4 secrets to finding a great business opportunity

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4 Secrets to Finding a Great Business Opportunity

If you have ever dreamed of owning your own business, you are not alone. While the numbers vary, depending on the study, it is a fact that well over 50% and as high as 80% of people in the workplace today would prefer to be working for themselves. This number peaks further when people experience the loss of their livelihoods due to corporate down-sizing, reorganizing, re-locating, or closing. Owning your own business sounds exciting, and it is, but it doesn’t happen by accident. Here are four important considerations when it comes to finding a great business opportunity in Canada or the USA. First, realize that there is risk in every business venture. If you read the biographies of most successful people you soon discover that all of them experienced some, or lots, of failure along the way. But they ultimately succeeded because they never quit, and they never quit because they realized that whatever didn’t work was part of the inherent risk they accepted when they took on that venture. This recognition of risk will save a lot of second-guessing and steel the soul against quitting when times of doubt, loss or failure occur, as they inevitably will. A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits because right up front he acknowledges and accepts this factor called ‘RISK’. Second, know your passion. What really inspires you? What matters most to you in life? Is it a given industry? The money? Your family? Your life purpose? Different strokes for different folks. Personally, I am most driven by my life purpose. I want to live the only life I have doing what matters most. Thus, when I look at engaging in a business, my number one concern is not the ‘vehicle’ (what I’d be selling) but my ‘destination’ (how effectively will this business serve my passion?)

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Third, do your research. For every solid business opportunity out there there are even more sordid ones. Books could be written on how to select a good business opportunity, but with limited space here I would offer just one piece of advice when it comes to doing your research: Make sure you talk live, and long, to a real person before moving forward with any business purchase, whether it costs $50 or $500,000. Never get involved in any company that insists on online communication only. Learn about THEM. Learn why they are in the business? (TIP: if their answers are all about the ‘money’ beware!) What is their background? How old are they? What is their business experience? How will they help you? A bad business will do all the talking; a good business will answer all your questions; a great business will encourage your questions. Fourth, once you have found a great business, take action! Many dreams have failed, not because they couldn’t have succeeded but simply because the person who had the dream was a day-dreamer not an action-taker. As John Greenleaf Whittier wrote: ‘For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these - It might have been.’ Take action - and take it now. ### Dave Wicks – As a Business Broker for 10 years Dave helped many business owners and buyers valuate, list, sell and purchase businesses worth from $25K to $5M wicksdj@shaw.ca


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