WELCOME FROM THE BOARD Dear Member The board of Tourism Greater Shepparton is acutely aware, more than ever before, of how important it is to offer appealing benefits and “value for money” to its members. With this in mind, we would like to highlight a number of opportunities and cash saving offers this financial year that equate to approximately $800 in value. Financial members will be able to take advantage of the following benefits: •
Up to 50 percent off advertising rates in various tourist publications, including 52 Great Discoveries.
Free brochure display at the Greater Shepparton Visitor Information Centre.
Free listings on Greater Shepparton’s official visitor website, www.discovershepparton.com.au
Free event listing in the Greater Shepparton Tourism Month calendar of events in October 2013.
Access to the TGS Facebook page.
Heavily subsidised attendance fees to networking and guest speaker functions and workshops.
Dozens of opportunities to tap into the tourism dollars spent annually by hundreds of thousands of visitors to Greater Shepparton.
There are many more benefits to your TGS membership and they are listed in our monthly newsletter and on the Member Benefits page of this pack, I encourage you to check them out to make the most of your membership. Please contact Kate Smith via email at info@tourismgreatershepparton.com.au, if you are not receiving our emailed newsletter, or if you would like more information on TGS member benefits. Tourism is everyone’s business. Along with the direct spending from tourists here in Greater Shepparton be it for a holiday, sporting event, business or visiting family and friends, there are also the associated economic benefits for the entire community. Tourism generates different types of income for our local community: business income, wages, rates and levies. Direct spending by visitors has a positive impact on business profitability and employment growth. This money is then circulated and re-spent into the local economy. One of the most important roles for the TGS board to play is to lobby Local and State Governments on the importance of tourism to our local economies and how we can grow a vibrant and sustainable industry. Please consider renewing your membership, or becoming a new member, as a vital support to these efforts. It is crucial we have solid membership to have our messages heard. Kind Regards,
Cheryl Hammer President, Tourism Greater Shepparton
MEMBER BENEFITS TGS has three levels of membership, as listed below. The benefits to your business are invaluable and the discounts on advertising, free website listing, and placement of your brochures in the Greater Shepparton Visitors Centre, among many other benefits, equate to approximately $800 in value which by far outweighs the cost of your membership.
Full Membership Benefits - $365 per annum ... Just $1 per day • Exclusive member discounts, up to 50% off when advertising in various tourism publications including 52 Great Discoveries. • Placement of your business brochures in the Visitors Centre. • Free web listing on the official visitor website, www.discovershepparton.com.au • Up to 15%* discount when advertising on Star FM or 3SR and the opportunity for a live cross at your business. For conditions and full details see the TGS member newsletter. • 20%* discount on the casual rate when advertising on Southern Cross Ten. • The opportunity to host a Southern Cross Ten Weeknights program at your business subsidised by TGS by 50%*, at this rate members only pay $165 inc. • Discounts when advertising in Goulburn River Valley Tourism publications. • Free exposure for your event during Greater Shepparton Tourism Month in October. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Monthly TGS member newsletter. Business profile/news in the TGS newsletter. Feature in the newsletter after joining as a member. Post your business events, news on the TGS Facebook page. Your business included as a ‘featured’ like on the TGS facebook page for two weeks per year. Invite to present at a Greater Shepparton Visitors Centre product information night. Collaborative marketing and promotional opportunities when available. 5% discount on printing at Willprint Shepparton. A link to networking meetings with industry relevant guest speakers. Invite to display brochures/products at Trade Shows where TGS is participating. Invite to participate in professional development workshops and training opportunities at a TGS member discounted rate when available. Up to 25% discount on industry familiarization tours run by the Visitors Centre. Access and support from the Board (initial contact by email please). Minutes from monthly Board meetings. Invitation to the Annual General Meeting. Membership Logo display sticker for the current financial year.
Registered Non - Profit Organisation Benefits - $200 per annum •
Registered Not For Profit Organisations will receive Full Membership Benefits.
Friends of Tourism Member Benefits - $85 per annum • • •
A link to networking meetings with industry relevant guest speakers. Invite to participate in professional development workshops and training opportunities at a TGS member discounted rate when available. Monthly TGS member newsletter. * Conditions apply
DISCOVER SHEPPARTON WEBSITE LISTING As a Full or Not For Profit member your business receives a free listing on the Discover Shepparton website. To ensure your business details are correct, please complete this form and return it with your membership form and fees. Full or Non For Profit Members are eligible to have six photos attached to their listing on the website. Please email current photos along with your business name to: info@discovershepparton.com.au
Alternatively CLICK HERE to complete and submit this form online. Business Name Email Website Phone Postal Address Town Post Code Opening Hours Point of Difference A one-two line description here as a marketing tool to your property. This is the opening statement that will be displayed at the top of your listing, and is your first opportunity to sell your business and tell your customers why you are different to your competitors. Business Description This is a wordier description of your business that will be displayed below the point of difference. Provide the customer a detailed description of your business and what they will love about it. This is your chance to advertise your business, be creative and engage the reader!
Directions from your nearest town Assume the customer has made it to the centre of town and direct them to your property. Include a detailed description.
MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION / tax invoice RENEWALS AND NEW MEMBER REGISTRATION Tourism Greater Shepparton, PO Box 110, Shepparton 3632. ABN 41 505 178 163 Please print your completed application form, copy for your records, then return original to the postal address above. Upon receipt of payment, this registration form may be used as a Tax Invoice.
Alternatively CLICK HERE to complete and submit this form online. Business Trading Name Company Name ABN Postal Address City/Town:
Business Address Contact Person(s) Business Telephone Number Mobile Phone Number Preferred Email Address Distribute my contact details to other members (please circle). YES NO This will enable members to contact you regarding potential strategic partnerships, relevant issues etc.
Please circle the appropriate membership level and fees payable Full Member Annual Fees
Registered Not For Profit Annual Fees
Friends of Tourism Annual Fees
$365.00 $200.00 $85.00 Direct Deposits: Quote your business name as the reference. BSB 633 108 Account No. 1125 35083
I enclose a cheque to the value of $ ____________________ Signed:___________________________________________ Date: ____/____/201___ Name (Please Print): _________________________________ By completion of this form you are authorizing Tourism Greater Shepparton to use the information contained within this document. Other authorities are required to obtain written permission from Tourism Greater Shepparton prior to use.
greater shepparton visitors centre WHAT CAN A VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE DO FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Greater Shepparton Visitors Centre Supporting Tourism Greater Shepparton The Greater Shepparton Visitors Centre Open 9.00am – 5.00pm Everyday (except Christmas Day) Toll Free: 1800 808 839 Email: info@discovershepparton.com.au Web: www.discovershepparton.com.au •
Greater Shepparton Visitors Centre is a business unit of Greater Shepparton City Council, and a Level 1 Accredited Visitor Information Centre under the Australian Tourism Accreditation Program. The Visitors Centre is a separate entity to Tourism Greater Shepparton, however Council recognises TGS as its primary tourism industry stakeholder and provides visitor services to stimulate industry growth, attracting more people to an expanding range of attractions and events and helping tourism businesses to grow and develop.
The Visitors Centre is the first stop for travellers, assisting in excess of 50,000 visitors per year, both in the Centre, and via displays at major events. Add to that the 3000 visitors per month to the centre’s website (www.discovershepparton.com.au) and that represents a lot of opportunities for representing Tourism Greater Shepparton businesses.
The centre’s frontline customer service is delivered by passionate and proud volunteers and a small team of professional staff. The volunteers give in excess of 5000 hours annually towards the promotion of Greater Shepparton which includes your business!
The Visitors Centre encourages visitors to stay longer, spend more and experience all the attractions and facilities on offer in Greater Shepparton.
What the Centre can do for TGS Members:
Members of Tourism Greater Shepparton are entitled to a free listing on the Discover Shepparton Website (accommodation providers must provide regular inventory to the site’s booking engine to be listed). The centre exclusively displays brochures and flyers of Greater Shepparton businesses who are TGS members (and not for profit organisations). Members can also have any special events listed on the website www.discovershepparton. com.au. Businesses find this calendar a useful resource for scheduling events and promotions and roster planning. The Visitors Centre also stocks a range of local products and souvenirs for sale and welcomes enquiries from TGS member suppliers. The Visitors Centre chooses TGS members over non-members as preferred suppliers for accessing goods and services wherever possible. The Visitors Centre gives first preferences to TGS members for many opportunities made available to operators, including preferred businesses to include in familiarisation tours and information sessions for our staff and volunteers. The Visitors Centre, via its association with Council, negotiates to be the official accommodation booking provider for many major events which the region attracts, giving accommodation operators direct marketing exposure to event attendees.
More on Next Page ...
GREATER SHEPPARTON VISITORS CENTRE And does it work? The Visitor Information Centre conducts surveys using the VICKIT survey model. Consistently, the results of these surveys show that visitors to the centre are influenced to:
Stay in Greater Shepparton longer than planned (45% of visitors in 2012)
Undertake more activities than planned (71% of visitors in 2012)
Return to Greater Shepparton again (100% of visitors in 2012)
july 2013
HOME News from
The Board
Welcome to...
Tourism Talk Greater Shepparton
Member News Member Benefits General News Contact
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july 2013
HOME News from
The Board
News from the Board SAVE SPCA Campaign As part of the TGS board’s efforts to remain up to date with local issues, it hosted
Member News
guest speaker, Peter Hall, a third generation local fruit grower and representative of the ‘Save SPC Ardmona’ campaign, at its June meeting. Peter provided an overview of the issues facing the local fruit industry and the reason for the ‘Save SPCA’
Member Benefits
campaign. The local fruit industry is in need of assistance today due to the value of the Australian dollar, the abolishment of an import tax about 30 years ago, and the
General News Contact Tourism Month
Support Tourism Month 2013 Greater Shepparton Tourism Month is the largest project your board takes on
‘dumping’ of cheap overseas canned products in Australia.
annually in October and we would love you to support it this year by holding an These ‘dumped’ products have been over produced in foreign countries, and then
event, open day, information session - whatever suits your business - to be listed
sold in Australia at an extremely low price which local producers cannot compete
in the calendar of events. Up to 25 000 copies of the highly anticipated calendar of
with. The overseas products are not produced under Australia’s strict food safety
events will be printed and distributed directly to households throughout the region
and OHS guidelines nor are these products being produced by a workforce under
in mid September. Listings are free and are a great way to promote your business/
Australia’s employment conditions or pay rates. The board learnt of the campaign’s
product to locals and visitors - another great free member benefit. More info and
efforts in Canberra to fight for a “level playing field” to sell local fruit and also the
the link to the listing form is on our Tourism Month Page. If you would like to be a
devastating impact on local jobs if SPCA was to falter. More than 10 000 jobs directly
sponsor partner of Tourism Month please get in contact with myself or Kate Smith
and indirectly are in jeopardy if the canning giant closes.
(details on contact us page) for available sponsorship packages.
TGS recognises that SPCA is an icon of our region and it would impact on our
Board positions
tourism industry if it was lost ... the brand is synonymous with the Goulburn Valley and recognised as such all over the world. We encourage you to support the SAVE SPCA campaign wherever you can. You should purchase Australian made SPC Click Here to ‘Like Us’
products and display the ‘Save SPCA’ stickers and signage. CLICK HERE to watch
on Facebook
a short segment, recently aired on Southern Cross Ten’s Weeknights program, regarding the issues facing the local industry and more about how you can assist. Or, CLICK HERE to go to the campaign’s facebook page to find the details of how you can obtain stickers and signage.
TGS will hold its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, August 21, upstairs at Teller Collective. If you are interested in nominating for the board please contact Kate Smith on info@tourismgreatershepparton.com.au to receive a board member pack and nomination form. Our valued board member and Vice President, Gracie Sharwood, has indicated he will not re-nominate for a position and he has penned some of his thoughts on his time with TGS. His letter is on the Member News page. Thank you Gracie for your contribution to and belief in the work TGS does to represent and support the local industry. Good luck with your projects over the next 12 months.
Covers Restaurant Thank you to Covers Restaurant at Shepparton GoTafe for hosting our board
Until next month,
meeting. While in the meeting a group of approximately 60 people were
Cheryl Hammer
enjoying their lunch catered for and served by TAFE students. It was a great
insight to the role Covers Restaurant plays within the education institution. If you would like to host a board meeting, please contact Kate Smith on info@tourismgreatershepparton.com.au Previous Page
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july 2013
News from
Hospitality Business Award
The Board
Congratulations to Peaches Cafe, the weekly winner of the Hospitality Business Award, a category within the the 2013 Powercor 953SRFM Business Awards.
Member News
Mimmo from Peaches states “it is our mission to enhance lives through quality coffee and food with excellent friendly service”. Peaches Cafe has built its reputation on
Member Benefits
quality coffee, fluffy homemade scones, and a range of sweets, sandwiches, focaccias, wraps, quiches, hot food, cold drinks, milkshakes, smoothies and gluten free products. Peaches Cafe offers free parking and free WiFi. It is located at SPCA
General News Contact
Factory Sales in Corio Street Shepparton. CLICK HERE to visit the Peaches Cafe
Member Discounts One of the suggestions received via the recent member survey was to provide more discounts. We are pleased to advise you that TGS will continue to provide up to 50 percent discount when advertising in 52 Great Discoveries, the exclusive TGS
facebook page.
member rate on Southern Cross Ten Weeknights hostings, Goulburn River Valley
The TGS board encourages you to nominate your business, please click here for more
offer a 5% discount and Peaches Cafe offer members a 10% discount.
Tourism provide a discount for advertising within its various publications, Willprint
information or a nomination form - INFORMATION PACK, NOMINATION FORM.
We have
also negotiated a new discount for radio advertising on Star FM or 3SR FM and
Nominee photo has been supplied by The Adviser Newspaper.
for television advertising on Southern Cross Ten. GV Media Centre are a valuable
TGS Membership Renewals
following discounted rates:
Membership renewals are now due.
supporter of TGS and of the tourism industry and would like to offer members the
Tourism Month You would have by now received your
membership invoice, please pay this by July 31 to ensure you continue to access the numerous member benefits offered. Annual membership remains at $365, you receive more than $800 worth of value and savings for just $1 per day! Refer to the
(the casual rate is normally $48), or $28 for a 15 second spot. •
added a number of new benefits, many of which were as a result of your responses
on Facebook
from the TGS member survey conducted during May. This year, along with your payment ALL members, existing and new, MUST fill out the Membership Application Form in line with TGS constitutional requirements. If you haven’t done so already, CLICK HERE to complete the form now and submit it online.
a minimum spend of $760.00. •
20% discount on casual rates when advertising on Southern Cross Ten.
To receive your discount you must advise your account manager that you are a TGS member when booking your advertising. We are in the process of negotiating further discounts for members. If you would like to offer your fellow TGS members a disount at your business please email your offer
TGS Membership Winner
to Kate at info@tourismgreatershepparton.com.au. Your discount will be printed
Once again thank you to those who completed the TGS member survey. As promised
A free live location cross to promote your business/event/products (subject to availability) when booking advertising on either Star FM or 3SR FM with
member benefits page of this newsletter, we have retained the popular benefits and Click Here to ‘Like Us’
$38 for a 30 second spot on either Star FM or 3SR FM
within this newsletter and added to the list of member benefits.
those businesses were placed in a draw to win their 2013-14 TGS
membership for free. Congratulations to Acacia Gardens Caravan Park, they are the winner. Acacia Gardens will be able to access the long list of TGS member benefits
this year for FREE, just for telling us what they think of their membership and what they want from their membership. Previous Page
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july 2013
HOME News from
The Board Member News
MEMBER NEWS News from Central Shepparton Apartments Central Shepparton Apartments has always provided guests with off street parking however recently took this a step further and installed car park locks. These locks now guarantee guests one designated park per apartment, and ensure no other guests park in their allocated park. These easy to operate and effective locks operate
Member Benefits
via remote contol, whilst in their vehicle the guest simply puts the lock down to enable them to drive in when they arrive, then when they leave they put the lock up to ensure no one can access their parking space. Central Shepparton Apartments
General News
is the only business locally using this system. Owner Glenda, was so pleased with them that she has now become an agent for the locks. If you would like a quote or for more information call Glenda on 5821 4482.
Glenda said, “We are continually reviewing what we offer our guests to ensure they guests facilities, in the past six month some of the apartments have been re-painted, new bed linen purchased, we have new compendiums to ensure guests have all the information they need to make the most of their stay and the local attractions, a new website and facebook page has been launched and we have purchased new beds”. To visit the Central Shepparton Apartments website CLICK HERE, or CLICK HERE for the facebook page.
Click Here to ‘Like Us’ on Facebook
The Teller Collective offers a diverse range of dining options and spaces for private functions including The Teller Collective Restaurant, The Fryers Street Food Store, The Vault and private functions rooms. It is no longer taking bookings for its
have an enjoyable stay. The guaranteed car park is just one of our new and improved
Tourism Month
The Teller Collective degustation menu at Teller, however this great space is available for bookings of private functions for 18-40 people and this will be the location for the TGS AGM on Wednesday, August 21. The Collective Restaurant (ground floor 55 Fryers Street), is open for dinner from 6pm Tuesday-Saturday, lunch Wednesday-Saturday, and breakfast from 8am on weekends. The Fryers Street Food Store (53 Fryers Street), is open from 7am weekedays for breakfast and lunch, from 10am on weekends for coffee, cake and lunch, and they
Welcome New Members
now serve woodfired pizza from 5pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. At the
The board extends a welcome to new members 10X Goulburn Valley. 10X has
Food Store you will also find a selection of preserves, sauces, dressings, take home
been building relationships with local business owners, managers and their
meals and more.
teams, all over North East Victoria since 2009. 10X offers training, leadership and coaching and through its business improvement workshops/seminars, participants
The Teller Collective has various function spaces available for small and large groups
go away feeling motivated and inspired and with tools and strategies they can use to
with full catering. The private dining room seats between 10 and 18, Teller 18-40 and
improve their businesses and their lives. 10X believes that by making a difference to
the vault 50-150. Catering is also available (pick up only). You can contact The Teller
local business owners it can make a difference to the economy of the local business
Collective on 5822 4660 or CLICK HERE to visit the website.
community. Watch this space next month for the next 10X training opportunity. CLICK HERE to visit the 10x website.
More Member News on Next Page ... Previous Page
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july 2013
HOME News from
The Board
MEMBER NEWS Annual General Meeting You are invited to attend Tourism Greater Shepparton’s Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, August 21 at 6.30.pm for a 7pm start. The AGM will be held upstairs at
Member News
the Teller Collective, 55 Fryers Street, Shepparton. Upon arrival enjoy networking with fellow members and finger food. The AGM will then get underway and you will be provided with an overview of TGS’s achievements over the past 12 months
Member Benefits
and also hear the future direction of TGS. All positions on the board will be vacated, nominations for new or re-electing board members will be tabled and the new board
General News Contact Tourism Month
and executive positions will be elected. If you would like to attend please RSVP to Kate at info@tourismgreatershepparton.com.au by Friday, August 16. RSVP’s are
“Dear TGS Member,
essential for catering purposes.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the board and members of TGS
If you are interested in becoming a board member please contact Kate at
through Goulburn River Valley Tourism, and having a keen interest in tourism,
info@tourismgreatershepparton.com.au to obtain a board member pack and
the next step was getting involved on a more direct level, and that was TGS.
for their support during the past two years. After doing the Leadership Program
nomination form. Should you have any questions please refer to the contacts page of this newsletter to contact one of the board members who will be more
Having had a little insight to what other tourism groups do and what they are
than happy to answer your questions. Due to other commitments current TGS
involved in, I must say that TGS is a leader in that area, with very proactive board
Vice President, Gracie Sharwood has decided not to re-nominate. His testimonial
and members. During my two years with TGS I realised what a great city and
sharing his thoughts on his time on the board is on this page.
region we have with great diversity with what’s on offer. I have seen with Cheryl and Kate’s passion and direction how much more TGS has lifted its profile, and in essence your profile, something I know they will continue to do.
Southern Cross Ten Weeknights Hostings Click Here to ‘Like Us’ on Facebook
Hosting a Weeknights program at your business is an inexpensive opportunity to obtain a presence on television and to raise your business profile. Each month two lucky members have the opportunity to have a TGS subsidised hosting at their business. At the monthly meeting, the board will draw out up to two members to receive a 50 percent subsidy, therefore members drawn out will only pay $165. Congratulations to Central Shepparton Apartments, they recently received a subsidised hosting on Wednesday, July 3. CLICK HERE to view a snippet of a Weeknights hosting that was filmed at Big 4 Shepparton East Holiday Park last year. As you will see this provides great promotion for your business and the opportunity to be inteviewed about any events, new products or facilities at your business. For more information please email
I say to you all, get on the TGS band wagon it definitely is on the up. I also urge you to put your hand up for a position on the board if you feel you have something to give or want to help guide your region into the future. It’s with regret that I cannot continue with TGS next year as I have a few consuming projects and feel that I cannot give the time I would like to TGS and its members. But when the opportunity presents itself again I will put my hand up to get involved. Your continued support can only make tourism and our region shine more brightly.
If you have any questions feel free to contact myself or any of the
board, we are all more than happy to help you. Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a great day!!” - Gracie Sharwood, Vice President 2012/2103
Kate at info@tourismgreatershepparton.com.au
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july 2013
Grea t disc overi in Gre ater es Shep part on
News from
The Board
TGS has three levels of membership, as listed below. The benefits to your business are invaluable and the discounts on advertising, free website listing, and placement of your brochures in the Greater Shepparton Visitors Centre, among other benefits, equate to approximately $800 in value which by far outweighs the cost
Member News Member Benefits
of your membership.
great iscover place s to v isit
Placement of your business brochures in the Visitors Centre.
Free listing on the official visitor website, www.discovershepparton.com.au
Up to 15%* discount when advertising on Star FM or 3SR and the opportunity for a live cross at your business. For conditions and full details see the TGS member newsletter.
20%* discount on the casual rate when advertising on Southern Cross Ten.
The opportunity to host a Southern Cross Ten Weeknights program at your business subsidised by TGS by 50%*, at this rate members only pay $165 inc.
Discounts when advertising in Goulburn River Valley Tourism publications.
Free exposure for your event during Greater Shepparton Tourism Month in October.
Click Here to ‘Like Us’ on Facebook
Spec ial co upon offer S
Exclusive member discounts, up to 50% off when advertising in various tourism
Contact Tourism Month
inSid e for
Full Member - $365 per year ... Just $1 per day publications including 52 Great Discoveries.
General News
Monthly TGS member newsletter.
Business profile/news in the TGS newsletter.
Feature in the newsletter after joining as a member.
Post your business events, news on the TGS Facebook page.
Your business included as a ‘featured’ like on the TGS facebook page for two
Registered Non - Profit Organisation Benefits - $200 per year •
Registered Not For Profit Organisations will receive Full Membership Benefits.
Friends of Tourism Member Benefits - $85 per annum •
A link to networking meetings with industry relevant guest speakers.
Invite to participate in professional development workshops and training
opportunities at a TGS member discounted rate when available.
Monthly TGS member newsletter.
* Conditions apply
weeks per year. •
Invite to present at a Visitors Centre product information night.
Collaborative marketing and promotional opportunities when available.
5% discount on printing at Willprint Shepparton.
A link to networking meetings with industry relevant guest speakers.
Invite to display brochures/products at Trade Shows where TGS is participating.
Invite to participate in professional development workshops and training
USEFUL MEMBER LINKS Membership Benefits list CLICK HERE Membership Renewal Form CLICK HERE
opportunities at a TGS member discounted rate when available. •
Up to 25% discount on industry familiarization tours run by the Visitors Centre.
Access and support from the Board (initial contact by email please).
Minutes from monthly Board meetings.
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting.
Membership Logo display sticker for the current financial year. Previous Page
- 6 -
Business Listing on the Discover Shepparton website CLICK HERE TGS Facebook Page CLICK HERE Discover Shepparton Calendar of Events CLICK HERE Discover Shepparton Facebook Page CLICK HERE Greater Shepparton Business Centre training events CLICK HERE
Next Page
july 2013
HOME News from
The Board
GENERAL NEWS Visitors Centre Update The temporary VIC now has a comprehensive range of information available to visitors once again – including brochures, Official Visitor Guides, and more. The
Member News
information service provided by phone and online has continued uninterrupted
Victorian Tourism Awards Video Resource
The staff are pleased to advise that visitation to the Visitors Centre website
Member Benefits
www.discovershepparton.com.au is up 60% compared with May/June last year. The level of accommodation bookings made through the VIC has also increased by 10%
General News
on June last year, and telephone calls have continued at normal levels. The Centre is however only receiving 25% - 35% of the walk in visitation that they would normally expect for this time of year.
Contact Tourism Month
Tourism Victoria has created a series of videos to assist Victorian Tourism Award entrants prepare with their awards submissions. The videos were taken during a recent Tourism Awards workshop. Topics discussed include creating a business plan, marketing, customer service and professional development. CLICK HERE to visit YouTube to view the videos.
The VIC has however, in its temporary location, noticed an increase in the number
Dinosaurs Down Under Road Show
of locals stopping by for information. This is a great bonus considering the high
Shepparton will be the eighth stop for the National Dinosaur Museum’s brand new
percentage of visitors to Shepparton visiting friends and relatives (54% of visitors
“Dinosaurs Down Under” road show, touring rural New South Wales and Victoria with
stay with the friends or relatives and 50% cite their main reason for visiting is to catch
moving and roaring dinosaur replicas, museum quality fossils, a series of lectures
up with friends/relatives). The Centre encourages locals who are in the city centre to
and hands-on fossil experiences.
take advantage of this central location and peruse the information on offer. The show is touring with invited international palaeontologist Marton Rabi, local
Click Here to ‘Like Us’ on Facebook
The all important volunteers of the Visitor Information Centre are continuing to do a
scientist Dr Eva Papp, and paleo-author Phil Hore. They will present two lectures in
fantastic job in a very different environment to the one which they are accustomed
Shepparton on Sunday, August 11 at 1pm and at 2.30pm at The Connection. This
to. Continued engagement of the volunteers is essential, and in the coming months
free family event will provide the opportunity to ask questions about Australia’s
extra activities will be offered to volunteers to help keep them involved, including
prehistoric past and about the life of a researcher, and to view moving, life-like
familiarisation tours, training and social / recognition events.
dinosaur models, participate in interactive hands-on fossil experiences, including the opportunity to hold the bones of real Australian mega-fauna (like the giant
Discussions with insurers continue, which will inform the most practical option for
wombat, Diprotodon) or touch fossilised ancestors of the Wollemi pine. A Wollemi
the VIC going forward. In the meantime plans are being finalised for re-routing of
pine seedling will be donated to each hosting town with a memorial plaque and will
the VIC’s trailblazing i-signs so that it will be easier for visitors to find the temporary
be planted as a living memento of the Centenary of Canberra.
location at the Council Offices at 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton. The event will be held at The Connection at Kidstown on Sunday August 11 from TGS continues to offer its support to the Visitors Centre, the Centre is not only a
12 noon. The Connection will be serving all day breakfast and lunch from 9am,
necessary service to visitors and tourism operators, it is of great value to locals and
with a special ‘Dinosaur’ kids menu on offer. Meals are available at your own cost
the entire community. CLICK HERE to read a recent editorial that was printed in the
and bookings are requested to avoid disappointment. To find out more please
Shepparton News.
CLICK HERE to go to website.
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july 2013
HOME News from
The Board
GENERAL NEWS 52 Great Discoveries Selling Soon The fifth annual edition of the extremely popular 52 Great Discoveries publication
Member News
will be printed again in September. This is an informative guide for locals who are keen to support local tourism operators as well as entertain their visiting friends and family close to home. It also enlightens tourists to the wonderful experiences on
Member Benefits
offer here in Greater Shepparton. 52 Great Discoveries is a fun way of showcasing the tourism offerings of local businesses to families, groups, couples and everyone in between. The businesses and attractions in the booklet hope readers will explore
General News Contact Tourism Month
Click Here to ‘Like Us’ on Facebook
New Tourism Victoria Campaign Minister for Tourism and Major Events Louise Asher announced this month that the Coalition Government has allocated $350,000 for innovative tourism initiatives
their venues and make the most of their special offers.
across regional Victoria to promote tourism to the intrastate and interstate markets.
This publication is also available on a free smart phone app from the iTunes or
provide for innovative projects that generate more opportunities for tourism in
Ms Asher said the new Regional Cooperative Marketing Innovation Fund would
Google Play Store, which further enhances its advertising appeal.
regional Victoria.
Annabel from Prominent Group will be contacting you in the near future to discuss
Working with Tourism Victoria, the Regional Tourism Boards will deliver a diverse
your advertisement in this publication. TGS members receive a 50% discount when advertising.
range of programs across the state, from technological applications such as free WiFi networks at key visitor locations to mobile applications and mobile-optimised websites. There is also a marketing campaign for a new digital platform and social
Latest Regional Visitation Statistics
media campaigns, all highlighting strengths of the regions.
The latest regional visitation statistics for the year ended March 2013 were recently
These innovative projects will ensure wider awareness of regional Victoria’s many
released for the Goulburn River Valley region. The domestic overnight statistics are
attractions and provide a better and more informed experience for visitors.
positive. The region received 739,000 domestic overnight visitors - up by 20.9% on
To read in full please CLICK HERE.
YE Mar 12. Further, visitors spent over 1.7 million nights in the region - up by 23.2% on YE Mar 12. ‘Holiday or leisure’ (45.9%) remains the largest purpose for visitors to the region, followed by ‘visiting friends and relatives’ (38.7%) and ‘business’ (11.6%). Visitors spent an estimated $189 million in the region - an average of $108 per night. Domestic daytrip visitors however were slightly down on the same time last year. Goulburn River Valley received over 1.9 million domestic daytrip visitors - down by 3.7% on YE Mar 12. As with the overnight visitors, ‘Holiday or leisure’ (47.5%) was the largest purpose for visitors to the region, followed by ‘visiting friends and relatives’ (34.8%) and ‘business’ (7.8%). Visitors spent an estimated $204 million in the region an average of $105 per visitor. To read the full report please CLICK HERE.
VTIC Small Business Award Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) encourage industry and professional development in Victoria’s tourism and events sector. VTIC’s ‘Small Business Award’ gives member businesses with 19 or fewer employees the opportunity to receive a $10,000 (incl. GST) grant towards professional development in the business. Possible activities include, but are not restricted to: training, mentoring, creation of a formal partnership in or beyond Australia, secondment, education or exchange. They welcome innovation! Submissions close on Friday, July 26. To read more and to see if you qualify for the Award please CLICK HERE.
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july 2013
HOME News from
The Board Member News
GENERAL NEWS Greater Shepparton Events Bringing Visitors To Town Below is a snap shot of the events to be held in Greater Shepparton during July - August 2013. The Greater Shepparton Tourism & Events team work with a number of groups and associations to encourage visitation through events to the region. Research shows that events deliver strong social and economic benefit along with raising the profile of our region in the minds of visitors. For more details on how you can be involved please contact the organisers or Council’s Events team on (03) 5832 9700.
Member Benefits General News
Tatura Indoor
26 - 28 July
Event information
Event Run by the junior members of the
Goulburn Valley Jumping Club.
Steve Brady conducts horsemanship clinics all
around Australia and New Zealand.
For more information contact Graeme Talarico
on 0427 215 744
Dinosaurs Down Under is a travelling road show
and mini exhibition by the National Dinosaur
Tatura Park
Appr. %
of visitors
to region
Show jumping
Contact Tourism Month
Classic Horsemanship
Tatura Football
9 - 11
Netball Club
Tatura Park
Tatura Park
Horse Clinic
Dinosaurs Click Here to ‘Like Us’
11 August
Down Under
Museum, Canberra.
on Facebook
You can also view the upcoming events on the Discover Shepparton website, CLICK HERE to view now. The Visitors Centre also emails a weekly event update, if you are not on their database and would like to recieve this weekly update please email the Visitors Centre at info@discovershepparton.com.au
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july 2013
News from
The Board Member News Member Benefits General News Contact Tourism Month
Please send all correspondence to: Tourism Greater Shepparton, PO Box 110, Shepparton VIC 3632 ABN: 41 505 178 163
Tourism Greater Shepparton Board Member Contacts President
Cheryl Hammer
The Churches
0410 561 934
Vice President
Gracie Sharwood GV Hotel
0419 200 473
Glenda Farrington Central Shepparton Apartments
0428 194 799
Kate Smith Marketing & Project Management
0418 382 985
Board Member Ross Graham
0428 709 848
Board Member
0411 856 263
Board Member Annabel Thomas
Prominent Group
Board Member
Big4 Shepparton East
5829 2396
Greater Shepparton Visitor Centre
5831 4400
0419 884 678
Tracey Toy
Kaye Bernardi
Council Rep Maree Glasson
Chamber Rep Morry MacKellar Shepparton Chamber of Commerce
Please submit all newsletter content for consideration by the Board to Kate Smith at info@tourismgreatershepparton.com.au by the 1st of each month. Click Here to ‘Like Us’ on Facebook
Meet the Board Members Below are your Tourism Greater Shepparton board members. Be sure to look out for details of the next Tourism Greater Shepparton members networking function where you can meet the board members in person.
Cheryl Hammer, Gracie Sharwood, Glenda Farrington, Ross Graham, Tracey Toy, Annabel Thomas, Kaye Bernardi, Maree Glasson, Morry MacKellar Previous Page
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july 2013
HOME News from
The Board
TOURISM MONTH Submit Your 2013 Event Listing Now Event listings are now being received for Greater Shepparton Tourism Month, have
Member News
you sumbitted your event yet? You only have until the end of July to submit your event, forms are available for completion online, please CLICK HERE to complete the form now, alternatively email TGS at info@tourismgreatershepparton.com.au to
Member Benefits
obtain a printable version that can be completed and mailed to TGS at PO Box 110 or delivered to the temporary Greater Shepparton Visitors Centre at the Council Offices in Welsford Street by Wednesday, July 31. To date we have a number of events
General News
including food and dining events, guided walking tours, exhibitions, open days and
Tourism Month is another great benefit of being a member of TGS. It provides the
various family events just to name a few.
Thank you to the 2012 sponsors of Tourism Month. Please support these valuable sponsors who are assisting us to showcase the fantastic attractions and experiences on offer to both locals and visitors to the area.
option to promote your event within 25 000 official Calendar of Events brochures distributed during Greater Shepparton Tourism Month each October for FREE.
Tourism Month
Calendar of Events brochures are distributed across Greater Shepparton and into surrounding regions therefore the ideal way to promote your event to both visitors and locals. In the past, the Calendar of Events has also been promoted via television, radio, the newspaper and an electronic copy is placed on Greater Shepparton’s official visitor website and on the TGS facebook page. This is an opportunity too good to be missed, submit your event now! You might like to hold an open day, have a product launch, a come and try day, festival or an expo. The options are endless.
Click Here to ‘Like Us’ on Facebook
Events raise your business profile and have the potential to increase your customer base. With so many options for marketing your event for free this is a great
rism Month
Greater Shepparton Tourism Month 2012 Sponsors
opportunity and one that you should consider incorporating within your planning annually to grow and promote your business.
Alternatively, if holding an event is
not your thing, think about partnering with, or sponsoring Tourism Month, this is
another great way to have your business name/logo distributed across the region and depending on your level of sponsorship, potentially at various events. Event co-ordinators, Cheryl and Kate, have been contacting you over the past month to discuss your event possibilities and will continue to do so over the coming weeks. Lets work together to showcase our great region and make Tourism Month 2013 our biggest and best yet!
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