISA for the quantitative determination of TSH in rat serum samples



Sample Size: 25 µl Serum

Sample Size: 25 µl Serum




Sample Size: 10 µl Serum or Plasma

AR E-8400

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Prolactin in canine serum samples



Sample Size: 10 µl Serum or Plasma

Prolactin Canine ELISA

Sample Size: 25 µl Serum Standard Range: 0/2.5 - 80 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.1 ng/ml Assay Time: overnight; 30 min

AR E-8300

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Estrone-3-Sulfate in equine serum samples


Sample Size: 20 µl Serum Standard Range: 0/5 - 1000 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.14 ng/ml Assay Time: 2 hours

Guidelines for the Validation of LDN´s Immunoassays for Other Biological Samples All of LDN´s Biogenic Amines assays are based on an extraction and/or derivatization procedure yielding highly specific test systems. As the Biogenic Amines chemical structure is totally conserved all throughout nature there is, in principle, no limit for the use of these assays with any sample. Over the years LDN has gathered a lot of experience with many different specimens, which is demonstrated by a vast number of publications and a well-experienced laboratory staff. In any case, if you set-up a validation protocol for any off-label use please contact us – we might be able to give you some helpful support. In many cases the kit will work without modification but in some cases some modification has to be introduced for optimal performance. 1. The first step in the validation for a specific sample is to demonstrate parallelism. The specimen has to be diluted serially with the matrix of the kit (the zero-standard). The results of the serial dilutions are plotted on a graph and if the dilutions parallel the standard curve the matrix is compatible. 2. Next the performance of recovery studies is highly recommended. Ideally an increasing amount of the analyte is added to the native sample and with the increasing concentration of the analyte the read concentrations should increase linearly. 3. Depending on the target of the study it might be necessary to establish a normal range for that special specimen. Also, in many cases the sensitivity of the assay system has to be improved. This may be accomplished by modification of incubation time and/or temperature, sample volume, or dilution of some reagents. The Research RIA’s and EIA’s of LDN listed in this catalog will enable the investigator to work out a reliable and sophisticated validation protocol.

12 12

Labor Diagnostika Nord GmbH & Co KG - Am Eichenhain 1 - 48531 Nordhorn, Germany Tel: +49 5921 8197-101 Fax: +49 5921 8197-222 Web: e-mail:

Food Control HistaSure™ ELISA High Sensitive

FC E-3100

HistaSure™ Fish Rapid Test

FC L-3300

Lateral flow assay (immunogold-labelling) for the semi-quantitative determination of Histamine in different kinds of fish samples

Sample Size: 1g fish meal; 10g fresh fish. sausage. cheese; 10 µl milk; 20 µl wine

Sample Size: 10g Fish

Standard Range: depends on kind of sample Sensitivity: 0.15 µg/l Assay Time: Acylation 15 min and ELISA 1 hour

HistaSure™ ELISA Fast Track

FC E-3600

Fast Track enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Histamine in fish

FC E-3700

Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Glutamate in food


Sample Size: Food

Assay Time: 12 minutes

FC L-3400


FC P-3000

Rapid colorimetric assay for the quantitative determination of Histamine in fish meal


Glutamate Food ELISA


Please Inquire

Standard Range: 0 / 3.0 - 300 ppm Assay Time: Acylation 5 min and ELISA 20 min

Standard Range: Cut-off pre-set at 50 ppm - Adjustable

HistaSure™ Wine Rapid Test



Sample Size: 10 g fresh fish, frozen fish, canned fish and fish meal

Lateral Flow


Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of Histamine in food

Sample Size: 2g fish meal Standard Range: 0 / 125 - 2 000 ppm Sensitivity: 125 ppm Assay Time: <15 minutes

Standard Range: 0 / 0.6 - 60 µg/ml Sensitivity: 0.3 µg/ml Assay Time: Extraction and derivatization 2 hours and ELISA 1 hour

HistaSure HistaSure In just minutes you can screen for the presence of histamine. We pre-set the cutoff to international standards of 50ppm, but the system is easily changed to allow for adjustable cutoffs in order to meet your QC needs. Advantages: • • • • •

Fast results in minutes Easy extraction No special equipment needed Easy interpretation - no subjective comparisons Can be performed dockside

The visual inspection of the LF-cassettes can give the following results: 2 lines or 1 line. 2 lines: The histamine concentration of the sample is below 50 ppm; the sample has passed. Example: 2 lines are visible - the sample has passed

1 line: Only the control line is visible. The histamine concentration of the sample is

13 13

Endocrinology Advantages

Available Kits

High diagnostic sensitivity and specificity

Androgen Assessment

Easily adaptable to most common automated open systems

Disease Markers

Colour-coded kit reagents for easy recognition

Fertility and Reproduction

Breakable 96 wells, economical benefit


Controls and calibrators included

Mineral / Salt Balance

12 month shelf life

Thyroid Function

Tumor markers

Saliva Assays

Androgen AndrogenAssessment Assessment Androstenedione ELISA

AA E-1000

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Androstenedione in human serum Standard Range: 0/0.1-10 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.04 ng/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 10 min

AA E-1100


ELISA for the quantitative determination of Dehydroepiandrosterone-Sulfate in human serum Standard Range: 0/0.005-10 µg/ml Sensitivity: 0.005 µg/ml Assay Time: 45 min

AA E-1200


ELISA for the quantitative determination of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin in human serum Standard Range: 0/3.3-295 nmol/L Sensitivity: 0.1 nmol/L Assay Time: 60 min

Testosterone ELISA

AA E-1300

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Total Testosterone in human serum Standard Range: 0/0.1-20 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.022 ng/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

14 14

Sensitivity: 0.17 pg/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

AA E-1500

Sample Size: 50 µl Serum Standard Range: 0/0.25-50 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.1 ng/ml Assay Time: 45 min


ELISA for the quantitative determination of Dehydroepiandrosterone in human serum

AA E-1600

Sample Size: 20 µl Serum Standard Range: 0/0.2-40 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.082 ng/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min


AA E-1700

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Dihydrotestosterone in human serum



Sample Size: 50 µl Serum

Standard Range: 0/0.25-125 pg/ml

ELISA for the quantitative determination of 5a Androstane 3a 17B diol Glucuronide (5a diol G) in human serum



Sample Size: 20 µl Serum

Sample Size: 25 µl Serum

Androstanediol-Glucoronide ELISA



Sample Size: 25 µl Serum

AA E-1400

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Free Testosterone in human serum



Sample Size: 25 µl Serum

Free Testosterone ELISA

Sample Size: 50 µl Serum Standard Range: 0/25-2500 pg/ml Sensitivity: 6 pg/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

Labor Diagnostika Nord GmbH & Co KG - Am Eichenhain 1 - 48531 Nordhorn, Germany Tel: +49 5921 8197-101 Fax: +49 5921 8197-222 Web: e-mail:

DiseaseMarkers Markers Disease MDA-LDL-IgG ELISA

DM E-4400

ELISA for the quantitative determination of anti-oxidized lipoprotein IgG autoantibodies in human serum Standard Range: 0/18-1800 U/l Sensitivity: 18 U/l Assay Time: 3 hours


DM E-4500

ELISA for the quantitative determination of anti-oxidized lipoprotein IgM autoantibodies in human serum

Assay Time: 3 hours

CRP High Sensitive ELISA

DM E-4600

ELISA for the quantitative and high-sensitive determination of C-reactive Protein in human serum

Sensitivity: 0.08 mmol/l Assay Time: 20 min

DM P-4200

Sample Size: 10 µl Plasma or Serum Standard Range: 0/0.125-1 mmol/l Sensitivity: 0.06 mmol/l Assay Time: 20 min

EPA Fast Track

Standard Range: 0/100-10000 ng/ml

DM P-4300

Sensitivity: 10 ng/ml

Colorimetric assay for the quantitative determination of the endogenous peroxidase activity (EPA) in serum and plasma

Assay Time: 60 min

Sample Size: 10 µl Plasma or Serum

Neopterin ELISA

DM E-4700

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Neopterin in serum, plasma and urine


Sample Size: 25 µl Serum or Plasma; 25 µl prediluted urine (1:100)



Sample Size: 20 µl of prediluted (1:20) Serum

Standard Range: 0/0.375-3 mmol/l

Colorimetric assay for the quantitative determination of the total oxidative capacity (TOC) in serum and plasma



Sensitivity: 18 U/l

Sample Size: 25 µl Plasma or Serum

TOC Fast Track

Sample Size: 10 µl of prediluted (1:21) Serum Standard Range: 0/18-1800 U/l

DM P-4100

Colorimetric assay for the quantitative determination of the total antioxidative capacity (TAC) in serum and plasma



Sample Size: 20 µl of prediluted (1:21) Serum

TAC Fast Track

Standard Range: 0/5-40 U/l Sensitivity: 2 U/l Assay Time: 20 min

Standard Range: 0/2 - 100 nmol/l Sensitivity: 0.7 nmol/l Assay Time: 1 hour 45 min

Fertilityand andReproduction Reproduction Fertility Estradiol ELISA

FR E-2000

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Estradiol in human serum Standard Range: 0/20-3200 pg/ml Sensitivity: 10 pg/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 10 min

Free Estriol ELISA

FR E-2100

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Free Estriol in human serum Standard Range: 0/0.3-40 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.075 ng/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 30 min

Sample Size: 25 µl Serum Standard Range: 0/2,5 - 500 IU/L Sensitivity: 0,7 IU/L Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

Estrone ELISA

FR E-2300

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Estrone in human serum



Sample Size: 10 µl Serum

FR E-2200

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Chorionic Gonadotropin in human serum



Sample Size: 50 µl Serum


Sample Size: 50 µl Serum Standard Range: 0/15-2000 pg/ml Sensitivity: 10 pg/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 20 min

15 15

Fertility Fertility and Reproduction and Reproduction FR E-2400


Metabolism Metabolism C-Peptide ELISA

Sample Size: 25 µl Serum

Sample Size: 50 µl Serum



ELISA for the quantitative determination of C-Peptide in human serum

Standard Range: 0/5-100 mIU/ml Sensitivity: 1 mIU/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

Progesterone ELISA

FR E-2500

Standard Range: 0/0.3-16 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.2 ng/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 45 min


ME E-0200

ELISA for the quantitative determination of human Growth Hormone in human serum

Sample Size: 25 µl Serum

Sample Size: 25 µl Serum



ELISA for the quantitative determination of Progesterone in human serum Standard Range: 0/0.3-60 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.1 ng/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 20 min

FR E-2600


Standard Range: 0/1-50 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.2 ng/ml Assay Time: 1hour 45 min

Leptin ELISA

ME E-0300

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Leptin in human serum

Sample Size: 25 µl Serum

Sample Size: 20 µl Serum



ELISA for the quantitative determination of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in human serum Standard Range: 0/1-100 IU/L Sensitivity: 0.2 IU/L Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

Pregnenolone ELISA

FR E-2700

Standard Range: 0/1-100 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.5 ng/ml Assay Time: 2 hours 20 min


ME E-0400

ELISA for the quantitative determination of human Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 1 in human serum

Sample Size: 50 µl Serum

Sample Size: 25 µl Serum



ELISA for the quantitative determination of Pregnenolone in human serum Standard Range: 0/0.1- 25.6 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.05 ng/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 10 min

17-OH-Progesterone ELISA

FR E-2800

Standard Range: 0/1-250 µg/l Sensitivity: 0.5 µg/l Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min


ME E-0500

ELISA for the quantitative determination of human insulin-like growth factor-1 in human serum

Sample Size: 50 µl Serum

Sample Size: 200 µl Serum



ELISA for the quantitative determination of 17-OH-Progesterone in human serum Standard Range: 0/0.15-20 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.11 ng/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 10 min

FR E-2900

Prolactin ELISA

Standard Range: 0/5-600 ng/ml Sensitivity: 1.29 ng/ml Assay Time: 3 hours 45 min

Insulin ELISA

ME E-0900

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Insulin in human serum and plasma

Sample Size: 25 µl Serum

Sample Size: 25 µl Serum or Plasma



ELISA for the quantitative determination of Prolactin (PRL) in human serum Standard Range: 0/20 - 3200 µIU/ml Sensitivity: 10 µIU/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 10 min

Standard Range: 0/6.25-100 µIU/ml Sensitivity: 1.76 µIU/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

FR E-3000


ELISA for the quantitative determination of pregnancy associated plasma protein A in human serum and plasma


Sample Size: 10 µl Serum or Plasma Standard Range: 0/1-30 µg/ml Sensitivity: 0.133 µg/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

16 16

ME E-0100

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) in human serum

Labor Diagnostika Nord GmbH & Co KG - Am Eichenhain 1 - 48531 Nordhorn, Germany Tel: +49 5921 8197-101 Fax: +49 5921 8197-222 Web: e-mail:

Mineral Mineral/ Salt / SaltBalance Balance Cortisol ELISA

MS E-5000

Thyroid ThyroidFunction Function TSH ELISA 2nd generation

TF E-2000

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) in human serum

Sample Size: 20 µl Serum

Sample Size: 50 µl Serum



ELISA for the quantitative determination of Cortisol in human serum Standard Range: 0/0.5-60 µg/dl Sensitivity: 0.4 µg/dl Assay Time: 60 min

Cortisol Urine ELISA

MS E-5100



Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

Aldosterone ELISA

MS E-5200

Sensitivity: 10 pg/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

Active Renin ELISA

MS E-5300

Sensitivity: 0,81 pg/ml Assay Time: 3 hours 15 min

Corticosterone ELISA

MS E-5400

Sensitivity: 1,6 nmol/l Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

Standard Range: 0/2-80 pg/ml Sensitivity: 1 pg/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

TF E-2300

Sample Size: 50 µl Serum Standard Range: 0/0.2-10 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.16 ng/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

TF E-2400

ELISA for the quantitative determination of total Thyroxine (T4) in human serum



Standard Range: 0/5-240 nmol/l

TF E-2200

Sample Size: 25 µl Serum

T4 ELISA 2nd generation

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Corticosterone in serum or plasma Sample Size: 20 µl Serum or Plasma

Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

ELISA for the quantitative determination of total Triiodothyronine (T3) in human serum



Standard Range: 0/4-128 pg/ml

Sensitivity: 0.3 pg/ml

T3 ELISA 2nd generation

ELISA for the quantitative determination of active Reninin plasma and serum Sample Size: 50 µl Plasma or Serum

Standard Range: 0/1.7-40 pg/ml

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Free Thyroxine (fT4) in human serum



Standard Range: 0/15-1000 pg/ml

TF E-2100

Sample Size: 25 µl Serum

fT4 ELISA 2nd generation

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Aldosterone in human serum, plasma, and urine Sample Size: 50 µl Serum, Plasma or prediluted Urine.

Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min ELISA for the quantitative determination of Free Triiodothyronine (fT3) in human serum

Sample Size: 10 µl Urine (prediluted 1+1) Sensitivity: 2 ng/ml

Sensitivity: 0.1 µIU/ml

fT3 ELISA 2nd generation

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Cortisol in urine Standard Range: 0/10-500 ng/ml

Standard Range: 0/0.2-30 µIU/ml

Sample Size: 20 µl Serum Standard Range: 0/1-32 µg/dL Sensitivity: 0.6 µg/dL Assay Time: 45 min

17 17

Tumor TumorMarkers Markers TM E-4100


ELISA for the quantitative determination of Carcino Embryonic Antigen in human serum Standard Range: 0/5-100 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.59 ng/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 50 min

TM E-4200


ELISA for the quantitative determination of Prostatic Acidic Phosphatase in human serum and plasma Standard Range: 0/1-30 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.5 ng/ml Assay Time: 40 min

TM E-4300


ELISA for the quantitative determination of Ovarian Cancer Antigen (CA125) in human serum and plasma Standard Range: 0/25-600 U/ml Sensitivity: 0.25 U/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

TM E-4400


ELISA for the quantitative determination of CA 15.3 in human serum and plasma Standard Range: 0/25-200 U/ml Sensitivity: 0.5 U/ml Assay Time: 1 hour

Sensitivity: 0.1 mg/l Assay Time: 1 hour 30 min

Standard Range: 0/4-100 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.19 ng/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

Sample Size: 50 µl Serum Standard Range: 0/80-4500 pg/ml Sensitivity: 10 pg/ml Assay Time: 3 hours 30 min

Chromogranin A ELISA


TM E-9000

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Chromogranin A in human serum and plasma Sample Size: 25 µl Serum or Plasma Standard Range: 0/50-1500 ng/ml Sensitivity: 10 ng/ml Assay Time: 2 hours 30 min

ELISA for the quantitative determination of CA 19.9 in human serum and plasma Sample Size: 50 µl Serum or Plasma Standard Range: 0/15-240 U/ml Sensitivity: 0.2 U/ml Assay Time: 1 hour


TM E-4800

ELISA for the quantitative determination of S100 B in human serum

TM E-4500


TM E-4700

Sample Size: 25 µl Serum




Sample Size: 10 µl Serum or Plasma

Standard Range: 0/0.2-10 mg/l

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Neuron Specific Enolase in human serum



Sample Size: 50 µl Serum or Plasma

Sample Size: 20 µl Serum




Sample Size: 25 µl Serum or Plasma

TM E-4600

ELISA for the quantitative determination of ß-Microglobulin in human serum



Sample Size: 20 µl Serum

ß-Microglobulin ELISA

Labor Diagnostika Nord GmbH & Co KG - Am Eichenhain 1 - 48531 Nordhorn, Germany Tel: +49 5921 8197-101 Fax: +49 5921 8197-222 Web: e-mail:

Saliva SalivaAssays Assays Cortisol Saliva ELISA

SA E-6000

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Cortisol in saliva

17-OH-Progesterone Saliva ELISA

Sample Size: 100 µl Saliva



Standard Range: 0/0,1 - 30 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0,014 ng/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 30 min

Testosterone Saliva ELISA

SA E-6100

Sensitivity: 1.9 pg/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 30 min

Estradiol Saliva ELISA

SA E-6200

Sensitivity: 0.4 pg/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 10 min

Progesterone Saliva ELISA

SA E-6300

Sensitivity: 3.8 pg/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min

Standard Range: 0/0.2-12 ng/ml Sensitivity: 0.045 ng/ml Assay Time: 30 min

SA E-7000

Sample Size: 50 µl Standard Range: 0/10-1440 pg/ml Sensitivity: 2.2 pg/ml Assay Time: 1 hour 20 min

Alpha-Amylase Saliva

SA P-6900

Colorimetric Assay for the quantitative determination of alphaAmylase in Saliva



Standard Range: 0/10-5000 pg/ml

SA E-6500

ELISA for the quantitative determination of DHEA in saliva

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Progesterone in saliva Sample Size: 100 µl Saliva

Assay Time: 1 hour 15 min




Standard Range: 0/1-100 pg/ml

Sensitivity: 3.6 pg/ml

Sample Size: 50 µl

ELISA for the quantitative determination of Estradiol in saliva Sample Size: 100 µl Saliva

Standard Range: 0/10-1000 pg/ml

ELISA for the quantitative determination of DHEA-S in saliva



Standard Range: 0/10-5000 pg/ml

Sample Size: 25 µl


ELISA for the quantitative determination of Testosterone in saliva Sample Size: 100 µl Saliva

SA E-6400

ELISA for the quantitative determination of 17-OH-Progesterone in saliva

Sample Size: 10 µl Standard Range: 0/2.5-2500 U/ml Sensitivity: 2.5 U/ml Assay Time: 3 min

SalivaCollection Collection Saliva Sali-Set 100 Sali-Set 500

SA D-6100 SA D-6500

19 19

AboutUs Us About Who we are and what we do: LDN was founded in 1996 in Nordhorn, Germany, with the aim to develop, manufacture and supply specialty in-vitro diagnostics test systems and innovative technologies to the clinical and research laboratory markets. We continue to innovate on a consistent base, developing on average 5-7 new products a year. The products are being distributed under a number of OEM contracts worldwide. We are fanatic about our products and we know you soon will be too. Our focus aside from selling great products is to support them. Our concern is your satisfaction and confidence in using the latest and newest technologies from our company. Our team is highly trained and experienced as both end users and developers. We believe this philosophy gives our support, in addition to efficiency, a personal touch exclusive to our products. We guarantee a 24-hour turnaround time on most all technical inquiries. Our company is privately owned, thus making our customers the number one priority. As such, we provide our customers with the best possible products and services. We are able to offer our customers the latest products and services including: • Immunodiagnostic Assays for the research and routine laboratory • Research Reagents • Contract Manufacturing Quality and Reliability: LDN has developed an extensive internal Quality Assurance program and our facilities are EN ISO 13485:2003 and AC:2009 certified. LDN participates in national (INSTAND) and international quality assessment programs administered by the United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service (UK NEQAS). All in-vitro diagnostics fullfill the regulations of the new European IvD directive (CE) and are listed with the FDA. The closest international airport is Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. Train routes are available from the airport to the city of Bad Bentheim, which is only about 20 minutes by car from Nordhorn.

20 20

Labor Diagnostika Nord GmbH & Co KG - Am Eichenhain 1 - 48531 Nordhorn, Germany Tel: +49 5921 8197-101 Fax: +49 5921 8197-222 Web: e-mail:

Catecholamine Assays:

Research Application Catecholamine Assays:

Research Application AvAiLAbLE SAMPLE







300 µl


< 300 µl or > 600 µl 1 – 750 µl

q q q q q q q q q q q q q


1 – 750 µl


25 µl voLuME


10 µl 25 µl < 10 µl


10 µl 600 µl < 10 µl 300 µl


600 µl < 300 µl or > 600 µl




ALtERnAtivES: ASSAyS with MoRE SEnSitivity

Serial BA 7000


Serial BA 6000


Serial BA 7000 Serial BA 5000


Serial BA 6000 Serial BA 4000


Serial BA 5000 Serial BA 6000


Serial BA 4000 Serial BA 5000


Serial BA 6000


Serial BA 5000 Serial BA 5000


q q q q q q q q q q q q q

Serial BA 5000






AnALyticAL SEnSitivity AdREnALinE



BA R – 7000 Urin

25 µl

MEASuRing RAngE AdREnALinE 1.5 – 240 ng/ml

BA E – 7000 Urin

25 µl

BA R – 7000 Urin BA R – 4000 Plasma

25 µl 600 µl

BA E – 7000 Urin BA E – 4000 Plasma


Serial BA 6000 BA 5000 ASSAyS with/ MoRESerial SEnSitivity Serial BA 5000 Serial BA 6000 / Serial BA 5000 contact: Serial BA 5000 Serial BA 5000 contact: Serial BA 5000 Serial BA 5000 contact: Serial BA 5000 sample volume determines sensitivity, contact: detemination of required sample volume for your purposes is advised if you need support: sample volume determines sensitivity, detemination of required sample volume for your purposes is advised if you need support:

AnALyticAL SEnSitivity noR­ AdREnALinE AnALyticAL SEnSitivity noR­ 1.7 ng /ml AdREnALinE

MEASuRing RAngE doPAMinE

AnALyticAL SEnSitivity doPAMinE

AnALyticAL SEnSitivity AdREnALinE 0.5 ng/ml

MEASuRing RAgE noR­ AdREnALinE MEASuRing RAgE noR­ 7.5 – 1200 ng/ml AdREnALinE

MEASuRing RAngE doPAMinE 25 – 4000 ng/ml

AnALyticAL SEnSitivity doPAMinE 3 ng/ml

1.5 – 240 ng/ml

0.5 ng/ml

7.5 – 1200 ng/ml

1.7 ng /ml

25 – 4000 ng/ml

3 ng/ml

1.5 – 240 ng/ml 16.7 – 3333 pg/ml

0.5 ng/ml 5 pg/ml

7.5 – 1200 ng/ml 83.3 – 16667 pg/ml

1.7 ng /ml 25 pg/ml

25 – 4000 ng/ml 30 – 13333 pg/ml

3 ng/ml 10 pg/ml

25 µl 600 µl

1.5 – 240 ng/ml 16.7 – 3333 pg/ml

0.5 ng/ml 5 pg/ml

7.5 – 1200 ng/ml 83.3 – 16667 pg/ml

1.7 ng /ml 25 pg/ml

25 – 4000 ng/ml 30 – 13333 pg/ml

3 ng/ml 10 pg/ml

BA R – 4000 Plasma BA R – 6000 Urin

600 µl 10 µl

16.7 – 3333 pg/ml 1 – 200 ng/ml

5 pg/ml 0.3 ng/ml

83.3 – 16667 pg/ml 5 – 1000 ng/ml

25 pg/ml 1.5 ng/ml

30 – 13333 pg/ml 10 – 2000 ng/ml

10 pg/ml 4.5 ng/ml

BA E – 4000 Plasma BA R – 6000 Plasma

600 µl 300 µl

16.7 – 3333 pg/ml 33 – 6667 pg/ml

5 pg/ml 10 pg/ml

83.3 – 16667 pg/ml 167 – 33333 pg/ml

25 pg/ml 50 pg/ml

30 – 13333 pg/ml 60 – 26667 pg/ml

10 pg/ml 20 pg/ml

BA R – 6000 Urin BA E – 6000 Urin

10 µl 10 µl

1 – 200 ng/ml 1 – 200 ng/ml

0.3 ng/ml 0.3 ng/ml

5 – 1000 ng/ml 5 – 1000 ng/ml

1.5 ng/ml 1.5 ng/ml

10 – 2000 ng/ml 10 – 2000 ng/ml

4.5 ng/ml 4.5 ng/ml

BA R – 6000 Plasma BA E – 6000 Plasma

300 µl 300 µl

33 – 6667 pg/ml 33 – 6667 pg/ml

10 pg/ml 10 pg/ml

167 – 33333 pg/ml 167 – 33333 pg/ml

50 pg/ml 50 pg/ml

60 – 26667 pg/ml 75 – 33333 pg/ml

20 pg/ml 25 pg/ml

BA E – 6000 Urin

10 µl e.g. 10 µl

1 – 200 ng/ml 0.45 – 45 ng/ml

5 – 1000 ng/ml 0.45 – 45 ng/ml

300 µl e.g. 100 µl

33 – 6667 pg/ml 45 – 4500 pg/ml

1.5 ng/ml 0.2 ng/ml*

10 – 2000 ng/ml 0.9 – 90 ng/ml

Plasma BA E E– – 5100 6000 – BA 5300 (1 – 750 µl)

0.3 ng/ml 0.3 ng/ml*

4.5 ng/ml 0.7 ng/ml*

e.g. 10 µl e.g. 750 µl

0.45 – 45 ng/ml 6 – 600 pg/ml

0.3 ng/ml* 4 pg/ml*

0.45 – 45 ng/ml 6 – 600 pg/ml

0.2 ng/ml* 2.7 pg/ml*

0.9 – 90 ng/ml 12 – 1200 pg/ml

e.g. 100 µl e.g. 10 µl

45 – 4500 pg/ml 0.9 – 90 ng/ml

BA E – 5400 – 5500 (1 – 750 µl)

e.g. 750 µl e.g. 100 µl

6 – 600 pg/ml 90 – 9000 pg/ml

BA E – 5400 – 5500 (1 – 750 µl)

e.g. 10 µl e.g. 750 µl

0.9 – 90 ng/ml 12 – 1200 pg/ml

e.g. 100 µl e.g. 10 µl

90 – 9000 pg/ml 1.35 – 135 ng/ml

BA E – 5600 (1 – 750 µl)

e.g. 750 µl e.g. 100 µl

12 – 1200 pg/ml 135 –13500 pg/ml

e.g. 10 µl e.g. 750 µl

1.35 – 135 ng/ml 18 – 1800 pg/ml

e.g. 100 µl

135 –13500 pg/ml

e.g. 750 µl

18 – 1800 pg/ml

BA E – 5100 – 5300 (1 – 750 µl)

BA E – 5600 (1 – 750 µl)

10 pg/ml 30 pg/ml*

167 – 33333 pg/ml 45 – 450 pg/ml

30 pg/ml* 0.6 ng/ml*

45 – 450 pg/ml 0.9 – 90 ng/ml

0.6 ng/ml* 8 pg/ml*

0.9 – 90 ng/ml 12 – 1200 pg/ml

4 pg/ml* 60 pg/ml*

60 pg/ml* 0.9 ng/ml* 8 pg/ml* 90 pg/ml*

0.9 ng/ml* 12 pg/ml* 90 pg/ml* 12 pg/ml*

6 – 600 pg/ml 90 – 9000 pg/ml

90 – 9000 pg/ml 1.35 – 135 ng/ml 12 – 1200 pg/ml 135 – 13500 pg/ml 1.35 – 135 ng/ml 18 – 1800 pg/ml 135 – 13500 pg/ml 18 – 1800 pg/ml

50 pg/ml 20 pg/ml*

75 – 33333 pg/ml 90 – 900 pg/ml

20 pg/ml* 0.4 ng/ml*

90 – 900 pg/ml 1.8 – 180 ng/ml

0.4 ng/ml* 5.3 pg/ml*

1.8 – 180 ng/ml 24 – 2400 pg/ml

2.7 pg/ml* 40 pg/ml* 40 pg/ml* 0.6 ng/ml* 5.3 pg/ml* 60 pg/ml* 0.6 ng/ml* 8 pg/ml* 60 pg/ml* 8 pg/ml*

* The sensitivity of the Catecholamine

Research ELISAs is determined by the the extracted sample volume

* The sensitivity of the Catecholamine

Research ELISAs is determined by the the extracted sample volume

12 – 1200 pg/ml 180 – 1800 pg/ml

180 – 1800 pg/ml 2.7 – 270 ng/ml 24 – 2400 pg/ml 270 – 27000 pg/ml 2.7 – 270 ng/ml 36 – 3600 pg/ml 270 – 27000 pg/ml 36 – 3600 pg/ml

25 pg/ml 70 pg/ml*

0.7 ng/ml* 9.3 pg/ml* 70 pg/ml* 1.4 ng/ml*

9.3 pg/ml* 140 pg/ml*

1.4 ng/ml* 18.7 pg/ml* 140 pg/ml* 2.1 ng/ml*

18.7 pg/ml* 210 pg/ml* 2.1 ng/ml* 28 pg/ml*

210 pg/ml* 28 pg/ml*

Serial BA 4000

Serial BA 6000



Serial BA 5000

Serial BA 7000 Serial BA 6000



Serial BA 4000 Serial BA 5000

Serial BA 7000


ELISA Stand 11 –E2012


Stand 11 – 2012

Catecholamine Assays:

Application Guide Catecholamine Assays for Clinical Use Catecholamine Assays:

Application Guide Catecholamine Assays for Clinical Use rEquirEd SAMPLE rEcoMMEndEd ASSAy AvAiLAbLE ASSAy tyPE




rEquirEd SAMPLE voLuME


25 µl urine


25 µl urine


600 µl plasma


600 µl plasma

urin And/or PLASMA

10 µl urine / 300 µl plasma

q q

urin And/or PLASMA

10 µl urine / 300 µl plasma


q q q

totAL ASSAy tiME



totAL ASSAy tiME

Serial BA 7000


RIA 2.5 h/ ELISA 2 h

Serial BA 7000


RIA 2.5 h/ ELISA 2 h

Serial BA 4000



Serial BA 4000



Serial BA 6000


RIA 4 h or O.N./ ELISA 5 h

Serial BA 6000


RIA 4 h or O.N./ ELISA 5 h


MEASuring rAngE AdrEnALinE

AnAL. SEnSitivity AdrEnALinE

MEASuring rAgE norAdrEnALinE

AnAL. SEnSitivity norAdrEnALinE

MEASuring rAngE doPAMinE

AnAL. SEnSitivity doPAMinE

SAMPLE BA R – 7000 Urin

AnAL. SEnSitivity 0.5 ng/ml AdrEnALinE

MEASuring rAgE 7.5 –AdrEnALinE 1200 ng/ml nor

AnAL. SEnSitivity 1.7 ng /ml nor AdrEnALinE

0.5 ng/ml

7.5 – 1200 ng/ml

1.7 ng /ml

MEASuring 25 – 4000 ng/ml rAngE doPAMinE 25 – 4000 ng/ml

AnAL. SEnSitivity 3 ng/ml doPAMinE

BA E – 7000 Urin

MEASuring 1.5 – 240 ng/ml rAngE AdrEnALinE 1.5 – 240 ng/ml

BA R – 7000 Urin BA R – 4000 Plasma

1.5 – 240 ng/ml 20 – 3000 pg/ml

0.5 ng/ml 7 pg/ml

7.5 – 1200 ng/ml 80 – 12800 pg/ml

1.7 ng /ml 35 pg/ml

25 – 4000 ng/ml 20 –3200 pg/ml

3 ng/ml 7 pg/ml

BA E – 7000 Urin BA E – 4000 Plasma

1.5 – 240 ng/ml 20 – 3000 pg/ml

0.5 ng/ml 7 pg/ml

7.5 – 1200 ng/ml 80 – 12800 pg/ml

1.7 ng /ml 35 pg/ml

25 – 4000 ng/ml 20 –3200 pg/ml

3 ng/ml 7 pg/ml

BA R – 4000 Plasma BA R – 6000 Urin

20 – 3000 pg/ml 1 – 200 ng/ml

7 pg/ml 0.3 ng/ml

80 – 12800 pg/ml 5 – 1000 ng/ml

35 pg/ml 1.5 ng/ml

20 –3200 pg/ml 10 – 2000 ng/ml

7 pg/ml 4.5 ng/ml

BA E – 4000 Plasma BA R – 6000 Plasma

20 – 3000 pg/ml 33 – 6667 pg/ml

7 pg/ml 10 pg/ml

80 – 12800 pg/ml 167 – 33333 pg/ml

35 pg/ml 50 pg/ml

20 –3200 pg/ml 60 – 26667 pg/ml

7 pg/ml 20 pg/ml

BA R – 6000 Urin BA E – 6000 Urin

1 – 200 ng/ml 1 – 200 ng/ml

0.3 ng/ml 0.3 ng/ml

5 – 1000 ng/ml 5 – 1000 ng/ml

1.5 ng/ml 1.5 ng/ml

10 – 2000 ng/ml 10 – 2000 ng/ml

4.5 ng/ml 4.5 ng/ml

BA R – 6000 Plasma BA E – 6000 Plasma

33 – 6667 pg/ml 33 – 6667 pg/ml

10 pg/ml 10 pg/ml

167 – 33333 pg/ml 167 – 33333 pg/ml

50 pg/ml 50 pg/ml

60 – 26667 pg/ml 75 – 33333 pg/ml

20 pg/ml 25 pg/ml

BA E – 6000 Urin

1 – 200 ng/ml

0.3 ng/ml

5 – 1000 ng/ml

1.5 ng/ml

10 – 2000 ng/ml

4.5 ng/ml

BA E – 6000 Plasma

33 – 6667 pg/ml

10 pg/ml

167 – 33333 pg/ml

50 pg/ml

75 – 33333 pg/ml

25 pg/ml

Serial BA 4000

3 ng/ml

Serial BA 7000





Serial BA 7000

Serial BA 6000 Serial BA 4000 Serial BA 6000



ELISA Stand 11 –E2012

Stand 11 – 2012


Labor Diagnostika Nord GmbH & Co KG Am Eichenhain 1 48531 Nordhorn Germany Phone: +49 5921 8197-101 Fax: +49 5921 8197-222 Web: E-Mail:

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