265 Wellington Ave.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
School staff, students and parents are very proud of the excellent educational opportunities that are provided at Byrd School. Children encounter wonderful, engaging learning experiences with each new day. An integrated literacy program is emphasized throughout the student’s day, with ongoing emphasis on speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. We are also proud of the technology available to our staff and students. This year we are excited to provide a tablet for all students in grade K-2 and a laptop and tablet for those in grades 3-5. Teachers are able to enhance and enrich the students’ learning experiences through the use of many different technologies.
777 Elk Grove Blvd.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
4/10 6-8
Great Schools rating
School Grades
# of Students
Our goal is to prepare students for success in life! To accomplish this, students engage in a rigorous comprehensive curriculum that emphasizes best practices in education. We look to create “thinking” classrooms where student ideas are a valued and utilized part of the program. Special emphasis is made on student collaboration, problemsolving, and digital literacy. Our collaborative staff works very hard to develop a standards-based curriculum that is aligned throughout the content and grade levels toward a set of learning standards focused on what students can do.
500 W. Elk Grove Boulevard
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
At EGHS, we proudly put the needs of our students first. Our graduates leave us not only with a clearer sense of their future pathways and goals, but also with the critical thinking skills and knowledge necessary to adapt to whatever changes may come in life. With over 60 Advanced Placement and Dual Credit college course options, we provide students with an unbelievable opportunity to excel in a diverse range of academic and career fields.