Page 1

National President Message


President Message


National Assigner Executive Officer Message


Interview with Winnie Young

04 - 07

Projects review Business Affairs, Public Relations and Mainland Affairs

08 - 11

Community Development


International Affairs

13 - 14

Membership Affairs


Leadership Development

16 - 17

Members’ Voice

18 - 19

Event Photos


2016 Candidates Board of Directors

21 - 22

It is the time of year again when we have our annual meetings. Old friends meet, achievements reviewed, promises made and new leaders elected. AGM is an essential part of JCI, without which we could not have traveled this far. This time last year, I was busy preparing for election, so were all chapter presidents. Together with our board members, we have committed to the cause of serving the community. Years later when we look back, we will be proud of what we have done and the sweet memories that accompany. This year is the 100th anniversary of the JC movement and I am glad to see outstanding projects held by different chapters. The project “Thankful Heart”, organized by JCI Queensway, remind us of the motto of JCI that “service to humanity is the best work of life” and are well received by the public. The work of this year’s board has definitely set a high bar, but I believe JCI Queensway will always strive for the better. This year is also the 65th anniversary of JCI Hong Kong. I would like to take this chance to thank JCI Queensway for your support of JCI Hong Kong. Congratulations to president elect and the board of directors. I wish JCI Queensway every success in the year to come.

It is my great honour to serve as the President of JCI Queensway in 2015. In this year, we have many meaningful events and projects: elderly visit, community development project “Thankful Heart�. For fellowship, we have MFG every month with different topics. We also attended ASPAC in SABAH with 9 members, all of us had an enjoyable experience with a lot of fun. Our members are also very active in attending events and NOM project. We had launched many impactful projects and provided many opportunities to members for extending their network and leadership. We wish our member realize WHY they join JC, WHAT they can get and HOW to get from JC life in this year. On behalf on JCI Queensway, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to National President Senator Anthony Leung, National Assigned Executive Officer Pokit Lok and all National Officers for their support this year. And thanks for all Chapter Presidents for your great support. Thank you very much to all yearly sponsors. This year, we have raised Around HK$38,000. You support is important to us. Last but no least, I appreciated the board of director for their great efforts. Appreciation also goes to all JCI Queensway past presidents, senior members and fellow members for your support and advise in 2015.

Being the National Assigned Executive Officer of JCI Queensway, it is an enjoyable journey that I can have fun and learn with a group of energetic young people. In the past few months, it might face some challenges of project implementation. However, with the passion of JCI Queensway members, the projects were finally delivered and created positive impacts to the members and the local community. In the 100th anniversary of JC movement, JCI Queensway does provide much support to NOM in national commissions and projects. Thank President Man and your members. Thank JCI Queensway! Pokit Lok National Vice President

MS WINNIE YOUNG Interviews: Kwan, Austin

Kwan: Ms Young, you are well known for being the champion of Miss Hong Kong in 1995. What motivated you to make such a big change leaving from TV performance industry and entering education industry to be a principal of kindergarten? Winnie: Two decades past, it is time to have a change. To be frank, I never regard myself as a TV artist. I solely take it as a normal job, and my job is casting TV episode or being MC. It wasn’t so different from those working in office, except I appeared in TV. Now I look back as a former TV performance industry participant, I find that it is a special industry which gives very limited opportunity for newcomers, compared to sales or business administration. The old days did leave me a good memory. However, I didn’t see it as a sacrifice to step out from the industry because something more important came to my life - my son and daughter. After having given birth to my son and daughter, I studied many subjects related to raising children such as Child Psychology and Child Development. I studied those during my work in TV performance industry. With the time gone, I got more and more involved in mother role and my children’ living. I love to do research on teaching methods and creating new methods on solid evidence. It was surprised that when I applied those methods I created on my two children, it came out with a satisfactory result, which boosts my confidence of playing a mother role. For new parents, they are always not sure about if they are practising the right teaching method on children, and worry about exerting negative effect on children. Witnessing the success of my education, some friends seek my advice about teaching children or desire sending their children to my home to have play time. I started to open class regularly in an education centre since the numbers of children grow up remarkably. Then I open class for children learning social manner at other school. After 4 years experience, I discovered that there is a huge variation between children studying at local schools and international schools. Children at international schools usually show a face of happiness, creativity and curiosity. On the contrary, children at local schools face a great pressure due to loads of homework, dictation and examination. The ways of spending weekends could be very different for children in Hong Kong. Some take supplementary English lessons or handwriting practices to catch up with the progress of local schools. Some take drama classes to have fun. During the observation, I create some effective teaching methods which could free children from pressure, boost performance, expend a wide range of interest and enjoy abundant learning experience.

Kwan: Do you agree that the things you learnt from TV performance industry help your education business now? Winnie: It did help me a lot. Our centre serves playgroup which involve parents in the class. Some teachers are afraid of this type of class because of the attention from parents. They feel stressed if they think parents are judging their performance. Teachers with less confidence are vulnerable to stress from such teaching environment. As an experienced former TV MC, I am equipped with enough skills to perform a show. As class is also a show to me, children and parents are my audience, teaching contents are the information I would like to deliver. In order to arouse the attention from audience, I would do everything to attract my audience rather than boring audience to leave with empty seats. Presently, I train the teachers in the same way. I assist them to fill in the role of a performer and inspire them to think of different ways to attract audience and avoid dead air. Austin: I would like to ask you some questions about education. I found that you studied various courses about education and the course consultants are with international authority too. You practice the “discovery learning” theory at you school. Could you tell us the difference between traditional learning and “discovery learning”? Winnie: “discovery learning” arouse the curiosity of children and encourage them to seek answer by themselves. It is easy to order a children to recite 10 vocabularies only with enough time. To those learning the same 10 vocabularies through “discovery learning”, the memory is comparatively long lasting and children are inclined to share with the others. Traditional learning usually divides the learning content into many pieces and requires children to learn them separately. Regrettably, children will forget the learning contents in a short period.


Moreover, the process of discovery is full of joy because children are solving the questions they raised and seeking the answer they desire for. Children would proudly tell the others what they have found and share with the others. Austin: I found that you education centre is quite different from others. You also provide class for speech therapy. What does the motivation come from? Winnie: We cooperate with many charity organizations. One of them is called Benjiscentre. It is the only charity organization that offers free speech therapy service to low income families (less than $12000 a month). We found that family speaking 3 or more languages in Hong Kong is popular, and growing up in this family environment may be the culprit of speech development delay. Benjiscentre has provided great service to children suffering from speech development delay. I support it very much, so I help them to advertise. They told me that speech therapy is incredibly expensive in Hong Kong. Grassroot class has received well support from NGOs like them. However, the middle class has been neglected and they cannot afford the normal but rocket service price. As I would like to help these children from middle class families, Benjiscentre suggested that they recommend speech therapist and I offer the medium service price. I am glad that we have developed a good cooperation relationship. Austin: We know your school leads in London Trinity College Examinations model, utilizing performance, e.g. drama, art and speech, for better teaching structure. What is the benefit for kids learning motivation and atmosphere? Winnie: In Discovery Learning, we teach students not only in lessons, but also with activities. It is similar to what London Trinity Collage is aiming to do. They provide some exams, one of them is called “Speech Communication Art�. As we all known in Hong Kong, students are very stressful with one-on-one oral examination scheme. But for Speech Communication Art, it's in a group discussion examination. Examiners will be observers for how students communicate. We believe without high pressure, students can give full play to their abilities.

Winnie: This program has already run for 3 years. For this year, we had food donation for beneficiaries. Over 300 units of food were collected successfully. Also, we had a fund raising before for catering different people needs. We will try to organize more activities for Winnie Young Charitable Foundation and wish to reach more people in need.

Kwan: Apart from students, what is the reason to hold a parent counsel? Winnie: As a mother, I know the difficulties of parenting. We would like to thru this program to share more information with parents. In this program, parents can empower better EQ control, be awared of speech therapy and also understand their kids’ personalities with different seminars held by professionals. It is open to public and free of charge, aiming to benefit more parents. Kwan: What is your prospect of Winnie Young Charitable Foundation? Winnie: For this foundation, our family crest is created as logo with my family members’ initials, WSHJ. I wish this foundation could represent my family to help people living in poverty and pass to my kids’ future family members unremittingly.


Austin: Can you share with us the donating goods program of Winnie Young Charitable Foundation?





“Facebook marketing and Mediation” – May Monthly Fellowship Gathering , with the effort paid by Chairman Brian Lam, SO Amy Tin, OCs Jackie Wong and Yan, was successfully held on 20 May 2015 at Food Temptation, Jordan. We are honoured to invite Mr Denys Look, who is a professional mediator, to share about his experience and the future of mediation industry and also Ms Judy Chan, who is a blogger, shared the tips about how to market the business in Facebook. In addition, two PMs Melanie Choi and Ken Chan were inducted. Welcome to join JCI Queensway!


‘Push us forward, Raise you up’ – Joint PR Gathering hosted by JCI Victoria, JCI Queensway and JCI Shatin was successfully held on 24th April 2015 at Magnum, Central. Over 100 JC members and friends joined the event. During that night, Camille Lam, who is Public Relations Manager of Hip Shing Hong (Holdings) Company Ltd., was invited to share her experience in Public Relations area. Members and friends enjoyed the night that can learn PR skills from Camille as well as make new friends to expand the network. Thanks to the effort paid by Chairman Donald Wong (JCI Shatin), OC Campbell Ting (JCI Queensway) and also OC When Yip (JCI Victoria) with the guidance and support from President Brian Woo (JCI Victoria), President Man Fok (JCI Queensway), President Kelly Ngan (JCI Shatin), SO Amy Tin (JCI Queensway) and Sharon Chan (JCI Shatin).





JCIHK Sports Day was held on 1st May at Ma On Shan Sports Ground with NOM and LOMs members attending and participating in Track and Field and Cheering Competition. It commenced in the morning, with 7 JCI Queensway members striving their utmost to achieve the best results. Congratulations to Vice President Terry Chan for getting the 2nd Runner-up in Male 1500m run and also congratulations to 2008 President Senator John Ng for getting the 3rd Runner Up in Senior Member Long Jump.



Happy Birthday to JCIHK! This year we are celebrating the 65th Anniversary of JCIHK. 20 Queenway Members joined 65th Anniversary Banquet on 9th May 2014 at Asia World Expo, Tung Chung. A few members won the lucky draw on that night. Congratulations to the winners. What’s more is 1990 National President and 1985 President Senator Larry Lau, 2007 President Senator Connie Chan and also our Senior Members Club Chairman Senator Jaime Ng were awarded Long Service Award for their continuous support to JCI movement for over 10 years. Congratulations!




Community Development Area is one of the 4 areas of Opportunity of JCIHK and it is also main focus area of JCI Queensway which we believed that through developing different CD projects, it can help our members to enhance their sense of belongings to our society and also see the POSSIBILITIES of themselves and the teamwork that develop the project from scratch to a meaningful and impactful event. We think that Education is very important to our teenagers because they are the future of our society. Therefore, we strive for providing an learning opportunity for them through our Voluntary Education program. The program aims at delivering different messages, for instance, positive social values and moral, through different extra- curriculum activities so that they can learn in a fun, happy, fair and creative environment. This year, the theme of the Voluntary Education Program is “Thankful Heart” which is a workshop including two parts: a self-experienced soci-game and a drama jamming. Through this workshop, it aims to let the participants, a group of Form 1 to 3 students, know more about the adult’s life through a soci game and learn how to express more appreciation to people surrounding them through a series of activities in the drama jamming session.

The 2015 JCI ASPAC was successful held on 11-15 Jun, 2015 in Sabah Malaysia, which is one of the highlight JCI mega events that every members cannot miss. During the Asia Pacific Conference, members are able to attend different trainings, workshops, shows, general assembly and the exciting farewell ball & meet new friends coming from different countries in Asia.





In Sabah, you will have a lots of things to do. You can go visit the Kinabalu National Park, Tambunan Raffleasia Centre, Danum Valley Conservation Area. Or if you would like outdoor or water activities, Sabah definitely is a good choice for you. What you can do? Jungle Trekking, Adventure Sports, Diving or Golf. And you can also enjoy shopping and wide variety of mouth-watering food in different type of restaurants.

HOW TO KEEP FIT AND EXERCISE MORE? To have a lovely body to welcome the season of sunshine and outdoor activities is surely a vigorous idea. Instead of explaining either how to lighten our body weight or how to get ourselves determined to do exercise, I am delighted to share my combined experience of keeping fit and long-distance running, for the sake of having a sustainable healthy body for our daily life in the long term. WHAT YOU EAT In the summer of 2011, when my body weight reached the peak at 170 pounds, I was determined to keep fit in order to have a smarter appearance. Adjusting the eating habit is of utmost importance – if the input of calories is less than the output of energy, you will be slimmer! Apart from eating less sweet, less fat and less carbohydrates as we well understood, we should avoid having “afternoon tea” and “night snack” usually consisting of high levels of fat and oil. Besides, taking less fast food is practicable for urban social lives. After all, less is more. HOW YOU LIVE Eating habit aside, a healthy lifestyle is essential. Earlier to bed at night and earlier to rise in morning is the cornerstone. This lifestyle can eminently facilitate metabolism, and in turn effectively eliminate our internal waste through suitable rest. On the contrary, alcoholic addiction and smoking habit are detrimental and should be avoided. What is more, it is well conceived that doing aerobic exercise such as running and swimming can largely increase the output of our body energy. With the aid of adequate exercise, it is not difficult for us to get fitter. WHO YOU MEET When my body weight reached its peak, I decided to adopt running as my primary measure to exhaust my body fat. At the beginning, I was highly determined to implement my daily 45-minute running plan; as time goes by, the determination gradually faded away and the progress subsequently slowed down. As we are human being, we need encouragement. Doing exercise with family and friends together can create a motivating and sustainable atmosphere to achieve our exercise goals. Participating in races regularly can provide us with profound momentum as well. Let’s do exercise hand in hand! FINALLY… After 2 months of putting my keep-fit idea into practice, I got 20 pounds less. Being awarded a lighter weight and slimmer body, I did not stop but continue to pursue my running goals. Finally in 2014, I accomplished my 1st local marathon in Hong Kong and 1st overseas marathon in Chicago, USA. Without the above three ways, I could not finish the races and attain such wonderful memories for my life. If you think you can, you can.




LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT SPEAK WITH CREATIVITY TO STEAL THE SPOT LIGHT Do you pay attention to your content, body language, facial expression and volume to deliver a clear message constantly? In fact, successful people are often great public speakers. To facilitate members to acquire this essential skill, JCI Queensway held a public speaking training course in March 2015. We were very pleased to invite Mr Mahbubani Vivek Ashok as our star mentor in the two-day course. As a Sindhi of Indian descent, Vivek is a bilingual and Hong Kong-bred stand-up comedian who performs in both Cantonese and English in local and overseas events. He was crowned 2007 Chinese and 2008 English Funniest Comedian in Hong Kong. He was appointed as 2013 Hong Kong Spirit Ambassador for his inspiring life story and power of positivity. Currently, Vivek is a self-employed web designer and developer, apart from frequent participation in stage performance and cameos for radio, tv and films.

Star mentor Mr Mahbubani Vivek Ashok (Left) and JCI Queensway President Man FOK (Right)

Through this course, members: .understand the techniques that help generate ideas and new ways of thinking; .investigate what makes people laugh and how to find humor in daily life; .learn to present an idea in their own styles; .improve presentation through learning from each other.

Photo of Star mentor Mr Mahbubani Vivek Ashok and the students.

Star mentor Mr Mahbubani Vivek Ashok teaching students how to brainstorm a topic.




Jacky CHOW I joined JCI Queensway from August 2014 and came across lots of projects and events like 2014 Kwun Tong CSR Carnival, 2015 Inaugural dinner and 20th 5 star training camp. The above events are challenging and interesting and I am so happy to meet friends and know different people from variety of backgrounds. JCI provides a room and good partners for me to explore my potential. I hope in the coming future I can have more opportunities to contribute in business and leadership development activities under the guidance of senior members. I am sure we will remember that JCI Queensway give us a lot when we have achievements.

Jackie WONG Hello everybody, I am jackie. I joined JCI as I would like to expand my social network, meet more people from different works of life and train up myself as a leader in different aspects. After joining JCI, I have participated in several projects, the most remarkable thing for me is the atmosphere of each event in this chapter-Queensway. As a new member and event organiser, sometimes I am not so familiar with certain post, for example, being as a treasurer, secretary and chairman. Every member will give chances to me to improve and teach me how to organise better next time, which are invaluable experience for me to learn from. I hope I can take more part in different projects and learn how to organise a full event myself. Besides, I would like to thank all JCI queensway members for letting me become one of the members of JCI queensway.

It’s always my belief that “you aresum the sum of your experience.” In Nov It’s always my belief that “you are the of your experience.” In Nov 2014, I decided to join JCI in order to try something different from 2014, I decided to join JCI in order to try something different from my my trajectory. During the few lastmonths, few months, met many people all walks trajectory. During the last I metI many people from from all walks of of life was and was inspired the sharing friends andparticipathe participalife and inspired with with the sharing from from new new friends and the tion of different of events and projects. It an wasexciting an exciting and amazing tion of different kind kind of events and projects. It was and amazing experience. I would like to further my comfort experience. FromFrom now now on, I on, would like to further step step out ofout myofcomfort to widen my horizon, friends with different interests zonezone to widen my horizon, makemake moremore new new friends with different interests and personalities and enjoy the interesting journey in JCI. and personalities and enjoy the interesting journey in JCI.

Haco Lai Helle everyone,I am Haco who is the new member of QJC 2015. Joining Girl Guide is one of the most important memory in my school life and it provides different channels Haco Lai to me on connecting with the society via social services, Helle everyone,I am Haco who is the new member of QJC outdoor activities and trainings. The experience of social 2015. Joining Girl Guide is one of the most important services is meaningful which drives me to a different notion memory in my school life and it provides different channels and having more dreams on social development, but I to me on connecting with the society via social services, haven't enough skills and ability to commit these dreams. outdoor activities and trainings. The experience of social Thus I hope to join QJC to have more self-improvement on services is meaningful which drives me to a different notion managing activities, communication skill and social connecand having more dreams on social development, but I haven't enough skills and ability to commit these dreams. Thus I hope to join QJC to have more self-improvement on managing activities, communication skill and social connec-

Melanie CHOI Melanie CHOI

Hi. This is Melanie. I am glad to join JCI and meet Hi. This is Melanie. I am glad to join JCI and meet so many amazing people here. JCI is like a big so many amazing people here. JCI is like a big family with people from all walks of life. I really family with people from all walks of life. I really treasure the moments and sharing we had during treasure the moments and sharing we had during all JC functions. Besides meeting friends here, I all JC functions. Besides meeting friends here, I would also like to contribute more to our beloved would also like to contribute more to our beloved society with JC activities. Looking forward to seeing society with JC activities. Looking forward to seeing more people join us! more people join us!





LOM 2015 Chairman – CD Project “Thankful Heart 2015” 2015 Writer – Bid Book Preparation Team 2014 OC – BOD Officers Training Camp 2014 Helper – Bid Book Preparation Team 2014 Chairman– LD Project “Running Man” 2014 Promotion – CD Project “Seeing Hong Kong through Colourful Eyes” 2014 Secretary – JCI Impact, organized by JCI Queensway 2014 Helper – JCI Queensway 30th Anniversary Dinner 2014 Helper – JCI Queensway 2014 Table Tennis Fundraising Competition

Project Participated for JCIHK & JCI Queensway NOM 2015 Debate Captain – ASPAC 2015 World Debating Competition 2015 Helper – JCIHK 65th Anniversary 2014 Helper – President Academy

Position Held in JCI Queensway 22015 Community Development Director 2014 Leadership Development Officer

Community Contribution 2013 Volunteer – Elderly Visiting Service (遷與遷尋), Aldrich Bay Integrated Children and Youth Services

Training Attended 2015 Effective Leadership 2014 Effective Communications and Effective Meetings 2014 JCI Impact 2014 5 Star Training Camp 2014 NCCC - PR Star Workshop 2 2014 Parliamentary Procedure Workshop

Convention Attended 2015 50th National Convention 2014 49th National Convention

Year Joined: 2014

Education: Bachelor in English

Profession: Brand Management

Lai Pui Yee, Sarah

Award(s) Received 2012 JCI Queensway Outstanding Broad Member Award 2011 JCI Queensway The Most Outstanding Prospective Member Award (Mid-year)

Training Attended 2011 5-Star Training Camp

Convention Attended 2011 46th National Convention

Award Received 2014 JCI Queensway “Most Outstanding Member” 2014 Champion, JCIHK Public Speaking Contest – Open class 2014 JCI Queensway “Most Outstanding Prospective Member”

2016 Vice President Candidate

Year Join JC: 2011

Education: Bachelor in Marketing Management

Profession: Credit Administration Officer

Chan Cheuk Hung, Marco

Project Participated for JCIHK and JCI Queensway LOM 2015 Organizing Committee of Mahjong competition 2015 Chairman - Public Speaking training 2014 Chairman -Table Tennis Fundraising Competition 2014 Organizing Committee- JCI Impact organized by JCI Queensway 2014 Organizing Committee -JCI Queensway March MFG 2013 Chairman -VIP Lunch 2012 MC -June MFG 2012 Chairman - Impressing Others in 4 mins 2012 Chairman - Go Ahead Project 2012 Promotion- 公開演說交流會 " 演說的力量 " organized by JCI Queensway and JCI Apex 2011 Treasurer -Macau Business Trip (Galaxy Macau) 2011 Treasurer -QJC 27th Anniversary Celebration cum SMC Charter Night 2011 Chairman - Deal Competition cum June MFG 2011 Logistic - Mother’s Month – Romance from Yesterday cum May MFG 2011 Secretary - Mainland Business Trip (South China Manufacturing Sector)

Position Held in JCI Queensway 2015 Director (Leadership Development) 2012 Director (Community Development) 2011 Officer (Membership Affair)

2016 Vice President Candidate

LOM 2015 Supervising Officer -May MFG 2014 Supervising Officer - Inaugural Ceremony cum Jan MFG 2012 Project Advisor-Annual General Meeting 2010 Supervising Officer - Annual General Meeting 2009 Supervising Officer - Inaugural cum Jan MFG 2009 Supervising Officer - Annual General Meeting cum Oct MFG 2008 Chairlady - Sep MFG, Annual General Meeting cum Oct MFG 2007 Supervising Officer - Jun and Dec MFG

Project Participated for JCIHK & JCI Queensway LOM 2015 Chairman - May MFG 2014 Program - President Academy 2014 Logistics - 30TH Anniversary 2013 Registration - AGM

Position Held in JCI Queensway 2015 Public relationship Director

Training Attended 2013 JCIHK 5 Star Training Camp

Award Received 2014 2nd runner up at Project Bullseye held by JCI Sha Tin

2016 Director Candidate

Year Join JC: 2007

Education: Bachelor of Arts (HRM)

Profession: Secretary

Tin Man Yung, Amy

Project Participated for JCIHK and JCI Queensway NOM 2014 Promotion (Subcom OC) - Ten Outstanding Young Persons Selection 2014 Awards Presentation Banquet (Secretary) Ten Oustanding Young Persons 2014 Promotion and Registration OC President Academy 2010 Project Secretary -JCIHK 60th Anniversary 2010 Project Secretary - Inaugural Ball 2009 Project Secretary -Ten Outstanding Young Persons Selection 2007 Project Secretary- Best Business Plan Competition 2007 - Project Secretary – PMO III

Position Held with JCI Queensway 2015 Vice President (Business Affairs, Mainland Affairs and Public Relations) 2012 Presidential Assistant 2010 Vice President (Leadership Development, IT and Publications) 2009 Honorary Secretary (Membership Training) 2008 President Special Assistant 2007 Presidential Assistant and International Affairs Officer

Position Held in JCI Hong Kong 2014 National Corporate Communications Commission Vice Chairman 2013 National Administration Director 2012 Training and Development Council Assistant Vice Chairman

Year Joined: 2013

University of Canberra

Education: Bachelor of Business administration,

Profession: Marketing

Lam Chung Man, Brian

Award(s) Received 2014 JCI Quiz Competition - Second Runner Up 2013 JCI Quiz Competition - Champion 2010 JCI Queensway The Most Outstanding Board Member Award 2009 JCI Queensway The Most Outstanding Board Member Award 2008 JCI Queensway The Most Outstanding Member Award 2007 JCI Queensway The Most Outstanding Officer Award (Mid-year and Year End)

Training Attended 2015 JCI Achieve, NOM TDC Trainer Mentorship Program 2013 JCI Impact 2009 JCI Presenter 2009 JCI Trainer 2009 5-Star Training Camp 2008 President Academy 2007 JCI Lead

Convention Attended 2015 50th National Convention 2014 49th National Convention 2013 48th National Convention 2012 47th National Convention 2011 JCI Australia National Convention 2010 45th National Convention 2009 44th National Convention 2008 43th National Convention

Area Conference Attended 2012 ASPAC Hong Kong

2016 Honorary Treasurer Candidate

We Converge, We Conquer

Board of Directors


LOM 2014 Organizer – April Happy Hour 2013 Supervising Officer – Joint Feb MFG 2013 Supervising Officer – COC Deal Competition 2012 Chairman – X’mas Party cum December MFG 2012 Chairman – June MFG 2012 Promotion – Fund Raising 2011 Secretary – Business trip to Macau 2011 Secretary – CLP visit 2011 Secretary – April MFG

Project Participated for JCIHK & JCI Queensway NOM 2013 Promotion - TOYP Press Conference

Position Held in JCI Queensway 2014 Vice President (International Affairs & Public Relations) 2013 Director (Community Development, Public Relations & Publication) 2012 Officer (Membership Affairs & Publication) 2011 Officer (Public Relations)

Training Attended 2015 Parliamentary Procedure Workshop

Convention Attended 2014 49th National Convention 2013 48th National Convention 2012 47th National Convention 2011 46th National Convention

Award Received 2012 JCI Queensway Outstanding Officer 2011 JCI Queensway Outstanding Member

2016 Vice President Candidate

Year Joined: 2008

Education: Bachelor in Business Management

Profession: Information Technology

Tam Ka Ho, Ray

LOM 2015 Supervising Officer - Annual General Meeting 2015 Supervising Officer - Inaugural Dinner cum January MFG 2014 Chairman - Annual General Meeting 2014 Supervising Officer – Table Tennis Fundraising Competition 2014 Treasurer – 30th Anniversary Dinner 2013 Supervising Officer - Annual General Meeting 2013 Promotion & Secretary - COC Monopoly Deal Competition 2013 Promotion - VIP Seminar (Visit Hung Fook Tong) 2013 Chairman – Table Tennis Fundraising Competition 2011 Chairman – Annual General Meeting 2011 Supervising Officer – Inaugural Dinner cum January MFG 2010 Chairman - Annual General Meeting 2010 Promotion - May MFG 2010 Chairman - Inaugural Dinner cum January MFG 2009 Promotion &MC - Dec MFG cum Christmas Party 2009 IT - Joy with Pet Shooting Competition 2009 Treasurer - Feb PMO 2008 Registration - Annual General Meeting 2008 Logistics – Sept MFG

Project Participated for JCIHK & JCI Queensway NOM 2010 Promotion - JCIHK Public Speaking Seminar & Contest

Position Held in JCI Queensway 2015 Honorary Secretary 2014 Honorary Treasurer 2013 Vice President (Membership Affairs) 2011 Honorary Secretary 2010 Publication Officer 2009 Information Technology Officer

Year Joined: 2011

Education: Bachelor in Business

Profession: Fixed Income

Lee Pui Ki, Carol

Training Attended 2015 President Academy 2015 Parliamentary Procedure Workshop 2014 Effective Communications and Effective Meetings 2014 JCI Impact 2010 5 Star Training Camp

Convention Attended 2015 50th National Convention 2014 49th National Convention 2013 48th National Convention 2011 46th National Convention

Award Received 2014 JCI Queensway The Most Outstanding Ex- com Member 2011 JCI Queensway Outstanding Board Member 2010 JCI Queensway Outstanding MFG

2016 President Candidate

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