Attractions in the heart of Emilia

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Attractions in the heart of Emilia Cuisine and specialties like nowhere else The great river and the lowlands of Reggio Canossa: a taste of history and legend


A land of composers, artists and ... theatres A must-see for opera lovers

Romolo Valli Theatre, Reggio Emilia


A mix of Art, Culture, Tradition and local Specialties From the Po to the Apennines along the Routes of Wines and Flavours In the heart of Emilia-Romagna there's a crisscross of flavours, wines and traditions that unravels along the charming roads from the flat lowlands to the rolling hills of the Apennine range in the province of Reggio. An ancient road, Via Emilia, unites and at the same time also divides them. The two Routes of Wines and Flavours are the Vini e Sapori delle Colline di Scandiano e Canossa to the south and the Corti Reggiane to the north, across the flatlands that stretch to the Po river. The city of Reggio Emilia, a historical venue and birthplace of the Italia national banner, is in between. The strong identity of these places depends on their landscape, their culture, the industrious nature of their citizens and the traditions of fine food and wine that are known and appreciated around the world. Parmigiano Reggiano, Lambrusco Reggiano and Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Reggio Emilia are just a few of the hallmarks that unmistakably distinguish these excursions. Of the two Routes of Wines and Flavours, one skirts around the national park of the Apennine range, offering landscapes of woods, ravines and hills typically spotted with the medieval castles and churches that constituted the centre of the county of Matilda of Canossa. The other is dominated by the presence of the Po river and Renaissance courts. It is a land of small towns with arcades and squares, churches and bars. This is the land that was so cleverly described by Giovannino Guareschi in the stories that gave birth to the famous Italian personages of Peppone and Don Camillo.


table of contents

Stories and traditions Reggio Emilia, birthplace of the Italian flag Protagonists through history Visiting local fairs and festivals

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Flavours and surroundings The home of world known food specialties The King of Cheeses: Parmigiano Reggiano In the land of Lambrusco The traditional balsamic vinegar of Reggio Emilia Prosciutto, Coppa, Salame and Mortadella Flavours of fine cooking in Emilia

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From the city to the mountains Reggio and the Via Emilia Scandiano and the Secchia valley Canossa and the Enza valley The upper Apennine

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From the city to the great river Riverside cities Cities on the plain

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Excursions and producers along the Routes of Wines and Flavours Excursion 1 Excursion 2 Excursion 3 Excursion 4 Excursion 5 Excursion 6


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Lambrusco: a cheerful sparkling wine, like the people of Emilia 5

Stories and traditions

Reggio Emilia: Birthplace of the the Italian flag Over 150 years of Italian history Green, white and red: these are the colours that represent Italy and the products marked Made in Italy on the markets of the whole world. The Italian national flag was born in Reggio Emilia on 7 January 1797 when representatives of the cities of Emilia met in the city hall and proclaimed the Tricolour to be the banner of the Cispadane Republic. Reggio Emilia, known as the Tricolour City, is itself a symbol of independence and national unity. The flag is commemorated every year in the Tricolour Hall, now the seat of the city council, in the presence of the highest representatives of the state. The Tricolour Museum, housed in the same palace overlooking central Piazza Prampolini, was inaugurated in 2004 by then President of the Republic, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. The various sections of the museum focus on the history of the flag and present important documents and mementos related to events of the Italian unification movement.

Tricolour Hall, Reggio Emilia Photo by Giuseppe Maria Codazzi

Photo by David Locke



Protagonists through history An inheritance of history, art and culture The unique qualities of these places along the Routes of Wines and Flavours are deeply rooted in time. Many famous people have appeared on the stage of Emilia through the centuries. During the Middle Ages these were the lands of Matilda of Canossa whose county extended from Tuscany to Mantua and was a major scene of European politics in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Countess Matilda had favoured the encounter between Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV that took place in Canossa and changed the history of Europe in 1077. The excommunicated emperor waited outside the castle in the snow for three days and three nights for revocation of the papal anathema. Traditions and traces of medieval culture are still evident today in Matilda's territory. These roads were also travelled by pro-

tagonists in the Renaissance period. There were many independent fiefs in the lowlands of Reggio province: Gualtieri belonged to the Bentivoglio family, former lords of Bologna; Novellara and Guastalla belonged to the house of Gonzaga; and Correggio was the princedom of the family from which it took its name. South of the Via Emilia, Scandiano was the county of the Boiardo family, from which the famous poet descended. During the Renaissance, great works of art and architecture were created for the seats of the most important noble families where renowned artists such as Correggio, Lelio Orsi, Nicolò dell’Abate, Camillo Procaccini and others were at work. Even in more recent times, these territories have sent forth leading protagonists in economic, artistic, cultural and sports endeavours. These include men and women, but also brands, whose fame has reached every continent in representation of this lively, effervescent and talented territory.

Andrea Griminelli, internationally acclaimed solo flautist

Andrea Griminelli – Photo by John Isaac

Andrea Griminelli, one of the major Italian solo flautists, was born in Correggio. Winner of important international competitions, he records regularly for Decca and also holds concerts in the most important theatres and concert halls around the world, playing under the direction of the greatest conductors. He debuted in the United States in 1983, where Luciano Pavarotti introduced him to the American public.


Correggio A great Italian painter of the sixteenth century Antonio Allegri, known as Correggio, born in his namesake city in 1494 and died in 1534, was one of the most important Italian painters of the sixteenth century and is rightly considered as significant as Raphael, Titian and Leonardo da Vinci. His great masterpieces include famous frescoes in the dome of the church of St John Evangelist and the cathedral dome, both in Parma. In both he was the first to represent the fascinating depth of backgrounds and foreshortened views, with all the difficulties of the domes. - Museo del Palazzo dei Principi, Correggio - Correggio Art Home, Antonio Allegri's birthplace home, documentation centre

Antonio Ligabue The Italian van Gogh For all his life (Zurich, 1899-Gualtieri ,1965) Antonio Ligabue was most often considered a madman. Now everyone knows that Antonio Ligabue was one of the greatest Italian painters. He is recognised as one of the great naïf artists among Italian figurative painters of the twentieth century for his visionary capacity and chromatic excellence, in short, an Italian van Gogh whose works are much requested. - Palazzo Bentivoglio, Antonio Ligabue Documentary Museum and Study Centre, Gualtieri

Visiting local fairs and festivals Ancient traditions of the farming community

The Fair of St Michael Castelnovo ne’ Monti During the last week of September, Castelnovo Monti is the venue of one the most beloved and important annual appointments in the Apennines of Reggio, the Fair of St Michael. For over five centuries this event has punctually confirmed the importance of the mountain city as a crossroads and centre of gravity for the area encompassing the Po plains, Liguria and Tuscany. St Michael has maintained its time-honoured tradition as a livestock fair, now accompanied by exposition of modern farming machines and local food specialities.

The area of Reggio and surroundings has a wealth of healthy traditions and hosts a rich programme of fairs, festivals and historical re-enactments every year. Customs and usages linked to the earth, the seasons and local specialties are maintained by the many traditional festivities that dot the calendar. The farmers' markets unite folklore with trade, and curiosity about a way of life with aggregation and entertainment. Fairs traditionally associated with saints or the cult of a patron saint are also quite common, such as the Fair of St Prospero in Reggio Emilia at the end of November. Naturally, other occasions are dedicated to food delights and the wealth of local gastronomic specialties. Just to name a few: Festival of Wild Asparagus, in Vezzano sul

St Prospero St Prospero: patron saint of Reggio Emilia One of the favourite celebrations of the city is in honour of the patron saint on November 24th. The holy relics of the saint are still kept in the Basilica of St Prospero, protected at the main door by large lions of red Verona marble. The whole downtown area of the city, including the Via Emilia and the squares, is crowded with market stalls. It's impossible to resist the crackling of chestnuts being roasted everywhere in town. It's like holding the warmth of this land and its people in your hands.


Crostolo during the first week of May; Festival of the Po, in Boretto during the third week of June; Festival of Lambrusco, in Albinea between June and July; Fair of Parmigiano Reggiano, in Casina during the first week of August; Festival of Mushrooms, in Succiso during the first week of September; Festival of Pumpkins, in Reggiolo between September and October; Festival of Chestnuts, in Marola during the second half of October; and the Festival of Truffles, in Cavola and Toano during the first two weeks of November.

Traditional market stalls Piazza San Prospero, Reggio Emilia


Flavours and surroundings

The home of world known food specialties Fine cooking in Emilia starts here Everything that happens to foods here is the result of the ancient traditions of these places and expresses all the typical virtues of the people of Emilia. They are down to earth and dedicated to refined transformation of farming products into exclusive gastronomic delicacies and wines. One of the outstanding local products is Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale, the result of alchemical wisdom handed down through the centuries. Fine dishes composed of rich savoury ingredients are the pride of Emilia and are expressed in many recipes: savoury tortes filled with spinach or chards, fried dough ("gnocco fritto"), traditional sweets, hams and sausages, boiled meats, pork meats and the true prince of the kitchen - Parmigiano Reggiano. These are accompanied by wine that narrates the history, the men and the land. In this sense, Lambrusco expresses the territory with its sparkle, relatively low alcohol contents, fragrance of violets and immediately agreeable taste. However, there is a much broader panorama of local wines awaiting discovery. For these excursions, our advice is to just follow your taste buds wherever they take you, on fascinating journey through the most delicious of traditions.

Photo by Meridiana Immagini


The King of Cheeses: Parmigiano Reggiano Visiting dairy farms

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP, the most famous Italian cheese in the world, was born nine centuries ago on the territories of Parma and Reggio Emilia. Medieval sources indicate that this cheese was produced, with the techniques still in use today, about the year 1200 in Benedictine and Cistercian abbeys on the Po plains between the Apennines and the river itself. Beginning in the middle ages, man's role was only to improve what was possible, leaving nature's primary role unaltered. Produced only in the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena and parts of Mantua and Bologna, it has a profound relationship with environmental protection and sustainable development. Feeding livestock is governed by strict regulations and milk is checked regularly. Master cheese-makers are

the custodians and interpreters of the art of making this extraordinary product. On the average, a form of Parmigiano Reggiano weights 35 kilos and it takes approx. 600 litres of high quality milk to make it. The forms mature naturally for at least 12 months and only then will it be known whether each individual form will retain the name initially stamped on it. Experts of the Consortium examine the forms one by one and only those that meet the standards are fire-branded with the DOP (denomination of protected origin) mark. Parmigiano Reggiano acquires its typical grainy structure during aging. The cheese is delicious, easy to digest and extremely high in nutritional values. The concentration of proteins, vitamins, calcium and mineral salts make it appropriate for all age groups.

From the milk of the Red Cows of Reggio For centuries, the ancient Reggiana breed was the most popular cattle stock in the Parmigiano Reggiano production areas. It has a heavy, elegant body structure and a distinguishing coat colour so it is commonly known as Red Cow. This milk alone, particularly rich in proteins (especially casein), is transformed into the famous cheese, exalting the extraordinary aromatic and nutritional properties it has. "Red Cow" Parmigiano Reggiano is characterised by the pale yellow colour of the cheese, which derives from the diet of the livestock: hay and the typical varieties of grasses of the grazing pastures in the Reggio area. It delights the palate with the characteristics of the very best Parmigiano Reggiano: great persistence and intensity of aromas, particularly in the case of long aging for which this milk is ideal.

Sheep cheese from the Apennines

In the upper valleys of the Secchia and Enza rivers, in the Apennine mounts of Reggio, shepherding has survived despite social and economic mutations. The milk of the sheep flocks is transformed into a highly regarded variety of sheep cheese or pecorino. The cheese of Succiso is particularly aromatic with sweet and sharp notes, and is perfect to accompany the locally produced honey.


In the land of Lambrusco Visiting wine cellars

Lambrusco has very ancient origins. The name descends from that of the wild labrusca vine, known from the Bronze Age.

This is the wine of excellence from Emilia, a unique expression of Italian wine culture. It represents the most widely grown family of vines in the countryside that stretches east of Parma to include the territories of Reggio, Modena and those bordering on Mantua. An extremely agreeable sparkling wine is produced from these fragrant grapes and it is the most widely exported in the world. The aficionados are divided between those who prefer the sweet or dry varieties, the aroma of violets or that of red fruits.

The fine cooking of Emilia loses something of its character if not accompanied by this excellent sparkling wine. The bubbling toasts of Luciano Pavarotti during his tours are famous, as is pop star Luciano Ligabue's irreverent combination of "Lambrusco and pop-corn". In addition to Lambrusco, the white wines of the hills of Scandiano and Canossa are well-known and appreciated. Today wine producers are orienting their wine production to the classic method, as well as fine raisin wines and wines from biologically cultivated vineyards.

A toast with Spergola from the hills of Scandiano and Canossa DOC Spergola grapes, a white variety, is a vine from the zone of Scandiano, where the wine made from it has acquired the municipal denomination (DE.CO). This certifies the origin of the production from the typically local vine, rooted to the territory of the Boiardo family. The vine is very ancient and a number of plants were reproduced after its rediscovery to prevent extinction. Spergola wine is becoming a success on the Italian wine market as an aperitif, and to accompany fish or delicate dishes. In the sparkling version the wine is pale yellow with hints of green. The aroma is fine and persistent with a floral bouquet and a clear note of green apples.

Did you know...

A competition to reward the best Lambrusco wines

The Matilde di Canossa - Terre di Lambrusco wine competition was created to promote the best production of Lambrusco wine to consumers and to stimulate the wine growers to always strive to improve the quality of the different types of wine they produce: secco (brut or dry), semisecco or abboccato (sec), amabile (demi-sec) and dolce (sweet). All producers with vineyards and/or production units in the provinces of Reggio Emilia, Modena, Parma and Mantua, in short the classic zone of production, can participate in the initiative.


Balsamic Vinegar: what a passion!!!

An antique vinegar attic


Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Reggio Emilia A passion handed down from one generation to the next Hunting mushrooms on the Apennines

Many mushroom hunters head for the forests of oaks, chestnuts and beech trees in the Apennines of Reggio. Depending on the season they'll be searching for noble boletus, chanterelles and particularly fine amanita caesarea. There's an incredible variety of recipes and ways to use mushrooms in the kitchen: in first course rice and pasta dishes; in soups; fried or crude salad side dishes; grilled, in omelettes or baked with stuffing for main course dishes. Fresh, dried or conserved in oil, mushrooms are an ever-present ingredient in the fine cooking of Emilia.

Pumpkin of Reggio This is the typical, brightly coloured squash of the lowlands of Reggio. They are many quite distinct varieties. Those most often used for cooking are the violina with its elongated form and the traditional pumpkin of Reggio and Mantua, also called cappello da prete (priest's cap) for its spherical form. These are cooked in several ways, with rice for example, but one of the strong local traditions is tortelli di zucca (squash filled pasta), an ancient recipe that may have originated during the Renaissance with a sweet, lightly spicy taste. Reggiolo, on the plains of Reggio, celebrates the Fiera della Zucca (Pumpkin Fair) in September with suppers, specialty dishes, medieval parades and entertainment.

Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Reggio Emilia is the fine outcome of a long and artful aging of sweet grape musts in small casks of fine woods. Prepared in ancient times as a medical balsam for kings and emperors, it has now entered the kitchen as an exclusive ingredient capable of heightening flavours and enriching all dishes. Special local grapes are pressed for production, as prescribed by the strict protocol. Its authenticity depends on the various sequences of production: slow reduction of the must with up to 14 hours on an open fire; fermentation; settling and aging in a series of casks of different woods for at least 12 years. The result of so much work leads to unmistakeable characteristics of colour, density, aroma and flavour. In the kitchen, Traditional Balsamic Vinegar can be added to stews and gravies (for a flambĂŠ finish) or to ice cream and sweets (crude). The Extravecchio, with over 25 years of aging, is truly an elixir to delight the nose and palate, a medi-

tation potion to be sipped from a spoon or tiny glass, also appropriate to accompany sharp aged cheeses, fruit salads, pastry cream and spice cakes.

Photo by Meridiana Immagini


Creamed pumpkin with Traditional Balsamic Vinegar 1 kg squash or pumpkin nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste Extra Virgin Olive Oil to taste a few drops of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar


Cut the squash or pumpkin in 8 pieces, spread on a baking-tin and bake at 160°C for approx. one hour. When cooked, let cool and remove the pulp with a spoon. Add nutmeg, salt and pepper, Extra Virgin Olive Oil and blend or whisk to a creamy consistency. Garnish with a few drops of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar and serve hot.

Prosciutto, Coppa, Salame and Mortadella The great tradition of salt-cured pork specialties The deep and ancient union between the art of cooking in Reggio and the use of pork meat goes back to the era of Celts and Romans. It is such an ancient tradition that it even led to creating the arzana breed, as it's known in dialect, born in 1873 from the cross between the local and an English breed. There are many farms and production centres producing the excellent and famous salt-cured pork specialties as well as the different cuts used in classic boiled meats combinations.

The variety is really amazing: prosciutto crudo (salt ham), prosciutto cotto (boiled ham), culatello , mortadella, coppa, salame, pancetta (bacon), cotechino, salsiccia (fresh sausage), ciccioli (cracklings) and the zampone (stuffed trotter), always served at Christmas with mashed potatoes and lentils. Hams and salamis, always accompanied by "gnocco fritto" (fried , are the protagonists of delicious appetizers and traditional late afternoon snacks from the Apennines to the plains.

Pancetta Canusina Pancetta Canusina is a typical specialty of the hills of Reggio. It's a salt meat with a spicy flavour made only of fresh bacon (no more than two days from butchering), seasoned with a secret mixture of salt, sugar, spices and aromas. The bacon is rolled or flattened and constitutes a rich base for the sauces used to dress the typical first course dishes in Emilia. Pancetta Canusina is certified by the PAT (product of traditional agriculture) denomination.

Culatello di Canossa In the Apennines of Reggio they produce a type of culatello identified as Culatello di Canossa or Culatello delle Colline Matildiche. This specialty is distinguished by the fact that the pork rind has not been removed and an ample layer of underlying fat also remains, together with a piece of bone called the anchetta. Pork rind and fat are left to prevent an excessive loss of humidity during aging which, as a consequence, can be extended beyond twelve months. When sliced, the retained humidity and the fat give the product a characteristically sweet and delicate flavour.


There's an old popular saying that Nothing of a pork is wasted, expressing the value of this animal to the farming community. From cooked, seasoned and pressed scraps of pork fat, tasty cracklings are served up. They are best eaten while still warm, a perfect finish for a traditional appetizer of salami and ham.


Flavours of fine cooking in Emilia Traditional recipes Cappelletti

Among first courses, cappelletti represent the utmost excellence of the tradition in Reggio, the typical holiday dish. The citizens of Reggio are more than proud about them: each family conserves its secret recipe and hands it down to the next generation. It's a well-known meat-filled pasta served with good broth. The traditional "hat" shape measures about 2 centimetres: the smaller they are, the more masterful the cook.

Torta di tagliatelle There's even a recipe for an egg noodle sweet: it's the torta di tagliatelle, typical in the Apennines. It has a short crust base and toasted almond filling, with a thin layer of jam.

Cooking in Reggio derives from country cooking and was all homemade by cooks called rezdòre in the local dialect. The first course dishes are famous and represent the stronghold, starting with homemade egg pasta: cappelletti served in a fine meat broth, tortelli (green with spinach or chards, of fine mountain potatoes, of pumpkin traditionally served with a mince of fried lard, or more elaborate versions with creative fillings), fresh egg noodles served with meat and game sauce or, in the mountains, with rich boletus mushroom sauces. Oven baked first courses include the famous lasagne, cannelloni and nests. Rice must not be forgotten either. This grain is quite popular in local cooking and is used to make interesting and tasty risotti, rice rings, rice in broth and typical cakes of rice.

Pan de Re

This is the name, the "King's Bread" for the bread that is made from wheat cultivated in the province of Reggio Emilia and baked locally (a certified short food chain). Semi whole wheat flour, no additives and no lard make a good bread that is healthy and respects the environment.


The pot of boiled meats will include zampetto, zampone, lingua (tongue), cotechino, testina and cappello del prete, all served with appropriate garnish of sauces and conserves (some with very ancient origins). Introducing the thousand year old food traditions in Emilia would not be complete without mentioning the savoury tortes (gnocco al forno, gnocco fritto, erbazzone, stria and chizze) and, likewise, the traditional jams, marmalades and liquors made from local fruits or berries. Then there are the sweets: zuppa inglese (cream cake), torta di riso (rice cake), torta di tagliatelle (noodle flan), spongata and Biscione di Natale (Christmas serpent). Our advice? Just follow your taste buds wherever they take you on these excursions through a fascinating land.

Parmigiano Reggiano: an unmatchable cheese

Photographic library Regione Emilia-Romagna


The lands of Canossa

Castle of Rossena, Canossa, Reggio Emilia


Hills of Scandiano and Canossa

Route of wines and flavours

Excursions from the city to the Apennines The territory of Reggio has always had a noble vocation for farming and wine growing, it has been famous for its way of life and for the history of Countess Matilda, and now it encompasses the Route of Wines and Flavours of the Hills of Scandiano and Canossa. Founded in 1999, the scope of the consortium is stimulate appreciation of its typical local specialties by promoting and organising gastronomical and cultural tourism. From the gateways to the city of Reggio Emilia, to south of the ancient Via Emilia, in the hills, across the mountain plateaus, through the Enza and Secchia valleys and up to the crest of the Apennines between Tuscany and Emilia, there are dozens of producers of typical specialties and local attractions who love to tell their stories. So, by car or on a bicycle, it will be possible to make a personal acquaintance with the traditions of production, the naturalistic attractions, the cultural and historical realities of this little big land as sparkling as its Lambrusco, as appetizing as its Traditional Balsamic Vinegar, as delicious as its hams and salamis, its Parmigiano Reggiano, its famous erbazzone...altogether as rich as its culinary traditions.


Reggio and the Via Emilia EXCURSION 1 See the list of consortium members/ producers along the route at page 48

European Photography From 2006 to today, this international event has already become one of the most important events of the city. It has its origin in the teachings of Luigi Ghirri, the photographer from Reggio who enjoys worldwide esteem.

Living and discovering the city

Walking in the city Reggio Emilia is a typical example of a city based on a Roman plan. Its geometry was probably also the origin of the hexagonal medieval city walls, which have almost completely disappeared today. The historic centre is divided in two by the ancient Via Emilia, the main street and favourite stroll for the inhabitants as it unwinds between the squares. In Piazza Prampolini visit the palace of the same name housing Tricolour Hall and the ancient cathedral founded in 857, a hothouse of artists for several centuries; the interior, done over at end sixteenth century, is adorned with elegant chapels and important seventeenth century paintings from the region. Traditional market stalls are set up in Piazza San Prospero, overlooked by the Renaissance basilica dedicated to the patron saint of the city.

Reggio Children Reggio Children, the International Centre for the Defence and Promotion of the Rights and Opportunities for Boys and Girls, was founded in 1994, led by Loris Malaguzzi and supported by a committee of citizens, for the purpose of managing the pedagogical and cultural exchanges that had


It houses important masterpieces: a fresco cycle, choir stalls with decorative wooden inlay dated 1546, and the octagonal bell tower designed by the famous architect and painter Giulio Romano. The ancient streets that open off the square, such as Broletto, are lined with little shops where gastronomic specialties can be bought. In Piazza Martiri del VII Luglio see the Teatro Comunale Romolo Valli (city theatre), built in Neoclassical style. It is considered one of the most beautiful in Italy and is a point of reference for opera lovers. Teatro Ludovico Ariosto and Galleria Parmeggiani, a gallery with magnificent nineteenth century collections, are in the same square. Piazza Gioberti, identified by its obelisk, marks the start of Corso Garibaldi with the impressive Baroque Basilica della Ghiara, built in the sixteenth and seventeenth century following miraculous events and the Fondazione Palazzo Magnani, where important exhibitions and events are held.

been going on for some time between the institutions for children of the City of Reggio Emilia and many teachers, researchers and experts around the world. The Centre takes its inspiration and scope from the teachings and values of the educational experiences in the schools and pre-schools of the City of Reggio Emilia and its purpose is to experiment, promote and diffuse the finest educational values in the world. International recognition for this experience and collaboration with many countries have gen-

erated an important international network that now numbers 32 countries in Europe, USA, South America, Australia and Asia. Today this is known as the Reggio Emilia Approach, meaning an educational philosophy based on the idea of children, and more generally of human beings, gifted with strong potential for development and endowed with rights, who learn and grow in relation with others. Reggio Children is situated in the Centro Internazionale Loris Malaguzzi, inaugurated in 2006.

Rock stars: home to Zucchero and Ligabue Reggio is home to great talents of rock music such as Adelmo Fornaciari, known as Zucchero (sugar), and Luciano Ligabue.

Attention to social issues and the environment Thanks to the sensitivity of the population and great attention dedicated to social themes by the institutions, services for citizens have always been a point of pride for the city of Reggio Emilia. Many social cooperatives have been founded in the city to pursue general interest of the community, to promote human rights and to ensure social integration of all citizens. They play an important role in managing and planning for operations and services directed to minors, children, the elderly, the underprivileged and the disable. The environment and sustainable growth are important issues. The urban eco-system includes many parks and is equipped for bikesharing, automated rental of shared bicycles, for a city that is shedding old smog. On foot, on a bike or on a bus, an enjoyable visit is guaranteed.

These factors, together with sustained economic growth in recent decades have made Reggio a place with a high standard of living. Reggio Emilia is often ranked in the leading positions of the Italian classifications of cities published annually.

Teatro Romolo Valli, interior Piazza della Vittoria, Reggio Emilia

Photo by Giuseppe Maria Codazzi

Photo by Meridiana immagini


The clock tower, Piazza Prampolini, Reggio Emilia Piazza Prampolini, also known as “Piazza dell’Orologio” with the tower of Palazzo del Monte di Pietà built in 1216.

The Mediopadana station This is the only station on the Milan-Bologna high velocity train line and, thanks to its vicinity to the A1 Autostrada del Sole (the main north-south toll way), it serves the whole area of central Emilia. The design of the station is quite futuristic and suggests the movement of sails. In fact, the whole project is known by the nickname of Calatrava's Sails. The high velocity station makes it possible to travel from Reggio Emilia to Milan in 40 minutes and to Rome in two and a half hours.

An important economic node The manufacturing system is the driving force of the local economy. It forms a diffuse network of small and medium industries in many different sectors. For this reason Emilia is considered a large, multi-sector district with marked presence of mechanical industries in general, mechatronics and agricultural mechanics in particular. Textiles, knitwear and plastics are located near Correggio and Carpi. High fashion is represented by outstanding firms whose brands are known everywhere in the world. There is a strong presence of the food

Ready-to-wear in Reggio Emilia Max Mara and tailored garments: this tradition is born anew at each season on the catwalks of the international fashion scene with the elegance, fine quality and innovation that characterize this brand rooted in Reggio and acclaimed everywhere in the world.

industry, especially for production of salami. The low hills to the east in the cities of Castellarano, Casalgrande, Scandiano and Sassuolo, there is a very important industrial district dedicated to the production of the famous ceramics and tiles that are exported everywhere on earth. Historically, the province of Reggio is also home to important cooperatives that work mainly in large scale distribution and building. The industrial model here has accepted the challenge of innovation in processes and products, and market globalisation.

A point of reference for mechatronics and agricultural mechanics Some of the most important names for agricultural motors and machines have their roots in this area: Landini brand tractors (produced by Argo Group) with their unmistakeable blue chassis and Lombardini motors. Innovation and technological research are at the base of the development process.


From the sails of Calatrava, the way into the city


Scandiano and the Secchia valley EXCURSION 2

See the list of consortium members/ producers along the route at page 50

Photo by Giuseppe Maria Codazzi

Rocca dei Boiardo Scandiano (RE)

Flourishing hills just outside the city

An unlimited view across the plain to the Alps The first hills are just a few minutes away from the city of Reggio Emilia by car. The main route to the Apennines is SS 63 for Cerreto pass. At the centre of the territory it climbs rapidly toward the towns of Casina and Castelnuovo ne' Monti (Excursion 4). The intersection with the hill road is just a few kilometres from the city, in the town of Puianello. To the right, the road goes toward Matilda's country and the Enza valley (Excursion 3), to the left toward Scandiano and the Secchia valley (Excursion 2). Turning to the left takes you through the many little settlements scattered at on the plain and foothills. Albinea, with its outlying settlements Montericco and Borzano, was the classical summer holiday location for the citizens of Reggio. There are many villas to be seen, built over the centuries by the leading families

of the city. Scandiano, one of the most important cities of the province after Reggio, comes next. Its monument and symbol is the Rocca dei Boiardo, built in the twelfth century. The imposing architectural complex was the site of significant episodes in the history of the city: it was the birthplace of poet Matteo Maria Boiardo; famous guests include poet Francesco Petrarca, reformer John Calvin and Pope Paul III. In 1500, count Giulio Boiardo transformed the ancient fort into a luxurious palace, commissioning major works of art from important artists who raised Scandiano to one of the most splendid courts of the Renaissance. In the early 1700s the Este family decorated the Appartamento Estense, the most splendid halls in the castle, which were recently restored. Along the way toward the Secchia river, the road passes through Casalgrande, an important centre for ceramics and then through Cas-

Fair of St Joseph


The Fair of St Joseph is a traditional appointment in Scandiano that is renewed every year with a rich schedule of events and initiatives. The Centenarian Exposition is a feature of the fair that, by now, has a fine history of

five centuries and represents a real celebration of local agricultural traditions. It is the occasion for a vast exposition of local specialty foods, farm equipment and supplies for farming and animal husbandry. There are tools and collector's items of all kinds. For the occasion, Rocca dei Boiardo, the castle symbol of Scandiano, hosts cultural and gastronomical events.

Truffles of the Tresinaro valleys Known from ancient times, the black and white truffles of the Tresinaro valleys have led to recognition of Viano in the circuit of Italian truffle cities and are the protagonists of the Truffle Festival held in November.

tellarano, a city of Matilda, which encompasses some important monuments: the Rocchetta, the hanging gardens, the Castello and the clock tower. After the first hills, during the climb there's a varied panorama of soft peaks and inviting valleys, surroundings of intense colours and perfumes with characteristic farming

villages such as Viano, famous for truffles and Baiso, set in the ample frame of the characteristic gorges of the clay hills.

Rocca dei Boiardo Interior: the central stairwell, Scandiano, (RE).

Court of Rubiera View of the internal cloister, Rubiera (RE).

Photographic library Regione Emilia-Romagna

the festival was a success thanks to talented musicians and the particularity of the musical proposals. Today the Festival, conceived and organised by the City of Albinea, is proud of its longevity and, Albinea Jazz took off in together with Umbria Jazz, 1988 to introduce a type of ranks with the leaders in music that was hardly pop- Italy. ular and also to give some historic and artistic buildings of the city an important role On the stage to play. at Villa Arnò The response was immeAlbinea (RE). diate: right from the start

Photo by Meridiana Immagini

Albinea Jazz


The ceramics district The district occupies the foothills between Modena and Reggio Emilia. From Sassuolo the zone has progressively spread out to include the cities of Fiorano, Formigine and Maranello in the province of Modena; Scandiano, Casalgrande and Rubiera in the province of Reggio. This district is one of main production centres for ceramic tiles in the world and turns out 80% of the production in Italy. Many other manufacturing and service industries allied to ceramics are also concentrated in the area of Sassuolo.

Just minutes away from the Ferrari myth

Vintage cars There's a great variety of events, collections and museums about vintage cars and motorcycles. Two of these are the Museo dell’automobile e scuderia San Martino in Rio and the small Museo della moto in Guastalla.

Sassuolo, capital of the ceramics district is on the east bank of the Secchia. Maranello, known worldwide as the city of Ferrari, home of the legendary factory and fascinating museum, is just ten kilometres away. A visit to Museo Ferrari is a must see. It's divided into different areas: a theatre where unique and extraordinary film clips are shown and the Racing Hall where single-seaters, sport and sport prototypes are on view to relive the great races of the past. There's also a reconstruction of the Ferrari pits with the GP race control centre. Victory Hall celebrates the successes of the team in F1 and GT, where the evolution of Ferrari design and style are on view and there's also a hall

where temporary exhibitions are set up. Recently, a new wing of the museum was opened where visitors can try their hand in a professional race simulator. There are also meeting rooms and a convention centre where the public can watch the GP races live. Museo Ferrari in Maranello also offers visitors the opportunity to take an exclusive guided shuttle-bus tour around the racetrack at Fiorano via the avenue dedicated to Enzo Ferrari from the factory grounds. A museum guide explains the characteristics and the technical aspects of the Ferrari track of Fiorano where racing cars and road vehicles have been tested since 1972, and of Cittadella Ferrari, the heart of the factory where all the vehicles of the prancing horse are produced. To take the tour, available seats must be reserved via the museum website.

Old Racing Spare Parts Collection, Casalgrande History of Ducati from the start in 1926 to the 90s: from the earliest hi-tech products such as radios, cameras and calculators, to the prestigious motorcycles of the company in Borgo Panigale.


This is all contained in a private collection in Casalgrande where all the important and historic Ducati bikes are to be seen: from the one-cylinder Desmo to the 750 GT-S, the 750 SS, the 900 SS and the MHR 900-1000. The Laverda 750 and other rare models are also on view. Visits are by appointment only. Groups of up to 20 persons are welcome (

Motor Valley Emilia: the ideal place for racing fans

Museo Enzo Ferrari, Maranello, Modena


Canossa and the Enza valley EXCURSION 3

See the list of consortium members/ producers along the route at page 52

Portrait of Matilda di Canossa Castello di Bianello, Quattro Castella (RE).

The castles of Canossa From the left: Castello di Canossa, Castello di Bianello, Castello di Rossena.

In the heart of the Canossa lands

Among castles, stories and legends After leaving the city of Reggio Emilia and a short tract along SS 63 Cerreto, the heart of Canossa territory is easily reached by turning toward the Enza valley and the towns of Quattro Castella, San Polo d’Enza and Canossa. This is the territory where the castles that witnessed the great history of the middle ages, the events involving Countess Matilda, still stand. An impressive system of fortifications protected the state that Matilda governed in the 11th and 12th centuries. The origin of these castles went back to the Attonidi family from which the countess descended. The defensive structures represented a guarantee of safety but were also important as visible symbols of authority.It is likely the Matilda's castles were built, in part, by bolstering existing

Photo by Giuseppe Maria Codazzi

structures. Over time they suffered destruction, first by the independent communes and then during the wars among the feudal dominions. Nonetheless, the chain of Matilda's castles is still quite visible and represents an important cultural and tourist attraction. Castello di Bianello, once Countess Matilda's prestigious residence, is the only castle to have survived integrally of the four that gave origin to the place name. During a visit to the castle, it's possible to admire the famous painting that depicts Matilda of Canossa with a pomegranate flower in her hands, the symbol of her reign and wisdom. Frescos of the 17th and 18th centuries have been conserved in the first storey halls. Castello di Canossa is a short distance away in the direction of the Enza valley, perched above a steep cliff where the panorama of the valleys below can be admired.

Photo by Giuseppe Maria Codazzi


Shooting the rapids from Vetto d'Enza Since 1965, the Enza river has hosted the International Kayak Enza, an important sport event that attracts athletes from all around Europe and the world.

Traces of the walls and temple crypt are what remain of the original structure. After Matilda's death, the castle entered a period of decline that ended with its destruction by the city of Reggio in 1255. In 1557, Ottavio Farnese at the head of 5000 foot soldiers and 800 horsemen, launched a cannonade attack on the fortress and destroyed it again. There's a small national museum, recently restored, inside the castle. Among other exhibits there is a fine baptismal font of the 12th century. Castello di Rossena, not far from Canossa, is the most beautiful and best conserved of the castles. It stands on a volcanic crag of a particular ruddy colour, dominating an unforgettable landscape that ranges from a wide swath of the plains to the backbone of the Apennines. The castle has three storeys. The armoury level includes the prisons, the armoury and the refectory, connected by irregular passageways with

stone and brick steps. The armoury level incorporates the original nucleus of the defensive system from which to enter the tower, through a 19th gateway. After recent restoration, decorations from the second half of the 18th century were found in many rooms on the wall plaster. On the third storey, reached through a passage excavated in the walls, there are other important findings. Continuing along the road from San Polo d’Enza, the city of Montecchio Emilia, the most important in the Enza valley, is not far. Now an important industrial node, Montecchio is a place of great historical interest. The territory was first dominated by the Etruscans, then by the Romans. Many traces are still visible and many important findings continue to emerge.

Photo by Giuseppe Maria Codazzi


Castello di Montecchio Emilia Fresco, Montecchio Emilia (RE).

Artistic workmanship: Ars Canusina The iconographic traces of the Canossa tradition, an original expression of Romanesque art typical of the territory that received the cultural imprint of Countess Matilda, inspired this modern form of applied art at the threshold of the 20th century. Today the applied arts of Ars Canusina are represented by the production of a few artists, descendants of the ancient tradition of local artisanship, who work in refined workshops applying their different techniques: embroidery, decorated ceramics, gold jewellery, copper ware and stone sculpture.

Matilda, a leading lady in medieval Europe

Castello di Canossa, Museo Naborre Campanini Detail of the baptismal font, Albinea (RE).

Countess Matilda of Canossa was a leading figure during the middle ages, an exceptional case for Europe of her time and a woman of noble origins and culture. Dante sang her praises in the book of Purgatory as his spiritual guide in the earthly Paradise and she is one of the very few women to have the honour of a tomb in the basilica of St Peter's. Matilda of Canossa was countess, duchess, marchioness and medieval queen, crowned by emperor Henry V at Castello di Bianello. She was a powerful vassal and ardent supporter of the papacy in the Investiture Conflict. She succeeded in dominating all the Italic territories north of the Papal States: these included Lombardy, Emilia, Romagna and Tuscany, with the castle at Canossa as the point of ref-

The historical enactments In the late spring of every year the Court of Matilda of Quattro Castella commemorates an important episode of European history that took place at Bianello in the year 1111, between May 6th and 10th. Henry V, son of that Henry IV who had obtained the


erence. Matilda and the castle of Canossa are directly associated with an event of universal significance. In almost all the European languages, “Going to Canossa� is an expression that means submission without honour. However, speakers often do not know the origin of this saying, which is linked to the famous episode at Canossa in 1077. Henry IV, King of Germany and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, had been ex-communicated by the pope. He travelled to Italy to meet pope Gregory VII, who received him while he was Matilda's guest in the castle of Canossa. To obtain revocation of the ex-communication from the pope, Henry had to kneel outside the castle gate for three days and three nights, his head covered with ashes. Gregory VII revoked the ex-communication of Henry IV, but not the declaration that dethroned him.

famous pardon of Canossa thirty years earlier, came to Bianello and crowned the Grand Duchess as Vicar Deputy Queen of Italy. Hundreds of participants in traditional medieval costumes meet at the foot of the castle of Bianello to act out the spectacular and stirring commemoration. The banners of the districts invited to the games open the procession, followed by heralds, drummers, knights and ladies and men-at-arms. Another annual appointment is the Historical Parade that winds through

the streets of Canossa. On the first Sunday of September the people of Canossa, from all the districts and all dressed in medieval costumes, come together for the impressive parade. Entertainments include music and dancing, trials of strength, archery, flag-waving competitions, jousting on horseback and re-enactment of the memorable pardon. The protagonist, today as then, is Matilda the grand duchess, interpreted by a famous entertainment star.

Processions and re-enactments a fascinating series of events every year


The upper Apennine EXCURSION 4

Villages in the mountains enchanting surroundings

See the list of consortium members/ producers along the route at page 55

A breath-taking natural landscape

Pietra di Bismantova Castelnovo ne' Monti (RE).

Climbing from SS 63 of Cerreto pass, after passing through the town of Casina, famous for Castello di Sarzano, and after a series of hairpin bends near the town of Felina, a spectacular natural scenario opens up. In the foreground the Pietra di Bismantova appears, a mountain that has mystified travellers and pilgrims for centuries. Even Dante was struck by it. In the IV Canto of Purgatory he mentions the precipice and eloquently suggests flying instead of climbing, "qui convien ch’uom voli." The Pietra di Bismantova is an oddity, an isolated rampart with sheer cliff walls and a small plateau at the top. From the plateau the panorama of the Apennines is enormous. In ancient times Celts inhabited the zone for centuries in the pre-Roman and Roman eras. Castelnovo ne' Monti, located at the base of Bismantova, has been the

most important centre of economic activities in the mountains of Reggio for centuries, thanks to its central position on the roads that link the plains to Tuscany and the mountain areas of the provinces of Modena and Parma. In fact, from Castelnovo it is possible to continue on toward the Cerreto pass and Alpe di Succiso, encountering mountain villages such as Cervarezza, known for its hot springs, Busana and Collagna. Again from Castelnovo, the town of Ramiseto and mount Ventasso lie to the west along the road to Lagastrello pass. It's easy to reach the peak of Ventasso by following the path that starts from Lake Calamoneto, The view of the plains from the top is fantastic with an unbounded horizon. Go east instead to reach mount Cusna, the other destination of great naturalistic interest, after passing through Febbio and Villa Minozzo.

The tower houses Tower houses are characteristic of the villages higher up in the Apennines where they were particularly popular in the 15th-16th centuries. These square houses with several storeys, often located on a farm or in a court, were of medieval

Photo by Massimo Dallaglio


origin and were used to custody foods and everything else that was needed to defend against bandits. They were small forts where people could withdraw and defend themselves if necessary. The oldest form is massive with a broad square plan, three or more stories, rough dressed stone walls usually laid in regular courses with fully dressed corner stones. Windows are small and few, the entrance is raised. It has a hip roof.

In touch with Nature It's possible to practice many sports in the uncontaminated natural surroundings of the Apennines

Sports in the Apennines The Apennines are a great place for sports activities such as skiing, hiking, climbing and riding, in both summer and winter. There are many places of interest to visitors. One of these is Cerreto Laghi, which unites natural resources, landscapes and a great variety of sports and recreation facilities. Here all the winter sports are available, such as downhill and cross-country skiing, ice skating, and so forth. However, in the summer visitors to Cerreto Laghi can discover the wild integrity of the mountain and climb to important peaks such as Alpe di Succiso. Set in a forest of beech trees, Ventasso Laghi is also a tourist attraction for those who love to ski. In the summer visitors can go horse riding, do mountain-biking, hiking, archery and more. Lake Calamone is not far away, overshadowed by the peak of mount

Ventasso (1727m), an easy hike on marked paths through beautiful natural surroundings. The whole area has a tradition of stud farms (the Ventasso breed) and riding, in a few specialised equestrian centres. The other challenge for climbers is mount Cusna. It's possible to reach the top from various faces, but the classical approach is from the north. It starts from Roncopianigi, a lovely mountain village in the Asta valley just beyond Febbio. The itinerary passes through the centre of the town of Monteorsaro (1242 m) at the base of mount Prampa. The climb to the peak starts here. On a clear day the panorama reaches the entire Alpine range to the north and the Apuan range to the west.

Hiking in the Apennines There are many paths available for the enthusiasts.

The Tassaro valley and its place in Europe The Rio Tassaro valley in the city territory of Vetto between the settlements of Pineto, Crovara, Scalucchia and Spigone has been recognized by the EU as an Area of Importance for the Community (SIC). In addition to its pristine natural environment, the valley is endowed with a wealth of historical assets that include


architectural elements from the middle ages. For centuries this zone was the ancient domain of the Da Palude family. The footpath of Crovara and Scalucchia is an innovative novelty consisting of an interesting and educational circuit to make acquaintance with the flora and fauna present in the zone.

Matilda's chestnut groves The chestnut probably originated in the city of Castanis in Anatolia and was already diffused in the west from the II century B.C. It was developed in the territory of Reggio during the middle ages thanks to the impulse given by Matilda of Canossa. Chestnut groves were planted for the fruit on the heights of the Apennines and they have since been known as "Matilda's". The tree was called the "bread tree", and the fruit "the bread of the poor", because the fruits assured the survival of the mountain populations.

The salt routes

Detail of a capital Medieval chapel of Santa Maria al Castello, Toano (RE).

For many centuries the Apennines of Emilia were characterised by many tracks that were truly trade routes connecting the Po plains with the ports on the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian seas. These routes might vary in part from year to year depending on the conditions of the moment such as snow, ice, the presence of bandits or raiders, and so forth. The goods of trade were mainly wool and arms toward the sea and salt on the return journey. Salt was of great value for long-term conservation of foods such as cheese, salamis and salt-cured meats, etc. which all called for great quantities of this precious mineral. Salt was also necessary for various artisan activities such as leather tanning and dyeing in general. Linking the Po plains with Liguria made it possible to trade this precious material, which was hard to

come by in the northern regions far from the sea. It was transported across rocky lands often on mule-back because the narrow and difficult tracks that went up and down the slopes and valleys did not permit the passage of wagons. The main routes that led to Garfagnana and Lunigiana went through the Lagastrello, Pradarena and Centocrucis or Ospedalaccio passes. Through their daily work, the ageold trades of woodsman, charcoal burner, shepherd, stable keeper and farmer nurtured their unique and characteristic surroundings. Today the salt routes are still visible on the territory and have become paths for hiking and trekking in integral environments of great naturalistic value.

National Park of the Apennines of Tuscany and Emilia Between the Cisa and Forbici passes, the wooded ridges that divide Tuscany from Emilia become a true mountain environment. The peaks of Alpe di Succiso, mount Prado and mount Cusna


are over 2000 metres. A little lower, on the Emilia side of the range, the unmistakeable Pietra di Bismantova dominates the landscape with its vertical walls. The National Park of the Apennines of Tuscany and Emilia is endowed with an extraordinary variety of environments that include the plains, blueberry moors, inaccessible mountain peaks, lakes, waterfalls, ponds and rocky pinnacles above the torrents; fauna includes the wolf, mouflon, roe deer and golden eagle; rare species transform entire zones into natural openair botanical gardens.

Calamone Lake, Mount Ventasso, Ramiseto.

Winter wandering in the Apennines on snowshoes through breath-taking landscapes


The land of the Great River 36

the Corti Reggiane

Route of wines and flavours

Along the roads from the city to the river In this portion of the plain, bordered on the north by the Po river and on the south by the Via Emilia, you may come across places where every taste incorporates the roots of flavours and takes you back to that harmonious expression of what Nature and the respectful labour of men have been capable of creating. Lulled by the silent progress of the great river, while perhaps recalling the epic contrasts of Guareschi's personages and the na誰f fantasies of Ligabue, you may have the chance to taste the age-old heart of balsamic nectar accompanied by the king of cheeses, to be beguiled by salt-cured delicacies and "gnocco fritto" (fried dough), and to be incapable of refusing a dish of classic cappelletti. The ideal gastronomical itinerary of the spirit of Emilia unwinds between the Via Emilia and the Po under the name of the Route of Wines and Flavours of the Corti Reggiane. Here you are always welcomed with a smile, an expression of the great will to create and to share, and a sparkling character... something similar to the wine you drink in company. Along these roads that run parallel to the river or in the little Renaissance capitals, you will take in the air of history together with authentic hospitality that is full of warmth and satisfactions for your palate.


Riverside cities EXCURSION 5

See the list of consortium members/ producers along the route at page 57

Statue of Ferrante Gonzaga Piazza Mazzini, Guastalla (RE)

The lands of the Gonzaga family

The riverside cities Guastalla and Gualtieri represent the heartlands of the riverside cities that entertained the elegant and refined Renaissance courts, but had already acquired political power in the middle ages. Beginning in 1406, the counts of Torelli transformed Guastalla into an organised architectural space. When it later passed into the dominions of the house of Gonzaga in the mid sixteenth century, the city reached the apex of its splendour. Famous architects, artists such as Guercino and Campi and poets such as Tasso and Guarini were summoned to Guastalla. The Gonzaga were supplanted by the Bourbons of Parma. Later, Napoleon and Maria Luisa made it a borderland of the duchy of Parma. Finally, during Italian unification Guastalla became one of the communes of Italy. The Ducal Palace, built on the site of the previous 15th century Torelli building,

Cesare Zavattini ...(the bicycle) the people of Emilia use it like a hat, which cannot be abandoned even if inappropriate because it's a part of the person. The bicycle for us is like a pet dog, a faithful companion to take along even if not to ride, to go from home to the coffee shop just 20 metres away.


is an attraction in Guastalla. The city museum, with an exposition that reveals the different historical periods of the city, is housed inside. Piazza Mazzini, formerly Piazza Maggiore, is surrounded by the buildings that represented ducal, civil and religious powers. Gualtieri, just a few kilometres away, had its origins in the bronze era. The political history of Gualtieri was decidedly more complex and troubled. Its fiefdom passed from hand to hand. In 1479 it entered the Ferrara house of Este. On 24 July 1567 Alfonso d'Este named his faithful Cornelio Bentivoglio lieutenant general of the state of Ferrara. See the harmonious Piazza Bentivoglio, designed by Aleotti (known as "l'Argenta) in 1580. It has a square plan with a central, circular garden, and is surrounded by low buildings with porticos. The Torre Civica rises at the centre, opposite the Bentivoglio palace.

Cesare Zavattini, 1961. “Esplorazioni sulla Via Emilia” Cesare Zavattini, born 20 September 1902 in Luzzara, a riverside city on the Po, was a writer, journalist, script writer and painter. He was a major figure of the 20th century. Known one of the great personalities of neorealism, he actively participated in changing film making with ideas and projects of international importance. Zavattini was an artist who brought the cheer and the

melancholy of these foggy lands with him. His most important works include memorable films such as Shoeshine (Sciuscià), Bicycle Thieves (Ladri di Biciclette) and Miracle in Milan (Miracolo a Milano) and books such as Parliamo tanto di me, I poveri sono matti, Io sono il diavolo, Straparole. He died in Rome on October 13, 1989. In 1967, the Museo Nazionale delle Arti Naïves was founded in Luzzara and dedicated to Cesare Zavattini.

Rare plants and animals in Guastalla Aromas, flavours and impressions return from the past and stop on the riverbanks of the Po during the last week of September. The streets and squares are transformed into a beautiful open air market.

Art, culture and nature Space, light and living nature have created a special symbiosis with the rich cultural and artistic history and the particularly dynamic society of this corner of Emilia between Reggio and the Po, known as the lowlands of Reggio. Ever since the Bronze age, the fertility and generosity of these areas were known to men. The Etruscans were the first to organise development of the territory with a network of canals, conceived thanks to their advanced knowledge of hydraulics. The Romans made the decisive imprint when they implemented a

vast land recovery project between the Po and the Via Emilia. Many settlements, mostly farming communities, sprang up along the roads and rivers, forming the base for future towns and cities. All this activity took place around the central axis of the Po, a major highway of the time and a busy trade route that branched off to navigable canals providing access to cities such as Brescia and Padua. This excursion will take you through some lovely and fascinating cities that were governed for centuries by important families, transforming them into powerful centres and leaving tangible signs of their presence on the territory, still visible today.


Piazza Matteotti Brescello (RE)

A must-do for cyclers! There's a cycling path along the Po that is about 200 km long from Parma to the delta. It passes through Colorno (where the famous palace stands), Brescello, Guastalla and Borgoforte.

River landscapes The lands touched by the great river have a wealth of history, culture, traditions and passions in which the atmospheres, characters and impressions of the places reach out to the visitor who cares to accept them and are indelibly fixed in the inhabitants. Here Nature and mankind have travelled together for a long time, at times in dire conflict. Along the southern bank of the river, the Po has generated some of the most interesting naturalistic enclaves with a wealth of fauna and flora, where many projects are helping to recreate ecosystems that are similar the original ones. In Guastalla, you can walk to the Po along the avenue that slopes down into the ample "golena" (floodplain). There are paths for trekking, horse

A typical poplar grove of the lowlands

riding and bike riding along the river bank. Along the river banks there's a special atmosphere with many nuances that depends on the characteristic environment of the woods, the coves and small beaches, the long poplar groves and the ponds where it is not rare to observe waterfowl, herons as they fish, hares and their predators. From Guastalla you can travel along the Crostolina, the old, silted-in river bed, visiting the most delightful spots from Crostolo to Luzzara. The "golena" (floodplain) at Gualtieri also offers moments of charm in all seasons of the year. The land is enclosed between the main embankment and the river bed where history and nature are entwined in a delicate and unusual equilibrium. Farm houses, crops, lakes that have filled abandoned quarries, poplar and other typical groves and the Caldarein protected area: everything seems to come together to describe this place and make it poetically unique.

The river port of Boretto Boretto is a well-equipped river port for pleasure boating with access to a vast area of Lido Po, making it a strategic point of reference for anyone who wants to discover the landscapes and impressions of the great river. Situated on the Po's right bank, the port of


Boretto is adjacent to the main embankment which carries route SS 62 Cisa. Lido Po, where the tourist port of Boretto is located, sponsors many well-known events including nautical racing competitions and the Po Festival in June. Two motor ships are anchored in the port, the Padus and the Stradivari. The latter offers an on-board restaurant with typical dishes from land and river.

The Great River flows through spell-binding natural surroundings


Land recovery channels Large scale operations to drain the swamps of the lowlands, caused mainly by flooding from the Enza, Crostolo, Secchia and their small affluents, began in ancient times.

The places of Don Camillo and Peppone: Guareschi's personages!

A still shot from the Peppone and Don Camillo film series

Giovannino Guareschi is the writer and story-teller who was able to communicate the best of his places and his people, the people of the lowlands. He had a great sense of perspective and always captured the ironic, sometimes even bitter, aspects of human affairs. He was born in 1908 in Fontanelle in the province of Parma, where the inhabitants are very proud of this "relative" of theirs. He became famous as the author of humorous novels and stories, especially for the series about Don Camillo, the feisty parish priest of Brescello in the lowlands of Reggio, and his daily conflicts with his friend and enemy Peppone, the Communist mayor of the town. The stories of these personages, translated around the world, were also interpreted by Fernandel and Gino Cervi in a series of films.

"This true fable is something like the history of the last twenty years of Italian politics. The country's history is reflected in the daily events of the town. The most striking events of the great world are promptly reflected in the countryside chronicles of don Camillo's little world." Giovannino Guareschi, 1968 The stories of Peppone and don Camillo, born of Guareschi's instinct in the overheated political climate of post-war Italy, are true fables that reconcile the readers and spectators with the world and human hope, in a narrative style that speaks to the heart and is somehow consoling. In Brescello visit the “Brescello e Guareschi, il territorio, il cinema” museum where there is a reconstruction of an original set. The farming and boating tools of the 1950s recreate the typical atmosphere of the society portrayed in the films. Close by the “Peppone e Don Camillo” museum offers a collection of memorabilia about the saga of Don Camillo films.

La Gnoccata, Guastalla

This is a traditional celebration of a popular insurrection that took place in the mid-19th century guided by a group of millers and intellectuals, joined by the people in a satirical procession praising the arrival of a new, more just and benevolent king who would bring a


new social order to these lands. What they did next was to organise a convivial fete where "gnocco fritto" (fried dough), made from the millers' flour, were given away to all. This festival is celebrated once every three years in the month of May. The key moments of the Gnoccata are the historical procession, the traditional floats, free dumplings for all and crowning the "King of Dumplings".

The little capitals of the Renaissance in Emilia

The glory of nobles, artists and palaces During the Italian Renaissance, small independent dominions in the vicinity of the Po river characterised the art and culture of towns and districts that were not far from the city of Reggio Emilia. Centuries have passed since that time, but these antique little capitals are still vigorous and have conserved signs of their past splendour: Correggio, Novellara and San Martino in Rio. In 1452 the emperor Frederick III granted the title of Count to the Da Correggio house. That was the beginning of the period of about 100 years of great fortune for the city and its lords. The court became an attraction in political and social life, the seat of intense diplomatic and cultural activities. Ludovico il Moro, Ludovico Ariosto, Bembo, Molza, Bernardo Tasso, and many other major artists and nobles of the period came to stay at the court.

Cervi Museum, Gattatico

Museo Cervi is an important cultural institution of the territory and it has been created in the house where the Cervi family lived from 1934, on the border between the municipalities of Campegine and Gattatico. The Alcide Cervi institute was founded to promote and conduct scientific and cultural activities related to studies and developments

The local political and cultural figures were also very gifted, above all Antonio Allegri. Palazzo dei Principi and Museo Civico Il Correggio are must sees. The civic museum exhibits works and materials of great artistic interest, from both public collections and private collections of the Da Correggio. The exhibition includes fine works by Andrea Mantegna, Girolamo Donnini, Mattia Preti, Baldassare Aloisi known as Galanino, Francesco Madonnina, Mauro Soderini, Luigi Asioli, Adeodato Malaltesta and Vincenzo Vela. The works on view by Antonio Allegri are the PietĂ and the Face of Christ. In San Martino in Rio see the Rocca Estense. It was destroyed by Frederick I Barbarossa in 1167, but was rebuilt and passed to the Roberti family of Reggio Emilia. About 1420 it was taken over by the house of Este and in 1501 passed to another branch. Later, it passed to the Rango d'Aragona from the second half

in the fields of interest for agriculture and rural life. The Cervi Museum was founded to increment the collection of objects that the family of the seven Cervi brothers had conserved from the war years and those donated later. The exhibition focuses on some fundamental phases of the history of the Cervi family and 20th century Emilia: work in the countryside, anti-Fascism and the Resistance. The presentation is entwined with history as it makes use of writings and some film clips of the protagonists.


Cities on the plain EXCURSION 6

See the list of consortium members/ producers along the route at page 59

The terramare of S. Rosa di Poviglio These were square fortified villages built on piles and surrounded by embankments and moats, near waterways. The lake dwellings culture is considered one of the most significant societies of prehistoric Europe.

The valleys of Novellara In the past, the whole northern part of the municipal territory was occupied by swamps that were fed by the river beds. Great drainage works did progressively dry the marshes but the features of the landscape still reflect that ancient domain of waters. The Valleys of Novellara are characterised by a dense network of channels, ditches and small pools used for hunting and fishing.

of the XVIII century. The square plan structure has a well-conserved square angle tower with Ghibelline battlements. Inside the most significant rooms are the Chapel of St John (15th century) and several halls with coffered ceilings, frescos and stuccos dating to 15th-18th centuries. The Library and the Museum of Agriculture and Rural Life are also in the Rocca. Another city dominated by the Gonzaga for almost 400 years, from 1371 to 1728, is Novellara. Here it is possible to visit the Rocca, which stands in the city centre and is also the most important monument of the city. Construction of the massive fort-residence were begun by Guido Gonzaga in 1385. However it was not until well into the second half of the 15th century that the Rocca acquired the real consistence of a fortress. From the start of the 16th century a series of operations gradually transformed the fortress into a Renaissance castle more appropri-

ate for life at court than for defence. Under the supervision of Lelio Orsi, the secondo storey and the loggia were added between 1561 and 1566. Orsi himself frescoed the first storey apartments, the loggia, the court theatre and the halls of honour at ground level. In several halls (now occupied by the Gonzaga Museum) there are coffered ceilings, splendid fireplaces of Verona marble, and decorations of festoons and grotesques. The Theatre is situated in the south east corner of the Rocca. The entrance is from the internal courtyard. Built between 1862 and 1868 and designed by Antonio Tegani, it substituted two earlier theatres: Orsi's 16th century theatre destroyed at the beginning of the 18th century and another, also 18th century. It's a delightful, classic Italian opera theatre, built along the lines of the theatres of Reggio Emilia and Carpi.

Correggio Art home Taking his inspiration from the culture of the 15th century and the great masters of that period meaning Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Mantegna, Antonio Allegri known as Correggio from the name of his birthplace, inaugurated a new concept of painting and elaborated his own original artistic development that placed him among the great masters of


the 16th century. Today Correggio has a new cultural centre. It is a modern and function building where it is possible to find all the publications, information, data, news, documents and images concerning the famous Renaissance artist. It has a scientific section, an educational section and a section for meetings and events with original solutions. Situated in the recently restored spaces of Correggio's birthplace home, the documentation centre is intended to be an international place of reference.

Between embankments and “golene" (floodplains) the classic groves of poplars


Visit the producers along the Routes of Wines and Flavours Wine tasting room

Photo by Claudia Bonacini


excursions and consortium members Legend Overnight modations



Jams and sauces


Sport fishing

Delicatessen and bakery products

Farm school

Wine making equipment




Honey and other bee products


Balsamic vinegar

Farm produce


Parmigiano Reggiano and dairy products

Biological produce

Adventure park

Salt-cured pork specialties




Tourist information




9 13

Codemondo 7

3 12 10

Reggio Emilia Aut

ostr ada










La Razza, Agriturismo



Villa Bagno



Locanda Sant’Ambrogio Via Sant’Ambrogio, 55/A 42123 Rivalta, Reggio Emilia Tel. 0522 284485

Via Monterampino, 7 42123 Canali, Reggio Emilia Tel. 0522 599342

Farm holidays 3


Osteria dell’Aviatore Via dell’Areonautica, 13 42124 Reggio Emilia Tel. 0522 506223


Restaurant 4

Bini Denny, Azienda Agricola


Via Pietro Pomponazzi, 29 42123 Coviolo, Reggio Emilia Tel. 320 0229600

Via Alessandro Tassoni, 213 42123 Canali, Reggio Emilia Tel. 0522 569505

Wines 6

Cantina Albinea Canali


Cucchi Lamberto Eredi s.a.s. - Vini


C.V.P.A.R.R. Soc. Coop. Agr. - Consorzio Valorizzazione Antica Razza Reggiana Via Fratelli Rosselli, 41/2 42123 Coviolo, Reggio Emilia Tel. 0522 294655

Via Grazia Deledda, 6 42123 Rivalta, Reggio Emilia Tel. 0522 280781

Wine sales

Parmigiano Reggiano




Il Tralcio, Azienda Agricola


Via Anna Frank, 59 42122 Sabbione, Reggio Emilia Tel. 328 8484964

La Bottega Gastronomica Via del Chionso, 26/F 42122 Reggio Emilia Tel. 0522 926335

Local Specialties 10


La Collina, Soc. Coop. Agr.


Via C. Teggi, 48 42123 Reggio Emilia Tel: 0522 308609

Via Enrico Fermi, 58/D 42123 Fogliano, Reggio Emilia Tel. 0522 521035


Local Specialties 12

Torricelli Botti s.r.l.

Wine making equipment and supplies

Consorzio Tutela Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Reggio Emilia


Via F. Crispi, 3 42121 Reggio Emilia Tel: 0522 796569


Istituto Statale di Istruzione Superiore A. Motti, Azienda Agraria Via Premuda,40 42123 Reggio Emilia Tel. 0522 383201



3 16






14 15 18



Regnano 12



San Giovanni 6 di Querciola



Fellegara Scandiano 10


4 7 8 13 19

Casalgrande 5 08 11





Bosco del Fracasso, Az. Agrituristica


Via Cavazzone, 4 42030 Regnano, Viano (RE) Tel. 0522 858100

Via Bosco del Fracasso, 20 42019 Pratissolo, Scandiano (RE) Tel. 0522 856954

Farm holidays - Jams and sauces 3

Cavazzone, Azienda Agr. s.a.s.

Farm holidays - Restaurant

Osteria della Prateria


Osteria in Scandiano s.n.c. Piazza M. M. Boiardo, 9 42019 Scandiano (RE) Tel. 0522 857079

Via Cigarini, 4/1 42048 Rubiera (RE) Tel. 0522 345530

Restaurant 5


Ristorante Badessa


Via Case Secchia, 2/A 42013 Casalgrande (RE) Tel. 0522 989138

Ristorante Osteria del Lago Rio delle Castagne Via M.R. Bertolini, 13/A 42030 S. Giovanni di Querciola, Viano (RE) Tel. 0522 847169


Restaurant 7


Acetaia Cavalli cav. Ferdinando s.r.l.


Via del Cristo, 6 A/B 42019 Fellegara, Scandiano (RE) Tel. 0522 983430

Acetaia DiScandiano Via Giovanni Zibordi, 3 42019 Scandiano (RE) Tel. 0522 852034

Vinegar producer

Vinegar producer




Cantina Sociale di Arceto


Casali Viticultori s.r.l. Via delle Scuole, 7, 42019 Pratissolo, Scandiano (RE) Tel. 0522 85544

Via Undici Settembre, 3 42019 Arceto, Scandiano (RE) Tel. 0522 989107

Wines 11

L’Agricola del Farneto

Wines 12

Latteria Cooperativa Tabiano Via Le Piane, 1 42030 Viano (RE) Tel. 0522 988239

Via Covetta, 50 42014 Castellarano (RE) Tel. 0536 253001

Wines 13

Pasticceria Stefano s.n.c.

Parmigiano Reggiano 14

Prati Vini, Azienda s.r.l. Via N. Campanini, 2/3 42020 Borzano, Albinea (RE) Tel. 0522 591123

Via G. di Vittorio, 10/A 42019 Scandiano (RE) Tel. 0522 856591 www.pasticceriastefanoscandiano. com

Pastry and bakery products 15

Reggiana, Azienda Agricola

Wines 16

San Geminiano, Az. Agricola, s.s. Via San Geminiano, 4 42020 Albinea (RE) Tel. 0522 598293

Via Zacconi, 22 42020 Borzano, Albinea (RE) Tel. 0522 591129

Wines 17

Tenuta di Aljano, Soc. Agr. s.s.


Wines Tourism

Vitivinicola Prati s.r.l. Via Giuseppe Soglia, 3 42020 Borzano, Albinea (RE) Tel. 0522 591108

Via Figno, 1 42019 Iano, Scandiano (RE) Tel. 0522 981193


Vinegar producer


Holidays & Tours Corso Vallisneri, 19 42019 Scandiano (RE) Tel. 0522 981098

Tourist information


Sant-Ilario D'Enza Calerno 13


Montecchio Emilia

8 21 18 Cavriago 15 02 Barco 6

Bibbiano 11

Quattro 14 San Polo Castella D'Enza 7 1


Ciano d’Enza



10 19

Montecavolo Puianello Salvarano 9 Vezzano sul crostolo


Canossa Rossena 3



La Vecchia 5

Trinità Borzano di Canossa

Bedogni, Società Agricola - Le Barbaterre


Via Cavour, 2/A 42020 Quattro Castella (RE) Tel. 0522 247573


Conti Morini Mazzoli, Az. Agr. Corte Bebbi, Residenza di Campagna Via Lazzaro Spallanzani, 119 42021 Barco, Bibbiano (RE) Tel. 0522 243056

Farm holidays 3

Farm holidays

La Quercia, Coop. Agricola Sociale


Via Crognolo, 16 42026 Canossa (RE) Tel. 0522 876160

Via F. Lolli, 45, 42030 Montalto, Vezzano s/C (RE) Tel. 0522 858432

Farm holidays 5

Parco Matildico di Montalto

Adventure park

Podere Elisa di Vanna Gandolfi & c. s.n.c. Via Caduti della Bettola, 119 42027 La Vecchia, Vezzano s/C (RE) Tel. 0522 200014


Restaurant 6

Acetaia Picci s.n.c.


Ca’ de Noci, Azienda Agricola Via Fratelli Bandiera, 1/2 42020 Quattro Castella (RE) Tel. 0522 282321

Via Emilio Roncaglio, 29 42025 Cavriago (RE) Tel. 0522 371801

Vinegar producer





Cantine Due Torri nella Val d’Enza, Soc. Coop. Agr.


Cinque Campi, Azienda Agricola Via F. Menozzi, 27, 42020 Puianello, Quattro Castella (RE) Tel. 0522 880702

Strada Barco, 2/4 42027 Montecchio Emilia (RE) Tel. 0522 864105

Wines 10

Fattoria Rossi s.s.

Wines 11

Via Dante Freddi, 396 42020 Quattro Castella (RE) Tel. 0522 371475

Via G. Leopardi, 18, 42020 Montecavolo, Quattro Castella (RE) Tel. 0522 886813

Local Specialties 12

Medici Ermete, Azienda Agricola Tenuta Rampata

Latteria Sociale Centro Rubbianino

Parmigiano Reggiano 13

Strada Sant’Ilario, 68/B 42027 Montecchio Emilia (RE) Tel. 0522 942135

Moro di Rinaldini, Azienda Agricola Via Rivasi, 27, 42049 Calerno, Sant’Ilario d’Enza (RE) Tel. 0522 679190

Wines and vinegar 14

Nonna Lea s.n.c.

Wines 15

Via M. Tito, 45/A 42020 Quattro Castella (RE) Tel. 0522 880133

Quarticello di Roberto Maestri, Azienda Agricola Via Matilde di Canossa, 1/A 42027 Montecchio Emilia (RE) Tel. 0522 866220

Delicatessen 16

Salumificio Colli s.n.c.

Wines 17

Via Fratta, 10/A 42020 San Polo d’Enza (RE) Tel. 0522 873574

Via Val d’Enza Nord, 95 42026 Ciano d’Enza, Canossa (RE) Tel. 0522 878185

Salt-cured pork specialties 18

Salumificio Gianferrari F.lli di Gianferrari Mirco e V. s.n.c.

Tenuta la Piccola

Salt-cured pork specialties 19

Via Casoni, 3 42027 Montecchio Emilia (RE) Tel. 0522 864712

Venturini Baldini, Società Agricola Via Filippo Turati, 42, 42020 Roncolo, Quattro Castella (RE) Tel. 0522 249011



Wines and vinegar

Associations and Institutions


Andare a Canossa, Centro Turistico, di Mario Barnabei


Castello di Canossa, 1 42026 Canossa (RE) Tel. 0522 87715

Via Copellini, 13 42027 Montecchio Emilia (RE) Tel. 0522 871271

Tourist information 22

La Barchessa, Ass. Culturale Museo del Parmigiano Reggiano

Istituto Alcide Cervi Viale F.lli Cervi, 9 42043 Gattatico (RE) Tel. 0522 678356




Vetto Felina

Castelnovo ne‘ Monti Ramiseto

Carpineti 10 7

5 13

3 12

Cervarezza Busana

4 2



Villa Minozzo








Albergo Ristorante Alpino



piazza Primo Maggio, 1 42032 Cervarezza, Busana (RE) Tel. 0522 890253

via Provinciale, 1 42037 Passo del Cerreto, Collagna (RE) Tel. 0522 714012


Ristorante, Albergo 3

Caseificio del Parco, Soc. Coop.


via val lonza, 4 42030 Ramiseto (RE) Tel. 0522 817108


Prodotti da Forno

Forno Pasticceria Simonazzi


piazza Martiri della Libertà, 12 42035 Castelnovo ne’ Monti (RE) Tel. 0522 812420

Il Vascello del Monsignore Antica acetaia via Cà di Sotto, 5 42032 Cervarezza, Busana (RE) Tel. 0522 527521

Prodotti da Forno 7

Forno del Borgo via del magnano, 8/10 42032 Cervarezza, Busana (RE) Tel. 0522 890192

Parmigiano Reggiano Producers

Ristorante Lanterna del Parco


La Natura, Azienda agriapistica


via Casa Gandolfo, 6 42033 Carpineti (RE) Tel. 0522 818165

Triglia srl - Alberto Triglia, l’Appennino appetitoso via Mentore Pagani, 39 42032 Cervarezza, Busana (RE) Tel. 0522 897121

Miele e Confetture



Associations and institutions


Comune di Busana


Comune di Carpineti Piazza Matilde di Canossa, 1 42033 Carpineti (RE) Tel. 0522 615091

Via della LibertĂ , 36 42032 Busana (RE) Tel. 0522 891120

Institution - Cork Museum 11


Comune di Collagna


Via Campo Grande, 22 42030 Ramiseto (RE) Tel. 0522817121

Piazza Natale Caroli, 6 42037 Collagna (RE) Tel. 0522 897120

Institution 13

Comune di Ramiseto


Con.v.a - Consorzio per la valorizzazione imprese, territori e persone Via Giuseppe Micheli, 3/M 42035 Castelnovo ne’ Monti (RE) Tel. 0522 721821








8 11 10


6 12



Antica Golena - Le Terre della Contessa Az. Agr. Boscone


Via Bosco, 3 42016 Boscone, Guastalla (RE) Tel. 0522 835384

Antica Trattoria Cognento di Becchi Gianluca

Hotel Sporting - Residenza d’epoca

Restaurant - Delicatessen 4

Via Fontanesi, 2 42012 Campagnola Emilia (RE) Tel. 0522 663158

L’Aurora, Bed & Breakfast Via Adornini,18 42016 San Giacomo, Guastalla (RE) Tel. 0522 839305

Bed & Breakfast

Hotel 5


Via Picenardi, 11 42012 Cognento, Campagnola Emilia (RE) Tel. 0522 653828

Farm holidays 3


Motonave Ristorante Stradivari, Altobordo s.r.l. Porto Turistico Fluviale Lido Po 42022 Boretto (RE) Tel. 333 3616208


Restaurant 6

Acetaia San Giacomo


Strada Penella, 1 42017 Novellara (RE) Tel. 0522 651197

Bedogna Emiliano, Azienda Agricola Via Staffola 1, 42016 Tagliata, Guastalla (RE) Tel. 0522 825424

Vinegar producer


Jams and preserves



Cantina Sociale di Gualtieri, s.c.a.


Via Don Mazzolari, 12 42012 Campagnola Emilia (RE) Tel. 0522 652862

Via S. Giovanni, 25 42044 Gualtieri (RE) Tel. 0522 828161

Wines 10

Parmigiano Reggiano

C.I.L.A. - Cooperativa Intercomunale Lavoratori Agricoli


Meats and salt-cured pork specialties

Rice and vegetables

Le Valli di Bartoli Ivan, Az. Agr. Via Colombo, 103 42017 Novellara (RE) Tel. 0522 652055


Wines, melons and squash 13

La LibertĂ , Soc. Coop, Agr. Via Ospitaletto, 6 42044 S.Vittoria, Gualtieri (RE) Tel. 0522 833170

Via Levata,46 42017 Novellara (RE) Tel. 0522 657131


Caseificio Sociale Castellazzo

Club di Prodotto Terre del Fiume c/o Confesercenti Guastalla Galleria Gonzaga,1 42016 Guastalla (RE) Tel. 0522 824323

Tourist information





10 3 2



5 11

1 13 14




Il Bove, Azienda Agricola Melioli


Quercia Rossa di Franceschini Via Dinazzano, 69 4215 Correggio (RE) Tel. 0522 696145

Via Salimbene da Parma, 115 42020 Villa Sesso, Reggio Emilia Tel. 0522 533238

Farm holidays 3

Farm holidays

Ristorante Il Favo


San Giuseppe di Adriana Soldati & c, Soc. Agricola Via Bertozzi, 24/26 42043 Taneto, Gattatico (RE) Tel. 0522 672533

Via Gramsci, 10 42023 Villa Argine, Cadelbosco Sopra (RE) Tel. 0522 911480

Restaurant 5

Farm holidays

Trattoria Tre Spade Via Roma, 3/A 42015 Correggio Tel. 0522 641500


Restaurant 6

Fattoria Marchesini


Via F.lli Gennaroli, 9 42043 Praticello, Gattatico (RE) Tel. 0522 678330

Gelosini, Az. Agr. Via Centododici, 6 42015 Mandrio, Correggio (RE) Tel. 0522 699264

Local Specialties

Local Specialties




Latteria Sociale Bagnolo in piano


Via Case Melli, 80 42024 Castelnovo Sotto (RE) Tel. 0522 682572

Via G. da Bagnolo, 24 42011 Bagnolo in Piano (RE) Tel. 0522 952359

Parmigiano Reggiano 10

Parmigiano Reggiano

Latteria Sociale Lora


Latteria Sociale Nuova Mandrio Via Mandrio, 48 42015 Correggio (RE) Tel. 0522 699497

Via XXV Aprile 42040 Campegine (RE) Tel. 0522 677529

Parmigiano Reggiano 12

Latteria Sociale Coop. La Grande

Parmigiano Reggiano

Nuova Latteria Fontana Via Fontana, 12 42048 Rubiera (RE) Tel. 0522 627552


Parmigiano Reggiano 13

Consorzio Promozione e Tutela dei vini DOP “Reggiano” e “Colli di Scandiano e Canossa”


Via Crispi, 3 42121 Reggio Emilia Tel. 0522 796565

Consorzio Tutela Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Reggio Emilia Via Crispi, 3 42121 Reggio Emilia Tel. 0522 796569




From inns to farm holidays


Campovolo: events and great rock concerts

Photo by Rossi Fotografi Reggio Emilia


contacts and information Route of Wines and Flavours of the Hills of Scandiano and Canossa Route of Wines and Flavours of the Corti Reggiane Office Via Gualerzi, 34 - 42124 Reggio Emilia - Italy Tel. /Fax +39 (0)522/272320 e-mail:

This guide was prepared for the Route of Wines and Flavours of the Hills of Scandiano and Canossa and the Route of Wines and Flavours of the Corti Reggiane by:

All rights reserved.


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