Forward We have created this brand manual to be able to stay true to our brand. It establishes brand guidelines, outlining every aspect of Yas Takaful – from visual identity to design language and communication. Following these guidelines will help our brand custodians to define the brand Yas Takaful and fortify the brand perception.
Content 1
About the Brand
Our mission & Vision Our Beliefs Our Values Our Purpose Our Specific Goals Our Services Our Process
Verbal Identity
Visual Identity
Graphic Assets
Collateral Material
Overview Tone of voice Communication Basics
Overview Logo Ideation Logo Variation Logo Sizes Logo Usage Primary Typeface Secondary Typeface Logo Typography Colour Palette
Overview Pattern Iconography
Stationary Corporate Presenting Deck Social-Media Template
About the Brand
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nulla nunc, cursus eget aliquet id, bibendum quis tellus. Mauris turpis neque, sollicitudin id dui tincidunt, ultrices blandit justo. Vivamus consectetur in lorem eget cursus. Sed tincidunt elementum lectus et consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nulla nunc, cursus eget aliquet id, bibendum quis tellus. Mauris turpis neque, sollicitudin id dui tincidunt, ultrices blandit justo. Vivamus consectetur in lorem eget cursus. Sed tincidunt elementum lectus et consequat.
Our Beliefs
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nulla nunc, cursus eget aliquet Mauris turpis neque, sollicitudin id dui tincidunt, ultrices blandit justo. Vivamus consectetur in lorem eget cursus. Sed tincidunt elementum lectus et consequat.
Our Value
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nulla nunc, cursus eget aliquet Mauris turpis neque, sollicitudin id dui tincidunt, ultrices blandit justo. Vivamus consectetur in lorem eget cursus. Sed tincidunt elementum lectus et consequat.
Our Purpose
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nulla nunc, cursus eget aliquet Mauris turpis neque, sollicitudin id dui tincidunt, ultrices blandit justo. Vivamus consectetur in lorem eget cursus. Sed tincidunt elementum lectus et consequat.
Our Specific Goals
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nulla nunc, cursus eget aliquet Mauris turpis neque, sollicitudin id dui tincidunt, ultrices blandit justo. Vivamus consectetur in lorem eget cursus. Sed tincidunt elementum lectus et consequat.
Our Services The services are divided between individual and corporate.
The individual insurance offerings cover a range of areas including travel, motor, home, personal accident, medical, cyber and private boat.
The corporate insurance offerings cover a range of areas including property, engineering, marine, medical, motor, casualty, trade credit and general accident.
Our Process
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nulla nunc, cursus eget aliquet id, bibendum quis tellus. Mauris turpis neque, sollicitudin id dui tincidunt, ultrices blandit justo. Vivamus consectetur in lorem eget cursus. Sed tincidunt elementum lectus et consequat.
Verbal Identity
Overview Yas Takaful intends to portray itself as an insurance company that is a 360° solution for all its customers' needs. Yas Takaful beams with young and driven energy. We are friendly, skilled and patient. Therefore our tone of verbal language is full of energy.
Tone of Voice
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nulla nunc, cursus eget aliquet Mauris turpis neque, sollicitudin id dui tincidunt, ultrices blandit justo. Vivamus consectetur in lorem eget cursus. Sed tincidunt elementum lectus et consequat.
Communication Basics
Keep it short Use short sentences and paragraphs
Be Clear Get to the point
Key Information Where appropriate use headers and bullet numbered lists to call out key information
Visual Identity
Overview The visual identity of Yas Takaful revolves around shapes and is inspired by the Bahaus Movement which is geometric. Our visual identity is more than just pictures or designs, it is what sets us apart from the crowd. It is what we believe in and what we stand for. It is the summary of our brand image.
Logo Ideation
Our logo represents our services. It signifies that foundation is key and anything is possible if we build the foundation right. It's based on Bahaus which gives it a unique appearance so it's memorable and stands out while aligning with concepts like simplicity, abstraction, and minimalism.
Logo Proportions 0.59
The Yas Takaful logo has been made in the proportion of 2:1(W:H). To preserve the integrity of the Yas Takaful logo, a minimum clear space around the Yas Takaful logo should always be maintained. This clear space insulates the logo from distracting elements around it like copy, illustration, photography or another logo.
CONCEPT Idea Progression
Where Innovation Meets Insurance
Vectored Design
Final Balance with Font
The creative thought process behind the design uses the square symbol which represents structure, balance, logic, and order. The YT is presented in the form of a maze which transmits a sense of direction. Microsoft uses this concept well to adopt smart logic and balance whilst American Express harness the safety aspect effectively. A forward-thinking tech design with the potential of reaping first mover advantages within the insurtech space. A representation of modern innovation.
Blending the Y and T of Yas Takaful into the vector helps build a more recognizable and unique look that finds complexity in its simple layout which in turn sticks in the mind of consumer as it is easy to recall. The carefully aligned edges makes for the design to be more palatable and creates familiarity.
The colours of cool/steel blue transmits professionalism, trust and calmness with the gradient blending that calming wave within the logo concept. The choice of font allows for the logo in its entirety to place well in multiple formats such as a T-Shirt. The downside may potentially be the logo only showcasing the company initials in English and not Arabic.
MAIN LOGO ELEMENTS Insurance Innovation A Modern Tech Concept Yas Takaful will position itself as the front runners in the insurance space within the region when it comes to Medical, Travel, Automobile, Marine, Property, Engineering, Casualty and Liability coverage. On that note, the logo represents transparency and a sense of direction against damage or loss as well as incorporating the company initials which are Y and T in a creative manner. The teal colour scheme resonates with different cultures and represents reliability, bravery, and stability according to colour psychology. The gradient provides a modern approach with an innovative look and feel.
LOGO VARIATIONS The Four Types Main logo
Secondary Logo
LOGO VARIATIONS The Four Types Black on White
White on Black
PROPER IMAGERY Create Cohesiveness Imagery helps aid in story telling, to give clearer picture of what we strive for, stand behind and for.
Logo Usage
To ensure accurate consistent use of the Yas Takaful logo, never add to, or attempt to recreate it. Always use the approved logo. The examples of correct and incorrect logo usages have been shown in the following slides.
Correct Usage
Original Colored Variant
Black on white variant
Correct Usage
Original Colored Variant
Black on white variant
Incorrect Usage
Improper cropping resulting in uneven and lost elements
Gradient/Stretched disproportionatlely
Logo colored other than black or white variant
Primary Typeface
The primary typeface for Yas Takaful is Proxima Nova. It's a modern san-serif typeface that is crisp and easy to read. We have used various weights of Proxima Nova to create contrast and hierarchy .
Proxima Nova Thin
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz
Proxima Nova Bold
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMm NnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYy Zz
Proxima Nova Extrabold
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlM mNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWw XxYyZz
Headline Label 1
Proxima Nova Extrabold: 90 pt, -50 tracking
Permissible usage of primary fonts are stated as shall be used as per the set rules. Use a range of weights to create a clear hierarchy. The hierarchy outlines is relative to the size of the application
Subtitle Proxima Nova Bold: 48 pt, -10 tracking
Body Text 1 Proxima Nova Thin: 32 pt, -10 tracking
Captions Proxima Nova Thin: 24 pt, -10 tracking
*Note-Other weights of Proxima Nova like italic variants and weights like regular, light, medium or black can also be used for Yas Takaful. The key is to be able to contrast. So as far as there is a stark contrast, it should work well.
Logo Typography
ENGLISH AND ARABIC We created a display font explicitly for our logo. We can use this font for posters or creative design. Please note that this font is only suitable for headlines or any text that is above 48 pts.
CORPORATE COLORS Main Color is the most recognizable and unifying elements in our visual identity. Our color palette include blue, red and white.
Hex Code #4C9E91
Hex Code #2A796D
Hex Code #005A4C
Hex Code #FFFFFF
CMYK 32% 0% 5% 38%
CMYK 31% 0% 5% 53%
CMYK 35% 0% 5% 65%
CMYK 0% 0% 0% 0%
RGB 76-158-145
RGB 42-121-109
RGB 0-90-76
RGB 255-255-255
Hex Code #000000
Hex Code #3A3A3B
Hex Code #E1E1E1
Hex Code #FFFFFF
CMYK 0% 0% 0% 77%
CMYK 0% 0% 0% 77%
CMYK 0% 0% 0% 12%
CMYK 0% 0% 0% 0%
RGB 00-00-00
RGB 58-58-59
RGB 225-225-225
RGB 255-255-255
Graphic Assets
Overview At Yas Takaful, we have created customized graphic elements which are unique to the brand. These graphic elements enhance the visual appeal and add delight to the brand. Both our visual elements, our pattern and icons can be converted back to our logo due its unique geometric approach. They are all interlinked to one another while making it interesting.
Iconography visual Identity through uniformed, geometric shapes and neumorphism aesthetic.
We wanted our Iconography to align with our visual Identity through their uniformed, geometric shapes and neumorphism aesthetic.
Social Media Icons
Social Media Templates Our social media revolves around 3 kinds of content: educational, work samples, and personal (motivational). Following are the templates for social media.
Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all - Aristotle
Print Media We wanted to make Yas Takaful corporate yet friendly in all mediums, be it web, digital or media. The following are our print media.