TOPIC: Ancient Greek Mythology Date: November 9, 2012
Courtney D. & Kaleigh M. Subject: Social Studies
Intentions/Objectives/Outcomes: Students should be able to: 1. Name the 13 Major Gods/Goddesses • Know what they are 2. Name two of the Greek Heroes (Demi-Gods)
Time No time, assume they know
2:30 minutes
Assessment: Thumball Game: Using the number thumball, have a list of about 20 questions on Greek Mythology
Teaching Points
Input God: Male Deity Goddess: Female Deity Demi-God: ½ God ½ Mortal Hook Clip from the movie Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief
Start @ 10:10
Lecture Discuss the 13 Main Gods/Goddesses
5:00 minutes (about 30s a person)
Zeus •King of all Gods •God of the Sky, Thunder and Lightning •His weapon is a lightning bolt Hera •Queen of all Gods •Goddess of Marriage, Women and Birth •Very jealous of Zeus’ illegitimate children Poseidon •God of the Sea, Earthquakes, Storms and Horses •Brother to Zeus •His weapon is the Trident Hades •God of the Underworld, the Dead and Riches •Brother to Zeus •Has a three-headed dog called Cerberus
References(text or electronic)
Displays/Materials Thumball, notes, list of questions, computer, projector, Percy Jackson DVD
Teaching Points
Demeter •Goddess of Earth Fertility and Agriculture •Zeus’ Sister •Created the seasons after losing her daughter to Hades Ares •God of War •Son of Zeus and Hera •His symbol is the dog Hermes •God of Travel, Communications, and Thieves •Son of Zeus •Messenger of the Gods Apollo •God of the Sun, Prophecy, Music and Healing •Son of Zeus •Has a daily task of driving the Sun across the sky Artemis •Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon •Twin sister to Apollo •The Deer is very scared to her Athena •Goddess of Wisdom •Daughter of Zeus •Born out of Zeus’ forehead Aphrodite •Goddess of Love and Beauty •Daughter of Zeus •Was married to Hephaestus to stop Gods from fighting over her Hephaestus •God of Fire and Forge •Son of Zeus and Hera •Is the Smith and Armorer of the Gods Dionysus •God of Wine and Theatre •Son of Zeus •Only Olympian to a half-mortal god
Teaching Points
Heracles •A Demi God •Son of Zeus •Had to complete 12 tasks to take his place with the Gods Perseus •A Demi God •Son of Zeus •Biggest feat was killing Medusa Checking for Understanding//Independent Practice Thumball Game •Using the number thumball •Have a list of about 20 questions •Have the students pass the ball around the room •Whichever number the thumb lands on students have to answer a question Closure An exit card asking which god/goddess is the student’s favorite?
Questions 1. Who’s symbol is the dog? a. Ares 2. What is the name of Hades dog? a. Cerberus 3. Who controls the sea? a. Poseidon 4. How many tasks did Heracles have to complete? a. 12 5. Who is the King of all Gods? a. Zeus 6. Who is the Goddess of Marriage? a. Hera 7. Which Goddess created the seasons? a. Demeter 8. Who is the Messenger of the Gods? a. Hermes 9. Which God drives the sun across the sky? a. Apollo 10. Who is the Goddess of the Moon? a. Artemis 11. How was Athena born? a. From Zeus’ forehead 12. Who was Aphrodite married to? a. Hephaestus 13. Who is the God of Fire and Forge? a. Hephaestus 14. How is Dionysus different from the other Olympians? a. He is a half-mortal 15. Who killed Medusa? a. Perseus 16. Whose weapon is the lightning bolt? a. Zeus 17. What is Poseidon’s weapon? a. Trident 18. Who are Ares’Parents? a. Zeus and Hera 19. Who is the Queen of all Gods? a. Hera 20. Who is the God of Wine? a. Dionysus