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Hello and welcome back. In this second step we want to show you how we work and support our partners to quickly and easily achieve the first successes. If you start seriously, you can earn the first few thousand dollars in Fast Start Bonuses in less than 4-8 weeks and eventually get paid the much higher extra bonuses. The unique benefits of a network marketing business compared to a traditional self-employment are immediately obvious: Low investments and a quick "return on investment". Network marketing is a fascinating industry and Unicity an exceptional company. With your start you should set high goals because you would not be the first to achieve them and perhaps even shoot much further beyond. The success stories of independent Unicity partners arise around the world - and new ones are add every day. And yours will hopefully be posted too in the near future! One thing we want to clearly state: All successful professional networkers have built a huge organization. High bonus checks only result from a big, strong team. So how do we efficiently build such a big, powerful organization? - By using a System! Let‘s have a look st our working system beforehand, so you can see that network marketing is anything but complicated. Provided one sticks to the system. In Network Marketing, we are following the so-called KISS circle. As with a kiss, it should be easy and fun. KISS stands for 4 simple duplicatable steps. Just like from a GPS navigation system, you always know where you are and what the next step is. At each step, we provide a simple tool that helps you to guide your prospects through the process to the point where your new partner duplicates the way you work. K stands for contact. When it comes to contacting someone, a simple but extremely important rule applies: The contact serves the sole purpose to arouse interest, not to convey information! The aim is to encourage someone to show up for a meeting, to attend a presentation or watch a short video, for example our 9 minute online business presentation you have just seen. Since you provide NO further information, it usually takes less than 1 min time to make a contact. We call this the ELEVATOR PITCH, because you need no longer than an elevator ride to arouse interest. Most likely, your attention to this business has also been drawn from an elevator pitch. Making contact should only happen verbally, directly or by telephone, but never electronically by email! How to do this correctly, you will learn from the associated tool on “Making contact per elevator pitch“. Once you have generated interest, your prospects of course want to know what it is about. Only now the business is presented more in detail, information and facts are shared. Refer to the 9 minute presentation and this 24/7 business tour. Not ony does he learn about the business opportunity, he also realizes that it is pretty simple to encourage people to look at something and even guide them through how it works and how they can start properly. At that stage, you can also meet your prospects in a coffee shop or invite them to an event or a presentation, possibly with the support of your sponsor. Your tools for this purpose is the presentation, incase you want to present the business yourself. The Goal of the information part is that your prospect spontaneously or at least in a timely manner makes a decision to join or not. Learn how to present your business in an entertaining way and with ease, and you will be amazed of the success you can accomplish.

Incase your prospect decides for the business, we are already approaching the first S of KISS, the Start. For this we have a tool called “Getting Started“, from which all you need for a successful start becomes apparent, for example, the optimal product order, how to quickly qualify for Director and the valuable contact list. Also, you can simply show your prospects what they can earn and by what strategy we build our organization. The aim of the start is not just to "enroll" but clearly to bring your partner to become active! Ambitious goals can only be achieved through an efficient way of working. From here you are going full throttle along with your new partner. Welcome to Network Marketing! And here we are at the second S, the School or the System. Strictly speaking, we teach the System with the aim to duplicate our way of working. The tool we provide at that stage is the KISS Activity monitor that allows you to track your activities and measure your progress. This takes only a minute per day. With some talent, a new partner can already build up a respectable team with this basic knowledge and by using the simple tools. Therefore, we teach new partners to start exclusively with KISS and encourage them to become familiar with its associated tools. A system must be simple and effective. Maybe it seems even a little too simple at first glance, but precisely therein lies the success. Only simple things duplicate! Already from this short video you got an overview and a basic understanding how we work. It is important that before an eventual entry into the business you understand, what exactly network marketing is about. It is important for us to introduce you from the beginning to use powerful tools and the right way of working, so you do not get distracted by product related issues like so many newcomers, entering a dead end street by talking product expertise, wondering why the organization is not growing - because that is exactly what you want: STRONG GROWTH! Therefore, a few words about the products and about selling. Network marketing is not a business where you will be taught selling. In network marketing products are primarily “moved“, not sold. And the larger your organization, the more products are moved. Therefore, especially at the beginning you want to focus 100% on building your team. Customers are those who do not jump on the bandwagon, but still want to use your products. There is also another way and that is satisfied customers becoming business partners at a later stage. But this takes a lot more time, and we want to build and earn quickly! Therefore, the shortest and most effective path to success in network marketing is to focus 100% on the business while starting up. Network marketing is a simple business. But only if you keep it simple! We are going to teach you things that you will not learn anywhere else. Our portfolio of training offers much more, based on our over 20 years of experience. You will read books, attend events and seminars and listen to audios and videos to develop and grow, so you can change your life for the positive, toward financial independence and freedom. Network Marketing is much more than a profession, it is a school of life with a constant learning curve - with the difference that you can get paid exceptionally well while still learning.

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