2 minute read


© Frantzen/Thümling/TH Köln


How can cities become more livable? How can urban spaces and urban mobility be designed to be sustainable and fit for the future? The symposium "Science meets City" will address current research approaches to the many challenges related to urban life and the way we use mobility.

The event will focus on modern urban infrastructure development, innovative mobility concepts and devices, as well as the collaboration between science, cities and citizens. Hamburg, Kyoto, Liege, Paris and Rotterdam serve as guiding examples focusing on the most pressing questions in urban mobility.

Architect Prof. Jan Gehl's keynote address on "Sciences meets City – Perspectives from Close Up to Far Away" will use the example of Copenhagen, one of the world's most livable cities, to highlight the close collaboration between university and city as an important factor in this urban development. For several decades, the city of Copenhagen served as a laboratory for the study of public life and public spaces. "A good city is about mobility but certainly also about good places and spaces for living and enjoyment just as it is the case in a good dwelling”, Prof. Gehl says. “Good living spaces rather than corridors are what really counts.”

Afterwards, other national and international experts will report on their projects and experiences in short speeches on the two main topics "Sustainable mobility planning and public transport systems" and "Urban living, planning and building". After each respective thematic block, there will be the opportunity for an open exchange and discussion on the speaker topics also as additional topics at round tables. This mixture of impulses and personal discussions creates the ideal basis for new ideas, contacts and cooperation. The event will be rounded off by a panel discussion in which questions from the participants will be interactively included.

The scientific symposium was initiated by the City of Cologne, which supports the “Science meets City” format together with the KölnBusiness agency. The University of Applied Sciences Cologne organizes and realizes the symposium with the network office of the Cologne Science Forum (KWR) and the support of KWR members.

The free event will take place (after prior registration by 29 April; if you wish to take part, please enquire about the possibilities with the contact below) on 20 May 2022 in English, at CC East Koelnmesse, Congress Hall.

Scientists, urban planners and experts from the fields of "Sustainable Mobility and Transport Planning, Urban Living, Planning and Building" are invited to register for the symposium. The free event will be held in English.

Kerstin Broichhagen +49 221 2875 3187 wissenschaftsrunde@koeln.de www.science-meets-city.de

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