Inside Dubli Mag - The Tiger Roars 2/2015

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Roar$ TheTiger


Welcome to


Dear Valued Business Associate, We welcome you to this, our newest edition, of Inside DubLi and to the future of all things DubLi. Never before in the history of our company have we experienced such excitement, opportunity and such substantial growth. A testament to this growth was our first quarter of fiscal 2015 where we earned more revenue than all of 2014 as a result of continued strategic focus on selling more V.I.P. subscriptions. We attribute this astounding growth to our hyper-focused Business Associates on building their organizations, consumer acceptance of our Cashback model and economic trends that support DubLi’s overall business model. DubLi remains in a unique position in the global ecommerce sector as we are the only true pure-play global Cashback provider. This, coupled with our own on the ground sales force in DubLi Network, and our co-branded Partner Program provides the recipe for success. No other company can reach the global consumer as DubLi can and certainly not an educated customer base. Our worldwide appeal of new Business Associates who see the opportunity in both Cashback shopping as well as the Partner Program is second to none. In fact, we are proud to announce that DubLi currently hosts Partner Programs in over 40 countries around the world. Partners both large and small have experienced the unique value proposition DubLi brings to the consumer audience. 22

DubLi’s business model empowers the consumer, the Business Associate and the Partner to participate in their financial future. As our valued Business Associates around the world know, a new era has arrived where smart consumers only want to be exposed to offers that speak directly to their current interests, likes, wants and needs. They want to be treated as individuals. This is why the DubLi business model works: Business Associates speak the language of their prospects, consumers are afforded a myriad of shopping and travel opportunities to meet their own unique likes, wants and needs and Partners benefit from offering our valuable product to their constituents. Regardless of whether a Partner identifies their audience as a consumer, donor, volunteer, customer or member, at the end of the day, each is an individual consumer in some way, shape or form. Throughout this edition of Inside DubLi, you will see a variety of tools and concepts presented including tips for cultivating long-term customers, how to maximize your Partner Program relationships, the new DRC24seven system and a host of success stories from Business Associates around the world. All of these articles set the stage for DubLi’s future success. We are pleased to announce the next worldwide event will be held in September at the magnificent Atlantis, The Palm in Dubai. This event will feature three days of networking, education and fun as well as several presentations from DubLi’s management. Management will unveil several strategies regarding the company’s next phase of growth, new developments and new highlights that will undoubtedly help our Business Associates around the world take their businesses to new levels. There is more information detailing the event within the pages of this magazine so please read on. With warmest regards, Michael B. Hansen Founder of DubLi and Director





CONTENTS fEATURES Ecommerce in India


CAREERS Jarvis Cho, Japan




Partner Program



DubLi Social


Dubai Summit 2015

Online Marketing

Customer Service


Kristian Hoenicke, USA




Timothy Ong, Singapore



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FEATURES • Inside DubLi

China was long the synonym as the Asian economic superpower, however, over the last decade, India is just as much on the rise. While The People’s Republic of China is known as the leading manufacturing hub of the world, India has grown into a major player in the global market, showcasing tremendous growth within the IT, telecommunications and ecommerce. The rising Internet penetration, younger population, and an upwardly mobile middle class are boosting growth in digital retailing throughout India.

India - Asia’s Next Superpower


The Tiger

Roar$ 7

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While India is still evolving in ecommerce, similar to the Chinese market during 2005, the Indian ecommerce industry is expected to reach $22 billion this year. All these key components contribute to DubLi’s innovative business model and will help to build a substantial brand image. And -- this is an enormous opportunity for Business Associates to understand how you too can capitalize on these favorable trends. MILLENNIALS (AGE 18-36)







THE HOME TO 1.2 Bn pEOplE,



hat makes India so interesting? India is one of the most intriguing emerging markets in the world today. Home to 1.2 billion people, India is ranked the fourth biggest economic superpower, after the USA, China and Japan and ranks fifth among the top 30 emerging markets for retail. India is demographically viewed as a very young market with 52% percent of its population under the age of 25. This generation of “Millennials or Generation Y” (18-36) is India’s largest population segment and the vast majority of smartphone owners. In comparison; in the US, Millennials make up 77 million people according to Nielsen Research. In India the Gen Y demographic is 624 million strong or 8 times bigger than the US! And 75% of all Indian Internet users are

in this age group; those who shop more than the balance of the population. The megatrend of our age is the rise of this new consuming younger class, which has long been regarded as the periphery of the global economy. There are over 150 million middle-income households on the South-Asian subcontinent, thus being the largest middle-income group in the world. The service sector makes up 56.9% of GDP, followed by the industrial sector at 25.8%, and agricultural sector amounting to 17.4%. And better yet, the full potential is still unexplored and unexploited. We are only at the very beginning of what could be the biggest ecommerce market ever in the history of the world.

primary reason is the exponential growth of Internet users, which soared from only 7 million users in 2001 to 20 million in 2004 to almost 250 million in 2014 and is likely to reach 370 million this year. India already has the third largest Internet user base in the world and the highest incremental growth of any emerging market. India’s Internet user base grew more than 5 times between 2005 and 2011, while during the same period, for example, Malaysia’s Internet user base grew 1.8, and South Africa’s grew 1.9 times respectively.

To understand the mammoth potential of e-tailing (aka online retailing) in India, let these numbers illustrate the growth potential of the ecommerce sector in the country. In 2014 Internet users in US amounted to roughly 280 million and in India, as already mentioned, to Unlocking the Potential: 250 million. While in the US the Internet penRapid Technology Adoption etration as a percentage of the total population India offers all the “spiced-up ingredients” for that uses the Internet was 87% in India it was a dynamic online business marketplace. The only 19%. And India’s likely Internet penetra9

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a McKinsEy sTudy


MOBILE USERS 2013-2014


tion rate of 28% in 2015 will be far less than the projected world average of 43%. Due to the sheer size of the population and huge growth of new Internet users, this means that India would be the second-largest Internet using nation in the world, after China and will beat the US this year. There are more Internet users than people who have completed primary education. In other words: virtually everyone is accessing the Internet, regardless of their educational level. While the Internet had spread relatively slowly after the turn of the millennium, it was initially accessible only in urban areas to the English-speaking (upper) middle class. But from 2010 onwards, a nationwide mobile Internet movement decreasing data rates and cheap Android-based devices (approx. 75 USD Dollars) resulted in tremendous growth allowing access to a daily growing number of potential customers. Thus, the majority of India’s Internet users are likely to be mobile-only subscribers, while the growing 3G/4G proliferation is likely to reduce connectivity costs and overcome the challenge of limited fixed-line connections. After the explosion of mobile phone users to more than 800 million over the last 10 to 15 years, the mobile Internet usage is a power10

ful ecommerce force multiplier. A McKinsey study projected that three out of four, or 75%, of all new Internet users in India are expected to visit the Internet using mobile devices. According to the statistical data, the number of data connections grew by 111% in 2012 and by 63% in 2013. During the period between 2013 and 2014, there were 910 million mobile subscribers. Virtually all the new Internet users are “mobile-first” or “mobile only” users, which use the Web exclusively via mobile phone.



This is even more important in rural areas of India, where the coverage of fixed-line connections are much less than that in the urban area. Furthermore, a large portion of the population lives beyond the six metro cities. As far as online shopping is concerned, some items would likely never been sold, as one would have to travel thousands of miles to the nearest city. Tapping into markets that are difficult to reach in India is a huge potential for the ecommerce business as up to 40-50% of online sales comes from the non-metro areas. Nevertheless, the Indian Government has ambitious plans to provide broadband connectivity to the villages, the gram panchayats, i.e. to all parts of the country, at a cost of $4 billion. The target date for completion of the National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN) is set for June


FEATURES • Inside DubLi

Inside DubLi • FEATURES

2016, as the NOFN is key to various “Digital India” initiatives. Similar to the creation of “Smart Cities,” the large scale digitization of all government records and the Digital “Shaksharta Abhiyaan” or the National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM) will prove beneficial. These key initiatives will translate into a significant contribution to GDP. It is just a matter of time. India is truly poised for growth as a digital destiny.

Flipkart, Snapdeal and others already demonstrated tremendous potential in India. DubLi joins the mix with an international experience as well with local market knowledge. Unlike other ecommerce companies in India, DubLi is not competing for a market share within the ecommerce landscape. While the majority of other ecommerce players in India are struggling to generate traffic on their private-label websites, DubLi’s customers can still shop their favorite brands on sites they know and trust. There is also no need to tackle a hypercompetitive pricing environment, since DubLi is about earning industry-leading Cashback and, thus, saving consumer’s money making it a much more competitive offering.

The Indian Internet economy will be comparable to many developed countries such as the US and Japan and will have even larger impact on the Indian nation in the near future. Once simply labeled as “web presence” or “technology,” the Internet is on a journey to transform lives of more than half a billion people, by bringing people and businesses together to change society. While mobile phones are revolutionizing the way consumers live, they are also helpdubLi’s Leadership Perspectives and Key ful in determining the ecommerce demands Advantages in India and needs more than ever. It’s not just about having an ecommerce platform; it is crucial Consider this: DubLi is not tapping into a new to meet customers where they already are: on market; ecommerce companies like, their smartphones, i.e. the mobile web. As

mentioned earlier, smartphones are the most influential driver of ecommerce in India, as they are a staple of everyday life in almost every corner of the world. More than 13% of all online shopping transactions occur via mobile devices today, and this number will surely expand as the number of smartphone users is expected to grow at a CAGR of 91% from 2012 through 2016, i.e. from 29 million to 382 million users. This is a huge potential customer base to build on. With DubLi’s mobile-friendly website, and soon to be released mobile app, there are no hurdles towards enjoying a simple and rich online shopping experience. There are a lot of challenges other ecommerce companies’ face in India, which DubLi, thanks to its unique positioning, does not have to address. Consider product and market strategies like product portfolios, competition in pricing, warehousing, inventory, distribution, logistics, etc. paired with high costs threatening already wafer-thin operating margins. The above mentioned requirements will have an impact on the

existence of every other ecommerce company in India. To showcase this in numbers: For every 100 Indian Rupee spent online, Rs 35 is spent on supporting services like warehousing, payment gateways, and logistics, while delivery costs account for another 8-10%, which results in ecommerce players struggling with efficiency and suffering profit margins. This is also one of the key advantages DubLi has in the Indian market which will accelerate shopping growth and BA’s success at an immense speed. DubLi is a facilitator of online retail. India’s ecommerce B2C ecosystem is made up of 70% online travel and ticketing including booking of airline tickets, railway tickets and hotel bookings while 25-30% account for non-travel related online commerce. DubLi covers the demand of the B2C online market with its Travel portal but also fits perfectly into India’s B2B e-commerce market, which far exceeds Business to Consumer transactions. DubLi’s Partner Program is especially designed for companies and organizations of any size to

indian inTErnET



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co-brand its global Cashback travel and shop- cessory brands and collections that are not available within her local area. The Dubping ecommerce platform. Li Shopping Mall is a leader in international India’s growing ecommerce industry is also an shopping and features exclusives stores that employment and/or a direct selling business ship worldwide. However, DubLi’s local Indiopportunity for various demographic groups. an Shopping Mall features the top Indian merThe “Active Aspirers”, those up to 22 years of chants like, Flipkart, Snapdeal, Jaage, are digital natives and avid users of social bong, eBay, LensKart, Homeshop 18, YepMe, networking sites and entertainment-related CBazaar and BOOKadda and several hundred content and seek career related-information on other popular merchants. the web. Even though most of them have limited disposable income, they like to shop online “Late Learners,” those over 55, use the Interand spend a lot of time searching the net to find net to learn about online shopping. Although not too tech-savvy, this group has high spendgood deals and discounts. ing power and is beginning to embrace ecomThe “Social Shoppers”, comprised of 25-55 year merce. “Data Discoverers” accounting for more olds, tend to use social forums and online chat than 50 million people, mostly use their mobile


70% prOFEssiOnal prOs

nOvEl nETWOrKErs

acTivE aspirErs

sOcial sHOppErs

EnTErTainMEnT EnTHusiasTs

india’s ExpOnEnTially

phones for research rooms regularly and and to discover useful have a significant shopGROWING ECOMMERCE INdUSTRy IS and information ping power. They like ALSO AN EMPLOyMENT ANd/OR A dIRECT data online that could have to shop for air travel SELLING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITy fOR a practical and positive and holiday packages vARIOUS dEMOGRAPhIC GROUPS. impact on their lives. and are on the lookout Over 280 million usfor music and other eners will dominate this tertainment content. DubLi’s Indian Mall includes many important demographic segment by 2018. Together with travel-related sites such as, Yatra. the Entertainment Enthusiasts, who will make com, Emirates, Etihad Airways, Qatar Airways, up 95 million users three years from now, they are the most influential group to watch. MakeMyTrip and Priceline. The emerging middle income segment, the “Novel Networkers,” is dominated by females, who use the Internet actively for shopping and also as a medium to research fashion and ac14

The last of the demographic segments are the “Professional Pros,” who rely on the digital world as their primary source of information, with 70% of them being digitally influenced in

laTE lEarnErs

their product purchase cycle. Their interest in online shopping is led by convenience, saving time and effort. Approximately 15 million users will belong to this group by 2018. Efficiency and productivity are the primary focus of this sophisticated segment, for example using the Internet to pay bills via mobile banking. One of the biggest trouble spots for ecommerce companies in India is the method of payment, with Cash on Delivery (CoD) being most popular. While most ecommerce players are just launching their eWallets, DubLi already has a proven and established payment and transaction system. Cashback earned on the DubLi portal will be deposited to the DubLi Cash Organizer and from there either to the bank

account through the eWallet or DubLi Prepaid Debit MasterCard. India’s Emerging Ecommerce Market Provides Opportunities for Growth According to Google, approx. 35 million people are now buying everything from apparel to electronics, cosmetics and furniture from online stores, compared to 8 million online shoppers in 2012. By 2016, the online shopper base is expected to grow considerably -- almost three times to 100 million. Although the US still remains the largest ecommerce market with an estimated sales volume of $206 billion in 2016, the industry is growing at a far slower pace (2014: $196 bn, 2015: approx. $201 bn). 15

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Google has also estimated Indian ecommerce to surpass $30 billion by 2020, from only $6 billion today. These figures are projected on the estimation that the Indian retail market would have a size of $1 trillion by 2020 and a 3-4% ecommerce market share in online retail. Online jewelry sales in 2013, for example, amounted to only $0.08 billion, that is 0.2% of all offline sales worth $44.92 billion. Offline fashion and footwear in the same period reached $42 billion, while its counterpart in online sales made up only 1% of all sales or $0.5 billion. According to a 2011 published Report by Avendus Capital, a leading Indian Investment Bank specializing in digital media and the technology sector, the most important equation, which indicates the total sales dollar value of the Indian ecommerce market will be the following: In 2016 the estimated number of Internet users will be around 400 million. The percentages of Internet users who visit ecommerce sites are approximately 60%. These numbers multiplied by the percentage of visitors who buy at an estimated conversion rate of 2.9% in 2016 and multiplied by 1.7 orders per buyer per month gives the number of orders per month, which is expected to be 12 million in 2016. The number of orders per month multiplied by an average order value of $60 in 2016 (in 2013 it was $31 and in 2012, $18), gives an annualized gross merchandise volume (GMV) of $8.5 billion in 2016 (2013: $2 billion). The significant jump in average order volume is due to a penetration of new categories like jewelry, baby care, home décor etc., which have been traditionally influenced by women decision makers. Another factor for increased order value is the fact that the users are becoming more comfortable buying higher priced items online than 2-3 years ago. In December 2012, tech giant Google initiated the Great Online Shopping Festival (GOSF), India’s own version of “Cyber Monday.” The Monday after Thanksgiving has not only be-


accOrding TO gOOglE,



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THE signiFicanT juMp


come the most important online shopping day in the United States, but in India as well. Taking the concept of Cyber Monday to India’s ecommerce landscape created an industry wide initiative that attempted to boost online shopping in India and to offer users special deals and discounts on lifestyle, electronics, books and media, home and kitchen, groceries, mobile apps, automobiles, and real estate that they can find on the web on a single day among major online players in the country. Basically, the most important key driver of ecommerce business in India are the increasing broadband Internet (technology innovations), the rising standards of living and a growing, upwardly mobile middle class with high disposable incomes (economic conditions), busy lifestyles, urban traffic congestion and lack of time for offline shopping, (consumer behavior) as well as the huge, young consuming class (demographic changes). The Millennials, the early evangelists of the Internet in India, will become older and continue to be active online, having more income and will transact more online in three years from now. Inevitably this will lead to the next wave of ecommerce growth and is expected to give a momentous rise for DubLi’s direct selling business opportunity. dubLi Brings Best Practices to the Indian direct Selling Industry DubLi promotes the highest standards in business and brings best practices to the Indian direct selling market. This is immensely important as a lack of regulation within the direct selling industry (aka network marketing industry) in India until recently has been a breeding ground for fraudulent companies and Ponzi schemes, and they still exist in a pretty large numbers in the country today. Besides the lack of regulatory clarity, the major driver for illegal pyramid companies is the fact that modern di18


FEATURES • Inside DubLi

sTandards in BusinEss


rect selling actually proliferated in the mid-90s post economic reforms, when the country encouraged foreign direct investment and developed the service sector. Today, the major players in the Indian direct selling industry sell mainly products related to wellness, personal care, homeware and household durables. The consumer base is mostly female, which is indicated from the fact that cosmetics have been found to be the second most popular product category capturing a 30% market share, right behind wellness products, which consumers preferred the most (34%).

keting companies. Because of the substantial cost involved in product or service development, traditional direct selling companies face thin margins as the result of a discount society, but are still rather high-priced than similar or same products on the retail market. DubLi is unlike any other network marketing company. DubLi’s ecommerce platform is the place where “things are happening anyway;” customers shop 24/7 and look for the best deal and savings. There is no need for market, customers and competitive analysis or designing innovative, cost-effective products, and developing sophisticated marketing tools, like other traditional network companies need to do in order to sustain.

DubLi’s business, with its global shopping mall and travel portal as well as attractive Cashback with every purchase is practically determined to take off, driven by a real existing customer market with no need to change existing consumer’s habits, everyday behavior and beliefs or Moreover, due to the facilitating nature of its persuading them to buy a specific product. business, DubLi can focus on customer service and BA support, career plans and education, The era of new technology in the form of empowering individuals to improve their insmartphones, tablets and touchscreens, backed come and quality of life. DubLi’s ecommerce by an expanding Internet penetration and in- platform is perfectly adapted to the needs of formation available on the World Wide Web the new technology and customer’s demands. has given nearly all direct selling companies challenges in terms of keeping and acquiring a The direct selling industry is a form of miloyal customer base and developing an interest- croenterprise that allows an improvement of ing and unique product and service portfolio. one’s economic status through hard work and Digital technologies have reshaped retail and free enterprise, stimulating individual crethe way consumers search for products, ser- ativity and personal responsibility by being a vices and best deals. In order to be able to hold self-employed distributor. DubLi provides the product exclusiveness , traditional direct selling entrepreneurial opportunity to each individucorporations are forced to invent new products al regardless of his or her social and financial every year as the retail market is swept by all status. In many emerging economies, like India, the product trends (e.g. special creams, super- self-employment in the network marketing infood juices, energy drinks, household durables) dustry is a lucrative career opportunity due to at much more competitive prices, which were very low start-up costs, especially for women. once a “monopoly” domain of network mar- Women are the real engines on a global scale 20


Inside DubLi • FEATURES

of the network marketing industry, making up the majority of all direct sellers. DubLi makes it possible for women to have it all – a family and a career – making her a customer at the same time. The Big Picture Ecommerce is one of the fastest growing sectors in India today. Ecommerce in India is likely to reach $6 billion in revenues by 2015, a 70% increase from a year ago. The Direct Selling Industry in India is growing at a robust rate of 20% per year. During 2011-2012 around 80% of the direct selling companies grew at double-digit rates. In comparison, in the US the direct retail sales grew 5.9% in 2012. This year, the network marketing industry is estimated to reach approximately $2 billion. By 2020, it is expected that 325 million people in India will reach working age, among the largest in the world. During the same time period the rest of the developed world will be faced with an aging population. A welcoming market, a huge population with high disposable income and a labor force of billions hungry for opportunity

FEATURES • Inside DubLi

as well as the Millennials or the Generation Y —over 600 million—will be the main focus for (online) retailers in India. The long-term winners in the network marketing industry will be the ones who use the existing infrastructure and don’t need to enter the low price arena, like DubLi. Since the global recession in 2009, consumers spend much less on themselves, since their personal balance sheets decimated as their retirement plans and real estate have lost much of their value. Combined with high unemployment until today, retailing (and, of course, also online retail) has gone through major changes. Savings and special deals are “the new normal,” and businesses who do not respond to this new reality, will be rendered obsolete. The way consumers shop, where they shop and when they shop has entirely changed the retailing landscape. Moreover, the Internet has provided transparency, information and options that enable consumers to shift demand rapidly to retailers and brands that they prefer. DubLi has recognized those transformations and trends, and has acquired the brands, resources and value proposition to be positioned effectively in the global ecommerce market.

E-commerce revenue growth in India in bn USD




These major factors will increase DubLi’s magnitude in the in the e-tailing space in India as well. Asia’s next superpower is poised for an exploding growth in the next 3 to 5 years, and DubLi is perfectly positioned as a facilitator of ecommerce to take advantage of its mammoth potential today.


The hybrid business strategy (B2C and B2B) of DubLi ensures full ecommerce market coverage, a clear and sustainable competitive advantage to adapt to environmental changes and to build customer loyalty now and in the future.


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In early April, DubLi Network launched a landing page program available to all Business Associates. Landing pages are the most effective and efficient marketing system for building and expanding your business. The new DRC24 system was created exclusively for DubLi Network. This new system will make your recruiting efforts much simpler. Landing pages are a focused and customized sales pitch, specifically designed to encourage your visitors to take an immediate action while having the ability to increase your conversion rates significantly.



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Why You Should Use Landing Pages? Online marketing that uses landing pages typically sees a conversion rate improvement of at least 25%. How do landing pages do this?

er incomes than you ever dreamed possible.

homepage. Landing pages allow you to track and report your success on a real-time basis guiding you to use your time and resources more efficiently. The accuracy of reporting is greatly enhanced by using multiple landing pages by virtue of the fact that you have no competing information on the page.

One of the most critical aspects of this conversion marketing technique is message matching. Maintaining message momentum is easier when you are not directing your visitors to the homepage where they might not be able to find their area of interest but rather are directed exactly to When someone lands on a homepage, they have so where you want them to be and to where they many potential pathways that it’s easy to lose track are most likely to act. of them when they wander off topic. If you have to mention each promotion on your homepage it will Testing multiple versions of a separate landing get messy quickly. By using a landing page, you can page is much simpler than trying to change a dedicate the entire page to a single purpose.


The system is available with a FREE 7-day Trial Version for you to experience! You will be amazed at your success rate!

Grow your business faster which translates into greater earnings for you! The DRC247 system will allow you to grow your downline faster, enhance your customer base and, ultimately, generate more earnings. With the exclusive DRC247 team building system, you will maximize your career path. Take advantage of the tools to generate high-

Get immediate access to the Premium Package with one of these options:

6 Months: €97 - $130 12 Months: €147 - $196 24 Months: €197 - $263 (Prices are displayed in Euros and will be converted to US$ based on the daily currency exchange rate. This package is not commissionable in the DubLi Network Compensation Plan.)


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What is included in the Landing With an account, you are now able to send all your contacts a variety of capture pages that do Page package? The new landing page program is an all-encompassing system that allows Business Associates to send landing page links to potential prospects and then provides a full follow-up system, online videos, presentations and a variety of valuable resources to help track, maintain and manage contacts and prospects. There are a variety of landing page options for to choose from depending on the prospect, prior interaction and communication and the prospects level of interest. The system has automated emails built in as well as ongoing webinars that allow Business Associates to track how much time a prospect spends in your personal system. 28

all the talking for you. Once a landing page has been sent to a prospect, the system itself takes over. Interested parties are contacted with automated emails, created by DubLi, and are assisted with pre-recorded multimedia presentations. This proven system has been shown to increase Network registration rates by 50% from cold calling while saving up to 60% of a Business Associates time in the process.

Several personalized landing pages are available for your use. Just direct your marketing efforts to one of these exclusive pages. As soon as a prospect enters their contact details, they will be forwarded to an online presentation while, simultaneously, their contact details will be stored in your contact management

system and marked with the corresponding status. Furthermore, you will be notified via email about every new prospect who registers on one of your landing pages. In addition, you can share your landing page links on social media platforms and thus attract new customers with a simple click of your landing page button. Professional webinar recordings, hosted by DubLi Network Leaders are integrated into the automated webinar system. You can play the webinars to your audience over and over again as if it were a live webinar. The best part is that at the end of the webinar your prospect will only see your DubLi Network sign up page and can take immediate action. In addition, the prospect will only see your contact details if they should still have

any questions, 100% personalized for our valued Business Associates. The system is a professional administration and management of tool that saves the Business Associate not only valuable time but also ensures that no contact is forgotten. The contact management area allows you to keep an overview of your prospects, guests and any other contact that has visited your page. You can always review your prospect status, personal notes you have entered and the automatic correspondence history so you can always keep track of how your discussions have progressed and what information has been exchanged with each individual prospect. The landing pages employ responsive web design so you can view your account from any smartphone, tablet or computer whether you are on-the-go or at home. 29

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You will be notified automatically whenever a new prospect registers on your personal landing page or has started watching the online presentation. You will also be notified once a prospect has watched at least 90% of the online presentation. This way, you will immediately recognize your “hot” candidates.

prospects are periodically contacted with readymade emails. The aim of this always is to encourage the prospect to call you, attend an online presentation, webinar or an informational meeting. Statistics show this measure converts up to 10% more prospects into active Business Associates. As a special feature to the online presentations you can see how long a party has viewed the preAlways keep a seamless overview of your contacts, sentation, which is not possible for a DVD or a prospects, guests and partners – even when you YouTube video. So you can immediately better are recruiting at lightning speed. Those who have assess the quality and interest of your prospects. immediate access to their important prospect information win them over at just the right mo- Among other tools, you can easily manage your ment of interest. leads and traffic by individual landing page template, traffic sources and banners and there Your prospect status, personalized notes and are many tips and tricks available. There are automatic correspontools available to help dence history show AMONG OThER TOOLS, yOU CAN EASILy generate and monitor you instantly which tracking of your leads information you have and traffic. already shared with ANd TRAffIC By INdIvIdUAL LANdING your prospect – even Using the system is PAGE TEMPLATE, TRAffIC SOURCES after an extended periquite easy. However, ANd BANNERS ANd ThERE ARE MANy od of time. should you require assistance in using the TIPS ANd TRICKS AvAILABLE. The system includes new system, online a Time Management education is available tool that reminds you from the moment you automatically to contact someone at a date in the first login to your account. Advertising banners future. In addition, the calendar allows you to and materials are already available for your use as store dates based on how you assess the serious- soon as you login. There are a several variations ness of the prospect in order to maximize your of banners available for your selection. Expand recruiting time. A prospect is on vacation and your reach with just one click and embed the wants to be called again in 14 days? No problem! banner on any site. You can easily program the The appointments reminder automatically in- system to notify you automatically when a new forms you of this contacts related appointment. prospect has entered one of your personal landFurthermore, the appointment management tool ing pages and started viewing online presentasaves the prospect in a way that allows you to as- tion. sess their individual level of interest. This way, you avoid wasting precious hours. The system comes fully equipped with a call-back system which notifies you via email of requested The automated email follow-up system allows call-back and also allows you to schedule the callyou to move the prospect to next stage in the sales back. You preselect the possible call-back times process to a call with you or to visit an online pre- so that the prospect can only choose from time sentation. The emails have been customized with slots that are most convenient for you. our Business Associates and the DubLi Network business in mind so your prospect will feel that Please go to your back office or directly to the email was written directly for them. The system also allows you to customize your targeting with various filters. The follow-up system is like your own virtual personal secretary. Undecided and SIGN UP TODAY!

ManagE yOur lEads


12 exclusive marketing tools WIdE vARIETy Of AdvERTISING TOOLS PERSONALIzEd LANdING PAGES











This event will be unlike any other event in dubLi’s history-and will showcase ThE Opportunities of the century! We hope you will join us for three powerful days of networking, information and lots of fun! Management has already begun preparing for this event which will include numerous strategic developments to help you build and grow your organizations worldwide, history-making


e are thrilled to announce that dubLi Network will host, what is sure to be, its

news and information that will change the face of Cashback shopping around the globe and

most epic event ever from September 18-20 at Atlantis,The Palm, Dubai.

significant training and knowledge base concepts that will undoubtedly knock your socks off.

Dates: September 18-20 Venue: Atlantis, The Palm Price: $395 Ticket includes: • 3x all-day access to the event to hear all of the ground breaking announcements • 3x Lunch buffet & 6x Coffee Breaks • free Merchandise Gift • Raffle Ticket – good for amazing prizes! • World Class Network Marketing Training from Industry Leading Legend

We expect tickets to sell out fast, so get your tickets now on

Inside DubLi • CAREERS

CAREERS • Inside DubLi


“The great thing about network marketing is meeting great minds; networking with people that have same passion in life.”

Success Profile

JARvIS ChO How long have you been in network marketing/direct selling and what made you I have dedicated all my energy to serving peo- come into this industry? Describe yourself in 3 sentences.

ple, creating value and building team of people who have big dreams. I believe all people have dreams and goals in their lives but taking action and working together, collaboration and caring for one another on a human level are the keys to success. I want people to feel they are special and have leader to guide them towards a direction that create happiness in their lives; as a business coach and entrepreneur. I want to make people realized their inner strength, empower themselves and make them create Virtual Values to Serve others.


Your favorite shopping area at DubLi:

I have been Network Marketing for more than 10 years, not only as a distributor but also as a business consultant. The great thing about network marketing is meeting great minds; networking with people that have same passion in life. In order to best attract the right people into the business, your self-image, mindset and branding is crucial. This industry is all about leadership. My thinking on leadership is not to tell people what to do or follow but rather to guide and direct people towards the same goal and then guide them through the process.

My favorite shopping area with DubLi is the travel portal. I travel a lot and having Hotels. com and Expedia provide great savings for me.

How did you hear about DubLi? What made the DubLi Network opportunity so appealing to you? 37

Inside DubLi • CAREERS

I heard about DubLi from my good friend, Jerry Chen and we decided we wanted to work together to change people’s lives. Moreover, with our strength and relationships in Asia, we are determined to open to countries such as Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and China, etc in the future. My vision is to have this great business opportunity throughout Asia. I see the great vision to have a Japan Mall open soon. I am determined to have the people not only in JAPAN but also throughout Asia enjoy this great business model of Cashback!

Which parts of the DubLi Network business do you think have the potential for the most growth in the future? W hy? The DubLi Network business is not like most traditional network marketing businesses. If we think about the business model, we are focusing to create more value and Cashback to the customer. DubLi Network creates a way for individual to start a business and is great “Messenger” and “Leader” for individuals who want to start their own


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business. Starting a business is not hard but we must treat this business as a Million Dollar Business, take care of it and treat it as any REAL BUSINESS. During this growth phase of DubLi, we have the opportunity to become a driver of our lives to expand into new markets, creating new shopping malls, customers, Business Associates in different countries.

print for success. Through this process I am determined to meet the requirements for DubLi to OPEN A JAPAN Local Mall within 2015, creating additional value in the Japanese market!

How has the DubLi Network business opportunity empowered you? What milestones have you reached in your DubLi Network career so far and what are the next milestones you are going for?

Each day I encourage my team to read and understand the core values of the DubLi Network business. The core value is not to become a sales person as we giving away great saving and Cashback to the customer. All consumers love to shop, travel and get more Cashback. As a Leader, I want people to understand the core value and essence of the DubLi business. As a messenger, I create webinars, offline meetings and events to spread the word about DubLi’s Cashback business.

The DubLi business has empowered me to become a great leader and to care for and guide others. This business is all about leadership, taking action to serve others. Serving people is not becoming their support center but serving others to realize they, too, can also become great leaders. Thus far, I am Sales Director with DubLi Network and I want to create more SD’s in the business, showing them the blue-

How do you handle/manage your DubLi business on a day-to-day-basis?

What drives you and how do you motivate your team? I coach and teach my team that they are special and that they are responsible for their own destiny. Coaching people to realize they live in borderless society and anything they can perceive they can achieve. Motivation within the mind is better than teaching people how to do something. In each of the webinars I host there is only one message I want people to know: “YES!! I CAN DO THIS!!” giving them the confidence to pursue their dreams. I try to moti-


Inside DubLi • CAREERS

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vate people that they are special, anything they do in life they can Succeed with the RIGHT PEOPLE and the RIGHT BUSINESS, and the Business is the DubLi Cashback business.

Who has been your greatest mentor in your professional life? Why? My greatest mentor is my father and my own life experiences. I am a people person and action taker and truly believe life is all about experiences. Through the process of life experiences people gain the knowledge and wisdom to master their future experiences. Do not be afraid to take action, break away from your comfort zone and create value for other people. Through the process you will gain additional life experiences and become your own life mentor and coach.

How important are personal values in success but also shared with a great team and life and business? To which ones do you business partners. hold onto and why? Describe how you lead by example. When you look out 5 years into the future where do you see yourself and Trust is the key to success to any business. When your DubLi Network business? you can trust people, you can fulfill your work and goals. Once you have trust with other people you can create a great people business and leadership within the business. Trusting people and giving them responsibility to fulfill a task and a job well done is the basic principal of building trust.

I see myself leading people and sharing the life experiences I’ve had with a massive amount of people not only in Asian but also around the globe. I want to share my experiences on how I created different shopping malls in Asia and globally, starting new projects and developing a great shopping and saving environment withWhat do you do to celebrate new in the Asian market. I am very determined to achievements or successful days? OPEN NEW Local Malls especially the first I celebrate my success with family and friends. Asian market, JAPAN! This will be my first In any business success is not only your own milestone in my DubLi Business. 40


Inside DubLi • CAREERS

Describe yourself in 3 sentences.

Success Profile


“Success cannot be defined without failures.”

I am passionate and courageous about my work. I have a strong mindset and set of self-beliefs. I try to always stay focused, steady and consistent in my personal and business career. I like to meet different people and new cultures and learn from them.

Your favorite shopping area at DubLi: My favorite area at is the Shopping Mall. My favorite store is

How long have you been in network marketing/direct selling and what made you come into this industry? I have been business minded since childhood. I am from rural area in India, where we used fly kites for fun. I would build my own kites and sell them in an MLM structure, even before I was aware of network marketing. In a more formal sense, I started my network marketing career in 1998, as a freshman with Amway. To date, throughout my journey, I have been involved with many products and ecommerce-related companies both over the short and long term. The knowledge I gained, both good and bad, has positioned me perfectly for a strong contributor to network and digital marketing. My past has guided me to making the right decision and choosing the right company today.

How did you hear about DubLi? What made the DubLi Network opportunity so appealing to you? I first learned of DubLi from an old business partner. The day I heard about it, I did some research about DubLi and found that this is the company in the midst of an ecommerce revolution. With a technical background, I found it very easy to work this business. The DubLi platform, where we help online consumers save money on their daily expenditures without changing their habits, just makes sense.

Which parts of the DubLi Network business do you think have the potential for the most growth in the future? Why? The DubLi Partner Program has the most potential and has a good future. The Partner Program allows for-profit and non-profit organizations to generate revenue without any extra infrastructure or overhead costs. A Partner can 42


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use their existing resources to create revenue and enhance their brand within their own market. In other words, the Partner Program is a simple and smart way to increase business and brand image within the Partners market with a minimum amount of effort and time. The Partner Program provides a large scale business opportunity in a professional manner.

How has the DubLi Network business opportunity empowered you? What milestones have you reached in your DubLi Network career so far and what are the next milestones you are going for? Throughout my networking journey, I have struggled to find the right platform to showcase my personal values such as self-belief, passion, courage, inclusiveness and consistency. DubLi has empowered me to define and showcase these values to a global audience. This is my greatest win. Using my core values, I have been successful in building an optimistic and dedicated team in India and abroad. As a result, I have found financial freedom and the power of internal leadership skills. My life principles are my values. As a result, I have been successful in reaching “Sales Director” and the “Founding Member of DubLi Network India” recognition during 2014. further engage my leads. I don’t consider myself either full-time or part-time in my DubLi Moving forward I aim to teach and train my business, but rather it’s all-time, because I am DubLi team, which I call my family, similar connected all the time via online tools and sysvalues so that they, too, can mirror my success tem. These tool and systems make my life easier in their DubLi career which, in turn, helps me and comfortable within my DubLi Network and my whole DubLi family to achieve all the business on a day-to-day-basis. wonderful benefits and recognition provided by having a DubLi business. What drives you and how do you moti-

How do you handle/manage your DubLi business on a day-to-day-basis? I chose DubLi as an online digital franchise business system and I have an IT and ecommerce background. I prefer to handle my DubLi business in a simple and smart manner. Typically, I use free online marketing tools and techniques to recruit like-minded business people into my organization. Once I receive an initial response, I use telephonic prospecting to 44

vate your team?

Again, my personal values are the key drivers in my life and in business. I would like to duplicate similar values within my team. I try to keep my team motivated by demonstrating the right vision and long-term business focus. I support them by providing insightful knowledge and education about the DubLi business model and help them to design their success goals, per their individual needs. I teach them about how to maximize their investment in the

easiest way. I encourage both moral and mental strength. I help them direct their future based on their own goals and milestones. I believe in 80% relationship and 20% business.

Who has been your greatest mentor in your professional life? Why? My greatest mentor in my personal and professional life is our main creator “Allah” and his principles of peace. Secondly is my family. Without the grace of Allah and the support of my family it would not have been possible reach the level of success I have reached today in both my professional and network career. My main mentors for DubLi success are Mr. Thomas Schmitz, Mr. Manmohan Singh Talwar and, my sponsor, Mr. Sunil Pant. They have guided me each step of the way in my DubLi business development. I learn a lot from them; get great guidance and needful support from all of them. 45

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How important are personal values in life and business? To which ones do you hold onto and why? Describe how you lead by example. As mentioned, my personal values are very important in both life and business. Values define attitudes and act as behavioral anchors of each person. Audiences always trust and believe based on the individual values of a person. One of the most important values that I hold onto always is belief in self and consistency. In my DubLi career I am always consistent with my business development. In an uncertain business environment, I keep myself and my beliefs focused on my goals and objectives. This helps my personal branding within the market and has helped me to reach the success I have achieved today and to build excellent team. This has also helped me to earn more respect from my team and DubLi management.

What do you do to celebrate new achievements or successful days? Whenever I am happy or achieve success, I always first remember almighty “Allah” and my family. Secondly, I share my gratitude with my mentors and the team who helped me to achieve success whether directly or indirectly. I celebrate my success peacefully. I like to devote my time to my family and team. I enjoy healthy food parties and believe strongly in donating time to help local charities.

When you look out 5 years into the future where do you see yourself and your DubLi Network business? I want to see myself as a brand ambassador and an example for my personal values to the whole world. I want to be a successful creator for my whole team. I’d like to see every one of my team members earning a minimum of $1000 per month through their DubLi business. I want to convert my 5 years in to my team members 5 years. Obviously, if my team is successful that means that I, too, have been successful in all aspects of my DubLi business.



Inside DubLi • CAREERS

CAREERS • Inside DubLi

Success Profile


Describe yourself in 3 sentences. I had a job once, when I was a teenager. Ever since then I’ve been a serial entrepreneur, running everything from a publishing company to an internet startup to a lawn maintenance business and many others. Although easily distracted by reptiles of any kind, I am known by my peers to be a hard working, committed family man. I live in Florida with my beautiful wife Kristin and our sons Kole & Karter.

able to anyone (job), or not being in direct control of my own financial results. I saw successful network marketers in my community living amazing lives full of financial and time freedom and I knew I could write my own ticket with this kind of a model.

How did you hear about DubLi? What made the DubLi Network opportunity so appealing to you? I don’t recall how I first heard about DubLi but

Your favorite shopping area at DubLi: I remember it was years ago. At the time, I had AGE: 47 RANK: vICE PRESIdENT COUNTRy Of RESIdENCE: USA

“There are several things my greatest mentors all have in common; integrity, personal responsibility, high personal productivity, tenacity, the perpetual student and last, but definitely not least, my favorite mentors are all big-time rule breakers!”


I LOVE the Travel Portal! Since becoming V.I.P. customers with DubLi, we use it regularly and have received hundreds of dollars in Cashback already!

How long have you been in network marketing/direct selling and what made you come into this industry? I started with my first Network marketing company back in 1999 and quickly fell in love with the model. I didn’t enjoy being account-

been away from network marketing for awhile, and wasn’t at a place in my life where it made sense for me to even consider. When I saw what DubLi had grown into by the summer of 2014, I could no longer resist. As I began to understand DubLi’s business model, I knew I’d never seen anything like it in all of network marketing and knew that this was something I could fully get behind. I had to get started and go BIG!

Which parts of the DubLi Network business do you think have the potential


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Inside DubLi • CAREERS

about DubLi and build as much and as fast as I How do you handle/manage your could in 90 days to launched my business really DubLi business on a day-to-day-basis? well. As it turns out, the DubLi opportunity was similarly compelling to many of my old Because DubLi handles the business all I have to friends... and a bunch of us then put our heads’ do is the marketing. In my day-to-day business down and worked like never before. I leverage video for my marketing, and then, as the team grows, I continue to leverage video in With my team’s quick and massive action, I the building of my team. This approach allows was able to achieve the rank of Vice President me to consistently produce significant results in 27 days but, even then, things were still just which inspires my team to work that much getting started! Within three months of begin- harder. My family and I enjoy significant flexning, I noticed that we were having multiple ibility, time freedom, and mobility thanks to $10,000+ income days with DubLi. I earned DubLi and our strategic approach. more money with DubLi my first three months than I’ve ever earned... or even dreamed of What drives you and how do you motiearning, anywhere else. In October 2014 I was vate your team? able to realize one of my childhood dreams by purchasing a Porsche 911 Cabrio. There’s no My family, friends, and teammates drive me. I way I would have been able to do this (pay cash LOVE seeing initial little successes being celefor a $100k+ car) without DubLi. brated by our team. Those “little” successes are the stepping stones to so many greater things! By the end of 2014, we had cleared over $1M I motivate my team primarily by “leading from in personal income, most of which came from the front.” DubLi! This year, I’m confident we will clear Who has been your greatest mentor in at least double that amount. your professional life? Why?

for the most growth in the future? Why? Network career so far and what are the next milestones you are going for? I see that, in most parts of the world, consumers are only vaguely aware that “Cashback” even exists. I’m excited to help build an army to take this message all over the world. In my short experience with DubLi, the message has proven to be appealing to people from all walks of life which is reflected in the growth of my team.

How has the DubLi Network business opportunity empowered you? What milestones have you reached in your DubLi


Upon taking my first serious look at DubLi in August 2014, I was deeply inspired by Michael Hansen and his vision for the future. I felt strongly, at the time, that this (my DubLi business and DubLi in general) was going to be monstrous and fast. I was so compelled by what I saw that I talked with my family and we agreed it would be good for me to do a “90 Day Push”. Basically, this meant that I’d gotten permission from my wife and sons to totally obsess


Inside DubLi • CAREERS

There are many amazing people who I’ve looked up to, modeled myself after and then followed in my career and in life. It’s so hard to pick just one! I can say, though, that there are several things my greatest mentors all have in common; integrity, personal responsibility, high personal productivity, tenacity, the perpetual student and last, but definitely not least, my favorite mentors are all big-time rule breakers!

What do you do to celebrate new achievements or successful days?

How important are personal values in life and business? To which ones do you hold onto and why? Describe how you lead by example.

When you look out 5 years into the future where do you see yourself and your DubLi Network business?

These are critically important. I strive to lead by demonstrating integrity, tenacity, and personal responsibility, to name a few. In a world where it’s common for people NOT to do what they said they were going to do (lack of integrity), where people shy away from adversity and quit (lack of tenacity) and where people are quick to blame others for what is going wrong in their own life (lack of personal responsibility), I believe that deliberately choosing to work on these things every day has a positive impact on my family, team, and community.


CAREERS • Inside DubLi

I love traveling with my family so we have done a lot of that the past couple of years. We celebrated my initial “90 day push” with DubLi by going on a Disney Cruise through the Caribbean and have enjoyed several other trips since!

I see a huge network all over the world and our collective effort resulting in tens of millions of customers all enjoying large Cashback with DubLi! In the short time I’ve gotten to know Michael Hansen, CEO of DubLi, I’ve seen him display significant strength of purpose. His vision has stretched the limits of what I imagined possible and with this vehicle (DubLi), my team and I have already accomplished things that I think most of us never even ever dream about doing. The future looks BRIGHT :)


CAREERS • Inside DubLi

Success Profile


“I think the Partner Program has the greatest potential for growth in the future. The concept is unique and offers a great opportunity to both business owners who are already in the ecommerce game and also to those who are not.”



Inside DubLi • CAREERS

CAREERS • Inside DubLi

for the most growth in the future? Why? and many of whom were not already in the inI think the Partner Program has the greatest potential for growth in the future. The concept is unique and offers a great opportunity to both business owners who are already in the ecommerce game and also to those who are not. The Partner Program provides great benefits to those who do not even know how to get into the game yet. DubLi offers them a turn-key platform to get in the game without an initial investments or much advanced knowledge.

How has the DubLi Network business opportunity empowered you? What milestones have you reached in your DubLi Network career so far and what are the next milestones you are going for?

dustry and all are excited about the potential. I achieved Sales Director within my first two weeks and since then have been doing a lot of ground work to help position DubLi to open local malls in Singapore and Malaysia, without losing my personal vision. My next milestones will accelerate when some Asian countries have local DubLi offices and local country malls.

How do you handle/manage your DubLi business on a day-to-day-basis? Most of the time I open my house to present and train BAs on the DubLi business. Occasionally, I rent seminar rooms to host DubLi events to recruit new BAs.

The DubLi Network business opportunity has enabled me to recruit leaders from within the network marketing industry

Describe yourself in 3 sentences.

care and nutritional supplements business. I like the concept of leverage to enjoy passive residual My DISC profile is compliance (C). I studied income. To date, I am still getting paid from my engineering and I worked for 10 years as an en- original network marketing company. gineer. During those ten years I always thought that I was not good in sales and marketing until How did you hear about DubLi? What I caught the courage to walk out of my engi- made the DubLi Network opportunity neering career and entered the insurance busi- so appealing to you? ness. After that I realized that I do actually have sales and marketing talents within me. It was Michael Alexander who introduced me to DubLi. I like the DubLi Network opportuYour favorite shopping area at DubLi: nity because I do not have to change people’s shopping habits or manifest brand loyalty; the At the moment I only use the travel portal for merchants brands speak for themselves. The DubLi Partner Program is very appealing to my hotel and flight bookings. me. I value the most popular brands that DubHow long have you been in network Li is already partnered with as it doesn’t require marketing/direct selling and what any additional effort to convince people about made you come into this industry? the shopping opportunities. I have been in networking marketing since 1997. My first and still current company is a personal 56

Which parts of the DubLi Network business do you think have the potential 57

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What drives you and how do you motivate your team? My vision regarding the future of ecommerce drives me. I have focused on developing my online technical training and conduct regular business opportunity meetings.

Who has been your greatest mentor in your professional life? Why? I am a self-driven person and so I constantly educate myself through internet seminars, interviews, etc. to bring myself to achieve greater levels of professional development. I strive to learn from the successful people I surround myself within any business and I try to transform these same ideas into simplified concepts for use by my team.

How important are personal values in life and business? To which ones do you hold onto and why? Describe how you lead by example. My personal values in life and business are to maintain a high level of integrity and to assist people to achieve the same lifestyle for which I yearn. For example, I do not play games with money. The people around me are aware of my values and, hence, they do not approach me with just any opportunity. I am also a creator, I develop and create ideas and system for my team to learn and follow.

What do you do to celebrate new achievements or successful days? In the past I have been awarded free trips for overseas convention conferences, holidays and retreats for celebration of new achievements. With my DubLi success, I have already thought and planned for what I want to own and have.

When you look out 5 years into the future where do you see yourself and your DubLi Network business? With my connections in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Japan and India I believe the next five years with my DubLi Network business look promising. 58


SOCIAL NEWSLETTER This spring, DubLi launched a new, socially-fueled newsletter communication for the U.S. market. The “DubLi Social� will promote upcoming sweepstakes and contests, highlight trending blogs, promote top Cashback and deals as well as encourage users to follow DubLi on our social media platforms. We look forward to engaging our U.S. market with the latest trends, deals and sweepstakes offerings.



FEATURES • Inside DubLi

Q: How do you cultivate happy customers? A: By helping them shop more! Tips for culTivaTing

appy cusTomers Wouldn’t it make sense to suggest to your line buyer and member of our incredible globcustomers shopping tips, tools and ideas? al ecommerce experience starts with YOUR smart question. Of course it would! Keep in mind, the key to success is marketing and, thus, shopping activity from your customers requires constant communication. You should always be putting new and fresh ideas in their head. The “power of suggestion” is a formidable effort that heeds results. Smart suggestions encourage smart actions and a smart action for a person who is an on-

“Dear Customer, before you met DubLi, you were leaving valuable cash on the table every time you shopped. Have you taken full advantage of the power of ecommerce yet? Do you not only remember to go to your DubLi site when you buy on line BUT do you also PLAN your future purchases so you can maximize your household budget?

We all know it’s not enough to just register new customers whether they are Free, premium or v.i.p. a happy customer is a good customer; one who shops, which means increased commissions for you. are you the Business associate who is satisfied with just registering new customers or do you want to maximize your hard earned efforts?



In addition to just providing them with shopping tips, you should encourage all your customers to join DubLi’s Facebook page and read the DubLi blog for ongoing ideas, information and special offers. Facebook and the DubLi blog are a great source for learning thelatest deals from DubLi’s merchant partners. Let’s have a look at some of the upcoming shopping holidays to see how you might assist your customers by this “power of suggestion”.

Father’s Day: Father’s Day gift typically include some combination of golf attire, ties or tools.

Dazzle dear old dad with a new barbeque set and the grill to match. Or, better yet, let’s help him to retire some of those old shirts he won’t abandon on his is own and take advantage of the myriad of Father’s Day specials from DubLi’s many apparel and shoe merchants. Is there a certain scent that you’d like your old man to adorn so he doesn’t smell of the backyard or day old grease? Check out some of DubLi’s perfumeries or department stores for a wide variety of today’s most popular fragrances, many of which earn a free gift with purchase. If your man is a car aficionado, check out some of DubLi’s merchants in the auto and motorcycle category.

Summer’s Almost Here.

It’s never too soon to start planning for your beach attire and


summer fun. DubLi hosts a variety of swimsuit merchants and you can always check out some of the department stores or home goods shop for new beach towels. Planning those backyard soirees this summer? New patio furniture delivered right to your door will give your patio a new, fresh look… one that you’ll enjoy all summer long. Let’s not forget the sunscreen! DubLi hosts a wide selection of pharmacies, convenience and drug stores that are sure to provide you with all the cover you need for the beach. Summer is always a big wedding and party season, so make sure you check out the latest designer fashions for all your party-going needs. From dresses and gowns to jewelry, shoes and handbags, you are always sure to find what you need shopping through

Back-to-School - it seems that every year the back-to-school shopping season gets earlier and earlier. No doubt it’s because kids are getting back to school much earlier these days. Prepare in advance and purchase all your school supply needs through DubLi. Whether its notebooks and pencils or laptops or tablets, DubLi hosts a bevy of options from which to choose. It’s never to early to load up on the necessary backto-school apparel. Many of the back-to-school sales commence in the early summer months so start looking for your back-to-school attire before the kids are released from school for the summer. Need a new backpack or lunchbox, you are sure to find what you need through





Inside DubLi • FEATURES



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But first, a few key questions and answers . . . What is the core point for all of the assistance that you give to your Partner?


answer: It is to help them convert their customer email lists to REGISTERED customers of their Partner Program! Question: How? answer: By becoming their marketing expert and always directing them to communicate with their customers for the purpose of driving customers to register on their Partner co-branded site. Question: Communicate how? answer: 1. By helping them create and develop their own marketing materials – good answer 2. By having the Partner send DubLi produced material directly to customer email list that inspires customers to register – great answer 3. By doing both #1 and #2 (but #2 absolutely for sure) – best answer to get customers registered. Bicky Carlra, Executive Vice President, Business Strategy


Why the emphasis on REGISTRATION?


answer: Without registration nobody makes any money and customers’ interests are not served. When customers become registered, they will receive ongoing promotional material from DubLi. com that will motivate them to buy online and will inspire purchase of memberships and referring friends. When happy customers refer friends and family through the Partner’s site, the co-brand site has gone viral!! It is not just about making money with a Partner’s customer base, it is more about having a useful ecommerce portal that can be referred to anyone in the world!!! Question: What are the most effective com-

munication (marketing) methods?

answer: Top 10 Marketing Methods in descending order of effectiveness: Alex Petrilak, CMO, DubLi Partner Program



Inside DubLi • FEATURES

• Send DubLi-produced registration material • Send partner produced registration email • Send partner-produced newsletter specifically about registering to their co-branded site • Send DubLi-produced “special program” information • Send DubLi newsletter and related documents • Send partner-produced newsletter highlighting DubLi co-brand site in their standard monthly publication • Create and maintain daily blog • Other social media • Banner to websites • Mail, handouts, signage, radio media, tv media

FEATURES • Inside DubLi

towards marketing and maximizing the returns. The more you and the Partner dedicate to marketing of the program, the more successful it will be. The Partner Program is not “if you build it they will come,” it requires time and attention. Remember, you must motivate the Partner to constantly stay in contact with its customers in order to drive registrations. AND THAT IS THE KEY . . . Constant contact with the customers to inspire them to “register”.

That’s why, once the Partner is approved and activated, the real work and revenue begins. You must become an extension of your new Partner’s marketing team. You bring an expertise about DubLi. com and the incredible world of online shopping that the Partner just doesn’t have. We understand that many of you have never REMEMBER, yOU MUST MOTIvATE ThE STAy PARTNER TO IN CONTACT WITh ITS CUSTOMERS IN ORdER TO dRIvE REGISTRATIONS. ANd ThAT IS ThE KEy . . .


worn this type of marketing hat before and / or that your primary efforts have been on building your DubLi Network organizations. Keep in mind though, your experience and leadership in guiding your Partner is a great organization builder. What better recruitment tool is there than the Partner Program and what better way is there to prove it works than to say, “I did it and my Partner appreciates me for it’? You will never regret encouraging your DubLi Network organization to have as many Partner Programs within it as possible. The Partner Program is your tool towards generating large scale commissions from an entire organization from just one call. So let’s walk through some of the tools of the marketing and account management trade to help you maximize your Partner Program efforts. Before we get started there are a few important things to note;

To Begin

So, immediately after activation of a Partner Program, one week after registration to be exact, contact your Partner via phone (preferably) or email to schedule a follow-up meeting. This is a professional relationship so avoid social media or text message. It will take an hour of their time (do not schedule any more than an hour: remember these are business people with businesses to run.) If your Partner is long distance and you cannot attend in person, schedule a webinar/Go-to meeting. Recommend the Partner send the program link to their IT and marketing departments for review before your actual meeting. Explain to the Partner that a great strategic marketing plan requires their input in order to be successful. You want the meeting to be held within the first two weeks after registration while the program, its value proposition and the initial excitement is still fresh. Statistics show that the longer you wait to follow-up, the less likely the Partner will be to put 100% effort behind their support of the program. There is a sense of urgency! Keep the program fresh in the Partners mind which will ultimately translate into higher income returns for you and the Partner.

The DubLi Partner Program is NOT part of your Remember, you have a great advantage going Partner’s core business so you will need to guide them into this meeting; You will explain that Dub68


Constant contact with the customers to inspire them to “register”.


You want to be familiar with the Partner’s unique messaging, marketing positioning and how they normally communicate with their constituents on a day-to-day basis.

rEgisTraTiOn While all marketing methods are helpful, customer email with a direct link to REGISTRATION is the shortest path of ACTION.

acTiOn Li will produce customer registration material that they are required to send to their database upon receipt – therefore, some marketing is automatic no matter the outcome of the meeting! To make them even more successful, you are going guide them through a marketing process that can design “special” campaigns based on the process provided below. So, how should you best prepare for the follow-up meeting? Study your Partner’s business and develop questions and an implementation plan. Keep in mind when going through these steps that the goal is to understand how they communicate with their audience which will be critical in determining how they register customers through their Partner Program.

read through the process below, view it in terms of 1) the Partner pre-sale preparation process AS WELL AS 2) the Partner post registration marketing process. Review:

• • • • • •

Visit their website Buy their products Read the news about them Know their challenges and opportunities Visit their social media outlets “Like” their Facebook page: get engaged in their business!

HINT, HINT, HINT – this process is the Study and help them beat their competition! If SAME process you should implement BE- they sell a product online or are a charity, make FORE you meet a potential partner. As you a purchase or a give a small donation. Study the 69

Inside DubLi • FEATURES

process of how they communicate with you as a customer: do they send emails, do they call and thank you, do they host product demonstrations? You want to be familiar with the Partner’s unique messaging, marketing positioning and how they normally communicate with their constituents on a day-to-day basis: this is likely how you will communicate the DubLi Partner Program as well so you should become an expert on how they currently communicate to the public. As you review their public materials and communications, take notes of ideas you might want to suggest or discuss with them at the meeting. Note special events or occasions they are celebrating so you can mention it in the meeting and impress them that you have done your homework and that you are of the same mind as them. Review their competitors and peers and/or other companies who communicate similarly to imitate as marketing tools: if it’s a sports club — do they leave member handouts at the front desk? Do they host member-only events? Do they have a member center in the locker room where they post news? Make a list of all the upcoming holidays or occasions that will occur in the next six months in the Partner’s country of residence: these are all shopping and/or travel opportunities! Use the DubLi Network back office as your testing ground. Do you know how to use banners and can you explain it to the Partner? Can you show them how you’ve added banners to your own social media site or personal website? Do you know how to download the customer brochure that is available in the DubLi Network back office? Do you know how to cut and paste certain sections from the brochure if they want to use the content in an email newsletter? Practice all these various action items from your DubLi Network back office, they work exactly the same way in the Partner Program back office. Questions and Evaluation

FEATURES • Inside DubLi


asK lOTs OF quEsTiOns:


Have your internal IT and/or marketing teams reviewed the program and provided guidance, suggestions or implementation tactics? If not, when can we bring them into the loop? (gauges thought process, engagement and commitment)

of familiarity between Partner and customer. Further, the more electronic their communications, the more likely they will see the value of the DubLi-produced, email material.

Remember, while all marketing methods are helpIf yes, how quickly are they able to deploy a new ful, customer email with a direct link to REGIScampaign? (gauges internal timeframe.) Can TRATION is the shortest path of ACTION. they send the campaign to me to review for Example: consistency of messaging from this meeting? How do you normally communicate with your customers, members, clients, donors, employ- • we send an email/newsletter every week/ month, we post on Facebook/Twitter every ees and investors? This is the most important day, we send a letter each month with new answer you will receive as it will determine how updates/programs/products and we hand out the Partner will engage their constituents goflyers in the office ing forward. It also reveals a lot about the level

ries of questions that should be answered and discussed during the session. The following will provide the basic questions that should be asked, at a minimum. Depending on how the Partner answers will help you determine next steps. Take diligent notes of the Partner’s responses to all questions for future reference and follow-up. Measure the Partner’s engagement, commitment and dedication to the Partner Program (If they are not yet engaged, you need to get them excited.) Determine how to market the program to the Partner’s current and potential customers. Educate the Partner on the inherent value of the program, how it works and guide them towards success. Ask lots of questions: questions lead to thought which leads to ACTION. NOTE: What you want to determine at a minimum is that they are fully committed to distributing DubLi-produced (as well as their own material) to their entire database, as often as required, to drive REGISTRATIONS of their customers on their co-brand site. What are your expectations of the Partner Program? Examples: • Database monetization, ecommerce solution, brand enhancer, customer loyalty and/or retention tool? • How many customers do you have access to?

The best way to prepare for an important kick- Example: our email list has 1 million addresses off meeting with the Partner is to create a se- but we only contact 500,000 each week/month 70


Inside DubLi • FEATURES

• Do they have a blog? • Do they have an email system they currently use such as Constant Contact? • Do they use Hootsuite or Sprout Social for online marketing? • Do they include flyers or postcards within their product packaging? • Do they host customer/corporate events? • Do they have an intranet or internal corporate learning center?

FEATURES • Inside DubLi

Example: • An introductory email/newsletter explaining the program, registration, what is Cashback? An aggressive push of the Trial V.I.P. Program? Soft selling through banners or warm up headlines on social media? • A drip email campaign? In order to help them develop a strategy ask these questions:

The goal here is to find out as much as you can about how they currently market and commu- • which methods of marketing and communications have been most successful for nicate so they can start including information you? why? how do you measure success? on their new Partner Program within each of how have you measured success and custhese vehicles. tomer behavior? For example: if they have their own blog: suggest • would you commence a new newsletter campaign just about your program? they start a campaign introducing the program to • is communication with your customers their readers: generally more informational or selling in purpose? • Blog post #1: welcome to the program… the (name of company) shopping mall. How easy • do you actively seek to expand your customer base? how? what strategies do you use? it is to register • Blog post #2: what is Cashback and how does • what social media sites do you use? • i.e. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, it work? Pinterest, Instagram? • Blog post #3: how the site works. If they are a non-profit, have them explain the benefits of • do you advertise online? the donors shopping with commissions going • who is your primary competitor? how do they communicate with customers? back to the organization without taking any • are there any particularly important seaCashback away from the customer sons, holidays or dates that are important to • Blog post #4: the Trial V.I.P. Program your brand? how do you typically celebrate • Blog post #5: the $10 Cashback incentive these dates with your customers? promotion • what information do you know about your customers? their past purchases/donations? Commitment where they like to shop? what are their hobbies or professions? At a minimum, before you leave the meeting, have them commit to at least three communication/marketing events: Setting Expectations MANDATORY: Send all DubLi produced customer material to entire customer database within 5 days of receipt.

Before you leave the meeting, set a schedule of quarterly meetings immediately. This will lock the Partner in to an ongoing commitment. Make sure the Partner has committed to an action item agenda and it is clear what the Partner will Example: post a banner to their own website and do and what you will do next. Set expectations. Facebook page, send an introductory email announcing the program, ease of registration and For example: creating a newsletter campaign • Make yourself accountable as the relationship How would you like to start your own commumanager for the development and success of nications campaign with your customers? the program—as the Business Associate you 72

are an integral part of the team • In addition to sending the DubLi-developed registration material, they will send a kick off launch campaign email to customers within one week of your meeting. • Plan out the schedule of marketing activities up until your next quarterly meeting • Are there any holidays, events that might be relevant to the partner program that should be scheduled within the next three months? • A quarterly appointment will also ensure your own organization is growing with new customers and potentially new members of your organization. In conjunction with the Partner, how will you measure the success of your marketing efforts over the first quarter? Within 24 hours of your meeting send a note to the Partner via email thanking them for their time and confirm the items you discussed. Review your notes from the meeting and prepare an outline with due dates and the responsible party for each action item. If you show them how serious you are about their success, they will look to you for guidance and accept your leadership on all matters regarding marketing their Partner Program. Likewise, stay in touch with all of your partners in this way, constantly. Develop a real relationship. DubLi is a dynamic organization. From time to time you will be exposed to a new idea or success story from a peer that you will want to transmit to relevant Partners spontaneously. Remember: the more the Partner is engaged and committed, the more registrations will occur and the more success and revenue potential will happen for you both. In certain situations, for large and/or multinational Partners, corporate participation may be possible for the quarterly planning meeting, if warranted. Do not volunteer corporate staff to participate, however, you may reach out to the CMO of the DubLi Partner Program for advisement on this matter. In real estate it is, “location, location, location”. At DubLi it is “Register customers, register customers, register customers!” 73

NEWS • Inside DubLi




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