Kenneth McLean P.I.E Documentation of Development

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Prototyping Interactive Experiences

Documentation of Delvelopment

Kenneth McLean

40056489 Product Design session 2013/14t

Introduction to module

The Prototyping Interactive Experiences module will provide you with an introduction to the use of interactive softwares and hardwares, basic electronics and the development of skill and knowledge in the practice and visualization of interaction and experience design in various design genres.

Introduction to the module we went over the expectations of the module such as documentation, archiving and blogging via the use of Tumblr. We were then also informed that we had to to download some free online software such as Processing and Arduino. Issuu is an online tool we are going to use to produce this document you are now reading. Throughout the module we had to meet weekly deadlines and work individually and in groups. For more information visit:

MODE of human interaction & experience DoorMode of interaction- Unlock door > Push handle > Open/Close door Mode of experience- Light, Fresh/Cold/Warm Air, Sound, sense of Safety. Traffic lightMode of interaction- Look > React > Go/Stop Mode of experience- Go, Stop, Slow Down, Get ready, Light, Colour, CandleMode of interaction- Human > Lighter > Flame Mode of experience- Light, Heat, Smell, Smoke SketchbookMode of interaction- Human > Push Pen > Drawings Mode of experience- Sound, Creativity, Illustrations Motion Air FreshenerMode of interaction- Human > Walk past > Sprays Mode of experience- Smell, Sound, Change of mood ClockMode of interaction- Look > Take in the information > React Mode of experience- Time, information, Sound, ATMMode of interaction- Human > Push in Pin Number > Access to cash Mode of experience- Sound, Lighting, Money, Information, Aware PhoneMode of interaction- Human > Push screen > Push to Select Icon Mode of experience-Light, Sound, Information, CameraMode of interaction- Human > Push Button > Capture image Mode of experience- Sound, Happiness, Creativity, information Light SwitchMode of interaction- Human > Push switch Mode of experience- Light, Safety, Darkness, Uneasy,

Learning these modes of interaction and experience was a good techinique to break the ice and get a basic understanding about the whole module. IN puts and OUT puts was constantly brought up throughout the module in Processing and Arduino which always made it easier to break down the objectives and clarify what you are trying to achieve.

Introduction to processing

What is processing? Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions.

Introduction to processing Hello World.



Hello World was the very first thing we done. this was to show us the basics of processing some key words, fuctions and even a bit of history. By remembering these key elements of processing it will gradually make the overall understanding of processing a whole lot easier.


Void Setup is the setup of the canvas size. for example this image above is 400, 400. Processing works in co-ordinates so once you work out the axis’ its a doddle. Void Draw is what is being drawn on the canvas and in order to draw you need to know the size of canvas to get your starting point. Key commands are used such as strokeweight, println, point, line & rect in this image above. Now moving onto something a bit more interesting.

Introduction to processing Colour.


Adding a colour was really easy, It was simply by adding the key word background followed by (hashtag30A6ED) this was the exact colour used in the image above.

Movement was next on the list. This was now getting a bit more complex for beginners, we had learnt how to use colour and draw shapes but now we wanted to move a shape, To do this we had learn the command mouseY this would then move the ellipse up and down the ‘Y’axis controlled by the computer mouse.


Introduction to processing Logo.


We where sent away to start a new sketch from what we had learnt previously. We had to make a personal logo using our initial mine being KM. As you can see this initial logo wasnt very eye catching or adventurous.

I carried on developing the logo adding a bit more detail and though i would use a bit of movement within the log so i used the command mouseY this would then move the white ellipse up and down the ‘Y’axis controlled by the computer mouse just to add a bit of animation and interaction with the logo.


Introduction to processing Movement.


So we started off creating a switch. The new command learned was switchstate. The first issue I had was that the ellipse kept running off the sketch. So I had to restrain the ellipse to the width of the sketch and make it return back on the ‘X’ axes this would then carry on going backwards and forwards until I stopped it.

As I learned the coding of the switchstate along the ‘X’ axis we then got challenged to switch it and use the ‘Y’ axis. This was pretty straight forward but a very important factor as you will see later on. Carrying on, we then looked at controlling the ellipse with our mouse the further away you moved your mouse the faster the ellipse moved, Closer you moved the mouse the ellipse the slower it moved or at all. We then when onto learning how to import images


Introduction to processing Image.


We then when onto learning how to import images into processing and learnt different ways of displaying them. First one was having the images split up in to different segments on the the sketch.

Secondly went onto applying the movement of the ellipse witch the mouse with the pictures so, when you moved your mouse to a certain point of the sketch the image would change, I.E south park image would be on the left and then move to the right of the sketch the Liverpool - This is Anfield would appear as you can see above.


Introduction to processing Text.


//HELLO WORLD. In this lecture we looked at creating and editing fonts sizes, points, and even adding a bit of animation to the text. For example when you move the mouse left or right the created text would move with the mouse.

We looked over different ways of importing the text file into processing so when you edit the text it would keep its sharp presence and not pixelate.


We had also learnt some new commands such as textFont (the font the text would be shown in followed by the size), createfont (font you want imported on sketch), text (text you want displayed) & noCursor (stops cursor being shown when over sketch).

Dice task 1 Interface design project

Dice Task 1 Interface Design project

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I created a dice that would work exactly how a normal dice would on processing, you move your mouse randomly over the sketch and it will keep on changing the number randomly. For the following week we had to enhance the interactive experience by adding some form of personalisation to the game for each player using the dice created on processing. Must be presented as a 1 minute video!

task 1

Interface Design Project Objective: Re-design a standard laptop interface(mouse) as a dice. Use an inbuilt or external mouse to offer an new interface for rolling a dice.You must enhance the interactive experience by adding some form of personalisation to the game for each player. I thought about creating a game for the interactive experience by using the principles of long jumping and the dice. The sand pit being the inbuilt mouse on the lap top, when landing on the ‘sand pit’ it would then trigger the movement and ‘roll’ the dice. This created the experience and a game to see who could land the highest score best out of three. In This case player 1 won with 15 points and player two only getting 8 points.

Ergonomics is about designing for people, wherever they interact with products, systems or processes. We usually don’t notice good design (unless perhaps, it’s exceptional) because it gives us no cause to, but we do notice poor design. The emphasis within ergonomics is to ensure that designs complement the strengths and abilities of people and minimise the effects of their limitations, rather than forcing them to adapt.

Anthropometrics is the comparative study of human body measurements and properties. Products that have been designed to accommodate the human form such as chairs and doors. However you do not design for the average person, go for the lower percentage so that everyone can use it. It needs to do as little harm as possible to someone over a long period of time. Must remember that evolution changes people get bigger and smaller over decades. Need to keep up and use relevant data.

Usability is the ease of the use and learnability of a human made object. Memory of the product. Designing the product so that you can instantly pick it up and work with it any time. The important stuff should be where you can access/ reach it first.

Instrument task 2 Interface design project

instrument Task 2 Interface Design project

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task 2

Later on in the lecture we looked at adding sound into processing which is a whole lot more complicated. for the following weeks homework was to create a ‘musical device/instrument’ using minim in processing a new command that would become very important for the final hand in. What is minim? Minim is an audio library that uses the JavaSound API, a bit of Tritonus, and Javazoom’s MP3SPI to provide an easy to use audio library for people developing in the Processing environment. Here is musical instrument I created using the minim.. I’ve gone for the less conventional option for an instrument and created something similar to a Theremin. You can tune and refine the output by playing around with the sketch and frequency.

Virtual Pet task 3 Interface design project

Virtual pet Task 3 Interface Design project

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Objective 1- Try to catch the cat by click to pet the cat. Objective 2- Press E to exercise the cat but be careful you don’t over exercise it. Objective 3- Press F to feed the cat but the more you feed him the bigger he will get and change form.

task 3

Interface Design Project Objective: To produce a virtual pet using interaction commands we had learnt over the few weeks this was to get an understanding of interaction, commands and a practice run before the main project hand-in. This was another ‘little’ group project. Our interactive pet based on the Nyan Cat. its pretty simple and straight forward to understand. and the objectives of the interactive game are to the left. Throughout this virtual pet interaction heaps of new commands were learnt by researching the processing libaries. mousePressed, keyPressed, float, PImage, xspeed, yspeedm dia, counter. All these key commands stitch the game together and make it work smoothly.

Project 1 Interface design project

Objects d'interface

If we examine the trend of production of technology over the last century we can glean the philosophy for consumption, enhancement and replacement. If we consider any other products in society that we apply this system to there is one major difference. We do not, nor or we expected to, develop the same degree of attachment or depth of relationship with consumable objects as we do with consumable technologies.

This consideration raises a number of questions. What determines the difference between an object for consumption and one that is treasured? When we have a relationship with another humans do we also consider some of these to be consumable? Is it the relationship that is consumable or the objects/humans themselves?


Background research relating to site and user audience can be seen as new media which refers to on- demand access to content anytime, anywhere, on any digital device, as well as interactive user feedback, and creative participation. Another aspect of new media is the real-time generation of new, unregulated content, New media deals with the issue of things being new, many argue that new media technology such as mobile phones is actually just a regeneration of old media and so therefore isn’t new. There are many objects we interact with on a daily basis which help us meet our basic needs, which we take for granted. We no longer recognise or acknowledge the object for anything other than the role it plays in helping us satisfy our needs. The influence that bodily contact plays in attachment formation. Contact and comfort is an overwhelmingly important variable in forming a bond between the user and user once you’ve broken the ice between the two users the two users will express a bit more information as they feel more relaxed and open. The importance of tangible affection in social and cognitive development. Touch plays in our everyday interactions with objects. For example, human comfort is very closely tied to temperature, with its extremes, both high and low, capable of causing discomfort and even harm through touch. We instinctively know that a metal chair should feel cooler to the touch than a wooden one. Emotional Objects, in which can be modified in everyday objects in order to actively call attention to their dynamic relationship with the environment to provide the user with a deeper understanding of their interactions with these changing environmental conditions.

Objects d'interface


By incorporating dynamic behaviors into an object’s design, I believe it is possible to create emotionally satisfying bonds between products and their users. Perhaps in this manner, we will begin to create new forms of sustainable and emotionally satisfying human-object relationships, and positively impact our current culture of consumption. When considering the experience for the new user/ audience you have to think about what they are used to, what they know already and what they feel comfortable with so it doesn’t put them off or make them give up on the first go. I would like to create a nostalgia feeling of a happier time when playing a designed classic game with a new school vibe, with the choice of music and projection. the card gun objective was to add a new experience/ dimension of the classic shooting game. So I feel this game will appeal to a large audience as its easy to understand, its using current projection technology and music. The older generation age 35+ or so would feel a sense of nostalgia after smashing around on the Atari when they were younger, where as the younger generations may not get the same feeling but it will create an experience and therefor remember the game and later on in life if they come across something similar hopefully feeling nostalgia. So when going onto developing my game, object and experience i want to enhance the environments ambience with music, lights, display and information so the user and objects can be modified to form a relationship that can get a deeper understanding with the interactions between user and object.

Objects d'interface

INitial Ideas & concepts

We where then left to our own devices to reseach and come up with some initial concepts using processing. This outcome for this game was to keep the ball up by using your mouse to move the black bottom bar on screen. This inital idea lacked some communication with the user as there was no given text, lacked colour and sound. To make this game was pretty simple as there was just shapes and movement which we had learned earlier on in the module. Playing around a bit more with colour and some text for example- Hit & miss to communicate how many times the user has kept the ball in the ‘air’ or how mant times theyve missed the ball. This wasn’t what I quite had in mind but was fun to play.

Objects d'interface

INitial Ideas & concepts

My inital ideas of creating a good game that would interact with the user would be a memory game as it would have to communicate effectively with the user and make it memorable. I looked around through Open Processing ( and came across this memory game it was what I was looking for and was quite simple and basic.... The aim of the game was to match the colour of the block and the name of the colour in the least amount of moves. There was vairous was to make this game interesting for example adding animation, sound and several interfaces to produce a game with a sense of more achievment. After thinking a bit more I decided to part with this game and create my own design and something a bit more achievable.

Objects d'interface

INitial Ideas & concepts

Playing around with the intial ideas and concepts I settled for this retro looking shooting game as I felt this would be a good way to engage with the user in a fun and playful way making it memorable experience which is what the brief is asking for. As you can see I played around with the colour of the falling balls and size of them, this was a easy process which helped form a vision for the game as to what could be done and added to make it more of a memorable experience. The aim of the game is quite simple - shoot the the falling balls before they hit the bottom of the screen and if they hit its game over!. Heaps of new commands will be learnt and I will go into much more detail of the sketch and codes used through the on screen development stage.

Objects d'interface

space balls

Sketch 1) Fist of all started importing sound into the background to give the game a chilled out vibe to help keep focused. PImage was used to import the background of stars in giving the game a few more features. initial score variables were processed in for the dropping ‘fire’ balls size which can be changed depending how easy you want to make the game. EASY > MEDIUM > HARD. boolean wasn’t shown in class but researching it the processing libraries it gave a description, by applying fire = false, later on in the text if i change fire = true the laser will project a full continuos line that will destroy and of the falling balls. The first ball to hit the bottom of the screen will end the game. GAME OVER. 2) int ball x & y is the axis of the ball falling balls by applying random the balls would come down randomly making the game a lot harder. void setup is the start of the sketch creating the size and loading image of choice. Loading image was shown in class so this process was really easy and straight forward. At this stage I imported the sound using the minim. Music downloaded from Soundcloud which I highly recommened if youre looking for great free music for any occasion.

Objects d'interface

sketch 3) void draw was then implemented as it was one of the first things we learned so as i was going for a space theme i would draw the earth using quad and coordinates.(referencing HELLO WORLD) if (mousePressed == true) {noCursor();} was added to make the game even harder so you couldnt line up your shot with the cursor. I did have a triangle rocket shape in but took it out as it was making the game to easy but made the mouse stay on the X axes so it didn’t wonder and float around. 4) I imported a display score so the user could identify how many falling balls they had destroyed with the laser, Communicating with the user will hopefully egg them on to beat there best score. It was coming to an end of the void draw I had to find a way to how to end the game and music, void stop was the answer and the minim that was used earlier on in the text.

Objects d'interface

BEST SCORE: 15 can you beat it?


5) void mouse pressed must be fire= true, now if that was false there would be no projection of the laser to destroy the balls. so small but crucial to get right. The rest of the text in this section and the start of the next section is the mechanics of the game and how it all works and processes, its pretty much demonstrating what happens when the laser is fired and what happens to the ball once its been hit and what effect happens.

Objects d'interface


6) Carrying on from the piece above this part was easily the most time consuming and took a while for to me to get my head round but fortunately using the libraries and a bit of research I got it to work. some was probably luck. update score was added so it could count up the score as the user destroyed a ball.


7) Finally void game over was used to end the game completely and would be appropriate to put it in last in the text to make everything clear. By working in sections it makes coding easier as everything is in bite sizes and less cluttered which is usually the biggest problem. I thought it would be nice to end the game with a bit of text to inform the user with information now the games over.

Objects d'interface

As you can see in the highlighted bit I had rocket man by elton john in to fit the theme but felt it was getting a bit gimmicky. From feed back from the younger generation I received constant variable that the song was a bit old fashioned. using this minim process it was easy and quick to change it all..

On screen Development

Objects d'interface

As you can see the initial printed screen of the game is very empty and could do with a few more features. Feedback I received said the same I had to add a few more colours and another objects to maybe distract the user and the objective of the game so it was so boring and easy. So i decided to play around with images colours and backgrounds.

On screen Development

As you can see this is the games interface I have gone with. I have selected this background as I feel it work the best and wast too busy with colour and detail that could distract you from the game play. I decided to draw the earth in the end instead of using an image as I wanted to show I knew how to plot co-oridinates and expand my knowledge a bit more as placing an image in is too easy, I placed the skectch of the earth to the side of the screen so it wasnt too distracting but also so you could seen the falling fire balls a whole lot easier. The game is set out the way I wanted and the furthest I could go with it as my knowledge on Processing isn’t the most in depth as ive only been doing it a few weeks. Coding for the sketch of the earth can be seen on picture no.3 under sketch.

Objects d'interface

On screen Development

Objects d'interface

Getting the size of the falling ‘fire’ balls took me a while to get right, with the balls being smaller it made the game a lot harder and as they got bigger the game got easier as they were bigger targets. I came to a final size after test and researching, using size 20 balls made it hard but not so easy so it had a good balance of hard and easy. Screen shots of playing the game. The three main stages of the game. Start > Finish.Ending the game with text to inform the user that the game is now finished and they can put down the object.

Off screen Development

Card Development...Some pictures from the development process of producing the card model which the user will be using and interacting with. From the research above touch and feel was a huge factor in the way the user feels, so getting this part right was crucial in the design.

Objects d'interface

Final proposal...I felt that the environment was lacking a bit of experience, so i decided to turn off the lights add a spot light on the user and project green lasers onto the walls of the room, This changed the ambience and feel hopefully making it a more memorable experience between the user and the object and object and user.

prototype testing video

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Introduction to arduino

Arduino is a tool for making computers that can sense and control more of the physical world than your desktop computer. It’s an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board, and a development environment for writing software for the board. Arduino can be used to develop interactive objects, taking inputs from a variety of switches or sensors, and controlling a variety of lights, motors, and other physical outputs. Arduino projects can be stand-alone, or they can communicate with software running on your computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP.) The boards can be assembled by hand or purchased preassembled; the open-source IDE can be downloaded for free. The Arduino programming language is an implementation of Wiring, a similar physical computing platform, which is based on the Processing multimedia programming environment.

Arduino Kit

Arduino UNO board & USB cable Arduino board is a micro controller board and has a USB cable plugin to link up to the computer and other energy sources.


Arduino Kit

Servo Motor The servo motor that comes with this kit can identify any position between 0-180degrees. (Does not work in complete rotations)


LED Lights The Kit comes with red & green LEDs and one RGB LED

Arduino Kit

Switches & Pushbuttons Switches and buttons control the amount of current passing through the circuit board, These require an external mechanical effort to engage with the piece of kit.


Breadboard The Breadboard is used to build a circuit to allow current and information travel back to the Arduino board.

Arduino Kit

Buzzer Tilt sensor Photoresistor Potentiometer


Solid core jumper wires These wires allow the user to control and design where to put the current, creating a circuit.

Arduino Kit

9V Battery snap Allows Arduino to be powered by a battery instead of using a USB cable


Resistors The Arduino kit comes with 7 different type of resistors. 220ohm, 560ohm, 1K, 4.7K, 10K, 1M & 10M.

Arduino Kit

Capacitors Blocking, coupling, decoupling, Bypassing & RFI for automative


Arduino Box Contains all of the components spoke about.


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Sweep Sweeps the shaft of a RC servo motor back and forth across 180 degrees. Circuit. Servo motors have three wires: power, ground, and signal. The power wire is typically red, and should be connected to the 5V pin on the Arduino board. The ground wire is typically black or brown and should be connected to a ground pin on the Arduino board. The signal pin is typically yellow, orange or white and should be connected to pin 9 on the Arduino board.


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Connect three wires to the Arduino board. The first two, red and black, connect to the two long vertical rows on the side of the breadboard to provide access to the 5 volt supply and ground. The third wire goes from digital pin 2 to one leg of the pushbutton. That same leg of the button connects through a pull-down resistor (here 10 KOhms) to ground. The other leg of the button connects to the 5 volt supply. When the pushbutton is open (unpressed) there is no connection between the two legs of the pushbutton, so the pin is connected to ground (through the pull-down resistor) and we read a LOW. When the button is closed (pressed), it makes a connection between its two legs, connecting the pin to 5 volts, so that we read a HIGH. You can also wire this circuit the opposite way, with a pullup resistor keeping the input HIGH, and going LOW when the button is pressed. If so, the behavior of the sketch will be reversed, with the LED normally on and turning off when you press the button. If you disconnect the digital i/o pin from everything, the LED may blink erratically. This is because the input is "floating" - that is, it will randomly return either HIGH or LOW. That's why you need a pull-up or pull-down resistor in the circuit.



A potentiometer is a simple knob that provides a variable resistance, which you can read into the Arduino board as an analog value. In this example, you’ll connect a poterntiometer to one of the Arduino’s analog inputs to control the rate at which the built-in LED on pin 13 blinks.


ANALOG Photoresistor & LED

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Connect three wires to the Arduino board. The first goes to ground from one of the outer pins of the potentiometer. The second goes from 5 volts to the other outer pin of the potentiometer. The third goes from analog input 0 to the middle pin of the potentiometer. For this example, it is possible to use the Arduino board’s built in LED attached to pin 13. To use an additional LED, attach its longer leg (the positive leg, or anode), to digital pin 13, and it’s shorter leg (the negative leg, or cathode) to the ground (gnd) pin next to pin 13. Because of the low amount of current coming from digital pin 13, it is not necessary to use a current limiting resistor in this particular case.


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Servo motors have three wires: power, ground, and signal. The power wire is typically red, and should be connected to the 5V pin on the Arduino board. The ground wire is typically black or brown and should be connected to a ground pin on the Arduino board. The signal pin is typically yellow or orange and should be connected to pin 9 on the Arduino board. The potentiometer should be wired so that its two outer pins are connected to power (+5V) and ground, and its middle pin is connected to analog input 0 on the Arduino. Potentiometer Breadboard View A potentiometer is a simple knob that provides a variable resistance. In this project, potentiometer values are read in through an ‘Analog In’ pin. The values are then used to control the blinking rate of an LED/ Servo motor. .


Project 2 Investigating Human Auto Response

EMotional Objects

Emotional Objects Investigating Human Auto-Response The human body is a complex system of surfaces and organs that can detect heat, light, sound, movement, and we respond to these stimuli, or inputs based upon a contextual map of our surroundings, and in some cases our emotional state. As well as this, emotional stimuli can also elicit a physical response that for many of us is uncontrollable, for example blushing.

Using the Arduino microprocessor we have been asked to design an object which exhibits the human response characteristics to an input factor, based upon a specific human response to stimuli . We may choose one of the input response characteristics below or choose my own stimuli and response if you desire. Stimuli input = cold, heat, noise, light, movement, fright, embarrassment, physiological processes, proximity to others, tickling. Designed attributes we should consider are - A computer program for an Arduino microprocessor that is able to take this input and control an output device in a predetermined manner - A sensor or sensors that are able to detect an input - An appropriate output device. - An electronic circuit to enable the above constructed on a Breadboard. - A physical manifestation of your design that will contain the Arduino, breadboard and power supply. The design of the form is expected to be contextualised around your stimuli and response.

ACE KenJUra Design

Task 1 Morse Code

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First task we had been put in pairs was to come up with our group name and then implement our group name (ACE-KENJURA) into morse code using coding with the arduino and and LED light to blink the morse code, This could also been done using the buzzer that comes with the Arduino kit. This was a good way to get to know each other and also practice the basics we had learnt in the current weeks.

Task 1 //KENJURA /././..///.././../

task 2 Manifesto Ace-kenjura believes in a minimal but bold approach to Design. We believe in simple raw solutions without over-complication. We boil down our briefs to their purest elements; getting to the root of things and crafting unique solutions to complex problems. Building objects from the ground-up to be impactful, emotional, fun & resourceful. The next three pages are 3 different companies/designers that we both like and enjoy their work and would like to implement some of their style into our final project but also create an image/story what ACE-KENJURA are about.

Founded in 2011 by Renny Ramakers, Studio Droog is an Amsterdam based studio that develops the Droog brand through a range of furniture, accessorie s and lighting products. The studio uses a carefully selected team of in-house designers, dedicated to designing quality produc ts that change your experience of daily life.

Task 2 Droog

Studio droog inspires us with their minimal, modern graphical aesthetic . They have an extensive range of products that carr y forward their well crafted brand.

Founded in 2011 by Renny Ramakers, Studio Droog is an Amsterdam based studio that develops the Droog brand through a range of furniture, accessories and lighting products. The studio uses a carefully selected team of inhouse designers, dedicated to designing quality products that change your experience of daily life. Studio droog inspires us with their minimal, modern graphical aesthetic. They have an extensive range of products that carry forward their well crafted brand.

Task 2 D r o og

Berg Cloud are a company focused in both cloud-driven applications and prototyping hardware that includes the open-source Arduino. They believe in the merge of the device and the cloud into one well designed machine. B e r g ’s “ L i t t l e P r i n t e r ” e n c a p s u l a t e s a l l w e w i s h t o i m p l e m e n t i n o u r d e s ig n s o l u t i o n s . It is both minimal, straight-forward, & well-crafted while also carrying emotional significance.

Task 2 berg

Berg Cloud are a company focused in both cloud-driven applications and prototyping hardware that includes the open-source Arduino. They believe in the merge of the device and the cloud into one well designed machine. Berg’s “Little Printer” encapsulates all we wish to implement in our design solutions. It is both minimal, straight-forward, & well-crafted while also carrying emotional significance.

Task 2

B e r g Cloud

Dunne & Raby use design as a medium to stimulate discussion and debate amongst designers, industr y and the public about the social, cultural and ethical implications of existing and emerging technologies. We a dmire in Dunne & Rab y their unique talent for attaching meaning and emotion to design, the same that we wish to capture in our endeavours. Their designs stray into the realms of art, and their relevance in critical design inspires us.

Task 2 Dunne & Raby

Dunne & Raby use design as a medium to stimulate discussion and debate amongst designers, industry and the public about the social, cultural and ethical implications of existing and emerging technologies. We admire in Dunne & Raby their unique talent for attaching meaning and emotion to design, the same that we wish to capture in our endeavours. Their designs stray into the realms of art, and their relevance in critical design inspires us.

Task 2

Task 3 Kilt Man

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This was a fun way to show what we had learned in the previous weeks with the LEDs and LDRs. ACEKENJURA wanted to create something cultural, cheeky yet contrversial so we came up with stereotypical scotsman in a kilt called Angus looking after his sheep. How it worked was when you lifted up his kilt the LDR would recognise light and therefore trigger the LED on, Once the kilt was returned it would cut off the light and turn the LED off. Anyway it was fun yet complied as to what the brief was asking.

Task 3

Task 4 Proposal

The brief to create a powerpoint proposal of our inital ideas and concepts we have for our final submission using arduino 20 seconds a slide was allocated for us to talk about our ideas. We used several experssions to convey emotional signs. We had both went away and came back with our interpretations of creating an emotional object and then combined parts from each to create the emotional object.

Task 4

Circuit board Monsters

Cold- Shiver, blood loss to extremities (turning blue), hair follicles standing on end Heat- Sweat, flushed (turning red) Noise-Turn toward sound, or turn away Light- Squint/blink Movement- Compensation, balance Fright- Jump, hair follicle contraction, shake Embarrassment- Blush Physiological Processes- Pupil dilation, rapid breathing, increased heart rate Proximity to others: dangerous/wholesome- Dodge, recoil, turn away Tickling-laugh

Physical Object The physical embodiment of your design will consist of a cube measuring 10cm * 10cm * 10cm in size. The shape and surface of the cube may change autonomously as part of it’s responsive nature but it must revert to the prescribed physical shape when in it’s default/ resting state. The physical model may be constructed from cardboard, wood, metal or plastic but consideration for the visual and tactile impact the texture of the object will have on the users interaction should be considered carefully. The object must be a stand alone unit powered either by battery or an external DC power supply.


//SAD LDR1 is getting light, LDR2 isn’t getting light, LDR3 isn’t getting light. //HAPPY LDR1 isn’t getting light, LDR2 is getting light, LDR3 isn’t getting light. //ANGRY LDR1 isn’t getting light, LDR2 isn’t getting light, LDR3 is getting light.

emotional objects

TONE Generates a square wave of the specified frequency (and 50% duty cycle) on a pin. A duration can be specified, otherwise the wave continues until a call to noTone(). The pin can be connected to a piezo buzzer or other speaker to play tones. Only one tone can be generated at a time. If a tone is already playing on a different pin, the call to tone() will have no effect. If the tone is playing on the same pin, the call will set its frequency.Use of the tone function will interfere with PWM output on pins 3 and 11 (on boards other than the Mega).It is not possible to generate tones lower than 31Hz


if LDRvalue1 > light_sesitivity&& LDR value2 > light_sesitivity && LDRvalue3> light_sensitivity

if LDRvalue1 < light_sesitivity&& LDR value2 < light_sesitivity && LDRvalue3< light_sensitivity

DIGITAL WRITE Write a HIGH or a LOW value to a digital pin. If the pin has been configured as an OUTPUT with pinMode(), its voltage will be set to the corresponding value: 5V (or 3.3V on 3.3V boards) for HIGH, 0V (ground) for LOW. If the pin is configured as an INPUT, digitalWrite() will enable (HIGH) or disable (LOW) the internal pullup on the input pin. It is recommended to set the pinMode() to INPUT_PULLUP to enable the internal pull-up resistor.

emotional objects


ANALOG READ Reads the value from the specified analog pin. The Arduino board contains a 6 channel (8 channels on the Mini and Nano, 16 on the Mega), 10-bit analog to digital converter. This means that it will map input voltages between 0 and 5 volts into integer values between 0 and 1023. This yields a resolution between readings of: 5 volts / 1024 units or, .0049 volts (4.9 mV) per unit. The input range and resolution can be changed using analogReference(). It takes about 100 microseconds (0.0001 s) to read an analog input, so the maximum reading rate is about 10,000 times a second. PIN MODE Configures the specified pin to behave either as an input or an output. See the description of digital pins for details on the functionality of the pins. As of Arduino 1.0.1, it is possible to enable the internal pullup resistors with the mode INPUT_PULLUP. Additionally, the INPUT mode explicitly disables the internal pullups

emotional objects


Initially we drews some layouts of the arduino, ideas of the box design and the emotional objectives set out from the brief. A list of all the components was written up to the very last detail so we knew what we needed exactly before we began. When working and creating the way we wanted the arduino to fucntion in order to create our emotional object we had to work hand in hand in with each other, so it wasnt the matter of doing one thing then the other as we had to work out exactly where each component was going to be.

emotional objects


As you can see I made sure that our design would work by knocking up a CAD model using solidworks. This was a quick and easy way by getting it right the first time. The CAD model allowed us to work with thickness, material and tolerances. This is so that when we came to building the box we knew everything would fit in and line up.

emotional objects

Construction & DEsign

As from the previous page the construction of the box was worked out on CAD and then was printed as a 1:1 scale drawing to make sure the box was ecaxtly 10x10x10.The scale drawings where then used as templates in order to cut out the box as neatly as possible. The scale drawing also helped by giving us boundaries to work from in order to create the exterior by printing out the designs I had knocked up using illustrator.

emotional objects

Construction & DEsign



To view video visit: ACE-KENJURA DESIGN


Here is the construstion and detailing of the box and cutting out the face plate (circuitboard) to allow the LEDs & LDRs to poke through, the video can be seen via my tumblr page. How it works is quit simple. When theres no monster slotted in the LEDs light up in a sequence as it looks like its loading/waiting, Once a specific monster is slotted in for example the happy monster theres a specific hole in the face that lines up with the LDR which triggers the Buzzer and plays a happy tone, then swapping the monster the emotion should change along with the tone of the buzzer. The Monster will be powered by a 9v battery.

emotional objects


The environement was a very important factor when taking pictures of the monsters in action. We decided that it would be good for the circuit monsters to have a local relationship where they were created. All the images where taken in and around Morningside. The Happy Monster was taken in a small garden, chilling with a coffee enjoying the sun in a beautiful atmosphere playing a happy tone expressing the emotion of happiness. The Sad Monster was stuck revising in the Jack Kilby sad as the monster wanted to be out in the sun, The monster expressed a sad emotional response by playin a whiney tone. The Angry Monster was in out in the car driving around morning side getting road rage due to the long red lights. The monster expressed its emotions by playing a low grumble tone. The environment is a good way to create a story and a feeling making the whole experience memorable.

emotional objects

A2 Board


Video Document

To view video visit:

evaluation This module has been an interesting one, I have learned a whole lot of new skills, technologies and softwares that I hadn’t even heard of. The weekly tasks where a pain, but they increased the pace that I usually work at. Also by being introduced to new ways of gathering research and findings via the use of tumblr and filmic documents which has increased my editing skills on iMovie. For anyone interested in this kind of field I would recommend this module its not exactly easy for beginners like myself but you will learn heaps of new skills and technologies. Thank you for reading and for more codes, videos and images visit my Tumblr blog.


By: Kenneth McLean 40056489

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