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No 04 • 2011


Catapulting DubLi into a New eRA The world of e-commerce will never be the same again

editorial new Top Auctions, the rolling out of the Partner Program, the creation and broadcasting of a DubLi infomercial, and much, much more, as you will see in this fourth jam packed edition of inside magazine. DubLi’s new Global Shopping Mall is a true revolution. The idea was to provide customers with the opportunity to shop online 24/7 for their favorite brands and earn Cashback on purchases, while enjoying the fun DubLi shopping experience. The Global Shopping Mall allows people from 214 countries to shop and buy products from over 400 leading US and UK merchants in their own language and currency, which makes it unique in the world of e-commerce. The DubLi infomercial is another innovation that has the potential to get the DubLi message out to 250 million people across the United States.

Welcome to the New DubLi eRA Over the last few months, we have been working hard preparing for one thing: Launching DubLi into a new eRA. This new DubLi eRA that we have been so diligently working on will not only change the shopping habits of millions across the globe, but also alter the very fundamentals of the international e-commerce industry as we know it. The new DubLi eRA began during the DubLi eRA event which took place October 22-23 in Vienna, Austria. The exciting, revolutionary event showcased the plethora of innovations we will be rolling out over the next few months to ensure DubLi is the best, most groundbreaking e-commerce platform the world has ever seen. Integrity was also given to the event and to the innovations announced by the presence of leaders from the e-commerce and IT industries, some of whom were even keynote speakers. This new eRA in DubLi’s history will see innovations such as DubLi’s new Global Shopping Mall, new levels of our Unique Bid auctions,

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In addition to focusing on the DubLi eRA event, this edition includes an interview with Mr. Alessandro Annoscia, our new Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Annoscia joined us from Groupon GmbH, where he led competitive strategies in Japan and built the e-commerce practice in Beijing. His wealth of experience and know-how has already helped strengthen and reinforce our growing international team. Also highlighted in this edition of inside Magazine are the women at the forefront of the DubLi revolution; women who have achieved, and continue to achieve, extraordinary success with DubLi. We are always busy designing, developing and conceptualizing innovations to give you the best, fun-filled, cash-saving shopping experience around. Get ready to be catapulted into a new DubLi eRA. The place is DubLi and the time is NOW. Sincerely yours, Michael Hansen







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Catapulting DubLi into

ew eRA


The world of e-commerce will never be the same again


e live in a world that thrives on change, a world that will not stand still for anyone, a world that is constantly in motion, adapting to the beings that inhabit it. As people we are obsessed with innovation, doing things bigger and better, pushing the fundamental boundaries of technology. We might not realize it, but constant change and innovation are essential, just as much for Mother Nature as for us humans. It is no wonder that we are so driven by innovation today. Even our most primitive ancestors, the first humans to walk this earth, were every bit as innovative as we are today, constantly developing new, inventive skills to help them survive. Just look at how much the world has changed over the last 20 years. Twenty years ago mobile communication was still uncommon, people listened to music on CDs, wrote letters on paper, and the World Wide Web was still in its infancy. The very ideas of the iPhone, online shopping and on-demand music would have been quite far-fetched, comical

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even, in the early 90s. As the first few web pages went live, people laughed at the idea of a global platform on which people could communicate and share information. “It will never catch on.� Even the biggest skeptics soon realized they were dead wrong. The Internet was changing the world as we knew it, and at an unbelievable speed. Imagine running a global business today without the technological advances of the past 20 years; no email, cell phone communication or the Internet. By making even the remotest corners of the planet accessible with the click of a mouse, the Internet has truly changed the way we interact and altered our social behavior and social norms. We now scour the Internet looking for the best bargains before we hit the street to go to brick and mortar store, we search for and stream music online before running out and buying a CD, and virtually communicate with friends and family via various social media platforms. It is safe to say we are very much in the middle of the digital era.

insight For several years, DubLi has been a driving force of innovation in the virtual world. DubLi combines everything people love - shopping for bargains, saving money on everyday household items, having access to a world class entertainment platform – with the opportunity to earn residual income all at one site. DubLi was born from the vision of Michael Hansen, founder of DubLi and chief executive officer (CEO) of MediaNet Group Technologies Inc. He wanted to create a powerful market player in the rapidly growing e-commerce market, and this is exactly what he has done. DubLi is a cutting edge platform that offers everything the modern heart could possibly desire.

Innov Over the past seven years, DubLi has constantly been developing and evolving and has become a leading entity in the e-commerce industry. The driving force behind this evolution is innovation. Through innovative thinking, DubLi has been able to adapt and offer exactly what customers want. With everything that DubLi has achieved and implemented over the last couple of years, you would be forgiven for thinking, “Where can DubLi go from here?” The answer is onward and upward as DubLi is showing absolutely no signs of easing up on the innovation front. In fact, DubLi has just been catapulted into a new and exciting era.

of cutting-edge innovations, which will not only revolutionize the entire e-commerce industry but also will make the business opportunity more appealing to current and future BAs and change the shopping habits of people across the globe. This new era commenced at the DubLi eRA event in Vienna, Austria, which was held October 22-23, and showcased the multitude of exciting innovations DubLi has up its sleeve and is ready to begin rolling out! What are the chances of being at the right place at the right time with the right company? Pretty slim you might think. Well, think again. The place is HERE, the time is NOW and the company is DUBLI.

The new DubLi era we have just entered will change everything – again. Of that we are certain. Over the coming weeks and months, DubLi will be introducing an array

Let’s now take an in-depth look at this awe-inspiring, innovative event, which will catapult DubLi and the world of e-commerce into a new eRA.

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vations by DubLi

The right plac

On October 22, the Trend Event Hotel Pyramid in Vienna, Austria, turned “DubLi.” BAs from across the globe had packed their bags and made their way to Vienna to ensure they didn’t miss the kickoff of the new DubLi eRA. Bright and early on Saturday morning, as the hordes of DubLi Business Associates took their seats, Dean Mannheimer, DubLi’s US country manager, officially opened the event by saying, “Welcome to the beginning of a new and exciting eRA.” This powerful statement began a weekend full of excitement. With spirits high, Mr. Hansen appeared on stage and was greeted with enthusiastic applause. “The right place at the right time,” said Mr. Hansen, introducing the motto of the event. Mr. Hansen began his presentation with an explanation of how the various innovations to be revealed during

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the event would catapult DubLi into a new and exciting eRA, an eRA that will have the power to alter the shopping habits of people from all corners of the earth. An array of innovations was introduced during the eRA event. Of the most exciting was the announcement of the launch of the Global Shopping Mall. DubLi’s Global Shopping Mall features 400 merchants and more than10 million products, and serves customers in 214 countries. The Global Shopping Mall automatically detects a shopper’s location through their IP address and shows the prices of the products in the shopper’s local currency. The Mall also offers shoppers “Daily Deals” in their specific Mall, giving them a reason to return on a daily basis. Starting December 1, 2011, ALL shoppers will have the opportunity to receive up to 30% Cash-

at the



“BAs from across the globe had packed their bags and made their way to Vienna to ensure they didn’t miss the kickoff of the new DubLi eRA. Bright and early on Saturday morning, as the hordes of DubLi Business Associates took their seats, Dean Mannheimer, DubLi’s US country manager, officially opened the event by saying, “Welcome to the beginning of a new and exciting eRA.

During the new eRA event, a new Top Auction with a value of $100,000 USD was revealed, followed by the announcement that a new “Luxury” category has been added to the Xpress Auction.

tertainment free of charge. This means that anyone who registers will be able to enjoy free music and DubLi’s search/play service that gives access to millions of audio files. Registered users will receive unlimited free access to play thousands of online games and unlimited free access to radio stations from around the world. Customers will also be able to create playlists, but won’t have the option to save their playlists until they sign up for one of the various packages. Associates in the room immediately identified this innovation as a fantastic sponsoring tool. As Mr. Hansen said, “Why would anyone say no?” Why indeed!

On top of this, DubLi also announced that starting November 4, customers would be able to use most of the features on DubLi En-

One highlight of the eRA event that had all those in attendance on their feet was the announcement of the DubLi infomercial. Mr.

back on their purchases, with V.I.P. members receiving an additional 7% annually. Various executives from multinational companies, including GlassesUSA, Shoebuy. com, Barnes & Noble, Overstock.com and LinkShare, were present at the eRA event and announced how excited they are to be partners of the DubLi Shopping Mall.

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Hansen announced that the DubLi infomercial would begin production in November 2011 and be broadcast to homes across the US beginning in early 2012. Members of Hells Kitchen, DubLi’s digital agency, were also present at the event and expressed how excited they were to be working with DubLi. The infomercials will undoubtedly create additional brand awareness of the DubLi name and unique shopping value proposition. An important feature that was also highlighted at the DubLi eRA event was the Partner Program, which alAn important feature that was also lows companies to use DubLi’s platform to build highlighted at the DubLi eRA event brand loyalty and brand awareness while simulwas the Partner Program, which allows taneously providing their customers with a fun companies to use DubLi’s platform to build and easy way to save money and earn Cashbrand loyalty and brand awareness while back on their purchases. Mr. Mannheimer and simultaneously providing their customers DubLi’s chief operating officer, Alessandro Anwith a fun and easy way to save money noscia, explained the benefits of the Partner Proand earn Cashback on their purchases. gram for potential Partners. They explained how DubLi would work alongside Partners to establish successful Partner Programs for their customers. The list of keynote speakers during the eRA event was just as impressive as the innovations that were announced. Daniel Cervantes, managing director of Microsoft Spain and Portugal, spoke about how the new innovations DubLi will be implementing over the next few months will affect digital economy. Bertrand Caudron is the owner and managing director of Digital Sherpa, a business development agency that helps customers from the interactive entertainment, online and digital new media industries. Mr. Caudron spoke about “Gamification,” which is a concept that uses game design techniques and mechanics to engage audiences or users and encourages them to get consumed by a website, a product or new technology. Gamification works by making technology more captivating, encouraging users to engage in desired behaviors, and by taking advantage of humans’ psychological predisposition to participate in gaming. The technique entices

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the potential


people to perform chores that they ordinarily consider boring, such as completing surveys, shopping, filling out tax forms, or reading websites. Moving on, the new director of DubLi’s Partner certification program, Ruben Bravo, digital marketing consultant at WSI, spoke about how Business Associates could maximize the potential of the Partner Program. Mr. Bravo also explained how WSI Digital Marketing would be developing a Certification Training Program exclusively for DubLi Business Associates to give them the necessary skills required in making the Partner Program a success for all. Tom “Big Al” Schreiter, a heavyweight in the network marketing industry, led a comical, yet informative training session on the network marketing industry. His training was based on decision-making and he offered valuable tips on how to successfully sign up a prospect. Michael Sander, founder of OBTAINER, was also welcomed on stage at eRA and explained the potential that lies in the Asian markets, especially for an e-commerce platform like DubLi. Keith Laggos, owner of Network Marketing Business Journal, then donned the stage and said, “In my 26 years as the owner of The Network Marketing Business Journal and 41 years in the network marketing industry, it is my opinion that DubLi has the most innovative business plan incorporating one of the strongest income potentials I have ever seen. In the process,

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The DubLi eRA event will forever be remembered as the launching pad for DubLi and the network marketing and e-commerce industries. With all the exciting announcements DubLi has made, there are no two ways about it; it is an awesome time to be part of the DubLi nation.

they bring great savings, convenience and fun to the retail customer.” Members of MediaNet’s Board of Directors, Blas Moros and Lester Rosenkrantz, as well as Chairman of the Board, Niels B. Thuesen, also took to the stage individually and spoke about what a bright, exciting and innovative future DubLi and the DubLi Nation have.

As you can see, the eRA event was characterized by innovation after innovation after innovation. Not only is DubLi on course to make waves in the e-commerce and Network Marketing industries, it is paving a new way forward, revolutionizing the way business is done over the Internet. The very presence of leading industry professionals such as Daniel Cervantes and Bertrand Caudron at the event proved that DubLi is on the verge of something major. Revolutionizing and being a trend-setting organization in the dog-eat-dog world of e-commence is by no means an easy task, but it is not a feat too tall for DubLi. The DubLi eRA event will forever be remembered as the launching pad for DubLi and the network marketing and e-commerce industries. With all the exciting announcements DubLi has made, there are no two ways about it; it is an awesome time to be part of the DubLi nation. Being at the right place at the right time with the right company is something that doesn’t happen often but this is exactly what DubLi is offering right now!

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The Partner Program helps organizations increase or complement their online presence and monetization models by leveraging DubLi’s multimillion dollar online and virtual product investment.

• The goal of our Partner Program is to create exponential traffic growth for our website and increase membership levels across the globe.

• The idea of the Partner Program is to create a win-win relationship with organizations where DubLi makes our complete platform and full range of products available to our Partners, while the Partners create awareness for the DubLi business model through a well-organized Marketing Plan

PARTNER PROGRAM DEPLOYMENT PHASES AND TARGET MARKET: In order to ensure an appropriate market introduction and testing of the assumptions for the Partner Program, we have created a three-phase approach that will help drive the momentum leading up to initial market introduction.

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“We want the DubLi business model to be known, respected and valued by a wide audience by partnering with good companies that can help validate the business model.�

1. PILOT PHASE: We are currently taking a major organization in Spain through every step of the deployment phase to ensure the process is free of flaws when full market introduction occurs. 2. SEEDING PHASE: November 2011 to March 2012: This phase started in June in Dubai. BAs have been given vouchers to redeem for the Partner Program. BAs will be given the opportunity to register their Partners using these vouchers without having to wait for certification. Partners have to meet minimal criteria to join the Program. 3. GROWTH PHASE: March 2012 and beyond: During this phase, we will establish a worldwide support structure to create leading positions in traffic, presence and member acquisition in each geographical market where DubLi is present. We will use all lessons learned in the previous two phases to create training, certification, support and content for the Partner Program.

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TARGET MARKET FOR PARTNER PROGRAM: Midsize to large companies can help drive online presence for DubLi. We want the DubLi business model to be known, respected and valued by a wide audience by partnering with good companies that can help validate the business model.


PARTNER PROGRAM GUIDELINES DURING SEEDING PHASE (NOVEMBER 2011 TO MARCH 2012): The Seeding Phase is only available to BAs that participated in the Vienna event. At this time and until March 2012, we will focus on getting the desired results from each Partner Program accepted. • The Partner Program’s focus is on organizations (corporations or individuals with branded names) and adding value to our technologies and investments by developing relationships with trusted and prestigious brands. We expect the Partner Program to help bolster DubLi’s image across the world as well as ease the BAs’ burden of signing up new memberships. • Any Partner joining the Program has to commit to an appropriate Marketing Plan to be used for launching the site. Partner Program sites will not be approved (go live) if the Marketing Plan is not approved by DubLi. • A minimum commitment will be required for each Partner in their Marketing Plan, which should highlight memberships, traffic, media presence, or any combination of those. Failure to reach the minimum commitment may result in cancelation of the Partner Program after a 6- or 12-month period based on the approved Marketing Plan. • Only Team Coordinators, Sales Directors, Vice Presidents and Senior Vice Presidents are entitled to register Partners for the Partner Program if the BA did not attend the Vienna Event, and after March 1, 2012, they must also be certified to be able to sell Partner Programs.

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MR. ALESSANDRO ANNOSCIA ON ALL THINGS DUBLI Please tell us about yourself: What is your age, marital status? Do you have children? What are your hobbies? Where are you from? Where do you spend most of your time? I am 47 years old and I was born in Venezuela to an immigrant family. My father was born in Italy and my mother was born in Spain. Both of my parents worked when I was young so my Italian grandmother raised me. I lived as an Italian citizen until I became a US citizen years ago. I came to the United States when I was 16 to start college. I arrived in Philadelphia and stayed in the US for about five years. Once I graduated, I went to work as a consultant for the company that became Accenture for seven years in the US, Venezuela, Brazil and Mexico. I met my wife at Accenture, where she also worked. After a year in Mexico, I was asked to work for Microsoft and start the seventh international practice. It was an amazing time and I went on to lead and open most practices in Latin America. We managed Latin America from Fort Lauderdale, which is where my wife and I had our three children – two boys and a girl. We moved to Seattle where I took on a worldwide role for Micro-

soft. My family is still there because my wife started to work for Microsoft but they are planning to move to Florida in June of next year when the school year is out and my daughter Bianca goes to college. I try to go to Seattle every two weeks. My wife and kids fly down to Florida sometimes and we try to spend as much time together as possible. Our hobbies include mountain biking in Whistler, Canada and skiing in Sun Valley, Idaho or Park City, Utah. As COO of DubLi, what kind of responsibilities do you have? My responsibilities are to stay very close to Michael and make sure that his vision is executed. Right now we think we have the product we want and an amazing value proposition because all of our members can keep doing exactly what they have always done and save money while doing it. We need to do a better job of simplifying the flow of the website. My job is to look at the vision and the product and try to improve it as much as I can in a very short time. What kind of experiences and expertise from your years with Microsoft and Groupon help give DubLi a global presence?

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Two concepts: “Build to last” and “Speed”. From Microsoft, I bring our ability to build to last. Microsoft was always about long-term thinking. We built franchises: Windows, Office, Exchange, SQL, XBOX, etc. And we always took a long-term look. We did not always look at short-term financial goals. Our goal was to take a good longterm vision and make sure that whatever we invested in had the proper organization and resources to allow us to create the best software platform on Earth.

them, I have been really passionate about the concept. We had a lot of fans in Silicon Valley and everyone understood the time was coming to create a better customer engagement model than the one being offered by regular online retailers. At Rackup, our problem was customer acquisition. It was too expensive so we decided to stop and spin off companies based on some of the concepts. The first spin-off was “Openbucks” and it launched at Techcrunch Disrupt 2011 in San Francisco.

At Groupon, even though I did not spend a lot of time there, we learned about speed. It was about making sure we had a worldwide presence faster than any organization in history and we did that.

DubLi completely bypasses the hurdle of customer acquisition by leveraging the DubLi Network as a customer acquisition engine. I think DubLi has the right business model to make fun shopping a reality with a powerful e-commerce presence online.

You were previously in a start-up that had a business model of “Entertainment Shopping,” can you explain more about what this is and how DubLi has put its own spin on this? I did and I am still an investor in the company named Rackup.com. We did gift card auctions and ever since I became involved with

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The ability of DubLi to invent key concepts like Unique Bid and Xpress and package great assets in virtual malls and entertainment gives us an exclusive business proposition that, when mixed with the explosive viral approach of network marketing make for a winning combination that we expect

will take us and the whole network marketing industry to the next level. Fun shopping at DubLi is not just a concept, it is a reality that little by little has been taking shape and gaining momentum. I feel fortunate and blessed to be part of this New eRA for the company and for the industry that we are about to change forever. DubLi has introduced new, fun ways for people to shop such as the Unique Bid and Xpress auctions. Do you plan on introducing more buying methods like these? How are methods like that created, approved and adopted? The creation is very simple. Michael has an amazing and pragmatic vision on how we will continue to create our own assets or package experiences for customers. As this time, we will start focusing on making our platform more scalable to absorb an increased amount of members while we use our creativity to simplify the flow of our site. Once we achieve those two milestones, we will move to create new assets. This will happen, as always, by Michael leading the creative process, the board approving investments and my team making it happen. DubLi has social networking strategies in place. It was also mentioned that there will be such things as podcasts and videos. What subjects will the blogs, podcasts and videos cover? Where can people go to access them? Are there any unique challenges with constant content creation? Right now we are really in the infancy of our potential. We just brought in a marketing director and social media specialist from Groupon and we will start approaching this in a methodical manner and ensure that we build the right muscle.

“We had a lot of fans in Silicon Valley and everyone understood the time was coming to create a better customer engagement model than the one being offered by regular online retailers.�

Creating a global presence for DubLi in numerous countries also brings with it the issue of language. What are the challenges of creating a multi-language website and sup-

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“Enjoy the ride while we build the absolute best value proposition on the web.�

port system? In what languages will DubLi be translated? Our biggest challenge has been Cyrillic and double-byte languages (i.e. Mandarin, Korean). Right now we are testing Cyrillic and if this goes well, we will be able to start implementing languages for Eastern European countries at an accelerated pace. Stay tuned! After launching the Shopping Mall platform in Spain and Denmark, what other countries will DubLi be focusing on next? We launched a Global Mall and we believe that our five country Malls combined with our Global Mall give us an exclusive perspective for online retailing. DubLi is the only Global Mall on the web and we are going to take our time, learn from consumer behaviors and understand how we can package a unique customer experience that will help us increase value. For now, before we open new Malls, we need to maximize the benefits for each of our properties. How do you come up with new strategies for DubLi, such as new marketing methods or new shopping/entertainment options? Are they mostly by committee? We do not have a committee. We are stabilizing all of the products announced during the past 12 months. We will now focus on optimizing customer and partner experience in the coming months while we prepare ourselves for our next wave of products and technologies.

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Michael will initiate that wave and my team will implement his vision of what the next milestone for the company should be. Are there some challenges that are unique to DubLi? Are they different from the ones you experienced when you worked at Microsoft and Groupon? At DubLi we are trying to raise the bar for the whole network marketing industry and at the same time, create a new customers engagement model for online sales and savings. The challenge at this time is to get enough strength to lead this revolution for us, our members, our BAs and the rest of the industry. Before there was Groupon, Silicon Valley or Microsoft, I learned early on as a consultant with Accenture doing projects for companies like General Electric,

“We prepare ourselves for our next wave of products and technologies.” Boeing, Nations Bank, PDVSA and Global 1000, that every company is unique. Every business model has challenges and every new venture is difficult, but I will always be able to draw from my experiences and what I have learned in the past. I know that at DubLi, the biggest skills I need are smarts, passion and the ability to adapt. We will write everything else while we enjoy this amazing ride. WHAT ARE DUBLI’S PLANS GOING INTO 2012 AND BEYOND? Enjoy the ride while we build the absolute best value proposition on the web.

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DubLi Global Shopping Mall

The Right Place at the Right Time


ou already know that the world of online shopping isn’t a new concept, particularly in the US, where many consumers turn to the Internet to find deals before venturing out to stores to shop. In fact, most consumers today are aware of the maturation of the US online market and this means the world’s most notable brands cannot ignore this growth. US merchants have no choice but to expand the size of their customer base in order to, at least, maintain their profitability and, at most, be able to continue to sustain any sort of incremental growth. US merchants must provide the opportunity for consumers from around the world to purchase efficiently and effectively from their stores. This is no longer an option, but rather essential. Fortunately for DubLi customers, Michael Hansen realized this several years ago and put the strategy for international shopping in place, first by connecting the Xpress and Unique bid auctions globally and then by implementing a plan to create the world’s first Global Shopping Mall. When Michael first conceptualized a Global Shopping Mall, even he had no idea what would be possible, but he knew it was imperative to serve DubLi customers from around the globe. With this in mind, Michael and his Shopping Mall team (also known as the “Mall Rats,” after the popular Kevin Smith movie) were up for THE CHALLENGE. The

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key consideration for creating the Global Shopping Mall drew from the biggest drivers of online shopping. Consumers want the convenience of shopping 24/7 in a simple process. Consumers no longer want to get in their cars, spend money on gas, park in an overcrowded parking lot or stand in a long line to check out. Convenience is a key factor in creating value. If a consumer can find something conveniently and easily, the site has already created value for the consumer. Price, of course, is a key driver and continues to grow in importance. In fact, the importance of price will continue to grow as global consumers are much more discriminatory about price as a factor in choosing where to buy. Among the considerations for consumers is how to differentiate one retailer’s offering from another when several carry the same product with the same description and images. There are so many choices, it’s so hard to make a decision and when many retail sites are indistinguishable from one another, the decision comes down to price. When it comes to global shopping, another important variable is shipping practices. Time is money and it’s not just the money consumers save but also the gratification of receiving a purchase quickly. THE RESULT: DubLi’s Global Shopping Mall On the morning of October 22, 2011 in Vienna, Austria, Michael had the privilege of unveiling DubLi’s Global Shop-

ping Mall, which launched a few days later. DubLi’s strategy has always been to offer our global customers access to all things DubLi on a localized level. So how does DubLi’s Global Shopping Mall accomplish this mission? One of the first catalysts for development was the increase in the number of US merchants who began shipping internationally in 2011. In addition, research determined that many European and APAC consumers were already shopping through UK merchants who, due to location, were able to deliver worldwide in a timely fashion, so the decision to commence the program with US and UK merchants was made. The final product is a Global Shopping Mall with over 400 leading US and UK merchants that ship to 214 countries around the world. To better serve DubLi customers on a localized level and to add the value of convenience, the DubLi Global Shopping Mall detects the consumer’s IP address and determines what country they’re in then shows them what products and merchants will ship to their country. When a search is performed, the DubLi Global Shopping Mall pulls the data from US and UK merchants then converts the price to the customer’s local currency and displays the price in the original currency. Even more exciting is the fact that many of the merchants allow consumers to shop in their local


language and pay in their local currency, which is an important feature for customers who want to feel more comfortable and secure in their online shopping experience.

ily around the world. Customers can also use this section to determine the possibilities for earning some extra income through the Customer Referral Program.

The development of e-commerce has also identified two distinct types of shoppers that you may be familiar with: men and women. Men are more likely to know exactly what they want and they want to find the lowest price regardless of which store has the product available. Women prefer to browse and search for the right color, style, design, etc. In addition, women are much more discriminatory about where they shop and usually have a few favorite stores they browse frequently for sales and new items. These habits were kept in mind during the development of the Global Shopping Mall and as such, in addition to the product search capabilities, customers can shop by store, category or country with the “Choose Online Store” button. New to the Global Shopping Mall is the “Shop by Country” section, which allows consumers to send gifts to friends and fam-

The Global Shopping Mall tracks purchases and eligible Cashback just like DubLi’s local country malls. The only difference is that on the Total Purchases page of your Shopping Mall account, everything will be shown in your DubLi portal currency. For example, consumers in Russia will see US dollars and consumers in New Zealand will see Australian dollars. This makes receiving Cashback more convenient. As if receiving Cashback wasn’t enough, in conjunction with the launch of the Global Shopping Mall, DubLi also introduced its Mall Daily Deals and Current Specials. In these new areas, consumers can find a variety of coupons, discounts and special shipping offers from their favorite stores. Many of the specials on these pages are exclusive to DubLi customers.While the world is now the proverbial oyster with DubLi, there are some facts about global shopping

“Even more exciting is the fact that many of the merchants allow consumers to shop in their local language and pay in their local currency.” that all customers need to be aware of, most of which have little to do with DubLi and more to do with government regulations and merchant terms and conditions. These are just simple facts of international shopping. For example, before shopping, every customer must be aware they are responsible for shipping costs, VAT, GST, customs and duties. In some cases, the merchant will allow you to include these fees upon checkout. Certain products, such as aerosol cans are not permitted to enter certain countries. Some merchants have weight limits on how much they will ship internationally. It is the customer’s responsibility to read each merchant’s international shipping policy and to be aware of the currency, shipping and customs requirements before shopping. Each customer is required to log in every time they intend to shop and complete all purchases online. If you are not logged in properly, your purchases will not be tracked and you will not receive credit for your purchase. While this is more the exception than the rule, it is also important to note that some of the spe-

cials, deals and coupons may not apply to your country of residence. Starting on December 1, 2011, every customer, regardless of whether they own a Smart Shopper or V.I.P. Member package, will earn up to 30 % Cashback on every purchase. Cashback will be available for monthly transfer to your DubLi Cash Organizer. Smart Shopper package holders will continue to receive an additional 5 % Cashback annually and V.I.P. Members will now earn and additional 7 % Cashback annually. You will see a few design modifications to the Shop by Store sections and Total Purchases page as a result. What’s in store for DubLi Shopping 2012? We can’t divulge all of our secrets. However, the Mall Rats have been busy working on improved search capabilities, new merchant relationships, improved user interface and enhanced personalization. Happy Shopping!

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Global Shopping at its Finest‌

A Real Life Experience

We were recently in the Boca Raton office for some meetings and had a chance to get acquainted with some of DubLi’s newest team members. One of those people was Petra, the newest member of the Shopping Mall team. Petra moved to Florida 17 years ago from her native Holland, where she left all her friends and family behind. Having just started with DubLi on October 3, we asked Petra about her first few weeks at DubLi and about her first impression.

shopping “When I started, the Shopping Mall team was only weeks away from launching the Global Shopping Mall which, naturally, piqued my interest as I do most of my shopping online for my family and friends back in Holland,” she said. “With the holidays approaching quickly, I decided to try my hand on the development site for the Global Mall. My first impression was that of complete amazement that so many great stores will ship to the Netherlands, especially since I usually have to shop at the Dutch stores to send gifts. I was really surprised by the choice, quality and flexibility of my new shopping opportunities and, of course, my new job too!” We decided to use Petra as our guinea pig and challenge her to do as much of her holiday shopping as she could on the Global Shopping Mall. We wanted to see how much Cashback she would earn using the new Cashback percentages and what shopping opportunities she could take advantage of using only DubLi’s Global Shopping Mall. Since she had not been back to Holland in a few years and her mother was about to celebrate a special birthday, she decided to take her husband and three kids to visit and surprise her mother. She sent the gifts ahead of time so as not to ruin the surprise but then made most of her travel arrangements through the DubLi Global Shopping Mall as well.





MOM Holiday Floral Arrangement

Pajama Set

Sequin Boots

PRICE: $138

PRICE: $55




DubLi Coupon

15% - DubLi15

Discount Code 40% OFF

PRICE: $175

PRICE: $117.3

PRICE: $33




CASH BACK $/£: $5.25

CASH BACK $/£: $5.87

CASH BACK $/£: $0.83

PORTAL: $5.25

PORTAL: $5.87

PORTAL: $0.83





Tent Canopy

Sheepskin Gloves



PRICE: $199

PRICE: £42.99

PRICE: £59




CASH BACK $/£: $5.97

CASH BACK $/£: £2.15

CASH BACK $/£: £1.48

PORTAL: $5.97

PORTAL: $3.38

PORTAL: $2.33

Skype Account


Hotel Rooms (2) for 6 nights


Airline Tickets*



PRICE: $1.954

PRICE: $4.343

GIVEN: 30%


$1.50 per ticket*

CASH BACK $/£: $18.89

CASH BACK $/£: $63.50

CASH BACK $/£: $7.50

PORTAL: $18.89

PORTAL: $63.50

PORTAL: $7.50

*(certain merchants pay a flat dollar amount per sale instead of a percentage as is the case here with Expedia who pays $1.50 for each airline ticket booked. Since Petra is buying five plane tickets for her family, she would receive Cashback of 5 x $1.50 = $7.50)

Monthly Cashback $116.91 Smart Shopper Package = Total Annual Purchase Amount=$7109.11 V.I.P. Member Package = Total Annual Purchase Amount=$7109.11

Percent given


Portal USD $355.46

Percent given



What’s the bottom line? Petra was able to purchase the highest quality, brand name gifts for her friends and family. She was able to do the same thing she does every holiday season only now, because of the DubLi Global Shopping Mall, she can shop at some of the world’s most famous stores conveniently and all in one place. She has done this every year since she moved to the US 17 years ago, with one key difference: She actually gets paid Cashback for all these same purchases! If she were a free customer, she would have earned $116.91, which is the cost of Christmas dinner for her family in Holland. If she was a V.I.P. Member, she would have still earned the same $116.91 monthly and then, at the end of her subscription year and meeting the Terms & Conditions of the V.I.P. Member package, she would earn an additional $497.64. That is a total of $614.55!

Need we say more?



he Circle of Champions features DubLi Vice Presidents or Senior Vice Presidents that show exemplary leadership, guidance and training. They are involved in presenting at DubLi events, training and leadership functions. They are actively involved with helping to expand

the DubLi Business Associate base, as well as the retail customer base. They demonstrate commitment and dedication to delivering the DubLi message and expanding the understanding of the value DubLi brings to all participants. These Business Associates represent the “best of the best� that all others strive to emulate. DubLi created the Circle of Champions to recognize these key individuals.

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DubLi is extremely proud and honored to present the Circle of Champions: MR. DEAN & ANGI MANNHEIMER








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Alice Wieser

Christel KjĂŚr

Pernille Høyer

Oxana Gorban

Olga Khasanova

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Ruth Hoefer


Equal Opportunity for Building a Global Business



n the traditional business world, there are often factors beyond talent and dedication that determine professional and personal success. People are told that they’re not the right age, that they don’t have the right amount of experience even if they have the relevant skills, or that they simply don’t fit the description of the ideal candidate. And sometimes, unfortunately, it’s simply a matter of gender. This is where the network marketing industry shines. As an industry that relies on communication and empathy to pave the path to success, network marketing represents fertile ground for dedicated women to achieve incredible prosperity. Their climb to the top remains unimpeded by the gender prejudices that may be seen in traditional industries and businesses. Gender inequality and the “glass ceiling” are alive and well in today’s world. The Pew Research Center says that women make up 57 percent of all college students and 46 percent of the total private sector workforce in the United States. However, just 2 percent of the CEOs in the nation’s Fortune 500 companies are women. Researchers

at UC Davis found that among California’s 400 largest public companies, men still hold roughly nine out of every 10 of the highestpaid management and board positions. In the European Union, only one in 10 board members is a woman and only three percent of chief executives are female. And even though more women complete upper and post-secondary education, European women, on average, still earn 15-18 percent less than men in comparable jobs, according to research done by EU Institutions. As a global e-commerce company that has sparked the entrepreneurial spirit of countless people, DubLi is proud to be a company that offers its business opportunity equally to everyone, no matter their background or gender. Being a part of the DubLi family means that success comes through a person’s own efforts and dedication, without any of the corporate obstacles in the way. Anyone with the right mind set and the right attitude can enjoy success. The six brilliant women you will read about have made their mark in the DubLi business and have goals with no limits. You can’t help but be inspired by each one of them.

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Ruth Hoefer is truly a family-oriented woman. She says her family is her, “sun and mighty fortress.� Ruth, who lives in Germany, believes each day is a gift of renewal and strength, and dedicates herself to success with her DubLi business.

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RUTH HOEFER “In November 2009, I got an email from Thomas Schmitz,” she explains. “It was an invitation for a business presentation. I realized that a new industry was entering the marketplace that was spectacular and secure because it was Internet-based and catered to a demand for shopping that already existed. Thanks to Michael Hansen, whom I greatly admire and respect due to his past performance and his vision, I am able to participate as a sales distribution partner in all income producing activities. The bonus plan, management and the support provided by Tom, Jörg and the Allstars Support team all convinced me to join DubLi. I decided on December 17, 2009 to start with DubLi full time and I was partly responsible for starting business development in Europe.” Ruth is no stranger to the network marketing industry. This year marks her 28th year in the business, 16 of which have been full time. “After my start with DubLi on December 17, 2009, there was no question where my path with DubLi would lead. With determination and focus, I reached my rank as a Sales Director after four months of daily international recruiting work. My personal goal is to achieve the rank of Vice President by late 2011. I dream of my property in the Caymans, and I know that I will realize that dream soon. I’m wholeheartedly with DubLi. I can already smell the sea air, hear the waves and feel the sand beneath my feet, so I give my best every day with regard to recruiting internationally. Everyone should get to know that DubLi exists. I use all avenues available to me online and offline, and of course the new and innovative tool called Autopilot 24, which Tom and Jörg made available for us.” As a Sales Director, Ruth is also her own customer. “Not only do I get maximum benefits from the ‘fun shopping’ experience, but the

entertainment center is an ingenious tool,” she said. “It allowed me, as a grandmother, to explain the latest technology on the market to my granddaughter. Before, she always explained everything to me when there was something new. Now it was my turn and she looked at me with wide astonished eyes. Today she is using the entertainment portal with great enthusiasm and tells her school friends all about it, and she has already created playlists by herself. DubLi is a win for everyone.” Ruth believes that the network marketing industry offers enormous opportunities for women who have not found equal pay or recognition for the same work that men do. “The direct sales industry boasts the highest number of women,” she said. “The reason for this seems obvious. In network marketing, right from the start, equality is guaranteed. Everything is paid according to merit. Women often become the stars and gravitate to the top to become top executives. The great thing about DubLi is that anyone can do it, no matter his or her age or gender. Anyone who feels motivated by our business model, has his or her heart in the right place, wants to escape the rat race and wants to put their future into their own hands will be able to fulfill dreams at DubLi. To have a goal in life, in my opinion, is so important. There are people who plan their vacations better than they plan their life goals. It is important for everyone to think about this.” For Ruth, having a goal is one of the most important things a person can do to achieve success. “Be who you are in everything you do,” she said. “Here at DubLi, your background and gender don’t matter. What counts is the here and now. You are what matters. Your direction and your goals at DubLi are what count. Be authentic. Look where you were three years ago, look where you are today, and then look where you want to be three years from now with DubLi. You can have everything you want.”

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ALICE WIESER “I got to know Astrid Hinkel from Germany on Facebook, and she enthusiastically told me about a new fun shopping mall that was being setup,” Alice said. “Since my husband was the manager of an international buying group in Austria, I wanted to get his opinion. He looked more closely at DubLi and was impressed from the start! That was our beginning with DubLi. Our meeting with CEO Michael Hansen and his wife Betina was a special experience that reinforced our decision to work with DubLi in a big way. In April of this year, I joined DubLi as a Gold Advantages Partner, shortly before becoming Sales Director. I work with my husband, who works with DubLi full time (he achieved Sales Director in eight weeks). Our operational structure is in Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Ukraine and the US. Every day our team gets bigger.” Alice said network marketing provides the perfect situation for women who are looking for careers that are rewarding and still allow them to spend time with their families. “Women are looking for a job where work and family can be balanced,” she said. “DubLi offers exactly that and, in addition, allows for a considerable passive income. Equality between men and women in the private business sector is a hotly debated topic. Women are still viewed in the classic role model of ‘mother and housewife’ and their pay is lower than that of men. There is no discrimination between the sexes in network marketing. Pay is based exclusively on performance. Social competence is in our nature as women. We can empathize with the situation of our counterparts and we are better listeners. The ability

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to understand the needs of people is extremely valuable in network marketing.” For Alice, DubLi is not a typical network marketing company because it sets new standards in e-commerce. “To be part of the largest shopping and entertainment community from the beginning and, at the same time, be able to profit from it in an ongoing fashion is a brilliant achievement,” she said. “To be part of developing a billion dollar business from the beginning is, for me and my family, the opportunity of a lifetime. My husband and I want to become the first Austrian Vice Presidents. I identify myself with DubLi in that I always carry or wear something from DubLi. No matter where I am or who comes to visit, I am constantly asked what DubLi is all about. In addition, I find Autopilot24, the automated training system by Tom and Jörg (DubLi Vice Presidents), to be borderline genius!” She also offered advice to those who are new to network marketing. “Empathy and personality are very important in this business,” Alice said. “You cannot take a ‘No’ answer personally. Just remember that every NO will take you one step closer to your goal. Network marketing is a quota game. Generally, after three NO answers, a YES follows. So if I want to have 10 YES answers then I simply have to get 30 NO answers! Knowing this makes it easier. And don’t let anyone ever tell you that you cannot do this! Anyone who has the will and the perseverance can make it to the top. Self-confidence and the ability to make decisions guarantee success.”

Alice Wieser, 35, lives in Austria with her husband, Anton Wieser, and two children. She’d been working for 16 years at the Employment Office (Arbeitsamt) when she went on leave to give birth to her son eight months ago. She began looking for meaningful side jobs where it would be possible to work from home so she could spend time with her family.

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Christel KjĂŚr, 37, lives in Denmark and thrives on her family and her work. With a husband who travels frequently for work and two children, Christel keeps busy by building her DubLi business and managing her family so that they all can spend as much time together as possible.

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CHRISTEL KJÆR “I became involved with DubLi after observing from the sidelines for more than two years,” she said. “My introduction to the company presented in a nice, calm way, which I very much appreciated. I also liked the vision of the company, but I must admit that I had a hard time believing it would be possible and that’s why I hesitated for so long. When I realized that DubLi’s vision could become reality I called the person who presented the business to me and arranged the start-up meeting myself! Shortly after I started with DubLi, I reached the rank of Sales Director within half a year. My business is still small, but I make a point to treat it like the large business it will become! Dubli has offered me the opportunity to build my own company even with limited time. My hobby is turning into an income that I am in control of and responsible for, and this makes me feel great about myself. Who doesn’t want to feel good about themselves and what they do?” Christel explained that it is her desire to create a better life for her family that inspires her. “My motivation is my family; being able to do what I want, when I want, and with whomever I want is very appealing to me,” she said. “My plan is build up a huge passive income to have more time with my family and options to choose from in life. As far as balancing work and family life goes, I make sure to plan work and family time and then I focus on sticking to my plan.” For Christel, DubLi represents a unique opportunity. “DubLi is different from other network marketing opportunities because it is entirely online, and what you’re doing is showing people how to get what they already buy but cheaper and faster and with Cashback among many other exciting things the portal has to offer,” she said. “I tell my potential customers to check it out and they will know! I love ev-

erything that DubLi has to offer, but I must admit that the Shopping Mall is my favorite. I love shopping and I love getting things at a good price without having to run around to find it. Life is precious and short, who wants to waste it browsing around the Internet?” She continued, “To me, everyone wants to listen to good music, and save time and money while shopping online. And who wouldn’t be excited about winning an auction? This is why I truly recommend DubLi to everyone I meet. I always make sure that my excitement comes across to the people that I talk to and the best way to do this is to SMILE! Other than that, I focus on being straightforward and simple. Anyone who takes the time to understand what is going on here will understand why more and more leaders join this company. I consider myself a student of life and try always to stay open and teachable, that way all lessons in life, professional or private, can benefit my business. Some of the best experiences I’ve had include seeing team members grow and succeed. Knowing I had a part in another person’s success is indescribable. ” Christel believes that the network marketing industry offers everyone involved the opportunity to grow. ‘ “Women have a natural talent for planning for themselves and others. Taking care of a family and taking care of a team require many of the same skills. We, as women, just need to think of ourselves as a valuable and natural part of the business world and not just people who must only be at home. Goals that you forget to write down are only dreams, but dreams that you write down become goals and will assist you in your daily business. Knowing what you want is a key factor in any success. Look at what is ahead and do today what it takes to be a part of that. And above all, never give up on yourself -- you are always worth one more try!”

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OLGA KHASANOV “I was introduced to DubLi in September 2010,” she said. “One of the major factors in my decision to join DubLi was the fact that the company is focused on e-commerce and it offered a variety of services and not a physical product, which was important to me. Now, I’m a qualified DubLi Team Coordinator, which took me about six months from December 2010 to June 2011. My previous experience in business helped me a lot in my DubLi venture by allowing me to better communicate with people as I was their first contact at DubLi. I learned to delegate and to manage, and through a number of challenges I learned to see any problem as an opportunity to be resolved. My sponsor, Vadim Komarov, and other partners were extremely helpful in my growth. They created a large DubLi Online Academy. At the Academy, people learn to build a business by utilizing the power of the Internet. They learn to be confident and to use web tools, and the result is a well-coordinated, knowledgeable team.” For Olga, DubLi isn’t just a business. She sees it as an enjoyable hobby and that means she spends a lot of time dedicated to it, both when she’s working and when she’s not! “My life with DubLi has been an immensely interesting and satisfying experience,” she said. “I’ve had contact with so many successful people and that has inspired me to try to achieve more in life. I enjoy working in a team, which I’d never really done before joining DubLi. For me, my future business plans include only DubLi. I plan to qualify as a Sales Director, and perhaps even one day be eligible to own my own home in the Cayman Islands with the top people in DubLi.” One of the things that Olga feels is a great advantage for women in the network marketing industry is how it allows them to use their strengths, without sacrificing who they are.

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“Women in business develop strength of will, tenacity, perseverance, toughness, and the ability to set goals and manage people, and those all help when you’re on the road to success,” she said. “The fact that, in network marketing, a woman can build a successful business without having to sacrifice her feminine qualities is a big draw. Women can use their experience, wisdom, and other abilities to maximize their potential in their business and that is an advantage in the network marketing business. I’ve learned that I’m a great team player. In my life, my communications were mostly one-on-one, not with groups. I saw the benefits of working with a team, where problems were divided and therefore easier to manage, and where success would inspire the entire team to help everyone move forward.” Olga believes success is something to strive for because life is short and being happy is the most important achievement. “It’s a good thing to have goals of being happy and successful,” she said. “I consider myself lucky that I have the opportunity to be both of those things. I’m happy when I’m doing something for my family, and I’m happy when I give joy to others. The natural state of my life is being happy. This positive attitude helps me achieve success.” She continued, “Some people forget that they can see things in a positive light, to be happy themselves, and not get bogged down by the negative. I want people to believe in themselves and not be afraid. That’s a very important part of success. Don’t be afraid to move forward. We are often afraid of changes in life and therefore sit still and do nothing to help us succeed. But that’s a fear we all need to conquer. Just look in the mirror, smile, and tell yourself that you deserve success and that you deserve to be happy.”

Olga Khasanov, 50, lives in Amursk, Russia, near the beautiful river Amur. She and her husband have two grown children and have jointly run a family business for many years. Their business in retail food sales through a network of stores had become routine and monotonous for Olga and she wanted something more.

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Pernille Høyer, a 42-year-old single mother of two daughters ages 14 and 20, lives in Denmark and is a woman who loves to spend time with her family, ride her Icelandic horses, cook, and travel. She was looking for new opportunities in her life when she came across DubLi.

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PERNILLE HØYER “I had quit my previous job as a Senior Account Manager working in one of the leading advertising agencies here in Denmark and needed time off to change direction,” she said. “So when DubLi was presented to me, I was doing a lot of research on women and business communities all over the world. I was planning to create a blogging website for targeted toward women in their 40s. Because I was open to new ideas and inspiration, I talked to a woman from the gym one day, and she invited me to have a look at this new online project. Because of my curiosity in e-commerce and projects on the Internet, I joined a DubLi meeting in December 2010. I knew from knowledge and experience in my old job that DubLi was something new, innovative and different from anything I had seen before.” Pernille continued, “It was at the launch of the German portal in February that I really realized that this was for real. I made it my primary job and put away the other site I was working on. The DubLi Network gives you an incredible opportunity. With three years of work, focus and wise business planning, I was able to create a pretty good business from this opportunity with people I like, the way I want it. I love teaching, leading and inspiring my team. We have great workshops! I believe that my business will grow in the most positive and successful way.” Pernille finds that her previous experience of over 20 years in the media and advertising field helps her DubLi business because it allows her to have a wider perspective than she may have had otherwise. “I am used to pitching and presenting to new clients for the agency,” she said. “Also, many years of experience as an interior/fashion freelance stylist working with concepts and media means I know how to create a trend and to communicate with customers through the press. Working on my DubLi business, my working life has changed a lot in a positive way. I work from home and I am much more mobile. I can be online and be everywhere


at once, and that is a totally different daily routine for me. I am lucky to be part of this company, and very proud too.” She continued, “I signed up on New Year’s Eve 2010. I was totally green when it came to network marketing, so from December to February, I spent all my time trying to learn, understand and do the right thing. During this period I also found many powerful resources that were available to me, including help from the team upwards in the system. I’m a Team Coordinator now. Some time ago, one of my male friends said to me, ‘Pernille, remember you are on the top of the mountain, always’. This was due only to the strong organization behind me. I have drawn so much help from the one built here in Denmark. Without my team, I would not have gotten to where I am now. My goal is to focus and work on building DubLi communities. I expect to build a large organization and customer base within the next two years. I’m motivated to become one of the most successful business women in Denmark.” On the DubLi opportunity and equality, Pernille said, “I believe that DubLi gives both men and women great opportunities to create and run their dream businesses. Women are the big users of the Internet and are using online media to share, communicate and shop. In traditional businesses, when working on deals and meetings with either directors or boards, women still have to deal with the fact that they’re working in a man’s world, because men still run the big scene. Women have to do things like men. But women could achieve success by doing things their way if they had the opportunity.” Pernille believes that in this business, much like in any other, you have to believe in yourself. “Believe in what you’re doing and go after your dream,” she said. “Believe in the power of the possibilities that are open to you. Positive thinking, positive behavior, and a positive attitude combined with belief in yourself will all help in transforming you into a winner.”

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OXANA GORBAN “I got into DubLi after Ruth Hoefer talked to me for three weeks,” she said. “I wanted to understand every nitty gritty detail and drilled her with questions. But when the beauty and originality of DubLi’s business concept was presented, all of my doubts disappeared. Since then, I have not had a single doubt about the clever decision that I had made two years ago. In September 2010, I qualified as a Sales Director.” For Oxana, more than 20 years of work experience in a creative business environment have shaped the way she approaches her DubLi business. In addition, leading a team of people from different backgrounds for many years has influenced the way she collaborates and communicates with partners and clients, finding common interests and overcoming challenges. “I am grateful to have worked in such a lively and exciting working environment,” she explained. “My experience at DubLi is paying off. It has been 21 months since I started with DubLi, and for 20 months I have been leading webinars in Russian and receiving very positive feedback. My webinars can be found in the calendar for business presentations on Dublinetwork.com. This is a great honor for me, but at the same time a big responsibility to be the Russian voice of DubLi. I carry out this responsibility with joy and I see the rapidly growing opportunities to effectively use what I have learned to help others.” Oxana continued, “I pursued an exciting career in design, but I was constantly reminded that I was out of place as a woman who dared to climb the ladder of success, shoulder to shoulder with men. I believe that women have a greater chance of becoming successful in the industry of direct sales. My natural qualities as a woman helped me find my way in DubLi, including communicating with people, and reaching out to them on an emotional level, listening to your intuition, and diligently striving for success. DubLi changed a lot in my life. My

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work desk is the world, and I communicate constantly with people who live half a world away from me. I’ve made amazing friends and have a team of professional women with whom I enjoy building DubLi.” The goals that Oxana has set for herself has directed her journey. “I walk this road to success, to financial independence and a life full of possibilities,” she said. “My true success story begins here with DubLi. The most memorable moments for me are the words of gratitude that I receive from guests of my webinars. Their words of thanks mean that I managed to communicate a piece of my fascination, knowledge and experience to my listeners. That is how our business grows. That is how my team develops, and that is the type of work I enjoy. There have been many challenges I’ve faced. Perhaps the biggest one was learning to not grieve over rejections but take each one as an opportunity to learn. “I wish a lot of success for everyone who makes the decision to start his or her own business with DubLi,” she said. “You should think about the potential that lies within you and fulfilling your dreams, whatever they are. Very often, the fear of failure is the biggest burden to our potential road for success. If we can remove that burden and face our challenges, then we can turn them into opportunities. That is as true for DubLi as it is for everything in life. If you believe that you can achieve something great in life and if your endeavors are motivated by grace, than that is already your first step on your personal road of success. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, ‘Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.’ No matter how hard it may be from time to time, do not turn around and leave your personal road of success. It is just the beginning and like everything great, it needs time to grow.”

Oxana Gorban was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, but since 1995, she has been living in Germany with her husband while her daughter finishes her MA degree in London. Oxana is a conceptual designer and earned her degree at The Design Academy where she pursued her PhD. After moving to Germany, she worked as an art director in a large advertising agency.

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DubLi Charity

DubLi Supportin In the past, DubLi has made charitable donations to causes such as the Jordin Sparks Foundation and Blessings in a Backpack, which feeds elementary school children in need. DubLi has donated over $25,000 to these and other charitable efforts, all in the name of giving back to needy children and families. We stand firm in our commitment to lending support to those who need it most and we also invite you to join us in the spirit of giving. Donations large and small can be made to our Charity Paypal account: giving@dubli. com and we will use 100 percent of your generous gifts to make contributions to various charities and causes that serve children and families in need. As author Henry David Thoreau once said, “Goodness is the only investment that never fails.” And we couldn’t agree more, which is why we will continue our efforts to make the world a better place, one donation at time.

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ng the Less Fortunate

At DubLi, we understand the importance of giving back, so in addition to providing our customers with endless opportunities to save money on their everyday purchases, we also are committed to helping children and families who are less fortunate.

Charity PayPal account: giving@dubli.com page 55


DubLi on the Small Screen DubLi.com has developed, in association with Hell’s Kitchen, an award-winning New York-based advertising agency, a long form direct response TV advertising campaign, with an accompanying marketing strategy and media plan that will allow DubLi.com to raise awareness of its brand in the US and ultimately drive traffic to DubLi.com. Michael Hansen, DubLi’s founder and president, explained why DubLi decided to make this investment. “In a time when the economy is making headlines throughout the world, everyone’s looking for ways to save money,” he said. “Today’s consumer is constantly seeking advice, tips and expertise for ways to stretch their dollars. Because of this, books, videos, blogs and even the evening news shows are filled with recommendations to help consumers navigate this new economic environment. In this new era of belt-tightening, who better than DubLi to provide a solution for ways to save on household expenses - without having to change consumer habits? Who better than DubLi to take this message to the airwaves?” The goal of this campaign is to introduce consumers to the new tools and strategies that DubLi offers its customers. DubLi has decided to use a talk show format to highlight how real people are saving money and improving their bottom line. Mr. Hansen explained that, “We wanted to produce more than just an infomercial. We wanted to create intellectual property that can be used throughout various marketing platforms and organically spread the DubLi message beyond the TV screen.”

THE CONCEPT DubLi will be introducing “The Deal”, a 30-minute lifestyle show that features the latest and greatest tips, advice and tools to help viewers get more out of their house-

hold budgets. The first episode of “The Deal” will begin airing in early 2012. The Deal’s co-hosts will introduce their viewers to a new way to shop and save online. Our hosts will introduce viewers to DubLi’s growing community of money savers, and will demonstrate the revolutionary online tools DubLi customers are using to stretch their dollars. With the help of special guests that are authorities in their fields, as well as members of the studio audience, this 30-minute episode will demonstrate, in clear and entertaining ways, how DubLi is changing the way we spend money.

THE MEDIA PLAN The Deal (DubLi’s talk show) will reach over 25 million people an average of 5 -12 times per quarter (20–48 times in 2012) in its highconcentration online shopper markets and will reach 250 million people nationwide via awareness ads on national cable. The Deal will follow high-profile local network affiliate and national cable programs that attract large numbers of our target audience (women and men, ages 25-34 with household incomes in excess of $35,000). The show will have a budget of $2 million in national support in 2012, and substantial viral coverage via social media.

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Unique Bid Auctions We are at it again! We have added new levels to our Unique Bid auctions to bring our customers the most impressive, extravagant and amazing products. No place else in the world can customers save up to 99 % on products such as a brand new BMW or even $20,000 in gold.

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If you are unfamiliar with our daily offerings for our Unique Bid auctions, allow us to provide you with a bit of an overview. We offer shoppers brand name products from all of the most popular brands on a daily basis. Say you are looking for an Apple product – we’ve got it. Looking for the new Kindle Fire? We’ve got it. Perhaps you are interested in a new laptop, piece of jewelry or even silver, platinum or gold – got it, got it and got it! Each of these products or types of products can be found on our daily Unique Bid auctions. And all you have to do is place the lowest unique bid and the product is yours.

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“All you have to do is place the lowest The next level of our Unique Bid auctions is our top auctions. This is where we offer items you could only dream of owning before. These auctions are valued at up to $20,000 (USD) and could be anything from a diamond-embellished Cartier watch to a FIAT 500 convertible.

In addition to the top auctions, we’ve just added our ultra-top auctions. The value of these auctions is up to $100,000! Stay tuned to see what luxurious items we’ll be offering in these exciting auctions!

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unique bid and the product is yours.” Last, but certainly not least, is our ultimate top auction where the value of the auction could be up to $1 million. Imagine saving up to 99 % on $1 million! These auctions are certainly out of this world and you will be over the moon as we will be offering items such as a trip to space for two or even a new home. Could you imagine being the awardee of one of these exceptional auctions? Your odds of winning the lottery are way less than successfully placing the lowest unique bid for one of these ultimate top auctions. So rip up all of those losing tickets and make these dream auctions yours.

“We’ve got it.” page 61

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per referred member. All DubLi is a unique shopping and entertainment experi- Sign up for a V.I.P. Member pack- V.I.P. Members can parence where you can find age, refer your friends and family ticipate in the program great deals and a plethora of to DubLi, and watch your cash by completing a form products and entertainment rewards start to pile up. It’s so on DubLi.com and submitting the names and options to enjoy. But did you simple, it’s so rewarding! email addresses of the know that you can also earn cash rewards by sharing the DubLi experi- people with whom they want to share the ence with others? When you talk about DubLi benefits of the DubLi shopping experience, to friends, family and anyone else you know, as well as the exciting entertainment opand show them all that DubLi has to offer, you tions. Using the “Invite Friends” link under the can receive cash when they become mem- Customer Referral heading in your Member area, you can refer up to five people at a bers with our Customer Referral Program. time to become V.I.P. Members. You can The process is simple. Here’s how it works: As even track your invitations and see their staa DubLi V.I.P. Member, you can earn mon- tuses by clicking on “Invitation History.” Want ey by referring new V.I.P. Members. As the to know the payouts that are coming your person who does the referring, you will get way? No problem, just click on “Rewards” 5 Euros/USD/AUD deposited into your Cash to see when your cash will be rolling in. Organizer for every referred V.I.P. Member who signs up and holds a subscription for 30 Although only V.I.P. Members are eligible to days. Then, for every month your referred use this program, customers who aren’t V.I.P. members maintain a V.I.P. Member pack- Members can still take a look at the “Invite age, you will receive €2 or $2.50 USD/AUD Friends” area when they are logged in to

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see how this feature is set up. To benefit from the Customer Referral Program, however, you must purchase a V.I.P. Member package, which should be an easy decision given all of its perks. Sign up for a V.I.P. Member package, refer your friends and family to DubLi, and watch your cash rewards start to pile up. It’s so simple, it’s so rewarding!

* Important note: The referred customer must hold the subscriptions for 30 days in order for the referring customer to be paid. Payouts are on the 15th of the month following a 30-day subscription held by the referred customer(s). Payments are processed to the V.I.P. Member’s Cash Organizer.

page 63


DubLi contributes to St. Mary-Basha Catholic School, Chandler-Arizona

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Cole Gottschalk had the opportunity to meet Mr. Michael Hansen in the earliest stages of DubLi’s development in North America thanks to his grandfather, Dean Mannheimer, North American country manager, and grandmother, Angi Mannheimer. Still only 13 years old, Cole has already been exhibiting much of the business savvy of his grandparents. He appealed to Mr. Hansen, through his grandparents, to match 50 percent of the funds he was going to raise in a charity fundraiser for his school. The school had 483 students who raised $130,000 through their efforts, $7,000 of which Cole raised. Mr. Hansen, always dedicated to contribute to good causes and especially those for children, donated the 50 percent match. All of the funds are to be used exclusively for the children. Thirty percent goes to their technology department, 60 percent goes to improve the school’s curriculum, as well as the facilities of the school, and 10 percent was slated for the expenses of putting on the event. The school was founded in 1944 for students in kindergarten through eighth grade. This fundraiser is their major source of income for most of the improvements and projects, while the tuition covers the day-to-day expenses. We want to send our congratulations to a remarkable young man in Cole Gottschalk for a tremendous effort for a great cause.

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SPARFINDER.COM - SPA GIFT CARD - 80% SAVINGS My name is Sergej Sachnyck and I would like to tell you about a recent experience my girlfriend and I had. We like to spend time in spas and during our summer vacation we used the spa gift card that I had bought at more than an 80 percent discount on DubLi. We relaxed in one of the best spas in the world, the Six Senses Spa, for much less money than it would have cost us normally. It was awesome! https://eu.dubli.com/500-spafindercom-Gift-Certificate__3e_19158?BArefno=7205015

3D PANASONIC CAMERA - 80% SAVINGS Compared to other stores, I paid 80 percent less for this highquality 3D Panasonic camera. I was pleasantly suprised at the recording quality and especially the price. And it came with an international guarantee and free delivery. http://global.dubli.com/Panasonic-HDC-SDT750-3-DCamcorder__3e_4587

SAMSUNG NEXUS - $485 SAVINGS While you could pay up to $500 for a mobile phone, I bought the Samsung Nexus for just $15 in the Unique Bid auction. Now I always have a computer with internet in my pocket. This was the best purchase I have ever made. From now on, I will only shop on DubLi. https://global.dubli.com/Samsung-Nexus-S__3e_39021

KINDLE BY AMAZON - 99% DISCOUNT ON DUBLI My brother and I love reading. Now that we have purchased the Kindle by Amazon at a 99 percent discount on DubLi, we enjoy it even more. The interesting thing is that e-books are cheaper than printed versions. We couldn’t believe how much money we saved and it is all because of DubLi. https://eu.dubli.com/Kindle-DX-Wireless-Reading-Device__3e_19163? BArefno=7205015

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DubLi Network is proud to announce all of the newly qualified TL1´s, Team Coordinators, Sales Directors and Vice Presidents. You have all shown you are true leaders and have done a great job. page 71





Tamas Oszter


Christel KjĂŚr


Laszlo Bansagi


Sergey Kazantsev


Istvan Cvianov


Alexander & Elena Mynko

Czech Rep.

Eduard Lehr


Elena Bychenkova


Irina Shaleva


Natalya & Viktor Yandolin


Taisia Ponomareva


page 72



Adolf Maier


Marina Vasilieva


Aleksandr Rizun


Matriz Solutions


Alena Komarova




Alexey & Elena Vershitel


Nadya Sitnik


Andrey Gribov


Natali Tonkonogova


Andrey Verkholetov


Natalia Ivanova


Andrzej Debski


Nelly Pantus


Ann Kate Øhrstrøm

United States Nikolett Barabas


Anton Kuzmin


Nina Kazantseva


Anzej Eferl


Nina Smirnova


Arnold Oftenes


Olga Kuzminyh


Beng Teck Ten


Ophelia Voskanian


Edit Nanai


Otto Jakkel


Elena Bykova

Czech Rep.

Oxana Shmeralova


Eniko Hodosi


Sandor Szabo


Ervin Eveli

Czech Rep.

Sergej Solomatin


Evelin Edina Vodl


Tamas Jaszberenyi


Gabor Czvianov


Thomas Conseil


Gyongyi Bansagine Aradi


Viktor Matusevich


Igor Konoplev


Viktor Yandolin


Jozsef Fritz


Viktoriya Kezina


Laszlo Bansagi


Vladimir Stepanishin


Lykke & Peter Boa


Yuriy Timoshenko


Manfred Praschk


Zsuzsanna Magyar


Marina Klimkina


Адам Эскиев

page 73



Adam Lorincz


Evgeny Badyanov


Agnes Szabo


Feliciano Moreno Ruiz


Alexey Ilyukhin


Ferenc Bakacs


Andras Posztos


Gabor Fedeles


Andrej Novak


Gabriella Nagy


Ann Sommer


Gabriella Orosz


Arpad Robert Dr Suveges


Galina Krikun


Attila Istvan


Georgios Gotovos


David Kien


Gyongyi Bansagine Aradi


Dmitriy Dambaa


Hans Frebel


Edina Kocsis


Ilya Dyachenko


Ekaterina Krestyannikova


Imre Pollรกk


Elaine Ten


Irina Kuzmina


Elena Gvozdeva


Istvan Peterbencze


Elena Ivashechkina


Janos Kocsis


Elena Konopleva


Jochen Kostial


Elena Kosenko

United States Joszef Pal


Elena Mikho


Judit Zsuzsanna Torok


Elena Murashkina


Kriszta Kelemen Kedves


Elzbieta Czekan-Debska


Laszlo Bansagi


Erneste Carla Zimmermann


Laszlo Bansagi


Ervin Eveli


Laszlo Cseperkalo


Eszter Magyar


Laszlo Hegedus


Evgeniy Mihalchik


Luis Avila Sanchez

page 74


Makhabat Batyrkanova


Say Art Ten


Manfred T. Fassl

Czech Rep.

Sergej Solomatin


Markus Rüdiger


Sergey Pimakhov


Marton Gyimothy


Sergey Verkholetov


Michael Hey


Sergey Yuskov


Mirjana Czerman


Sky Ten


Natalia Kaziuchitc


Tamas Denes Dr Szabo


Nataliya Yanchenko


Tanya Nodset


Natalya Belan


Tatyana Milchevskaya


Nellya Borodina


Tibor Bicskei


Nikita Lishin


Valentina Polman


Nikolay Kozarenko


Veronika Vamosi

United States Nikolett Barabas


Viktor Buevich


Noemi Fritz


Viktoria Venczel


Otto Jakkel


Yuliya Kurakulova


Peter Barta


Zbigniew Mazurek


Raisa Hlavitskaya


Zsuzsanna Magyar


Regina Kaposine Orosz


Вера Гридасова


Rinat Sharifullin


Илья Дьяченко


Robert Hiendler


Ольга Кобелева

page 75



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