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CON TACT Ad d re s s Mo tycz 1 0 2 B Lu b l i n , Po l a n d Mo b i l e + [4 8] 5 0 1 81 4 4 4 0 E-m a i l : m a l i n ows ka . ka s @ g m a i l .co m

L A N G UAG E S Polish










Hi, I’m Kasia! Im travelling to New Zealand to f ind work in a different and challenging environment where i can grow my professional career and apply my skill-set in a new context.

AutoCAD Revit Rhinoceros Photoshop

I was born in Lublin, but moved to Wroclaw in 2012 to do my Bachelor of Architectural studies, before moving to Gent, Belgium to complete my Master’s Diploma on an International exchange program. During my time here I developed projects based around my interests in Heritage and conservation - these are areas of great importance to me as, I believe, there is a value to preserve and protect f rom being forgotten as well as reuse and rethink what we already build instead of repeating some mistaken decisions.




c in emato grap hy | trave l s | i n te rn ati o n al cu i s i n e | lon gb oard in g | suf i n g | g e n e ral l y o utd o o r a c t i vi t i es

Illustrator Sketchup Pro Sketching Painting Model Making

Ma s te r o f Arch i te c t u re KU Leu ven [ 20 1 7-20 1 9 ] G ra d u a ted w i t h D i s t i n c t i o n

EDU CATI ON 20 17 - 20 19

sust a i n a bl e a n d re s ilie n t a rch ite c tu re i n te rn a ti o n a l m a s te r p ro g ra m m e

20 18 - 20 19

20 17

a rchi tec t ura l re s to ra tio n

U n ive rs ity Roma TRE

E ra smus exch a n g e

R om e, Italy

l a n d m a n a g em e n t

th e J o h n Pa u l I I Uni ve rs i ty

ma ste r p ro g ra m m e ( u n f i n i s h e d ) 20 12 - 20 17

KU Le u ve n G e n t , Belgium

a rchi tec t ure a n d u rba n p la n n in g b a ch e l o r p ro g ra m m e

Lu b lin, Poland Wro claw U n ive rs ity o f Te chn ol ogy Wro cł aw, Poland

WORK 06 /20 17 - 0 9/20 1 7

10/20 16 - 0 2 /20 1 7

06 /20 16 - 0 9/201 6

07/20 15 - 0 9/201 5

a rchi tec t ’s a ssi s ta n t

b e rn a rd o ro d rigu e s a rchi te c t

d ra wi n g | d e si gn i n g

Po r to, Por tugal

a rchi tec t ’s a ssi s ta n t

Z PPA a rchi te c t s

d ra wi n g | d e si gn i n g

Wro cł aw, Poland

i nteri or desi g n in te rn s h ip

f in ch a tto n lu xur y d e s i gn

d ra wi n g | b ui l di n g s u r vey

Lo n d o n, England

a rchi tec t ura l i n te rn s h ip d ra wi n g | d e si gn i n g

07/20 14 - 0 8/201 4

con st r uc t i on si te in te rn s h ip d ra wi n g | b ui l di n g s s u r veys

p o r t a rchi te c t s Wro cl aw, Poland j a ro s law ko co n b ui l d i n g co. Lu b lin, Poland

WORKS H OP 02 /20 19

hyg rosc a pes

I n n ova tive S h a p e S h iftin g Fa ça d e s R om e, Italy

10/20 17

f ut ure scen a ri o

b rave n ew worl d G e n t , Belgium

04 /20 16

urba n pl a nn i n g : u n ive rs a l d e s ig n

S e n io rs a n d S t u d e nt s Wa rs aw, Poland

01/20 16

i nteri or desi g n

d o b r ze z a p roje k towa ni G l i w i ce, Poland

10/20 15

a rchi tec t ure: a co u s tic

O S S A w ith U RMA s t u d i o B yd g o s zcz, Poland

07/20 15

a rchi tec t ure: pu b lic s pa ce s

O s s a w ith S iu d a & G onza l e s Kra kow, Poland

04 /20 14

urba n pl a nn i n g : re u s e

R E A L ille | 4 t h p l a ce L i l le, France

-01PRESERVED WITH SALT Master Diploma | 2019 | Marc Dujardin The unique landscape of Saline di Tarquinia offers an opportunity to reconsider the normal practices of restoration, preservation, and conservation by revitalising the site through a ‘hardcore heritage’ approach which extracts the very essence of a place and tells its story through meaningful architectural interventions derived from the landscape and its rich history. The Hardcore heritage approach looks to define practices which form strong ties with the past, whilst addressing both the current and future needs so that the intervention can remain firmly grounded in its context throughout its life span.


Vacancy studies

While travelling across the country I noticed many examples of forgotten and abandoned building typologies (as seen above). They represent the broad availability of potential sites which could be taken under the framework analysis. Presented above are just a few heritage properties from the list of the state property agency which seeks out a new life for them - given by private figures who could propose new public services for them.


Italy, Saline di Tarquinia

Saline di Tarquinia became an example of the many vacancies that exist throughout Italy that are without a clear strategy for their reuse. Some actions were taken, with some money being invested in their upkeep, however, ultimately nothing changed. In the effort to restore the area, the most important aspect was not considered - its purpose the true reason for its existence and subsequent ongoing care and maintenance.



Although this industrial and built activity was an intrusion atop of the natural landscape, it brought a sense of life to the area and gave it a reason to exist; Even now, as the site remains an inactive drosscape, industry has left behind a unique ecosystem comprised of many specimens. When industry halted production there was no reason for villagers to remain on site and as such the buildings became empty and the place was quickly forgotten. Nature had once again claimed the landscape and thus the sites began their conversion into a modern-day ruin.



Built with salt

The Salt Monument is a radical response which unveils an unexpected, and a previously unexplored potential of the place through dealing within another dimension of heritage perception. ‘Built with salt’ stands as a poetic expression of the sites rich history, using the material and a story that is derived from the landscape. The intervention reintroduces the culture of salt and gives it a new relevance in this modern age.



Genius loci

As salt represents the spirit of the site, the tower stands as a pure expression of the past , connecting the heritage in one, unified form. There are 4 main aspects which defined final shape of the tower:


funcionality - viewpoint tower building with salt showcase - examples of salt building techniques the salt story - poetic presentation of its roots through subtle symbolism materiality & texture - printing of ‘bricks’ on salt facade; an ode to previous structure.


On the left side the current state of the building is presented while the right side represents the future volume buiild with salt in the cast of the previous building. The building portrays the history, explains its changes overtime, and underlines the most crucial elements of the site. However, rather than simply becoming another ‘salt museum’ the intervention provides a much needed base for a new salt experimentation laboratory where the first example of the materials possibilities can be displayed in the monument itself.





-02AGADINE NEIGHBOURHOOD Master Design Studio | 2017 | Laurens Bekemans Correctly planned plateau (gr. plateia hodos - wide street) creates a valuable background for human interaction and improves the quality of collective activity between users. Based on in-depth site and context analysis, the design provides a solution to revitalise derelict public areas in Agadine; creating a new definition of the public square in the Agadin neighbourhood.


Morocco. Ouled Merzoug

The location of the intervention was selected based upon what were considered to be the main ‘triggering points‘ identified during the site and context analysis. These were; Active mosques, ruins of derelict mosques; abandoned kasbah’s, bus stops, a temporary sales kiosk and a laundry point located next to an irrigation canal. These are the existing elements which attractsa specific group of people and bring activity to the area. The mosque engages a dialogue between men, a bus stop is a place where bored kids play football while waiting for transport to school, while under the scenic shadow of trees on the southeast end of the plot woman talk while doing their laundry.


corridor room



Road extensions

Two of the most outstanding elements which corrupt the continuity of the square are ruins and a kasbah positioned in the middle of the area. They create natural separation between working and recreational areas. While the first area is to remain focused on work, the market and laundry point become an opportunity to improve the possibilities for social interaction and collectivity to manifest: talking, playing, sitting or simply admiring nature and ruins.





-03HOUSE IN TIME Bachelor Diploma | 2017 | Ada Kwiatkowska The main subject of my bachelor thesis regards the development of a passive family-house located in Zacisze community gardens in Wrocław. This house is only one part of a wider urbanistic plan. It’s purpose is to solve the problem of progressive expansion and condensation of the urban tissue, which has lead to absorbing of other parts in cities like community gardens. The endeavor to create an urbanistic plan which cultivates gardening culture can be a new way to keep this element on maps of our cities and prevent the process of removing vital green parts in local neighbourhoods.


Minimum unit

The main idea and form of house itself is inspired by temporary and organic architecture. Modular construction enables easy rearrangement or expansion of the structure, that in turn directly responds to the needs of dynamically evolving society. The materials used in the project are natural or upcycled to ensure a sustainable ‘cradle to cradle’ approach tp waste management that maintains balance in our ecosystem.



Grows with needs

Maximum expansion of the house allows the structure to accomodate the needs of a mid to large family. When required, additional rooms can be attached to the current structure - As soon as, the kids leave the family house it can be easily readjusted to suit the homeowners lifestyle. According to residents needs, the house can be made larger to fit a family/ workshop/ office or smaller to provide more garden space to grow fruits and vegetables and remain independent.



-04MOUNTAIN HUT Bachelor Design Studio | 2014 | Tomasz GĹ‚owacki While conceptualising the design for the mountain hut, I focused on the most important aspects for me: to not disrupt the sloping landscape, to respect the surrounding architecture and nature and to highlight the key viewshafts. I started from classic barn shape and through a few simple transformations, I developed it into a more unusual design. The building structure is a wooden frame dug into the hill without disrupting a water runoff or displacing the native soil.


Poland. Bielice

In the middle of nowhere, along the Czech Republic border of Poland,lays a small village - Bielice. It is an oasis of calm, fresh air and beautiful views. The ground undulation produces subtle slopes that are not very high and peaks covered in magnificient woods. It is admired as a place for walking and admiring the amazing views on offer all around. The chosen lot lays on the west-south elevation of the hill. The current village is situated in the Biała Lądecka river valley. Another side of the valley is covered by woods, mostly spruces.




The construction of the hut has a clear influence for section slides inside the building. Each frame is supported by walls which repeated their directions. Representative parts of the hut face south side of the hill and are wide open so guests can easily admire a view through big windows. The technical zone is located on the north side of the building which narrow the amount of windows while the guests rooms are full of windows facing the south that overlook the hilly landscape.


-05THE HANGING GARDENS Bachelor Design Studio | 2015 | Roman Czajka | w. D.Pilarska The hanging garden is proposed as another way of implementing gardens and green parts to residential buildings in the urban landsape of the city. Every single decision which influences the shape of this particular building is strictly defined by building code regulations, i.e: sun access/ shadow angles, urban situation and urban character of surrounding neighbourhoods.


Between gardens and old town

On the west side of the plot, is the oldest and most historically important part of the city - Ostrów Tumski. Turning clockwise from this point, there is a Botanical garden to the north, Wyszyńskiego street with characteristic high apartment buildings on the other side of the road and the Odra River to the south. The close proximity of the river and the atmosphere of Ostrów Tumski create a well-defined tourist path through the building. The external elevation has been made closed to create a ‘barrier’ from the main street and to carve interior, filling it with plants which form a natural extension of the botanical garden.




The whole site plan is designed to give residents a unique environment to spend time together and provoke positive collective interaction. Below ground level the car-park and technical zone. are located out of sight from the public gardens areas. The first floor features single apartments typologies. Floors 2 to 4 provide housing typologies for couples or small family/ first home buyers, these re made mostly repitive for ease of build and for effective cost management. From the fourth floor above each apartment features a different plan that opens out to a private terrace. The most exclusive apartments are located on top of the building. The whole structure tapers slowly down toward the south, exposing all apartments and living areas to the sun and creating a place where terraces can become beautifully adorned by plants with great views over old parts of the city.



-06ARTIST’S HOUSE Bachelor Design Studio | 2012 | Barbara Gronostajska One of my first architectural tasks and fully hand-drawn project was to design single-family house. Following the shape of the site, a courtyard circles alongside the road, providing entry to each house. All houses are contected by a large roofing structure where cars can be parked and residents can easily move from house to house, sheltered from the elements. The house is clearly orginised into two halves, with the courtyard side designed as a public and open space, comprising a kitchen and living room and all bedrooms facing the opposite site of garden. A small patio of each house is connected to the garden due to a subtle shifting of the bedroom wall.



-07ERRANTE - CRUISER BOAT Erasmus Course | 2017 | Massimo Paperini | w. T.Benavidas and G.Sansonetti Designing a boat was an unusual architectural challange which I faced during my erasmus programme in Italy. Beside exploring whole unknown land of naval architecture, the research concerned the creation and subsequent documentation of a minimal unit living spaces and folable solutions.



-08ECHO OSSA Workshop | 2015 | Studio URMA | Gruppo Nove

The person who inspired this work, Ianis Xenakis, integrated his music with architecture, designing music for pre-existing spaces, and creating spaces to be integrated with specific music compositions and performances. Relying on his art, we analyzed multiple realities of the city and portrayed it in a different way. Through the manipulation of pictures we eliminate mistakes of architecture. Bending reality, using glitching techniques we created new dimensions, which we understand as a sound. Sounds that often go beyond or below typical human perception. These inaudible sounds are inaccessible for us, like a lot of urban spaces.


vegetation substrate layer for filter layer for drainage 50mm mechanical protection - polyethylene film waterproofing membrane - EPDM rubber EPS Isolation 2 x 80mm Screed 170mm falling 50mm Kerto flooring 20mm I-beam 36 mm Lowered ceiling gypsum 2 x 12mm ( fixation accoustic)



Lindner raised floor Screed 100mm Acoustic layer 30mm Kerto flooring 20mm I-beam 36 mm Lowered ceiling gypsum 2 x 12mm ( fixation accoustic)


+4.35 +4.15

Lindner raised floor EPS Isolation Screed Foil Concrete Screed




Wooden floor Foil EPS Isolation 2 x 80mm Screed 170mm falling 50mm Kerto flooring 20mm I-beam 36 mm Lowered ceiling gypsum 2 x 12mm (fixation accoustic)

A INTERIOR-heated space

INTERIOR-heated space

detail. 5

detail. 4

window Schüco inside floor storey 105cm - 2tech2 high tech flooring 0,3cm - Lindner raised floor 2cm - floor pedestals 25cm - air / installations 25cm - airdeck floor 40cm - thermal insulation, mineral wool 20cm



stone facade

L steel profile 30x30mm

aluminium profile

Folding shutters Hunter Douglas perforated aluminium

window Schüco

EXTERIOR-unheated space

EXTERIOR-unheated space

INTERIOR-heated space

EXTERIOR-unheated space

EXTERIOR-unheated space

detail. 2

detail. 3

window Schüco

- paving slab 30x30x5mm - permerable foundation - consolidated sand 8cm - broken stone debris 10cm - trembled soil

metal grid



aluminium profile




vapor barier


EPDM vapor layer metal water stop elastic sealant

floor storey 85cm - ceramic tiles 5cm - aluminium profile holding tiles 3cm - floor pedestals 8cm, to take in counter slope - waterproofing membrane, EPDM rubber - thermal insulation, PUR 20cm - layer of poured concrete, to take in counter the slope, 7 cm - airdeck floor 40cm

INTERIOR-heated space

INTERIOR-heated space

detail. 1

basement floor 55cm

basement wall at solid gorund 85cm - final finishing, plaster 2cm - load bearing wall, concrete 30cm - thermal insulation, mineral wool 10cm - waterproofing membrane, EPDM rubber - studded drainage 7cm

- concrete floor 10cm - waterproofing membrane EPDM rubber - thermal insulation, polyrethane foam 20cm - concrete floor 30cm - waterproofing membrane, EPDM rubber - ground

detail. 10

detail. 9

detail. 6

elastic sealant connection fill up with PUR

the european regional house of NORTHERN IRELAND

detail. 5


the european regional house of NORTHERN IRELAND


detail. 2

EPDM vapor layer expanding waterstop metal water stop

detail. 10

detail. 9

detail. 8

detail. 6

detail. 7

detail. 20

detail. 11

detail. 19 detail. 12 detail. 14

detail. 5

detail. 18

detail. 4



detail. 17

detail. 2

detail. 3

detail. 16


detail. 15

EXTERIOR-unheated space



detail. 1


section B-B

















THANK YOU KATARZYNA MALINOWSKA malinowska.kas@gmail.com +48 501 814 440

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