December 4, 2008 Mrs. Debbie Wideroe Pepperdine University 24255 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90263 Dear Mrs. Wideroe, We have recently received word that you are interested in using our services here at PBJ+K Solutions for four challenges. I just wanted to take this opportunity to extend the first contact and thank you for your time in reviewing this book. Attached is our advertising plan with detailed explanations for the four challenges. We believe that PBJ+K Solutions is the best possible advertiser for your four launches. Each of the challenges were individually and expertly handled. We put great thought and time into each idea from conception to execution. We know that our plans are the most effective and efficient way to reach each chosen target audience across the country. Each challenge section includes a description of why we choose that particular product, answers to questions you have proposed, a creative brief and examples of advertisements we would create. In the appendix, we have included all the research we have done for each challenge and any articles we found that relates to our strategy. We hope you take into great consideration the plans and advertisements that follow. It is clear evidence of our passion for the four challenges you presented us. Feel free to contact our office with any further questions or inquiries. We look forward to the future and hope to be hearing from you quite soon. Sincerely,
Senior Account Planners & Creative Directors
Meet the PBJ+K Team Briana Lehman Briana is a senior at Pepperdine University. She is from Westlake Village, California and has lived in the Los Angeles area all of her life. Her major is Advertising with an outside focus in Sociology. She has worked on many campaigns through school projects, including Jelly Belly and Joys Chocolate. Briana enjoys playing tennis, going to the beach, and traveling. Her favorite foods are chocolate chip cookies and pasta. She completed an internship working at Universal in the music department. She wants to either attend business graduate school after she completes her undergraduate work or begin working in fashion, advertising, or public relations. She enjoys the creative aspect of advertising and really hopes to pursue her career in this field.
Kaycie Lund Kaycie was born on a cold December day in Houston, Texas. Little did her parents know they would be bringing into this world much more than just a bundle of joy. She is a senior, advertising major at Pepperdine University and she is completely obsessed with her future career. She owns about 50 notebooks filled with advertising ideas she has collected over the years. She traveled a great deal around Europe while studying abroad in Italy her sophomore year, and she loves to travel every opportunity she gets. She loves long walks on the beach, but hates getting caught in the rain. Her go-to comfort foods are churros and ChickFil-A. When she graduates, she plans on staying in Los Angeles, working at an ad agency and making her way up to be a creative director.
Jamyla McAdoo Jamyla can be defined as efficient, motivated, and imaginative. She is earning Bachelors degrees in Television Production (Telecomm.), Advertising and Public Relations from Pepperdine University. During her college years, she has studied abroad in London and assisted in missionary trips to Mexico and Panama. She is a student leader in campus holding many leadership positions. She enjoys investigating internet memes and discovering new music. As an intern, she worked on TakePart online movie campaigns for Chicago 10, Pressure Cooker, The Soloist, and Food Inc. She currently works on advertising and marketing development for Abandon Interactive. Her ultimate goals include working publicity in the entertainment industry.
Patrick O’Connor Patrick was born east of the mighty Mississippi River, in Memphis, Tennessee. Currently, he is an Advertising major at Pepperdine University with an emphasis in marketing. Last summer, Patrick spent two months in London, England, and had the amazing opportunity to work for Borkowski PR. He got to flex his creative muscles in brainstorming meetings, and he worked with a team to place products in publications throughout the United Kingdom. He loves fishing and pretty much anything else that involves the great outdoors. After graduating, Patrick plans on either working for an ad agency in California, or possibly doing sales back in Memphis.
Challenge One: New Product Launch Our challenge was to find a new item and discuss how it would do in the marketplace and why. Furthermore, our task was to observe the current strategies for this product and discuss the various tactics we would use to advertise this product. We chose the Blackberry Storm as our new product launch because we felt that there is another target to market this device to that has not yet been done. With the increasing popularity of PDA phones, PJK + K felt that this would be a good product to work with. The Blackberry Storm was just released on Nov 21st, 2008. The new features of the phone include a 3.25� LCD Hi-Resolution color display touch screen, a 3.2 megapixel camera, full HTML Internet browser, VZ Navigation, and global capabilities. We chose the Blackberry Storm for the new product launch because we feel that there is a very large target market for this phone that they have not yet tapped into. Currently, the Blackberry is most heavily advertised to an older market, focusing on business use purposes. However, our research shows that younger generations are highly active consumers of technology. Currently, The Blackberry Storm is catering to the business professional market, around ages 25 to 34. They target the high-end consumer who enjoys the leading technology and the sleek style of this mobile device. These consumers are looking for an instrument that will be functional in their business as well as personal life. Our agency proposes that the Blackberry Storm targets the younger consumers. We want to market this mobile device towards college students approaching into the work force. This population will need a phone that has various capabilities for their hectic lifestyles. They need a dependable mobile device for work purposes as well as keeping in touch with family and friends. Research shows that new technology is a critical part of the younger generation. Furthermore, younger consumers are more open to advertising and are highly reliant in the digital environment.
The Blackberry Storm will do very well in the market place. According to our research, “The Blackberry, a handheld computer and telephone combination, is helping busy professionals take work wherever they go. The calculator-sized wireless device allow users to make phone calls, send and receive e-mail, and run a host of computer applications. The Blackberry has a "QWERTY" keyboard and LCD display for surfing the Internet. Users can load software onto the Blackberry via a computer connection to their desktop PC.� Because of its multi capabilities, this phone will do incredibly well in the marketplace. We will advertise to the younger consumer ages 18-25. The younger generations are highly active consumers of technology and heavily persuaded by new hi-tech equipment. We will advertise via traditional and non- traditional media platforms. We will advertise on the internet, since this target market relies heavily on the web. We will also advertise on commercials and well as magazines. Furthermore, we will take a creative approach by promoting the phone with a launch party with press coverage. Attached is the creative brief for the Storm and an example of one of our ads that would be placed in a magazine like Wired.
  Creative Brief Blackberry Storm Primary Target Audience: Our primary target market is college students and graduates entering into the work force, ages 18-24. These people will need a phone that has multiple capabilities for their busy lifestyles. They need a reliable mobile device for work purposes as well as keeping in touch with family and friends. They also want to be up-to-date with the current trends and are very savvy with new technology. They would be considered the innovators or achievers according to the VALS system. Attitudes/Beliefs/Objections of the Target Audience: There are numerous mobile devices and phone services that are offered, so these people may experience confusion from over choice. We will deliver persuasive advertising to ensure that our target market is sold on the Blackberry Storm as the best phone to purchase. We will show that this phone is the best all around because of the fast and revolutionary internet offered on the iPhone, however also provides the dependability that gives the Blackberry a prominent name. Behavior of Target Audience: This target audience is currently using a phone that does not offer the same qualities and/or benefits that the Blackberry Storm offers. We will appeal to their senses by showing the outdated technology in which they are currently a part of and all of the advantages they will gain by buying our new and better product.
Tone: Our agency will deliver ads that are upbeat and entertaining. We want to appeal to the younger target audience, so it is essential that we keep the ads light and fun. However, we also will convey the message that this phone is functional and essential to any successful business lifestyle. Unique Selling Proposition: The Blackberry Storm differs from any other product on the market because it combines all of the best elements from mobile devices that are currently available for purchase. This phone has everything to offer and there is no other product that can compare to it. Key Messages and Benefits: Consistency is one of the main benefits that this phone provides. The Blackberry devices already have an established name and are currently used by many people who depend on it for all of their business and personal communication. Uniqueness is another main benefit of this phone because it offers the innovative internet that is only seen on the IPhone, a touch screen keyboard, and all of the other well-designed properties of the current Blackberry. Proof: Testimonials and product review will work best to achieve our goal of confirmation that this phone truly has all of the features advertised. Communication Vehicle, Execution, and Creative Considerations: A Blackberry Launch party with press is a relatively cheap and effective way of reaching the younger target market. We want to advertise heavily in magazines popular among our target
market to achieve maximum reach. Also, a special incentive such as a price discount for current Blackberry users will encourage more people to upgrade to this new product. Especially with the current economy, people are looking for any way to save with the least amount of sacrifice to their lifestyle. Lastly, word of mouth will be highly effective in the success of this product. Creative Strategy/Offer: Our agency will concentrate on the products actual benefits and services in the advertising for this product. We will also compare the phone to the current competition and show how this product is unsurpassed. We want to illustrate how this one single phone combines all of the features of any other phone on the market to equal top distinction. Mandatories: In each ad, we will show the sleek design of the phone and the new touch screen addition. Call-to-Action: Our agency will direct customers to the website for further information and inquiries about this product. This target market relies heavily on internet and does not have the time or patience to fill in questionnaires or make phone calls to get their questions answered. Budgetary Constraints/Deadlines/Next Steps/Other: There is a timeliness factor in launching any new technology product. New phones and technological devices are constantly emerging, so it is essential that we introduce the product and advertise in a prompt manner.
Y OU’ RENOT I NKANSAS ANY MORE The r ewi l l bema nys t or mst hr oughy ourbus y l i f e , butt he r ei sonl yones t or mt ha t wi l l gui dey ou. Theuni quet ouc hs c e e na nd c ut t i nge dgemul t i me di ac a pa bi l i t i e sma k e s t hi ss ma r t phonet hebe s tf r i e ndofa nywhi z k i d. Af t e ronee nc ount e r , y ou’ l l unde r s t a nd t he r e ’ snopl a c el i k eat ouc hhomes c r e e n.
Comi ngs oon.
Challenge Two: New Subculture Launch For this challenge, we required to take an existing product that is targeted to our age group and target it towards a completely different group. We decided to take Axe body spray, a product that is currently known for and associated with its racy ads and somehow target it to men, ages 36-44. In the United States, there are currently fourteen scents available, and Unilever plans on releasing a new scent each year. We thought that it would be a challenge to advertise this product to our new market, and we realized that we would have to completely revamp the campaign to do so. For our strategy, we want to make Axe body spray appeal to 36-44 year old men by putting anew twist on the campaign. At the same time, however, we do not want to get rid of the old campaign that targets teens and young adults. To successfully do this, we had to think through many different solutions and decide on what needed to be done to get this to all work out. Our first goal was to change the advertising so that our new target would not be bombarded by images of younger guys and girls making out while rolling down hills or ripping each other’s clothes of in the shower. Our second goal was to move away from the idea that Axe body spray is perfect for someone who wants a quick hook up, with no commitment and no strings attached. After we gathered some ideas, we asked people from our age group what they thought and if our strategy might effectively reach this new target. While some people responded that it would be a challenge, mostly everyone said that our approach was well thought out and unique enough to work. Our advertising campaign should be successful, because statistics show that 17% of our target already uses a body spray fragrance of some sort, so it is clear that there is a desire for this type of product. We just have to reach out to this group and get them to choose Axe body spray over our competitors.
We hypothesized that this product would be something that our target would be interested in purchasing and using, and through a good bit of research it seems that this is true. As mentioned earlier, almost a fifth of this target currently uses similar products, and we hypothesize that by targeting that age group with this campaign, we will be able to not only successfully win over a good portion of those who already use body sprays, but also 3644 year old men who do not currently use body sprays. In order to get a better understanding of our strategy, we have included a creative brief and an example of our magazine ad that would be placed in publications like Sports Illustrated or ESPN Magazine.
  Creative Brief Axe Body Spray Primary Target Audience: Our primary target audience is men, ages 34-46. These men will have families with one or more children, and will also work 9-5 jobs. In his spare time, our primary target enjoys a night out with his wife, spending time at the park with his children, and taking the family dog for walks on weekends. He feels a lot younger than he actually is, and he enjoys doing things that might make him seem younger to others. He is somewhat concerned with his appearance and likes to be trendy but does not wear top designer brands. His wife means the world to him, and he still likes to impress her. He also values guy time, and enjoys going to friends’ houses to watch the big game and enjoys going out with the guys. This target will consist mostly of both thinkers and achievers. The thinkers are the high-resource group of those who are motivated by ideals. They are mature, responsible, well educated and very professional. Their leisure activities center on their homes, but they are well informed about what goes on in the world and are open to new ideas and social change. They have high incomes but are practical consumers and rational decision makers. The achievers are the high-resource group of those who are motivated by achievement. They are successful workoriented people who get their satisfaction from their jobs and families. They are politically conservative and respect authority and the status quo. They generally favor established products and services that show their success to their peers, but are not closed off to change. Attitudes/Beliefs/Objections of the Target Audience: The strongest and most relevant objection that this target market would have to using Axe Body Spray would be that it has always been marketed to teenagers and young adults. Also, our primary target audience might have an established preference to a specific cologne or
other type of fragrance, but it is also likely that they buy it out of habit and could be won over through successful advertising that appeals both logically and emotionally. Behavior of the Target Audience: Our target is currently not using scented body sprays. They feel that showering is good enough, and that cologne is only sometimes wanted or necessary, maybe for business meetings or dates with their wife. Fortunately, the problem is not that this target has anything against fragrant body sprays, they just are not familiar with them and do not use them. Tone: To reach our target, it will not be necessary to imply a sense of urgency. Instead, we will push the idea that Axe body spray is a nice addition to their shaving bag. Axe body spray is easy to use, different scents can lead to a perceived difference in mood and performance, and the wife will appreciate a husband putting effort into smelling good for her. Unique Selling Proposition: Just because you are married and in the work force does not mean that you have to stop impressing your wife or being seen as confident in the office. Key Messages and Benefits: The first key message would be that Axe’s different scents can help each individual of the target audience start his day with a positive outlook. Another message would be that women really take care of themselves, and that using Axe body spray is one way to show them that you appreciate all the time they put into making themselves beautiful. One last message
might be that Axe body spray helps a guy to be a guy, no matter how many kids you have or how many hours you spend in the office. Proof: Testimonials that show men from the target speaking about how they get off to a better start during the work day would be useful. It would also be useful to include statistics that show that men who use fragrances are more likely to be closer to their wives. Communications Vehicle, Execution, and Creative Considerations: We feel that traditional media like newspaper, magazine, and television would be the three most effective vehicles for this message. We want to reach the target effectively and efficiently. For a more creative and innovative approach we believe that putting ads and samples in men’s locker room at fitness center and gyms would hit the target market well. Creative Strategy/Offer: We will not overwhelm the target with bright colors or crazy fonts, but will instead use a more mature approach. For example, we might show a wife setting the dinner table and ask the target audience if they want their wife to smell coffee and photocopies and conference calls when they get home. Although we could offer a freebie of some sort, it will be more important to offer the emotional and relational awards the product can help provide. Mandatories: In each ad, we will probably include something about work (whether it be a Monday morning, a Wednesday afternoon, coming home to the family after work, or going out with the guys after a long week at work). Also the tagline “Yep. You still got it.” will be there.
Call-to-Action: Our call-to-action will be quite easily achieved. All we want our target to do is purchase our product while stopping for milk on the way home or to make a quick stop by the drug store on the way home from work. Budgetary Constraints/Deadlines/Next Steps/Other: There are not too many budgetary constraints, as Axe products are produced by the Unilever Group. This is a well established brand, and is the third most popular brand of men’s grooming products (according to the Global Market Information Database).
Re me mbe ryourc ol l e geda ys ? Sur e , yougr e wup. You’ ver e pl a c e dc r a z ypa r t i e sf or of f i c eme e t i ngsa ndbe e rbongsf orTPSr e por t s . Butyou’ vea l wa ysha dawa ywi t ht hel a di e s . Youknowi t . Weknowi t .
Ye p .St i l lg oti t .
Challenge Three: Apprentice “DOVE” Challenge For the Apprentice “Dove” Challenge, we were to create an awareness campaign that would be the next best thing after the campaign for real beauty. Using all the information we gained in class and through our text, we were to create a campaign that was new, innovative, and would reach the ultimate goal – increase sales. We believe that through extensive research we formed a cohesive ad plan that will be successful. We used precise target marketing, media planning tactics and strategies, creative elements of advertising, sales promotion and public relations to form our campaign. In order to get an idea of our campaign, we’ll describe an example of a commercial that could be pitched. A women walks into the bathroom with loud background noise following her. You hear her boss at work yelling something at her, a baby crying, a teenage kid talking about the science project that is due tomorrow. You here her husband talking about bills needing to be paid and you hear her cycling instructor yelling. You hear car alarms, telephone rings, microwaves beeps and other daily sounds. As she looks in the mirror you can see the people all behind her. But as she turns on the shower water, some of the noise very subtly lightens. She goes through her shower routine first washing her face, using bar soap and washing her hair. And with every product she uses, the noise gets softer and softer till it is completely gone as she cleans out her hair. The annoying sounds of the day would be replaced with the sound of the water, and maybe faint birds chirping or wilderness sounds. This image is the center of our campaign. It is the fact that everybody has stress and problems that pile on throughout the day. But when Dove products are used, it can provide that temporary break and relaxation. It provides a simple escape. It is something that every woman desires and needs. Dove will not promise to make problems disappear completely,
but it can provide a safe haven, if only for a moment. When combined with the amazing features of the product, the campaign will do very well. In order to get a better understanding of our strategy, we have included a creative brief and examples of our magazine ad series that would be placed in publications like People or Us Weekly.
  Creative Brief Dove Primary Target Audience: Our target audience will be women, ages 25 to 34. These women will have families with one or more children, and will most likely work jobs or be very involved stay-at-home moms. Most of their day will be packed with to-do lists, errands and tons of tasks at work. They rarely get any free time to themselves and probably don’t even think about pamper themselves. They are usually stressed with the amount of things that need to get done and are bogged down by responsibility. They would buy beauty products for themselves, but because it goes along with the grocery list, they don’t spend much time in considering the options. This target is the ultimate busy woman that needs a break every once in a while. Attitudes/Beliefs/Objections of the Target Audience: The strongest and most relevant objection that this target market would have to using Dove products would be price, scent or the actual feature of the product. The target is concerned with whether or not the lotion moisturizes, the soap cleans, or the facial washes cleanses. It is the duty of our campaign to reinforce that while attracting them with the benefit of stress relief. These women know that soap cannot make your financial problems disappear, but it can release the tension. In this way we will use both logical and emotional reasoning to overcome their objections. Behavior of the Target Audience: Our target cares about their appearance and usually buys beauty products for themselves, but has no particular loyalty to a brand. They buy whatever seems most beneficial to them and is the easiest to include in their busy schedule.
Tone: To reach our target, it will not be necessary to imply a sense of serenity and calm. We will subtly implore the idea that Dove can take the mind of our target market off their troubles, if only for a short time. But that experience will put them in a better mood and allow them the break they need to get them through the rest of the day. Unique Selling Proposition: Even though it cannot completely take away all your problems, using Dove products gives you that simple escape that no other soap, lotion or face wash can. Key Messages and Benefits: The first key message would be that Dove understands the stress that a woman has to go through everyday. Once that connection is established, the viewer will be invested in the ad. The connecting message would be that when one uses Dove products, they will get that moment of release and relaxation that they are needing. These messages explain that Dove provides both features and benefits that are important and attractive to the target. Proof: Testimonials that show women from the target showing how when they use Dove products, it does what it can to take their mind of stress. It would also be useful to allow the natural word-of-mouth spread of the campaign to support our key message and benefits. Communications Vehicle, Execution, and Creative Considerations: We feel that traditional media like newspaper, magazine, and television would be the three most effective vehicles for this message. We want to reach the target effectively and
efficiently. For a more creative and innovative approach we believe that putting ads and samples in women’s locker room at fitness center and gyms would hit the target market well. There can also be “spa day” type launch parties of new products where women can come and get free hand massages or mini-facials and be enticed into buying the products there. Creative Strategy/Offer: We will offer the targeted women free samples and discounts off prices like Dove has done before, but we will also go beyond that with our campaign. We will offer online contests where the winners win dinner to a nice restaurant, a mini-shopping spree or even a spa day. We will also allow opportunities where women can register a friend, mother or sister that is going through a lot of stress, and the woman with the most intriguing, relevant story would win a trip to an exotic location. These prizes coincides perfectly with the idea that Dove helps ease the stress of life. Mandatories: In each ad, we will include a picture of the product, the tagline “Simply Escape” and the template of “Dove (has a feature) and eases the stress of life”. There will also be a paragraph of transparent text on the particular body part that corresponds with the product. The text will have stream of conscious thinking about the stresses a woman endures. Call-to-Action: Our call-to-action will be quite easily achieved. All we want our target to do is purchase our product when shopping for other groceries or toiletries. We want them to buy Dove because they know that it will at least help a little in easing their stresses.
Budgetary Constraints/Deadlines/Next Steps/Other: There are not too many budgetary constraints, as Dove products are produced by the Unilever Group. This is a well established brand, and is the third most popular brand of men’s grooming products (according to the Global Market Information Database).
Challenge Four: The Challenge For the Cooshoo challenge we had to define the who, what, where and why of the campaign. We had to define who the target market was. We had to define what the service was. We had to define where to advertise. We had to show why the target market should use over other websites. We took a survey of 100 members of the target market. We created a campaign around the results of this survey. We created a strategy plan and complementary advertisements as components of the campaign. We also redesigned the website for the target audience. We feel that the execution of this plan will create stronger brand recognition and generate more website hits. What is CooShoo? CooShoo is a fun, social community that allows the user to be more connected with their peers. It offers what no other social networking websites has before them. Other websites only maintain connections, but this website establishes them. But not in a creepy way like Craiglists, or a long-term commitment way that eHarmony does. I can make new friends, set up dates, and find that journal I accidentally left on the train -all on one site. The website says “Accidentally Finding Something Fortunate” well I do that or help someone do that every time I log on. What would you do? We would begin with a site redesign. The layout of the website would be more appealing in color, placement and visual aesthetics to the group. The links would be appropriately renamed. The overall goal of this redesign would be to create the “community” feel that the target audience seeks in a social networking website. The website would adopt the new tagline “Accidentally Discovering Something Fortunate” which would give the visitor a clearer idea of what the website offers and piques their interest. The description on the home page would be adjusted to the vernacular and
understanding of the target audience. This would also aid in explaining what the goal of the website is for the target audience. We would begin a campaign and strategy that focuses on rebranding. We would emphasize why this website is cool. We also would show that the website is safe to use. We present it as a combination of Facebook and eHarmony. Giving the opportunity to find a romantic connections but not a life long commitment immediately. The user will not feel that this website is also limited to the romance seekers because of all of it’s features. We would initiate a viral marketing with web advertising. This would incorporate sponsored events at local restaurants, yogurt stands, sport bars or university campuses. These would be events cosponsored or created by CooShoo. We want to establish the website as fun, social and communal. We want the user to feel as thought her or she might not be necessarily looking for someone but I will want to go on to see what's new. Determine what this new social networking site should be? We want to stray away from the average dating website. We want it to be like Facebook, and other social networks with opportunities for things to happen. It will be established as more social. Facebook is a nation wide focus and national brand. This is a regional focus and national brand. We want to create opportunities to for people to meet the user. This is a social network that gets you to do social things offline as well. Our goal is to present enough content and keep the user engaged to stay on more than 15 minutes. The user needs to be invested – like a habit.
Potential Partners: Companies that Cooshoo could align with include yogurt stands, coffee shops, sports bars, movie theaters, clothing boutiques, beach shores, museums, fitness centers, bars, grocery stores, or cheap restaurants where the target market would most likely hang out and where a missed connection would take place. •
Peet’s Coffee &
Yankee Doodles
Red Mango
Tea Inc.
Caribou Coffee Co.
Diedrich Coffee
Traders Joes
Baskin Robbins
Barnes and Noble
Rainbow Room
Coffee Bean & Tea
Jamba Juice
Howl at the Moon
Imax theaters
Apple Stores
Competitions: The following are a list of CooShoo’s competition and their advantages and disadvantages: is a general classifieds postings website. They have a variety of posting subjects which include community, personals, discussion forums, housing, for sale, and jobs. The layout of the website is very simple. It is organized by region and city. The advantage that this website has over is the unique hits it already receives for each of the sections. Its content drives attention from a large audience. According to Figure 1.1 (see research section), has the highest number of unique visitors.
The disadvantage that this website has under is the reputation. Other sections of the website are known for scams2. This brings down the overall status of the website and could deter potential posters of all sections. is direct competition with It is tailored to the same target market. They have postings separated by region (cities) and categories (gyms, outdoor, and coffee shops). The website is very simple in design and posting directions. The advantage that this website has over is the amount of traffic that it has. It almost three times the amount of unique visitors that has (Figure 1.3. and Figure 1.4). It also has a simple interface for making posts not requiring the visitor to register. The disadvantage that this website has under is the lack of cross mobile platforms. incorporates e-mail and mobile postings. These are convenient posting options and show an understanding of the target market. is a general classifieds website just like It has a modern design and similar sections. The advantage that this website has over is the unique hits that this website attracts from its variety of sections. The disadvantage that this website has under is that it is not tailored to the target audience as well. It has an ambitious goal of challenging on the whole and not focusing on a niche like is a classifieds website like and It has a colorful design and similar sections. The advantage that has over is the amount of traffic all of the sections bring to the website. The disadvantage that has under is that it is not tailored just for personals or missed connections posts.
Attached is an example of the type of online banner advertisement the campaign would produce. The advertisement depicts a situation – defining the term "missed connection" without being blatant. It reaches both those of the target audience who understand or don't understand what the term missed connection means. For those who do not know what the term "missed connection" they still understand what the site is about because of the visual. This reaches our target audience because it is a realistic situation in the dating scene. It is something that the target audience can relate to. The subject holds a napkin with smeared number on it. It may have been smeared from his drink or keeping it in his pocket. For him to retrieve the number again, he must log onto Cooshoo to find her. We also redesigned the logo and website to be more effective and efficient at attracting the target market. We made the website design user-friendly and easy to navigate. It is included in the following along with a research survey we took of 100 people from our target market and the creative brief.
Research Survey Questions and Results:
Participant Responses to Question Four: 1. 2.JDate or not, 5.okcupid eharmony craigslist 6.cant remember sorry Yahoo Personals 8.OkCupid; EHarmony 9.N/A 12.N/A 13.Fail
Survey Participant Breakdown:
Gender: 33 Males 66 Females 1 Undisclosed
Colleges: Pepperdine Cal State San Bernardino University of California, Berkeley Riverside Community College Rio Salado College
University of California, Riverside Taft College Arizona State University Abilene Christian Univ Northwestern University University of Southern California
University of Texas Cal State, Northridge Cal State, Poly Pomona University of California, Irvine University of California, San Diego
Cities: Malibu Little Rock Palm Desert Moreno Valley Clovis Lancaster
Mesa Berkeley Lamont Pulaski Gilbert Los Angeles Scottsdale
Glendale San Bernardino Austin La Jolla Abilene Panoma Northridge
Survey Analysis A majority of the sampled population is on Myspace and Facebook. We believe Cooshoo should take advantage of the already established social networks to appeal to the target market. The average individual spends 15-30 minutes per session on these social networks. Cooshoo should have enough content to keep the visitor occupied for at least this time frame. Only 11% of the target market registers for dating websites. We believe that Cooshoo should not market itself as a dating website to appeal to the target market, since almost 90% of the target market is not interested in registering for one. Word of mouth is the strongest motivator for the target market to register for a social website. 100% of the individuals surveyed agreed with this. 64% of the respondents know what the term missed connection means. Since the term is not completely familiar with this demographic, Cooshoo should define the term on the website. This is necessary since 92% of the individuals surveyed have not created a missed connections post before. Planettagger was voted as more appealing than with 58% of the votes.
Creative Brief Primary Target Audience: Our primary target audience is women and men, ages 18-25. This subculture is comprised of different individuals from the high school graduate to the young college student to the early career adult. In his spare time, our primary target enjoys a night out with their friends, spending time on online social networks, and checking out the newest movie. He/she feels like they are at the beginning of their lives, and is now enjoying new freedoms of being considered an adult in society’s eyes. He/she is concerned about how their peers view them. This target will consist mostly of both thinkers and achievers. The thinkers are the highresource group of those who are motivated by ideals. They are mature, responsible, welleducated professionals. Their leisure activities center on their homes, but they are well informed about what goes on in the world and are open to new ideas and social change. They have high incomes but are practical consumers and rational decision makers. The achievers are the high-resource group of those who are motivated by achievement. They are successful work-oriented people who get their satisfaction from their jobs and families. They are politically conservative and respect authority and the status quo. They generally favor established products and services that show off their success to their peers, but are not closed off to change. Attitudes/Beliefs/Objections of the Target Audience: The strongest and most relevant objection that this target market would have to Cooshoo is that it can be lumped as dating site. This group has lower participation in dating websites than their older counterparts. Also, our primary target audience may believe that completing a connection in person is more important than doing it online.
Behavior of the Target Audience: Our target is currently not establishing new connections online. They are using the internet to maintain the connections they already have. Tone: To reach our target, it will be required to create a sense of newness. Our target audience likes what is hot. They like being the first to discover a new trend. They believe they create the trends. If it appears that an older or younger crowd uses a new product, they will most likely reject it. Unique Selling Proposition: This service does not do what other online social networks do. Key Messages and Benefits: The first key message would be that this website provides a multitude of social services. The second message would be that this is the newest web-trend. Proof: Research from the target audience (such as surveys) would be presented as proof. However, the strongest convincer of this group is word of mouth. If his/her friend is talking about it – then it must be good. Communications Vehicle, Execution, and Creative Considerations: •
Word Of Mouth – Our strongest push will be to get people talking. We will reach movers and shakers of different groups and have them sign up for the service. In a
college setting, that would be giving the student organization leaders on-campus incentive to join. •
Internet Advertisements – Web banners, blog mentioning and e-mail blasts are deemed appropriate. The target audience is already on the internet and a click away from the website. An interactive web banner would attract clicks, such as a game or movie. A blog recognition on notible websites would also get clicks. Sending news releases and exclusive information to these blogs could get these recommendations. E-mail blasts to the target audience also would receive clicks. Lists could be gathered from campus student leaders or websites that attract 18-25 year old adults. A viral video advertisement would be high successful in this target audience and have a high pass along and frequency rate.
Television – A television advertisement placed on specific cable channels such as MTV or Comedy Central would reach the target audience.
Magazines – Magazine advertisements in general publications such as People would attract attention from our target audience.
Radio – Radio spots on popular music stations such as KIIS.FM would reach our target audience.
College Campus Events – Having CooShoo sponsored events on college campuses would bring attention to the target audience. The event could already be an existing one on campus or a college night could be created by CooShoo.
Campus Mailbox Direct Mail pieces – An exclusive invitation to an event would work with the target audience. Also a coupon for a yogurt stand, coffee shop, sports bar, movie theater, clothing boutique, beach shore, grocery store, or local restaurant
would be promising – which could only be redemeeble at a CooShoo event. It would motivate the target market there at one time. • competition – The target market is highly tech savvy. A competition could be made to have the best YouTube video which explains It would create high participation with the target market and a complete understanding of the service.
Sweepstakes – Create a sign up on the website and offer a night on the town. It would consist of a free dinner and a movie. This provides incentive to register on the website.
Local Events – Events held at yogurt stands, coffee shops, sports bars, movie theaters, clothing boutiques, beach shores, grocery stores, or cheap restaurants would be promising. A drawing held at the event for a prize also would promote attendance by the target market.
Banners – Posters, flyers, and banners placed on college campuses would create brand recognition and pique the interest.
Bookmarks and book covers – Placed in the local or campus book stores would help establish the brand. Also placing it in local or campus libraries would aid in this too.
Facebook Profile/Myspace Profile – Creating a profile on established websites would create familiarity with the website. It gives a chance to see brand CooShoo on familiar platforms.
Creative Strategy/Offer: We will establish CooShoo as a safe and popular social networking tool. We will promote the social and emotional rewards of the service.
Mandatories: In each ad, we will have the tagline “Accidentally Finding Something Fortunate”. We also will include the website address in everything. Call-to-Action: Our call-to-action is to register on the website. We want our target audience to check out CooShoo, build a profile and create a post. Budgetary Constraints: Since CooShoo is a new service, the budget of the company may not be as large as it’s social networking counterparts. We must be highly selective in advertising to make sure there is very little waste. Deadlines/Next Steps: First, connect CooShoo with the movers and shakers of the subculture (celebrity endorsement, student organization leaders, church leaders, etc.) Offer more incentive for them to join than the average user because they are the gatekeepers for the target audience. Second, establish CooShoo’s benefits over the other social networking websites (ability to not only maintain social networks but establish social networks). Third, Continue to provide incentive to continue to login. Regular updates on the website. Constantly updating features. Create buzz through events.
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