3 minute read


Wednesday 18.05.2022

visionSTAGE openSTAGE

Press conference polisMOBILITY activeSTAGE

Firmenauto Testdrive Opening and welcome (separate registration)

Opening of polisMOBILITY Firmenauto Testdrive E-mobility in practice: Charging, batteries, consumption (DKV) (separate registration)

Thursday 19.05.2022

visionSTAGE openSTAGE

Keynote Dr. Rittmar von Helmolt Sustainable mobility is a given, but how efficient?

All or nothing? The hydrogen system in focus

Whatever drives your car New drive technologies and their market relevance Keynote Stephan Willinger Moving cities: Why the transport transition calls for social innovation

Whom does the transport space belong to? On claims, equity and innovative solutions

Forms of mobility in the compact city CAMO Shaping automated mobility in local authorities: Should we get started or wait?

Keynote Prof. Marco te Brömmelstroet Why we need to promote different types of mobility and stop promoting the current mainstream

ORACLE Innovations in mobility – the next generation of transport sofware

Keynote Philipp Reusch Law: The system dynamite Hubject The city’s role as an ally of the electromobility of the future

V2X Autonomous – connected – unsafe? The importance of safety and reliability in autonomous mobility cargobike.jetzt Opening of the European specialist conference CIVITAS CONNECT Municipal mobility data - The role of the municipality and municipal enterprises between data sovereignty and the economy Shell H2 StartUp Accelerator powered by Plug and Play Shaping the Hydrogen Ecosystem of tomorrow


• The electrification of international cities and municipalities

• Inspire you!

Ready for the municipal charging concepts of the future Talk Prof. Günther Schuh The new shuttle: bigger, cheaper, more flexible

Urban cable cars: Potential and system integration

Active Mobility Using smart tools to promote safe, active mobility in cities

Corporate Mobility Management: How local authorities and companies can shape sustainable mobility

Koelnmesse startupPITCHES Mobility as a Service MaaS: Seam- and careless mobility?

Cities, industry, policymakers: How can we shape tomorrow’s mobility? Keynote Prof. Jan Gehl Liveable Cities for the 21st Century

Hubject eMobility Success factors for local authority charging infrastructure activeSTAGE

innocam.NRW | Kompetenznetzwerk automatisierte und vernetzte Mobilität Focus topic workshop: Shaping tomorrow’s automated and networked mobility together

BASt Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen The Mobilithek mobility data platform: Mobility data and data platforms for modern mobility management and smart mobility

Koelnmesse elevatorPITCH

Mix and Mingle

Friday 20.05.2022

visionSTAGE openSTAGE

VDV Desire – expectation – reality: What changes lie ahead on the path to the mobility transition? automotiveland.nrw The automotive industry in transformation: the federal states’ perspectives

Saturday 21.05.2022

activeSTAGE visionSTAGE openSTAGE activeSTAGE

Koelnmesse startupPITCHES Breakfast

Coffee & science with Jacob Beautemps The future is now Handwerkskammer zu Köln Mobility day hosted by the Cologne Chamber of Crafts

agiplan Making the last mile sustainable: Where are we now, and how can we move forward? Cyber Security The Achilles’ heel of the mobility and energy transition?

HANDWERK.NRW What moves the skilled trades Transport policy forum 2022

EIT Urban Mobility An initiative to create more liveable urban spaces

Shared Mobility Market outlook from local authorities’ perspective

Keynote Prof. Harald Welzer Turnaround instead of turning in circles: Of maturity and decisiveness for transformation in mobility attitude NaKoMo Nationales Kompetenznetzwerk für nachhaltige Mobilität Holistic mobility management in Cologne Highlights from the Digitalisation of Municipal Transport Systems (DkV) funding programme. A discussion within the NaKoMo network (National Competence Network for Sustainable Mobility)

Mobility Hubs Centres of new mobility

Stadt.Land.Digital Best practices in the digital transformation of local authorities CIIPA China International Investment Promotion Agency China and Germany: Forging the transformation of the automotive industry as partners The urban transformation toolbox: How can the transport transition succeed in practice? EIT Urban Mobility An European initiative for more liveable cities

Local public transport: What does the future hold?

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger Press feature What must happen for Cologne to achieve the mobility turnaround?


City of Cologne polisCAMP Programme with different groups of actors from urban and civil society

Koelnmesse cityHUB Numerous presentations by various manufacturers and mobility providers

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