Rhino 3D Modeling Portfolio

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ARCH-20:ARCHITECTURAL GRAPHICS I Murat YAVUZ Spring 2015 Rhinoceros 3D Instructors: Amily HUANG-Jerry LUM

Table of Contents Week 1: - Pear and Sweep Exercise - Tracing Pattern - Pattern Iteration

Week 6: - Boat exercise - Turtle boy - 3rd Iteration Fruit Morphology

Week 2: - Chair Exercise - Final Pattern Iteration -Array and Bottle Exercise

Week 7: - 4th and 5th Iteration Fruit Morphology - Cutting Plane

Week 3: - Introduction to Fruit Morphology Project

Week 8: - Final Layout & Presentation - Rail Revolve Exercise - SketchUp to Rhino Exercise

Week 4: - Helix and spiral Exercises - Flow Along Surface and Curve - Bracelet Exercise and Adding Text

Week 5: - 2nd Iteration Fruit Morphology - Duck Exercise - Field trip

WEEK 1: PROJECT PEAR Learning the basic tools of Rhino: - Creating curves - Rotate - Network Surface - Revolve - Split - Sweep 1 - Layers Discoveries : - Soft Edit tool was discovered during the creation of the pear's leaf and the vine. By using the soft edit I was able to give a natural look to the connection of the vine and pear.

Reflections: - With enough practice and playing around, I am now able to create more accurate curves by using Control Point Curves. - Rotate tool is easy to use, just make sure which plate to work on! -Copy: Yes- is useful to duplicate when rotating. - During the class I was able to use the Network Surface tool effectively, but it is very different on Mac. So I couldn't figure how to use it on Mac yet, although I can still create surfaces by using it on PC. - Not being able to use the Network Surface tool strengthen my use of Revolve tool. Despite the fact that they are not the same, somehow I was able to create a surface by revolve tool. -HelpCommand doesn't really work on Mac as it does on PC. I tried to find some help online but couldn't really find what I wanted.

Tracing Patterns: Maharam Textile

Pattern Iteration Exercise: Reflections: - I created an interesting form by using Drape. It occurred accidentally and give the iceberg. I wasn't able to create the same thing later.


- Chair Exercise - Final Pattern Iteration -Array and Bottle Exercise

For my chair I decided to use my textile pattern and I managed to use the pattern for the surface of the seat and back side of the chair. I basically copy and cut the pattern surface and place it on the frame of the chair. - I try to use "Flow Along Surface" tool to move my pattern over a surface but didn't really worked as I imagined. But I think it is a useful tool and I'll try to use it in future projects. - I accidentally create a bend at the top of the frame of the chair, but it looks cool. I think when I was connecting the to side curves of the frame I did it. I am still trying to figure.

Textile Pattern Final Iteration:

Bottle & Array Exercise:

During Project Array we learned very useful tools such as "Curve Boolean" and "Dolar Array". With a little bit of math and rhino knowledge we were able to create an interesting space fast and accurate. Sweep2,Blend Surface, Offset used for creating the bottle.

WEEK 3: - Introduction to Fruit Morphology Project

Free Hand Sketches: I chose lotus root for Morphology project. First step was adding these sketches into rhino and using it to create the three dimensional fruit/vegetable.

Reflections: - I successfully created the surface of the root, however I am having hard time finding the tools I need to produce internal tunnels of the root. - Curve Network, Extrude Curves and loft was used until this point of the project.


-Precision Modeling (numerical input) -Surface Modeling -Curve flow and Surface flow

Flow Along Surface: This command become one of my favorite. Because I tried to use my textile inspired pattern on other projects like chair I practice flow along surface tool many times.

Other helpful practices we had during 4th week. Flow along curve, Adding Text, 2-D Drawing and creating layout will be helpful for our future rhino presentations and projects.

WEEK 5: - 2nd iteration Fruit Morphology - Duck exercise - Field trip

By using Cap tool I was able to fill the interior of my root and I also created the interior tubes. After creating most realistic dimension of the root I cut them using split tool and locate to give a dramatic tools.

Duck Project was one of the most fun projects for me. With this project I learned how to change the texture, Ground Plane and Render. I also re visit the tools we learned earlier such as blend, rotate, move etc.

After 5 weeks of hard work we visit Autodesk Gallery San Francisco. Seeing all the 3-D printed objects was fun and inspiring.

WEEK 6: - Boat exercise - Turtle boy - 3rd Iteration Fruit Morphology

After the inspirations from the fieldtrip I got too excited and decided to turn my root into a skyscraper. It wasn’t that successful but I had good practice and discovered new tools. I used Twist tool to bend the surfaces and again my textile pattern is applied on the surface of another project.

We have worked on three big projects during sixth week. I feel like we learned enough to create few big objects only in one lecture. This was the boat project.

Week 7: - 4th and 5th Iteration Fruit Morphology - Cutting Plane

Fruit Morphology 4th Iteration:

Cutting Plane & Rendering:

After this point my Fruit Morphology file got so big and it was very difficult to work on. I separated the surfaces by labeling it helped a little bit.

Week 8: - Rail Revolve Exercise - SketchUp to Rhino Exercise - Final Layout & Presentation

This was an interesting exercise that shows there is a lot more to do with railrevolve tool. I started creating an vase then used 3 different vases to create an column. Duplicate the columns with copy/rotate and had the legs of the table.

With Rhino 3D its very easy to import a SketchUp File. Both design programs have some pros and cons. Like 3D Warehouse of SketchUp is very helpful and saves a lot of time. Its great to be able to use it in Rhino. With SketchUp to Rhino Yoga Exercise now we know how easy and functional it is.


Evolution of the Lotus Root


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