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Free Ads Online for Local Businesses
In February 2000, Malcolm Gladwell introduced a book titled Tipping Point. Tipping Point was itself a tipping point of sorts because as a result of its popularity, nearly 17 years later, the phrase itself has worked its way into our common vernacular. Gladwell defines a tipping point as “that point of time when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.” The tipping point is reached most dramatically, these days, in viral videos. Thanks to social media and the internet someone or something can go from being a complete ‘unknown’ to a world-wide sensation within days or even hours. It is no wonder that advertisers spend so much time and money focusing on this phenomena. If they can crack the code, so to speak, and create something so effective that it goes viral, they know that they have a huge winner for whatever the product, service or movement they are promoting. This is a challenge faced by every owner in small business Canada and small business US. They know that if they are to stay in business for more than a year or two they must reach their cash-flow tipping point. And, since stats tell us that 33% to 50% of start-up businesses fail within a year or two, reaching that tipping point is a top priority. The challenge, of course, is doing so with limited funds. Businesses don’t usually fail because they are bad, they usually fail for lack of customers and that lack is usually because not enough people know about their business. To “Where Local Advertising Pays” | +1 888-506-7283 Call Us: +1 888-506-7283
compound the problem, advertising, which is the life-blood for most businesses, is just so expensive. They can’t afford to hire a Chic advertising agency to create a viral video, nor do they have the budget to run an extended advertising campaign on radio or newsprint. So what to do? There are no easy answers when it comes to the best ways to get all the exposure a company needs, but a new internet company has just introduced an option that is well worth taking a look at. Clikker Community Shopper (CCS) is an online advertising platform that is designed specifically to help local businesses win more local traffic. What is particularly attractive about it, besides it’s ‘Shop Local’ focus, is that it offers every business 3 online ad spaces. Two are always free and the third option, which requires the promotion of a ‘Special’ deal of some sort, is free for 3 months. Several online websites offer free advertising but what is impressive about CCS is that, thanks to a revenue-share option that all businesses can choose to participate in, after an initial payment, they can enjoy that ad for free, forever, as well. This could well become a platform that will help many businesses reach their cash-flow tipping point. Dave Wicks
Source: “Where Local Advertising Pays” | +1 888-506-7283